#surprised the hardhat was recognized
bonkage · 2 years
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i am not okay right now
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notyetneedcoffee · 4 years
Soul Seer, Pt. 11
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Loki Master List
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Angst, 18+ Smut
Author’s Note: Takes place right after Avengers 1, with time travel elements and hints of Infinity Wars. Does NOT follow cannon after Avengers.
Sorry for taking so long to update!
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“Who the hell is this guy?” The Army Major looked over Captain Rogers’ shoulder at the tall sandy haired man. The man, tall and lithe, with a scruff of a beard and curl to his hair appeared ordinary enough. Only his posture and the look in his eye gave any hint that this was actually the God of Mischief.  
“Special Consultant. Highly classified. You can call him Luke.” Steve answered, voice leaving no room for question.
“Consultant, huh?” Major Belcher stared into the other man’s hazel eyes and blank face, trying to get a reaction. “So, what does he do?”
Loki swallowed back the instinct to show this cocky soldier just exactly what he could so. Instead, he just stared back, unflinching. It seemed to agitate the man, which was enough for the moment.  
“He’s here to help find survivors. He also possesses special knowledge on the alien technology; what’s dangerous, how it should be handled. Listen to him. That’s an order.” Steve did not like the fact that Belcher still did not look at him as he spoke. He shifted sideways, physically moving into his line of sight. “Understood?”
“Yes, Captain.” Belcher nodded. “Understood. Where do we start?”
Loki followed the Captain and the other soldiers through the streets. Large construction machinery filled the available areas in the streets. Building debris had been piled in heaps. Trucks loaded with alien technology and questionable slag waited to be filled before being moved out.  
The soldiers and city workers moved with quick organized effort, that if you did not know, looked like chaos. As the day progressed, Loki witnessed the reactions as slabs of concrete were lifted to reveal unidentifiable corpses. The resolve and fortitude of the people surprised him. His eyes locked on a man operating a back-hoe, carefully performing his duty with careful precision despite the tear tracks clearly visible on his dirty face.  
He stopped a crew from moving a Chitauri skiff with a leaking fuel cell. Crawling over the twisted wreck, Loki magically rendered the danger inert out of the sight of the others before allowing them to move it. He helped a unit secure several weapons, showing the soldiers how to check for active charge or damaged power cells.  
As the work continued, Loki stretched his senses for survivors. There were so many dead. The Army piled Chitauri bodies on trucks. Tents had been erected for on-site morgues for the humans. Loki mentally built a wall around the sight. He did not want you to accidentally see his memory of this.  
A violent rumble, a scrape of concrete and groaning of steel, drew Loki’s attention. A desperate cry reached his mind. It was distant and weak, but distinct. “Stop!”  
His call prompted no action, so he sprinted forward to shout again. Damn his promise to not overtly expose his magic. Loki just wanted to freeze the operator of the great mechanical beast. “Stop, you fool! Now!”
“What?” The machine ground to a halt.  
“There are survivors down there!” Loki bellowed, pointing harshly. “Do not move that thing another iota.”  
“What the hell is going on here?” Another man jogged up. Judging by the ill fitting dress shirt and tie he wore under the bright orange safety vest and different colored hardhat, Loki assumed he was a superior of some sort.  
“I have ordered that man to cease his actions.” Loki clenched his teeth at the exasperated look on the other man’s face. He loathed explaining himself. “There are survivors down there. The shifting of this weight will collapse the void they are in.”  
“And just how the fuck would you know?”  
Loki’s eyes rolled. “Because I know.”
“Oh, because you know?” The guy mocked. “I’ve got a schedule, buddy. Stop interrupting my crews.” He turned back to the mover spinning his finger in the air, signaling for the work to continue.  
The machinery roared into gear, moving a large chuck and causing everything to shift.  
Mental screaming filled his mind.
Loki spun around, roaring with a voice louder than a human’s should be. “Stop! Don’t you move!”
Loki twisted his fist in the man’s shirt and lifted him to his toes before stopping himself. “No you listen. That machine will not move, nor am I your ‘buddy’.”
“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Steve came running over. “Lo – Luke, let him go. What’s happened?”
Loki explained, and to his surprise, the Captain listened.  
“Okay, what’s the play? Can you get to them or do we need to bring in the engineers to stabilize this?” Steve looked at the pile of concrete collapsed into a below level mezzanine or platform of some sort.  
“Allow me to take a look around.” Loki took a few steps and then paused. “Perhaps, Captain, you could join me.”
Steve followed as they picked their way over the pile to an area where the marble floor of the building lobby could be seen under the dirt. They were mostly out of the sight of everyone else. “Can you tell how many are down there?”
“Thirteen,” Loki paused. “Perhaps twelve. They are weak, dehydrated and terrified. Now thanks to the fool up there, some have new injuries.”
“How are we doing this?” Steve’s stomach churned a little at the thought of being trapped all this time.
“Fast or slow. If you wish to maintain appearances, I can magically stabilize the debris while you remove the obstacles. Or I can just push open a pathway and you can go get them.”
“Open the path.” Steve gave a grim nod. “We’ll explain it later.”
Loki focused, feeling the humans below. With a sudden roar and screech, the debris shifted. A rough and irregular tunnel formed. From perhaps thirty feet down screams and shouts called to them. Steve rushed down, sliding along the broken concrete.  
A familiar face looked up from behind an overturned car. Loki called out without shifting his attention. “Ah, Major Belcher. Do be of assistance and bring around the medical personnel. The Captain is bring up survivors and some are not well.”
“What the hell…”
“Now, Major.”
“Ah, yeah. On it.” The man turned, shouting for EMS.  
Thirty minutes later, Steve gave a hand up to a very dirty and very exhausted looking man in his mid-forties. “Thank you, Captain. Thank you. I tried to keep spirits up, but I thought we were all going to die down there.”
“You did amazing.” Steve put his hand on the man’s shoulder. “You stepped up and took care of them, kept a clear head. Now, go with these folks and let them take care of you.”
The man stepped forward and hugged Steve, weakly slapping his back. “Thank you for saving us.”
“I just went down and helped you up.” Steve looked over at Loki in his human disguise. “He’s the one that found you and opened up a way to get you out.”
The man turned to Loki and before he could step back, Loki found himself in the man’s embrace. He froze, awkward and unsure. The tunnel crashed closed. Everyone jumped.  
“Wow! Close.” The man exhaled. “Thank you, man. Thank you so much.”
“No need…”
“Go on,” Steve came to Loki’s rescue. “Get checked out. Rest. And for heaven’s sake eat a sandwich.”
The man gave something between a laugh and a sob. Still, he allowed the EMTs to draw him away.  
“That was…” Loki began. “Odd.”
“Not so much.” Steve smiled. Loki noted it was a genuine smile, like the kind he gave you. “Give it a chance. The hero gig might grow on you.”
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The weight of Loki’s body curling around your body woke you from your deep slumber. His arms pulled you close, tucking your back against his chest. His nose rubbed along the skin behind your ear.  
You sighed contently, until your conscious mind realized what Loki was doing. You felt him physically. You felt his presence. But the depth of him, the rich warmth of his touch on your mind was gone.  
“What’s wrong?” You whispered.  
“Nothing, my pet. Sleep.”
“Please, Loki. There’s no need to lie to me. Something happened.”  
His rich voice poured over your skin. “Many thing happened.” He pulled you tighter.  “Many.”
Snuggling back against him, you tentatively brushed your mind against Loki’s. After a moment you felt a flood. Confusion. Sorrow. Admiration. Regret. Surprisingly you realized, you also recognized a strange kind of satisfaction.
“Did you save people today?” You whispered.
“Yes.” He whispered back.
You struggled to roll over. He let you and you kissed him. Your tongue slid along his, drawing soft moan from his chest.  You touched his face, pulling back to look into his eyes despite the darkness. “Good.”
Loki’s eyes fell closed, physically wrapping around you as he mentally sunk into your love and support.
His hand slipped over your flesh, hands cool on your warm skin. With an equally  gentle touch, you pushed him over onto his back. Loki allowed you to guide him to lie back so you could pet and touch his perfect flesh.
You straddled his hips, rubbing yourself against his length, slicking him up. The fact that this man, this powerful god, would submit back and allow you to touch him and taste him as you wished, filled you with a heady mix of awe and desire. That he felt it too, took your breath away.
His hand cupped your face, staring at you as you moved against him in the slow and languid rhythm. You sucked the tip of his thumb into your mouth, nipping it with your teeth, as you shifted your hips and impaled yourself on him.
A low moan slipped from his lips. “Oh, my sweet pet.”
“Yes.” You so the full length of him rubbed along your sweet spot. Loki’s palms slipped over your breasts, down to your hips. His feelings washed over you. Not the engulfing fire, but a deep and complicated need. 
You pace quickened, the tension building. Loki pulled you close, his mouth devouring yours. One hand tugging at your hair, the other guiding your hips, he began to take more control. 
“My dear.” He moaned into your mouth, kissing you between words. “My pet.” You body began to quivered around him. “I’m so happy you are mine.” 
Heat flooded from your core to your limbs. Your release making you whimper against his lips. Loki’s hips snapped, body twitched, as he followed you. He held you there, draped over him, until you began to pepper his jaw with light kisses.
“And am I happy you are mine.” You whispered. 
His arms tightened. It was a long time before he let you go.
