#surfboard Shane
madhattersez · 2 years
I finally got my hands on something I've been looking for (for a reasonable price) since I was just a lowly little level 12 hornball - A "Marvel Swimsuit Special!"
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This is the second issue in the series (though the third book of its kind), and it was released in 1993 when... times were different.
The coolest thing about them (other than the totally radical '90s hunkeroos and baberinos in general) is the amount of really talented artists that submitted pieces - So many industry-leading folks putting their spin on the self-aware, low-brow, tongue-in-cheek project.
This first image was by Joe Jusko, a super popular cover artist at the time. I remember his Conan covers the most.
I'll eventually scan the whole thing in high quality, but for now, I'll take some preview pics to show you some of my favorite and/or goofiest pages:
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Here is Domino, looking like we might need to race her to a Dermatology appointment. She's apparently tacky enough to wear a swimsuit with a domino print on it.
And check out Cable in the back - Sun's out, cyberbun out! He's ready to catch some waves on a totally-worth-the-money-and-production-time rocket-powered machine gun surfboard.
I really appreciate this artist's commitment to all the "Liefeld pouches" here. I hope they're waterproof, or all those Tic Tacs inside 'em are gonna get ruined. :(
Penciling by Chris Batista, ink by Hector Collazo, coloring by Mark McNaab.
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Let's kick off the "after the jump" part properly with this glorious image of Pip. Because this is certainly what people bought this book for.
It just so happens that this fuzzy little asshole narrates the entire issue, so he's to blame for the inherently sexist captions on all the pictures.
Jesus Christ, he's got two big toes on each foot.
Pencilking by Darick Robertson, ink by Andrew Pepoy, coloring by Tom Smith.
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I love me some Cloak and Dagger.
Tandy looks as gorgeous as ever. Surely she owns stock in boobie tape by now.
Tyrone, however, is getting so much sand stuck to him right now... I don't think he digs being used as a beach blanket. I'm... not even sure he's ever had to wash his cloak before today! Yikes. He's all like:
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Penciling by Joe Madureira, ink by Terry Austin, and coloring by Gregory Wright.
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I can't stop laughing at how much Thunderstrike looks exactly like the Genetic Freak, Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner in this picture:
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The work is entirely by Lou Harrison. It may not surprise you to learn he's also a Fantasy artist.
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I've always had a thing for Silver Sable, and this page is just fantastic.
That being said, my favorite part is Sandman sitting there, looking like a dope, shaped like a sand castle. Which, while it seems silly, was probably the most challenging and detailed thing I've ever seen him do with his powers. Worth it for the shot, I suppose!
Line work and ink by Steven Butler, a favorite of mine. He did penciling for the "Silver Sable and the Wild Pack" series (which got me attached), but he's also known for designing the Scarlet Spider suit. Coloring by Gregory Wright.
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If you thought I wasn't going to Morb out on this post, you were undead wrong.
Just look at that ridiculous batpackage. Also... Is he really serving a cape over a leather jacket, but with absolutely no pants? Damn, dude.
Penciling by Gary Barker, ink by Jimmy Palmiotti, coloring by Tom Smith.
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I can spot Adam Hughes' work a mile away, wow. I guess I didn't realize he was doing work for Marvel this far back.
A fierce-as-ever, short-haired Natasha who looks like she got slammed so hard against a rocky wall that it cracked, got up, emptied out the rest of her clip, and still had enough time and energy to pose during a reload.
Black Widow, bay-bayyy. ♫
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Oh my god, Ghost Rider is just so naughty. Wearing nothing but his birthday bones.
This scene just looks like it smells awful.
Artwork by Tristan Shane.
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Shulkie in a metal bikini (function over fashion?), bursting out of the lava from an active volcano. You wanna talk "hot tub?" Sure, this gets a feature.
Penciling and ink by cover artist Steve Geiger, coloring by Paul... Mounts.
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Deezamn, Bishop. Never seen guy looking so buff before.
Instead of just Bishop, this looks like Hank McCoy and Bishop had a child together. Does he have any other mode than "arm vein p-pop?"
Penciling by Dwayne Turner, ink by Mark Farmer, coloring by Gregory Wright.
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Ah, one of the more famous '90s Psylocke images that wasn't done by Jim Lee.
This centerfold was used in lots of comic store ads for several years after this issue came out. I remember seeing posters in the shops themselves. Trading cards of this picture are one of the most costly to collect.
It's beautiful, and the colors/lighting/shading are all fantastic.
Penciling and ink by the wonderful Art Thibert, creator of the Raft max security prison and inker of some of the most iconic X-title covers.
Coloring by Paul Mounts, who did the coloring in hundreds and hundreds of just Marvel comics alone - I didn't mention that earlier because I was snickering at his name earlier in the She-Hulk feature. My bad.
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Well, this wouldn't be Tumblr without a cat picture, yeah? Or a catgirl picture, I suppose.
This is the most adorable scene in the book. Just Tigra innocently taking a cuddle nap with some... um... wow, I don't know what the fuck those things are. Snuggle up anyway!
Penciling and ink by Amanda Conner, coloring by Gregory Wright.
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Huh. Of all the characters in this book, I really didn't expect to see Dr. Cooper... Either which way, the swimsuit under the detective get-up is pretty choice, honestly.
This is, of course, another Adam Hughes line art joint. Ink by Mark Farmer, coloring by Gregory Wright (who did a lot of these, huh?).
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What's this? A parody ad that you'd more expect to see in an issue of "What The--?!" that only '80s kids will understand? Yup, totally.
This was in the back of the book and doesn't fit the theme at all, but it gets a mention because of the weird inclusion and also to stall time until I had the final image ready, because I needed time to prepare...
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This is the one.
How could I not end this little "show and tell" without this beauty right here?
Here, we have remorseless killer Frank Castle flexing his best end-of-catwalk pose in front of a... wrestling match between a bunch of lady demon dinosaurs battling... for his affection? To tip him American cash? Or maybe all those hearts come from their love of beating each other up? I'm not here to judge.
And then there's a sign for 75 cent hotdogs, but it's been covered with another sign for... $20 tooth brushes? What in the shit is going on here?
There is one thing I do know, though. The artist wants you to think that The Punisher has at least $2.75 worth of hotdog under that massive crotch skull.
