#support your local ghoulettes
themidnightghoul · 4 months
Closer to You
The wonderful @jesusbutbetterrr (along with a few other lovely humans!) has created Ghoulette Appreciation Weeks 2024 to show some love to the amazing Ghoulettes. I’m using this opportunity to work on my Ghoul OC, Midnight! They will be interacting with both the Ghouls and Ghoulettes during these stories and I can’t wait to expand on Midnight’s story some more and share her with you 🖤
Week 2: Stealing Clothes
Rating: Silly goofy fluff Word Count: 1068
Read on AO3 (coming soon!) or below!
It is a well-known fact that when a Ghoul is first Summoned, everything is heightened and sensitive. Whenever a new band Ghoul was Summoned, the others did their best to raid their closets and put together some comfortable outfits that the new Summon could wear and not be overwhelmed by. So, it wasn’t because of a lack of things to wear that Midnight began to steal Rain’s clothes, but rather a desire to be closer to him without actually having to be close to him. At least that’s what she told herself to try and justify why she was sneaking pieces of his clothes out of his room or the laundry whenever she could. She had even gotten him to let her “borrow” one of his hoodies once and it was now her prized possession, keeping it in her nest and snuggling with it every night.
The other Ghouls weren’t exactly exempt from Midnight sneaking pieces of their clothes. She had a pair of sweatpants from Mountain, a faded band shirt from Swiss, a pair of blue shorts from Cirrus, and a few other things tucked away in her drawers. But Rain was the one she had latched on to, had found the most comfort in. She had no idea why the Water Ghoul was the one that she was comforted by, and Satan knew she would never tell him, so she figured having a few articles of clothing he had worn would be the only way she could be close to him without ever having to tell him anything.
She was in her room with her noise-canceling headphones on, a backing track playing and her violin in hand, when Phantom knocked on her door. Naturally, she heard nothing as she danced around her room playing along and practicing on her own. Phantom opened the door and noticed her playing, a smile breaking out across their face as they watched her. They closed the door behind them and leaned against the wall, deciding to let her finish playing before they asked her what they came in to ask. Midnight had been struggling, they knew, but she always looked so at peace when she was playing her violin, and they couldn’t wait for the tour cycle to start so they could see her perform on stage.
After a few minutes of playing, Midnight spun around and spotted Phantom leaning against the wall. She smiled as she spun once more and pulled her headphones off, setting down her bow on her bed. “Oh, hey, Ant. What’s up?” She pulled the strap holding her violin up off of her shoulder and set it down next to her bow.
Phantom chuckled, seeing Midnight wearing the shirt they were looking for, and pointed at it. “Was coming to ask if you had seen my Dracula shirt when you were doing laundry and it looks like it found a new home.”
Midnight’s eyes widened and she looked down, realizing she was, in fact, wearing Phantom’s shirt that she had snuck out of the laundry recently. “I, uh…shit.”
“It’s fine,” Phantom’s chuckles turned into laughter seeing Midnight panic. “You’re not the first Ghoul to steal clothes from everyone, just the most recent. Both Rory and I did it, and so did everyone else before us.”
“That doesn’t make it okay, though. I’m sorry, you can have it back.” She went to pull the shirt over her head and Phantom walked over to her, stopping her from pulling it off completely.
“Keep it, looks better on you anyway.” They pulled her in for a hug, eliciting a soft squeak of surprise from her lips, not expecting a hug after getting caught with their shirt on.
“I…what’s this for?”
Phantom just held her close for a moment, tucking her head under his chin and gently running his fingertips up and down her back. “Because I know what you’re going through and I want you to know you’re not alone.”
“All of this over a shirt?” Midnight couldn’t help but laugh, trying to prevent herself from crying.
“We both know it’s not just about the shirt, Mids. But, sure, all this over a shirt,” they laughed.
She let herself lean against Phantom, enjoying the comfort of being close to one of her pack mates. It was something she had been trying to get used to but found herself craving closeness with everyone the more she was around them. “Does everyone know I’ve been sneaking away pieces of their clothes?” She mumbled against Phantom’s chest, too embarrassed to look them in the eyes to ask.
They just chuckled and gently pet the top of Midnight’s head. “Like I said, you’re not the first Ghoul to do that.”
Midnight groaned. “That means Rain knows I kept his hoodie!” Her voice was still muffled but the distress in her voice had Phantom laughing.
“Oh yeah, he knows. But he doesn’t mind.”
Midnight pulled back and tilted her head up. “He…doesn’t?” She could feel her cheeks getting warmer and tried to keep herself calm, not wanting to let on that she felt any type of way about Rain.
