superfan5173 · 5 years
anyone else ever wake up and remember superheroes exist and then just freaking sCREAAM
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melllimarie · 5 years
A Little Love In Your Heart ➳ Rami&Melissa
( Rami Malek / @pastrcmi )
Melissa really didn’t know why she signed up for Set Up The Singles, since she was already dealing with a set up herself with another in South Haven. Yet a chance to meet some new people was one she couldn’t refuse, the questions were fun and Melissa surely needed a night out with a friend. She hadn’t been to All In One Entertainment yet, but she had heard people talking about the endless sensational movies and live shows that were shown through there. Pretend she was a little kid at thirty really did seem like the goal they were trying to put out when she stepped inside. 
Hearing she got set up with Rami sounded quite awesome, hearing many things about him over Bohemian Rhapsody Melissa felt honored to be hanging out with a true Freddy Mercury and she would probably tell him that a million times tonight. She stood inside behind the entrance beside him “I feel like we just rolled back to the 90s when our movie theaters looked like this one” she said letting a giggle fall from her lips. “Alright, I am going to let you have this one. Shall we see a liveshow or some stupid movie we can throw popcorn at when it gets boring?” 
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Acts of Affection
Send in a symbol from YOUR muse to see how MY muse will react to yours! For the ones where YOUR muse gives or says something to mine: WILD CARD! Yourmuse can pick the item, sings a specific song, or says a specific thing!
✩  Grooming, brushing, or tending to their hair.
✪  Rubbing their back after a stressful day or disappointment.
★  Cooking them their favorite meal and feeding them.
✬  Making them their favorite hot beverage.
☼  Cuddling on the sofa next to each other.
☀  Singing them to sleep.
☆  Getting them something they need before they ask for it.
☄ Leaning your head on their shoulder while they talk.
✥ Play fighting!
❃  Mussing their hair or tugging at their clothes (a hat, sleeve, etc.)
♥  Laying by their side and watching them while they sleep with a fond smile.
♡  Kissing the corner of their eyes.
❥  Running your hand over their arm and gently pulling them close.
❤  Whispering sweet nothings in their ear.
❦  Holding hands and nuzzling somewhere ambient and low-lit.
❣  Staring deep into their eyes with adoration.
ღ  Rubbing your leg against theirs under the table.
ℒ  Pulling them into a hall/alley to kiss them passionately.
£ Brushing your hand over or gently squeezing their bum.
Ω Running a hand over their collar bone or décolleté.
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topflights · 3 years
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cm punk starts accessorizing on aew dynamite 1/19/22
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superslashco · 8 years
Alex knew Kara worried every time she’d turn up with weird bruises. Alex never gave her a real answer, how could she? There was everything wrong about it. She’d say it was a rough sparring session with Vasquez and wave off any more questions. She felt guilty for these secrets, these lies, but she felt worse about what she was doing in the first place. 
She couldn’t explain it.
And so, her body shuddered upwards into a white-hot orgasm, pressed up against the wall, her black trousers pushed down to mid-thigh, holster dangling uselessly next to her leg. She came, her ass pressed up against cold, gritty metal and Astra’s fingers in her, pinned there by the gravitational field that was Astra’s body. 
How can her body feel like iron and clouds at the same time?
the general sanvers fic that i have been roaming the wilderness to find, written by the wonderful @writerstealth, now completed
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Lena felt guilty. 
That wasn’t new. She’d grown up a Luthor and all the legacy that came with it an, honestly, Lena would rather feel guilty about that over the alternative; that arrogant certainty that whatever a Luthor did, it was the right choice no matter who or what got hurt as a result or haw many laws it broke. 
No, what was new was that this time Lena felt guilty about doing her job and doing it well, something she normally took great pride in because unlike the rest of her family, Lena held herself to a moral code. Or tried to, anyway, which was more than could be said for her adoptive mother or her brother. But Lena’s problem didn’t come from her criminal relatives, it came from the reason why she was working to being with. When she’d handed Sam the reigns of L Corp, it had been with some regret, true, but with confidence that she was making the right decision; both in stepping back from L Corp so that questions of her morality wouldn’t overshadow all she’d done to undo the damage Lex had done in his mad quest to ‘save earth from alien invaders’  and in her choice of replacement. 
Sam was more than capable of filling her shoes and more over she deserved the chance to sit in the big chair. At least... she had been. Hence Lena’s guilt. She’d forgotten how much she loved running L corp in the heady rush of stepping into the new challenge of overseeing Cat Co and now that she was back at L Corp a part of her was thrilled to be back. But the only reason she was back was because Sam was- Because Sam wasn’t-
Because Sam was sick. Sam was sick and no one knew what was wrong with her. And yes, that might have been part of the reason why Lena was glad to be back at L Corp because it helped keep her mind off the subject of her oldest friend’s health but that only added to her guilt.
