#surely i should just be grateful to be alive rather than complaining because i don't feel like how i did before i got sick
pochapal · 5 months
before i put my foot in my mouth over the phone to the doctor i need to know if there's like. an agreed upon level of side effects you're expected to just put up with when taking longterm meds or if i have a legit grievance that is worth reassessing what i'm on because i feel like such a whiny fraud lol.....
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cherry-ber · 4 years
Too drunk to fuck pt 10
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♡ Part one| Previous
You couldn't believe it, that not even a month could go by without having to worry about Mark. You woke up several hours after you got that text, and couldn't help the way your heart sinked, you had to get up and shower with the coldest water to be ready for the upcoming long day, calling said unknown number to ask for an explanation.
“Who's this?” ask back as you make your way to the door.
“Y/N? It's Jisung! Do you not have my number saved?”
“Jisung, it doesn't matter right now!” although you knew that it would be a big complain from him later “What happened to Mark?”
“He's alright now... Do you want us to pick you up so you can see him?”
“Well, yes, that's why I called, but what happened?”
“Wait, I'll tell Jeno and Jaemin to pick you up, they must be close to your place now” and he hung up, avoiding the question you made him.
You sat on the sidewalk, waiting for the car to arrive, writing a text for your mom apologizing for leaving suddenly and so early. The streets were barely lighted by the daylight, but when you saw the car lights shining in your way, you knew immediately who it was, you stood up quickly and walked in their way, Jeno rolled the passenger window down and both him and Jaemin smiled sweetly at you, you almost forgot where you were going, and jumped in the back seat. The ride to the hospital was full of laughs, you even stopped in a convenience store to buy coffee and snacks because none of you have had breakfast. Jaemin parked and the tension in the air made its way back to the moment, suddenly feeling too awkward and guilty to hold hands with Jaemin when he started brushing his fingers on your palm while you three walked to the hospital.
You've never stepped in a hospital before, when you were younger you were over protected, you never got [physically] hurted, nor did you go with your parents when someone did have an emergency, and everything overwhelming; families waiting for news of their loved ones, people who looked in pain, doctors and nurses who probably went home crying from too many emotions at their work place, you couldn't even imagine how Mark would look laying in those uncomfortable beds.
“Mark Lee” Jaemin says walking to a lady in a counter
“Are you his family?” she says in a monotone way, not even turning to look at him “only his family is allowed to see him”
“His family doesn't leave here, I'm his roommate”
The lady types Mark's name, not questioning anymore, probably feeling compassion over that young boy being alone all night , having no one else for him than his friends, who had been annoying her since she started her shift. She tells him he's not taking visits, but he's gonna be allowed out in a couple hours.
Jaemin makes his way back to you and Jeno, both unsure of asking, he just sits in the waiting chairs, his body too tired, not from today, rather than everything becoming too much.
“I'm going out for a smoke, do you want to come?” his friend asks, noticeably stressed with the hospital environment, Jaemin looks at you and shakes his head, Jeno palms his back and rushes out.
“You should go, I can wait here” Jaemin can't help the grin forming in his face when he hears your voice, he thinks it's adorable how not even in a time like this he can't be unhappy if you're there.
“No, he's just-” he realizes he's spilling too much “he doesn't like hospitals”
“I mean, who does?” you sit next to him, placing your hand on his thigh “are you okay?”
Jaemin thinks of opening up, he trusts you and he knows you'd understand his emotions better than him anyway, he wonders if it's easier to lie and say he's alright, but tired, and eventually decides that whatever he says is useless anyway.
“Aw fuck, did you tell your parents you were coming?”
“I left a note, I told them Mark had an emergency and to call me when they read it”
“I shouldn't have brought you here, I shouldn't have brought you yesterday, I just keep dragging you into this mess, I'm sorry Y/N” he hadn't even realized himself how guilty he had been feeling, for the longest time, none of it was him, but he made it him anyway, he'd never been violent, neither did he enjoy the things he did, he just did them anyway, but after a couple years of losing himself, he forgot that too, and having someone that cared for him as much as you did, he felt guilty over making you a part of his life, over stealing Mark's chance, your chance to leave him and leave the whole thing, he never meant it, he'd never do that to you “I'll take you back, Jeno can wait here and-”
“You never even told me what happened” you cut him off and he wonders if you were able to listen to the rant on his head “no one has told me what happened and I hate making up scenarios of this, just tell me what happened, I'm gonna find out anyway” your voice was full of anger and fear, but you couldn't handle it any longer, you hated that feeling of being kept from the whole thing, it made you feel like they didn't trust you at all.
