#support detroit become human
vladlen4i · 1 year
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Artwork that I did for Greektown Blues fic by @winter-seabass 🤲💙
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revermend · 7 months
Y'all say you hate ai art as if you weren't in full support of him back in 2018 smh 🙄
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 5 months
I love reed900 where Nines emotionally latches onto Gavin within two seconds of meeting him and no one gets it, not even Gavin.
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sunwarmed-ash · 25 days
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
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Sequel Fic to The Eden Club
Chapter 2: I could walk this fine line between elation and success
Ships: HankConVin Tags: consensual sex worker connor, post revolution-negative public opinion, evil!Elijah, poly dynamics, plot with porn, anal sex, vaginal sex-component exchange, healing hankvin, kamski owns the eden club, more tags to be added Chapter preview:
Since Connor left for work, Gavin and Hank haven't spoken a word to each other. Not as the negative result of a fight or anything, they were just- each lost in their own thoughts. Mostly about the tin man and the ongoing mystery of the party, and the unfortunate moments after.  Hank needed to talk about it. That was obvious by the fact he was currently hand washing their week’s worth of neglected dishes even though they have a perfectly functioning dishwasher.  Don’t get him wrong, Gavin is thrilled the older man has chosen dishes over Black Lamb and a revolver, but, well, now that Connor’s out for the night, maybe they could actually talk about some shit.  “Hey Hank, you good,” Gavin asks, knowing the answer well before its spoken. “Absoultely fucking not,” Hank huffs, tossing the sponge into the bath of warm bubbles before turning around, “I’m worried outta my fucking mind!” “Yeah, I know,” Gavin sighs. Because he gets it, he’s feeling it too. He’s been feeling it since Connor fled the BBQ then came back looking even more traumatized. The android hasn't brought it up again since, and neither have either of the humans. Til now at least. “Want a beer?” Hank sighs and turns back to the sink to rinse suds off his hands. “Got any of that weed left,” Hank asks instead. Gavin’s eyebrows raise in surprise but he nods.  “Yeah, actually. Gimme a sec.” Hank nods.  “I’ll make us some coffee.”
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artbybrittney · 1 year
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Nines, babe, maybe don't just drop bombshells on Connor out of nowhere like that 💀
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glxyqst · 10 days
Support your community.
The DBH Big Bang posting time has arrived. Even if you don't have the spoons to read everything, or you don't want to see certain explicit content, you can still support your community and hit that 'kudos' or 'like' button. It takes not even two seconds, and it means the world to the content creators. Here's hoping we see at least as many kudos/likes on each piece as there are other participants in the BB.
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thiriumstains · 3 months
i have so many things to say about how the android revolution was handled in dbh, especially how most of the conflict was around markus’s choices to be violent or peaceful. idrk how to phrase it all but like. ugh it just bugs me how the androids Have to be peaceful and cooperative in order to gain freedom
a huge part of the revolution is ‘we can’t stoop to the same level as the human’ and it makes me so mad. like yeah sure, murder and hurting ppl isn’t good. but protests for rights have never been peaceful. you don’t gain rights by being peaceful and perfect. i just hate it so much. plus, the game has obvious parallels to the civil rights movement (even if david cage says it’s not. it is. even if it wasn’t, this game is political no matter how u view it. the topic of rights and freedom will always be political) and to imply that the android revolution has to be near perfectly peaceful to succeed is crazy. girl does he think the civil rights movement was entirely peaceful?? someone put him and all the other writers in a god damn history class
not to mention markus. i think the writers saw him as like the equivalent to mlk jr, with the parallels to the civil rights movements and such, which is crazy considering they turned him into their Savior and led the whole movement. like. side eye. idk i love markus’s story, but i think the whole revolution and being turned into a savior robo jesus was so so bad and tone deaf (thank u david cage..) . and the whole revolution TOOK PLACE IN A WEEK. A WEEK. THATS INSANEE. A WHOLE REVOLUTION IN A WEEK IS INSANE. i understand that a game needs to end but we don’t need to see Every Single Second of the story!! spread it out over a month, give characters time to form relationships, let the plot thicken, let things get tense, let things simmer and develop!!! not everything needs to happen on screen!!! one of my biggest gripes about the game is its timeline </3
i know i just rambled a bunch but god it annoys me so much. markus’s story was done so wrong for so many reason, and as a queer person who’s largely interested in protests and movements for rights and such, it just makes me so mad how badly and idealistically it was created. it feels like it was written by humans, by OPPRESSORS, dreaming of a utopia where they are still good people. :/ which i suppose it IS in a way — but still u get my point
EDIT: here are some more things i said in the reblog a that i want more ppl to see
i hate how north’s violence and anger is seen as a bad thing. i hate how markus never gets a moment to rest or interact with people outside of conversations that love the plot forward. i hate how jericho just accepts that they’ll die before they’re violent in order to ‘win.’ i hate that ‘winning’ is even a thing in this context. i hate that androids constantly have to be better than humans and not stoop to they’re level. according to these writer, they can’t be angry in the face of their oppression and that SUCKS.
when i played this game with my cousins, we were so desperate to make every pacifist choice in order to raise our public opinion so we could win. we could tell from the first few markus scenes, he wasn’t allowed to be angry or mad or hateful or violent if he wanted to have close to the same respect humans got. and that SUCKED. it made us feel like we were just taking hit after hit after hit and never accomplishing anything.
