#supporting her local green haired violinist
whysimstho · 6 years
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alteridolriley · 4 years
Finding My Place [Part 1]
Heya there everyone! Today is a super special day! Today is @availe‘s birthday! Maxi is one of my very best friends, one of the most important people to me in the world so I told her to pick two pairings and I would write a fic about them. I wasn’t sure what the topic would be so I just kinda let the words flow!
This is a bullet fic because writing a whole fic is hard right now with my current state in life so I apologize.
This fic includes (in its entirety not just this part): human AU, Anxceitmus (QPR Remus/Virgil and QPR Deceit/Virgil, Demus is romantic in the ship), Logince, swearing, violence mention, angst, depression, suicidal mentions, fainting, general not taking care of yourself moods, drugs, alcohol, and.... all sides are shown in a positive light, if that matters. It’s an AU anyway.
Devyn = Deceit (That’s also important LOL)
With all that said, please enjoy!
Devyn knows a lot of things. He considers himself an expert in some fields but still a jack of all trades in certain situations. However, there is one thing he feels he lacks. No matter how much he thinks about it, researches it, and records the process and its results, the outcome is always the same.
"Remus, you can't just hang up those creepy curtains on the front window!" Virgil calls up the stairs. The man in question cackles and Virgil growls back. "Don't expect your villain laugh to get you out of everything. I already got an earful from the lady next door about it disturbing her kids."
"Ahhh they'll get used to it." Remus says as he walks down the stairs to meet Virgil at the bottom. He stays on the second to the last step, making himself nearly a head taller than Virgil. Without warning, Remus wraps his arms around Virgil's neck and squeezes as a big smile appears on his face. "Oh golly gee, I just love you Virgil."
The black haired boy couldn't prevent the smirk that appears on his face as he leans back and kisses Remus on the cheek. "Mhmhm… love to be a pain in my neck is more accurate."
Both of them laugh before turning to see Devyn standing in the doorway to the kitchen across from the stairs, staring at them intently. 
"Do we have something on our face?" Virgil questions before Remus jumps down and runs to Devyn, almost slapping him with his arms instead of wrapping him in a hug.
"No…" Devyn assures. He leans his head against Remus. The smallest boy fits perfectly under Devyn's arm and Virgil walks over slowly, Devyn reaching and grabbing Virgil's right hand. He brings it to his lips, kissing it gently. 
"I want a kiss!" Remus pouts.Devyn obliges, kissing him on his forehead. Remus feels his cheeks burning red as he hides his face in his partner's chest.
"Is something the matter?" Virgil questions.
"No." Devyn says quickly as a blink of panic passes Virgil's eyes. "I just still have yet to fully understand what I've done in this world to deserve this with both of you." His voice trails off at the end as his gaze fell along the house surrounding them. 
Boxes scattered everywhere, some half empty as they unpacked to live in this new beautiful home. One picture was on the mantle above the fireplace: a shot of all three of them in suits: Devyn in yellow, Virgil in a deep purple, and Remus in a forest green, framed in a brown oak frame. Their wedding day only a month prior. 
"Dee…" Remus says softly as he hugs Devyn tightly. 
Devyn feels himself remembering. He tells the two he wants to take a break while they unpack upstairs. The two agree after giving him more hugs. Devyn sits on the couch in the living room.
Devyn had just been released from prison two years prior. 
He had been wrongfully charged with murder and had his life turned upside down for over ten years.
Upon release, he met Remus at a local gay bar. He hadn't intended on falling in love with the strange man but it just sort of happened. 
Devyn quickly learned Remus was already in a relationship.
Devastated by this, Devyn cut off all contact with Remus and stopped going to that specific bar all together. 
Drinking his sorrows away at a bar closer to his home, Devyn accepts that his life as a 32 year old gay man meant that he was probably doomed to be alone forever. 
Music started playing and he realizes it was live, playing in the next room over.
He peeked in to see a huge crowd surrounding a stage. Neon purple lights lit up the band. A lead singer with a guitar, a bass player, a drummer, and a… violinist? Wait, what?
The music was beautiful and the singing amazing, but Devyn couldn't tear his eyes away from the violinist. 