Phantom shook their head, still laughing. “Trust me, if he cared, he’d just come back and get it himself. We all just want you to feel at home with us, Mids, however you feel like you can do that. If that means stealing our clothes to feel closer to us, so be it.”
“I guess there are better ways to go about it,” she laughed. “But I will say, these are much comfier than any clothes of my own.”
Phantom stayed in Midnight’s room for a bit, asking about her violin and getting her to play a little for them. As they were standing up to leave, a voice sounded from the doorway to her room, and it was one she immediately recognized.
“Hey, Sparkle, have you seen my hoodie?” Rain was leaning against the doorframe with a smirk on his face that turned to laughter as Midnight panicked and dove into her nest with a squeak, covering herself up with blankets and grabbing Rain’s hoodie to hold it close. She could hear both Rain and Phantom laughing as they walked off together, leaving a very flustered and blushing Midnight under her covers holding her favorite piece of clothing she had stolen. Maybe this one she’d hold on to, just a little while longer.
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wrathofrats · 5 months
Not to complain live on the dash but fuck it is so insanely frustrating knowing that when I post about the ghoulettes I’ll get about 25% (if even that) of the normal interactions I do because I love them so very much. It’s just upsetting and discouraging
Anyways support your local ghoulettes
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anotherselfshipper · 3 years
figured it was time i introduced my s/is
Works in the archives for the Emeritus Church of Satan
From Texas, worked in one of the diocese before being transferred
Met Copia just before he started fronting the Ghost project. They initially bonded over a shared love of 80s music.
Has managed to get some of the clergy and the Ghouls to start using "bless your heart" as an insult, along with other southern US colloquialisms
Friendly with the Ghouls, especially the Ghoulettes and Aether
Also developing a friendship with the former Papas due to his role in the archives (lots of asking the former Papas about certain items for archiving purposes, loves to hear them tell stories about their younger days)
Lord of the Rings/Tolkienverse
Gæl (pronounced like gay-ell)
Doesn't talk about where he's from, but currently resides in Minas Tirith.
Very knowledgeable about local history
Took it upon himself to talk to those who lived through the War of the Rings in hopes of publishing a book detailing the effort by the common folk to combat Sauron.
This is how he met Legolas and Gimli, who had already begun their romance.
Gæl was instantly attracted to both of them, but knew that Men tended to frown upon polyamory, not to mention the subject of his birth gender.
So for a few years he developed a close bond with Gimli and Legolas, along with the hobbit members of the Nine Walkers beginning with a shared love of mushrooms...so much so that Sam jokes Gæl must have Hobbit somewhere in his family tree
Turns out Legolas and Gimli were interested in Gæl, but were worried about how he would react to being approached by two males, given how Men tended to view such couplings, even though they knew that Gæl knew they were together.
As it were, dwarves and elves don't have the same hangups regarding monogamy that Men do. And their views on gender are a lot less restrictive too! So after years of mutual pining, finally became a thing.
Gimli and Legolas were very respectful of Gæl's wishes to keep his agab secret but also assured him that his friends would accept him. He did eventually confide in his hobbit friends, and received nothing but support. As Sam said "We've known you as Mr. Gæl for years now and nothing will change that. No matter what you were when you were born, what matters is who you are now, Mr. Gæl."
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adarlingwrites · 4 years
noun: formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment
The Capital Wasteland lauded the Lone Wanderer as a hero, a Messiah, a savior who's willing to give her life for the Good Fight. Beyond the legends, the propaganda, and the mythification that surrounded her legacy, there is only one person who knew her bare soul. She gave him his absolution, and now he will fight for hers.
September 5, 2277.
That night was the night I learned her name.
Business was slow, with only a few customers dragging their feet in. Patchwork stumbles in and tries to get yet another drink. Ahzrukhal wasn’t amused in the slightest, not at all. Patchwork’s tab already exceeded what he deemed acceptable. So, he turned to me.
“Teach our friend Patchwork here a lesson.”
“As you command.”
The poor bastard tried to backpedal away when I advanced on him and grabbed him by the collar. I dragged him out the door, and without warning, threw him over the balcony. The ghouls beneath steered clear, knowing better than to intervene. As I went down the stairs to torment him further, he tried screaming for help, but nobody came. This is our normal.
As I walked over to break his fingers, a shout rang from Tulip’s shop. The voice isn’t a ghoul’s.
“Whoa, what the hell?!”
It’s Vaultie, holding a baseball bat and running towards us. The kid had stuck a few bits of armor over that stupid bright blue jumpsuit and a rusty assault rifle lie holstered on her back. She still hasn't discarded the bright red cap, though, and her dark hair was tied in a loose bun. Still a combat hazard.
