flynnfires · 6 years
HS! JIMIN x Bookworm! READER (Part 2)
To the girl who suggested my favorite novel,
I think you've noticed it by now-- noticed that I was a regular in the library, that in every section you were in I was there picking out a book and that across your usual spot was this chinky-eyed male with plump cheeks, and jet black hair, who wore rectangular glasses. We didn't interact, but I'm pretty sure my presence was already being acknowledged. I don't know if I was annoying you but every isle I was in, you left. I was stubborn so I’d follow you to the next isle you went to-- and the next, and the next-- until you stopped. Looking back at it now, it was a very creepy move but something told me that you didn't find it creepy at all.
In the corner of my eyes, I could only see half of your face, but that was already enough. Your eyes were staring gently at the books, glasses reflecting the title and your fingers tracing over the hardbound covers-- not even once did you look at me, but you knew that a few meters away from you, was me. And for some odd reason it put a put a smile on your face; I didn't need to see your whole face just to know that.
After that one incident, things started changing. Almost always would your attention be so concentrated on the book, but now, for once and so suddenly, our eyes would meet. Those beautifully colored eyes would break away from the pages and look at me. I gained your attention. It felt weird and embarrassing but at the same time it felt like I had accomplished something.
It felt like I won a lottery with just something as simple as eye contact. Occasionally, you would fill my stomach with thousands of butterflies with just a small but genuine smile. Goddamn, everytime that happens, I find myself smiling cheekily and I can’t even control my face to make it look like it was just a simple gesture but my body was restless; I couldn’t keep my happiness in. I hope I didn’t look dumb…
In those times we shared I contact, I thought it couldn’t get any better. I thought, maybe this was the only interaction I’ll ever get. And even if I could only look at you, I was already satisfied. One day, fate decided to give us a try. I had gone to the library that day, not only to see you, but also because I had to choose a novel for class. I was supposed to write a summary about it and also choose a character to analyze. I began getting random books that piqued my interests, and when I could barely carry all the books I chose, I settled down on a seat near the window, and started flipping the books to read a that short summary at the back. None of the books I got was interesting enough for me to even open. I could easily just choose a novel and read it but I wanted this assignment to be fun for me.
I got up and started to search for more books and as the pile on my table arose, I began losing hope. Maybe I’ll just choose some book in one of the pile, I thought as I sighed, laying my head on the wooden table. “Excuse me.” a girl’s voice made its way in my ears, and immediately I straightened my back and looked at the owner of such a beautiful voice.
It was you. At that moment, I felt my face heat up, my mind was drawing scribbles as you smiled at me with a book in your arms. “Hello.” You say softly, asa I opened my mouth, thinking of what to reply. Should I say a pick up line? Should I just respond normally? Oh god.
You tilted your head, eyes yearning for a response.
“Yes! Hello!” I hastily stood up reaching my hand out, “I’m Jimin.”
You gave the cutest laugh I’ve ever heard before you introduced yourself and accepted my handshake offer. “I-- D-Do you need anything?” I ask you, “I saw you struggling to pick a book and well… here.” You handed me the book you held in your arms. I’ve seen this book, it was the first book you held when I first saw you. “What’s this about?” I asked, getting the book, and once you heard my question, your eyes gleamed with excitement. “Well… Do you have the time for me to tell you all about it?” You clasped your hands together as you gazed at me with hope. “I do.”
And with that, we both sat down and you started to talk on and on about the book. I found it very cute how you’d hold back in some events because you wanted me to find out for myself. I know you were just itching to spoil me but you didn’t want to ruin my experience with it. From time to time while you were speaking, I admit, I wasn’t listening. Instead, I was admiring you, and hey, you can’t blame me for finding you so pretty. I’ve never been this close and I didn’t really know if we’d ever interact like this ever again so I used my time to just admire you.
Once you were done talking about it, I gave my share of reaction and I even found it nice to be able to connect some of the characters in the book she gave me to some of the novels I’ve read before. Funny enough, you knew about the book I was talking about and you geeked out even more. I swear, I really thought you couldn’t get any cuter than this.   The whole time we were talking, the twinkle in your eyes never left. The way you talked about books, about everything really just showed me how much you loved them. Your smile only convinced me even more on how much passion you have for reading. I wish this moment would never end. But it did. Your phone vibrated-- you got a text and told me you had to leave. “I hope you enjoy the book!” You say cheerfully, as you waved, walking towards the exit. “I will.” I mumble as I watched you leave. Once I was sure you were gone, I threw my fists in the air, my smile so wide that it could tear up the skin on my lips. I wasn’t conscious of it that time but the skin of my lips did tear and it bled, but it didn’t matter! I was so focused and so happy. My heart welled up with joy that I just had to shout. I got scolded by the librarian afterwards but it was worth it.
You’re worth it.
The novel you first nerded out to me about became my favorite, and up until now, it has a special place in my bookshelf. 
- Jimin
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