“He, uh, a lot happened, actually” he takes a deep breath as he dives in deeper waters of guilt “you saw him last night, we kinda got into an argument before you left, he's not himself when he's drunk, he's a good guy, you know, but, he got a little bit out of his mind, he had been drinking, he had been smoking with Jeno prior to that, and when we left he tried to leave too, he crashed, but that's not why he's here, he, uh, got up, too numbed to realize that he hurted his ankle and got some lines of coke, too many, actually, he got overdosed and they took him here” Jaemin didn't notice the moment tears started rolling down his cheeks, it was guilt that was swallowing him alive, thinking of how he was the root of every single problem they were having “I didn't know that, I didn't know he was doing all that in a single day, I didn't know he'd try to follow us, I would've taken his keys, I would've said sorry, I shouldn't have taken you there, I shouldn't even be talking to you right now”
And you can't help but cry when he does, knowing how emotional and empathetic Jaemin could actually be, knowing how he tends to take credit for everything that goes wrong, hell, he probably blames himself for climate change, and knowing how sorry and scared he must have been feeling.
“Jaemin, it's not your fault. Mark makes hus own choices, maybe all of them are bad, but those are his” you swipe away the tears off his face with your thumbs “you didn't force him to do any of that, and I know you mean so much more to each other than you say, but you can't keep taking everything he does just because he's broken or whatever you're telling yourself” but you noticed mid-sentence that this was something you needed to tell yourself too “I'm sure he's grateful for you, but you can't keep fixing his mess every single time”
He feels like a weight has been lifted off him, knowing that you can see him for him, you can see how he cares for Mark, and understands what you mean, but it doesn't feel right at all.
“Yeah, i know that” he sits straight again, he looks like he never had that breakdown “Anyway, he's alright now, somehow, do you want me to buy you some coffee?”
You spot Jeno coming back, probably just because it was cold outside. “No, but I could use a walk, the environment is weird here”
You stand up as Jeno makes his way to the chair next to Jaemin.
“Can you take a shift waiting? She's feeling sick and we're taking a break” Jaemin asks his best friend “or you can come, he's probably taking hours to be free, he can wait anyway”
Jeno shakes his head, assuring Jaemin that he'd rather be inside, and that Mark could get kicked out any minute if he was awake.
There's not much to see in the surroundings of a hospital, nor in the parking lot, but the pain of all those people, mixed with Jaemin's and your own was getting overbearing. Jaemin takes a cigarette in his mouth and skillfully lights it real quick, you try to remember if you've ever seen him smoking, but you couldn't remember, nor could you remember his car of his clothes smelling like he did. He's quick to finish it, taking big puffs and barely taking it away from his mouth. He noticed you were staring at him.
“Do you want one?” he forgot his whole lecture on why he was guilty over dragging you into his life and suddenly he remembered as he was sure you were about to say yes “please don't say yes, I didn't mean to offer you one, actually” but he takes out another one, places it on his mouth and lights it, too quickly.
You couldn't help it but remember Mark, because the truth was that anyone who met Mark, would never be able to leave without thinking about him, he was too special to forget. Yes, Jaemin was the sweetest person on Earth, and granted, you'd choose him any day over any other person, and that's why your heart sunk when you remembered what the days hiding in abandoned place with Mark were like, full of uncertainty, but exciting anyway, how his strong leather and tobacco scent would pierce into your nose for the whole day, how he'd make you feel when his fingers ran through your thighs. You loved Mark, you've loved him for a while now, but now you loved him in a different way, you told yourself. There was no use in comparing the two of them since they were absolutely opposite to each other, but you'd love to forget what you felt for Mark anyway.
You take Jaemin's hand on your own, stealing a puff of his almost finished cigar, blowing the smoke directly to his face and smile fondly when he laughs it off. Something about Jaemin always felt right. He throws the rest of it, not risking a burnt when as he rounds your back with his big arms. He could swear he sees a whole galaxy in your eyes, the way they shine is absolutely stunning and it makes him feel warm and fulfilled. He gets closer for a kiss, a sweet kiss, but with the taste of tobacco in his mouth, it becomes easy to forget where you are. You can feel someone walking in your direction as you get away from each other. Jeno and Mark are walking slowly to the car, you remember how Jaemin said he hurt his ankle and giggle at Jeno smiling at Mark's struggle. Both you and Jaemin walk to them, but Mark doesn't care at all, you expected him to be less of an ass by then, and he expected it too, knowing well how much everyone cared for him, but too bitter seeing Jaemin with you, convinced that it should be him who's kissing you and taking you out every Friday night.
