#survivor palau
mikeholloway · 7 months
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The cat’s out of the bag that I’m a strong player, and I’m fit, and I’m not the old guy on the tribe. You can’t go back and now pretend that you’re less than you are or that you’re– you know, don’t have capabilities. It’s kind of done.
— Tom Westman, Survivor: Palau (2005) and Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains (2010)
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djservo · 1 year
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took a survivor break in june but we're so back + i adore these occupations
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jeremycollinsstan · 8 months
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vonlipvig · 7 months
Why are people trying to sue?
allegedly some people suffered from hypothermia and nerve damage from the green light red light game taking like six or so hours.
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countriesgame · 5 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have any fun fact about Palau, please tell us and I'll reblog it!
Be respectful in your comments. You can criticize a government without offending its people.
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minimag1c · 4 months
Infodump about your countryhuman aus please.
AGHOASOFKFNG You don't know that you just triggered secrets buried deep in the archives and I will thank you for that anonymous.
Soooo it has been a while since I've made au particularly in the countryhumans fandom but the survivor one is one my fav and my biggest
Basically it's a post apocalyptic universe where everything crumbled to chaos including Neo Pangea (the fictional place where countryhumans and human born in the place lives). Though the huge problem erupted mainly in developed countries (don't ask why I just saw how much shits US, western European countries and others are going and I was like "man wouldn't it be funny to see their people go apeshit lol") therefore less known territories are left out of the mess but that doesn't mean they don't get involved. That's why I came up with Tuvalu, Palau and Madagascar as protagonists.
There's also this another AU which is about Austronesia.
Actually I've been hyperfixated on oceanian and African countries since I've discovered Countryhumans and this only got amplified when I realized that Madagascar was part of the Austronesian family (which includes a few southeast Asian countries and the Pacific. Even Taiwan is involved! I swear it's really interesting-) which led me to think like "mmh what if I made a story where Proto-Austronesia (Melanesian/Polynesian origins alongside with Formosan tribes from Taiwan) actually used to be a giant country before it dissolved during colonisation?"
Unfortunately I didn't wrote everything about it yet because there's just do much to unpack (also mainly because I want to put mythical features in there alongside with history)
It was also heavily inspired by this video
Then there's something that everyone has been using a lot but I wanted to put my part in it too : where colonial powers come back and claim "what they have lost". It's basically similar like the other stories you've seen on Wattpad just the difference is like always I would probably focus more on underrated countries (like Mozambique- I've also started to write about it since 2 years actually!)
And last but not least a fantasy au where countries would have folklore attributes and live in separate worlds (Yk something like Greece lives in Olympia, the Nordic countries in Valhalla, Madagascar in Ambodrobe ect). Don't have a specific plot idea for this yet but planning to!
Anyway I have others au but those are my main one and I'll probably do a separate post about it lol :')-
Either way I'm glad you asked and it was fun to write all of this💕
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clueless1995 · 3 months
survivor palau is so brutal to watch like. oh my god just let them merge already why do you keep doing this to these poor people
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chef-mordo · 11 months
The First King of the Monsters (Part One)
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“The demolition of Tokyo”
[This Series is heavily inspired by Trollmans’ “FOLLY OF MAN” series on DeviantArt, so be sure to follow him if you enjoyed my work] On March 1, 1954 the Castle Bravo hydrogen bomb test was conducted at Bikini Atoll. The first of many thermonuclear weapon tests, it was the largest and most powerful nuclear weapon tested by the US government at the time, a massive mushroom cloud 40 kilometers high rose above the now blazing landscape with a shockwave so large that it shook the land and sea…
Some time afterwards, a spike in radiation was picked up under ten miles off of the northern coast of Palau. When investigations were launched, the wreckage of several burned fishing vessels were found. An additional unusual trail of radiation was discovered leading North. This worried many world powers at the time as it indicated the presence of some unique, powerful source of radiation not yet known to man. The greatest fears of mankind would soon become true. Subsequently, over the following months, several ships in the Pacific Ocean were reported missing. This prompted President Dwight D. Eisenhower to send out the investigative “Monarch Task Force” research team to study the spike in radiation and missing vessels. Eventually, on the night of August 13, 1954, a distress signal from the fishing vessel Eiko Maru was received by the Japanese Coast Guard. Another ship, the Bingo Maru, was sent to investigate the wreckage and rescue any survivors. However, neither ship returned. The following evening, a raft washed ashore on Odo Island. The sole survivor from the wreckage Masaji Yamada told the locals of a bright beam of light consuming the ship. He later reported to Monarch officials that he saw a massive, reptilian shape crest the water before it dove back down into the depths of the sea. 