“Smoothskin,” Tulip rasps, running after her. “Don’t. It’s better you stay out of it.”
She whirls to the ghoulette. “Why would I? You’re telling me you guys just let people get beaten up in the open around here?”
“Keep your voice down, Percy,” Tulip warns, placing a rotting hand on Vaultie’s forearm, and Vaultie didn’t flinch when the ghoulette touched her.
So, her name is Percy. Sounds right for a rough little tomboy like her, but I have no reason to say that out loud. I stayed silent.
“Charon doesn’t act on his own accord. He’s under Ahzrukhal’s orders.”
The kid brushes Tulip off, but the action is without malice or disgust. I was in the middle of pulling Patchwork’s middle finger off when she barged over. “Hey. What did he do to deserve that?”
“Not your business,” I grunted, dropping the finger to the ground. “Talk to Ahzrukhal.”
“Hhhrkn- I asked for ‘nother drink but I forgot I didn’t pay my tab,” Patchwork gurgles, limply hanging as my free hand held his arm up.
“All that for a bar tab?” Percy remarks, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the bat harder. “How much does he owe?”
“Ask Ahzrukhal.”
That bleeding heart of hers will get her killed one day, but I felt some relief as she ran up the stairs and into the Ninth Circle. I stopped beating up the sorry drunk and hauled him back up to the bar. Inside, Percy had her palms pressed against the bartop. Ahzrukhal has a smug look plastered on his face as he counts caps.
“Well ma’am, it’s certainly enough to cover Patchwork’s tab here, yes.”
Vaultie turns her back from the bastard and looks at Patchwork, then to me. “You heard him. I’ll take him to Doc Barrows.”
“Oh, and Charon?” Ahzrukhal rasped with that grin that I wanted to punch off of his damn face.
“Give Patchwork a parting jab.”
"Very well."
I can’t disobey. My fist connected with the drunk’s face and the only satisfaction I can get out of it is from imagining it was Ahzrukhal’s. Percy, quick on her feet, caught him before his body could hit the floor, setting him on one of the chairs.
“You’re quite an ass, Mister Ahzrukhal, you know that?” The glare she was giving him made my fingers itch for my shotgun out of reflex. Ahzrukhal is my contract holder, so if Vaultie here rips his throat out with her teeth like the provoked animal that she looked like at the moment, I’d be forced to shoot her down.
“Miss, let me make some things clear here,” Ahzrukhal starts, holding a shiny cap against the light. “This is my bar, and I will do as I please to keep my establishment free from riffraff. Patchwork here is one of them, and I will utilize Charon if necessary to remind him that I do not tolerate such things. Perhaps this will serve as a lesson the next time he tries to drink without pay.”
The vaultie only scoffed in response and hauled the bleeding ghoul to his feet and supported him with one shoulder. How she could not gag after breathing in the combined smell of rot, blood, and alcohol from Patchwork is beyond me.
“Utilize? You make him sound like a… like a machine,” she mutters in disbelief. She doesn’t even flinch when Patchwork bleeds on her relatively clean jumpsuit; her eyes were trained on my employer.
“We are not having this conversation about Charon again, Miss.”
“Whatever. You’ll have your day of reckoning.”
Those words sounded like fucking music to my ears. Yes, he will, I thought to myself. Vaultie has guts, I’ll give her that.
It almost makes me want to like her.
As she left, I returned to my usual corner. “Feisty girl,” Ahzrukhal pipes up as he neatly lines up his caps in the cash register. “You know, Charon, that girl has been rooting around for information on how to obtain your contract.”
I didn’t respond. I didn’t feel the need to.
September 14, 2277.
Within the span of two weeks, Percy is becoming a regular sight in Underworld. I heard the patrons talking about how she would come to trade with Tulip with the items she scavenged from the Wasteland. How she can find all those supplies is a mystery. Maybe she’s just born lucky. At night, she spends an hour in the Ninth Circle despite her dislike for Ahzrukhal, smiles and waves at me as she leaves, but I don’t acknowledge her, and the little frown she makes when I ignore her tells me about her dismay.
Tonight, she walks in the Ninth Circle with new gear and a bag of caps. She finally got rid of that ridiculous blue jumpsuit and the red cap, switching to a dark, form-fitting armor. I can’t put my finger on it, but my brain itches further the more I look at her. Then I see it, the red star behind her nape against the black.
It stirs something in my decrepit mind.
Gunfire, smoke, powder. Snow. A foreign language I can’t understand-
A bark from Ahzrukhal snapped me out of my thoughts.