Such perfect strokes and form, the melody tore right at Devyn's heart. 
The song finished with a dramatic solo from the violinist and Devyn applauded along with the crowd. 
He listened to the voices around him closely, trying to figure out who they were.
"My gosh they're all so amazing! Virgil knocked it out tonight! How does he play the violin so well??"
"Gotta give props to Roman too! He goes through those low notes to high so easily. Is he even human with that range?"
"Nah nah did you listen to that drum solo? My boy Logan is the most talented by far. The technical details in his playing is just… so damn good."
"But Patton's bass solo was good too! He's come a long way in the short time he's been playing."
"Flight of the Hearts is just an amazing band. They're gonna take the world by storm, I just know it!"
Devyn stared at the band and they signed and took photos with fans at the foot of the stage. He wanted to hear more. 
He noticed a merch table just next to them and wondered over. Two self published CDs were on the table “Dreamer” and “Cyclone” and one of just Virgil's violin creations called "Calming Yourself". 
Devyn never purchased anything faster in his life. 
A bell went off above his head once he purchased it all. 
"Major sale! All CDs plus a shirt!" A voice shouted.
Devyn felt himself wish he wasn't where he was.
The whole band came over behind the table.
"Hey thanks for your support!"
Devyn recognizes him as the lead singer (Roman?) He was built like a jock, a football player to be specific, but had very soft eyes and a gentle smile.
"Dearheart, there's no reason to yell at him. He looks utterly confused. I told you that bell wasn't the best idea…"
The drummer… Logan right? He was smaller than Roman by over a foot at least. Glasses sat on the bridge of his nose (was he wearing those on stage?) and he pushed them up. He had an air of a person who would win on Jeopardy by a mile. Logan had his arm around Roman's waist, pulling him gently back. 
"Thanks for purchasing all of our work! We really appreciate it!"
Another glasses wearer? Oh it's Patton, the bassist. Right, right. He seemed the most genuine and down to earth, at least in this instance. He gestured to take the CDs back.
"Come on everyone let's sign them!" Patton called out to his bandmates.
Roman and Logan returned, holding hands and Roman kissing their entangled fingers.
Devyn wanted what they had, desperately. He felt an emptiness in his heart.
Without realizing it, Devyn had Virgil standing in front of him closer than he would've liked. 
"Can I help you?" Devyn demanded. 
Virgil squinted his eyes and frowned. "What's your name?"
Accusatory voice, mean look… the glare peeking through his long bangs and was that heavy eyeshadow?
"We just wanna sign your stuff! Right… Virgil?"
Patton clearly fell the same unease emanating off of Virgil as Devyn did. The more he stared back at Virgil, the more angry Devyn became. 
"My name is Devyn. What about it?" Harsh tone, spat in anger.
"I knew it. I recognized that scar on your face. How fucking dare you?!" Virgil leaped over the table. "How dare you break my Remus's heart, you bastard?!"
The crowd began chanting. "Fight, fight, fight!" and before he realized it, Devyn was about to punch Virgil before both of them were pulled back. Patton had pulled back Virgil and Devyn realized Roman had grabbed him under his arms with his own.
Security had quickly corralled everyone out of the tiny room, leaving only Devyn with the band. 
Logan stood between the two warring ones. 
"What are you talking about?" Devyn demanded, shaking off Roman, nodding to agree he wouldn't fight. 
"Remus has been so upset since you cut him off. He loved you, you dickhead!" Virgil was basically foaming at the mouth. His eyes were red and filled with tears. "Why? What possessed you to do that to him?" 
Devyn's memory flashed to the last image of Remus he remembered. Smiling brightly at him as he left the bar that night over a month before. Devyn had blocked and deleted his number. Basically ghosted him. 
Remus had been in a relationship, right? Devyn didn't want to force his way in and hurt someone else. 
Devyn looked up to see Patton comforting Virgil in his arms, shhhing him like a small child.
A hand landed on his shoulder. He glanced over.
He had a sad look in his eyes. 