So Lena felt guilty... and she had no idea what to do about it. None of Sam’s test had lead anywhere, none of her exams had provided any clue what was affecting her, what was behind her lost time. Nothing. Lena had nothing to go on. Nothing she could research. Nothing she could do to make things better, to make Sam better. She had the combined resources of one of the largest corporations on the planet and all of its various and numerous subsidiaries to draw on and absolutely no idea what to do with any of it.
Except feel guilty.  And she couldn’t share any of this with anyone because the only people she was close enough to share it with were Sam herself, who really didn’t need all of this dumped on her, and Kara who had enough to deal with with her ex back in town and married no less. And historically that wouldn’t be a problem because Lena was used to carrying all of her issues alone; even with Sam there had been a strict separation between personal and personal until Kara entered her life and now she missed having that outlet which, you guessed it, left her feeling guiltier. 
It was a vicious cycle, really. But just because Lena couldn’t do anything to fix Sam, didn’t mean she couldn’t do anything to alleviate some of her guilt. Like, say, show up at Sam’s apartment with ingredients for a full five course meal and a pair of master chefs to make it. 
Now if she could just get Sam to answer her door. 
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So I hear that the symptoms of coronavirus include interest in making virtual visits of museums, apparently. Here are some museum websites that can fulfill your thirst for virtually-visitable art. The asterisk means I have been there. This is by no means an exhaustive list. I don’t even know why I am doing this.
- Pinacoteca di Brera - Milan *
Brera is the art academy of Milan and the most iconic museum, which contains Italian artworks from the renaissance to modernity including various masterpieces. I also recommend visiting it in person because the neighborhood of Brera is the art district of Milan and it’s really pretty although having lunch there in slightly overpriced, but then what isn’t (really if you are in Milan skip the touristy food places, have Chinese or Japanese, trust me). There’s also a lovely little botanical garden tended to by the botany students. Long story short when you come to Italy visit Milan instead of overcrowding Venice.
- Museo del Novecento - Milan *
This is a stunning exhibition and you also should go there (it’s in Piazza Duomo you can’t miss it) but in the meanwhile visit the website, that contains a selection of masterpieces. They opened a few years ago and it was free to visit for a while as a gift to Italian people, which was really nice of them. It’s not expensive now either and it contains a lot of works by very important artists of the XX century so it’s very worth it.
- Museo Poldi Pezzoli - Milan
Can you believe I’ve never been there? But there’s a lot of stuff in there. The website is not complete yet apparently, but there’s already some interesting things already, including little Japanese sculptures that now I want to go and see.
- Pinacoteca Ambrosiana - Milan
Leonardo, Botticelli, Caravaggio, Raffaello, Tiziano... they’re also digitalizing ancient manuscripts, and there’s also a fuckton of drawings and manuscripts by Leonardo. [Everybody liked that.] I fucking need to go there.
- MAUTO (Museo dell’Automobile) - Turin *
Guys. This is so fucking cool. “But I don’t like cars” you might say. Yeah, me neither. But the ancient cars are so fascinating. If I remember correctly there are also things such as the driving license of the first ever woman in Italy to get a driving license. Visiting the real place is better because the halls are very well done so if you happen to be in Turin drop by.
- Museo Egizio - Turin *
Listen this is the biggest Egyptian museum outside of Egypt and it’s awesome, although the site is sort of confusing but I’m pretty sure there are digitalized resources so if you’re into ancient Egypt try it. Right now the museum contains a temporary exhibition called Archeologia Invisibile (invisible archaeology) and it’s possible to make a virtual tour of the exhibition which is really cool. It focuses on methods and techniques used to study mummies and other kinds of artifacts. Just click on the link and you’re yeeted inside the exhibition.
- Musei Reali - Turin
Actually a group of museums, there’s an online catalogue. There’s a museum of antiquity, modern paintings, even the royal armory (armeria reale). Yeah there’s swords. You can study the blade now.
- Palazzo Madama - Turin
An array of Italian art through centuries.
- GAM - Turin
The gallery of modern art. Weird stuff. Memeable.
- MAO - Turin
Sick of Italian art? Yeah, understandable. Then it’s time for the museum of Asian art! Stuff from all around Asia, from the Middle East to Southeastern Asia. I want to go there. Let me go there, virus.
