#sure i love choices. there was some good in there. ilitw you will always be famous
vigilskeep · 1 year
Please tell me you aren't playing any of the new playchoices games, you deserve better 💀💀 Blades was one of their last decent games. It's tragic
oh no i think blades was the last one i played... all i do now is occasionally get possessed by the madnesses and go into the tags so i can remember the suffering of the poor souls still in the trenches and never again go thence lest i share their tormented fate
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cadybear420 · 6 months
Cadybear's Reviews- Murder at Homecoming
Welcome to the thirty-seventh official Cadybear's Reviews! Today I'll be talking about Murder at Homecoming, which I have ranked on the "Platinum Tier" at 9 stars out of a possible 10. My last and only playthrough of this was during September-December 2022.
This is definitely one of the better, if not the best release, of 2022, and it’s easily among my personal faves. 
A MC who is proactive and gets shit done, multiple LIs, highly compelling story. How can I not love that? All three of the LIs are amazing characters– and Tyler especially is just precious. I think he’s the first love interest I have ever adored nearly as much as I’ve adored Aiden. I miss when we had male LIs that are just so babygirl. 
The incorporation of mature topics and queer themes was especially excellent. MTFL, take notes! Because THIS is how you write a teen story that talks about queer sexuality and mature behaviors. Besides maybe BiBound I mean BloodBound, this is probably the first book in Choices where each LI has some degree of confirmed sexuality outside of their LI option status for the MC. 
One thing that’s especially notable is how Tyler will talk about how he used to think he was straight if you romance him as a male or enby MC. I normally don’t mind much when LIs in GOC stories are made with the “playersexual” style of writing, but these sort of little changes are a good show of effort and give Tyler more character.
But of course, it’s not without a handful of problems. 
Like COP (1), the story is incredibly linear and none of the clues or choices really affect your story. Sure, they give you a bit of extra background, but that’s about it. 
The only choices that really have any impact are the stuff related to the queer discussions, Tyler’s romance route, and how the options for how your MC can talk about their queer experience can change based on your MC’s gender and romance choices. Which is still highly praiseworthy, don’t get me wrong, but I’d have loved to see some variation in the other elements of the book too.
And as much as I did enjoy this MC and do consider them one of the more refreshing ones, they were also a bit too rigid and pre-set for me at times. I get that some MCs will need to have pre-set details about them, and to some degree that does apply to this MC, but it was a bit much at times. Like, there was especially no need to give them a default first AND last name. I do like the aspect of MC preferring to go by their middle name, but we still could have been allowed to change their first and last names too, to be honest. 
I found it really hard to feel for the loss of Perdita for this reason; the traumatic event backstory didn’t feel as well established, compared to that of ILITW and ACOR MCs. Though to be fair, I do remember there being a handful of premium scenes to see a memory with Perdita, and I do remember skipping all but two of them. 
But even then, I never felt she had quite as much importance as the writers clearly wanted her to have? Outside of being a motivator for MC to solve Gabbie’s case and allowing MC to connect with Donovan better. Maybe my opinion on this might change after I give it a replay, though. 
That being said, I’m actually fine with the story not telling us what really happened to Perdita, as much as I’d have loved a continuation for this book. MC not knowing what happened to Perdita is what motivated them to solve Gabbie’s case, and in that regard, the two cases kind of juxtapose one another. Whereas MC is able to get closure for Gabbie’s case, they don’t do that for Perdita’s case.
That makes the ending a little more nuanced in my opinion. Sometimes, we don’t always get closure for these kinds of things. While I’m still mixed on how well the story integrated Perdita, this message was handled decently and didn’t feel like it was in bad spirit. 
So if there were a continuation for this story, I wouldn’t mind it being centered around MC finding Perdita, motivated to work on that case more actively after their success with Gabbie’s case. But rather than having them solve the case, it can mostly center around them struggling between whether they should keep up that search, or leave it as a cold case and move on. 
Overall, definitely a higher-tier and very respectable story that definitely deserves a replay. 
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adrrianraines · 5 years
hi! i just started playing choices, and i wanted to hear your opinion on what books are worth spending diamonds for and what books aren't. thank you so much :))
hi there love, welcome to the fandom!! enjoy the circus! it gets rowdy but it’s entertaining– 🤡
i just wanna tell u that my opinion may differ from others so you’re free to seek other opinions too if you deemed my answer unsatisfacory ! so lemme list to u what books are worth to waste diamonds on and which ones are not in my opinion. the ones i might have not mentioned are probably in between or in the middle.
so, for diamond spending, if you’re kinda on the economic budget level of can afford to purchase some-many, then these books are the bomb and would definitely be worth your penny.
i. : bloodbound. pretty ironic huh considering i’m a bloodbound idiot myself. lmao. but it’s worth every penny if u haven’t farmed enough diamonds! also yes you can farm in this app. the reward system is pretty generous once u know how to utilize it. tho some LIs wouldn’t have an immediate diamond option while others have one almost immediately, just weigh whether u need to purchase it or not. the diamond scenes for each LI is equally compelling and incredibly worth it. what i do tho for the most efficient way of spending those ingame currencies is that i don’t buy all outfits. u don’t actually need it. some scenes may suggest but honestly? ive tried having the outfits and not having it and it’s not that much of a difference. i keep the diamonds to spend for important scenes such as the tapestries for back stories and some diamond scenarios that might be informative/entertaining. i’ve bought all diamond options for Adrian so sue me
ii. : the royal romance/heir. same thing with bloodbound. sure, the hair options are majestic. the outfits? have u seen other books release stylish outfits? i personally have not. it’s really magnificent. although sometimes pb milks it, if you’re smart & can live with letting down ur LI for not spending a penny on their vanilla smuts and group gatherings then you’re good to go! just spend it on important pieces of scenes/info that are being paywalled by pb for god knows what reason. trust me, you might be baited but not all diamond options are actually worth it. i love trr/trh don’t get me wrong but this bitch is poor so sure as heck not gonna spend my diamonds like a mad banshee on random shenanigans.