"Allow me to explain, Devyn. I'll start from the beginning. I am Roman, lead singer of "Flight of the Hearts". This is my partner, Logan, our drummer. The one holding our dearest violinist, Virgil, is the wonderful Patton. He is also Virgil's older brother. Virgil's partner is Remus… the man who works at The Half Side of the Full on Center Street. He's also my twin."
Devyn blinked and realized in that moment that Roman was the spitting image of Remus, only taller and a bit more buff. He was also missing Remus's adorable mustache but that was beside the point. 
"I left Remus because he told me about you." Devyn started, glancing at Virgil. "Never mention you by name of course. Just that he had the most amazing boyfriend in the world and I decided I didn't want to break my own heart. So I left him and his perfect life alone. Because who needs a fucked up person like me in his life?!"
Devyn realized he was shouting but he didn't care. He also ignored the tears rolling down his face. His scar around his left eye burning from the salt in his tears. Devyn knew in that moment he'd always be a fuck up somehow. 
"Remus was so important to me. I love him more than anything. Because… he allowed me to forget and move on. I was no longer trapped in my lying, deceitful past. I was able to actually be me."
Devyn turned and shoved past Roman only to stop short of the exit, blocked by a familiar face. 
"Remus…" it barely left Devyn's mouth. 
"I never got to tell you." Remus said. "I was going to tell you I loved you the next day. And I wanted you to meet my boyfriend because we're both poly and you had mentioned in passing you were too. I didn't press it because well… I wasn't sure how much you enjoyed how I am."
Devyn had never seen Remus so calm. It was weird and he didn't like it. He liked his Remus bouncing off the walls, talking about his latest findings on the side of the road; alive or dead. He liked Remus when he tried to make fake blood to put on the windows for Halloween and it ended up being actual animal blood because that's how obsessed Remus was with what he did.
This calm demeanor didn't suit the wacky man at all.
"Like them…? Remus… I adore you. You were so true to yourself in ways I couldn't predict. I love that even though you were pushed away by society for who you are… you didn't let that change you. You refused to live a lie. Something I had done all my life."
Remus crossed the gap between them and in one full motion, pulled Devyn down like a princess, holding him gently in his arms.
"Let me do what I've been holding back for so long." Remus begged.
Devyn nodded and they kissed. It was soft at first, tickling Devyn's upper lip with Remus's rough mustache, before Devyn felt it deepen even further. He didn't want it to stop…
"Geez, brother! Get a room!" Roman blurted which caused the two to pull away.
Devyn licked his lips and Remus did as well, promising more later.
Remus allowed Devyn to stand as they walked back over to the rest of the group. Virgil reintroduced himself and apologized as did Devyn. Remus explained that Virgil is his QPP as Virgil is asexual and quoiromantic. Both were fine having other partners. Devyn joked about the fact that maybe he would fall for Virgil too if Virgil played him the violin more. The group laughed even though Devyn was dead serious.
As it turned out, the band, including Remus, lived together in a rented house just down the street. It wasn't glamorous or anything but enough to keep all of them out of the rain and comfortable.
As they walked in, Virgil asked Devyn about his living conditions and he dodged the question by bringing up food. 
Remus grabbed Devyn's hand and squeezed, asking again.
Devyn admitted to living in a Motel 6. It was all he could afford after being released from jail. His factory job was paying him well now but he had to consider uber fees to get to and from work. The off three days working four was nice too but he had to be careful. He had no savings to fall back on. 
Remus jumped up. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"My past is not something I am proud of." Devyn admitted. "But… it is something I should explain before we get too far into things."
To Be Continued….
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mr-ys-phantasma · 5 years
Soprano and the Phantom Chapter 1
My entry for the “Once Upon Another Time” project by @a-partofthenarrative
Beauty and the Beast, Phantom of the Opera version. Enjoy.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold.
Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away, but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress.
The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart, and as punishment, she transformed him into a deformed hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle, and all who lived there. Ashamed of his monstrous form, the beast concealed himself inside his castle, with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.
The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his 31st year. If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed, he fell into despair, and lost all hope, for who could ever learn to love a beast?
In the nice small town of Rouen, a bright new day had started for all. The town, not too big and consisting of small cottages and two-storey houses, some of them packed together. Stands and small shops were at the bottom, selling and serving local products.