@1800-fight-me / @a--1--1--3—3 / @alexakeyloveloki / @archy3001 / @asgardianthot / @asiaaisa77 / @badassbaker / @bangtan-serendipity / @beautifullungs / @buchanansebba / @buckybarneshairpullingkink / @daughterofthenight117 / @dawnlaufeyson / @dsakita /  
@everything-is-awesomesauce / @geeksareunique / @imma-new-soul / @jesseswartzwelder / @jillilama-blog / @kermittheshipper / @kiki5283 / @kneel-before-queen-loki / @lbouvet / @lovely-lollipops-blog / @messenough / @michelehansel​ / @mindtravelsx / @morganhoran1671 / @myownviperroom​ / @night-cereus​ / @notyourtypicalrose​ / @osric-the-l3m0n-l0v3-demon /  
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@ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ / @ultrarebelheart​ / @unadulteratedwizardlove / @vanillabunn21​ / @vintageroses1014516​ / @vodka-and-some-sass​ / @wwe-fanfiction-queen​ / @girlmadeofivory​
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kilyra · 6 years
Almost Felt Bad
Frank Castle (Punisher) One-Shot from prompt idea
A/N: I received a prompt request from @kaelyn-lobrutto24 where the reader (who had a rough back story and is left rather shy and with a stutter) works at the same construction site as Frank (who goes by Pete during this time) and is caught in a situation by Lance and his pals when she leaves work late one night. 
Warning: Violence and bad language. (Including “gimp” and “ mute”) Also, I ended up making it a female insert instead of blank, so heads up on that.
NOTE: If you want to be on a Frank (or everything) tag list, let me know :)
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You were minding your own business when you left the site that day. All day, every day was actually about minding your business as you hauled around debris. The only time anyone seemed to notice you was when they were barking at you to get out of the way or chucking shit in your wheelbarrow. Even Pete, your fellow rooftop lunch mate hardly noticed you existed.
So, it was especially surprising to find out Lance actually knew your name.
Most everyone else had cleared out from the site, but you had a bit more work to get done before you could go. By the time you finished and packed your gear, there were only a couple trucks parked near your car but otherwise, the lot was empty.
The only thing on your mind was where you wanted to grab supper, but as you got closer to your car, you heard voices. Some of the crew was huddled behind one of the trucks, talking in hushed voices. When you glanced over, you spotted the bald head of a tall man. Lance.
Walking past, you went over to your car, ignoring them as you searched for your keys. But soon, you realized the tone of their hushed talk had changed.
“No, the whole time,” a voice hissed. You recognized Paulie's whiny tone anywhere.
“Hey! Y/n! You spying on us?” Lane shouted as he came around the end of his truck. He spoke with such anger that adrenaline immediately flooded your system even though you had no idea what was going on.
“W-what?” Your hardhat fell out of your bag and clunked to the pavement as you spun to face them.
Strutting closer, he sneered. “Oh, don't even try to play games. I know you heard me.”
“She heard everything,” Paulie added.
“I-I didn't. I didn't hear anything. I didn't even know you were here...” Glancing down, you saw your hardhat had rolled close to where Lance stood and you had no desire to grab it. You'd buy another.
Backing away, you bumped into the side of your car. Turning to the door, your hands shook too hard to pull your keys from your pocket.
“Well, if you didn't hear nothing, why you trynna run?” Lance roughly kicked your hat away as he came closer.
You saw him looming behind you from the reflection in the window as you uselessly jabbed the key at the lock.
“We just want to make sure you won't talk, is all.”
“Or can't.” Paulie chuckled darkly as he piled on.
“I-I-I didn't h-hear anything,” your stuttered worsened. It hadn't been that bad since you were a child but you were a hair’s breath away from screaming hysterically. Lance was a complete prick, and you had no doubts he would beat on you just to prove a point.
“Hey, asshole,” a gravelly voice firmly called from near the back of your car. Standing between the two vehicles, Pete Castiglione held your hard hat as he stared down Lance and his cronies.
“Would you look at this? The mute and the gimp? Must be my lucky day.”
Pete's nostrils flared as he stomped closer in stiff steps. “Not exactly.”
The grin dropped from Lance's face as he narrowed his eyes. “Look, gimp, this got nothing to do with you, alright? So why don't you do yourself a favour and walk away?”
As Lance spoke, Paulie and the other two with them puffed their chests and rolled their heads each taking casual tough-guy stances. Having given up on unlocking your car, you pressed your back against the door, wishing you could meld into the metal.
“See now, I can't do that. I promised Y/n here I'd see her safely to her car. So why don't you do yourself a favour and let her drive away?”
The entire group burst out laughing and Pete's shoulders heaved with a sigh. He continued to advance as he looked to the side, hardly paying attention to the scrawny guy closing in on him.
Without hesitation, Pete swung your hard hat up, solidly connecting with the guy's nose. Blood sprayed in an arc, splattering down along the side of the truck. His head snapped back and he stumbled into Paulie. Pete brought the hat back down on the same guy’s head and he turned into a rag doll, flopping to the pavement.
Everyone froze as Pete turned to Lance and cocked his head.
“The fuck? Don't just stand there!” Lance shouted, jerking everyone from their stunned stupor.
Rushing forward and swinging wide for a punch, Paulie was the first to react. Leaning back and easily dodging the lazy arc, Pete stepped close and caught Paulie’s arm. Trapping it between his own arm and ribs, Pete jerked upward, instantly popping Paulie’s shoulder out of place. You could hear the sound from where you stood, even over his scream.
As Pete shoved him back, Paulie tripped over his friend and topped to the ground, still groaning.
Before the next guy could even throw a punch, Pete kicked the inside of his leg, dislocating his knee. Or breaking it. You weren't sure, but he collapsed immediately, hugging his leg and crying out in pain.
Almost backing into you, Lance threw his hands up. “Whoa, whoa, hey man. We're good, we're good! She's good to go, this never happened.”
Pete's jaw tightened as he tilted his head. “See, that was my offer before your guys started swinging.”
Everything happened so quickly and somehow Pete's utter calmness made it worse. Your heart was pounding so hard, it was difficult to hear anything over the rush in your ears. Swallowing heavily, you tried to inch away from the pair, only to get stuck on your side-view mirror.
Lace threw his shoulder's back as he considered Pete's words. Growling, he stepped forward, swinging a solid punch.
Holding your hat up, Pete caught Lance’s hand and thrust the hat forward. The crunching sound was sickening. Lance's screech was inhuman, somewhere between a yelp and a roar, as he threw himself forward for a headbutt while clutching his hand.
Swiftly, Pete held the hat up to meet Lance’s face. Grunting, he stumbled forward as Pete, still somehow holding the hat, grabbed the back of his shoulders. In a swift motion, he drove Lance’s face into his raised knee and dumped him on the ground.
Pausing in front of you, Pete looked down at all the blood smearing your hat. Frowning, he rubbed it on his shirt as he scanned the rest of the parking lot. Glancing down and apparently satisfied, he flipped the free side towards you, nodding for you to grab it.
Taking it with your shaking hand, your eyes swept over the group sprawled on the pavement.
Stepping in your line of sight, he blocked them from your view. Nodding to the car he spoke calmly. “You good to drive?”
Definitely not.
Letting out a shaky exhale you just nodded.
“Okay. Good. Time to head home, yeah?”
“B-but what about them.” Your voice was breathy, but it was a surprise you had a voice at all.
Lightly he shrugged as he spared a quick glance back. “What happens next is up to them. Get home safe, huh?”
Nodding, you wet your lips but didn't try to reply. Instead, you put all your concentration into unlocking the door and getting the key into the ignition. Your trembling didn’t help.
As you drove away, you saw Pete in the rearview as he turned to face the group that was finally starting to move.
You almost felt bad for them...
Taglist:  @foreverfaeries  @flower-two  @getlostinyourparadise   @selfishkiddo @angelicshinigami  @natsukitakama  @kchavez666  @kaelyn-lobrutto24
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dearyallfrommatt · 5 years
Alt-weeklies are dead. Blogs are dead. Bootlickers and the civility police won.
 The above story from The New Republic written by Alex Pareene was brought to my Twitter world by Radley Balko, superlative journalist and maybe the only self-described libertarian I’d let thrive after the Purge. In short, it discusses the recent emasculation of Deadspin and how it’s indicative of the death of the “rude press”. That is, the elimination of smaller, shall we say less respectful outlets like Splinter and Gawker, publications that would stick their fingers into they eyes of the rich and the very much richer.
 And it’s not just those web-based publications’ deaths that article warns of. It’s the slow extinction of the alt-weekly or alt-monthly, all to be replaced by boutique publications that won’t be so gauche as to upset their betters. In other words, they’ll be “civil” because “civility” might be the most important thing we’re missing in this cold, cruel world.
 The first writing gig I got out of college was at an alt-monthly and the only “regular job” I’ve ever had was with an alt-weekly, so I might be a bit biased on this matter. Twenty-some-odd years ago in Gainesville, FL, a pair of cats named Colin Whitworth and Mike Podalsky started MOON Magazine, maybe the altest alternative magazine that wasn’t a ‘zine that I’ve ever seen. I mostly wrote about music and Gainesville being what it was, there wasn’t much sticking-in-the-eye that needed doing.
 Though I do remember them pissing of a real estate guy so badly he started his own “alt-monthly” in competition. It lasted one issue as I recall. Every afternoon at 4:20, we'd have a “staff meeting” and the magazine run pieces from severely left-wing sources going after the destruction of the Everglades or the dangers of the Cassini probe. It was that kind of magazine.
 After I left Gainesville for Athens, I took up with Flagpole Magazine, a music/news/arts weekly in Michael Stipe’s hometown. Athens is a different town and publisher Pete McCommons was a different breed. An old school newspaper man contrasted to Mike and Colin’s “young upstarts”, Flagpole was a gentler poke that nevertheless contrasted well with the bought-and-owned-by-the-chamber-of-commerce local daily, The Athens Banner-Herald. He still gave a lot of room to his staff to go nuts, notably my direct editor Ballard Lesemann.