“Charon. Get your thumb of out your ass. I said, accompany Miss 101 out of Underworld.”
Percy is bristling at him, glasses sliding to the tip of her nose. “You said a thousand caps, you rat bastard.”
“I’m sorry ma’am, Charon’s contract is far more valuable to me than a thousand caps. Unless, you want to reconsider the offer I gave you previously?” the fucker rasped, mockery dripping from his voice.
“Screw you,” Percy spits at him, gathering her caps. She walks away, shoulders tense as I follow her out of the bar.
“No need to throw me over the balcony, big guy. I’m going,” she snaps at me. Big guy. That was the first time she used that nickname.
With her back turned on me, I follow the curve of her spine down to her legs with my eyes and regret doing so. The previous itch I had in my brain when I see her armor-clad body is replaced with something more primal. Fuck, how old is this kid? If there was any doubt on whether I was going to burn in hell, it’s gone.
Then, the conditioning kicks in, and I tear my eyes away from her. No time for thinking. No time for imagining. Follow your orders.
Flailing and cursing when I carried her over my shoulder, she uselessly beat my back with her fists as I started carrying her out of the city. The onlookers knew better than to get involved, as usual. Ironic, how she intervened on behalf the well-being of one of Underworld’s citizens, yet they didn’t grant her the same courtesy. Later, I’d learn that this is just the beginning of her tendency to get into one-sided dealings, where everyone else just takes from her.
“Hey! Get your hands off me, my legs still fucking work,” she growls, trying to break free from my grip.
“Can’t you hear me?” she asks again as we are halfway through the concourse. “Oh, right. Ahzrukhal doesn’t like you talking to us strangers. Figures.” She stopped beating my back and just pressed her elbow against my shoulder and propped her face up with her hand. From an outsider’s point of view, we probably looked amusing.
Willow, the city sentry, lets out a tut when I tossed Percy out the door like a ragdoll, and she landed on her ass.
“Pissed Ahzrukhal off, tourist?”
“Yep. I’ll be back,” Percy hisses, rubbing the sore spot on her body. Again, I regret looking. I should’ve just slammed the door right there. “I just need another thousand freakin’ caps.”
“Good luck with that,” Willow chuckles, and resumes her patrol.
With Vaultie gone, the usual peace and quiet came back, save for the crackle of the radio on Ahzrukhal’s bartop. The usual music ends, and a news broadcast comes in.
“Men and ladies, boys and girls, prepare to be astounded, bedazzled, and otherwise stupefied! I am Three Dog, your master of ceremonies! Seems we've got - dadadadada - a bit of news, Just listen to this!”
Just great. What settlement got fucked over by raiders now?
“Remember that kid from Vault 101? Apparently, she ran into some trouble with what little law they had in Megaton. The gal beat the proprietor of the local saloon, Colin Moriarty, to death, with a baseball bat. Whaaat?! But wasn’t this the same gal who deep-sixed the live atomic bomb in the center of town out of the kindness of her heart? Why did she murder one of the town’s residents? Well, here’s the catch! When town sheriff Lucas Simms came to apprehend her, the bar employees came to Miss 101’s defense and claimed she was protecting one of them from the owner’s brutal beating. Hey, you stepped in when you thought it was necessary, 101. Some folks would rather turn their heads away at the sight of injustice, but you didn’t. No judgment here. And now, for some music.”
For the next few hours, images of her danced behind my eyes. I imagined Percy executing Ahzrukhal with a baseball bat, just like she did to that other bar owner in the news. Me putting a boot print on his face and Percy smashing his shelf of Centaur piss while the worm whined. Unloading shotgun shells into Ahzrukhal’s ugly mug as Percy poured alcohol all over the countertop and setting it on fire. All of it involves ending Ahzrukhal in a variety of satisfying ways with the vaultie at my side. It’s a dangerous pastime. I should not feel any attachment to anyone but my employer. The contract holder has my absolute loyalty, but she’s not that person.
I really want to like her.
September 16, 2277.
When she returned two days later with a thousand more caps, I decided that I do.
Percy, brimming with enthusiasm, walked over to my corner, and before I could dismiss her, she held out my contract, my paper soul, right in front of my eyes. Then, she speaks.
“Slow down, big guy,” she chuckled, smiling. That damn smile again.  “I have good news. I’m your new employer.”
It was good fucking news indeed.
“You purchased my contract from Ahzrukhal? So, I am no longer in his service. That is good to know,” I tell her, barely containing the relief in my voice.
“Please, wait here. I must take care of something.” A knowing smile spreads across my new employer’s lips as I whip out my shotgun.