Jaemin drives you all to Mark's place, you've never been there, and you don't want to be there either way, so you wait in the car while they make sure Mark can survive a couple hours alone, he can't help but feel defeated, owing his literal life to Jaemin but still pretty annoyed about his new relation. Jeno decides to stay with Mark, promising he'll call someone to take a shift later, and now Jaemin has a some more time alone with you.
Your mom was worried after she read that note, following your instructions and calling you as soon as she saw it.
“He's alright mom, he hurted his ankle, that's it”
“Are you sure? We can bring him something and pay him a visit”
“I think he is tired, besides, I want to spend some time with Jaemin, can I come home later?”
She agrees, too enchanted when Jaemin was mentioned, and diving more into the idea of you setting down with him. Boys were never a priority to you, and somehow it made her happy you were with him. You had already hung up when Jaemin came back to the car, not sure if he should ask you out on a spontaneous date or wait until you suggested it.
“Are you busy, like, right now?” you ask before he can decide on what to do
“Not really, why?”
“I don't know, I wanted to go out, but now I'm thinking I'm more in the mood for a movie at home”
“Do you want me to take you home?” you laughed at how naive he could be sometimes
“I want to go to your place” you confess “well if you don't mind it, maybe we could go to my room and cuddle there”
Jaemin thought of the scene: his mom would definitely be surprised, he couldn't remember if his room was clean, but he sure wanted his mom to meet you, he wanted to have dinner together, he wanted to show you the cool stuff gathered in his room. “Well, we can go to my place”
A.N: i will never say sorry enough times because i can't help but take too long to update this,,,, anyway, thank you so much for reading this, i hope you're having a nice day/night, some people are still in quarantine and it can be messy to our heads, remember to take care of yourselves, much love! ♡
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ironwoman359 · 4 years
if you don't have anything for either of these yet: on the run/bounty on their head? roman's a prince, but there's some kind of uprising or assassination attempt and he and his most trusted guard have to gtfo. they're on the run, sleeping in shitty motels (with only one bed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) and roman has to learn to live w/o 24/7 service. you can pick who the guard is.
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Safe With You
Prompt: On the Run 
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Summary: Prince Roman gains a new appreciation for his personal knight when he is forced into hiding to escape an assassination attempt.
Content Warnings: Mentions of death/violence, some mild bickering, prinxiety (can be platonic or pre-romantic), platonic moxiety
Word Count: 1,645
Read on AO3 here
Bad Things Happen Masterlist
Requests are closed
Roman had never been so exhausted in his life. His feet were sore, his muscles ached, and there was nothing he wanted more than to collapse into his feather bed and sleep for a day. No wait, a massage from the royal masseuse to ease his muscle tension. No, a massage then sleep for a day. 
Yes, that would be the dream. 
Unfortunately, Roman’s life had been more akin to a nightmare these past few days. He was a prince, for crying out loud, heir to the throne itself! And now he was being forced to sneak through the woods in the middle of the night like...like some common ruffian! 
“You said we’d be reaching real lodgings soon!” he whined. His mother would say that his tone of voice was “unbefitting of a prince,” but he felt that after three days of sleeping rough with no one but his irksome personal knight for company, he was entitled to a bit of complaining. Speaking of his knight...
“We will, highness.” Roman could never figure out how the formal address managed to sound so insulting when Sir Virgil Ellsworth said it. “We should reach it before daybreak, so long as you do not slow us down with any more of your griping.” 
Roman made a petulant noise (that his mother would also not have approved of), but Virgil just rolled his eyes and pressed onwards, slipping through the foliage with the ease of a practiced woodsman. Roman stumbled along clumsily behind him, trying to resist the urge to gripe (he was a prince, he did not gripe...he loudly protested) about the terrain.
He managed this for approximately three minutes, which he thought was a rather impressive effort, giving the circumstances. 