i love this game and i love markus (he’s probably my fav character) but the way the revolution is handled is awful considering how it’s such a metaphor for oppression and oppressed ppl. it’s not even rlly a metaphor — it’s just direct symbolism. like. androids are oppressed yet the only way they can fight back without getting murdered and ran down is by being entirely peaceful. there should have been a Balance. you should have valences the violence and the peace in order to get a good outcome. not all one way and all the other way. the game also should’ve been longer than a WEEK. bc that’s rlly a huge issue with it.
outside of maybe the kiss with north and returning to carl’s house/grave, markus doesn’t get a single moment to exist without the revolution and the plot. even those two scenes kinda serve the plot. meanwhile, connor gets moments like looking through hank’s desk, breaking into hank’s house, talking with hank on the bridge to develop his character and relationships outside of the plot. markus doesn’t get that (kara kinda does? but instead of being tied to the plot, she’s just tied to kara the whole time, which can be just as bad).
markus’s friendships never felt… real? they largely felt like it was just bc of all the jericho stuff and the revolution. all his friends just served a narrative purpose. north was the violent choices, josh was the peaceful choices, and simon… well i’ll be honest, simon died rlly early in my play through so i barely knew him. but from what i’ve seen, he’s the ‘cowardly’ route. honestly markus and simon’s friendship seems the most realistic since simon is constantly sacrificing himself for markus and such. which is saying something considering north is markus’s love interest (and that came out of NO WHERE)
with markus and north’s romance, it feels so forced. not to say i hate norkus, but it’s so fast and sudden and u can just Tell it’s for plot reason — which is proved by the kiss at the very end of the game. they had no time to get to know each other or form a relationship outside of the android revolution and keeping jericho together and alive. it gives the vibes of ‘in 2 months we’ll realize we were just in a relationship because he felt we had to be, not because we liked each other romantically’ which, i’ll be honest that vibe is awesome, but considering that was Not what the writers were going for, it falls very flat.
all in all i love markus’s story but by good did the writers fuck it up. get me behind the pencil, i’ll do it myself
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poorlydrawnandroids · 2 years
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Fame clearly does not equal fortune.
Based on a text post by @9782f. 
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krynoss · 4 months
Hankcon haters are so funny
Imagine your only argument to hate a ship is saying "HaNk SaW CoNnOr As A sOn!!"
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bisexualcherdegre · 3 months
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D:BH Rarepairsweek 7 | @dbhrarepairs
Day 3: Hank/Markus After the revolution, Markus and Hank are both trying to deal with the new situation they've been handed. Their paths cross.
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vladlen4i · 1 year
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My second work for Ghosts in the Machines by amazing @nothinggathers ❤️
I just love this scene from chapter 7 so much!
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 6 months
I can’t believe that, according to AO3, Reed900 is the most popular ship in the Detroit: Become Human fandom.
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 months
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
The Eden Club Sequel 'Brothers' is HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thanks for your patience y'all, I hope you enjoy it! It's going to be another long ride full of drama, love, smut and angst! Now without further ado.
Chapter 1: Simulation Terminated
Ships: Hankconvin, Connor x Multiple OC's, Vonnor
Tags: Sequel fic, consensual sex worker Connor, angst, drama, plot with porn, hankconvin polycule, post revolution, bi hank anderson, gay gavin reed, bisexual connor, Nonbinary V(Cyberpunk, Evil Kamski
Connor doesn't miss the irony that his path has taken him back here, to where it all started. The glow of the neon sign taunts him as he walks through the front doors.  The since re-attached door to Kamski’s office slams open with the full force of Connor’s rage.  The human inside doesn't flinch. Instead, he’s standing almost expectantly in front of his desk, arms linked behind his back. His pierced eyebrow raises.  “Hello Connor.” Connor doesn’t waste time with pleasantries.  “You planned this, all of this. From the start!”  “Well,” Kamski smirks, pumping his eyebrows, “certainly took you long enough.” Connor scoffs reflexively, shaking his head.  “You’ve been using me,” he spits, and it’s not a question. “It wasn't Emily who texted me it was you!” His creator's grin only grows.  “Yes.”  “WHY!?” Connor demands with a screech. “Oh come now Connor, I designed you smarter than this! I practically hand fed you all the clues.”  Connor doesn't want to admit it, but he knows he knows the answer. Probably knew it the whole time, just didn't want to accept the possibility it could be true.  “...Gavin.” “Obviously.” Kamski spits.
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infriga · 11 months
Me whenever a fic has Connor take out his LED permanently:
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Sako: I tried to write ‘I'm a functional adult’ in my bio, but my phone changed it to ‘fictional adult’ and now I feel like that’s more accurate.
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marcusrobertobaq · 1 year
@konami-code-ao3 u are better than me in this type of thing.
Why CL still wanting to kill Markus when the Demonstration is already successful (speech scene) especially if North, Simon or Josh are alive? Ain't like Connor gonna take the leadership or solve the problem. Ain't it a bit too late? The president already ordered the army to leave 'em alone for now and suddenly the leader dies. Something is...sus here. I smell chaos.
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