#supra nation
notchainedtotrauma · 11 months
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If you’re one of those heterosexual women that think that because they thought their friend was cute and you thought that a kiss was so scandalous you had to come out as something just say that. If because of the aforementioned, you’re obsessed by those imaginary constructions of predatory lesbians ready to sexually cannibalize you common to all heterosexual women just say that. And then this reinforces the idea of bisexual women as greedy little whores even as they’re not mentioned.
By the way, by essentially denying eroticism, desire, and the reality (and living beauty) of fleshiness, whatever that whatchamacallit and her virginal friends above are actually the ones objectifying women. This is actually very patriarchal, and not only so, but white supremacist.
Racialized, non Black women, are very much sexualized in specific and varied ways across racial, ethnics, intra/supra national readings, and this both within cisheterosexuality and within lesbianism (which is not bisexuality) and bisexuality (which is not lesbianism). And then Black women have a blood drenched and violated history of having their bodies branded as inherently sexually predatory while (and as consequence of) greatly sexually violated. And don’t let them be studs because all hell breaks loose. This isn’t even half but like...
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nashaalya · 1 month
communism isn't a religion, but it should be—at least, the neuroses caused by a communist movement organising itself in the manner of the catholic church would be more fun than those introduced by actually existing communism, which is rly a kind of supra-ethnic nationalism. myb i should do it. what harm could one more new religious movement do...
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kivrin · 5 months
I rewatched the pilot of seaQuest earlier this week for the first time since at least 1999, possibly much earlier. And honestly, the most farfetched thing about the show's vision of the late 2010s is the postulate that bunch of the world's governments signed on to a supra-national collab wielding military power and had the organization up and running within thirteen months. Translating dolphin speech, fine, but international cooperation, THAT'S fantasy.
When Mrs. K and I were (re)watching Star Trek: Deep Space 9 a few years ago, we kept boggling at the sheer SCALE of television seasons back in the 90s. TWENTY-TWO EPISODES, sometimes twenty-FOUR! On the one hand that gave a lot of space for an ensemble cast to be fleshed out, space that an 8-12 episode series just doesn't have. On the other, it must have been a meat-grinder of a schedule for actors and required a big team of writers... which means you needed a solid game plan and a steady leading hand to keep everyone on a consistent vision... which I don't think seaQuest had even at the beginning.
What it did have was great lighting, a cool ship (boat!), a cast giving their all, found-family dynamics, competence porn, and a good orchestral score.
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whentimeceased · 1 month
The World Before
Following the tumultuous aftermath of the Second World War, the global landscape found itself under the sway of two colossal entities, each vying for supremacy: the United States of America and The Union of Soviet Social Republics. Despite their former alignment against the Axis Powers, ideological disparities brewed an enduring enmity akin to the historic Reformation Wars. Nations found themselves ensnared in the clash of titans, yet both superpowers balked at the brink of all-out conflict, fearing the cataclysmic devastation wrought by nuclear annihilation.
Instead, the battleground of this Cold War sprawled across technological frontiers and diplomatic chessboards. Out of the ashes emerged two formidable supra-national coalitions: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Leningrad Accords. Though masquerading as mere alliances, these entities functioned more akin to feudal overlords, commanding allegiance from their respective vassal states. Born amidst the fall of China and the tumult in Korea, their primary directive was clear: solidarity among the like-minded—Communist to protect Communist, Capitalist to shield Capitalist.
Within the span of two decades post-war, technological progress surged forward with unprecedented fervor. Man achieved the historic feat of setting foot upon the lunar surface, even as the sons and daughters of Earth perished in the quagmires of Southeast Asia. Barely five years after the lunar landing, the celestial body, dubbed Luna, harbored a burgeoning populace, armed to the teeth and casting a wary gaze toward their ideological adversaries on the lunar horizon.
When the Soviet Union dispatched its Peacekeepers to Afghanistan, their arsenal boasted weaponry hitherto confined to the realm of science fiction. Beams of energy charred flesh as they pierced through opposition, heralding a new era where humanoid mechs strode alongside conventional tanks, and exosuits propelled soldiers to the threshold of superhuman prowess.
This was the world on the precipice—a world entrenched in conflict, yet poised for a paradigm shift. A world bracing itself for the dawn of a new kind of warfare.
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eternal-echoes · 8 months
“The idea which credits the State with unlimited authority is not simply an error harmful to the internal life of nations, to their prosperity, and to the larger and well-ordered increase in their well-being, but likewise it injures the relations between peoples, for it breaks the unity of supra-national society, robs the law of nations of its foundation and vigor, leads to violation of others' rights and impedes agreement and peaceful intercourse.”