“If your plan was to hide out at an inn then I don’t see why we had to trek through the undergrowth like this. Would it not have been simpler to take the roads? You do know what roads are, don’t you Sir Ellsworth?” 
“You do know what caution is, don’t you highness?” Virgil retorted. “By all means, take the roads, if you want to be caught by the assassins in less than a day.”  
Roman opened his mouth to argue back, but Virgil shut him up with a scathing glare. 
“I know you’re used to being the one to boss people around, Princey, but we’re not in the palace any longer. It’s my job to keep you alive, and out here, what I say goes. Got that?” 
He turned around without waiting for an answer, a breach of protocol that ordinarily would land him in serious trouble, but even Roman had to admit that the systems of etiquette and protocol that he was used to didn’t matter much in the middle of a coup. And as much as Roman had whined and complained (and alright, griped) about their traveling conditions, underneath his brash facade he was just glad that Virgil had remained loyal to him, even after the people who paid his salary had been run through by assassins’ blades. 
Not that he’d ever admit that out loud to his knight of course. 
“Okay, we’re almost there,” Virgil said, pulling Roman out of his musings. “Keep your head down, and let me do the talking.”
Roman glowered at him, but he pulled the hood of his travelling cloak up to obscure his face and followed Virgil without further complaint. Roman wasn’t sure how Virgil knew where they were, the woods all looked the same to him, but one minute they were surrounded by trees and the next they were stepping onto a dirt road that led into a tiny village. Virgil kept glancing around as they approached a building that Roman would call quaint if he wanted to be kind...ramshackle if he was feeling more irritable, which tonight he was. 
“You’re sure this is an inn?” 
“What part of keep your voice down is confusing you?” Virgil hissed with perhaps a touch more venom in his voice than was typical, and Roman blinked.
“Okay, okay, sorry,” he muttered, folding his arms with a huff. 
Virgil sighed and shook his head, then stepped forward and nudged the door open a crack, peering inside. Apparently satisfied with what he saw, he pushed the door open properly and gestured for Roman to follow him inside.
Roman didn’t have much experience with inns, on the rare occasion that he had to travel his entourage would usually solicit the hospitality of a local noble family, so he had no idea if the cramped space was typical of this more...rustic establishment. Still, the room was cleaner than he’d expected; the stone floor was swept, the worn wooden tables were wiped down, and a pleasant, homey smell wafted through the air. It wasn’t hard to imagine the room full of peasants after a hard day's work, enjoying hearty food and drink to forget their hardships for a few hours. 
For now though, the room sat empty, save for one man who was hunched over the fireplace, stirring something in an iron pot. He spun around when he heard the door close behind them, and his eyes widened behind a pair of round glasses. 
“Oh! I wasn’t expecting customers this early in the morning, I–” 
“Pat, it’s me.”
The man froze. 
“Virgil?” he asked, and Virgil nodded. “Oh my– what are you doing here? When I heard about the capital, I was afraid that–”
“I need your help,” Virgil interrupted, and the man nodded. 
“Of course, whatever you need!.”
“A room? And off the books, Patton, nobody can know we’re here.”
Patton’s eyes flickered to Roman for a moment before looking back to Virgil with a firm nod. 
“Of course, of course. This way.”
He led Virgil and Roman up a staircase and down a hall, ushering them into a room. 
“It’s not much, but it’s yours for as long as you need it. And once I’m done opening things up downstairs I’ll come up and bring you some porridge, you kiddos must be hungry.”
“I can pay you,” Virgil began, but Patton shook his head. 
“Keep your money. I have a feeling you’ll be needing it more than me anyhow. Just stay safe for me, okay?” 
Virgil nodded. “Thank you.” 
Patton smiled at him, then with one last glance at Roman, slipped out of the room and back downstairs. Virgil shut the door behind him, then quickly crossed the room and closed the shutters as well, blocking out the first few rays of morning sunlight. 
“Okay,” he said, a bit of tension finally leaving his shoulders. “We should be okay to rest here for a bit. 
Roman looked around the room, and tried not to grimace. It was tiny, barely big enough to comfortably fit the single bed, wooden chair, and side table. No wardrobe, no desk, no vanity, and no lavatory. Still, at least there was a bed. No matter how lumpy the mattress might be, it was sure to be more comfortable than the forest floor. 
“Will this suffice for you, then?” Virgil asked, raising an eyebrow, and Roman sighed.
