#susana santos silva
lyssahumana · 1 year
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Kaja Draksler / Susana Santos Silva — Grow (Intakt)
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Sometimes you have to wander in order to do what you want to do. Slovenian pianist Kaja Draksler and Portuguese trumpeter Susana Santos Silva have both gone a long way, aesthetically and geographically, from their initial, homegrown classical training. Draksler is now based in Copenhagen, where she toggles between participation in ensembles that incorporate poetry and jazz into rigorously conceived structures, and total improvisation with such highly individual players as Terrie Ex and John Butcher. Silva resides in Stockholm, where she works frequently with jazz bassist Torbjörn Zetterberg and pursues a deepening investigation into electronic and electro-acoustic music. But their duo is not the product of peregrination, nor concerned with simple opposing relationships. Grow is what happens when two purposefully flexible players bring a full range of options and abilities to the task of making music in the moment.
The two women have made one previous album, This Love, that included pieces written by each, and they are both part of Hearth, a quartet with saxophonists Ada Rave and Mette Rasmussen. But Grow is a concert recording made at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival in 2021. While it is split into four parts, they comprise an unbroken thread of invention realized in continuous performance. Draksler opens with a weave of questing right-hand keyboard phrases, which clash tonally but mesh rhythmically with syncopated prepared piano figures. Silva soon launches a series of dark growls and long, gritty cries, and as she stretches out, the pianist tests her options, proposing first long sweeps up and down the keyboard, and then intricate, changing progressions. 
As the music evolves, both players seem to be listening for two sets of options — ones that enhance what the other is doing, and ones that will keep the music evolving. And they aren’t just listening to each other, but also figuring out what to add or subtract from their own playing. At some points, Draksler sounds like two different players at once, simultaneously manipulating glassy swells of resonance and an undercurrent of agitated chatter. At others, they collapse into one, such as an episode when the trumpet’s pops and the piano’s clatter sound an overheard huddle between the items on a Foley artist’s table of tools. The unusual sonorities never sound like mere novelties. Rather, they are expressions of a collective imagination, unhindered by convention or ego, but highly purposeful and satisfyingly on target. 
Bill Meyer
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culturedarm · 2 years
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James Brandon Lewis issues a clarion call in the name of freedom, JFDR wields the orchid as a symbol of rebirth, and Mark Kimbrell and Patrick Shiroishi elaborate the saxophone-drum duo tradition as Oort Smog. Angélica Salvi conjures the buck and brace of horse riding, Hypnotic Sleep and The Fulmars unfurl four foggy notions for Kashual Plastik, and Jesse Peterson of Turn On The Sunlight enlists Cavana Lee for an album of sweeping murmurations and cloudless exaltations which carries the life-affirming message You Belong. Felicity Mangan and Photay with Carlos Niño share a fascination with water, Enumclaw fulfill their destiny on their debut Save the Baby, and Glüme goes on the lam in a quest full of heartache and love. https://culturedarm.com/tracks-of-the-week-15-10-22/
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donospl · 2 years