The streets of the town were paved by limestone rock, giving it a nice crème-yellow appearance. It matched most of the houses and lead people all around the city as it forked into roads and alleys.
In one of the houses at the outskirts of the town, a true beauty lived once with her father. Her name was Christine Daee, daughter of a Swedish violinist who retreated into the small town for both health but also escape.
Christine exited the house, her curly brown hair bouncing with each of her steps while she gave a white pearly smile to the people.
She had many hobbies, one of them was singing and found her songs accompanying her lonely life. Fuelling the fire of adventure she so much wanted.
"Little town, it's a quiet village. Every day, like the one before. Little town, full of little people Waking up to say…"
She walked her brown woven basket at her right hand and waved at her fellow townsfolk.
"There goes the baker with his tray like always. The same old bread and rolls to sell. Every morning just the same. Since the morning that we came to this poor provincial town"
The Baker noticed her and smiled. "Good morning, Christine"
She returned her smile and jumped over to him. "Morning, monsieur!"
"Where are you off to?"
"The bookshop! I just finished the most wonderful story, about a beanstalk and an ogre and…"
He ignored her happy talk and turned his attention inside. "That's nice…Marie, the baguettes! Hurry up!"
She shook her head but kept her smile. Unlike everyone else, Christine had a love for books. It was her retreat into mystical adventures she could never have, and all started when her father would spend hours telling her stories and legends of the north.
It was rare for a woman to be educated, especially with books but she was an exception. She never felt ashamed for it and followed her heart which yearned for a change, for something new but knew she would never have.
"Look there she goes, that girl is strange no question. Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?" a woman gossiped, leaning to her friend.
"Never part of any crowd."
"Cause her head's up on some cloud" the Barber joined, overhearing them from his shop.
"No denying she's a funny girl, that Christine"
The smiley woman ignored them, not really caring about what they thought of her. Perhaps she did have her head in the clouds, but things were so much better up there than down below. Once getting some bread, she jumped on the back of the wagon that rides through town.
Everyone greeted and smiled at each other, starting small discussion; they were a small community after al. Everyone knew everyone and gossip travelled faster than wildfire.
Christine left out a sigh and jumped down once she had reached her stop, the book shop. "There must be more than this provincial life!"
She entered the small shop, overcrowded with dozens of books of all genres. Too bad she had read all of them and no one seemed interested in their content other than her.
"Ah, Christine" the bookseller greeted her, a smile on his face from seeing his favourite customer.
She smiled, feeling a relief once being inside the shop. The short man was the only one who never judged her for her love of books and needs for adventure. He was her supporter from the very first day along with her father.
"Good morning. I've come to return the book I borrowed" she said and handed him the book which she had inside her basket.
"Finished already?" the man asked, slightly impressed since it had been only a few days.
"Oh, I couldn't put it down! Have you got anything new?"
He laughed and shook his head before placing the book back on the self "Not since yesterday"
Christine was unfazed by the news and she quickly climbed the ladder, going to the 4th self. Her eyes scanned the titles. "That's all right. I'll borrow… this one"
"That one? But you've read it twice!"
She chuckled. "Well it's my favourite!" she explained as she swung off side of the ladder, rolling down its track. "Far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise!"
Her mind replayed the scenes, a feeling of excitement to read the story all over again and let herself be submerged into the adventures it held. She walked towards him with the book and the man smiled.
"Well, if you like it all that much, it's yours!"
She was taken back; such an act of generosity was too much for her. "But sir!"
"I insist!"
She quickly hugged the man, finding it hard to express in words how she felt. She released him and gave him one of her most sweet smiles, her brown eyes sparkling with happiness.
"Well thank you. Thank you very much!"
She then left the bookshop, skipping a step once in a while. A small change in her routine fixed everything and she daydreamed the adventures of her book while her townsfolk judging her from the background.
She zoomed everyone out, keeping locked inside her thoughts and emotions. Her imagination running wild while the need to be the heroine of that book kept growing.
"Look there she goes That girl is so peculiar! I wonder if she's feeling well!"