“Ahzrukhal, I was told that I was no longer in your service,” I rasp, a pleasant sensation blooming in my chest.
“That’s right, Charon. Have you come to say goodbye?”
There it is again, the fucking mocking tone in his voice. Knowing how much he pissed Percy off, he’s probably planning something, the fucking cheat. My new employer would probably turn up dead and face first in the dirt as soon as I stopped watching her. I can’t let that happen.
Two blows to the head. I unloaded two shells on that asshole, one to kill him, and one out of spite. It felt fantastic. My hands were still shaking when I returned my shotgun to its holster.
“Alright, let’s go.”
Percy saunters over, eyes wide, and takes in all the carnage before her. She whistled and pats my arm almost too affectionately.
“Wow. Remind me never to get on your bad side.”
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themidnightghoul · 4 months
A Step Towards the Stars
The wonderful @jesusbutbetterrr (along with a few other lovely humans!) has created Ghoulette Appreciation Weeks 2024 to show some love to the amazing Ghoulettes. I’m using this opportunity to work on my Ghoul OC, Midnight! They will be interacting with both the Ghouls and Ghoulettes during these stories and I can’t wait to expand on Midnight’s story some more and share her with you 🖤
Week 1: The Start of Something New/Girls Night In
Rating: Just a bit angsty and sweet Word Count: 953
Read on AO3 (coming soon!) or below!
It was nighttime again, the only time when Midnight felt truly at peace. Her favorite thing to do was to sit in her room in the rocking chair that Mountain had given her and stare out the window at the stars. It wasn’t the same, would never be the same again she figured, as being up there, but it was as close as she could get. There was an ache in her soul that she felt whenever she would look up at the stars, a pull between her and the vastness of space, but she never missed a night of doing this. She pulled her blanket, a beautiful light purple with white stars that Cumulus had knit for her, around her tighter as she softly named the constellations that she could see in the sky.
“Hey there, Stardust,” a voice sounded from the doorway to her bedroom and she didn’t even bother to turn around. It was still taking time for her to adjust to this new life, this new vessel she was now bound to, and it wasn’t as easy as she had hoped it would be. Her new friends, her new pack, had been trying their best to keep their distance but also help her adjust as best they could. The only ones she really gravitated towards were Phantom and Aether as the other Quintessence Ghouls could understand how she was feeling, but she desperately wanted to bond with the others.
When she felt a hand on her shoulder, she finally turned. It was Aurora, the tiny Ghoulette with the beautiful voice. “You doing okay there?” Her smile was infectious and Midnight couldn’t help the smile that stretched across her face as she looked up at her. Aurora was one of the ones she hadn’t interacted with as much but wanted to. Something about her always made Midnight feel comforted, even if they hadn’t spoken much outside of practice. 
“Y-yeah, I think so. Sorry, have you been here long?” She tried to keep her eyes on Aurora but the pull she felt towards the sky was too strong, almost painful when she wasn’t looking at it.
“Not long at all. I just wanted to see if you wanted to come hang out with me and the other Ghoulettes? Maybe a nice girls night with all of us?” Her hand rested gently on the back of the rocking chair, not touching Midnight but close enough to offer comfort.
She shifted under her blanket, still looking out at the stars and feeling the ache in her chest growing at the thought of not being able to see them if she went with Aurora. But at the same time, she wanted to bond with them, get to know them. “I…I don’t…”
Aurora crouched down in front of Midnight and took her hands. “I know what you’re going through, Stardust.”
Midnight was able to pull her eyes away from the sky and looked at Aurora, her head tilting in confusion. “What do you mean?”
The tiny Ghoulette chuckled and softly kissed her knuckles, keeping a hold on her hands. “Phantom was the same way when we were first Summoned. They didn’t leave our room until we had to leave for tour and even then, they spent all night staring out of any window they could find. I remember they were so sad all the time, always reaching out to the stars. They don’t know this but I heard them praying once, begging the Lord Below to send them back.”
Midnight’s chest tightened, her lungs constricting and a sob threatening to break through her lips. She couldn’t imagine Phantom, who had been so kind and gentle with her, begging to be sent back. “But…but they seem so…”
“Yeah, now.” It was like Aurora knew what she was going to say. “Just remember you’re not alone, okay? But don’t isolate yourself. It won’t help like you think it will.” She let go of one of Midnight’s hands and brushed her clawed fingertips along her cheek, her thumb rubbing against her white freckles. “We’re here, Stardust. Let us love you through this.”