iii. : open heart. dear god. the backbone of all those reused faces in like whatever new book that comes out with pb as of late. jesus. btw the diamond options are worth it! i like to spend diamonds for my LI and some options that are needed by the plot. you’ll know which are those once u get to start the book! i just don’t buy anything related to appearances unless it’s necessary to the plot. pb ain’t gonna bait this broke bitch because if my LI truly loves me they’ll accept me even if i wear a garbage bag
iv. : platinum. okay? where should i begin? because u actually need diamonds in this book? hello? i started this book without spending diamonds and where did that take me? a broken guitar, missed opportunities and slow rising fanbase lmao. so please do yourself a favor, save up and check out walkthroughs on how to survive being a star without spending diamonds like crazy. there are actually various options available but u can check it urself so u will be guided. i made terrible choices with my brokeass here and let’s just not talk about that
v. : it lives anthology ( it lives in the woods & it lives beneath ) anyone who knew my ass will know that i’m so much of a cheapskate that i didn’t spend a single diamond on this godtier book and i survived just fine. u can check walkthroughs but i doubt it’ll be much of a help since most of the critical choices are timed and u need to use 200% of ur brain to survive this mess. lmao. okay not 200% but u get my point. ilitw requires to many diamond options to raise nerves of ur crew but u will be fine if u just spend it on important stuff. BUT SURPRISE BITCH LMAO EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT OTHERWISE U R DEAD OR UR FRIENDS ARE DEAD LMAO. but in ilitw u can save the maximum survivors by just making all the right choices!
don’t even get me started on ilb. it lives beneath? THE BITCH DIES BENEATH. LIKE HOW– THE AUDACITY– i lost a fucking pinky because i was too much of a coward to spend my nonexistent diamonds. like how dare thee! lmao. just... just spend ur diamonds for this for the most critical and crucial circumstances. make the correct choices and then you’re good to live. it also has options on where u don’t need to spend diamonds but still making the correct choices under pressure either by timed or by confusion contributes greatly to this story.
vi. : nightbound. YES. YES PLEASE. nightbound is 100% worth to spend on. have u seen that hair? god i love that ombre color!! also uhhh please buy some weapons for ur own good lmao. and just be wise on where those diamonds are going. i always stick by a rule whenever it comes to spending ingame currencies– don’t buy if it’s not necessary to the plot. just purchase what is important, collect information to unlock scenes at the end and choose ur choices wisely. don’t die.
vii. : the elementalists. now. this book. GDI THIS BOOK. this is freaking diamond book???? whenever u spend ur day with ur LI gosh it will ask for diamonds. ( ily beckett dear but ur gf is a brokeass bitch & i cant always spend time with u picking flowers or hanging out with merpeople /crying obscenely ) there are diamond options here that are more important than the smexy scenes with ur LI. diamond options that will allow u to learn things and get equipments that will be ultra useful for the story and plot. what i love about this book is that it’s so personalized to the point that u might feel u truly r ur mc that’s why u might be compelled to purchase things such as outfits and etc but honestly? i went to the dance with the most lameass garb but still got to enjoy it just the same. but the diamonds you spend to learn new infos and heighten ur power? those are the most worth it tbfh. also some non diamond options are actually good than the diamond ones so enjoy familiarizing the world of brokeass people while playing. that’s just me telling u that since im broke i didnt get to glimpse those diamond options sob
viii. : a courtesan of rome. YOOOOOOO this book is wild lmao! i’m incredibly torn whether to tell u to waste ur diamonds for ur LIs or be frugal and choose wisely. follow ur heart while playing this. i absolutely loved how, even if not wearing the most delightful garbs, ACOR mc still kills it as a courtesan. u know what they say, true beauty shines even in the darkest places or the smarmiest set of clothes. she can wear a guard’s armor and she still be slayin. very pretty. i’m in awe.
ix. : perfect match. more like the perfect way to go broke lmao. honestly a god tier book. spend wisely and watch out for options that will ask u to spend diamonds to contribute to the plot. some options will ask u like honestly the other books so by now you know what to do. stay for the plot. it’s really great. and while u r playing please tell eros they suck. 😌
x. : mother of the year. i beg of you to spend ur diamonds on ur child please they deserve the world.
xi. : desire and decorum. honestly speaking i haven’t done that much diamond spending except for my upcoming wedding in book 3 so yes. same applies with what i said, look out and watch for options that will require u to spend but will provide u juicy information as a result. i haven’t bought a single outfit for my mc. i just bought diamond options for my LI and some for some important info and perhaps a bit of information for investigations.
xii. : ride or die: a bad boy romance. GOD. SPEND THOSE DIAMONDS. SPEND THOSE DIAMONDS 🚨🚨 THIS IS NOT A DRILL I TELL YOU. lmao jk but heyyyy god tier book with worth it purchases ! awesome character designs whispers mona eherm i’ll probably replay to try colt’s route since i’ve honestly only been all about mona for this book but yes. worth the diamonds ! in this book i have spoiled myself and honestly every diamond purchase with the mpc is super duper ultra worth it !
xiii. : books like wishful thinking, veil of secrets, endless summer, the crown and the flame are god tier books that are incredibly worth it for ur diamonds. trust me. tcatf actually has a point system where u can gain in game points and can choose whether to use it or use diamonds for certain options. honestly godtier. endless summer has an interesting way in gaining and losing nerve points and relationship points too! veil of secrets needs ur diamonds for investigation and clue finding and wishful thinking has a very unique premise. everything is worth it.
xiv. : i’m adding the freshman series because /zig ortega/ is worth every penny please and also HSS Class Act and HSS. if you’ve played pb’s highschool story which is a separate app then you’ll enjoy these books.
some books like AME and RCD will require u to spend diamonds for options and might demand it for the plot but i got through everything there and really u can play it without doing so.
honey please don’t spend diamonds for home for the holidays and sunkissed. please. i beg of you. unless u spend diamonds for eliana then fine forgiven but ugh. just please no.
the books i haven’t mentioned like RoE is something i honestly wouldn’t mind with or without spending diamonds. the story is just the same. some are paywalled options. leo’s options are actually interesting since it will shed some light for cordonia but i havent seen pb tackle it directly to the main trr series so idk about that.
others can add some info too to help our dearest friend here so if you must, feel free to jump the ship and add 💞✨
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endlessflame · 5 years
Family Reunion (Connor x MC, Logan x MC)
Summary: Maribel (RoD MC) and her family, including her cousin Vanessa (ILITW MC), get together in Lake Tahoe, California for a family reunion.
Rating: M
Author’s note: This is for @cora-nova‘s Choices August Challenge, bonus prompt Family Reunion.
Tags: @choices-august-challenge @cora-nova @brightpinkpeppercorn @mfackenthal @desiree-0816
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Maribel closed the door to her hotel room and began walking towards the elevator. She was looking forward to seeing her mother's side of the family again. It had been too long since they were all together. They were spread out along the West Coast; she and her father were in Los Angeles, her maternal grandparents were in San Diego, Uncle Tony was in San Francisco, and Aunt Sara, Uncle Fernando, and her cousin Vanessa were in Westchester, Oregon. They had chosen Lake Tahoe as the site of their family reunion because it was a central location. As she walked down the hall of her floor, she heard a door open.