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back-and-totheleft · 4 months
”I’ve enjoyed dope for more than 40 years,“ Oliver Stone says, speaking by phone from his Los Angeles office. “It started in Vietnam, I was a soldier. I showed it in Platoon. Half the platoons were getting high—not in the field, but in the back, and it made that whole experience survivable to a large degree. I don’t think I would have kept my humanity without it. Getting high was an antidote to the madness we were surrounded by. I’m very serious about that. The music and the dope.”
I’m talking to Stone about his latest film, Savages, the story of a couple of high-end hydroponic pot growers—rock stars of the Southern California boutique marijuana scene—who run afoul of a ruthless Mexican cartel angling for a cut of their business. It is, I think, his best movie in years: a ripe, wildly energetic caper—a Stone(r) noir, if you will—that also provides a sharper snapshot of the way we live now than the more overtly topical World Trade Center, W., and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. International diplomacy and the state of the economy are very much on Stone’s mind here too, but the politics are niftily concealed by a vibrant genre-movie surface; striking, color-saturated visuals; and the toned, tanned bodies of a sexy young cast in various states of rest and motion. Think Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (a movie Savages directly makes reference to) if Butch, Sundance, and Etta were a full-blown ménage à trois. Think They Live by Night with surfboards and tattoos.
Adapted by Stone, Shane Salerno, and Don Winslow from Winslow’s compulsively readable 2010 novel, Savages follows the perils of Ben (Aaron Johnson) and Chon (Taylor Kitsch), yin-and-yang best buddies who meet cute on the beaches of Laguna and soon go into business together. They use primo seeds ferried back by Navy SEAL Chon from the Afghan war zone to cultivate a highly potent strain of weed whose profits in turn fund the new-agey Ben’s third-world nonprofit. The two friends share home and hearth with the movie’s narrator, O (Blake Lively), a burnt-orange beach bunny who claims to love the two men in her life equally, though perhaps that love is not quite as intense as their own bromance. Then into this progressive love nest comes a missive from the cartel honcho known as Elena “La Reina” (Salma Hayek), who makes Ben and Chon an offer they can’t refuse: join forces with her or else it will be O’s decapitated head they find under their communal sheets.
The cartel in the film behaves like a corporation—Wal-Mart by way of Monsanto—wanting to co-opt not only Ben and Chon’s distribution network, but their seed-growing technology too. And everyone is, literally or figuratively, in bed with everyone—the cartel with American Indian reservations, the DEA (in the person of John Travolta’s deeply compromised agent) with the dealers and the growers alike—leading to a wild, loop-de-loop climax that may leave some wondering if THC has somehow been piped into the cinema.
Savages presents a fascinating cycle of subterranean trade: high-quality Afghan weed makes its way to Southern California as a kind of byproduct of the war over there, and ex-SEALs use their military training and weaponry against the Mexican cartel in a new kind of war zone.
I don’t want to be preachy, but that ties in to my belief that blowback exists in this world. You don’t go fight foreign wars and expect them to stay there. The blowback comes, and not only in the form of Osama bin Laden in 2001. We have so many wounded people from the two Iraqs and Afghanistan, people with diseases and concussions and maimed limbs. There’s tremendous callousness in the country and it destroys us, and in a strange way Don Winslow caught that in his book with this idea of these soldiers becoming active here. In Vietnam we always thought that we’d come back and we’d make a difference here in this country; we’d lead the revolution against Nixon. I love the idea that this kid Chon just takes things in his own fucking hands. He doesn’t go crying to the cops—there’s no cops to cry to. They drive around on bicycles in Laguna. So he gets his RPGs and his IEDs and he fucking does it with real hardcore veterans. I loved that idea of war coming home to roost.
The depiction of the Mexican cartel is unusual in that the characters are quite three-dimensional, particularly Salma Hayek’s Elena, who has a fraught relationship with her twentysomething daughter, and who ends up treating O as a kind of surrogate daughter when she kidnaps her.
We always thought of it that way. We also had scenes with Uma Thurman as the mother of O—they were good scenes that were funny, actually. But with the movie being two hours and 10 minutes now, we were concerned. John Travolta’s character also had a wife, and there was a tender scene between them. And there was a very interesting side story with Lado, Benicio’s character—we had Mia Maestro as his wife, and we see that she is trying to make their children into Californians and the kids disgust him because they don’t have any of the old-fashioned ways that he wants. But we had to let all that go. What I like about the movie is that it has a tension to it, and I think it keeps you going, wanting to know what’s going to happen next, and it doesn’t let up.
The three leads have a terrific chemistry together. They really click in a way that gives the movie a lot of energy. How did you decide on the casting?
Aaron was the first one in. I met him and I just fell for his charm. We met in London and I said, “I don’t know which one you should play, but I want you to do this movie.” He was getting hot, he had done Kick-Ass and I had liked him in that. He was being offered a big role, and it was a big deal for him, but he gave up the [other] movie because he loved this idea so much. Then I saw Taylor in Friday Night Lights and an early version of Battleship and thought he was dead-on for Chon. So that made Aaron Ben. Blake came about after Jennifer Lawrence dropped out to make The Hunger Games. It was a difficult movie because she had Gossip Girl shooting 10 months a year, so she had to fly to New York practically every fucking day. She was working monster hours, as they do on TV. We stayed on schedule, but it was a difficult shoot.
The film feels in some ways like a sibling to Natural Born Killers and U-Turn in its ferocious pacing and the hyperreality of the imagery—the intensity of the sunlight and the bold primary colors.
Let’s put it this way: it was going to be a sun movie, which is to say Mexico, the South. The colors were intended to be primary, and I drove everyone a little bit crazy with that. Early on, I screened Contempt for [cinematographer] Dan Mindel, and I said, “I want these colors.” We had great sun all summer, we were shooting outdoors, we shot with windows, we shot with light, we tried to use as much beach life as we could. At one point, I went out on the set and screamed that I wanted towels, as many bright yellows and blues as possible, to get rid of the weaker colors that were sneaking in. Sometimes set designers want to have that tasteful balance, and I said, “No! We want excess!” Flowers, paintings, everything we could do to get some color in there, including bringing standby painters in and just slapping a wall together if we had to at the last second. My references in this were certainly Contempt, but also Duel in the Sun—I saw that several times when I was young, and I saw it again recently, and it’s just beautifully done. The showdown scene at the end was sort of an homage to that. Also to Leone.
To wit, the movie’s score has a strong spaghetti Western feel to it.