The following morning, the Monarch research team along with JCG officials arrived on Odo island to interview locals and investigate the wreckage. As the boat neared the island, the sea seemed to turn red. Upon arrival, the island had seemed to be shut down; according to locals, an exorcism was performed on the island the previous night after a violent storm had apparently partially destroyed the island. A local elder reported that the island’s ocean deity had been angered and would come to feed off of the islanders. The island mythology states that women had been sacrificed in the past to appease “Gojira” who was stated to be the “King of the Monsters”. A gargantuan footprint was discovered irradiating nuclear energy. Massive aggressive mutated trilobites were additionally found on the shore of the island. Dubbed “Shokkirasu” after insectoid flesh-eating demons from the island’s mythology. The village alarm was later set off, followed by an ear-splitting shrieking roar. A hulking, seemingly saurian figure of titanic proportions rose from the sea on the northwestern side of the island. Japanese paleontologist, Doctor Kyohei Yamane managed to take a photo of the beast raising its ugly head over the hill before it turned to terrorize the town. While many attempted to hide on the island, a few locals managed to escape back on the ships that Monarch and the JCG had taken.
The photo would later be presented to an emergency meeting at the National Diet Building in Tokyo. Doctor Yamane would propose that this creature was awoken by nuclear testing in the South Pacific Ocean and had been the cause of sunken ships throughout the past few months. It had been decided to release this information to the public and in addition, JMSDF forces had been sent to locate and dispatch the creature, now referred to as “Godzilla”. Following this, a fleet of battleships and submarines had been sent into the red, now boiling waters of Tokyo Bay armed with hundreds of depth charges. Eventually, the monster had been located and surrounded by a massive line of explosives. As millions of litres of water shot up into the air, the beast emerged unfazed as it rose onto the shore of Tokyo’s Shinagawa ward. It tore through buildings and ended the lives of at least a thousand. Turning from the rubble, the beast then broke through the aquatic barricade, destroying massive cruisers with little effort.
The following morning another summit was called and it was decided that a line of electrical towers would be built along Tokyo’s coastline. This would send 50,000 volts of electricity into the monster, hopefully ending its life. An emergency evacuation of Tokyo was also called in case that the plan failed. Additionally, due to the previous failed efforts, the USAF had sent 5 “Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress” aircrafts filled with Mark 65 explosives to arrive the following day. 
Later that night the primordial horror once again rose from the red, boiling sea. With another air-splitting roar, it crawled onto the shore and tore through the electric fence. Following a bombardment from ground units, it bent over and began to flood Tokyo with a red mist. Seemingly irritated by the constant firing of missiles towards the creature, it’s dorsal plates began to turn from a light pink to a glowing light blue. It faced up towards the sky and shrieked before activating its atomic breath and setting the coastline aflame…
I hope y’all enjoyed the first story-based entry for “GODZILLA: Age of Monsters”. Only one more post for this first chapter focusing on Godzilla’s initial demolition of Tokyo (Alongside a drawing!). Feel free to share any thoughts, questions, praise, or criticisms of my work. As always, likes, comments, and reposts are welcome! The next few posts will be posted at 10:00 AM (CDT) within the following days.