- Pope Pius XII, Summi Pontificatus
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eesirachs · 11 months
What Do you mean that Hashem isn’t the only God in the Hebrew bible? Other ones exist in there? That’s so interesting.
there are no texts in the hebrew bible that are monotheistic. the composing communities co-existed in an ancient world which was penetrated, from top to bottom, by deities. there were familial gods, gods for occasion, gods for kings, on and on. pantheons were changed and exchanged. so hashem emerges as one ancient near eastern god--and a very good one, at that--in a dizzying world of many others. this god demands sole practice by his people, but will never concede sole godship. the commandment is, after all, that israelites worship only hashem, not that they maintain that hashem is the only god. the difference matters. hashem has a divine council of other heavenly hosts. he combats, personally, the gods of other nations, and in attention, the gods of families and folk. he is, again, a very good ancient near eastern god: he manages to auto-feminize despite his masculinity, to be tender and violent, natural and supra-natural. he covers the bases for his peoples' worshipping needs. but he knows he is not alone out there
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aurevoirmonty · 4 months
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"A la place de la « démocratie » et des « droits de l’homme », l’Orient gravite autour du totalitarisme, du socialisme et de l’autoritarisme, c’est-à-dire autour de divers types de régimes sociaux, dont le seul trait commun est que le centre de ces systèmes n’est pas ici l’« individu », « l’homme avec ses « droits » et ses « valeurs individuelles » particulières, mais quelque chose de supra-individuel, de supra-humain – que ce soit la « société », la « nation », le « peuple », l’« idée », la « weltanschauung », la « religion », le « culte du chef », etc. L’Orient a opposé à la démocratie libérale occidentale les types les plus variés des sociétés non-libérales, non- individualistes – de la monarchie autoritaire à la théocratie ou au socialisme."
Alexandre Douguine, De la géographie Sacrée à la géopolitique (1996)
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san-64 · 7 months
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Joining the college after a depressive year to joining the college accelerator club, I never thought it would be so fun...
The flux to the speed and sound, the rhythm of air wave tingling my ear, to the success of following race lines... I could proudly say, I am the member of team TRIDENT, which is the well known GTU team leading the heights of the national events, Edgeline championship, Indian Karting Race, Formula kart design challenge to the upcoming Formula Student <Supra>.... I could proudly represent myself as The Woman Driver!
But behind the scene it takes so much?
All days practices, bodyworks design, CAD design, social media, B-plan presentation, and the scars into making.... It's worth it!
Following one of my bucket list goals, and more to continue. Year now, and year after, and to the Years following!
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mrs-nubenueve · 2 years
What are your top three headcanons or for any character/show/movie/piece of media you have them for?
Ooooh, nice! We’ll keep it Hq!! for relevancy~
Kenma has nice cars. This is one I had to wrestle with myself on, considering he’s a Tokyo bby and his most familiar mode of transportation is most likely the public one. But, time-skip wise, he definitely has the money to splurge. And maybe high school volleyball traumatized him to the point where, out of spite, he’s vowed to never walk anywhere again (I’m sure the experience of riding on public transportation didn’t sway his resolve, either). So, yes, I like to believe he’s got some trendy cars. I imagine models like Toyota Supras or even Acura NSX’s—sleek, fast. They don’t have decals, and they aren’t chrome wrapped (I wish), but they’re shiny and dark and absolute beauties.
Imagine the gang decides to meet up for some McDonald’s. They’re waiting up. Suddenly someone’s like, “Who tf brought a Corvette stingray to the McD’s??” And, of course, it’s Kenma. Kenma, in all his messy-haired, raggedy-clothed glory. Hinata, passenger princess, pops his head out from the window with the largest grin on his face. 
And if Kuroo ever wants to go cruising, sure, Kenma concedes and tosses him the keys. But he says, to Kuroo’s horror, “Start up the Nissan.”
Akaashi’s long-hair is a choice. I think a lot of fans interpret time-skip Akaashi’s long hair as something he has because he just can’t find the time to cut it. And I definitely can see that being canon; it feels in-character, for sure. But I’ll offer a different perspective. A lot of the time-skip characters were given haircuts—probably to signal their maturity/aging. It might even be because it’s a trend right now in Japan, to have shorter hair (can’t say for sure, though). Whatever the case, Akaashi was one of the few who didn’t get this haircut treatment. But if you want to hit me with, “Well, that’s because it couldn’t get any shorter without us rioting”—you know what. Yeah. I’ll give you that one.
