#supporting womens wrongs always and forever ❤️
dreamspring · 1 year
i saw medea performed live tonight !!!! it was so fun !!!!
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alicerosejensen · 5 months
I love your page so much omg. I‘m literally obsessed with your work😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Also I have this imagination in my mind going on about how Leon would try to help his girlfriend from recovering from her mental health issues since she’s always helping him. I was recently thinking about how he would react finding her not moving on the bathroom floor and trying to bring her back! I rewatched American horror stories and the scene with tate and violet in the first season episode 6 (ig?) is always in my head. I‘m still recovering from my past and my unhealthy habits and tbh recovery never felt better.
If this is too much for you or triggering please ignore this.🫶🏼❤️
I had a terrible period in my life when I was a few steps away from doing something like this in my life and unfortunately this shit often comes out. I'm not sure that such texts help me work through my psychological traumas, which were, in fact, inflicted on me and continue to be inflicted by close people who do not consider me a person, but at least such works help me to vent my pain, which I cannot permanently bury in myself.
I have been postponing this request for a long time because I was probably waiting for the right moment to write this text.
There are mentions of suicide, psychological trauma, severe self-doubt and anxiety, so if this is not acceptable to you, then please just block it.
Perhaps there is a similarity with my previous texts, but I am writing this with strong emotions now that I am trying to cope with it again.
the text is chaotic, I repeat, written while I was under the influence of strong heavy emotions. Maybe I'll delete it later, when my brain gets back to normal a little bit.
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If a songbird doesn't sing well, they wring its neck.
Maybe it was the costs of Leon's profession and the result of his constant missions, after which something human is gradually dying in him despite the constant struggle to save everyone. Raccoon City was supposed to teach, if not to survive, then make him begin to understand that some are doomed to die.
Leon Kennedy was taught not to offend, but to protect the weak, especially weak women. But it is difficult to calm the flow of disordered thoughts and put aside the fear that has seized him in order to clamp bloody wrists and apply something to them to stop the blood. Leon knew many strong women: Ada was perhaps the first among them, he did not know either her past or her real name, only the present that pushed their foreheads against each other; Claire, a fighting friend of misfortune that he met in that ill-fated city; Ashley, who turned from a baby eagle into a proud eagle; Angela Miller and others…
Your strength dissolves in the water, coloring it scarlet while your heart stubbornly still beats, let the rhythm noticeably shorten.
In truth, over the past few months it became clear that this was the only way out. When even your loved ones considered you an expired product and did not hesitate to remember this and remind you every time. In the end, their words turned into an obsessive worm that settled in your head, slowly day after day, month after month, devouring you and the circumstances seemed to be not in your favor. Instead of support, you somehow faced reproach, as if the universe was screaming that you were an wrong person, nature's mistake who had no right to live.
Escape attempts were doomed to failure. At first you tried to suppress it in yourself, helping Leon, because, in your opinion, he was the only one who had the right to complain about life, although he did not do this in front of you, because everyone said that you had no problems: you have everything limbs, there are no fatal diseases, all loved ones are healthy and there is a roof over your head, as if this is enough to not fall for nonsense and not walk around forever with a sad face.
This was the last time you shared your experiences. You didn’t even bother telling Leon, but everything inside was torn from constant pain. The feeling was as if you were being beaten by two extremes that led you to the edge of an abyss where you ultimately voluntarily jumped.
no, you really loved him, it was just other people’s words and your own speculation that convinced you, despite your strong relationship with him, that Leon would find someone better, someone more confident in himself, someone who would not be you because you had already missed the chance for a good life because it moved too slowly. Ultimately, a couple of sips of alcohol with sleeping pills and a sharp blade in his hands simply promised to correct the mistake in the form of you with your own hands.
You didn't have the courage to do it any other way.
But you really didn’t think that if you could try to open up to your loved one, you would meet support and not condemnation. Perhaps in a mad world he would be the only one who would heal your wounds as you healed him in your time. Leon clenched his teeth, feeling tears flowing down cheeks, seeing these crimson stains, when he pulled your body out of the bath, holding you close to him, repeating “I’m holding you. It's allright"
He so carefully laid you on his lap, managing to pull out a first aid kit and then bandages to tightly, albeit carelessly, wrap them around your wrist in order to somehow stop the bleeding. At least you were still breathing, thereby giving him hope that everything could still be fixed. the darkness and emptiness came to life, calling in a whisper to dissolve into eternal silence where there is no pain or condemnation. Your body will be in a grave under a gray stone, while the remains of your soul will float like a small grain of sand in infinity.