A traitorous tear escaped Midnight’s eye and Aurora tilted her head, brushing it away. “It just…hurts, Rora. I miss them,” she nodded towards the stars and felt another tear fall down her cheek.
“I know it does. It’s scary being away from the only thing you’ve ever known. But we’ve all been there, we all know how scary starting over can be. And we’ll all be here to help you adjust to this new adventure you’re on.” The tiny Ghoulette stood, holding on to one of Midnight’s hands still, and smiled down at her. “But we can’t make you take that first step, Stardust. That’s one thing you have to do yourself.”
Midnight felt the pull towards her stars again, the ache in her chest telling her to stay in her chair with her blanket and stare up at the sky until she fell asleep. But her heart was telling her to take the first step, that she couldn’t spend the rest of her time on Earth wishing she was anywhere but here. She gently removed her blanket and stood, keeping her hand in Aurora’s. When she saw her tail flick happily behind her and the most beautiful smile stretch across her face, she knew she made the right decision.
“You’re gonna have the best time!” Aurora turned and started to lead Midnight out of her room, talking about what exactly a girls night entailed with the Ghoulettes. As they reached the door, Midnight looked back at her window one more time and smiled, excited for the start of this new adventure with her pack mates.
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themidnightghoul · 5 months
Show Me Those Pretty White Jaws
It’s date night for Cirrus and Cumulus during a rest day between Rituals!
Rating: Mature (ish? idk it’s fluffy but implied spicy) Word Count: 1107
Read on AO3 or below!
Cirrus sat on her hotel room bed wrapped up in one of those fluffy robes she always enjoyed using eating a small chunk of cheese. She could hear noises coming from the bathroom and couldn’t hold back an excited giggle that escaped her lips.
“Lussy are you almost done? You can’t make me wait forever!” It was a rest day between Rituals and she had one mission: date night with Cumulus. She had managed to get her hands on an absolutely gorgeous set of lingerie earlier in the day and had been waiting for this moment for hours.
The lights in the room were off and Cirrus had lit candles and placed them all around the room and the television played a fireplace screen on loop. She picked up a simple charcuterie board, some of Lussy’s favorite chocolates, a small bouquet of lavender and purple roses, and was determined to have a night in with her Ghoulette. Much to everyone else’s protests (Swiss complained the most because he loved cheese and crossed his heart that all he would do was eat, nothing more, wink wink) Cirrus made sure they all knew that Cumulus was hers tonight, and only hers.
“Don’t you dare eat all of the smoked gouda, Cir!” Cumulus’ voice sounded from behind the bathroom door and Cirrus could tell she was laughing.
“Oh you mean your favorite cheese? I wouldn't. Unless you keep taking your sweet time in there!” She picked up a piece of gouda with a smile and started to bring it to her lips.
“Can’t rush perfection, baby. I'm almost done, put down the cheese.”
Cirrus’ hand was halfway to her open mouth with the cheese and she stopped, making a face at the door, then set the cheese back down. When the door to the bathroom opened and Cumulus walked out, Cirrus was speechless. Whatever she was imagining didn’t even come close to how stunning Cumulus looked. Her figure was lit by the candlelight and as the flames flickered, different parts of her body were lit up. It was like she was made specifically for Cirrus’ enjoyment and all she could do was stare, her jaw nearly on the floor.
Cumulus’ light grey skin complemented the deep blue color of the lace that adorned her body. The top was a corset-like bra that had a small skirt that extended from the bottom, delicately touching just at her hips. It accentuated her generous curves beautifully and Cirrus found herself almost drooling as she watched Cumulus twirl around, the lace fanning out around her as she spun.
“Well? You gonna say something or just stare at me forever?” Cumulus smiled and winked before turning around to show off the back, which left Cirrus gasping for air at the sight.
Lacey fishnet thigh highs were stretched across her skin, held up by the garter belt that sat on her waist, and the straps of the panties perfectly outlined the curve of her hips. As Cumulus moved and posed, she watched the lacy fabrics move with her body and felt hypnotized.
“You’re…fuck.” Cirrus couldn't form a complete sentence, her brain only focusing on how much she wanted to touch Cumulus as soon as possible. She reached her hands out and Cumulus sauntered forward, intentionally taking her time and trying to make Cirrus wait.
“Oh I know, trust me. But I like to hear you say it anyway.” She walked into Cirrus’ arms and felt her immediately start running her hands up and down her body. Fingertips grazed her hips, drifting down the backs of her thighs and under the garter straps holding up her thigh highs. She ran her fingers up and down the straps and then gently pulled and released them, snapping them against Cumulus’ skin. Cumulus purred and wrapped her tail up and around one of Cirrus’ thighs. “So cute when you’re flustered.”