(Palazzo Madama, GAO and MAO also offer virtual tours with Google Arts and Culture but idk how that works. Links here, under “scopri”.)
- Galleria degli Uffizi - Florence *
The Uffizi Gallery is the quintessential Italian art museum and you really want to check it out. If you visit it in person, make a booking, queues are infinite. (People with disabilities skip the queues in all these museums though, if you are disabled and intimidated by these places with superqueues don’t be, just approach the personnel and you have the right to just get in.)
- Galleria dell’Accademia - Florence *
You might have heard of a lil statue called David by Michelangelo. Yeah, it’s there. But there’s also other things, although since the David is so famous no one really cares about those. Give them some love.
- Actually there’s an online catalogue of most museums in Florence, several of which sound super interesting, but it says they’re having technical problems and the picture don’t load. Maybe save the link, forget about it, and then after some time discover it again, idk. Or consider visiting Florence in person after the coronavirus goes away, I guess. Do yourself a favor and save up and get a real Florentine steak.
- Gallerie dell’Accademia - Venice
I have been in Venice for half a day and just a little tip: you (or someone that travels with you) are in a wheelchair? Consider making a plan for visiting Venice that includes this: go in fact somewhere else. In the meanwhile visit this site, although I can’t figure out how to turn it into English, but I’m sure you can handle a little Italian.
- MUVE - Venice
Actually it’s possible to make a virtual tour of various museums/palaces in Venice with the Google Arts and Culture project, which sounds great. You figure out how it works, the link should explain. I’ll do it myself one of these days.
- Peggy Guggenheim - Venice
XX century artworks, including some by the most famous artists like Picasso, Magritte, Dalí, Kandinsky etc etc.
- Musei Vaticani - Rome *
Did I call the Uffizi the quintessential Italian art museum? I stand by it, but. I mean. The Vatican Museums, you know? It’s a place you should visit at least once in your life. All of Rome actually. They say it’s too big and chaotic but don’t listen to them, listen to me, you must visit Rome when you can. Ask someone for tips on where to eat that is not a tourist trap, and you’re fine.
- Musei Capitolini and all the civic museums - Rome (at the top of the page, click on “all the museums” and you see a whole list, for each museum you can visit the collection)
All collections online, by rooms or subject. The Musei Capitolini is the main museum in Rome except the Vatican, but I also recommend the Centrale Montemartini which is a collection of ancient artifacts located in a repurposed thermoelectric center, which must be fascinating to see in person. I’m planning on visiting it the next time I’m in Rome. (I’ve only been twice, briefly, okay.)
- Museo Ebraico - Rome
It’s located by the Tempio Maggiore, in the neighborhood that was the Jewish ghetto in Rome. There are many other Jewish museums in Italy but I have been right outside this one. It was closed though.
- Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea - Rome
Apparently the largest gallery of contemporary art in the galaxy or something. Worth checking out I think.
- Galleria Nazionale Barberini Corsini - Rome
This contains some super famous paintings, by Caravaggio and others.
(There’s like 285375 museums in Rome I can’t check all the websites but I’m pretty sure I checked the major art ones.)
- Museo della Resistenza - Bologna
Feeling like nurturing your antifascist spirit today? Good.
- Museo Archeologico Nazionale - Naples
Good pictures, very interesting stuff. Statues, mosaics, epigraphs, and so on.
- Museo di Capodimonte - Naples
Very interesting although I don’t think you can browse the site in English. Then again it’s mostly pictures, so.
There’s literally a billion museums in this country and some have very confusing websites which are giving me a headache so I’ll stop here.
A few outside of Italy I can recommend:
- Archaeological Museum - Athens *
I was there and we had a slightly eccentric guide and it was very interesting.
- Museo del Prado - Madrid *
Physically, it’s huge and the halls are numbered in a confusing way that forces you to back and forth and by the end we were exhausted. Maybe online it’s less vexing...
- Museo Thyssen - Madrid *
I loved this museum. Loads of famous artists and interesting stuff.
- Museo Reina Sofía - Madrid *
Yeah we had a lot of time to visit museums in Madrid. This is where the Guernica painting is, you might have heard of it.
- Musée d’Orsay - Paris *
Awesome museum, they have those in Paris, what can you do. I haven’t visited the Louvre because we didn’t have the time, but it also offers an online tour.
- National Gallery - London *
Lots of Italian artworks, actually, and more.
- British Museum - London *
Well, there’s everything from everywhere, because of reasons.
Okay I mean there’s plenty of hyper-famous museums with online resources and you can find them just as much as I can find them, so. Have fun.