Anyways, his hair is probably one of the first things we all noticed when we saw his time-skip design. It’s a major change. And it’s lovely! It looks deliberately styled (if fluffy), not as if he’s too busy to take care of it. For Akaashi, who wanted to right-off-the-bat work in a ‘traditional’ literature department, it makes sense to me that he perhaps wants to experiment with longer hair—something that also holds traditional significance in Japan. I’m also of the mind that his parents are strict fellows and think that, while they could enforce their expectations/rules on him as a minor, they disapproved of their son running around with long hair. So, that’s why we see this change in adulthood only. 
Kiyoko had to like Tanaka in high school!! OK, OK. I know this one seems like it’s coming out of left field, but I’m putting it on here because I genuinely do find myself wondering about their relationship on a regular basis. Maybe ethnocentrism blinds me when I say this, but I don’t find the idea of “I’m gonna keep trying until she falls for me” romantic at all. Especially considering the fact that Kiyoko legitimately showed no interest in Tanaka, ever, and his and Noya’s gushing over her typically centered on her appearance. Another disclaimer: maybe I’m missing something that’s portrayed differently in the manga, which I began reading at the nationals arc because I wanted to know what happened after the events of s1-4 of the anime. But, yes, Tanaka’s fanning over her felt like a running gag retconned into seriousness. And for me to reconcile their relationship, I have to believe that Kiyoko in her journal was secretly doodling “K+R” and “Tanaka Kiyoko” in hearts. We love a cool, calm, collected love-struck queen.
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dag-hammarskjold · 6 months
[T]he United Nations is not in any sense a supra-natural authority, it is not difficult for intelligent and well-informed people to accept that statement intellectually. But it seems to be more difficult to base policy and judgenent upon the logical conclusions that should be drawn from this fact. There are so many aspects of the United Nations that contribute to the misleading but persistent mental image of a government. It has a written constitution. Its organs debate and vote in a manner resembling parliamentary institutions on a world scale. Its very name is in a sense deceptive. So there persist tendencies to try to deal with world problems in the United Nations by legislative fiat and to judge its record and its usefulness as if it were a rather ineffectual attempt at world government. And when the Members of the United Nations appear year after year to be disunited in most things, disillusion mounts. For some, faced with the desperate anxieties of our age, this leads to advocacy of strengthening the United Nations by endowing it with genuine powers of world government. I have sympathy for the idealism of such friends, but they are seeking to escape the consequences of history by constitutional magic. Who can look out upon our deeply divided world and conceive it to be possible that such nations as the United Kingdom, United States or the Soviet Union would cede any significant element of its national sovereignty to a common supra-national authority? Others are tempted to go in the opposite direction. Harassed by the necessity to wrestle day after day with intractable problems, with one emergency after another, world organization sometimes seems to be just an added complication rather than a help in finding the answers. So they are inclined to concentrate the policies and programs of the governments in other channels that appear on the surface to be more in accord with political realities. I have sympathy also for this attitude, yet it is as unrealistic in its way as the other. Those who would follow such a course are also attempting to escape the consequence of history. Just as the diversity of the nations makes world government impossible, so the interdependence of the nations has made world organization necessary.
Text of address by Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld at pilgrims dinner, London, 18 March 1954
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mariacallous · 2 years
This article is a preview of DigiChina's forthcoming in-depth report on the Cyberspace Administration of China.
On July 2, 2021, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) abruptly launched its first ever cybersecurity review, targeting ride-hailing juggernaut DiDi Global just two days after it raised US$4.4 billion in a New York initial public offering, citing unspecified potential data and national security risks. The CAC also suspended new user registrations during the review, to prevent any expansion of risks. It then quickly issued additional orders to remove DiDi’s apps from Chinese stores for illegally collecting personal information.
The CAC’s actions caught markets by surprise. Under existing law and practice, DiDi’s U.S. share sale did not require Chinese government approval, nor did it appear to involve the purchase or installation of goods and services that might endanger cybersecurity, which was the standard at the time to trigger a cybersecurity review per then-current legislation. Indeed, the CAC on July 10, 2021, published a proposed revision of applicable rules to require a cybersecurity review in advance of foreign listings by companies that qualify as critical information infrastructure operators and hold personal information of more than one million people. 
After more than a year, during which DiDi’s share price and market value halved since its New York listing, the CAC released a short statement on its decision to impose a US$1.2 billion fine on the company for unspecified violations of the cybersecurity, data security, and personal information protection laws. A more detailed question and answer between an unnamed CAC official and journalists listed many unlawful behaviors by DiDi but failed to explain what factors prompted the cybersecurity review. The full decision document for the review was withheld on national security grounds, obscuring the precise legal basis for the fine, and thus raising many questions and leaving other market participants without guidance on how to navigate China’s complex and ever-evolving regulatory ecosystem for cybersecurity.