It’s funny you should say that, because I went about 10 rounds on U-Turn with Ennio Morricone. It was the only time I worked with him, and I never worked with someone so difficult in my life. It was a creative collaboration, but I think I’m the only American director who made him return to America a second time—he doesn’t like to travel—because I was unhappy. At one point in our collaboration, I actually showed him a Road Runner cartoon and I said, “This is the type of music I want you to write.” And he looked at me with a cold stare and said, “You want me to write cartoon music?” But if you listen to U-Turn, there’s a lot of boings and bings and bangs.
On Savages, I didn’t really know what the sound should be. There was a guy, Adam Peters, who I’d used on The Untold History of the United States, and he did great work for me. He’s English, so he’s not at all of the Italian style, but he adapted. As with Natural Born Killers and Any Given Sunday, we used a lot of needle drops, a lot of Mexican music. We listened to all the narcocorridos, but we didn’t end up using any of those. We put Brahms in under the sex scene at the very beginning because I wanted the movie to have some tenderness and romance. There has to be that element like in Duel in the Sun where you feel for these people—they’re young, they’re tender, they’re at the mercy of the world, they’re in danger, and they’re in love.
How do you interpret the love triangle at the center of the film? Do Ben and Chon really love each other—as Elena intimates—more than they do O?
I don’t know. I did look at Butch Cassidy before we shot the movie, and it’s interesting, because Katharine Ross is with both men, but it’s so hidden in the movie that you barely notice it. Certainly, Butch Cassidy was considered, even at the time, a bit homoerotic. O has her own journey, too. She lives through this thing and she has to find herself, through this process of looking at death so clearly. She says toward the end: “I don’t think it’s possible for three people to be equally in love.” Which indicates that she’s thought about what Elena says to her in the dinner scene: “Something’s fucked up about your love story, baby.”
What is the current status of your Showtime miniseries, The Untold History of the United States?
It grew out of my desire to leave something behind. I’m aware of what my three children studied in American History and I’m aware of what I studied in American History, and I feel like we were all cheated by the book publishers and by the schools. In my case, it grew into a mythology about the United States that was very dangerous, because among other things I went to Vietnam under the belief that we were fighting the demon enemy: Communism. And what we did in Vietnam was so heinous, so evil, and it bothers me still that it was never apologized for, nothing changed, and we went to more wars. So in 2008, around the time I was doing W., I started this project. It was designed to be 10 chapters about the mythologies of American history, going back to 1945 and the bomb and working our way through to 2012. It’s an upside-down version of American history, which is to say it takes everything you thought you knew about America and questions it. Anyway, it turned into a monstrosity. It went two years over and took a lot of time. Writing history for film is the hardest thing in the world, and I’ve been giving all my free time to it when I haven’t been making other films. It was originally scheduled for May, but when Universal moved Savages to July, we and Showtime decided to push it back to November because we didn’t want to overlap. We’re working like dogs on it as we speak. We keep revising, fact-checking. Things change. It’s a bitch.
Savages ultimately feels like the work of a filmmaker reborn. If you watched it without knowing who directed it, you might think it was the work of a first- or second-timer fresh from film school or music videos, showing us everything he can do, in case he never gets to do it again.
It’s really my third or fourth childhood, because I’ve had these kinds of periods before. Bear in mind that I did Platoon when I was 37. To me, part of me had died in Vietnam, and to finally get a chance to make a movie about Vietnam in 1986 when I was almost 40, I felt like an old man then. I was going back to my 20-year-old self, and being in the jungle with Charlie Sheen and all those young dudes, I was the old guy. Life is like that—you get old, you get young, you get old, you get young. That’s happened to me repeatedly. Natural Born Killers was an enormous explosion of energy at a time when I was getting divorced and my life was falling apart and I was in a very dark place and I just said, “Fuck it.” So the answer is, I felt very old on the movie at times, because it was such hard work, and to get out of your chair for the hundredth time of the day and have to walk over to some young person and talk them through the whole thing again… What am I doing out here in 100-degree heat at Pyramid Lake? But it’s the idea that keeps it alive.
As a director, you sometimes feel like you’re the most loathed person, because you’re telling everyone what to do. And most people in life, myself included, don’t like to be in control all the time. I don’t enjoy it. But once in a while, you have to go out there for 60, 70, 80 days and you’ve got to be in charge and you’ve got to be tough to bring it together, because it’s tremendously logistically complex, and if you have 16 competing visions or even two competing visions, it won’t work. Every time you direct, it’s a tremendous effort. It’s like mounting the D-Day invasion. I’ve made 19 movies and they were 19 wars.
-Scott Foundas, "Blowback," Film Comment, July-August 2012
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bestsurfpodcasts · 5 months
How Cheyne Horan Changed the Surfing Game Forever! #surfinglegends
Welcome to the Surf Splendor Surf Interview Podcast, where we dive deep into the world of surfing, bringing you iconic surfer interviews, surf talk, and insights into everything that makes this sport special. In our latest episode, we had the honor of hosting an Australian Surfing Hall of Famer who shared captivating stories and invaluable wisdom.
Join us as we explore the remarkable journey of Shane Heran, an icon of surfing whose passion and innovation have left an indelible mark on the sport. From humble beginnings riding a wooden fence picket to revolutionizing surfboard design, Shane's story is one of resilience, creativity, and unwavering dedication.
Throughout the episode, we delve into a myriad of fascinating topics, including Shane's experiences promoting waterproof products, building the best surfboards on the planet, and the intersection of skateboarding and surfing in his life. We also uncover insights into surfboard design, the challenges of judging surfing competitions, and the transformative power of incorporating yoga and meditation into one's surfing practice.
Tune in as we unravel the secrets behind the invention of the floater, discuss the radical philosophy of fins, and explore the profound connection between surfer and sea. From revealing shocking revelations about surfing competitions to sharing memories of past competitions, this episode is packed with captivating stories and invaluable insights.
Don't miss out on this enriching experience as we journey through the highs and lows of Shane's illustrious career, culminating in his coaching endeavors with legendary surfer Kelly Slater and the creation of a fantastic Instagram account that captures the essence of surfing like never before. Join us on Surf Splendor Surf Interview Podcast for a surf adventure unlike any other.
🎙️ Host & 🎬 Producer: David Scales 👉 Follow David on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/david_lee_scales
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🎙️🌊 🌟 Surf Podcast Recap:  The Australian Surfing Hall of Famer joins us to discuss how riding a wooden fence picket led to a surfboard revolution, how cosmic design rights all injustice, why you’re riding the wrong fins, and the creative growth that is unlocked by killing the ego. Enjoy!