Tune in for more updates and future posts. Peace and love! ✌️🏽
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All 69 Survivor Seasons Ranked
1-Survivor: Cagayan (Season 28) 2-Survivor: David vs Goliath (Season 37) 3-Survivor: Heroes vs Villains (Season 20) 4-Survivor: Micronesia (Season 16) 5-Survivor South Africa: Return Of The Outcasts (Season 9) 6-Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island (Season 8) 7-Survivor: Pearl Islands (Season 7) 8-Survivor: China (Season 15) 9-Survivor NZ: Thailand (Season 2) 10-Survivor South Africa: Phillippiness (Season 6) 11-Survivor: Millennials vs Gen X (Season 33) 12-Australian Survivor: Brains vs Brawn (Season 8) 13-Survivor: Kaoh Rong (Season 32) 14-Survivor: Gabon (Season 17) 15-Survivor: Blood vs Water (Season 27) 16-Survivor: Tocantins (Season 18) 17-Survivor South Africa: Island Of Secrets (Season 7) 18-Survivor Cambodia-Second Chance (Season 31) 19-Survivor: Winners At War (Season 40) 20-Survivor: Cook Islands (Season 13) 21-Survivor: Borneo (Season 1) 22-Survivor: The Australian Outback (Season 2) 23-Survivor: Phillippiness (Season 25) 24-Survivor South Africa: Champions (Season 5) 25-Australian Survivor: Champions vs Contenders I (Season 5) 26-Survivor: Exile Island (Season 12) 27-Survivor: The Amazon (Season 6) 28-Survivor: Marquesas (Season 4) 29-Australian Survivor (2017) (Season 4) 30-Survivor 43 31-Survivor: Guatemala (Season 11) 32-Survivor: Palau (Season 10) 33-Australian Survivor (2016) (Season 3) 34-Survivor: Africa (Season 3) 35-Survivor South Africa: Maldives (Season 4) 36-Phillippiness (Season 1) 37-San Juan Del Sur (Season 29) 38-Survivor 42 (Season 42) 39-Survivor South Africa: Santa Carolina (Season 3) 40-Survivor: Edge Of Extinction (Season 38) 41-Survivor: Vanuatu (Season 9) 42-Australian Survivor: Blood vs Water (Season 9) 43-Australian Survivor: Champions vs Contenders II (Season 6) 44-Phillippiness (Season 2) 45-Survivor: All-Stars (Season 8) 46-Survivor: South Africa-Panama (Season 1) 47-Survivor: Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers (Season 35) 48-Survivor 41 (Season 41) 49-Survivor: Samoa (Season 19) 50-Survivor: South Africa-Malaysia (Season 2) 51-Survivor: Ghost Island (Season 36) 52-Survivor: Fiji (Season 14) 53-Australian Survivor: All-Stars (Season 7) 54-Celebrity Survivor (AU Season 2) 55-Pulau Tiga (UK Season 1) 56-Phillippiness Celebrity Double Showdown (Season 4) 57-Game Changers (Season 34) 58-Phillippiness Celebrity Showdown (Season 3) 59-Survivor: Island Of The Idols (Season 39) 60-Worlds Apart (Season 30) 61-Redemption Island (Season 22) 62-Australian Survivor (2002) (Season 1) 63-Survivor: Caramoan (Season 26) 64-Survivor NZ: Nicaragua (Season 1) 65-Survivor: Nicaragua (Season 21) 66-Survivor: South Pacific (Season 23) 67-Survivor: One World (Season 24) 68-Survivor: Thailand (Season 5) 69-Survivor UK: Panama (Season 2)
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davidhuzyk · 1 year
Survivor Season Rankings
Worth Playing For 1) 28: Cagayan Such an explosive cast! Consistent throughout with great pre-merge and post-merge. While the winner may have been overpowered with idols there was still some strategy/manipulation to be done to end up in Final Tribal, I respect the gameplay. Lots of memorable, historical players & moments, my personal favourite season
2) 37: David’s vs Goliath’s The best season to introduce someone to Survivor with! It has a great, diverse cast with many legendary players & moments. Almost every modern advantage pays out in a big way. The theme works fairly well, overall it’s very fun 3) 16: Micronesia Fans vs Favorites Some of, if not the biggest moments in Survivor history! Erik & the idol, the little “Ozzlets”, the f’ing stick!! A slower pre-merge with a bit of a lackluster Fans cast, but the Favorites more than make up for it post-merge.  4) 18: Tocantins One of my favourite original casts in one of my favourite locations! The Brazilian desert is beautiful and makes for a unique landscape. We see the origin of characters like Coach & Tyson, and also one of my favourite duos of all-time in Stephen & JT. Plus the birth of simmotion! 5) 15: China Another great season for the same reasons as above. Amazing casting with Courtney, James, Todd, Amanda, Peih-Gee, etc. and some breathtaking landscapes & temples. Great winner, the big moment with the double idol boot.... DAMN!! 6) 7: Pearl Islands The best original era season in my opinion. The theme is very strong throughout the season, very much paying off in the first episode with the unique  “marooning” and Rupert pretty much being a pirate. A great cast, some fun twists, and a moment that the Smithsonian used to encapsulate all of reality TV!