Cirrus pressed her face against Cumulus’ tummy, letting her hands roam all over every inch of skin she could reach. She was a work of art and all works of art deserved to be admired, loved, worshipped. As she placed gentle kisses along her skin, she looked up to lock eyes with her Ghoulette. Puffy white curls framed her face as she looked down, a few stray pieces falling forward. “I have something else for you, Lussy,” Cirrus smiled, snapping the garter straps one last time before unwinding the tail still around her thigh, standing up, and walking to the closet. She had kept the flowers and chocolate hidden and now felt like the perfect moment to dote on her beautiful partner. “Close your eyes.”
Cumulus cooed and covered her eyes with her hands, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “I don’t know what I did to deserve all of this, Cir, honestly.” Cirrus couldn't help but stare at her for a moment, committing every single part of her to memory. She knew that Lussy would look good in literally anything, but this lingerie set was probably the best thing she’d ever worn.
With the flowers in one hand and the chocolates in the other, Cirrus walked back over and knelt down in front of Cumulus. “Open,” she whispered. The look of utter love and affection that spread across Lussy’s face when she saw the gifts made Cirrus’ heart race. “You don’t have to do anything to deserve being treated like the queen that you are, love. I know this tour has been a lot, for all of us, but you’re always so concerned about everyone except for yourself. So…tonight is about you.”
Cumulus took the flowers, smelling them, and her tail wagged with excitement when she ate a piece of the chocolate. Then she was silent for a moment, and Cirrus noticed her eyes welling up with tears as she set both things on the bed beside her. She was worried that she had upset her for some reason, maybe the gifts were too much for her? But her fears were quickly eased when she bent down, gently placing her hands on either side of Cirrus’ face, and kissed her until they were both breathless. Their tails wove together, hands roaming up and down each others bodies as the two lost themselves in the kiss. When they finally pulled apart, Cumulus pulled Cirrus up and stood her between her legs, staring up at her with a smile that spelled trouble.
“If tonight is about me, then all I want is you.” With a flick of her wrist, the candles all blew out simultaneously and the two were left in the dark. “I love you, Cir.”
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themidnightghoul · 4 months
Spicy Bubbles
The wonderful @jesusbutbetterrr (along with a few other lovely humans!) has created Ghoulette Appreciation Weeks 2024 to show some love to the amazing Ghoulettes. I’m using this opportunity to work on my Ghoul OC, Midnight! They will be interacting with both the Ghouls and Ghoulettes during these stories and I can’t wait to expand on Midnight’s story some more and share her with you 🖤
Week 3: First Ritual
Rating: Anxious Ghoul ahead but it’s fine she’s fine Word Count: 1370 CW: Mention of puking
Read on AO3 or below!
Weeks of practice with the others. Hours upon hours of working on her own in her room with her noise canceling headphones and backing tracks. It had all led up to this moment: Midnight’s first Ritual. The rest of the pack had been hyping her up, so excited to see how she did during her first performance in front of an audience, and even she was through the roof on the way to the venue. She struggled to fall asleep at a decent hour, still running through the music in her head and how she thought things would go. 
Now, she was in the dressing room with the other Ghoulettes letting them fuss over her and help her buckle up her vest, make sure the ties on her pants were secured, helping her set her violin up on her shoulder and making sure her helmet didn’t interfere with her playing. Where she was jittery and excited before, now she was quiet, her stomach in knots. 
“You’re going to do fantastic, sweetheart.” Cumulus hugged her gently, well aware of pre-Ritual nerves and how they could get the best of any of them, but especially Midnight right now.
Aurora, who was kneeling down to make sure Midnight’s boots were fitting properly, looked up as she tapped her calf twice. “It’s gonna be great, Stardust, I promise.”
Cirrus, ever the mother figure, held up a glass of ginger ale with a bendy straw to Midnight’s lips. “Drink a little of this, yeah? It’ll help settle your tummy. And remember, we’re all out there with you. We won’t let you fall.”
Midnight sipped the ginger ale, making a face at the weird tingly feeling in her mouth, which made them all laugh. “And how is that supposed to make me feel better when it made my mouth feel like it was full of spicy bubbles?”
The other Ghoulettes just laughed harder, with Cumulus rubbing Midnight’s stomach gently and Aurora hugging her arm as she stood up. Cirrus encouraged her to drink at least another sip of it, claiming the ginger was supposed to help settle an upset stomach, and reassuring her that the “spicy bubbles” were just something called carbonation.
“Man, I can’t wait for her to try alcohol.” Aurora giggled, skipping off to grab her helmet and settling it on her head.