For Leon, everything happens in a fog; he tried more than once to save people, but he had no right to lose in this battle, even if you yourself surrendered to death. Shaking his head, brushing away the tears, he wrapped your body in a large terry towel, kissed your temple and picked you up, trying to somehow warm you, pressing you closer to him. the ability to provide first aid in the field and pull suicides out of the other world is not the same thing. Leon would have thanked God if he had believed in him, convinced that blood loss was the least of the evils that you had caused yourself, until he saw the remains of some substance at the bottom of the glass that stood on the table along with an almost full bottle of alcohol.
You really didn't give him a chance.
The ambulance took several minutes, which seemed like an eternity. In fact, Leon wasn't sure if it was worth trying to make you vomit when you'd already lost so much blood that it was already seeping through the bandages. Surely you would need a transfusion and Leon is ready to give you all his blood if only you would wake up. Holding his breath, he carefully looked at your chest, watching whether you were breathing and fortunately, your heart was still beating, slowly, but it was still fighting for life.
He stroked you on the head, kissed you, promised that he would take you somewhere else, quiet, where no one would dare to offend you, even if it was your family. You could have just asked him for help, just cuddled up to him and he would have protected you from other people’s attacks, but you preferred to remain silent. Kennedy was tired of waiting for the medical staff to let him in, although relatives should be allowed to see the patient first, but the position of a government agent sometimes had its advantages, and they concerned not only the high salary. When he was let in to you, it seemed to him that you had become half your size while you were lying on the bed, curled up under the blanket. It didn’t work out to pull off a beautiful suicide, which meant that soon angry relatives would come here with new sweat of bile especially for you. They won’t care about your feelings, but Leon sat down next to you, trying not to intrude too much into the space in which you imprisoned yourself, as if this blanket cocoon could be a separate world where you could hide. He spoke to you carefully, hating himself for not being able to understand in time what was wrong with your behavior; perhaps if he had been more attentive to you, the incident could have been avoided. You would see a psychotherapist, take a course of medication, and your environment would definitely be taken care of.
You cry, not letting him come to you, hating how you weren't just left to die and how much you hate this world. Hysteria after hysteria, nervous breakdown after nervous breakdown, in the hospital you repeatedly tried to commit suicide, but the attentive staff managed to prevent this before you inflicted fatal injuries on yourself, and if after some time Leon still managed to carefully break through your armor, then your loved ones This did not concern relatives in principle. You only allowed one person to visit you while you were undergoing psychological treatment and you behaved calmer and calmer, listening to the velvety words that soon all this would be behind you.
“We’ll go home soon,” Leon smiled, gently holding your hand and kissing your forehead, just glad that you’re alive, that you’re breathing and that your psycho-emotional state is slowly but improving. “You know, I have a surprise for you, I think you’ll like it when we get home.”
Soon what happened will become another nightmare in his life, a blessing with a good ending, but for the sake of this happy ending, Kennedy is ready to descend into hell at least every day.
You nod at him and smile a little, fearing that the gift is some kind of party on the occasion of your discharge. In fact, the last thing you want is to see someone’s faces, especially those who diligently hammered into your head how insignificant you are. Why do you even hope that the doctor will postpone your discharge, but the plans for your further treatment were completely different.
On the other hand, after taking antidepressants and psychological help in a special medical institution, how many men are ready to stay with their girlfriends who have been there for several months? For Leon, it seems this was not a significant problem, or he simply carefully did not show it. However, there were no parties, no calls, you simply returned now to his home where there were new interior items. it became somehow more comfortable... but something else surprised you.
Puppy. A small puppy of a couple of months old ran towards you and Leon to meet both of them, but stopped and began sniffing your shoes, while something thawed in your heart.
“Animals seem to help us well, They feel when we feel bad, it seems to me a good idea to get us a little companion,” Leon said quietly, stroking your back while you were busy with the puppy, rejoicing at the little living soul who will love you with the same pure and devoted love.