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theboardroomsurfshow · 6 months
Epic Surf Stories: From Kelly Slater to Tom Curren with Matt George!
In this immersive surfboard podcast episode, we navigate through a diverse spectrum of topics with a dynamic surf culture influencer who embodies versatility as a filmmaker, writer, editor, and pro surfer. Teaming up with Matt, our dialogue explores captivating themes such as the iconic Kelly Slater, the cinematic journey of "In God's Hands," and the enchanting surf locales of Indonesia and Bali. We also delve into the pivotal role of storytelling in uniting the surfing tribe and shaping its cultural fabric.
Throughout the podcast, our discussion unfolds across insightful chapters that spotlight pivotal elements of surfing culture and industry evolution. From dissecting Kelly Slater's Olympic saga to examining the evolving dynamics of competitive surfing, we uncover intriguing insights into the dynamic surf scene. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of social media on surfing, the timeless interplay of man versus nature, and memorable milestones like Shane Dorian's legendary Teahupo'o ride.
As the episode progresses, we delve into the personal journeys of surf luminaries like Tom Curren, Lane Beachley, and the enigmatic Hawaiian Prince, honoring their profound contributions to the sport. We culminate our exploration by delving into the spiritual dimensions of surfing, celebrating the deeper connections and meanings that resonate with surfers worldwide. Join us on this immersive journey through the waves of surf culture, embracing the legends and narratives that define the vibrant surfboard community.
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rg-notes · 6 years
2019 New Years Resolutions
December 2018
For my 2019 New Years Resolutions, I prefer to do them a bit different than years past. Last year I used a set of quantified goals, for example, read 10 books (accomplished), make dinner once per week (fail), leave SF (accomplished), take selfies with friends each week (failed, which was better for everyone). This year I'm simplifying; 3 things I want to do more, 1 I want to do less. Here goes:
More Focus: I recently read this post by Shane Parrish on the Farnam Street blog about working smarter, not harder. He outlines a method of identifying the things that are most important to work on and how to eliminate the rest. My new years plan is to outline those goals, not for the purpose of having more goals that disappoint me but instead to identify what I can get rid of, and focus. From his post:It’s not about working harder to get better results. You have only so much energy to apply. Pick what matters. Eliminate the rest.-Shane ParrishEven without having gone through the exercise I can guess that this will likely mean (1) quality family time (I'm lucky to already have a lot of this), (2) lots and lots of time surfing and really improve, and (3) less objectives but more successes for Saltwater. I'll follow-up with a post about the outcome here later.The exercise to get there:Do the goal elimination processReview monthly, adjust where necessaryEnjoy the freedom of less
More Originality: My default instinct in getting things done always seems to be to see how others are doing that thing. It's a fine approach to knocking out random tasks, but the issues is that I rarely spend time thinking about how I would 'ideally' want it done, or other ways something 'could' get done. This approach causes me to miss out on ideas and opportunities for learning and growth. Another post on Farnam Street earler this year got me thinking about my first thought on a topic versus spending real time to think through multiple levels fo an issue, and getting to first principles of an issue. This sums it up perfectly...It’s only by concentrating, sticking to the question, being patient, letting all the parts of my mind come into play, that I arrive at an original idea. By giving my brain a chance to make associations, draw connections, take me by surprise. And often even that idea doesn’t turn out to be very good. I need time to think about it, too, to make mistakes and recognize them, to make false starts and correct them, to outlast my impulses, to defeat my desire to declare the job done and move on to the next thing.-William DeresiewiczThis year I want to create more, come up with more of my own solutions to problems, and generate more original thinking vs just fast copying. This will be tough as it's against my natural tendency to move quick, but I'm confident it will be worth while.The exercise to get me there:Block days to think about one issue for what will feel like a rediculous about of time.Write 2x / month minPaint, draw, doodle, spray paint a surfboard, get creative and have fun
More Contentment: I see the irony of setting a goal to work on contentment but it is someting I'd like the feeling of more often. And the only way I know to get things done is to put them on paper and increase a sense of commitment to it. So here goes. First, I already know that I'm incredibly lucky to have the life I have, with an amazing wife, kids, family, passions, and business successes. But with the harsh and beautiful way I'm wired, I always seem to look for improvement and the next thing. It's going to take a framework shift to get there. Second, I already know there isn't any 'thing' that I don't have that will make me content. It's the way I think about those things, the way I think about life, and really the way I think about myself in the context of my life that will likely get me there. One of my favorite blogs is Leo Babauta's ZenHabits, and this post on the source of contentment from years back jumped back to mind as I started thinking about the topic. This guy Henri Nouwen talks about the answer to the question "Who am I", and the way you answer that question indicates the source of your lack of contentment...You realize that you’re defining yourself in terms of what you do, what others think of you, and what you have … and instead you think of yourself as “love” (for example). Suddenly, the need to prove yourself and do something as cool as that evaporates, and instead you can just be content with who you already are.-Leo BabautaI'm not going to fall into the trap of thinking this answer will come this year and then I'm good for life. This is a life long journey for sure, but understanding my world view, my self view, and digging deeper to find a true and sustained sense of contentment is a big project for me this year. The exercise to get me there:Seek to understand how I define myselfMeditate regularlyWrite 2x per month on how self view affects personal and professional lifeSpend time outside, aloneUse Selfchat regularly
Less Waste: How many things in your life are actually unnecessary? Any effort to simplify or to "NeatMethod" your life style will have so many positive impacts. One of which I'd like to pay more attention to in 2019 is the waste of materials from an environemental perspect. How many Amazon boxes do you toss each month? How many cups, or bottles? How much power do you waste? I have my go-to coffee mugs, and my quiver of Hydroflasks set. I'm gonna stick to filling them in the morning, asking restaurants and food trucks to use them instead of their plastic or paper cups. What will likely have a small positive impact on the environment will have a big impact on my simple, focused, and content lifestyle.
Other stuff: I'm gonna try a rotation of stuff where I focus for a month... starting with no social media in January. You won't find me on Insta, Twitter, or FB till Feb. Hit me on text if ya know me ;) And here are a few other ideas:January- no socialFebruary- no boozeMarch- journal dailyApril- clean something dailyMay- take a film photo everydayJune- read 4 booksJuly - 30 days of yogaStill working on the rest, send ideas. Much love and thanks for reading.