She turned around, rushed over to Vanessa, and gave her a hug. "It's so good to see you!"
"You too!" Vanessa motioned to the young blond man beside her. "This is Connor. Connor, this is my cousin Maribel."
Maribel smiled at him warmly. "It's nice to meet you, Connor. Vanessa's told me a lot about you."
"Oh, has she?  Connor grinned. "It's nice to meet you too."
Vanessa looked to Maribel. "Don't tell Grandma and Grandpa that Connor and I are sharing a room, OK?"
"Of course! They'd probably want to drag you off to confession immediately."
They took the elevator downstairs and headed to the hotel restaurant, where the family was meeting for dinner. Her father, grandparents, Sara, and Fernando were already seated at a large table. They sat down and began talking.
Not long afterward, Connor turned to Maribel. "You weren't kidding about confession, were you?"
"No, why?" Her question was answered as a priest approached the table. "Oh! That's our great-uncle Pedro."
Vanessa looked from Connor to Pedro. "Uncle Pedro, this is my boyfriend Connor."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Father," said Connor.
A few minutes later, Tony walked in with another man, younger than him, with blond hair that had been partially dyed green. "Hi, everyone. This is Greg."
Maribel's grandparents looked at each other, and then her grandmother turned to face Greg. "I'm Tony's mother, Silvia, and this is my husband Manuel." She then turned to Tony. "I didn't know you were bringing a friend."
"Greg moved in with me recently," said Tony.
"Oh, you brought your roommate!" Silvia glanced at Pedro, then looked at Tony pointedly.
Tony glared at his mother. Before he could say anything, the waiter arrived. After everyone had ordered, he brought a bottle of wine for the table.
"None for you," Maribel's father said to her.
"Fine, I'll have a Diet Coke." After everything she had been through with Logan, she was no innocent, but apparently a glass of wine with dinner was still too much to ask for, even though everyone else was having some.
Once they all had their drinks, Manuel raised his glass. "To our family. Salud!"
The others raised their glasses as well. "Salud!"
"Nice tattoo, Maribel!" said Tony.
Maribel smiled. "Thanks."
"Don't encourage her," her father said.
Like she couldn't make up her own mind! "I was thinking of getting another one, actually."
"You should come visit me. I'll take you to a great tattoo parlor. Rahim's work is magical." Tony grinned. "And he's easy on the eyes, too."
When their food arrived, Pedro led them in prayer. "Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen."
They began eating, and continued to catch up with each other. Maribel filled in her family on her first year at Langston.
Silvia directed her attention towards Vanessa and Connor. "You two have been together for a while now. Are you engaged yet?"
"Not officially," said Vanessa. "We want to get married eventually, but not yet. I want to go to grad school first. Then my friend Dan and I want to open up a practice together. He's going to be a counselor, and I want to do animal-assisted therapy."
"Vanessa is so good with animals," said Sara. "When we came back from Portugal a few years ago, she had adopted a kitten, tamed a crow, and was petsitting our neighbor's dog. It was like coming home to a zoo!"
"And what about you, Maribel? There must be lots of nice young men at Langston. Have you met anyone special?" Silvia asked.
Maribel reached up and touched the sparkplug that hung around her neck. She never took it off; she always wanted a piece of Logan close to her heart. She still wasn't over him, and she wondered if she ever would be. "No, I'm focusing more on my studies." Maybe she'd better change the subject. Logan was still a sore subject with her father, and she didn't want to risk him coming up. "So, what are we doing tomorrow?"
"It's going to be a nice sunny day," said Fernando. "How about we go to the lake? We could swim, or go boating."
"Good thing Uncle Pedro's here, in case we need an exorcism," said Vanessa.
Silvia's eyes widened. "What?"
"You never know what might be out there," Vanessa pointed out. "And I heard things from my friend Milla. What if the lake is haunted?"
"You have such a vivid imagination," Sara said. "I'm sure it will be fine."
"Anyone want to check out the casino tonight?" asked Greg.
"I do!" replied Tony.
Manuel shook his head. "You're throwing your money away."
"Greedy people try to get rich quick but don’t realize they’re headed for poverty. Proverbs 28:22," said Pedro.
Tony looked to Maribel, Vanessa, and Connor. "You guys want to come?"
Maribel thought about the last time that she had been in a casino. She still had nightmares about being trapped in the vault after seeing Jason stab a member of his task force to death. When the gas grenade had gone off, she thought she was going to die. "No, I had a really bad experience in a casino. I'm afraid it might bring back memories."
"You lost big, huh?" Tony asked.
"I almost lost everything." If Logan hadn't opened the vault and rescued her, she would have lost her life.
Vanessa looked at Maribel sympathetically, then turned back to Tony. "We'll pass too. Connor and I will keep Maribel company."
Later than night, Maribel went to Vanessa and Connor's room, and the three of them spent time talking. Without the older generations, they could speak more freely.
"You're an artist, right?" Maribel asked Connor.
Connor nodded. "I mostly do sculpture."
"Are you any good at drawing?"
"It's not what I usually do, but I can draw, yeah."
Maribel looked at Vanessa. "Did you tell him what I went through last summer?"
"Of course not. That's between us."
Maribel turned to Connor. "You know how I said I wanted to get another tattoo? I was hoping maybe you could design it for me."
"Sure, what did you have in mind?"
She took a deep breath. "Last summer I found out that I was pregnant. I know it wouldn't have been easy, but I wanted to keep the baby." Tears welled up in her eyes. "But...I lost it."
"Oh God, I'm so sorry." Connor leaned in and gave her a hug.
"Thanks. Anyway, I thought it would be nice to get a tattoo in memory of my baby. I was thinking of an angel with a ribbon wrapped around its robe, half blue and half pink, since I don't know if the baby was a boy or a girl. That's the miscarriage ribbon. And maybe you could make the angel look like a combination of me and Logan. The father." Maribel reached for her phone and opened up the photo app. She scrolled through her pictures and found one of Logan, then showed it to Connor. "That's him."
"I would be honored." Connor walked over to the desk and found a pad of paper. He sketched the design, then showed it to Maribel and Vanessa. "Here's a rough idea of what it would look like. You'll have to imagine how it would look with the colors."
Maribel was overwhelmed with emotions as she looked at the drawing. "It's so beautiful. Thank you so much."
"You're welcome. I hope I did it justice."
"You did." Maribel touched her shoulder. "Think it would look good here? I like the idea of an angel on my shoulder."
"Definitely," Connor told her.
"That's perfect," said Vanessa.