Ultimately it should have a happy ending too. Leon is ready to go to great lengths so that his beloved songbird starts smiling and singing happy songs again, even if it is necessary to remove other birds from her family who sleep and see how to pluck all her wings again.
You and he also have a chance for a happy ending.
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apieceoftoastedbread · 5 months
i just finished working boys. holy shit??/pos
mentions of show spoilers under cut
SO. welcome to my ted talk. i just finished working boys. what. the. FUCK. but like in a good way. i loved it! i watched it with my dad kinda and i was giggling the entire time. i love rob as hidgens but if hidgens was anyone else BESIDES jeff i would have honestly not felt the same about it. jeff did great in the whole thing.
also, RUTHH!!.., MY BABY💔💔 SHE DID NO WRONG. IT WAS HER DEBUT☹️ she did great and i loved the few seconds of screentime she had.
the people in the audience were also making my tism alarm go off. if i can recall it was bill, ted, officer bailey, ms mulberry, richie, grace, gerald, linda, and brenda? those are all the people i can remember. seeing richie and grace go to see ruth actually made me go crazy i love them all SO MUCH. i wanna take richie and shake him. Ted was being a little asshole as always/pos. poor bill was abandoned. AND GERALD AND LINDA? oh my god i love them. i have a love-hate relationship with linda except she doesnt know who i am and would spit on me and i love her but also need her to suffer. I wanted to take the scene where him and linda are cuddling and just stay there forever. officer bailey made me laugh but also how is that man a cop. he just handed grace the gun?? ALSO GRACE IS SO BADASS BUT SHES CRAZY?? SUPPORT WOMENS WRONGS!! she started saying sumthing about the lord and i got chills.
the dead workin boys?? that was so sick what??
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uhm uhm im gonna shut up now because my brain is being overwhelmed by over analyzing this but please please please talk to me about this
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wyllzel · 2 months
my very correct TVD opinions now that i've finished S3 😃☝️
Elena - I waffle between how much I like her and am annoyed by her, LOL, but given how much she herself waffles, that seems fair 😆 She's definitely at her best when she's providing a moral baseline (like "we can't kill all vampires just bc they're vampires, even if they do eat us humans"). It's interesting that her flaw is being indecisive bc (in her mind/words) making a decision means cutting off an avenue forever!! Which is most obvious in the whole Stefan-or-Damon dilemma... Yet she's also much too eager to sacrifice her own life... In many ways she's still the girl who preferred spending time among the dead at the cemetery instead of w her friends, back in S1E1 ;_; It's also really cool that she has a built-in foil who literally looks exactly like her – Elena being afraid to choose a brother bc choosing one means losing the other and Katherine refusing to choose a brother bc having the two wrapped around her finger means having power over them... Very interesting stuff...
Stefan - Bro I love Stefan 😭😭😭 S3 Stefan had me like 😃 though... I was not a fan of all the ~Rippah Era~ stuff, not bc it was character assassination but tbh it was just cringe LMAO and it was very obvious that he'd eventually regain control and come to his senses so the stakes didn't feel all that high lol 😆 He's so romantic and empathetic :') and I will admit that it was interesting to see that his grip on his control (for all his talk!!) was rly not that strong ;_; Seeing his ideals/hopes crumble against his reality was quite sad...