7) 20: Heroes vs Villains The ultimate battle of good vs evil, what more needs to be said? A massive returning cast with some of the fiercest competition, it gave us our first two time winner. I do find I prefer most players on their other seasons however, letting this one slip a bit lower in the rankings, but overall still a top tier season 8) 33: Millennials vs Gen X  Our first season on the current Fijian beaches, and it never feels fresher! A great cast with a good theme, containing strong emotional moments throughout. The “Did you do that!?” - “Yeah. I did it” moment may be my favourite vote out reaction of all time. 
My Life Is Fine 9) 32: Kaoh Rong At the time of the live airing I remember this season leaving a dirty taste in my mouth with the sour bullies in Jason & Scott, as well as the “robbed goddess Aubry”, but in revisiting this season I found a lot more peaks than valleys. I came to gain a better appreciation for the winner as well, and it may have the most bonkers reunion special. Drew Carey, Mark the Chicken... Sia?! 10) 6: Amazon While the theme of men vs women may have played a bit hornier at the time, I still think it made for some interesting commentary and moments on the show. The location feels more intense, even when the tribe isn’t burning themselves to the ground haha. Also the birth of one of my favourite characters in Rob C! 11) 10: Palau Some may say the boot order on this season is very lackluster, but it does bring us the only time a single tribe is whittled down to one player. I also find there are entertaining moments throughout both the pre & post-merge. The theme works surprisingly well with sharks & army, it gives us a rootable winner, and a record breaking challenge! 12) 25: Philippines  While we do need to ignore the *redacted* of it all, we get another great mostly original cast with a very unique, historical, and rootable winner. We also get one of the best “love-to-hate/hate-to-love” villains in Abi-Maria, who thankfully cracked a coconut into *redacted*’s head! 13) 42 I haven’t been completely loving the new era of the 40′s’, but I find it certainly worked best thus far with 42. Some of the twists were slightly altered from 41 showing production had learned some of their faults, while also adding some new interesting twists. I think the cast really pops here, especially in our winner! 14) 40: Winners at War An all winners season, what’s not to love? I do find a different boot order could have made for a much more entertaining season, but what we were given was still some of the closest challenges and fiercest competition we’ve seen. I support the win of our second two-time winner, and will forever remember being touched by Ethan’s journey on Extinction 15) 13: Cook Islands Once again another theme that might not have played out so great in hindsight, but it did lead to our most diverse casting yet and I think it pays out on screen. The birth of legendary players like Parvati, Ozzy, Penner, Yul, etc. and an all-timer moment when Jeff asks “Candice, from Raro tribe?!?” 16) 27: Blood vs Water I do find the pre-merge a bit salty and a bit of a downer, but once the season starts picking up momentum it pays out. Some comedic moments with our “coconut bandits”, it also gave us the historic moment of someone voting out their mom! I very much enjoy the winner and their journey here 17) 29: Blood vs Water 2 This is another season that I think plays much better on a re-watch than live at the time. I always loved the winner and their journey, but some underperforming cast members does drag this down a bit. There are some really unique moments & dynamics playing out with the only all original cast BvW theme however, worth revisiting 18) 38: Edge of Extinction The theme may be awful, but I really support the original cast in play and how hard everyone was playing. I think the theme and how the season ultimately plays out drags this down a lot further for most people, but I’d love to see characters like Devons, Victoria, Lauren, even Reem return for another try 19) 31: Cambodia - Second Chances What should be the “ultimate Survivor super-fan season” ends up playing out a bit too unnecessarily complex for me, but still it cannot be denied how strong the returning cast is and how hard everyone is playing. An all-time tribal when an idol blocks a record 9 votes, plus a great winner, an overall good season 20) 12: Panama Perhaps the most uneven season in terms of tribes between the explosive Casaya and the tepid La Mina, it has some very iconic, comedic moments (mostly from Shane) and the birth of our queen Cirie! 21) 4: Marquesas A very underrated season. While the change in location last minute does show on screen production-wise at times (a kite challenge, really?) we get our first big power flip with the dismantling of the Roto Four, and our first “rocking out”, as well as the many firsts in our winner! 