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lyrabelcquas · 7 years
when your queue is so long you turn it on so it posts every half an hour for a while 🤷🏼‍♀️
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lisinfleur · 5 years
Liiiis hi lovely! I was over here knitting and then I thought "Ooh...King Harald and the reader...what if the reader is riding him...wait! What if she's expecting their first child...WHAT IF they discover Harald has a lactation kink???" 😳
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Superqueued babe. I have a queue of works I must fulfill but as soon as I produce I’ll be posting it for you! 
Thanks for the request!
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“Did someone say ‘John Hughes’ marathon???”
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topflights · 3 years
big fan of mjf acting like going backstage and changing into his gear is some long drawn out process as if he doesn’t basically wrestle in his underwear
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bayviewsbenoist · 6 years
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Bayview Task One: Fall Moodboard - Oct. 2018
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ive-gotta--gay-blog · 6 years
I need a queue tag but I’m not creative enough for it
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superslashco · 8 years
When Astra crash landed eight years ago with the rest of the Fort Rozz prisoners, she was in no condition to fight another war. Her planet was gone, her loved ones dead, and any hope for a future... nonexistent.
It wasn't until she overheard a conversation in the heart of National City that she found hope again. Someone had mentioned a crest, the House of El, and an excursion undertaken to find a pumpkin latte. So, in a last-ditch effort to reconnect with any surviving family members, Astra opens Brigadier's Brewers, a coffee shop on the outskirts of the UCNC campus. With the help of her White Martian friend M'gann M'orzz, Astra finds hope, family, and a love brewing stronger than her strongest cup of coffee.
The General Danvers CoffeeShop!AU. Set approximately two years before season one.
#not your mother's coffee shop au
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Give Me...
... Supercorp Domesticity
... Lena sneaking vegetables onto Kara’s plate every time Kara flies off to rescue someone or stop some robbery
... Kara noticing every time she gets back and looking over at Lena who, in turn, just looks back all innocently and asks how Kara’s latest outing as Supergirl went
... Kara pointing out that her enhanced metabolism means she needs to consume a lot of calories and that a thousand calories of french fries is a lot easier to eat than a thousand calories of broccoli as she puts the ‘healthy’ food back on Lena’s plate
... Lena pointing out that she’s personally seen Kara fit no less than 5 potstickers into her mouth at one time so a few pieces of broccoli shouldn’t present a challenge to  either Kara or Supergirl as she puts the broccoli back onto Kara’s plate
... Kara trying to think of a counter counter argument only to sigh before eating the broccoli
... Kara complaining about Lena never cleaning hair out of the shower drain
... Lena asking how Kara knows its hers
... Kara pointing out that she’s blonde and this hair is not and, oh yeah, it takes a frick’n laser beam to get hair off her head unlike Lena. 
... Kara going into the shower the next morning to find Lena’s installed a laser based auto drain cleaner.
... Kara showing up to the DEO with a brown paper bag of  lunch/snacks Lena made for her complete little hearts and stars and the Kryptonian symbols for ‘good luck’ ‘love you’ and ‘be safe’ (all of which Kara taught her) drawn around Kara’s name on the front and a note inside warning Alex/Winn not to steal anything from the bag.
... Lena calling Kara to let her know she’ll be late getting home because of some work thing and Kara landing on her balcony 2 minutes later with a picnic basket and a bottle of wine
... And Lena thanking Kara for the gesture but she really doesn’t have time to-
... And Kara interrupts her with ‘Broccoli’ and Lena just sighs (and smiles) and joins Kara on the couch for dinner.
... Lena slowly taking over Kara’s half of the closet/clothes rack
... And Kara pointing this out.
... And Lena pointing out that if they’d moved into her apartment, they’d both had all the room either of them would need
... And Kara asking if Lena’s asking her to move in with her
... And Lena saying yes.
... And Kara saying yes.
... And then there’s a beat and then Lena starts taking things out of the closet/off the rack and when Kara asks what she’s doing, Lena replies ‘Packing’
... And Kara, after a beat, flies off to get some boxes and later that night she gets a text from Alex saying “What the hell happened to your apartment?” and Kara replies ‘Um, yeah, about that...
... And Kara’s cleaning up after the housewarming party the next night (the first Lena’s had in her apartment) and Lena tells her that cleaning up can wait. Besides, she has something more important for Kara to do
... And Kara asks “What?”
... And Lena replies “officially break in our bed”
... Supercorp domesticity 
*update: I gave it to myself 
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Why am I like this?
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