Damon - S1 Damon feels very different from S3 Damon LMAO which I think is partly character growth (watching Damon accept his propensity for care... chefs kiss 😩💗) and partly the writers leaning into Dalena and walking back some of Damon's darker tendencies LOL... Which I don't mind, I am very much NOT a fan of his eagerness to hypnotize/mind control women 😐👎 (tho i do acknowledge that that's classic vampire behavior lol) Anyway his instances of vulnerability do make me go 😱😱😭😭❤️❤️ so I am not immune to his charms LOL
Caroline - I LOVE CAROLINE!!! I'VE LOVED HER SINCE S1 IDC THAT SHE WAS "BITCHY"!!! (she was really just a normal teenage girl...) She has a lot of self-awareness and selflessness, and a lightness that some of the other characters have lost just bc they've all gone thru so much ;_; I love her relationship w Tyler in S2, when they were both new to the whole supernatural thing... Also she's such a badass!!! Love her combat scenes, even if she gets kidnapped more often than not haha
Bonnie - BONNIE 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 most OP character on the show - her powers are limited only by what the writers can think of / what the narrative requires 😳 (aka Atom Eve vibes) She is such a badass, and I love how even tho she's tired and sometimes frightened of her potential, she always steps up to help her friends ;_; Also - maybe controversial, but I love that she went behind everyone's backs to preserve Klaus, just to see if she could 😳 Watching her embrace her magic/powers and start pushing limits is really cool!!! I will forever stan idc❤️
Klaus - LMFOAKAKDJWKDAAO I waver btwn wanting to punch him and laughing hysterically at him he is so silly. Literally the definition of wet and pathetic. He's like a tiny shaking lapdog that got dunked in lukewarm bathwater
Rebekah - She's a girlboss and I will always support women's wrongs 💗💗
Elijah - One of the hottest characters on the show idc he's giving paladin (HONOR 😩😩 OATHS 😩😩😩 ANGST 😩😩) and I am here for it ❤️
Katherine - Can she please fall off a cliff or something she is so annoying and cruel 😭
Alaric - Nothingburger. Bland. Middle-aged white man. Whatever
Jeremy - His actor is SO cute but his character is so "???" LOL I hated that he technically cheated on Bonnie after SHE BROUGHT HIM BACK FROM THE LITERAL DEAD!! but I did love his relationship with Anna so ;_; win some, lose some...
Matt - He has been through too much, just let him leave town and go to college PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE 😭
Tyler - HIS ACTOR... HOTTIE ALERT!!! Tyler is just doing his best ;_; His S3 plot was ACTUALLY diabolical, and then he gets inhabited by Klaus for the start of S4?????? How much more does he need to suffer????? Let him and Caroline enjoy being ultra powerful young adult supernatural creatures of the night hullo
anyway none of these people look/act like high schoolers LMFAO why couldn't they be in junior college or smth 😭🤦🏻‍♀️ it literally would barely change the plot LOLLL just have them be involved in more community activities instead of organizing prom and whatnot 🫠
my ideal endgame ships:
Damon x Elena - Their chemistry is excellent and I think Ghost!Rose was right... They're different enough that they're able to push one another's boundaries/perspectives 👀
Klaus x Caroline - I am not immune, he's sometimes hot yea 😔 He's cringe but his speech about whisking her away from the bubble of her smalltown life was 😳👀 And he's right tbh!!! She has so much time now, and so much to experience!! I think she and Tyler are good for one another in this stage of her life, but maybe not for the whole of it...
Stefan x Bonnie - Idk I see the vision 😳 I think they have a lot of potential in that they're both very mature/serious people w a lot of power at their fingertips, and they both try and fail to regulate their own power... Also witches and vampires being natural enemies... slay !! 🙈
jeremy and matt just need to get out of all of this before they die (again)
Matt x Rebekah is cute tho
And lowkey why did Jeremy and Tyler have chemistry back in S1 when they were each dating Vicki LMAO 🙈 let's bring that back...
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
Hi! Do you think you would ever do something with insecure reader and bucky comfort? I was thinking with mafia bucky because he probably has the power dripping off him and girls wanting him and it makes the reader question if their worth being with him? I can see bucky loving the softness of your body. Honestly any version of bucky. Avenger Bucky would fuck your thoughts right out and follow with a soft sweet round 🥺
I love your blog so much, I always return to reread your fics. They’re just 😍🥵🔥
Thank you! ❤️
Thank you so much for your support my love ♥️ I'm sorry this has taken forever to answer!
Insecurities || Mafia!Bucky
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, angst, insecure body image, fluff, foreplay (fingering, oral - f rec) WC: 1.4k
main masterlist || bucky masterlist 
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Everywhere you went, all eyes were on Bucky. Women wanted him and men wanted to be him. Sometimes the women wanted him a little too much, their hands caressing his chest as they walked past with a wink on their way to the bar. At first your blood had boiled with rage that they touched what was yours, but then you noticed Bucky did nothing to discourage their behaviour.