Happy New Years 2019!
Ryan Graves
0 notes
slashertalks · 2 years
A Defense of The Lost Boys: The Tribe
Distant horror sequels are rarely good— this is a simple fact. With a gap of over twenty years between two films, the second is bound to suffer. For what it is, however, I think The Lost Boys: The Tribe has a lot of charm.
A disgraced former surfer moves with his sister to a small beach town where they wind up clashing with the local group of vampires, led by another former surfer. What you quickly learn is that the siblings are the children of Michael and Star, and they are quickly taken in by Edgar Frog, who has hermited himself away in this town shaping surfboards when not hunting vampires.
The girl, Nicole, is quickly swept up in the world of the vampires. After the death of their parents, her brother snapped and got kicked out of the surfing circuit— Nicole, on the other hand, has taken on a more philosophical view of death. It’s her perspective that attracts Shane’s attention. Shane, the head vampire, shares his blood with her moments after meeting her. Chris, her brother, reluctantly follows her into the darkness.
While the film absolutely revels in the “college antics” side of The Lost Boys’ version of vampirism, showing the vampires pranking each other by stabbing each other and throwing their intestines in retaliation, it also revels in connection. Nicole and Shane share a tender moment immediately after her turn, riding Shane’s motorcycle through the night streets, Nicole in Shane’s jacket. When she later expresses her concerns about losing her brother if she embraces the turn, he promises her she won’t.
Nicole and Chris have a positive, if somewhat dysfunctional relationship, and though they clash it’s made painfully obvious that Chris would do anything for Nicole— even if he is, at times, an idiot.
The film does suffer from a lack of budget, and the CG in particular is lackluster; when they do choose to go practical, it’s well-utilized. The vamp faces in particular are excellent, as well as some of the deaths (others are... laughable). It also struggles to balance its humor and horror as well as the original, but when the jokes land they’re really funny. The location they chose for the vampires’ lair is also stunning— it’s someplace I’d kill to explore, much like I’d kill to hang out in the original Boys’ hotel.
Sometimes, the acting falls incredibly flat. It’s rarely stellar, but often believable. Nicole has little to work with, mostly looking pretty in the background when she’s not fawning over Shane, and Chris’ actor can come off as flat at times. The vampires, however, are all uniquely engaging, and Angus Sutherland is captivating when he’s on screen. Corey Feldman, of course, steals the show.
The vampires are seductive, unsettling, funny, exciting; everything you want from the next group of Lost Boys. It also introduces a lot of unique lore, though it does play fast and loose with their powers. It seems to establish that Shane has some form of telekinesis, though its rarely utilized, and the other vampires don’t seem to have any abilities. The most unique aspect of their lore comes not from the movie itself, sadly, but from a companion comic book: Reign of Frogs. While that story is, for the most part, a standalone showing part of Edgar’s journey between the first and second films, it ends with Shane’s origin. He was one of the surfers attacked on the beach in the original movie, and the first thing he fed on was a shark.
See, in this universe the first thing a vampire feeds on affects their “vamp face.” Feed on a human, get a standard Lost Boys face a la David. Feed on a shark, however, and you and your childer will bear a striking resemblance to that first meal: pure black eyes, flat noses, greyed skin and at least four fangs (Shane himself has a mouth full of fangs, suggesting the severity of the... sharkness, for lack of a better word, dilutes with each generation). Unfortunately, the third film does nothing to explore this further; it would be interesting to see how this mythology would play out with other animals.
While the film is far from perfect— in fact, it’s not even my favorite 2000s vampire film (that honor goes to The Forsaken) —The Lost Boys: The Tribe is enjoyable. And really, what more can you ask from a film that will live eternally in the shadow of its far superior sibling? It takes guts to tackle a sequel for one of the most beloved vampire films of all time after ten years have passed, let alone twenty. The fact that The Tribe is such a genuinely enjoyable film is stunning. The soundtrack is good, the story and lore are interesting, it nods its head to the original while still doing its best to be unique and, for the most part, succeeding.
It is, however, a victim of circumstance. Not enough faith for a large budget, and therefore not near enough to the original to attract a dedicated following. It is not outstanding, and I doubt it will ever be considered a classic, but it is good. And that, quite honestly, is a miracle. Don’t expect The Lost Boys Two, though that may sound contradictory; instead, lower the bar. It’s not David, it’s not Michael, but it is their legacy and it shines through in the high points of the film. Much like the house Chris and Nicole move into this movie is a diamond in the rough. Set your expectations accordingly, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy the experience.
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glitchviper · 3 years
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wow look whos ages late to a trend, its me!
So here it is the Tsumi friendship teir list! Explantations under the cut and if you wanna discuss/potentially change just where your oc lays feel free to message me! My dms are always open and I'm always happy to talk ocs :)
So without further ado here's all the explantions
I would die for you: Tsumi has never really had any friends so when she got to UA and started hanging out with these four she didn't know what to do. She had never had friends, especially one as good as them before so now she's loyal to them to the end.
Jetsam is just such a kind and gentle person and despite his own anxieties, he helps Tsumi feel more relaxed. Taking things easy is always a breeze when they hang out, probably because their dynamic is just Shane and Ryans.
Tsutsumi actually sees a bit of her younger self in Rin, perhaps that's what drew her to help the quiet girl out. But from the initial interaction, their friendship grew. They both have such an intense drive when it comes to training and Tsumi loves that she has a friend who has that same level of drive. She helps Rin out with her problems and she knows that Rin will be there to help with hers.
Suyime, one of the few extroverts that Tsumi regularly associates with. Suyime helps Tsumi relax a bit and be a teenager and even though she complains about it Suyimes efforts are something that she treasures more than she can express. While Tsumi is a big sister to everyone she needs someone to be a big sister to her and that person is Suyime.
Jiro and Tsumi's friendship isn't a very complex or deep one at all. It's just vibes. They go out and learn how to skateboard cause its fun and why not. Vibes all around. She swears that one day she'll get Jiro on a surfboard.
Close-ish friends: These are people who Tsumi has interacted with a fair bit but isn't like close with ya know
Tsutsumi gained her respect for Kiyoko during thier match at the sports festival. They're very similar people and Tsumi is glad that they get along, even if they haven't interacted really at all outside of the sports festival.