“It will have to do, I suppose,” he said, and Virgil rolled his eyes. 
“It better, because this is the only inn this side of the capital that won’t sell us out at the first flash of some coin.”
“So that innkeeper, you trust him then?” 
“With my life,” Virgil responded immediately, and Roman blinked. 
“Well alright then,” he muttered. He looked around the room, then frowned as one particular detail stuck out to him. “There’s only one bed.” 
“It’s a roadside inn, Princey, it doesn’t exactly have suites.” 
“I know, I wasn’t exactly expecting the lap of luxury here, but–”
“Relax,” Virgil interrupted. He pulled off his cloak and bunched it into a ball before stretching out on the floor and stuffing it under his head. “I’m all good, see? No need to worry about sharing your bed with the measly common folk.” 
 “I’m aware you’re making fun of me,” Roman grumbled, and Virgil laughed. 
“Good, I’d be worried if that was lost on you.”
“You think just because the world is collapsing around us that you can mistreat me so? I am still your prince.” 
Virgil gave him an unimpressed look, and Roman swallowed, suddenly cognizant of the fact that the only reason he was still alive was because of Virgil’s interference. He’d taken it for granted, Virgil was his knight, after all, it was his job to protect him, but when the rest of the palace had fallen, there would have been nothing stopping Virgil from giving Roman up to save his own skin. Instead, Virgil had taken him to safety, and Roman felt his face warm in shame.
“I apologize,” he said quietly, looking down. “That was...not a very chivalrous remark. I do recognize that it is only because of you that I am even alive, let alone a prince, and...I am grateful for that.” 
He glanced up, just in time to see a strange expression flicker across Virgil’s face for just a moment before his familiar smirk was back. 
“Alright, Princey, don’t get sappy on me now,” he said, and Roman let himself smirk back. 
“Just covering my bases here, I can’t exactly have rumors start spreading that the prince of the land doesn’t appreciate when someone saves his life.” 
“Go to sleep, highness, your precious reputation is safe with me,” Virgil snickered, closing his eyes. 
Roman chuckled, but as he lay back on the lumpy mattress, he didn’t miss the way Virgil’s hand drifted to rest on the hilt of his sword, or how he adjusted his position so that his body lay across the doorframe, one final barrier between Roman and any threat that might dare to enter. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, letting his own eyes slip closed. “I know I’m safe with you.”
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Sanders Sides taglist:
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exosmelody-blog · 6 years
Who is The Monster? Chp I Part 2
Chapter I: Diamond
Part 2
“Wow, well fuck it. Scissors paper stone? Losers have to race!” Baekhyun proposed immediately. Kyungsoo and Jongin unfortunately had no room to argue since this was the customary way to decide things within EXO… Reluctantly, they both held their fist out and started to play. Minseok closed the hood of his blue Subaru as Jongin and D.O came out as the losers. I could've called that… Baek was not happy about this but only patted their necks supportive like. “Good luck Jongin! D.O is a very good driver!” The obnoxious idol smirked.
           Both boys picked a vehicle. Smiling deviously, D.O picked the Subaru leaving Kai with the Toyota. I leaned back against Sehun as his arms rested around my hips, his chin still on my head. Luhan took this opportunity to explain the way street racing worked. Just one lap around the loop. When he was done he took a seat back on the hood of his car.
          “Who do you think will win?” I held Sehun's arms around my hips, watching the two drive to the start line.
         “I am betting on D.O.” Channie nodded sadly. “Kai is not aggressive enough..” The tall rapper took a seat on my F-type beside Sehun and I.
        “Well then I'm betting on Kai! D.O… can't win everything!” Baekhyun huffed, settling on Luhans Maserati, doing a cute side hug with the Chinese idol. Minseok sat with Suho on his charcoal Vanquish across Luhan.
          The crowd was excited for this race. They always were curious about new racers. The vehicles were familiar, especially the Subaru, but they were pretty even in mods and specs… D.O was a little nervous as a girl in a very short pair of shorts and a tube top stood before them, as custom, she threw her panties up into the air. Kyungsoo felt himself turn red at the sight, once they hit the ground, Kai floored the gas and was in the lead from the start. Kyungsoo was only a second behind but that made all the difference. They both took the turn very smoothly, almost drifting. However to everyone's surprise, Jongin was victorious. They didn't bother to stop at the finish line, instead they drove straight back to us. We all were left in shock.