“You’re gonna trip on that lip if you pout anymore.” Bucky teased as he spun his cufflinks to mirror each other, the ostentatious jewels glittering from where they were embedded in sterling silver. “Don’t be a sourpuss, tonight will be fun.”
“That’s what you say every night.” You huffed, turning your back on him to see your body in the triplet of mirrors set in the walk-in wardrobe.
Every angle was reflected back and you couldn’t help comparing yourself to the models that flaunted their bodies around Bucky, he could have anyone he wanted but for some reason he wanted you. Your eyes were misting over just thinking about the long night ahead, having to pretend that everything was fine when all you wanted was to go home and wear something you actually felt comfortable in. 
“You look absolutely beautiful.” Bucky whispered as he locked eyes with you through the mirror and pressed his lips to your neck. “I’m the luckiest son of bitch in Brooklyn, doll.”
You tried to smile but his forehead crumpled when it failed to reach your eyes and he spun you around to face him. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, it’s nothing.” You lied, something he caught as his eyes darkened and his index finger tipped your chin back so you couldn’t avoid looking into his blue depths. 
“Don’t lie to me again.” He warned, his ability to withhold from blinking added to the anxiety in your chest and you gulped down the lump in your throat. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t want to go out tonight.” You muttered, biting back the ‘or any night’ that almost slipped out.
He seemed to hear it nonetheless as he narrowed his eyes and stepped even closer so you could feel the heat radiating from his body. “Why?” 
The tears were threatening to spill, clinging to the bottom row of lashes with a last hurrah before gravity ripped them away. “I don’t feel like it.”
“Please, Bucky, just drop it.” You begged as the sting of running mascara burnt your eyes and his presence seemed to change the weight of the very air around you. 
“No.” He said with a long inhale, a sign he was actively trying to control the anger he carried inside him. “Not until I understand why.”
Your lip trembled and you tried to back away but he followed your steps until your back was pressed to the mirror. “You’ll never understand, you're James Buchanan Barnes.”
“Try me.” He ordered through clenched teeth. 
“I’m not one of your henchmen that you can boss around.” You broke with a sob, his domineering authority burning the oxygen from your lungs and leaving you gasping for air.
“Shit.” He sighed as realised his mistake and took a step away, his stiff posture sagging as he ran a ringed hand over his face. “You’re right, you’re my girlfriend, you should be able to talk to me about anything.”
His words were a verbal slap and guilt radiated from the welt on your conscience as you wrapped your arms around yourself. “I can’t stomach spending another night watching dozens of other women fawn over you. Beautiful women.”
Bucky’s lips parted to refute you but then he froze and dropped his forehead to yours. “You know you’re my best girl, right? You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”
You scoffed and shook your head. “How can you say that when you have a model trying to climb onto your lap every night? One that has a perfect nose, boobs, and ass, not a spot of cellulite or stretch mark on their perfectly tanned skin.”
“Because I have you and you are perfect to me.” He frowned, his palms cupping your face so his thumbs could wipe away your tears. “Look, I didn’t mean to make you feel like you meant anything less than the world to me. You mean everything to me, doll, you have to believe that.”
“I do. I do, Bucky.” You whimpered. “But…”
“But what?” He asked desperately as he closed his eyes. “Please, tell me how I can make this right.”
“You can’t fix this, it’s me. I don’t see what you see.”
Those blue eyes flashed open and the room spun as he twirled you around to face the mirror, his chin resting on your shoulder as he started at your reflection. “Look at yourself.”
His hands came to rest on your waist before he started to massage the tense knots at the base of your spine. “Don’t look at me, look at yourself.”
You tore your eyes away from his and looked at yourself, grimacing as you found dark smudges around your eyes from your running mascara. 
“I see a beautiful woman who fits me like a puzzle piece.” His velvety voice was low in your ear and sent shivers erupting over your skin as his hands snaked around your front, sliding up the satin of your dress. “You’re the softness I need in this hard life I got into.”
His thumbs teased your nipples to stiff peaks and your head fell back to rest on his shoulder with a breathy moan. “Then there’s that voice of an angel, the sweet sounds you make when I touch you.”
“Bucky…” You sighed as your eyes fluttered shut, capturing your bottom lip between your teeth as one hand trailed down your naval. 