Similar to Kiyoko, Tsumi considers herself a friend of Burai's due to all the training they've done together. Most people would say that training fights aren't really enough to form a friendship but screw those people.
Haru, Tai, and Amor are all similar cases, she's had a few interactions but those were enough for her to consider them friends. She really does hope that they can become better friends in the future though. But she is happy about the few interactions she's had with each of them thus far.
I would love to talk to you and be your friend (aka probably the longest explanations lol): These are people that Tsumi has seen around that she thinks are cool and that she wants to be friends with. However, Tsumi is awful at taking the initiative with social situations so for the time being she just hope that they approach first.
Kiku, Ayume, Akihiko, and Doku are all in the same boat. Friends of Tsumi's best friends that she thinks are really cool. For some reason, though they just haven't talked yet. She thinks all four of them are really chill and would love to talk to them, especially based off of the things her friends say about them.
Jimin is a cool lizard person that Tsumi thinks is super badass and wants to befriend. Not really that complex, she just thinks that they're cool! Definitely sees a training buddy in Jimin!
Konekomaru! Cat boy beloved, he seems like such a nice and cool person and Tsumi would love to be his friend. She hasn't really seen him that much either since they're in different classes but that hasn't stopped her from wanting to be his friend. Although she is a bit afraid that he might be scared of her, like more so than others. She doesn't know why she has that feeling though.
Yori, a fellow haver of a scary amount of scars. She looks cool and they have something in common. There also isn't a lot to this one. She just thinks that Yori is super tough, cause if you have that many scars you gotta be. Plus she just seems like a cool person!
Sheep girl Moa, terrifying to most but not to Tsumi. She does agree that she does have a temper issue and the ego can be turned down. However those issues aren't enough to make Tsumi overlook just how strong and hardworking Moa is.
Lastly for this category is Mao, who is just a person that radiates fun to Tsumi. Out of everyone on here Tsumi is the least sure about why it is that she wants to be Mao's friend, she just does. Simple as that.
Thems my classmates!: None of the students on here have any specific reason. They're just her classmates, she likes all of them. Even if they haven't interacted.
You confuse me but I appreciate the vibe: These three confuse Tsumi so much, she does not know what their deal is but she does appreciate that they vibe.
Tokiya and Hoshi are the same, she doesn't know how exactly they go about viewing the world, and often times the way they act confuses her beyond ebelief. But they appear to be really chill people who just go about to the beat of their own drum
Tsumi occasionally sees Evan out of the corner of her eye then a second later sees him bolting away, which just leaves her with so many questions. She doesn't know if he's just trying to talk to her or if he has an issue with her. She is pretty dam sure that he doesn't cause he really doesn't appear to have an issue. He's just a weird little monster boy to her.
The vibes here are questionable: Tsumi doesn't actively dislike anyone, mostly because no one has actively given her something that she would consider grounds to dislike. However there are three students who she has weird gut feelings about for one reason or another, but since she doesn't have an actual reason so she just ends up feeling like they're a little off.
However, and this is a big however, if Tsutsumi were to find out what Aito said to her during the sports festival, then Aito would very quickly be a part of a new category called: there are very few things on this planet that can keep me from beating the ever loving shit out of you at any given second. Because what Aito said during the sports festival was way beyond not cool and more than enough reason for Tsumi to actively want to kick Aito's shit in. So if I were you Aito, I'd put a considerable amount of energy into making sure that Tsumi doesn't find out what you said to her. Because I fear for your continued safety if she ever did.
Was this extremely long? Yes. Does this mean that I've gotten all my thoughts about this out? God no, I have many more thoughts. If you wanna hear them like I said my dms are open. I always love making new friends and talking ocs, especially if you wanna expand upon our ocs bonds with one another.
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roshapes · 3 years
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7’0” midlength with a green fade for Shane.. #handshaped #okesurfboards (at Oke Surfboards) https://www.instagram.com/p/COw-vHDsvIV/?igshid=xiz7prnlquiq
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surfcareers · 6 years
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// 🌴 New Interview: Shayne Nienaber - Surf Photographer 📷 //
Meet Shayne Nienaber , talented Gold Coast based surf photographer with a particular passion for shooting from the water. Crystal-clear, turquoise tubes, or golden backlit sunrise sessions, he is there to capture it all, with precision and creative flair. Dive in ...
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learnjerky · 6 years
Shane exposed teen choice awards too, long ago. TCA is fraud from head to toe. The voting system that they have kept for fans is fake as well because the producers of the award show choose the winner so don't waste your time voting because it is never going to be considered. This is one of the reason why those win who don't even deserve the award. Its been years & Shane is still waiting for his surfboard to arrive 😂. Yep, they don't even let the surfboard go home with the winner.
💀 every shows with a prize these days are all rigged.
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bestsurfpodcasts · 6 months
Surf Splendor Exclusive: Shane Stoneman on the Craft of Surfboard Shaping
From Waves to Works of Art: Dive into the world of surfboard shaping with Shane Stoneman as he shares his insights on turning waves into works of art. Join us as we explore Shane's journey from surfing to shaping, discussing the challenges and rewards of crafting the perfect board. From finding joy in the shaping process to balancing surfing with other creative pursuits, Shane's story is a testament to the endless possibilities of riding waves and shaping dreams.
Don't miss out on this captivating conversation filled with surf talk and stories! Tune in to the Surf Splendor Surf Interview Podcast to deepen your understanding of surfboard shaping and surf culture. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of surfboard mastery with David Lee Scales and Shane Stoneman! 🌊🎧
🏄‍♂️📚 Guest Info: https://www.instagram.com/stonemansurfboards
🤝PARTNERSHIPS: 👕 Roark.com -https://www.roark.com 🌊REALWatersports.com - https://www.realwatersports.com ⌚VAERWatches.com - https://www.vaerwatches.com
🥤 DrinkAG1.com/surf - https://DrinkAG1.com/surf 🥦 🛠️SquareSpace.com/surf - https://SquareSpace.com/surf💻 🚀RocketMoney.com/surf - https://RocketMoney.com/surf 💸 🍽️ FactorMeals.com/surf50 - https://FactorMeals.com/surf50 🥗
🎙️ Host & 🎬 Producer: David Scales:
👉 Follow David on Instagram: @David_Lee_Scales - https://www.instagram.com/surfsplendor
Full archive of past episodes:  https://surfsplendorpodcast.com/category/podcast/?episodes=all
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📧 Got something to share? Email David at [email protected].