Ain’t No Hershey Bar 22) 17: Gabon Probably the biggest cluster-fuck of a season, it is messy in all the right ways. One of those “so bad it’s good” type of situations, I can’t help but grab the popcorn and take in all the salt & sass. It also has one of our best landscapes, I’ll never forget the moment Ace is doing a confessional and an elephant just walks into the background for a sip of water 23) 41 A very polarizing season, lots to love and to dislike. Production was trying out a lot of firsts here, and while they don’t all pay off I find what does makes for an overall enjoyable enough season. I think a re-edit could make for a more entertaining experience, especially in regards to our winner 24) 3: Africa I do find the earlier seasons can be a bit drier or slower compared to more modern eras, but Africa certainly brought us our most dangerous season. Between the lions, the lack of water & food, and the intense sun, this may be the best season for people actually wanting surviving in their Survivor 25) 19: Samoa This season is very heavily edited towards a certain character, so mileage varies depending on your opinion of him, but the way Russell outmaneuvers not only the cast but production is masterclass. I don’t support all of the gameplay, but it does make for entertaining TV 26) 9: Vanuatu Another season that plays better in a re-watch than at the time. I think the men vs women theme works better this time around, and the ultimate winner’s path does allow for a lot of good conversation & commentary 27) 1: Borneo The one that started it all. Production doesn’t quite have everything figured out yet, which can make for a bit of a clunky watch, but what we get here is the template & groundwork for every season to come. Thankfully we had a winner with the foresight to see the real potential of this game that is Survivor 28) 43 A very great cast that I think is unfortunately brought down by the current metagame, as well as a confusing edit and a not so favourable winner. I do think Jesse’s big borrowed idol move will go down as an all-timer, but that alone is not enough to catapult this season any higher
29) 2: Australian Outback Some big memorable moments as well as a good balance between gameplay & survival elements, it’s a shame the older editing & pacing make for a bit of a calmer watch at times. Survivor was never more popular than at this moment however and it really shows in the reunion! 30) 26: Caramoan There’s not a lot of great stuff in this season, between the negative moments with Brandon & Phillip and Brenda & Dawn you would hope for some great strategic gameplay, but there’s not really that either. Yet somehow I end up being drawn back to this season, I guess it hurts so good! 31) 14: Fiji An awful theme. Wow, I wonder who will dominate, the Haves or the Have Nots?! You can also feel the recruitment in regards to casting. But we still have one of our more diverse casts with some bigger, historical moments that I think play better through a modern day perspective 32) 30: Worlds Apart Similar to Caramoan, I find there are a lot of downer moments that drag this season down (Will being awful to Shirin, Dan overall, Joe in hindsight), but yet I am drawn back to it. If you enjoy awkward moments then Vince is comedic gold, and Rodney definitely plays much funnier a second time around 33) 36: Ghost Island This theme should have been great, but it really doesn’t pay off. The cast I also found was a bit dull, but the dynamic of Wendell & Dom really gives this some mileage 34) 23: South Pacific An instance of a good but unfortunately under-edited winner in a not so great season. The overtones of religion & Catholicism hamper the gameplay, and the casting isn’t at it’s strongest. Nothing awful here, but nothing fantastic either 35) 11: Guatemala Our first captains season that unfortunately doesn’t seem to “pop”. Another case of an under-edited winner, there isn’t much great gameplay to speak of. The Mayan temples are however beautiful, and we do get the birth of the Immunity Idol 36) 34: Game Changers Was this Game Changers, or Game Players? Because this cast certainly didn’t feel legendary in the way the theme suggests. The boot order also left a lot to be desired, and we get the messy situation with Varner... if not for a few comedic moments this could have easily slipped down a tier