"I bet Logan would love it too," said Maribel.
"Are you in touch with him at all?" Vanessa asked.
"Not as often as I would like. But at least I know how to reach him." Maribel picked up her phone and took a picture of the sketch, then sent a text to Logan. This is the tattoo I want to get in memory of our baby. Do you like it?
A little later, Logan replied. I love it. It's beautiful, and so are you. I miss you.
Maribel smiled as she read the text. "He loves it," she told Connor and Vanessa. "I hope you can meet him someday."
"I hope we can too. I know you miss him." Vanessa hugged Maribel tightly. "Remember, I'm always here for you. We're family."
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naimaschoice · 6 years
Considering the fact that I was probably one of the few people that rolled my eyes at the end of the ILITW epilogue when they announced a sequel, I am actually quite surprised that I found ILB as enjoyable as I did. That being said I’m mainly going to primarily remember it for fixing all the issues I had with the ILITW epilogue and further enhancing ILITW’s story line all because of how they handled Noah’s dynamic with a sacrificed!MC.
 When I first played ILITW, Naima (my MC) was able to get through to Noah and reason with him, thereby giving me a choice about who is going to get sacrificed. I chose Naima. I had characterized her as someone who’s courageous, impulsive, and compassionate (also I joined the make Noah a LI train super late and decided that she loved him during this very scene ) so it would be in character for her to sacrifice herself. In addition, I felt that Noah sacrificing himself was not a solution and it really felt like he was running away from the consequences of his actions. I wanted him to stay alive, face what he did, and repent. 
So I made the choice and as brutal as it was, I loved it at first. Throughout the book we consistently saw Naima be haunted by her memories of Jane and watching her briefly reunite with Jane felt like an emotionally satisfying conclusion to her story. Seeing Noah broken up over Naima’s death was painful but as somebody who always loved some good angst I was pleased by how affected he was. ...And then the epilogue happened and I felt like I got slapped in the face.
Everybody talks about how awful it is that nobody except Connor talks about the MC being dead, which is true, but what really bothered me was Noah’s scene at the end. As somebody who was really hoping that him living would result in him facing the consequences and owning up to his mistakes, it looked like Noah was doing the exact opposite. And just like everyone else (minus Connor ofc) not a single mention of Naima, only Jane. 
I thought this was the last we would see of these characters. I thought Noah would never come back. Luckily I was wrong. The writers not only did everything I wanted but they surpassed my expectations. They had Noah, despite the fact that he is on the run, risk it all and come back to Naima. He stood by her side for years, doing everything to help her regain her humanity and hold on to some semblance of her identity which as we could see from the diamond scene in the ILITW epilogue is not an easy thing to do. He made sure that Naima wouldn’t be all alone like Jane was. And while I would have forgiven him just for this, Noah sure didn’t. He continues to acknowledge that what he did was wrong and believes that whatever atonement he does will never be enough. The weight of his remorse is evident.  It isn’t until Naima responds to his personal apology and tells him “that it doesn’t matter” and they have that long ass hug where “they stay like that silent for a while” that he finally seems to be at peace with everything. And it’s beautiful.
So thank you PB for letting this happen. Thank you for bringing Noah back letting him redeem himself. Thank you for the soft interactions between him and the MC that are ambiguous in such a way that the user can interpret their relationship in whatever way they wish to. Thank you fixing the lowest point in an otherwise phenomenal story, making it even stronger in the process.  
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thedepthsremember · 6 years
ILITW Week Day 4: “Anxiety”
It Lives In The Woods appreciation week continues! 
Pairing: Lucas x MC (Dana). Partially inspired by a prompt by @breaumonts​, which I finally finished! 
Tags: @choicesaholic @nuttatulipa @teamtomsato @imissmaxwell @fullbeaumonty @breaumonts @littlecrookedheart​
Lucas’s car isn’t in his spot.
Dana frowns as she scans the parking lot. Okay, so it’s not technically his spot. Student council president doesn’t get a reserved space or anything, but Lucas being Lucas is in the habit of arriving way too early, which does grant him his choice of prime parking. 
So it’s after school, and Lucas wasn’t outside her classroom, at the office, or in the auditorium -- and his car is not where it always is. 
Luckily, by now most of the cars have sped off to enjoy the gorgeous spring day, and Dana’s finally able to spy her boyfriend’s ride at the very back of the lot. Irritation and confusion swirl in her, trying their best to cover up the worry. Her steps speed up as she gets close enough to see it’s occupied, and she jogs the last few feet.
“Hey! Hey, what the heck, why didn't you… wait for me…" She trails off, realizing his head is bowed between his arms as he clutches the steering wheel, unmoving. Her heart freezes.
“Lucas?” She quickly moves around to the passenger side door--mercifully unlocked--and slides in, backpack dropping to the floor. “Lucas, Lucas hey,” she babbles, shaking his arm.
“Hi,” he whispers.
She feels her entire body unclench at the sound of his voice. “Jesus, you scared me.” She doesn’t know what she expected. Mr--Ja--Noah is back and murdering them in their cars?
No. She knows what this is.
“Sorry,” he whispers. 
“No, it's ok. Hey, breathe, okay? That's it. There you go.” She rubs his back slowly, feeling his inhales and exhales follow the trail of her fingers up and down his back, pulling him out of his head and back to her. 
Finally, he lifts his head up to look at her. “Thank you, I'm okay now. Sorry," he adds again, and she immediately shakes her head, insides twisting as she wishes, again, that she could do more to stop this from happening. Not many people get to see behind the facade of Lucas Thomas, the guy who can do everything.
“You wanna talk about it?” 
He shoots her a small grateful smile. “It’s just… You know, tonight I don’t have any committee meetings, so I was going to catch up on a bunch of things, and--” he nods his head towards her with a small smile-- “maybe spend time with you, and then Flores came up to me after class and asked if I can come early tomorrow to help set up for the assembly, which would be fine, but she also wants me to start things off with a speech, and...” 
“Yeah, so I have to figure that out tonight and give it first period tomorrow… and... I just, I'd already had tonight all mapped out, and... and I just…” he trails off.
“Yeah. That’s a lot.” Her eyes go to his hands, clenched together to stop them from shaking. She takes one in her own, rubbing it gently with her thumb. “But, hey, I can help out, and... Lucas, you remember you can say ‘no’ to things, especially when they’re so last-minute. Flores can introduce her own damn assemblies.”
He looks briefly surprised.
“Oh my god,” she realizes. “You did forget.”
“I mean, in the moment, I--”
“Lucas!” She laughs, lightly shoving his shoulder. “Alright, how about this? I’ll help you practice.”