📞 Call in to the Listener Line (760) 237-0150. Leave a message, and your thoughts might make a splash on air! 🌊
🤘 Ride the waves, have fun, and stay stoked! 🤙
🎙️🌊 🌟 Surf Podcast Recap:  Pro surfer turned shaper, Shane Stoneman discusses the immeasurable influence environment plays in one’s work and well-being, the restorative virtues of painting, music as a conduit to connect with his children, and how to mitigate the physical trauma of shaping surfboards. Enjoy!
#surfinginterviews #surftalk #SurfboardShaping #SurferInterviews #BestSurfingPodcast
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Smackdown Live! Review- April 10th, 2018
Happy Tuesday gang! Surprised that I’m here for another Smackdown review? It’s the Smackdown after Mania, of course I’m here for a review. Where else would I be but watching the show? Honestly I’d either be at the gym or my best friend’s house, but not tonight!
I’ll be posting my Mania reflections tomorrow (hopefully!) Look out for that when it drops!
Please let me know what your thoughts on the show were, or your thoughts on this review! Any type of feedback is welcomed. Thanks for reading and sharing!
Opening- Shane McMahon
After his match against KO and Sami at Mania on Sunday, we have to wonder where Shane will go next. Before Mania, Shane did step down from his role as commissioner of Smackdown, so he’ll probably name his successor.
Shane thanks the audience for a great Wrestlemania, and thanks everyone for travelling and supporting the show. He hypes the audience up by talking about Daniel Bryan and what an amazing job he did at Mania. Shane has accepted Daniel’s resignation as Manager and has him back as a full-time performer. Noiceee. We’ll have to see how often Daniel is allowed to compete, however. I have to imagine that they have to test him before and after every show to make sure things are okie dokie.
Shane announces that there will be a new GM for Smackdown, and he brings to the ring no one other than Paige! Paige is a great choice for this! She just retired from in-ring competition last night on Raw, and having her be GM is such a great choice. I wish her the best, and I can’t wait to see what she does for the Shake-up next week.
New Day vs. The Usos
On Sunday, both of these teams lost to the Bludgeon Brothers in a 3-way tag match for the tag titles. It was not surprising that the Bludgeon Brothers won, but I’m hoping their title reign does not last very long. I don’t want them to be this unbeatable force that no one can beat. That would make for a very uninteresting story in my opinion.
Jimmy and Jey bring some awesome teamwork against the New Day in the opening moments of this match. It looks like Xavier and Big E will be fighting tonight. New Day quickly counter the Usos attacks to get the upperhand in the match.
I’m really excited for the Shake-up this time around because we really need some fresh faces on the show, especially in the Smackdown tag division. I wanna see the teams in the ring change it up and fight someone else for once. I’m so sick of these matches every week.
These guys have fought and put on some great matches, and the crowd is really into the match tonight. I love the New Orleans crowd a lot, they’ve been really great this week so far. 
Xavier and Jey have been really going at it ever since the show came back from commercial. This is now turning into a huge fight, and it’s interesting now. Big E gets the sneaky tag to Xavier, unbeknownst to the Usos. Xavier and E hit a huge neckbreaker, but it doesn’t get them very far as the Usos find a way to counter and nail Xavier with a bunch of superkicks. Jimmy goes up to the top rope and hits Xavier with a beautiful splash. 1,2,3 for the Usos tonight. This match started out as nothing, but turned into a great fight by the end of it. The Usos will challenge the Bludgeon Brothers for the titles at the event in Saudi Arabia later this month.
Naomi vs. Natalya
At Wrestlemania, Naomi won the first ever Women’s Battle Royal to be held at Mania. I’m glad she won, I think she was the best choice to win. She’s so talented and athletic and so accomplished. I hope she gets another shot at a title soon, she deserves it.
Her opponent, Natalya, also deserves another title shot at some point. Nattie is one of the most experienced women on the roster, and having her as champion again would make me so happy.
The bout starts off with a little showboating and some slaps from the women. The two go back and forth for a bit, and Naomi tosses Nattie right out of the ring and onto the floor. Have we seen these two fight before? I feel like this is a matchup that could really take flight if given the proper time and planning. 
The match returns with Nattie in control as she stands of Naomi. Nattie gets Naomi in position for a nice snap suplex, and transitions into a nice submission move that I don’t really know how to describe? It almost looked like a standing surfboard mixed with a crossface? 
Naomi finally breaks free and hits Nattie with those fast kicks and jumps to the top rope but Nattie comes behind and knocks her down. Nattie then tries for the sharpshooter, but Naomi gets away and fights Nattie back finally. She ends up knocking her down with a boot, and then she does her flat-legged moonsault to get the win.
Charlotte’s Title Celebration
Oh my god you guys, Charlotte defeated the streak at Mania against Asuka in what I can only describe as the most unpredictable thing of the night. I have so many mixed emotions, mostly all positive, about the match. I wish Asuka had won so we could have a shakeup in the Women’s division on the show, but with the shakeup next week, maybe I’ll get what I’m hoping for.
Oh man, I love these two already. I loved them on NXT, and I think they’re a great addition to SD. These two really are the future.
Charlotte was done with what the iconics were saying and threw an elbow right at Billie. Charlotte does well for herself at first, but the women quickly get a hold of her and ambush her. They throw her over the announce table and into the ring post. They stand on her hands, and then they throw Charlotte right into the steel steps. 
This was straight up brutality from the iconics, and it was amazing. 
This is it. This is all I want from the show tonight. Thanks very much.
Randy Orton vs. Bobby Roode vs. Rusev
At Wrestlemania, Jinder Mahal came out on top and beat these three guys for the U.S Title. Tonight, these three guys will fight to see who becomes the number one contender for the title to face Jinder at Backlash.
It’s still so surprising to me how over Rusev is. I think it’s because he’s easy for people to chant for. I want him to be a wrestler again, not a gimmick.
It looks like Randy is taking the lead in this match thus far. He’s got Bobby in a headlock currently, and he knocked Rusev out of the ring early on. I think Randy will get one more shot at the title, but I think Bobby or Rusev deserve to be champion more this time around.