Forget You, Go Home, Goodbye 37) 35: Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers The birth of the fire making twist, which for me did not play out well. Some may enjoy the winners journey here, I ultimately found it disappointing and frustrating. Some lackluster challenges as well as a confusing theme made for an overall letdown of a season 38) 8: All Stars At the time I got swept up in the love story of Rob & Amber, but in re-watching the season there is a lot of saltiness, as well as some ugly situations (Jenna’s departure commentary, Rich & Sue). In wanting to get swept up in gameplay I found very little to be excited about 39) 39: Island of the Idols Obviously we know why this is a bottom tier season, but that aside I do think there was some great characters & moments that save this from being the worst season. The theme was bad to begin with so it was never destined for greatness lol 40) 24: One World I love the theme of putting everyone on one beach, unfortunately the recruitment casting along with the split of men vs women made this season a drag. I love the winner and their gameplay, but there are a lot of forgettable castaways here, not to mention one of the most polarizing player in Colton  41) 21: Nicaragua  Not much to love here, a pretty poor cast with some sloppy gameplay and a mild winner. If the most memorable part about the season is two people quitting, you know there’s a problem 42) 22: Redemption Island I guess mileage really varies depending on your love for Boston Rob, but I feel like this season was served to him on a silver platter. I guess it answers the question is it fun to see a big-leaguer play in the minors with the rookies? The answer is no, no it is not 43) 5: Thailand Here it is, the worst season of Survivor. The ugliness and mishandling of the Ghandia & Ted situation, the emotionless cold winner, the pitiful gameplay, it’s all here! I will however never forget that Robb strangled Clay during a challenge and that he brought a skateboard to the jungle!
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officialjeffprobst · 12 days
Survivor Season Rankings
Post Season 46, I wanted to add my season rankings. The majority of the seasons I have only watched one time through, so these rankings are always subject to change upon a second watch, but I have them separated into a few tiers. I feel confident about tier placements and pretty solid about my top 10. Rankings only, no thoughts, because otherwise this post would be WAY too long.
31 - Cambodia: Second Chance
20 - Heroes vs. Villains
28 - Cagayan: Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty
40 - Winners at War
37 - David vs. Goliath
33 - Millenials vs. Gen X
16 - Micronesia: Fans vs. Favorites
7 - Pearl Islands
15 - China
9 - Vanuatu: Islands of Fire
10 - Palau
1 - Borneo
25 - Philippines
18 - Tocantins
13 - Cook Islands
4 - Marquesas
29 - San Juan del Sur (Blood vs. Water 2)
6 - The Amazon
27 - Blood vs. Water
12 - Panama: Exile Island
32 - Kaoh Rong (Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty 2)
34 - Game Changers
38 - Edge of Extinction
19 - Samoa
2 - Australian Outback
8 - All-Stars
3 - Africa
11 - Guatemala: Mayan Empire
17 - Gabon
26 - Caramoan (Fans vs. Favorites 2)
22 - Redemption Island
14 - Fiji
21 - Nicaragua
23 - South Pacific
Still unwatched: 5, 24, 30, 35, 36, 39, 41, 42
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fentw · 9 months
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Link: https://brantsteele.com/survivor/10/r.php?c=YQOr8wiz
Stephenie LaGrossa Winner Finalist 4 Votes To Win
Wanda Shirk 2nd Place Finalist 3 Votes To Win
Jonathan Libby 3rd Place Juror 1 Vote
Angie Jakusz 4th Place Juror 3-1 Vote
Willard Smith 5th Place Juror 4-1 Vote
Katie Gallagher 6th Place Juror 2-1-1-1-1 Vote
James Miller 7th Place Juror 6-1 Vote
Bobby Jon Drinkard 8th Place Juror 6-2 Vote
Tom Westman 9th Place Juror 5-4 Vote
Gregg Carey 10th Place Pre-Juror 2-1 Vote
Ashlee Ashby 11th Place Pre-Juror 3-1 Vote
Ian Rosenberger 12th Place Pre-Juror 3-1-1 Vote
Jolanda Jones 13th Place Pre-Juror 5-1 Vote
Janu Tornell 14th Place Pre-Juror 6-2 Vote
Coby Archa 15th Place Pre-Juror 5-2 Vote
Kim Mullen 16th Place Pre-Juror 5-3 Vote
Ibrehem Rahman 17th Place Pre-Juror 8-1 Vote
Jennifer Lyon 18th Place Pre-Juror 5-4 Vote
Jeff Wilson 19th Place Pre-Juror Eliminated
Caryn Groedel 20th Place Pre-Juror Eliminated
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djservo · 10 months
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janu loses a challenge + spends the night alone on a secluded island + dances under the moon