He grins, a little less wide than normal, but at least the color has returned to his face. “What are you thinking now?”
She drops his hand and straightens up in her seat, clearing her throat. “Lucas, give me $20.”
“No,” he replies, catching on instantly. 
She almost smiles before she can help it, but covers it up with a hurt look, staying in character. “Lucas, please give me $20? It’s really important.”
He’s smiling, confident now. “I’m sorry Dana, but… No.”
Time for the big guns. She puts on her best puppy eyes, leaning towards him and taking his hands in hers. “Pleeeease? I promise I’ll pay you back as soon as I can...” 
He stares at her for several seconds, gaze softening as his eyes trail across her face. Is he giving in--?
He kisses her.
She melts into it automatically -- before she catches herself and pulls back. “Mmm--Hey! Cheater! ” He’s laughing. She mock-glares at him. “Well, joke’s on you, I fully expect to see you using that technique on Flores next time.”
He winces with clear regret. “Aughhh.”
“I mean, some guys are into older women--”
“Please stop talking.”
“I could see it! She’s got--”
He tries to put his hand over her mouth but she leans away, cackling with victory. “I will do anything for you to stop,” he begs, but it’s undercut by his laughter. “Right now.” 
Her chuckles subside as she puts her hands up in surrender. He lowers his own hands, and the truce settles between them.
“Alright Mr. Thomas, well done. Points for creativity.” It’s a silly line, but she notices his shoulders relax minutely at the praise anyway. Success.
She leans over to settle against his side and he wraps an arm around her. The armrest digs into her side a little, but she ignores it. He feels warm and solid, holding her there. It’s nice, and what she’s been waiting for all day, but part of her wishes, as always, that she could do more to help him. She wishes--
He lets out a sigh. “Hey. Thank you.” 
“Of course.” Idly, she plays with a fastening on one of his ever-present button downs. “Feeling better?”
He nods, kissing the top of her head. “I’m sorry you had to see that again.”
She shakes her head. “Hey, I told you. I’ve got your back.”
He rubs her shoulder. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“I meeean. To be fair,” she offers hesitantly. “We both went through a lot.”
He grunts in agreement, and she feels him tense.
She hurries to intercept the mood. “So! I’d say I deserve a tall overachiever with Superman shoulders.” 
He snorts, but she’s pleased when he turns his head away. She can’t see his face, she knows he’s blushing and his smile has turned shy as it always does when she compliments him.
“And you definitely deserve--” she flourishes her arm to indicate herself-- “this hot mess with the awesome hair and bomb-ass short girl legs.”
He laughs, sliding a hand down to her hip and giving it a squeeze. “They are pretty nice,” he admits.
“Hell yeah,” she grins.
“And you’re not a mess.”
She feels him shift and tilts her head back to see him looking down at her. “Neither are you,” she responds quietly.
He leans down and she up, meeting each other halfway. Everything settles together, and for a while she just floats. 
Finally, before she gets the class president in trouble for public indecency, she pulls back. “So…”
She trails her hand gently along his chest. “Can I drive your car?”
“Absolutely not,” he replies without hesitation.
“Aw, man!” She lets her head fall back. “You got good at this ‘No’ thing way too fast. Freaking ace student.”
He laughs. She loves the sound of it, rich and deep. And it means he’s shaken off the traces of his earlier mood, which automatically makes it the best of sounds.
There's a jingling. She looks down and realizes he’s fiddling with his keys. He quickly palms them once he realizes she'd noticed.
“You wanna come over?” she offers.
Relief washes over his face. “You sure?”
“Yeah! My parents won’t be home for another hour, and we can--”
The look on his face goes from uncertain to amused.
“--work on your speech!” she laughs, shoving him.
“Yes, that’s exactly where I thought you were going with that.” He replies, smirking.
“Why, Mr. Thomas, I’m sure I don’t know what you are implying!”
He raises his hands innocently. “Absolutely nothing.” 
“Though…” She strokes the hair at the nape of his neck. “If we get a little distracted,” she leans in, pressing one more kiss to his lips. “Who could blame us?”
He kisses her back deeply, breathing her in. “This is very cliché.”
She grins against his lips. "You love it."
He chuckles, pulling back to look at her face. Her breath catches at the tenderness there. "I do."
Her heart thumps.
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grapecaseschoices · 6 years
Fandom : 11, 13, 14, 15
11. Who is your current OTP?
Since I answered already (Sloane x MC) for Choices. I’ll say my current non-choices OTP is ... well, as before, I have more than one. But the one I’ve been vibing the most of late is The Softest Most Supportive Gryffindor and Slytherpuff Marrieds aka as Iris and Barry West-Allen. I have loved them for YEARS. And they keep getting better (even though the show doesn’t always focus on them like parts of the fandom wishes). They are probably the top tier on how well best friends to lovers just is one of the best relationship tropes out there. I am going to stop. 
Yet know that I love them.
Honorable mentions: 
Amy and Jake (I just have a thing for healthy, silly, soft marrieds who GET each other and BELIEVE in each other and the best example of how opposites attract can be a good thing and not a toxic thing.)
Holt and Kevin (AGAIN!) 
13. Any NoTPs?
Choices? Liam and Olivia. I really do not want that to happen in the TRR come back. I mean. I just. Both characters deserve better. I, as a reader, deserve better. I know it’s arrogant. However, given how the writers treat Liam, I don’t think there is a storyline for that ship they could come up with that would do satisfy me as a Liam fan. Or do justice to either character. I don’t trust the development.
Hana and Madeliene. Never. Ever. I would rather see Hana with Penelope (and no.) than with Hana. The writers give Hana so much disrespect. I am not here for her being the back Madeliene’s ‘character redemption’ stands on. The latter is shoe-horned enough. 
Caleb (Hero) x MC. Stop pushing greasy white boys. 
I think that’s it. I generally don’t care about most people mainships / can find something lowkey cute in (some) of the ships that I dislike in fandom (if it’s that kind of ship, lol. But ima stop here). My problem is very rarely (or entirely) the writing for the ship. It’s the stans.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
MC and Nadia. Weirdly, or not given I’m me, Hana and MC as well as Liam and MC. Like I ship them so hard. But I enjoy their friendship. I wish PB had done better to flesh them out. Tom and Andy. The ILITW gang, I wouldn’t call them friends in the very traditional sense. But I enjoyed their dynamic group and in pairs, a lot. And this is from never spending diamonds. I’m tired and blanking right now. I’m sure I have more. 