“One big hurdle at a time, Rory,” Cirrus sighed, shaking her head. “You ready, Middy?”
Cirrus and Cumulus were on either side of Midnight, each holding a hand, and Aurora was skipping just ahead, as they all walked to meet with the others for Papa’s pre-Ritual prayer. They gathered with the other Ghouls, everyone briefly fawning over Midnight in her full uniform. She was thankful her face was hidden when she noticed Swiss and Rain eyeing her up and down, Swiss elbowing Rain a few times and whispering something to him that Midnight couldn’t hear. Couldn’t have been anything important, right?
As she huddled together with the pack, listening to Papa’s prayer, she found her mind wandering. Midnight’s introduction to the band was to be a surprise, which made her all the more nervous. What if she did fall? What if she missed a queue? Hit a wrong note? Or even just forgot how to play entirely? Her stomach started to bubble like the drink she had and she felt wobbly, reaching a hand out to a random road case to brace herself on. She pulled down her balaclava to breathe, bending over slightly, which ended up being a mistake.
Without missing a beat, Dew swooped a trash can in front of her just as she emptied the contents of her stomach (which, admittedly, wasn’t much) into it. He rubbed his hand along her back gently as the others made a protective circle around her so she could pull off her helmet for a moment.
“It’s okay, you’re okay, just let it all out,” Dew was whispering next to her. Midnight was crying at this point, feeling like a failure already for letting her nerves get the best of her, and Dew was brushing away her tears as they fell. 
“I h-hate whatever this is,” Midnight sobbed as her stomach roiled once again, but nothing came out. “M-my violin…” she tried to ask Dew to move her violin so she didn’t puke on it but he was already unclasping it and handing it and her bow to Phantom.
Rain had quickly wandered off to grab a bottle of water and had returned with it opened, a bendy straw stuck into it, and held it up to Midnight’s lips. “Drink, Sparkle. Slowly.” His free hand rubbed up and down her arm and she could tell he was trying not to crowd her but all she wanted was to crawl into his lap and stop feeling so awful.
“Five minutes to curtain, everyone,” a stage hand called out and the entire pack instantly tightened their circle and scared off the human, their instincts kicking in to protect their pack mate. They all knew it would be hard for her to hold her glamour for the duration of the Ritual, so they told her not to worry about it. But with her helmet off, her Ghoulish features were visible, even through her balaclava, so they were extra protective of her at the moment. Midnight noticed, of course, and felt a new wave of tears pour from her eyes at everyone not hesitating to protect her.
“You gonna be okay, Sparkle?” Rain was crouched next to Midnight as she was kneeling over the trash can on the off chance she felt the urge to puke up the water she had consumed. “It’s okay if you can’t, no one will be disappointed in you,” he whispered.
Midnight shook her head. “No, I’m okay, I want to do this.” She stood, slowly at the insistence of Rain, and took another sip of water. “I’m not going to let you down.” Did she mean him? Papa? The pack? Surely all of them, but all she could think of at the moment was how she didn’t want to disappoint Rain. Then she remembered how Phantom had been so excited to see her play. How Aurora had helped her customize her violin. How they were all so supportive and loving ever since she had been Summoned. She couldn’t help but start to cry all over again, now for an entirely different reason.
The entire pack moved in closer and hugged Midnight, reassuring her that she could never let them down in any way and that they all loved her very much. Phantom handed her violin back and helped her clip it back into place and as she was getting settled, placed their hand on her stomach and pushed a little Quintessence into it to help calm her nerves. Midnight slipped her helmet back on and bonked Phantom’s in thanks and in reassurance that she was feeling better.
As everyone made their way out on to the stage to get into their positions, Rain kept hold of Midnight’s hand the entire time. They had decided she would be free to move around the stage just like he did to interact with the other Ghouls, but that she would start on Swiss’ side and Rain would start on Dew’s side. As he led her into place and made sure she was ready, she felt her stomach almost fluttering like it was full of the spicy bubbles again. But it wasn’t nerves it was…something else? Rain went to walk away and let go of her hand but before he could, she squeezed his and he stopped and turned around, tilting his head.
“Everything okay, Sparkle?” He squeezed her hand back twice.
Midnight nodded, squeezing his hand again. “I just…thank you, Rain.”
He pulled her hand up and kissed it before squeezing it twice once more and walking to his spot, leaving Midnight standing there with spicy bubbles in her stomach and a smile that was thankfully hidden under her balaclava. As everyone got into their places and the lights went dark, Midnight shut everything else out except for one thought: Rain had kissed her hand.
Her performance that night was the best she had ever played.
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