Rusev is back in the ring and is trying to knock Bobby down. He doesn’t, and Bobby almost pins him, but Randy is quick to get back in and break up the fight. It’s now Randy and Rusev, and Rusev nails Orton with a huge superkick to his jaw. Randy and Rusev are now fighting outside of the ring, and Randy lifts Rusev on to the table and flips his over. Bobby makes his way back into the match and tames Orton for a bit, but Rusev now slides back in and goes for Bobby.
Rusev is so quick to build the pace of the match back up to where it should be. He fires with everything he’s got at Bobby and locks in the Accolade, but he doesn’t get it all the way and Randy comes back in to stomp at Rusev. He nails Bobby with the RKO, and Randy wins, earning a chance to face Jinder again.
Daniel Bryan vs. AJ Styles
AJ said it best in his backstage interview, no one thought this match would happen in a WWE ring EVER. I think this is now the new dream match.
AJ and Shinsuke had a great match at Mania that had an upsetting ending with AJ still as champion. I wish Shinsuke would’ve won, but the heel turn at the end is such a captivating and promising thing and I love it already.
Daniel is dawning his classic wet slicked back hair, and he is ready to get back into the ring as a competitor.
The match starts with some easy lockups and sequences that set the technical pace of the match. Daniel is down for most of the beginning, but he’s now on his feet after a sweet kip up, and he’s now focused on kicking the shit out of AJ. Daniel has turned his focus to AJ’s arm, and this is where Daniel shines.
Daniel keeps his rally going but is suddenly put to a halt by AJ with a huge ass dropkick right to Daniel’s face. 
I think I’m going to have to try to like Daniel Bryan again. I am so happy that he gets to continue to live his dream and is able to wrestle again, I think that’s so inspiring. But as I’ve said before, I have never bought into the Daniel Bryan hype. When he hit his peak, I wasn’t watching a lot of wrestling at the time, and I missed a lot of great moments. I know Daniel can impress me, but I’m not jumping at the chance to be in his corner just yet. 
The match rolls on as Daniel nails AJ with a flying forearm. It really looks like Daniel has never stepped away from the ring, he looks like he wrestled yesterday. He’s sharp and clear, hopefully this can last.
I can’t help but worry every time Daniel gets hit on his head. I don’t him to wrestle today, only to hang it up again tomorrow.
Even with selling a knee injury, Daniel is able to lock in an armbar from a suplex. AJ is able to escape and lock in the calf crusher, but the submission specialist in Daniel sneaks out of it, but AJ is able to find a way to lock back in. Daniel almost gets the yes lock in, but AJ gets up and delivers the pele kick to Daniel. He goes for the phenomenal forearm, but Daniel counters and gets back to his feet. He tries for those dropkicks in the corner, but AJ trips him and tries to hit the clash, but Bryan gets out and tries for the yes lock, but AJ finds the bottom rope to break the hold.
Daniel and AJ start fighting on the top rope, and Daniel tried to hit a superplex on AJ, but AJ shifted his weight and was able to knock Daniel over in mid-air, and I think he landed on Bryan’s face? Ouch? With both men down, Shinsuke inserted himself into the match and kicked Daniel in the head, making the bell ring. He then attacked AJ again, and walked away with a sly smile on his face. If we are getting true heel Shin, sign me the fuck up.
That’s it for the Smackdown after Mania! I thought this was a pretty good show. There weren’t as many debuts as there were last night, but we get Carmella as champion AND the iconic duo! I’m happy with that. 
Stay tuned for more posts during the week! My Mania reflections post will hopefully be up tomorrow, as well as maybe a post for NXT??
Please reblog and leave some feedback!
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y'all shane dawson has been saying this shit for YEARS. the TCAs are a joke and they are rigged beyond belief. this is the message that flashes on the screen for 2 seconds that basically says "yeah you voted but we can change the decision whenever we want so fuck you". everyone knows those awards belong to the dolan twins. they are the most deserving. but the TCAs are just all about money and ratings and bullshit. They hurt my babies feelings and i know it but the twins will never be petty or mean about it. they are probably congratulating everyone right now and are just happy to be invited because they're so humble and sweet and down to earth. we should just get surfboards made for them telling them how much they mean to us 💜
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bingybooks-blog · 4 years
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17-year-old Sam’s mum is dead. With no other choice he moves away from Sydney and everything he knows for the south coast to move in with his estranged aunt and cousins, Minty and Shane.  Minty is the ultimate surf bum, destined for surfing on the world tour circuit, that is if he doesn’t blow it.  Shane is a pretty much a giant douche and hates Sam for reasons unclear to him. Grieving the loss of his mum, Sam swaps his skateboard for a surfboard and decides it’s time for him to sink or swim. 
Ok so Sam would technically be called a soft-boi by today's standards, this book is set in the 90’s, so he would have been classified as grungy. What I’m saying is, Sam has a lot of f e e l i n g s. Most of them are justified though. I loved this book, the characters were relatable and you can fully empathyse with the frustration Sam feels at the sudden death of his mum and all the secrets his aunt is hiding. Guys, so many secrets... no spoilers here though. 
 Best read to listening to Surf Trash, Cupid and the Stupid's, Avril Lavine- Sk8er boi (Jeff Buckley if you want to cry)any 90’s Australian alternative band and eating a meat pie, bacon and egg roll, hot chips with extra chicken salt and smashing it all back with a chocolate milk shake.  
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stokeandgrind · 5 years
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#wipeoutwednesday. So last week in Hawaii there was some pretty epic swell coming in at 20-25 feet. It’s been on my bucket list to tow surf in these kind of conditions for a while. @surfcaddyhawaii was getting me warmed up on a tow in foil session with his surf foil when it split in half. I had my mikes lab race foil in the car so we had to give it a shot. Rode a couple good ones and some well, see the picture. We went back to get the surfboard since there were some nice 10 ft sets that we breaking. We then decided to hunt the big ones in the north shore but we’re stopped due to faulty jet ski trailer. Still one of the best days on the water I’ve had. Thanks so much Shane for the awesome experience. #kiteboarding #kitesurfing #kitesurf #surf #jetski #waverunner #wipeout #mikeslab #tfb #tarifafoilboards #towinsurfing #mysticboarding #oahu #hawaii #swell (at Secret Spot) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6OVe7MnKPI/?igshid=1ayfh68ds1670
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unloyalcarat · 7 years
Teen choice awards is annoying. Why the fuck are the awards surfboards??? It's rigged anyway.
If you watch shane dawson’s video he even said that his surfboard hasn’t even arrived…Its been 6 years. The awards are fuckery technically
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