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
I’m a polyam shipper. Of course, I do. But Liam/MC/Hana (current iteration a polyamorous V dynamic WHERE LIAM AND HANA ARE JUST REALLY GOOD FRIENDS AND I CRY. WHY DID THEY HARDLY INTERACT?? THREE BOOKS!!)
Kiara x Appreciation, Sloane x Rest, POC LIs x Respect from PB and Fandom, Women LIs x Screentime, Aster x Being Included In The Storyline. :-DD
Thank you for asking!
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camcantarella · 6 years
20 Questions Tag Game - Writers Edition
I was tagged by the ever so amazing @alanakusumastan. Thanks Julia! 💗💗💗 (this is really late lol I kept forgetting about it in my drafts)
Respond to the following writing questions and tag me in your response! I look forward to hearing your answers as I’ve always been curious about these!
1) When/what age did you start writing?
I started writing during the twitter fic era! What was the actual name of that site? It was an extension (basically) of twitter. Not twitlonger but? idk I dont remember lol
2) What inspired you to start?
I was in my Justin Bieber phase and saw a bunch of people writing fics about him on that site and decided to give it a shot lol
3) Where and when does inspiration usually strike you?
Watching a lifetime movie, sleeping, seeing a picture, my nonexistent love life, etc lol so like literally anything
4) Where and when do you usually write? Morning? Late at night? On the bus? In bed?
At night, but like early early in the morning is when I write my best content! So like 1-4 am I can write an AMAZING fluff piece.
5) Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what genre/playlist?
ALWAYS. I don’t think I can actually write without it? I create a playlist for every fic occasion. Each song is usually a love song but t create my playlists according to the vibe. Like if it was created as a love song but if I find a slow, slightly creepy cover of it you better believe it’s going into my stalker fic playlists
6) Which category do you like best? Angst? Fluff? NSFW? Other?
FLUFF. It’s the easiest thing for me to write despite the fact that I’m 100% inexperienced in the subject lmao
7) Which category do you find most challenging to write?
Angst, okay wait no... NSFW. Definitely. Like I can write a fight scene and “kill” my fave OC, but sex? How does one even gain enough courage or words to write that??? (big props to nsfw writers like i have so much respect for yall)
8) If you had to pick your favorite Choices book, which one would it be and why?
Um.... I have no idea honestly? I’m pretty neutral to all the books at this point. But I’ll always be a sucker for ILITW bc I was proven wrong in canon about some aspects of the book and i eat that kind of thing up. I love being proven wrong! Sometimes.
9) If your Choices LIs were real, which one (and only one) would you personally want to be with?
Well shit lol um irl I’d probs say Liam bc hot af, royal af, sweet af, generous af, protective af, lovable af
10) Do you share any physical characteristics with your Choices MCs? Pics/Selfies optional 😊
Nope! none. um... dark hair?
11) Which MC do you share the most personality traits with?
None, not really. Like... I’d say TF mc but I’m not much of a fan of her so like lol no
12) Which Choices character do you feel you have the best grasp of in terms of personality?
I’d probs say Flynn but I’m not totally sure until I try to write him. Or Liam bc I feel like in some aspects I AM Liam
13) What’s your favorite Choices pairing to write for?
I don’t write for any actual choices pairings! In each of the 2 fics I’m working on I’m pairing canon characters with original characters
14) What is a pairing(s) you hope to start writing for?
I’d like to FINALLY write flynn x mc. ALSO. my oc Kaden Cantarella (he’s set in the VOS universe) with ya know... me lol bc I’m in love with him
15) What do you hope to improve in your writing?
I need to be a lot more descriptive. I’m not good with like proper use of adjectives or anything. Like in chapter 1 of my stalker grant fic I said that grant threw a picture frame at Walsh. But I didn’t explain what had actually happened ya know, so like initially it wasn’t clear whether Walsh had actually been hit or where grant threw it, stuff like that.
16) Any pet peeves related to writing?
Everything, like I like writing, but I hate writing. Does that even make sense?
17) Are you inspired by any IRL experiences when you write? Care to share?
YES!!! Back in the marrish fandom sometimes I used to write based on things that had actually happened in my life or things I’d witnessed. Or like I’d take little bits of myself and insert them into the OCs
18) Is there any particular piece of work you consider to be your ultimate writing goal? Something so amazing you hope one day you’ll be up to that standard?
Ugh my unpublished, unnamed royal marrish au. I didn’t finish that one but it was coming along amaaaaazing. Also Thinking Out Loud (also marrish bc all my fics outside of this fandom have been marrish), like that was the first fic I wrote that I LOVED. I’d never liked my writing before then (still dont, not really, but I do it anyway)
19) Did/do you write for any other fandoms? If so which ones?
marrish!! (teen wolf, who?) once i feel comfortable enough with my writing again I’m gonna finish all those unpublished fics I was working on before my extreme case writer’s block started early last year (literally couldn’t write a paragraph again til a couple months ago)
20) In your spare time (when you’re not writing) what other hobbies do you pursue?
what even are hobbies anymore. All I’ve been doing lately has been fighting off anxiety attacks. um I love discovering new music though like that’s always been a fave!! oh and shipping myself with people I have no chance with lol that’s always fun
Tagging: okay so tbh idk about [m]any writers in this fandom and anyone I’m following has probs already been tagged so if you’re a writer and havent been yet, consider this official notice of me tagging you! 💗
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darley1101 · 6 years
The Ultimate Choices Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @jadedpixiescribbles
1. Which of your MCs would win the hunger games?  I would have to say Devon from ILITW. She knew how to adapt to her surroundings and didn't hesitate to do what she needed to do. I have complete and total faith in her ability to dominate the hunger games.
2.Which MC is your favorite?  Now this is a hard question because I love each of my MC's for different reasons. Since I can only pick one, I am going to have to go with Ava from Perfect Match. Not only is she beautiful, she's smart and not afraid to get her hands dirty to save the people she loves. (Especially Damien.)
3. If only ONE LI (from any Choices book ever) could be transported into your real life and be your real life partner, who would it be and why? (I hope you get I what mean) This is a tricky question for me. My husband is lot like Chris from the Freshmen so it is kind of like I already have one of the LI in real life lol That being said, I would probably have to bring Zig. Not for romantic purposes but because I think he would make an amazing friend. He's so loyal and supportive.
