noblehope · 7 years
   send in a url because positivity. || NOT ACCEPTING
my opinion on;
character in general: It’s very easy to describe Byakuya in one word, he’s an asshole lmao. I can’t remember what my original thoughts were of him besides being very sure he would be a killer (I was certain he killed chapter 1 AND THEN chapter 2 and then I just gave up on the thought of him being a killer) but he’s a very complicated person. He’s worked hard for what he has, and he lives in a very competitive and cutthroat world and he’s adopted the correct persona to survive it so I can’t blame him for that–being nice would have gotten him nowhere. That doesn’t excuse his behavior in game though, as he was just yikes quite often. But along with the other survivors he grows, and he cares about them evident by him doing everything he can to save them in dr3. He also, despite my beliefs, never resorted to murder and that does say quite a lot about him–though he definitely has the potential to do so since there’s official art of what his execution would have been. He’s awkward and doesn’t know how to make friends because I’m sure any friends he’s ever had were shallow or betrayed him though that’s more… headcanony. I could talk about him forever but the jist of it is I do like him despite everything he’s done. Also I refuse to acknowlede dangaronpa: togami afsdhfghgh
how they play them: I actually have not seen much of your Togami so I can’t give you my opinion just yet. Though I do think he’s a difficult character to play so you have props for that. He’s mean a lot but he’s not evil, and there has to be a balance to that!
the mun: We’ve never spoken but I’m sure you’re v v good and nice. I’d like to get to know you better.
do i;
follow them: yes!!!
rp with them: we do not
want to rp with them: of course, i’ll try my best to interact with you a bit more and stuff–
ship their character with mine: It is an interesting concept that I’ve never gotten to explore but I’ve thought about it several times. I wouldn’t be opposed to it but it’d have a lot of issues and stuff considering they both have their own separate and important duties neither would abandon, and who knows what in verses besides despairless. But of course this is all going w the idea that youre okay with it–I think they have great potential to be friends as it’d be beneficial to them both in more ways than one. Aghsdhgdhf im rambling but??? we’ll see, basically. you can talk to me about it if you want–
what is my;
overall opinion: I don’t really know you all that well but I appreciate your blog and what content I’ve seen and I’d like to know more about you and your Byakuya and I think other people should be interested too!!!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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tricksheart · 4 years
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Send “👋” if you want to RP with me but have been too shy to approach.
@more-than-a-princess​​ said:  👋 (Not necessarily shy, just new and looking for a good meme/starter. plotted if needed).
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Totally understandable. I really haven’t been posting too many memes or inbox prompts lately and when I do, not a lot of people are online. And then they get buried underneath drafts and other things here. Luckily, I know your character quite well as I have played all of them ( and I also rped Byakuya, the url used to be survivalistheir ) except the one spin off about them shooting things?? I think...It was called Another Episode....Anyways, your response from yesterday was a good idea. Totally unrelated but I love the fact that Sonia and Haru would be friends, especially because the both have odd hobbies ( Haru likes fighting the shadows a LITTLE too much during her battle dialogue ) and they are both influential wherever they go. Maybe Sonia and Akira can meet because they are both friends with Haru and then we can go from there. Or you can send a meme to break the ice too, when I post one. lmao.
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