 When I left college in 1997, I had already worked in actual, for real newspapers for almost a decade. Furthermore, I’d grown my hair long and discovered Hunter Thompson, so I was by no means inclined to go back to covering school board meetings for some small town weekly. MOON went the way of the dodo sometime in 2001, and though I left in 2002, Flagpole’s still kicking.
 I rarely made anything close to a living at writing, but I’m thankful of my time with the alts and grateful to Colin, Mike, Pete and Ballard for letting me share the ride with them and have a little fun. So, again, grain of salt. One thing working on alternatives taught me was that “complete objectivity” was not only impossible but unnecessary so long as your cards are on the table, so I ain’t going to put no shuck on you.
 Now, I won’t summarize or really explore what the above-linked New Republic piece goes into. I highly recommend it be read and considered with much gravity. Even if you don’t agree with its conclusions - or even the need for the existence of “rude journalism” - do study on what it suggests. Do we really want a world where the extremely rich, either as individuals or as a group, can shut down publications that don’t show proper fealty and people who’re willing to tell the Boss Man to take this job and shove it?
 The responses to Radley’s retweet and others I’ve seen elsewhere are telling indeed, though. While there are plenty of sympathetic voices, not a few folks are saying “well, good, fuck ‘em”. There is a negative view of journalists, but if anyone suggests that it’s caused by recent events in the business are lying or stupid or ignorant or all three. For as long as there have been rich dudes willing to start wars for more wealth, there have been plenty of poor bastards willing to die for them. Nowadays, we have folks willing to pay Major League Baseball for what they used to get for free, and not even blink an eye.
 A lot of it’s political. Right-wing media doesn’t have the same problems in getting funding because, well, most rich people are quite fine with the nuts and bolts of conservative thought. The economic side, anyway, which spells less taxes or regulation; the social side, they have enough pull to not have to worry about anyone griping unless they piss off someone higher up the ladder.
 Which is extremely amusing, since these are the same folks who stay constantly stricken with the vapors about how much money Hillary Clinton (or Elizabeth Warren or Barrack Obama or Bernie Sanders or fill-in-the-blank-here) bring home. The “common people”, they’re saying, don’t need hoity-toity nerds who can string sentences together and count without taking off their shoes telling us that they’re favorite rich guy needs a kick in the nuts for being the type of bastard that needs kicking in the nuts on a regular basis. The hooting baboons that support digital frat houses like Barstool are happy to stick it to those PC creeps, man, rebelling in that way that hurts the actual elite not one tiny bit.
 They also hate the corporate media and social media sites, which they will tell you endlessly in the comments sections of corporate medias’ pages on social media while FOX and CNN have a special on it every other week. They hate “political correctness” trying to tell them that the “natural order” isn’t just boozy white dudes watching the Pats and gorging on chicken wings, making  cracks about the opposing quarterback being homosexual or making “hey-it’s-just-a-joke” jokes about Serena Williams or some WNBA playing being a “man, baby”.
 There is most definitely a place for big mainstream news sources like CNN or The New York Times or TIME Magazine. A professor of my in journalism school used to repeat the quote, paraphrased from memory, that “journalism is the first rough draft of history”. Despite what the right wing has been screaming for years, whoever the president is, the big papers are rarely out for his blood. Once you become president, you are a “Washington insider” and all the corporate media really cares about is making money. 
 Whatever he says about the “Washington Swamp” and “fake news”, Donald Trump’s been part of that world, as is every Washington politician or media figure. FOX News is the mainstream media and the Washington Examiner has plenty of backing to keep that so. Who funds The Federalist? That publication has its place but that question must be asked. To do otherwise is to tell the powerful that you’re just fine with them running things, thank you very much.
 But there needs to be a place for a small, scrappy paper speaking for the weird and shat-upon, flicking the earlobe of the rich and powerful and running ads for weekly drag shows. The dirtbag center - that’s what I’m calling the tedious middle-class bourgeoisie spawn that all voted for Trump because they hated Hillary but don’t want to admit it and were shocked as the rest of us, deal with it - wants to be kept fat and saucy while their kids joke about “learning to code” and they all grind themselves down in a miserable existence. Sticking it to the media and the elite, man, all up in the “intellectual dark web,” man, just like Peter Thiel or Bari Weiss, man.
 This is one of those things that shouldn’t surprise me as much as it does, because these people are that guy who started a one-run magazine to get back at Colin and Mike for saying hurtful things about them being crooked. In America, at least, there has always, always been a group of people who will kick down for the benefit of their upper-class betters and do it with a smile on their faces. It’s why dumbass country boys went to die for slavery and why thick-necked hardhats smashed picket lines and assassinated union leaders.
 Like the story notes, we all thought that blogs would be the new hotness, but that lasted just long enough for Google to deciding that “do no evil” was bad for the bottom line. People, especially wingnuts, boo-hoo about Facebook or Twitter without acknowledging or even recognizing that Mark Zuckerberg is a greedy little shit and Jack Dorsey is quite comfortable with cosplaying Nazis. Thanks to Ajit Pai’s bought-and-sold ass, Net Neutrality - about the only thing that keeps the internet from being anything other than a glorified Want Ads - is going to be that much harder to make reality.
A lot of this goes back to the “civility” thing, or lack thereof, NYT columnists bemoan whenever they get caught out being a dipstick. We’re too mean to each other, they say, we don’t know how to respect each other, they say. Rich people know how to run things better than the hoi polloi, so do sit down and be quiet like nice children. Or else. 
 Because here’s the thing, friends and neighbors: the rich, I mean really rich class in this country do not give a solid gold shit about you apart from how much more money they can squeeze out. Suck up to Elon Musk all you want and bemoan Bill Gates having to pay so much in taxes that he’s still a billionaire afterwards all you want. They are not going to let you on the space ship with them once they’re done fouling the waters and scouring the land.
 You can cheer the death of Deadspin all you want, hoot at the firings of journalist who say bad things about Trump or the cops or Tom Brady, and general be gleeful that the media all should “learn to code” to your heart’s content. Because it won’t end there. Conglomerations are already scooping up weekly and small town dailies, shuttering the superfluous and give everyone the same story in the same tone while kissing the proper butts.
 In the end, we need an antagonistic press. We need someone willing to piss off the deep pockets and old families and moneyed interests. We need someone that’ll give a voice to left-handed, bisexual, transvestite furries who love swing dancing. Or even just a little time, a slice of acknowledgement that the world isn’t just boozy obnoxious white dudes on barstools or bitter wine moms sniping on Facebook. You can cheer the downfall of such, but all you’re doing is putting the noose around your own throat and saving the Powers That Be a little time.
 You may not want to rock the boat, friends and neighbors, but have no illusions. When the rubber hits the road, the Wealthy Elite will throw you over. Don’t make it easier for them.
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Jurassic Globe Evolution Pc Overview
If you played Roller Coaster Tycoon and you also really like dinosaurs then you'll go mad for Jurassic Planet Evolution. Highs: Developing your own city, zoo, or roller coaster undoubtedly is enjoyable, but there is nothing at all fairly like getting in charge of your own dinosaur theme park. The level of handle how to download jurassic world evolution players have in Jurassic Planet Evolution” (JWE) is extraordinary, with gamers getting in a position to make main decisions on every single aspect of the park. Now is the absolute best time for a new Dino Crisis entry or remake to come out. With Jurassic Globe: Fallen Kingdom and Evolution, it'd be the ideal counterpart. To compensate for the lacking company tycoon mechanics, Evolution rather offers up a selection of tasks to complete in the type of contracts and missions. You are going to progress through these missions across five different island scenarios provided to you by 3 distinct divisions that run the entire how to download jurassic world evolution operation recognized just as Science, Safety, and Entertainment. The missions and contracts themselves range from researching a specific kind of new genome modification, growing the island to a distinct rating, or even incubating a certain set of dinosaurs. If you're not conscious of the game, the setup is that you're in charge of making and managing Jurassic Parks across six islands, which you unlock as you do properly - that is five story islands and a single ‘creative sandbox' on the classic island of Isla Nublar. The campaign islands, The Five Deaths, can be moved back and forth amongst at any time (as extended as you've unlocked them) and ramp up in difficulty as you go - in terms of geography, storms, sabotage, missions, and just plain ol' dinosaur grumpiness. The dinosaurs are naturally the big lure of not only Jurassic Planet the park but of the game itself. There are a fantastic assortment of them to find out and make. They have excellent reaction with each other, even though at instances you may possibly discover oneself wishing for a much better where i can download jurassic world evolution herd mechanic when there is a group of the exact same sort around. It felt like the best way to use the rangers or ACU was by controlling them yourself. When left to do tasks by themselves I would discover them sometimes ramming into a fence repeatedly attempting to get in or just driving by means of guests. jurassic world evolution pc download crack , rewarding, immersive- Jurassic Planet Evolution is the dinosaur management game we've been dreaming of for years, but by no means quite believed we'd ever get the chance to play. Frontier have created something where i can download jurassic world evolution truly special. Jurassic Globe Evolution‘s June 12 digital release date will coincide with the release of the upcoming Jurassic Globe Fallen Kingdom. The game's physical release for the PS4 and Xbox One particular will be on July 3rd, 2018. Throw all this in with a surprising lack of space to construct issues across the five scenario islands and it tends to make the currently unfulfilling park developing much more frustrating than it should be. Even when I completed all the missions across the five scenario islands, the final free-for-all island with limitless money (identified as Isla Nublar) wasn't precisely as huge as I'd hoped. Admittedly, you do unlock Isla Nublar pretty early in Evolution, but in order to make use of that space efficiently, you will still require access to lots of dinosaurs, analysis, and buildable amenities. Then, soon adequate, comes the screaming and yelling as a single of these creatures you developed with much larger teeth escapes due to a much less than apparent energy disruption at an inopportune time. All although this is going down, the ranger jeep is stuck inside a restaurant. This is all fine, although, since quickly right Jurassic World Evolution pc download after the alarms have ended and the creatures are back in their enclosures, individuals come pouring back in as soon as far more to do it all over again. It's just a shame they care as tiny for their own lives as considerably as Jurassic World Evolution seems to care for its overall business and park simulation mechanics. Frontier has created outstanding games like Elite Harmful and Planet Coaster so we know that Jurassic Planet Evolution is in great hands. In the game, players will take manage of operations on the legendary island of Isla Nublar and the surrounding islands of the Muertes Archipelago, exactly Jurassic World Evolution PC Download where they will construct their own Jurassic World park as they bioengineer new dinosaur breeds, as properly as construct attractions, containment, and investigation facilities. This may possibly grate on much more hardcore simulation gamers, but Jurassic World Evolution seems to pull it off nicely. The fact that it is not too punishing means that you can understand the game by way Jurassic World Evolution pc download of trial and error. For instance, on our 1st island, we were initially tasked with populating our park with peaceful tree munchers like the triceratops. Quickly, though, our guests desired one thing with a tiny a lot more bite. Literally. Even just the basics of human sources. Even though we're in the contemporary, corporate era of Jurassic World in place of John Hammond's game reserve eccentricity, where are the staff? Why cannot I see little workers in their JP or JW hardhats around building operate sites Jurassic World Evolution pc download? Even just for superfluous satisfaction, Evolution feels practically virtual in its depiction. A lonely sort of Ingen-cum-Masrani boardroom mock-up of how factors may well play out, exactly where the initial excellent extinction occasion is the workforce presence.