4. To which character do you relate the most? This is probably going to be my longest answer. Hana is the character I relate to the most. I grew up with all these expectations of who I should be. We didn't have much because my mom was a single parent. She always found a way to pay for things like dance, swimming, cheer, softball, glee club, etc. I spent a lot of time honing skills that could 'help' me get into college because it was going to be the only way I could go. There was also the way people in our town looked at me. When you live in the projects, that is where you are expected to stay. It still hurts when I think about the people who said I was going to be just like all the other girls who grew up in low income. Pregnant and a drop out by 16. None of them seemed to care that I only had eyes for one boy. A boy that was probably just using me for easy sex according to most of them. He came from money and college was something he didn't have to worry about. I spent most of high school feeling not good enough for him or trying to prove myself to others and to my mother. Feeling lost and not good enough really sucks. (For those who are curious, I'm still with him. We've been married since we were 19 and have 2 amazing children that have grown up entirely too fast.) So yes, I feel like Hana. I struggle with believing in myself or believing others when they tell me I'm good at something because I don't feel that way most of the time.
5. What was the first book you’ve ever played? Most Wanted. In general, I like crime mysteries. I was actually really disappointed in Most Wanted though. I didn't like Sam and I hated that they started hinting at a romantic involvement. I just wanted the crime solving folks.
6. Which book have you replayed the most times? The Royal Romance. There's just something about the characters that make me 'feel.' And that isn't an easy task.
7. Would you rather have Hero 2 or Most Wanted 2? Is it wrong of me to say neither? Both books bored me to tears.
8. Did you like LoveHacks? Oh yeah. I am a sucker for friends falling in love with each other. Since that is the premise for most of the book (okay maybe not but for me it is) it was an easy mini series to get attached to.
9. Did you like RoE? I really wanted to like it. It had an interesting concept but there was such poor character development I couldn't get into. The MC came across as this 'what do I do, what do I do' ninny who, no matter what choices you made, was stupid enough to sleep with any guy who said the right things. Don't get me started on Nana. I understand that she wanted her grandchildren to 'earn' their inheritance but the way she went about it was wrong. I also don't think she was all that great of a person when she was alive either. The aunt didn't develop those feelings overnight or without something stirring them up. Plus, trying to force the nerdy twin into doing outlandish things? Not cool. Things like tattoos should be personal, not forced.
10.Which MC (in your opinion) is the most beautiful? (you can post a pic of them so we can all admire them). I know most won't agree because I see this face getting a lot of hate but I think the LH/HFTH/TRR MC is the prettiest.
11. Which female character (from any book) is the prettiest in your opinion? For me, it would have to be Sloane. She is so sweet and that smile...ah! She's just adorable!
12.Which male character (from any book) is the most handsome in your opinion? This is so hard but I have to say Mark from LH. He's such a doll.
13.Which character is the most intriguing? Maxwell from The Royal Romance. Everyone sees him as this fun loving guy but I think there is more to him then that. And I think it would be cool to see other sides to him.
14.If you could befriend one character from any book, who would it be and why? It would probably be Madeleine. A lot of people hate her, but I think she is the type of person who once she gives her friendship she is loyal until her dying breath, plus she is honest without bias. That is hard to find and something I look for in a friend.
15.Which MC has the best outfits? Red Carpet Diaries for sure. I would wear every single one of those outfits.
16.Into which book would you rather be transported and live the life of that book’s MC? Home For The Holidays. The love she shares with her mother and brother, as well as the way her hometown respects her, is just so sweet. I didn't like the way we were forced to 'promote' Holly's awful book but I did like the rest of the story. Who knows, maybe one day I will re-write the thing in a more likable manner.
17.List 5 characters that you dislike the most. Victoria from RCD (the way she originally attacks the MC is a deal breaker for me. I don't care how angry you are, you don't physically attack someone) Nadia from Perfect Match (I just want to shake her and tell her to knock it off most of the time) Jane from ILITW (she was the one who led them to the meeting house, she's the one who insisted on befriending the evil demon living inside, and she's the one who turned her otherwise docile brother into a jerk who was willing to kill. I have so many more reasons but those are the main.) Marty from LH (he knows what a sexist pig TJ is but yet he does nothing about it. And to me that is worse than TJ being a sexist pig.) Emma's mom in HSS (She just comes across as a little too desperate and unable to live without a man in her life.)
Some people I think might enjoy doing this are: @blackcatkita @jax-matsuos @kingliamthirst @trianiasti @mfackenthal @tmarie82 @laniquelove @josieschoices @endlessly-searching-for-you @debramcg1106 (sorry if you have already been tagged and no pressure to do this!)
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skyecrandall · 6 years
Ultimate Choices Fandom Questionnaire.
This was very due. I was tagged by @blightarts , @beanieboynoah and @theclumsyscribbler . sorry for doing it so late again. I’m jus both too lazy and busy XD
1. Which of your MCs would win The Hunger Games?
Discounting superpowers and stuff, probably my PM MC. I would have initially said my ILITW one but he might be a little too young for it.
2. Which MC is your favorite?
Definitely my ILITW MC, Aaron . He’s the one that I relate the most among the other MCs. But I’m definitely starting to really like my PM and VOS MCs Rex and Kain.
3. If only ONE LI was transported (from any book) into your life and be your real life partner, who would it be and why?
Easy. Lucas obviously.
4. To which character do you relate the most?
I relate to some degrees with Maria and Lucas tbh. I always feel like my grades and performance are too important and i easily get burnt out by them.
5. What was the first book you ever played?
I forgot but definitely not freshamn
6. Which book have you replayed the most times?
TCATF series
7. Would you rather have Most Wanted 2 or Hero 2?
As much as i love Hero’s LIs... I will go with MW2. I wanna know who killed Hayley @.@
8. Did you like LoveHacks?
I didn’t like the first book that much. Too much MC storyline and hers was so boring. I only enjoyed the chapters where she was not the main focus. eg: chapter about Brooke’s sphere of prettiness or the one Sereena goes job hunting. Plus mark was so pathetic and annoing in that book GEEz.
Book 2 was great though. I really loved that one. except that It should have been BrookeXSereena instead.
9. Did you like Rules of Engagement?
I dont dislike it completely
10. Which MC (in your opinion) is the most beautiful? You can also post a picture so we can all admire them.
Tumblr media
11. Which female character (in your opinion) is the prettiest?
Can’t choose so have these : Brooke, Poppy, Scarlet, Kiara, Kamilah, white female Hayden in sparkle dress,Jocelyn , Ava, Seraxa
12. Which male character (in your opinion) is the most handsome?
Again can’t choose so have these : Leon from TcaTF ,Julian, Ben (#LH)
13. Which character is the most intriguing?
A.Scarlet Emerson. I wanna know why she is like this. Did she hook up with Bryce while she was drunk or what?
14. If you could befriend any one character from any book, who would it be and why?
Stacy or Diego. 