The CAC’s surprise crackdown on DiDi, while not entirely unexpected, and its abrupt announcement concerning the DiDi fine, put an international spotlight on the secretive regulator and raised questions about the exercise and basis of its authority. Already subject to antitrust, labor, and privacy protection scrutiny, DiDi may have angered the CAC by moving ahead with its U.S. IPO after the regulator requested a delay to enable a cybersecurity review. The extended review process of more than a year—exceeding the original statutory scope and stipulated general period of 45 days or up to 3.5 months in contested cases (changed to five months under the revised rules)—and lack of a public decision on the case suggest the CAC may have been motivated more by political than data security concerns. 
The CAC’s original remit to manage and enforce requirements for online content has been expanded and codified in law to include policy and regulation on cybersecurity, data security, and privacy. The CAC thus enjoys potential jurisdiction as a supra-ministerial regulator over virtually all state and private sectors touched by nearly ubiquitous online activity. While other Chinese authorities have also been active in a regulatory rectification unleashed in November 2020 with the last-minute suspension of the Ant Group’s planned IPO, the CAC is no ordinary Chinese regulatory agency. It is a merged party-state institution listed under the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
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dodger-chan · 1 year
Tagged by @other-peoples-coats for ten songs.
Now, as an ancient being from the dark ages of physical media, I developed a habit of listening to music by album. Not always, not now that I store mp3s on my phone, but when it's not just background noise, when I'm actually going to stop and listen to the music, it tends to be in units of album.
So, in the order in which I think of them, here are ten songs off the last album I sat down and listened to:
Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago
Moon Sammy
Screenwriter Blues
Sugar Free Jazz
Down to This
Casiotone Nation
Blue-eyed Devil
True Dreams of Wichita
Mr. Bitterness
(finishing out the album is Bus To Beelzebub, Supra Genius, City of Motors, and Zoom Zip)
The album is Ruby Vroom, by Soul Coughing, because I can't spend more than ten minutes thinking about 90s song lyrics without needing to revisit Soul Coughing (I swear I listened to other bands as a teenager, this one just really stuck with me).
As for tags, who haven't I seen these from yet @sharpbutsoft , @greenlikethesea , @sthound , @good-f0r-her , @nico-di-angelfish , @babeluda , @threewaywithdelusion @counting-dollars-counting-stars , @motsimages , and anyone else who's interested in playing along.
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vomitdodger · 2 years
Good read. He really gets the evil and corruption. Portion of interview below.
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A “silent coup” is a coup d’état that takes place without the use of force, carried out by a government that exercises power in an unconstitutional way.
In this case the coup was carried out in all the Western nations almost simultaneously, beginning with the first years of the 1990s. For Italy, this coup began with the divestment of investee companies and the privatization of services that normally burdened the treasury, such as health and transportation services, following the directives given by high finance to Mario Draghi on June 2, 1992, on the yacht Britannia. Yes, Mario Draghi, who at the time was General Director of the Ministry of the Treasury and whom then- President of the Italian Republic Francesco Cossiga called a “cowardly businessman.” In other nations this coup took place in an analogous way, with a series of progressive transfers of sovereignty to supra-national entities like the European Commission, the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. With the introduction of the euro [in 2002], monetary sovereignty was removed from the nations adhering to the Maastricht Treaty, transferring it to the European Central Bank, which is a private bank. This bank decides the rate with which it finances national budgets, using money that these same nations have already given it. In practice, the European Central Bank demands interest on money that it only returns a penny at a time, and only on certain conditions: reforms, cuts in public spending, the imposition of laws promoting gender equality, abortion rights, the indoctrination of children, etc. The introduction of a balanced budget requirement into the [Italian] Constitution – as if the State was a company – was also part of the silent coup.
All the members of these bodies, including the same rulers who have been appointed at the recommendation of non-elected powers or have succeeded in winning election thanks to the manipulation of information, are at the same time the servants of high finance power groups or of large investment funds – some were their employees, such as Draghi of Goldman Sachs – others became employees after their term ended. Just like the drug agencies and health organizations are composed of former BigPharma employees, who often receive consulting contracts and who are paid by the very pharmaceutical companies they are supposed to be keeping an eye on.