"With a dreamy far-off look!"
"And her nose stuck in a book!"
"What a puzzle to the rest of us is Christine!"
She found her way to the small fountain in the middle of the town. It was her favourite place when she needed an escape and often, she had company; the local sheep. She would sing and talk to them, being her true friends that listened without judging.
"Oh! Isn't this amazing! It's my favourite part because you'll see! Here's where she meets Prince Charming… But she won't discover that it's him 'til chapter 3!" she sang and petted the sheep closer to her.
"Now it's no wonder that everyone called her a 'beauty' Her looks have got no parallel!" a woman in the background sang, observing the peculiar brunette from afar.
"But behind that fair facade, I'm afraid she's rather odd Very different from the rest of us…"
"She's nothing like the rest of us. Yes, different from the rest of us is Christine!"
Not too far away, closer to a more open area of the town a Geeze hunt was taking place. The majestic birds flew across the blue sky, only for one to be shot down. It fell on the ground, not alive any longer and a slightly tanned man walked towards it.
He had a slightly exotic complex and stood out due to the red fez on top of his head. He was skinny and not that tall, but his green eyes showed some intelligence. He walked over and quickly put the dead animal into a bag before turning to the shooter.
"Wow! You didn't miss a shot, Raoul! You're the greatest hunter in the whole world!"
Raoul De Changy was a charismatic man with short light brown hair and stunning blue eyes. His body was trained, and his clothing showed the wealth of his family, along with the insignia sewed on his jacket.
He let his gun down, a smug smirk of pride on his cupid shaped lips. "I know"
"Huh. No beast alive stands a chance against you…and no girl for that matter!"
"It's true, Nadir and I've got my sights set on that one!" he said and pointed at the faint figure of Christine by the fountain.
He knew her since they were children but as they grew older, they also grew apart. She became distant and buried her nose into old books, preferring an imaginary world than the real one. He grew responsible, carrying on his family name and focusing on skills he needed.
"The violinist's daughter?" Nadir asked as he joined his side, and both watched the young woman.
He gave a nod. "She's the one! The lucky girl I'm going to marry"
"But she's—"
Ignoring him, Raoul continued. "The most beautiful girl in town"
"I know-
"And that makes her the best. And don't I deserve the best?"
"Well, of course, I mean you do, but I mean…"
Once again, poor Nadir was interrupted. The man by his side too caught up in his own world to listen.
"Right from the moment when I met her, saw her. I said she's gorgeous and I fell. Here in town, there's only she, who is beautiful as me. So I'm making plans to woo and marry Christine"
He started walking towards her, earning the attention of any other woman in the town and most specifically, the young women.
"Look there he goes, isn't he dreamy? Monsieur Raoul, oh he's so cute! Be still my heart, I'm hardly breathing! He's such a tall, strong and handsome Vicomte!" One woman sang, talking to her friend and trying her best not to faint.
Christine by now she was walking back to her house, easily passing through the crowd. Raoul tried to follow but struggled to catch up.
"Scuse me!" he tried while people chatted and continued with their day. "Please let me through!" he was once again ignored. "Just watch I'm going to make Christine my wife!"
At last, she managed to catch up with her.
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Uniform Romance // Steve Harrington
Summary: Young and in love Reader and Steve make an impulsive decision that has lasting problems. Years after separating they come face to face with a challenge between them and lost feelings. But what happens when they meet agains years later during a time of crisis?
Characters: Reader x Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, Dustin Henderson (mentioned), Nancy Wheeler (mentioned), Chief Jim Hopper (mentioned)
Words: 1158
Disclaimer: I do not own Stranger Things or the characters involved. Nor do I own any images or gifs that may appear.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, young romance, heartbreak
Author: Caitsy
A/N: Part one of three short blurbs. Based loosely on a Hallmark movie I watched a few days ago.
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Hawkins, Indiana hosted an annual town dance to commemorate the law enforcement and the youth that joined the army. You were the daughter of the recently retired Chief of a neighbouring town whom moved his family to a different area. You’re father ran the local weapons shop along with helping train new officers for Chief Hopper.