        “Kyungsoo! What happened?!!!?” Chanyeol asked once both vehicles were parked and they stepped out.
       “I...I don't know….” Minseok, shook his head at Jongin and Chanyeol he wasn't buying it, he had an idea of what happened.
        “It was the panties wasn't it?” Jongin asked with a huge gorgeous smile. He gave Kyungsoo a tight hug, laughing all the while. D.O only stayed quiet, his cheeks a little red. How cute…
        Kai was congratulated around the circle for his first win, while Kyungsoo was reassured about next time… I drowned out their voices as I watched the crowd, my eyes wandering back to EXO whenever they laughed or smiled.        
       Eventually Sehun was bored of the conversation between his friends. Giving my head a kiss, and my hips a tight squeeze, he released me and disappeared into the crowd without a word. This was not unusual, he was probably going to say his hellos to anyone he knew in the crowd. Sehun although quiet was very popular among…. Everyone. Every party we went to, every event…he made friends like nothing. He had a lot of connections, the only way to keep those alive was to go talk to them. The rest of the boys were too busy laughing and talking to notice. Sehun was slick like that.
         “Baekhyun, are you gonna race Jongin or D.O?” Chanyeol asked, now sliding over and pulling me onto his leg, like a lazy half snuggle into his lap. I did not protest of course and clutched onto his arm that draped over my shoulder.
        “Hmmm….D.O. If I beat him then maybe I'll race Kai.” He said thoughtfully…
        “You won't win this so easily…. I am prepared this time…” Kyungsoo blinked up at Baek as they headed for the sports vehicles. Baekhyun had always wanted to race in his besties Rocket Bunny so he was very excited. He bounced into it and Chan gave him a supportive smile. Minseok and Suho exchanged uncertain glances while Luhans instructed Baek about the track like he had for D.O and Kai last race.
        When they finally pulled up to the start line, Chan was watching like a hawk… This race was much closer, Baekhyun had no fear and was relentless behind the wheel. I was very surprised to see that from a first timer… the crowd was too. “Ahh~....Woah!~” they went in unison. Baekhyun was equally relentless as he was reckless. At the turn, they both tried to drift… but neither was too successful this time. Both vehicles seemed to shudder and swerve as they rounded the turn. Suddenly Chanyeol's grip on me was tight in anticipation and fear. The sudden lack of control off put D.O. But Baekhyun loved it… This uncertainty in Kyungsoo was the only reason Baekhyun won this race.
When they pulled up to the finish line, the crowd was cheering. Baekhyun jumped out of the car and threw his arms up for the crowd. This felt just like a concert. Both ridols hearts pumping with adrenaline and huge smiles on their faces. Baekhyun pulled D.O into a tight hug. Because they were unfamiliar to the crowd and they had stopped at the finish line, they were suddenly surrounded by females, congratulating Baekhyun or comforting D.O. I could feel Chanyeol smile from behind me and I could see it in Suho, Minseok and Luhan.
“Typical Baek, he loves the crowd. Well maybe he will make some friends with that win….” Chan nodded and pulled me closer.
“I didn't get rushed by the crowd!” Kai protested. Chan and I laughed.
“That's because you didn't pull up to the finish line. If you had you definitely would've been surrronndddeeeddd with girls...” Minseok smirked, knowing full well what Kai wanted. Kai just laughed his cute laugh, which was so much cuter in person than on camera, and looked away.
Baekhyun indulged in the crowd for as long as he could before they were waved away for the next racers. I could've sworn they were going to bring at least one or two girls back but to my surprise they did not….
“Well done Baek!” Kai was the first to say something when they stepped out. “Your driving looked like a madman from here! Not sure I want to race you...” Jongin laughed.
Baekhyun’s eyes were bright and lit up with excitement. “Don’t be scared, Jongin! I was having a fucking blast! That was way more fun than sitting in the passenger's seat! Man...I have been missing out…! No wonder Minseok races so much, that was a fucking rush! Come on, Kai. Lets go!” Immediately Baekhyun was ready to go, but a line was forming and they would have to wait.
“I am a little concerned… Baek you drive sooooo recklessly. You should really be careful…” I smiled weakly, I only didn’t want him to get hurt. He turned to me and raised a brow…
“How can you be careful if you are racing?? It's dangerous in the first place!” He laughed. Kai nodded slowly, halfway convinced. But this was clearly alarming for everyone else. Junmyeon looked like he was about to freak out.