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mangolianblossom · 7 years
The Two Resetters
Disclaimer: This is not my story, it belongs to @acrylicqueen/poppyseed44 Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20151031090602/http://poppyseed44.deviantart.com/art/The-Two-Resetters-188958135 "Dig deeper and you will find things about yourself you have never  Known" "Snoresnor-huh?" It had happened again. Resetti had fallen asleep while digging back to the Reset Surveillance Center. He looked around, not really remembering where he was. He rubbed his head and stood up. He picked up his pick-axe and started to dig upwards. He didn't know quite where this would lead him, but at the moment, he didn't care. There was water dripping from the ceiling but Resetti just thought it must have been raining hard. He broke through the earth above. Without warning he got blasted in the face with very cold water. "GAH!" That woke him up. He realized really quick that he had tunneled right into the town named Animal Village's small lake. All the water was flushed into the tunnel he had made to try to get back to the Reset Center making an underground spring. Resetti tried swimming against the current of the water, flowing freely from the hole and giving him the shivers. Sometimes Resetti really hated his jobbut no matter. The pay was good and it fulfilled that deep inner need to do good in the Animal Village. Oh, wait. That was his pesky, do-gooder brother Don. Sometimes his older brother got on his nerves, sweet talking all of the punks living here and making him look badResetti gulped and swam upwards, eventually breaking through to the surface. He waded to shore, shook himself off, and breathed heavily. It was evening (big surprise, if he dosed off in the middle of the dayhis boss was going to have a fit), and the constellations were winking over his head, shining brilliantly in the shapes that the townsfolk had named themselves. Resetti turned and saw the dull purple roof of the Animal Village Museum, home of Resetti's absolute favorite coffee; he eagerly straightened his trademark yellow hardhat and rushed inside, feeling inside his overalls pocket for spare bells. He shut the door behind him and sighed at the warmth suddenly rushing over him. A startled 'hoo' came from behind him, and he saw Blathers flapping about fretfully, feathers fluttering from his wings. "Look here, Resetti, you're leaving a puddle of cold water on the floor! We just got it cleaned and you're going to cause someone to slip!" Blathers's eyes were huge, and he pulled a tuft of feathers from his wings. "You're making me molt! See?" Resetti's nose wiggled and he stepped toward the coffee shop, ignoring the owl's protests. "Resetti, you get back here and clean this up!" "Oh, brother, calm down." A pretty owl carrying a few green towels fluttered past. One she dropped on the puddle, and the other she gave to Resetti. She mopped up the water with her foot, giving a meek smile to the mole as he rubbed off gratefully. "You haven't been by in a few weeks, have you?" "Nope, sorry Celeste, been plenty of resetters lately to keep me busy," replied Resetti, grinning through the soft towel. "Oh, these are nice." "Sable sent some down to me for doing her a favor. You know how she is with fabrics." Celeste playfully snatched the towel back and put it over her shoulder. "Blathers, get a Wet Floor sign, would you? This mole looks like he's been through a hurricane and needs some joe to warm him up." "That's right," said Resetti, smirking at Blathers. "I need me some joe." Resetti was amused by Celeste's unique vocabulary sometimes. "All right, all right, go on," said Blathers, waving him away. Resetti didn't need a second invitation; he opened the door and stepped in, instantly greeted by the scent of fresh-roasted coffee. Brewster stood by the counter as usual, polishing a cup with his trusty rag. K.K. Slider sat on his stool, stroking his guitar, looking at it lovingly.  "House Blend, Brewster?" Resetti said lazily, leaning against the counter. The pigeon looked at him from under hooded eyelids.  "Pigeon milk?" Resetti blinked. "Um what?" Brewster winked. "Guaranteed fresh." Resetti shook his head very briskly. "NO." "Okay, one House Blend, no milk, comin' up." Brewster poured the coffee into the mug and handed it to Resetti, who drank it, ignoring the scalding feeling in his esophagus. That was one of the side effects of drinking this coffee. He reclined happily and glanced over at a blonde girl conversing quietly with K.K., who was nodding and smiling. Suddenly he recognized her. It was Maylee, that resetting brat he dealt with earlier that afternoon! She grinned and rushed to her seat and settled in it, under Resetti's disapproving gaze. He walked over to her and just stood staring at her for a few seconds, until she turned and looked at him. Her eyebrows raised in a friendly greeting until she recognized him as well. "MAYLEE." She jumped and fell out of the chair. He rounded on her. "I thought I TOLD you to scrub behind your ears, stinky!" Maylee glared at Resetti and climbed back into the chair, rubbing her bottom. "Resetti, you scared the heck outta me! And I take my showers in the morning, for your information!" "Whatever." He saw K.K. out of the corner of his eye, waiting with an amused expression on his face. Resetti ignored him. "Just make sure you use soap this time!" "I always use soap. And you're one to talk, looking like a dead rat the cat dragged in! Tunnel through the lake again?" "Shut up!" He felt his fur grow warm despite the persistent dampness. Resetti sat down hard in the chair and folded his arms, nodding at K.K. to begin, despite losing the argument.  "All right, cool cats, time to sit down and groove to K.K. Bossa." K.K. lowered his head and strummed the strings, producing a mellow, minor tune and singing along softly. All thoughts of Maylee and cold water left his head and he rocked along to K.K.'s music, becoming wrapped into the tale that he told through song. Resetti felt that K.K.'s songs were almost an escape from the dull reality of his tunneling life, almost a vacation, so that for the moment, the music was who he was. The song drifted into silence and K.K. sat for a moment, head down, as if the quiet was part of the song, and then the lights came up. Maylee applauded loudly, cheering. "Oh, come on, Maylee, that's not the kind of song you cheer to," Resetti hissed in a sharp whisper. He clapped softly and nodded to convey to K.K. that he appreciated it. K.K. looked at Maylee and smiled. "Thanks, Maylee." "Thank you, K.K.! I don't think anyone's got that kind of talent. No wonder you're so popular!" K.K. blushed slightly, pink against his white fur, and looked back down at his guitar. "Well, back to the job," Resetti said, taking a deep breath. Catchya later K.K; see ya, punk." Maylee smirked at him and stuck out a foot as Resetti began to leave, and he tripped, barreling nose-first into the hard wood floor, and hearing the crunch of breaking boards. He could hear Blathers screeching and heard the door burst open. "RESETTI, YOU BROKE THE FLOOR!" came the scream. "FIRST YOU GOT IT WET, AND THEN YOU BREAK IT! WHAT AM I GOING TO TELL MAYOR TORTIMER?!" Resetti saw Maylee snickering and pointed at her. "SHE TRIPPED ME!" Blathers was so upset he began hopping up and down, flapping in frustration. "Here's what you'll do! You two will go to the grove of trees beside the pond and chop down enough trees to fill in the gap in the floor!"  Maylee's jaw dropped, and Resetti let out a shout of disbelief. Blathers paid no heed. "Go NOW!"  Shooting Resetti a death glare, she stomped out the door and exited the museum, Resetti on her heels. Once outside, she rummaged in her pockets until she pulled out axe, glinting silver in the moon's light. Resetti jumped back as she swung it through the air, frustrated. "If you didn't have such a hard nose-" she began. "Don't you start on me!" snapped Resetti. "You're the one who tripped me, and now I have to babysit you when I need catching up on my sleep!" He shook a finger at her. "I'll have you know-!" "That you have high blood pressure, yeah, yeah," Maylee waved a hand absently, walking toward the growth of trees. She gave a nearby pine two hearty whacks, and it toppled to Resetti's feet. "You carry it." "What?!" Resetti blinked.  "I certainly can't, me being a lady," Maylee said, fluttering her eyelashes. Resetti rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on. You can't expect me to do it." Resetti snatched the axe and hacked the tree into three stout boards, just enough to cover the hole back at the museum. He tossed one to Maylee. "Now I can." Together they hauled the boards back to the museum, and dropped them at Blathers's feet. "Aw, too bad, would you look at the time," Resetti said, glancing at the clock and wishing for his soft warm bed. "Gotta go, good luck with the installation. Bye, Maylee." He shut the door on Maylee's protests and looked up at the stars again. So peaceful. He breathed in the night air and was just about to begin digging into the earth when he saw Maylee's hairpin glinting in the dirt. A smile crept onto his face, and swiftly he pocketed it. The perfect way to annoy Maylee! Nailing those boards and then having to leave the house tomorrow with less then perfect hair would set the girl in such a bad mood that she'd think twice before messing with Resetti ever again.  