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jeremycollinsstan · 2 years
ian from palau walked so erik reichenbach could run truly
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vonlipvig · 2 years
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Events 10.1 (after 1950)
1953 – Andhra State is formed, consisting of a Telugu-speaking area carved out of India's Madras State. 1953 – A United States-South Korea mutual defense treaty is concluded in Washington, D.C. 1955 – The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is established. 1957 – The motto In God We Trust first appears on U.S. paper currency. 1958 – The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is replaced by NASA. 1960 – Nigeria gains independence from the United Kingdom. 1961 – The United States Defense Intelligence Agency is formed, becoming the country's first centralized military intelligence organization. 1961 – East and West Cameroon merge to form the Federal Republic of Cameroon. 1961 – The CTV Television Network, Canada's first private television network, is launched. 1962 – James Meredith enters the University of Mississippi, defying racial segregation rules. 1964 – The Free Speech Movement is launched on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley. 1964 – Japanese Shinkansen ("bullet trains") begin high-speed rail service from Tokyo to Osaka. 1966 – West Coast Airlines Flight 956 crashes with no survivors in Oregon. This accident marks the first loss of a DC-9. 1968 – Guyana nationalizes the British Guiana Broadcasting Service, which would eventually become part of the National Communications Network, Guyana. 1969 – Concorde breaks the sound barrier for the first time. 1971 – Walt Disney World opens near Orlando, Florida. 1971 – The first practical CT scanner is used to diagnose a patient. 1975 – Muhammad Ali defeats Joe Frazier in a boxing match in Manila, Philippines. 1978 – Tuvalu gains independence from the United Kingdom. 1979 – Pope John Paul II begins his first pastoral visit to the United States. 1979 – The MTR, Hong Kong's rapid transit railway system, opens. 1982 – Helmut Kohl replaces Helmut Schmidt as Chancellor of Germany through a constructive vote of no confidence. 1982 – EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) opens at Walt Disney World in Florida. 1982 – Sony and Phillips launch the compact disc in Japan; on the same day, Sony releases the model CDP-101 compact disc player, the first player of its kind. 1985 – Israel-Palestinian conflict: Israel attacks the Palestine Liberation Organization's Tunisia headquarters during Operation Wooden Leg. 1987 – The 5.9 Mw  Whittier Narrows earthquake shakes the San Gabriel Valley with a Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe), killing eight and injuring 200. 1989 – Denmark introduces the world's first legal same-sex registered partnerships. 1991 – Croatian War of Independence: The Siege of Dubrovnik begins. 1994 – Palau enters a Compact of Free Association with the United States. 2000 – Israel-Palestinian conflict: Palestinians protest the murder of 12-year-old Muhammad al-Durrah by Israeli police in northern Israel, beginning the "October 2000 events". 2001 – Militants attack the state legislature building in Kashmir, killing 38. 2009 – The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom takes over the judicial functions of the House of Lords. 2012 – A ferry collision off the coast of Hong Kong kills 38 people and injures 102 others. 2014 – A series of explosions at a gunpowder plant in Bulgaria completely destroys the factory, killing 15 people. 2014 – A double bombing of an elementary school in Homs, Syria kills over 50 people. 2015 – A gunman kills nine people at a community college in Oregon. 2015 – Heavy rains trigger a major landslide in Guatemala, killing 280 people. 2015 – The American cargo vessel SS El Faro sinks with all of its 33 crew after steaming into the eyewall of Hurricane Joaquin 2017 – An independence referendum, later declared illegal by the Constitutional Court of Spain, takes place in Catalonia. 2017 – Fifty-eight people are killed and 869 others injured in a mass shooting at a country music festival at the Las Vegas Strip in the United States; the gunman, Stephen Paddock, later commits suicide. 2018 – The International Court of Justice rules that Chile is not obliged to negotiate access to the Pacific Ocean with Bolivia.
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