You met Steve Harrington when he came to the station for a training session. These sessions were taught by your father for the Hawkins youth to get a taste of law enforcement if they wanted a job. You were dropping the car off from the shop when you bumped into a sweaty Steve.
“Shit! Sorry.” The male voice mumbled steadying you before you could fall on your ass.
“I’m so sorry.” You muttered dusting off the dirt from the sleeve of the green shirt with the emblem of the Chief’s station.
“Can I help you with anything?” Steve asked glancing over at the grouping of young men, with a few female around, all dressed alike during the short break. 
“I can’t think of anything but you’re welcome to get my number.” You bit your lip looking up at the young male. A grin broke over his face before he watched you pull out of a pen and gestured for his arm, “I hope you call.”
“Oh I plan on it.” Steve muttered as you tossed a pair of keys to his trainer and walked off.
“Harrington! Fall in!” Trainer Y/L/N yelled as the rest of the group uniformly came together.
Ever since that summer you had snuck around Hawkins with the older boy whom was carefully choosing his future. You were working at the diner along with moving lawns to earn money for college when the dance came around. You had plans with Steve and you were so excited for them.
“Did you know I love this pair of shorts on you.” Steve smirked gazing down at you while leaning his arms next to your head on the house siding.
“I think once or twice.” You bit your lip holding in a moan when his lips left markings on your neck.
“Well I’ll have to sh-“
“Y/N?” Your Dad’s voice cut in Steve’s sentence. Steve grumbled under his breathe stumbling when you pushed him away and gracefully covered the light hickey with your sweater.
“Yeah?” You questioned coming around to the front yard.
“Have you seen Steve Harrington?” Dad huffed glancing around the street, “He was supposed to be helping me build the shed.”
“He’s in the back already starting. Said something about wanting to get started early, has to babysit Dustin Henderson.” You smoothly lied just a few seconds before the sound of a hammer echoed in the afternoon. 
“Thank you sweetheart.” Dad smiled pressing a lingering kiss on your temple before taking off to the backyard.
You watched guilt when he disappeared around the house door leaving you to wallow in the decision you made. You patted the back of your shorts feeling the small circular object.
“I hope you forgive me.” You mumbled sighing.
The dance was a success again with the help of the social media that was slowly becoming popular in Hawkins. It was a small town with only a few families able to afford decent computers and phones. No one had the money to own a smartphone.
You dipped your hand into the pocket of your sundress catching sight of Jonathan Byers at a table watching Nancy Wheeler. You heard they broke up over some godawful reason and were too stubborn to talk to each other. 
“Hey Byers.” You called out watching the other boy straighten up. You noticed the grease stain on his cheek. He had started working at the local bodyshop to help support his family instead of college.
“Can you do me a favour?” You questioned stepping closer to him.
“Sure.” Jonathan nodded confused as to the paper you placed in his hand, “What is this?”

“Give it to my Dad in thirty minutes.” You softly asked knowing Steve was already waiting out front.

“Just do it please.” You begged before taking off once he nodded in response. You watched your Dad laugh with Mrs. Jenkins over some stupid joke.
You raced to the front where Steve was resting against his retro car he deemed irreplaceable after helping his grandpa fix it. Steve was an old soul capable financially to afford a smartphone and state of the art computer but he chose not to. He preferred connecting face to face.
“Ready?” He grinned.
“Hell yeah.” You gulped climbing into the car wiping your hands on your dress material. Resting in the back were two average sized suitcases holding the necessities for your life.
Everything was a blur standing in front of Steve half listening to the preacher talking before your witness nudged you. Standing cautiously was Dustin Henderson along with an adult legally able to witness the marriage. Rings were exchanged before the preacher announced your husband and wife. 
“You may kiss the bride.” Preacher Thomas spoke smiling as you were dipped backwards by your husband.
You raced outside grinning at each other knowing you had each other’s backs for the rest of your lives. You loved Steve with everything in your being even if you had to give up your family. Life didn’t like that decision because a truck screeched to a halt in front of you.
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N!” Your father roared slamming his door shut, “You better not have-“
“It’s too late.” You spoke squeezing Steve’s hand in your own as your father seethed. 