15. Which MC has the best outfits?
RoE MC has THE wardrobe, The one from VOS is also looking good.
16. Into which book would you rather be transported and live the life of that book’s MC?
TCaTF and Hero ( I might want to trade the superpowers though)
17. List five characters that you dislike the most.
Tommy, Brian,Bartel, Marko and Last but also the most ABBIE
I won’t be tagging anyone since i’m pretty sure you all already did it.
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thedepthsremember · 6 years
20 Questions: Choices fanfic writers edition 
Tagged in this by @breaumonts! Thanks :D 
1. When/what age did you start writing?   In elementary school, I wrote and drew my own picture books, which at that age I definitely thought was the best thing to do forever. In middle/high school, there was some self-insert Spider-Man and Harry Potter fanfic that I hope stays buried forever. I picked it back up more regularly during an awful period in college where I lost my love of drawing (unfortunate, considering my major) but still needed to express somehow. 2. What inspired you to start? Similar to my art it's been a way to express myself, to tell my side of how I'm seeing things. A lot of the time it's like solving a puzzle, what was that character thinking? And then I just keep chasing that thought. 
It weirds me out that writing feels more like..... excavating. Like it was there and I’m just uncovering it. Drawing doesn’t feel like that at all.  3. Where and when does inspiration usually strike you? I do a lot of driving, so usually then, or if I'm doing something repetitive at work and I can let my mind wander. While I'm getting a massage is a random one but I'm relaxed and my mind can just play without getting in its own way.
4. Where and when do you usually to write? Morning? Late at night? On the bus? In bed? Lately it's been my favorite way to procrastinate sleeping because it's like I'm being productive! Hahaaa
I'll write entire scenes in my head before I write anything down. Sometimes I'll dash down little parts on paper or in my phone to make sure I don't forget. 
5. Do you listen to music while writing? If so what genre/playlist? A lot of chill video game instrumentals are a good default, unless I have a playlist or an artist I know will set the right mood. I'm pop trash so usually that'll fall to the background enough that I can focus. 6. Which category do you like best? Angst? Fluff? NSFW? Other? I would love to wrote more fluff, but it seems to tend towards a lot of angsting and anxiety with some humor thrown in, I guess because that's how I deal with my own thoughts. I do get to give them happy endings, so that's nice! 7. Which category do you find most challenging to write?  Smut is really difficult and awkward for me, partly bc part of the appeal of the actual acts irl are they help me turn my brain chatter off, so it's hard to put that back into descriptions. Plus I'm just self conscious about how personal that is. 
Also anything with an actual plot. I can give you moments and that's about it. 8. If you had to pick your favourite Choices book, which one would it be and why? TRR is the one that sucked me in and stole my soul for whatever reason, BUT I can also admit a lot of that is for what it could be. It's a good thought playground. Like Harry Potter. 
Perfect Match is shaping up to be my jam, I live for sci fi and found families and all that "what is the nature of humanity" nonsense. It's like Dollhouse without being built on a base of creepiness. 
I also really love the ILITW cast, enough that it balances out how much of a wimp i am when it comes to scary things.  9. If your Choices LIs were real, which one (and only one!) would you personally want to be with? I've said before that Damien from Perfect Match is the closest to my irl type, but right now I'm kind of exhausted of that "I'm too cool to like things" sort of dude. Idk let's give older Lucas (ilitw) a shot. He's motivated but has a playful side, we might balance each other out. Especially after he figures himself out more in college. 10. Do you share any physical characteristics with your Choices MCs? Pics/selfies optional :) Riley is small and ready to brawl and I've basically given her an idealized version of my body type when I draw her. Uhhh like half of the others end up being long haired blondes because even though that's not my hair anymore it was like that for most of my life. 11. Which MC do you share the most personality traits with?   Perfect Match MC feels the closest, a lotta the other MCs are leader types, PM MC is like Alright yeah let's kick ass so we can go home and eat ice cream. Feels very purple Hawke. 
TRR MC in her more absurd moments also feels very familiar. I have a story about the fancy hats.  12. Which Choices character do you feel you have the best grasp of in terms of personality? I get Drake bc that fucker is every guy I've befriended who then caught feelings because he's not used to being treated nicely. :| He also has a “the people I care about deserve the things I want more than I do" thing that I am only now realizing feels.... awfully familiar....... :| …...let’s move on. 
13. What’s your favorite Choices pairing to write for? Obviously Maxwell x MC. I love pairs that have a good push and pull, where they can be silly but care about each other.
Sidedish of MC+Drake friendship because my wish fulfillment fantasy is those previously mentioned guys stop ruining a potentially good friendship with their moping and actually be a pal, dammit.  14. What is a pairing/s you hope to start writing for? Like anything else, lmao. More friendship stuff? Hana's only been in one of my fics which bums me out. 
Pretty sure some Damien x MC and Hayden x MC will be coming now that PM2 is happening. Something with more ladies. Eleanor x MC from THOBM! Ghost gf fitting into the modern world has plenty of potential. 15. What do you hope to improve in your writing? Current struggle is I keep trying to write smut and then distracting myself with what happens before/after. Gah. 
More actions / feelings. I feel like too much of my writing comes from dialogue with actions peppered in to meter the rhythm. 
16. Any pet peeves related to writing? So. Words have always been a finicky thing for me. Things will make sense in my head, and then I say them out loud and realize people aren’t seeing things from the same spot. So sharing my writing is A VERY SELF-CONSCIOUS TIME. 
In terms of the actual process: When I just wanna write something self-indulgent and I start actually trying, and then we're like 5 miles off track from the fun part. I also get pretty self-conscious that the OOC police or something is going to come for me. 17. Are you inspired by any IRL experiences when you write? Care to share? A lot of flaws or traumas I'll saddle my characters with are my own but tweaked, because I like the idea that someone can have them and still succeed. 18. Is there any particular piece of work you consider to be your ultimate writing goal? uhhhhh i. don't. know? If I could make someone laugh and cry in the same fic that's golden. 19. Did/do you write for any other fandoms? If so which ones? I have a bunch of drabbles for Dragon Age. I also just checked my ancient FF.net account to make sure the really old stuff is gone and found some Teen Titans and ATLA stuff I completely forgot about. 20. In your spare time (when you’re not writing) what other hobbies do you pursue?   Art mainly, I'm back into digital for the first time since graduation (I majored in animation/illustration) so that's kind of exciting right now. VIDEO GAMES. I like to bake but my housemates have way more self control than I do, meaning I always end up eating most of whatever it is, so that's dangerous. I do like to work out. Share and tag fandom writers! @riseandshinelittleblossom and anyone else who wants to! 
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