“Baekhyun! You need to make smart decisions on the race track. Don’t do something reckless and stupid, it could cost you a life! This is why we never brought you… are you sure you can handle this?” Suho was chewing him out now and I felt bad. So I had to fix it.
“Well I mean, he can definitely handle himself behind the wheel! He could’ve spun out of control during that turn.. Someone who wasn’t skilled or prepared or smart, would probably have fucked that up.. I was just saying he should avoid developing bad habits and if he wants to race seriously, he will have to practice that drift…” I chuckled in attempt to stop any further ass chewing. Suho parted his lips to say something but mah boi Chanyeol started first.
“Baekhyunnnie, he has got this. He really enjoyed himself and he takes fun very seriously, don’t worry about his driving skills..” Chan smiled.
“You should worry about his safety, Kyungsoo looks like he is about to smack a bitch..” Luhan laughed as he watched D.O rest against Suhos Vanquish once more.
“I’ll win next time…” was all the vocalist said, eyeing Baekhyun closely. Chanyeol just laughed, I could feel his body tensing beneath and behind me with each laugh. He was so extra, I expected him to start clapping but thankfully it wasn’t one of his dramatic laughs.
“I’ll be fine, thank you for the concern..but I think..” Baekhyun started as he got back in the Rocket Bunny, “Its our turn, Kai ya~” He smiled cutely and started the engine once again.
This race was very close! Unfortunately for Kai, Baekhyun was too excited and willing to be reckless. Jongin lost only by half a second, making them almost neck to neck. Losing only by a hair… They both pulled up to the crowd and stepped out their vehicles laughing. I am not going to lie, it was the cutest thing id ever seen. The dancer and vocalist threw their arms around one and other with amazing smiles and crazy laughter. Even all the way where we were, I could feel their happiness and excitement…. No wonder they were so famous.. Chanyeol chuckled behind me and shook his head.
“He complained about not getting rushed by the crowd and when they do, he only focuses on Baekhyun…hehe..” Chan clicked his tongue. Almost as though Jongin heard him, his attention shifted to the now large crowd of females asking them questions and commenting on the race. Baekhyun and Jongin’s smiles only shifted to smirks as they indulged some of the females.
“I'm glad they're having fun…” Junmyeon nodded with a soft smile. Minseok and Luhan nodded in agreement.
“Who won?” Sehun came back with his hands in his pockets. His eyes now fixed on the crowd.
“Baekhyun…. Both times..” Kyungsoo ran a hand through his dark hair… His own eyes watching Kai rather closely. Chanyeol gently passed me over to Sehun once more...like I was a pillow or something. I glared at Chan as I cuddled back into Sehun, who was seemingly grateful to have me back for snuggles.
It was a matter of minutes before Baek and Kai we're back among us. Smiles still dancing on their lips.
“Baekhyunnie, I'm proud of you! I can't believe you won both times… I'm watching you..” Chanyeol glared playfully at his best friend. He could already see the developing mischief in Baekhyun's eyes. Sehun chuckled against me.
“Good job, Baekhyun..” Sehun nodded, standing up and dragging me with him to give Baekhyun a hug. Once again I was caught in a small group hug. Sehun behind me, his long arms wrapped around myself and Baekhyun. Baek was caught off guard for a moment before he returned the embrace with a perfect smile. I met Baekhyuns jawline, making this hug a tad awkward once he looked down to acknowledge me. “You did really well… you're learning fast… maybe I can make money off of you and your wins…” Sehun said very casually and refusing to release me or Baek. Baekhyun looked back up from me immediately to glare and laugh in response.
“The fuck?? You better give me a cut of those wins! That's my hard work!!” He laughed and I could feel all his muscles against me as he laughed. I swear I could feel his abs contract… my cheeks began to burn red, which was unusual for me.. I was used to guys whom were gorgeous or in good shape. These boys should be no different…. Right? I took a deep breath.
“Congratulations, Baekhyun. It's not everyday a new racer wins two races in a row… I wonder how you would fare against Minseok or Chan…” I sneered looking up at the excited idol. He looked back down at me and froze upon realizing how close we were. That moment of surprise did not last. He smirked in return.