“Open your eyes, doll.” He ordered, the click of his switchblade drawing your eyes down to the flash of metal. “I want you to see this.”
He was careful to avoid your skin as he held your dress with one hand and cut through the fabric with the other. He tossed the knife out of the way to the ground before grabbing the sliced material and tearing it clean in half, the satin left to float like a robe from the sleeves. Dropping to his knees, he drew your panties slowly down your thighs, taking his time to make sure he kissed every stretch mark along the way, his eyes never leaving yours as he watched from under his thick lashes.
“I want you to know I worship your body, baby girl, only yours” He said between teasing kisses at your apex, his lips so close to where you wanted him. “You don’t have to feel insecure, I promise, my love for you is absolute. I just need you to love yourself as much as I do.”
“Okay.” You nodded weakly as you combed your fingers through his hair. 
“Say it out loud.” He said as his hands spread your legs wider and his fingers lazily stroked through your slit. “I love myself. Go on.”
“I love myself.” You murmured as you looked away before hissing as his palm slapped your ass and you felt the spank ripple across your skin. 
“Properly.” He growled, his fingers returning to rest against your entrance.
“I love myself.”
“Better.” He smiled, pressing his fingers inside your wet core before pausing. “Again.”
Your voice was growing stronger with each affirmation that he made you repeat until finally you spoke to your own reflection, tears once again shimmering in your eyes as you found Bucky smiling proudly from where he knelt. 
“I love you.” He said with a sincerity that shook your core. “And I promise I’m going to spend every day of the rest of my life showing you just how much.”
Your own promise was lost to the heady sigh that fell from your lips as his tongue lashed through your folds before reaching your clit. Your insecurities were forgotten as he licked and sucked every thought from your mind until all you could focus on was him and the woman in the throws of a passionate orgasm in front of you. She was almost unrecognisable as pure, unadulterated pleasure radiated from every inch of her skin, bathing her in a warm glow that you could feel.
“This is what I see.” Bucky said quietly as he held your hips steady, tremors of aftershocks rolling through your body. “Isn’t she beautiful?”
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amberleighbailey25 · 3 years
This week has been exhausting. Nashy boy has been down with a nasty stomach bug. Started Wednesday at 3 am. Stayed home with him, thought he was turning a corner later that day...boy was I wrong. Wednesday night was rough. Took him to walk in clinic (kinda sad that they almost have my number memorized) gave him some Zofran to help settle his tummy. It helped a lot but the poor guy just has no energy! Hoping for an uneventful night. He and I both need a good night's sleep!!
We are ready for warm weather, sunshine and less sickness. This year has been quite a year with our babies being sick and I know they aren't the only ones.
This last year has also been a year with lots of heartbreaking losses. Here in the past 2 months, 3 young men have lost their lives. All of them have wives that love them dearly and kiddos that now have to learn how to live without their daddy. 3 women that now have to figure out a new normal. I hate it so much for them. I hate that they have joined the grief club. Just F'ing sucks. Life is just cruel and unfair. 💔
I do believe that these women will be ok. I do believe all of them have a very strong support system. They have a villiage just like I have had and continue to still have!! They are strong women and I know they will be ok.
After losing George, I feel someone else's loss a lot deeper than I ever have before, Because I know what they are going through and what lies ahead for them. It brings emotions to the surface and makes everything feel very raw. I'm sad for these women because they don't have their husband here to do life with. I'm sad for these kiddos because they were robbed. Robbed of time with their dad. So much ahead of them that their dad will miss. From the tiniest little thing like to some of the biggest/ proudest moments in their life... they don't get to share it with one of their biggest supporters. Again, it all just sucks!!
Reggie asked me last night when her daddy was coming back. 💔 That's a tough one. I can't sugar coat it.
I just said, "he isn't coming back babe, we will see him again when it's our turn to go to heaven." Her reply..."I sinks he's coming back when his head feels better." And I thought to myself ..if only it were that easy. If only God needed them for a short amount of time to heal what's broken and send them back down to us healthy and unbroken...if only it were that easy.
One day she will understand.
My heart goes to anyone hurting and missing a loved one. 💙
I am here to walk through the hell with you. 💙💔❤️
George Raymond, your "hot blooded" wife misses you something fierce.
Love you always and forever 💙
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