“You’re eighteen Y/N. This is childish and irresponsible.” Dad glared at your conjoined hands, “You don’t know what marriage is.”
“It’s about support, love and trust Daddy.” You whimpered almost seeing his hair turn grey slowly.
“It’s not too late. We can get it annulled unless he took you at the front of the chapel.” Dad sarcastically spoke.
“I love him.”
“Sir, I promise to care for her.”
“If you cared. You’d let her go.” Dad calmly spoke, “You know what’s best right now Steve. You’re a good guy but you’re both too young.”
Steve stared silently as you grabbed your suitcase from his car hesitating to meet his disappointed eyes. You looked at the ground as your father closed the passenger door on his truck with you in it.
“I’ll start the paperwork tomorrow.” Dad said watching Steve shift on his feet, “I’ll send your paycheque for the shed tomorrow. Thank you for the help but I won’t be needing it anymore.”
Without another word Steve was left in front of the church watching his wife and father in law leave only a cloud of dust left. You watched out the back window until there was nothing but dust and sadness left.
“Don’t worry honey.” Dad spoke glancing over, “You’ll understand in the future.”
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cypressmoons · 7 years
Beside You
She sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home. I wish I was, I wish I was Beside you.
[True personal story]
The first time I heard this song was when I decided to watch the best 5sos crowd moments videos on YouTube, and this song appeared A LOT of times so I decided to give it a listen, and I burst into tears the second I heard it. It feels like one of those heartbreaking moments when you have to say goodbye to a loved one, and even though all you want to do is go back to them, there’s like an ocean apart and everything in the world holds you against going back. 
And being the naive person I was, I thought this was a relationship song--which it is--and I won’t be able to relate to it until I find a boyfriend, probably not anytime soon. 
Yet here I am today, bawling my eyes out over one song because it’s the most relatable moment for me right now.
September 2016. It was the first week of school and I found myself sitting right behind the principle first violins in the school orchestra. I was pretty surprised by my audition. I thought it had gone badly and I wouldn’t be able to make it to first violin, and when I did, I was afraid that my teacher would pair me up with one of the top players in my class. My worry wasn’t completely unreasonable. Throughout middle school I got to know a few of the really talented violinists in our orchestra and compared to them I was terrible. Just the thought of that b, being right next to them for a whole year, was unbearable. 
That’s when this one red haired girl, with green eyes and deep dimples, appeared next to me and read the index card on the seat before setting her backpack down. 
“Hi,” she had said sweetly.
I greeted her back, still feeling a little nervous about talking to a stranger. I remember our music teacher talking to her about auditioning for All-State youth orchestra, so she must have been one of those good players as well.
When I think about it later, I regret not remembering the exact day when we first met each other. Since the first moment we started talking about how hard the sight reading pieces were, or the first time I told her she was a good player, we somehow always found more topics to talk about. I found out that she’s also a swimmer, and that she was a part of a triplet, which surprised me. 
To my own admission, there was this one period of time when we both obsessed over One Direction. All my other friends had judged me about it, although it bothered me none of their comments stopped me from fangirling over one YouTube video. So being able to fangirl with someone else without being judged was surely a bonus point of being friends with her.
 Around November, we came up with this idea of doing a chamber string group together. At first we were going to ask this girl in our Girl Scout troop to be the first violin, but when she didn’t respond, I asked my new friend to join. Then the cellist said she had other commitments so she wouldn’t be able to do the group either. We were stuck there for a while before Elisa, my new best friend and stand partner, offered to ask her brother to take the cellist’s place since he also played the cello.
After a lot of convincing and other complicated processes, we were finally a group of five. We easily got straight I’s at regionals and proceeded to get another straight I rating (the highest you can get) at States. 
Somewhere in March, my private violin teacher recommended me to participate in a local string festival, where I got to work with the concertmaster of Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. He offered us the opportunity to tour Italy during the summer with our state youth orchestra. I tried my hardest to convince my parents to let me go, since both Elisa and her brother were in the state youth orchestra and were both going on the trip.
July 13, 2017. 