Up until the pandemic, power was in practice still managed at least formally by individual nations, and laws were passed by Parliaments. But for the last two years, the Parliaments have been deprived of authority, and all those whom the World Economic Forum and other lobbies have succeeded in placing at the high levels of governments and international institutions have begun to legislate against the Constitution and the interests of the Nation, obeying orders given to them from on high – “from the markets,” they tell us – which in fact is made up of a very small number of multinational corporations that engulf competing companies, flatten professional skills with damage to the quality of the product, and reduce the protection and wages of workers thanks to the complicity of unions and of the Left.
In short, we are governed by a high command of usurers and speculators, from Bill Gates who invests in large farms right on the eve of the food emergency or in vaccines just before the outbreak of the pandemic, to George Soros, who speculates on the fluctuations of currencies and government bonds and along with Hunter Biden finances a bio-laboratory in Ukraine.
To think that there is no relationship between the instigators of these crimes and those who carry them out at the highest levels of national governments, the EU, and the UN is a sign of bad faith, because even a child could understand that we are held hostage by a group of technocrats who are ideologically deviant and morally corrupt. The peoples of the world need to reclaim their sovereignty, which has been usurped by the globalist elite.
The instigators of this crime show themselves proudly at the Davos Forum, at meetings of the Trilateral Commission or the Bilderberg Group along with the rulers, prime ministers, directors of newspapers and television broadcasters, CEOs of social bankers and directors of social platforms and multinational corporations, bankers and directors of ratings agencies, presidents of foundations and self-styled philanthropists. All of these share the same agenda – which they publish on their websites – and are so confident in their own power that they affirm it with impunity – as Soros and Schwab have recently done – that it is necessary to create a narrative to be conveyed through the mainstream media, in order to make their decisions acceptable to the people. They embrace censorship and mass manipulation as instrumentum regni, and we have had proof of this both with the pandemic farce as well as with the pro-Zelensky propaganda in Ukraine.
We must understand that our rulers are traitors of our Nation who are devoted to the elimination of populations, and that all of their actions are carried out in order to cause the greatest amount of harm to citizens. It is not a problem of inexperience or inability but rather of an intentio nocendi – a deliberate intention to harm. Honest citizens find it inconceivable that those who govern them could do it with the perverse intention of undermining and destroying them, so much so that they find it very hard to believe. The main cause of this very serious problem is found in the corruption of authority along with the resigned obedience of those who are governed.
The Catholic Church also, beginning with the revolution of Vatican II and above all during the last nine years of the Bergoglian “pontificate,” has experienced the same cognitive dissonance: the faithful and the Clergy have resigned themselves to obeying mere cynical officials – who are no less corrupt and perverted than their counterparts in the deep state – although it has been evident that the purpose of the alleged “reforms” has always been the systematic destruction of the Church by its highest leaders, who are heretics and traitors. And I note that the deep church has had recourse to the same false arguments in order to pass off the doctrinal, moral, and liturgical dissolution: first of all, the false contention that those reforms were requested “from the ground up” and not imposed with force from on high. Just like the reforms planned by the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg group, and the Trilateral are adopted by their infiltrators in the highest levels of nations and international organisms, making it appear that their plans are ratified by popular consent.
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papirouge · 1 year
Do you know anything about Italy? Why do so many people hate the new Italian minister?
Not really familiar with Italy, and never been there. Sounds pretty but I'll never forget the story of that racist man who shoot on the street on Black passerbys....
Are talking about that Meloni woman?
She far right? That's why people hate her.
It was funny seeing her drag France/Macron for imposing the Franc CFA to West African countries (basically west African countries money is calibrated on FRANCE money level, which is scandalous bc those countries don't have money sovereignty. This standard goes back to when they were French colonies...... and it never changed even after those countries got their "independence" 💀) but she's still a White euro and it's obvious she doesn't really care about Africans. Like many white rightoids she loves using Africans struggle when it's useful to diss her opponent, not from a genuine place of concern...(rightoids do the same with the Arabs slavery on Black Africans - they bring it up to dunk on Muslim, not bc they want to see Black African treated like human beings)
But also rightoids hate her because and feel she's a traitor because she's shown herself to be the European parliament lapdog, saying she wouldn't go against what they say..... A growing number of European countries (far) right movement are against the European parliament they consider as overstepping their own country sovereignty (for example, the EU parliament fixes immigration rates, and how far countries should be indepted - which is insane imo)
It's said the the retirement age reform has been reinforced by EU parliament which one of the reasin why even rightoids are against this reform, bc rightoids want their respective country soverign and not having reforms hushed in by a supra national entities whose president hasn't even been elected (Ursula von der Leyen)
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