“Aren't you the best racer on the track? I wonder how I would do against you…” His breath rolled off my lips, his words very teasing. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
“I'm not the best but don't get on your high horse just yet. Beat Minseok and then we can talk… Sehunnnnie?” I turned back just enough to look back at the one responsible for the cage Baekhyun and I were stuck in.
“Mm?” He didn't seem to be paying attention to us, only enjoying our warmth… typical Sehun.
“Are we just pillows for you?” I asked holding back giggles. He nonchalantly nodded before his grip tightened on the both of us. Baekhyun smiled and cuddled in closer, now leaning on Chanyeol's Toyota for support.
“Well….I don't share pillows so…” I gently pushed on Baekhyuns arms in attempt to kick him from the hug…. Playfully of course.
“I think we are the ones sharing you right now….” Byun smirked. Nope. I wasn't about to give that any thought. With that said, I ducked under Sehuns arms and squirmed out of their grip. Baekhyun laughed out loud, but Sehun pouted, settling for just Baekhyun and pulling him closer. The shorter responded with a tighter hug.
“I think we are the ones sharing you right now….” Byun smirked. Nope. I wasn't about to give that any thought. With that said, I ducked under Sehuns arms and squirmed out of their grip. Baekhyun laughed out loud, but Sehun pouted, settling for just Baekhyun and pulling him closer. The shorter responded with a tighter hug.
The rest of the night was surprisingly chill. I still had a lot of fun with Chanyeol..He told me a little bit more about the boys and how he figured he would bring them to the more ‘excitable’ fun they have. Especially D.O and Baekhyun.
“They literally spend their free time watching movies or playing video games… It's time they explored a bit..” Chanyeol nodded in thought, agreeing with himself silently. I nodded as well, but in understanding rather than agreement.
“Well Baek did very well… maybe he can win himself a car one of these days.. Is Junmyeon okay?” I finally asked. Suho had pretty much checked out of our conversations and had his eyes locked on the crowd the last couple of hours..
“Probably looking for people in the crowd…” The Songwriter paused and rolled his eyes… “by people I mean Kris..”
“Ah, I know Kris avoids him… Kris is a coward a lot of the time… he doesn't like confrontation… ironic for someone in the mafia…” I rolled my eyes. Chanyeol shrugged rather disinterested.
“I don't really know why he chases after Kris still but whatever…” but Chanyeol knew damn well why..
“Whatever indeed.. I know you are busy with the comeback but we should hang out again…. Your my best friend… at least invite me to practice or something!” I huffed. Now that I had met all the members, no excuse for lack of hanging out…
“You know that's actually a good idea.... I'll invite you to practice sometime! We could use a chill girl around…” His eyes glanced around at his members.
“Good, I'm gonna head off though.. I miss you! Text me, Yoda!”  I teased and pulled him into a hug, to which he held me tight and pinched my side.
“I will! Later Ay-ya!…” That was a nickname I hadn't heard in awhile, but it only made me smile after I returned the pinch  I left him wincing and rubbing his side while laughing softly. I was left with some minor disappointment… I wanted to race Chan, but that would have to be another day. It was getting late…
I went around the circle, hugging Minseok and Luhan very tightly, giving them both a knowing look now that they were talking. Xiumin only smirked said he would race me next time. Luhan disregarded my look but hugged me back and said he would definitely see me again before he went back to China.
“Junmyeon…? I'm leaving… I'll see you later…” I called to him, finally pulling him from his thoughts.
“Oh Ayumi! Of course, I will see you Friday probably..” he smiled and gave me a warm hug. He was a weenie, but a weenie who gave great hugs.
Sehun was still cuddling Baekhyun after all this time, but they had settled on top of Minseok's blue Subaru. Kyungsoo and Kai were also lingering around the cuddling couple.
“Bye Sehun! Bye guys! It was nice to meet you all… you better come back!” I bowed before smirking at my pun. Kyungsoo chuckled and bowed back but the rest were unamused. Sehun sighed with mild embarrassment.
“It was nice to meet you, Ayumi-ssi...be safe!” Jongin nodded and to that I started my way back to my F-type. Stealing a final glance back at Baekhyun. Big mistake. We locked eyes for a second before I turned back to my car. He was so….uhhfjjf! Keeping my composure, I started the Jaguar and gave a final wave before driving home… hopefully the rest did too. This was around the time cops came by….
//Hope you enjoyed! Chpt 2 on its way!!
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