We had just finished our last concert of the tour in Cremona, Italy and Elisa’s entire family had come to support us since her family is Italian. Everyone else in the orchestra was so glad that our tour was over and we had so much fun together, but neither Elisa nor I seemed to be able to blend in with the happy mood. While everyone celebrated with treats to a local gelato shop and perfect pictures together, Elisa and I set our instrument cases down next to the pillar of the Catholic church right next to the stage and stood there in silence, before we hugged each other and wouldn’t let go. I haven’t cried in public for a good few years but I couldn’t hold my tears back that night. 
For a while, I wondered what made Elisa so special to me. Sure I had other good friends at school and I loved them, but none of them held such a special place in my heart. Until one day I overheard my dad talking to my grandma about how we were like sisters. Now that’s the answer. We were like sisters to each other. It explained everything perfectly, including why it’s so hard to say goodbye in Cremona that night.
This wasn’t just your normal I’ll-see-you-again-when-school-starts-and-I-hope-we-have-classes-together goodbye. The real problem was, we don’t know when we’re going to see each other again. I will be moving to another continent by the end of this summer, and Elisa, on the other hand, is staying with her family in Italy for the rest of the summer holidays and probably won’t be back until mid-August, by which time I’ll be already gone. 
What we shared in one short year was more than what I had with my old friends from elementary school, for six years. I can’t even begin to describe how grateful I am that she came into my life in my freshman year of high school. It wouldn’t have been the same without her, and now that I have to go, I don’t know what I’m going to do without her laughing along with me (I laugh A LOT, everybody says I’ll be immortal) and reminding me of all our awesome inside jokes. 
At first, I thought I was just sad about leaving my friends. Then one day I realized that I’m not only sad. I’m afraid. I’m afraid of losing them now that there’s an ocean in between us. Although there’s all the technology nowadays, nothing compares to being able to see them every day, have lunch together at our usual spot by Government classrooms, or play another Dvorak piece together. In short, no amounts of FaceTiming, texting or calling could ever compare to seeing them face to face. It just doesn’t work. 
I insisted on walking Elisa to their car that night despite it was nearly midnight and curfew was at 12. It was our last day of the tour, who cares if one of the adults caught us wandering the town at 11:49 pm? 
Somehow I got all her siblings and my other friend to cry along with us. Elisa’s brother, whom I apparently had a thing for, just made it harder for me. I didn’t know they were leaving right after the concert until that very morning. I woke up to find her sitting in our shared hotel room staring at her phone, “We’re leaving tonight.”
“We’re leaving right after the concert.”
“No you’re not.”
I knew this moment would come eventually, and I thought I was mentally prepared for it. God, I was wrong. I guess I never completely wrapped my mind around the fact that we won’t see each other for God-knows-how-long. Our final goodbye took us about 20 minutes, it being more embarrassing when our maestro came and comforted us in front of nearly the whole town of Cremona. In Europe, the night life was just perfect, where everyone goes out in the middle of the night to hang out with friends. So half of the local people were confused as why there were two crying teenagers at midnight. 
I was with my friend Bradley, and when we gave our final goodbye wave by their car, I turned to him with tears still running down my face, “Just drag me out of here. I’ll run back to her if we don’t get out fast enough.”
That’s why there were two sobbing teenagers scurrying down the streets of Cremona at midnight.
On my plane ride back home--without Elisa--I decided to listen to my (amazing) Spotify playlist to kill the 8 hour journey. And when I clicked “shuffle”, I could feel tears threatening to spill out again.
Within a minute I was all packed up I’ve got a ticket to another world I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna go.
My perspective to the whole song completely changed at that moment. I thought the “ticket” meant a ticket to fame, as in 5sos’ case. As in my case, it meant a literal plane ticket that I still have in between the pages of my passport.
Every single lyric, every single word had a whole new meaning to me. I would never look at this song the same way again.
When I go to bed at night, still jetlagged from the flight, I would tell myself that we’ll still wake up underneath the same sun the next morning. I had promised her that I’ll come back as soon as I can, I’ll even pull a surprise on her if I can. 
But the distance is supposed to make hearts grow fonder, right?
She sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home. I wish I was, I wish I was
1672 words
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