Tiredly Resetti broke through the dirt into the middle of a cozy living room. His brother Don was seated on an overstuffed chair, sipping a smoothie and reclining happily. He looked over at Resetti. "Come on, Sonny, can't you use the front door for once?" He sighed and sat up, pulling a shovel from a pile of clutter and patting the floor flat as Resetti heaved himself up out of the hole. Resetti dragged himself a few feet and just laid there, nose in the soft carpet, Maylee's hairpin jabbing his chest.  "Hard day?" Don opened up a newspaper and leafed through it. Resetti let out a muffled groan. "Oh, Sonny, take a bath and take it easy. Hey, look, the Animal Village Tortoises are going to the Series." Resetti pushed himself off the ground and left to rinse off in warm water. After he was finished and his fur was returned to its normal pleasant fluffiness, he stole the newspaper from Don and flipped through the pages. Don got up from the chair and walked over to the refrigerator and looked inside for something else to snack on.  "Sonny, if you are having that much trouble with your job, you should go to the boss and request more vacation days." Resetti moaned again, shutting the newspaper. Sometimes Don just didn't get it. "I would, but I can deal with only a few vacation days, Don. It's not like I'm some punk who lays around all day askin' for more time off." Speakin' of punks, look what I found!" Resetti jabbed his hand in his overall pocket and took out Maylee's hairpin and showed it to Don, proudly. Don closed the fridge and sat down in his chair again. "And what might that be?" Resetti held it up to the light letting the hairpin faintly shine. "This baby is none other that that annoying brat, Maylee's hairpin! I found it lyin'  in the grass on my way out the museum." Don didn't exactly approve of Resetti's answer. He sat up in his chair, frowning slightly. "Sonny, that's cruel! Just cause' we work at the Reset Center doesn't mean we can go around stealing other people's stuff!" Resetti chuckled at Don's words. "Serves the little brat right for trippin' me and makin' me slam into the floor of The Roost." Resetti sat down in a chair right next to Don's.  Don gave Resetti a concerned look and sighed. "What happened this time?" Resetti scowled at the mere thought of Maylee's face. "That punk! Always pickin' fights with me. It's like she thinks she can get away with it! She tripped me while I was walkin' out of The Roost. I fell and my nose crashed right through the floor!" Resetti reclined back in his chair, trying to get the anger to flow out of his body. He didn't want to deal with it right now.         Don's eyes grew wider as he inched toward Resetti while still sitting in his seat. "Gosh, you think a girl like that would be nicer. She seems so friendly when  I talk to her"  Resetti stood up in his chair again, feeling the anger flood his face once more. "It's because you're a goody-two-shoes, Don! I take charge while you goof off and don't do your job!" Don put his arm on the side of his chair and closed his eyes. "No need to yell, Sonny." Resetti got up from his soft chair and took of his hard hat. "Whatever, Don. I'm goin' to catch some Z's.  I currently need some." Resetti yawns and walks into his room and shuts the door. Don sighs and gets up to go to bed too. "He works too hard. Pray tell, he needs a vacation, even if he says he doesn't."  Resetti woke with a jolt. It was still dark, and sleep still lay heavily on his eyes so it took several blinks to clear them. The only light was a revolving red stream whirling chaotically around him, and a siren screaming in his ears.  "Whoa! DON!" he said, swinging his legs around and bounding blindly from his bed. He stumbled onto the button that stopped the flashing, breathing heavily. Don sat straight up in bed as Resetti flipped on the light. "Wanna get that, Sonny?" said Don, snuggling deeper into the pillow. Resetti rubbed his eyes and braced his body on a counter. "Oh, Don, please? I was out late last night, you know I was." "And who's the big brother here?" Resetti slapped his forehead. "Come on." But Don was already fast asleep, snoring softly in the folds of his blankets. Resetti angrily snatched his helmet from the hat stand and ran out into the yard, choosing the tunnel nearest the Reset Offense. Maylee stood inside her house, peering out the front window. She knew what she had done, because she had done it knowing it would upset a certain someone. Just then, POP! Resetti sprang out of the soft dirt just outside of Maylee's red-roofed house. He looked around, even though he couldn't quite see anything anyway. The only thing he could make out was, through the window of the house, there was a circle with two pigtails sticking out of the side of it. Resetti couldn't believe it. Maylee, that little female devil, had reset again, in the middle of the night too! Maylee knew what was coming, a big, fat rant, and she was prepared to listen. She walked outside and immediately got flooded with light, Resetti had turned on the small, but powerful light that hung on his hardhat and was now staring straight into Maylee's eyes with a furious look. "MAYLEE!!! Ok, it's one thing to reset during the day, but, COME ON!!! I'm tryin' to sleep here! I'll have you know I" Cutting of Resetti's rant, Maylee took out a shovel from her PJ pockets and held it up into the air. Resetti's whole face went white. "Oh no. NO NO NO NO! OMG, NO!" BANG!!!! One swift hit from the shovel and Resetti slept once again. "Oh, good! Your awake! Finally!" Resetti groaned and opened his eyes. He found himself in a living room filled with pink furnishings. Resetti also found that his head hurt quite severely. He rubbed his forehead and stood up, greeted with the fine smell of coffee beans. Maylee, who he remembered from the shovel pounding, was sitting on a pink chair, no surprise there, with two cups of coffee. One she had in her hand, and the other was just sitting on a table that matched the pink chair. Maylee gave Resetti a smile and motioned for him to come sit with her.  He was hesitant, but slowly he picked himself up and walked over to Maylee while being guided by her inviting gaze.  "Well, I thought you would NEVER wake up!" Resetti gulped at that mere thought. "Hey, what happened to, "AHHHHGHGGHG!" Resetti held up his pickaxe and swung it around, swiftly, trying to show Maylee what she did to him. "Oh, that. Um.yeahhhheh, heh, I wanted to ask you something, but I knew you wouldn't stop to listen once you started your motor mouth up, so, I hit you with my shovel, and that gave me time to talk." Resetti sat down in one of the pink chairs and pointed to the coffee. "This for me?" Resetti wasn't asking her that with a kind expression, but more of a confused one. "Yeah. I got some of Brewster's coffee and put it in a pitcher, brought it home, and pored it into cups. Resetti took a sip of the coffee and a weird look spread across his face. "Uh, this doesn't taste like Brewster's coffeeanything in it that would give it a weird, but kinda nice, flavor?" "Oh, yes! Hope you like pigeon milk!" Right then and there, Resetti spit the coffee that was in his mouth, onto the table that was before him. "RESETTI! That's the table I just bought from Tom Nook!!! It was a rare item, and you just SPIT all over it!!!!"  Resetti stepped out of the chair and took out a handkerchief out of one of his PJ pockets and started  wiping the table with it while Maylee watched with a worried expression, In about a couple minutes, the table was clean. "Oh, uh, thanks, I guess" Maylee sat back down in her chair and sipped her coffee.  Resetti sat too and pushed the coffee away with his paw. "Whatever." Maylee sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. "Well, anyway, what I wanted to tell you was that I lost my hairpin. It's my favorite accessory. I wear it all the time." Hairpin. Resetti had remembered, HE had took her hairpin. His eyes grew wide as Maylee continued. "I have asked every villager who lives in Animal Village and all of them haven't seen itDo you know where it may be?" Resetti laughed, uneasily, and shook is head, rapidly. "No, no, no, noerrno. Nope. Haven't seen it." Maylee grew sad as she heard what Resetti had to say. "Ohwell, okI don't know where it could beI hope I find it. Tangy gave it to me as a gift for my birthday." Resetti wanted to get out of there as soon as possible so Maylee wouldn't say anything further on the subject. He stood up and yawned.  "Well, ok, Maylee, I gotta get tunnelin'. See ya around." And with that, Resetti ran out the door. Maylee yawned too, turned of her light, and walked into her bedroom.  "Why'd you STEAL my hairpin?!" Resetti found himself staring right into the eyes of Maylee. "I-I don't know what your talking about, punk!" "Don't lie to me! You always told me not to lie, and here you are, doing what you said not to!" "Well, I" "GIVE. IT. BACK." "What if I say NO?" Maylee got out a shovel. "Oh.gosh no." WAM! WAM! WAM! WAM! "GAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Resetti awoke with great alarm and Don ran into his room, startled at the scream he heard. "Sonny! Are you alright?!" Resetti looked around his bedroom. It was just a dream. "W-what?" "I heard you scream." Resetti got out of bed and to his surprise, he was unharmed. No shovel whack bruises were present on him. He just stood there for a moment, relived. "Oh. Uh. Yeah. Iuhdreamed of somthin' weird. It doesn't matter." "Are you sure, Sonny? That was one yell you gave out there. Startled me bad." "No. Doesn't matter. Go about your business, Don. I'm fine." "Well.ok.if you say so." Resetti followed Don into their kitchen where Don had continued making some sort of breakfast. "Uh. What is that your makin'?" "I'm experimenting." "With what?" "Stuff." "Oh. WellNever mind, Don."  "Sonny, could you grab that bottle of oil for me?" "OIL? Where'd you get oil? And why would you cook with it?!" "I'm not cooking." A awkward look spread across Resetti's face. "Uh.ok.Thenwhat are you doing?" "I told you, I'm experimenting." "Whatever, Don." Resetti grabbed the oil can and gave it to Don. "Thank you." Resetti sat down at a small table set up right by where Don was. He laid his head down on it and sighed. "UGH. Soooooo tired." "Yeah, Sonny. You really need to get more sleep." "Well, you're the one who made ME get up atlike, 5:00 in the morning just to go and stick it to a resetter." "Say. Who was that, anyway?" "Maylee." "She didn't." "Oh, yes she did, Don." "Why?" "She wanted to talk to me about her "missing" hairpin." "Oh. So you gave it back to her then." 'Uh" Don looked back at Resetti with a concerned look. There was a hint of warn in his words. "You DID give it back, right?" "Not necessarily" "SONNY! That was a perfect opportunity to do that! Why didn't you give it back?" "II don't know." Don wasn't quite happy with Resetti. "Sonny. As I said before, you really shouldn't of stolen that from her. I mean, it's just not right. You HAVE to give that back." Resetti got up and scowled at Don. "Well, she don't deserve to get it back! I don't want to worry you or nothin', Don but, she hit me with her shovel on my head yesterday night, and it HURT."     Don practically dropped the plate he had picked up. "AHH! Are you OK?!" Resetti took off his nightcap and rubbed the spot where the shovel had impacted. There was a bumpy, purple bruise there alright. He cringed at the pain he felt when he touched it. "AhouchI don't know" Don left his "experiment" on the stove and walked up to Resetti to look at his bruise. He rubbed his paw on it and Resetti let out a yell of pain. "Oh, gee, Sonny, I don't know if you ARE OK" Resetti was breathing hard from the hurt his head was feeling at the moment. 'Could youahplease not touch it." Don pulled his hand away. "I'm sorry. It hurts?" Resetti groaned. "IT KILLS." "That bad? That's not good, Sonny. Do you need to go see a doctor?" "NO. I'm fine, Don." Resetti started to walk but stopped suddenly in order to grab his head. "UGH. OUCH." Don ran up to Resetti's side and grabbed his arm. "Ok. Ok. You really need a doc." Don guided Resetti over to their couch and laid him on it. "Seriously. Don, you really should of came to the Marquee to come see me. Following you down a hole really wasn't that easy" Dr. Shrunk popped out of a hole Don had dug and after he had, Don filled the hole up again. "Ok. Dr. Shrunkwait. You're sure you're a doctor, right?" 'Oh yes! I used to be a doctor before I went into comedy!" "OkHe's over here." Don and Dr. Shrunk walked over to the couch where Resetti was napping on. About two minutes after Don had left to go get Dr. Shrunk, Resetti fell asleep. Don poked Resetti's shovel whacked spot and immediately Resetti woke up. "Uh. OW!" "Look, Sonny! Dr. Shrunk is here to help you with yourumweak spot on your head." Resetti sat up and stared at Dr. Shrunk, who waved at him with a big smile. "What's he gonna do about it?" Dr. Shrunk laughed. "I used to be a small town doc and I'm pretty sure I can help you. Ok. Now, to start, how bad does this, bruise hurt?" Resetti rolled his eyes. "A LOT." "A lot, huh? Hmm. Ok. Will you allow me to touch it to see how round and big it is?" 'Uh. Doesn't sound right, but sure. Please for the love of dirt, be gentle. It hurts. UGH." Dr. Shrunk felt the rather large bump on Resetti's head. "Whelp, yeah. That bump is pretty huge. I think to can put some bandages on it, but that's really all I can do at the moment. Sorry." Don shrugged. "Hey, that's alright. Do what you can, right?" Dr. Shunk got out two white, soft bandages out of his coat pocket, took it out of the package, and stuck it on Resetti's bruise.  "Yeah. That's it, I guess. Hey, Don, how do I get back up onto the surface?" "Just follow me. I'll be right back, Sonny." Resetti sat in the Roost, sipping his daily cup of coffee with his helmet taken off, reveling his bandage. Brewster was getting concerned. "Resetti. What is wrong with your head?" "Well, if you must ask, Brewster. Maylee-" Just then Maylee walked into the Roost with Tangy. They appeared to be whispering about something. Just seeing Maylee's appearance gave Resetti a headache. Tangy shrugged. "I'm very sorry your hairpin got lost. Where was the last place you had it in your hair?" 'Well, I had it in my hair before I went into the museum yesterday. I guess it fell out." "That's a big bummer." Tangy looked to her left as she smelled the strong smell of coffee beans, but she didn't see coffee, she saw Resetti shooting her a death look. "Oh great." "MAYLEE. So GLAD you could come." Maylee groaned. "Oh, don't be such a smart-alic, Resetti" Tangy took a look at Resetti's bandage and a confused look filled her face. "What happened to your head?" Resetti pointed to his bruise. "What, this?" "Yeah. Is that a real scrape of something?" "Well, if you must know, punks, Maylee, that brat you're standing by, used her shovel as a weapon last night on my HEAD!" Tangy turned to Maylee. "You slammed your shovel on his head?" "Uhyeah" "Whoa! You really stuck it to him! Great job!" Tangy gave Maylee a high five as Resetti gaped at them. "WHAT?" Resetti crossed his arms and huffed as Tangy and Maylee ordered their coffee. Maylee tried to push Resetti off his chair so she could sit. "Move your butt, Resetti. Some people want to sit too." Resetti nudged her back. "Whoa. Whoa! What do you think your doin', punk? You seemed pretty nice yesterday night when you were sweet talkin me with your contaminated pigeon coffee! Or were you just tryin' to save yourself from a rant?" Maylee smirked at Resetti. "Heh. Maybe that was the case. But, what do you know?" Resetti was getting angry at her attitude now. "I'm pretty sure I know more than you do, idiot!" Tangy gasped as Maylee shot Resetti a look. "Did you just call me a "idiot"?" "Maybe that was the case." Resetti said in a mocking voice. "Don't you mock me, Resetti! You're the one who becomes a wet mole who also smells like a wet dog almost every week!" Resetti could feel his furry cheeks grow red as he became a little embarrassed. "Oh ,your one to talk, Maylee! You're the one who lost her hairpin when it was right on your head!" With every yell, Resetti could feel his headache grow stronger, and it didn't help his pain coming from his bruise. He grabbed his head, trying not to lose the argument again. He stammered as his head started to throb. "III" Maylee was starting to get confused. "UhResetti? Are you?" At that moment, Resetti started to black out. He started to fall to the floor. Maylee saw it coming and acted quick. She ran up to him, and grabbed him. Tangy cocked her head. "Now, why did you do that?" Maylee looked at Tangy. "Welp..he was about to crash to the floor. That probably would have killed him. Have you seen that wood floor? It's hard. Now, I hate him, yes I do. But, not that much." "Maylee, why did he pass out anyway?" Maylee looked at Resetti, who she was holding at the moment. "WellmanI think I hit his pretty hard with my shovel. I think the pain caused him to faint. Aghh, IIfeel soguilty" "Why feel guity? You hate him." 'II don't know, Tangy." Maylee sat Resetti on a chair as he started to wake up. "UGH. Pain. Big pain." "Are you ok, Resetti?" Resetti looked over at the two girls and frowned. "Hey, Tangy?" "Yeah, Maylee?" "I think we should call Don." "Good plan." Maylee turned to Brewster who stared back at her. "Hey. Brewster. Do you still have Don Resetti's number?" Brewster blinked. "Well, Yes. He comes here quite offen for coffee just like Resetti does. Do you want his number?" "Yes, please." Maylee grabbed a phone while Brewster told her Don's number. "686-3109" "OkGot it! Thanks, Brewster!" "No problem." The phone rang at Don and Resetti's house. Don, who at the moment was sitting on a couch, watching T.V., got up and awsered it. "Yello? This is the Resetti's residance." "Don, it's me, Maylee." "Maylee! I have to tell you, I'm very mad at you!" "Why?" "Well, first off, you hit Resetti on the head with a shovel!" "Oh. Resetti told you thatheh." "SighAnyway, why you callin'? "Well, it's Resetti. He passed out and-" "WHAT? RESETTI PASSED OUT?! WHERE?! WHEN?! WHY?!" "Calm down, Don." "MY BRO JUST PASSED OUT!" "I know, ok, he's at the R-" "I KNOW! I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!!! Oh, please don't die, Sonny" And then he hung up. "I'M HERE! SONNYYYY! ARE YOU OK?!" Resetti, Maylee and Tangy stared over at Don. "Oh, Don. Hi." Don ran up to Resetti and grabbed his arm. "Oh gosh! You really worried me! Are you ok, Sonny?" Resetti blinked and turned his head over to Maylee. His face instantly became flamed. He stood up and Maylee could see the fire in his eyes. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME, MAYLEE?!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO AND HIT ME ON THE HEAD?!! AND YOU!!!" Resetti swung a finger in Tangy's face. "Yipe!!" "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A PAIN?!" Don wanted it to stop. "Sonny, please." "NO, DON! I DON'T NEED YOUR SAY!" Maylee crossed her arms. "Oh ,WELL! I'm the one who saved-" Resetti swung his arms in the air quite briskly. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAVED!!" Don put his body in the middle of the two, separating them. "Whoa, WHOA. Guys, please. Don't do this. It's not right." Both Resetti and Maylee took a deep breath. "Don. Please DON'T get involved." "Sonny, I'm just tryin' to-" Resetti held his paw up. "No. Stop. Don't, say, nothin'." Maylee looked over at Resetti. "I was just trying to help, BUT, if you didn't want it, I could of just let you fall!" Don looked surprised. "MAYLEE! Don't say such a thing!" "Shut up, Don!" Resetti gave Maylee an angry look. "You shut up, Maylee!" Don grabbed Resetti's hand and got him up from the chair. "Come on, Sonny. We need to get you some meds for that nasty bump you got there. I don't think just covering it up is going to help it." Don and Resetti walked out of the Roost with Maylee and Tangy just staring at them. Maylee sighed and walked over to Brewster. "Can I get that coffee now, please?" Don and Resetti had walked up to Nookingtons to get Resetti some medicine for his wounds. They walked into the store and Tom Nook smiled at them until he figured out who they were. "Ohit's you guys." Tom Nook wasn't very fond of the Resetti brothers. He found them very annoying. "Oh, hello, Tom. Sonny here-" "I always say call me Tom NOOK, Don." 'Oh. Sorry. Anyway, Sonny here needs some medicine." "What for?" "Well, it's a long story involving Maylee and a shovel." "Ok. Well, I have some meds, yes. Want REALLY matters is, do you guys have the money for it, hm?" Don walked over to a shelf holding medicine on it. He saw the price, 400 bells. "Ok. Ok. 400 bells, huh?" Tom Nook shook his head. He figured it was a good time to bring out his inner Crazy Redd and see how much money he could mooch out of Don. "Well, you seeThat's a typo, Don, hm? It's really supposed to be 2,000 bells." Don was shocked. 'That's A LOT of money, Tom Nook. Are you sure it's a typo?" 'Yes, yes! It's definetly a typo." Don looked at the money label again. "Well, ok. I can see how that could be a mistake." Resetti was quite amused. Don got ripped off SO easily. "Yes, yes! Thanks much! Heh, heh. Very much.now get out." Don took the medicine off the shelf and walked out with Resetti on his tail. They both sat on a bench close to the Town Hall and Don opened the medicine bottle.  "Uh.ok, Sonny. It says to lightly dab the bruise with the medicine using theuhstick thingy to get it to stay. Take off your hard hat." Resetti did as told as Don dabbed the meds on the rather large bump.  "Ahh. Stings." "Sorry, Sonny" When Don was done he blew on it as Resetti's face went pink. "Uh.yeah. Ya made your point, Don." Don shut the medicine bottle and stuck it in his overall pocket. "Welp, you should be good, Sonny. And try not to get so mad, ok?" "Ok, Don." 'Good. Now, I'll go talk to Maylee about your "bruise problem." Umyou, just.stay hereI guess." "Hey, Maylee." Maylee still sat by Tangy, sipping her coffee. "Oh. What's up, Don?" "Umwell, about Sonny" A discusted look spread across Maylee's face. "UGH. RESETTI." "Err.yeah. Umabout.himI-I think you maybeinjured himwhen you hit him on the head with your shovel last night." "Well. Yeah?" Don was blank. "INJURED HIM." Maylee leaned back in her chair and shrugged. "Well, what do you want me to do about it?" "Youyoudon't care?" Maylee thrust herself out of her chair and screamed: "Well! He doesn't care about a single part of me! Why should I care about him?!" Don started to get suspicious. "You.were the one that saved him from falling to the floor, weren't you?" Maylee blinked. "Um" Don smiled, slyly. "You DID, didn't you?" Tangy spoke up. "Oh, she did all right. I've been teasing her about it for the past 20 minutes." Maylee face palmed. "Well, Sonny DID pass out, you know. He didn't know you practically saved him. I mean, that floor is hard." "Yeah. I know, right? I mean, just two days ago, Resetti and I went and put in new floor wood. Well, he cut the tree down, I put in the wood. So, it's gotta be harder than it was." Don smiled. "Should I tell him you saved him from falling?" "Pff. See if I care. It's your choice, Don. He won't care either." "Now, what makes you think that?" "Um, where have you been for the past 3 months I've known you two? HE HATES ME, and, to be blunt, I hate him too!" Don's smile faded to a frown. "Well, yeah, but-" "But nothing. End of story, Don." Don sighed, shrugged and walked out of the Roost with a temporary frown on his face.  Resetti sat on the bench, enjoying the cool wind that was flowing into his face. He secretly liked days like this. Cold, but not to cold, the sun shining, now, he might be a mole and all, but he really doesn't like the dark all that much, he'd much rather be in the sunlight. Suddunly, Don came running strait for him, which broke Resetti out of his calm trance. "Oh, Don. Did you stick it to that PUNK, Maylee?" Don caught his breath, for it seemed to be dashing away from him. He wasn't that good at running. "Pant. Pant. Sonny! Pant. You'll.pantnever guess who saved you from falling on the floor when you passed out!" "Who?" "Maylee!" "Pff. Whatever, Don." "No, REALLY! She even told me herself! Oruh, Tangy did." "Why would she be the one to to that?" "Well, Sonny, did you see anyone else who would even bother to save you in the Roost at the time?" "Yeah." Don crossed his arms. "Who?" "Brewster." "I bet he was too into his coffee cup rubbing that he was blocking out anything else! He knew you and Maylee had been screaming at each other when I came and did he even give a darn? No. He did not." "Well, you DO got a point, but, Look at it this way, She hates me! And to tell ya the truth, Don, I hate her too!" "Well, yeah, but don't you find it odd that you 'think' no one caught you, but your unharmed?" Resetti took a full body check of what was not covered by his clothes. He was perfectly fine, no bruises, except for the one on his head. "Hmm." "Like I said, unharmed. No bleeding, no cuts, no nothin'. Just skin and furand clothing." "Well, Iuhhh" "Get my point NOW, Sonny?" Resetti huffed. "Well, it still DON'T make sence, Don. Why would MAYLEE, the great pest, even think about savin' me from fallin'? I mean, if she REALLY didn't care about me, why would she go and do that?"  Don scratched his chin. "Well, if you still don't belive me, you go talk to her." Resetti stumped down in the bench. "GUHHHHH. REALLY? Why can't we just say that she didn't and be done with it?" "You'll never know for sure if you don't ask." At about 7:00 PM, Resetti dug up to Maylee's house, got out of his hole, and knocked on Maylee's door. Maylee, as she opened her door, looked as if she was ready for bed. She had taken her hair out of her pigtails, was wearing her PJ dress, and was wearing slippers. She gave Resetti a surprised look, as if she was looking strait into the eyes of the famous designer, Wendell.  "What are you doing here?" "Well, pest, I was wonderin'" Maylee leaned on her doorway. "Yeah?" "Well, Don told me earlier todayerya caught me when Iuhblacked-out." Maylee had suddenly taken intrest to the conversation. "Wellyeah. Why should YOU care?" "I, uhdidn't really know ya cared aboutme." Maylee chuckled. "I don't. Why would you think THAT?" Resetti knew Maylee was wising up, being smart with him. "OkIf ya didn't care, why'd ya-" Resetti had just tilted his head up-wards, getting his first good look at Maylee with her hair out of her pigtails, he was surprised. "Why'd ya..w-why'duhhhh." Maylee now had a confused look on her face. She waved her hand in front of Resetti's nose, which was twitching like mad. "Uhdude? What's your problem?" "Yer.hair" Maylee fipped it, getting her ragged bangs out of her face. "What about it?" "Yayaactuallylook.uh" "Attractive? Is that what you're trying to say? Gosh, I hope not" Resetti shook his head and crossing his arms. "Well, heck no! But, back to my point, Why when I passed out, did ya catch me?" "Pff. Why should YOU CARE?!" "I JUST WANNA KNOW, PUNK! CAN'T YA ANWSER A SIMPLE QUESTION?!" "I'm not stupid, Resetti. I just thought that if you would of fallen, you would of maybe gotten killed, now, I hate you, yes, I hate you A LOT, but not that much.to watch you die." Resetti stood there, blinking, trying to piece this together. "So, ya." Resetti had a pretty good idea of what was going on. "Havehidden affectionfor me?" Maylee's eyes grew large for she really didn't know what he was trying to say. "H-hidden affection?" "Ya." Maylee tilted her head down, trying to think. She knew what he ment, but why would he ask that? She couldn't remember any times where she showed affection pointed to Resetti, or, maybe it was that she had secret love, in which she didn't know it. "I-I don't know. Why'd you ask?" Well, Resetti didn't know why he had asked that. Maybe it was the same with him, loving her, but not knowing it. "I-I don't know either" For a moment, the two of them just stared at each other, acwardly.  "W-well, MayleeI, uh, gotta get tunnelin'..y-ya know" Maylee was surprised. This was the first time he had called her something besides 'punk', 'pest', or 'dirty resetter'. "Don" Resetti said in a warning voice right as he got home. Don, at the moment, was in the bathroom. "Sonny, I'm in the bathroom at the moment, can it wait?!" "NO! Hurry it up!" About two minites later, Don came rushing out of the bathroom with an odd look about him. He shrugged in confusion and said,  "Sonny, what?" Resetti gave Don an annoyed look and pointed to his overalls. "Don, zip." Don's cheeks grew pink as he reached down and zipped up. "Heh.uh, thanks." Resetti chuckled. "No problem." Don pointed Resetti back in the right direction. "So, what did ya want to tell me?" "Uh, about what I wanted to tell youI-I think I was about ready to show Maylee affection" Don was surprised. Resetti? Maylee? They didn't go together one way or another. "Ya what?" "Well, it's hard to explain. She had her hair down out of her normal pigtails andand I was about to tell her she looked attractive! Seein' her like that made me feel like there were worms in my stomach." Don smiled, ready to taunt Resetti. "Aww! Who's in love?" Resetti shot Don an angry look and Don immeditly shut his mouth. "Don't even start." "S-sorry." "WHAT DO I DO?! I'M ATTRACTED TO A PUNK!!!!! AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!" Don took a moment to get his hearing back before he spoke. "W-Well, Sonny, You know what K.K. said thatuhone day." "Errwhat did he say?" "Didn't he sayuh 'love is natural, man. If ya start, ya can't stop.' Didn't he say that? If you're in love, you can't do anything about it." Resetti slumped down in his chair, looking as if about to cry. "UGGGHHHH. I CAN'T be in love with MayleeItIt's just so suddunI mean, I hated her yesterday, and NOW, I love her?" "Well, Sonny, love can be suddun like that. One day, you want to kill the person, and the next, you would give them flowers. Ormaybe you have loved her, but you didn't knowat the moment." "That makes no sence, Don." "Love doesn't make sence, SonnyNow, I would say sleep on it, and talk to her in the morning." 'Ok, DonOh, by the way, don't forget to zip next time." Don blushed up. "Oh, just be quiet." "Resetti. Yoo hoo." As Resetti slept, he heard a soft voice whisper into his ear. "Resetti. Come here." In his dream, Resetti walked up to a weary picture of Maylee as she smiled at him in her soft smile. "I know you're secret" "W-what secret? "Don't play dumbyou know" "T-that secret? H-how?" "That doesn't matter now" Maylee leaned over to Resetti, getting ready to kiss him, when Resetti snapped awake. "W-W-whah?" As Resetti became more and more awake he started remembering and thinking about his dream. "Kissing Maylee? Why would I dream THAT?! I already one weird dreammaybe it meant somthin'" Resetti, not even bothering to change into his normal clothes, walked into Don and his kitchen with is PJ's on and his blue pompom had on his head. He yawned, seeing that Don wasn't awake yet, so he walked into Don's room and found him, snuggling with his pillow, drooling on his bed.  "Oh, Don" He walked up to him, and screamed in his ear. 'DDDDDOOOOONNNNN!!!!!!" Nope, Nothing. Resetti had to try another method. He thought of using the 'paw in the warm water' trick, but that meant he would have to clean the bed sheets afterwards. Resetti never liked doing more work than he had to. Scrach that, he thought. Then, Resetti had another idea. He had used to do this when Don and him were kids. Resetti took the top sheet of of the bed, very carfully, and took the top of Don's Pjama pants and snapped them right back to Don's waist, wipping Don right in the stomach.  "GAH! What the?" "GOOD MORNING!!!!" "Um.I was sleeping!" "And, now you're not!" Don, wearily, sat up on his bed and looked at Resetti's pompom hat. "Uhwhy'd ya wear THAT hat?" Resetti scowled at Don. "I LIKE this hat, Don! Just listen, ok?" "Well, okyawnw-what do ya need?" "I had the weirdest dream" "Really? Tell me about it." "Well, it was haseybutuh, there was me and Maylee and she was talking to me about a 'secret'and she leaned over to me as if to kiss me, and, well, that's where it ended" Don sratched his chin and laughed. "Sonny, Sonny, Sonnywhat has been wrong with you lately?" "I-I don't know, DonDoes this mean anything'?" "Well, maybe ya like her? Ain't that the reason most people have those kind of CRAZY dreams?" "Well, ya, but" Resetti paused. "I meanWHY?" Don laughed again, even though he was still half asleep. "You gotta just roll with it, if ya like her, wellya like her. Really nothin' else to say." Resetti clutched his head, knocking of his hat. "This ain't happenin'.no, no, NO! I do NOT love that pest!!!! It ain't possible!" While Resetti panicked, Don had gotten out of bed and tried to relax him with a massage . "Hey, Hey, Sonny.no need to yell, it's only 7:00 in the mornin' after all." Resetti slapped Don's paws away. "I DON'T CARE!" Don rubbed his paws and frowned. "Jeez. If ya like her, why don't you go and talk to her about it?" "Well II mean I.GAAHHH!  I LOVE HER!! Resetti slapped his head and huffed. Don giggled. "Well, it is the truth,Sonny. Just go talk to her. No big deal." "NO BIG DEAL?!!" Don covered his ears. "SONNY PLEASE!" "LOOK DON! THIS IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR EAR PROBLEM!!!!" Don wailed. "JUST GO AND TALK TO HER!" "FINE! OK!" "AND PLEASE STOP YELLIN'!" Resetti's face was dark pink as he rang Maylee's doorbell. He had dressed up in a tux and had picked some of Tom nook's flowers outside his shop secretly. Maylee opened her door and her eyes grew gigantic as she caught a glimps of him. Resetti smiled, shakily, and tried to talk. "H-h-hi M-Maylee" "Uhhhh.." "M-May I come in?" "Noooo." Resetti dropped the flowers. "I'll, uh, make this quick then." Maylee leaned against her doorway again. "Alright, shoot." Resetti breathed out and started. "Ok, Well, I,uh.figured out last night that I luuuuhhhhh.." Resetti gagged. "I luuuuhhhh.I-I.looovvvhhh." "Uhh, you ok, dude?" Resetti clenched his fists and wanted to get it over with so "MAYLEE!!! I LOVE YOU!!!" Resetti grabbed Maylee and kissed her smack on the lips. Maylee's eyes grew large as he did that. He let go of her and let out a sigh. Then, Maylee growled deep in her throat and slapped Resetti across the face. He fell on the ground, right on his flowers. Then, Maylee slammed the door in his face. Resetti just sat on the ground and giggled. When Resetti broke threw the dirt and hopped back in his house, he fell down. "WHOA! SONNY! You ok?" Resetti didn't answer, he just sat on the ground and laughed. "Uhh, Sonny?" Don pulled Resetti off the ground and put him in a chair. "Are you ok? Your starting to worry me." Resetti made a smoochie face to Don, not kissing  "Sigh.Maylee" Don's eyes widened.  "You want and talked to her, didn't you? Resetti nodded. "Sooo, what'd you say?" Resetti laughed. "Iheh." Don started to get it. "Ya.ya.ya" Resetti leaned his head on his paw. "Yes, Don? Heh." Don twitched. "Th-that's n-not you, Sonny. YaKissed her I'm guessin'?" Resetti nodded and sighed, dreamily. Don suddenly slapped Resetti in the face. Resetti came back to his old self again. "HEY!! WHAT THE?!" "Sonny!! YA KISSED HER?! Wha? How'd she react?!" Resetti rubbed his cheek. "She slapped me." "Oh, Sonny, are you alright?" Resetti nodded. "Hey, I'm fine. "You sure?" Resetti rolled his eyes. "Yeah." Don sat down in the cahir by Resetti. "Well, I'm proud of ya anyway, Resetti. Ya saw the opportunity, and ya took it. Even if ya got turned down." Resetti rested his head on his paw. "Eh, It's MayleeI doubt she was gonna" Right at that moment, The whole room went dark and the sound of a siren blared in don and Resetti's ears. " A RESET! Oop! Sorry, Don, maybe we can talk later, ok? But for now, I gotta get tunnelin'!" Resetti grabbed his pick-axe, and dug a hole through the wall of their house. Resetti broke through the dirt right in front of a house he knew quite well now, Maylee's house. Resetti breathed out. "Again with this?" He hopped out of his hole and banged on the door. "MAYLEE!" Maylee, truly, wasn't in her house, she was behind Resetti, ready to scare him out of his overalls. "BOO!" Resetti jumped up and quickly looked back. "What the-?" Maylee gave Resetti a look. "You are one sick mole, you know that?" Resetti was confused. "What?" "Kissing your mortal enemy? That's low, even for you!" Resetti huffed a laugh. "Oh yeah? Whatever.Haven't I told ya not to reset?" Maylee crossed her arms. "Oh, please, don't change the subject." Resetti blinked. "NoreallyHaven't I told youlikewhat? Hundred times?" "Well, yeah. I'm your, like, best resetter in Animal Village." "Yer my only resetter in Animal Village." "Exactly my point." Maylee kicked some dirt in silence. "Youracting really calm about this" Resetti looked up. "Yeeeaaaahhh?" "Shouldn't you belikescreaming your nose off right about now?" "Why?" Maylee went blank. "UhhI reset" "Ya knowI'm just not feelin' it" "Your not feelingmad?" Resetti shrugged and shook his head. "Nah." Maylee frowned. "Dah. It's not any fun if you don't react." "Do ya want me to react? Ahem..YOU DIRTY LITTLE MAGGOT! I WILL GET YOU FOR THIS!!!! GGGAAAAHHHH!!!!" Maylee chuckled. "Heh. Heh."  Resetti smiled. "There ya go. Maybe ya should laugh more than you try to kill me." Resetti's eyes grew wide. "OH! OH! Iuhhave something' for ya." He reached into his overall pocket, took out Maylee hairpin, and laid it in her hand. "I admitI stole this from you. I found it outside the museum one night. I kept it, tryin' to make ya angry. " Maylee grasped the hairpin. "AH! There it is! Thank you so much!" "But I-" Maylee grabbed Resetti and hugged him. Resetti's face grew pink, but he went along with it. Maylee let him go and they just stared at each other. Resetti smiled, sheepishly and patted Maylee's head. "Keep smiling', punk" THE END (damn, Poppy WAS right. This is what I call cringey and lengthy)
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