Hoob Records, 2022 Gruzja – spośród wielu zalet – słynie również z najstarszej tradycji śpiewu polifonicznego. Szwedzki kontrabasista Josef Kallerdahl od lat fascynuje się tamtejszą kulturą i muzyką chóralną. Zachwyceniem tym zaraził swoich partnerów z grupy Here’s To Us. Kwartet  w którym znajdziemy oryginalne zestawienie instrumentów (saksofon, klarnet basowy, trąbka i kontrabas) grupuje…
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iangmaia · 8 months
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Fred Frith & Susana Santos Silva: Laying Demons To Rest
Bimhuis, Amsterdam – 17 Jan 2024
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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Manuel Linhares
℗ 2022 Brandit Digital Media Services
Manuel Linhares- Vocals, Compositon and Lyrics
António Loureiro- Arrangement, Music Production, Synthesizers, electric Bass (Marcha Lenta), composition (Oxigénio) and Drums
Guillermo Klein- Arrangement (Jogo de Sombras)
Paulo Barros- Piano
José Carlos Barbosa - Bass
David Binney *- Alto Saxophone
Frederico Heliodoro - Electric Bass (Intempérie)
Rubinho Antunes - Trumpet and Flughelhorn
Alexandre Andrés - Flute
Hugo Raro - Fender Rhodes
João Pedro Brandão - Alto Saxophone
Rui Teixeira - Baritone Saxophone
José Pedro Coelho - Tenor Saxophone
Hugo Ciríaco - Tenor Saxophone
Andreia Santos - Trombone
Daniel Dias - Trombone
*Coreto Porta Jazz*:
Hugo Raro - Piano
AP- Guitar
José Carlos Barbosa- Bass
José Marrucho- Drums
João Pedro Brandão- Alto Saxophone
José Pedro Coelho- Tenor Saxophone
Hugo Ciríaco- Tenor Saxophone
Rui Teixeira- Baritone Saxophone
Susana Santos Silva- Trumpet
Ricardo Formoso- Flugelhorn
Andreia Santos- Trombone
Daniel Dias- Trombone
Capicua - Lyrics (Dança Macabra)
℗ 2022
Released by Carimbo Porta-Jazz
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t2000000000 · 2 years
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oziasfilho · 1 month
Revista Mapas do Confinamento , a publicação do coletivo que representa uma série de talentos (onde estou incluído).
Faça o download gratuito no link no final do post
19 edições com colaborações de:
Ana Carvalho | Lelena Lucas | Teresa dos Santos | Paulo Kellerman | Ondjaki | Susana Piedade | Hirondina Joshua | Richard Zimler | Rafael Ibarra | Telma Tvon | Kátia Borges | Carla de Sousa | Ricardo Fonseca Mota | José Luís Jorge | Maria Teresa Horta | Maria João Cantinho | Heduardo Kiesse | Godofredo de Oliveira Neto | Ana Gilbert | José Luís Mendonça | Frankie Boy | Décio Zylbersztajn | Pedro Teixeira Neves | Deusa d'África | André Timm | Mélio Tinga | Eduardo Duarte | Ana Cristina Silva | Natália Timerman | Elísio Miambo | Goretti Pereira | Adriane Garcia | Hugo Mezena | Marcela Dantés | Zetho Cunha Gonçalves | Mónia Camacho | Sónia Silva | Ronaldo Cagiano | Rafael Vieira | José Alberto Postiga | Sónia Travassos | Alê Motta | João Nuno Azambuja | Alice WR | Amílcar Bettega | Emílio Tavares Lima | Domingos Lobo | Dirce Waltrick do Amarante | Renata Belmonte | Manuela Vaz | Julieta Massossote | Teresa Guerreiro | Sérgio Tavares | Tiago D. Oliveira | Almeida Cumbane | Ana Pessoa | Sara Bandarra | Claudia Nina | Henrique Rodrigues | Otildo Justino Guido | Harrie Lemmens | Olinda Gil | Patrícia Lavelle | Susana Gonçalves | Rafael Azevedo | Agnaldo Bata | Rui Zink | Katia Gerlach | Vanessa Vascouto | Teresa Afonso | João da Silva | Sébastien Rozeaux | Céline Gaille | Luísa Semedo | Mazé Torquato Chotil | Helena Machado | Sónia Queimado Lima | Luísa Ducla Soares | Aida Gomes | Eltânia André | Ana Moderno | Lahissane | Daísa Rizzotto Rossetto | Renato Tardivo | Ricardo Figueira | Marta Barbosa Stephens | Cristina Vicente | Ozias Filho | Nara Vidal | João Anzanello Carrascoza | Edmilson Mavie | Juliana Berlim | Gabriela Ruivo Trindade | Juliana Monteiro Carrascoza | Cristina Drios | Alex Andrade | Sónia Palma | António Ladeira | Sílvia Bernardino | Nuno Gomes Garcia | Simone Mota | Nuno Camarneiro | Lopito Feijóo | Thais Beltrame | Paulo Martins | Dominique Stoenesco | Luciana Grether | Catarina Gomes | Rita Reis | Sara Bandarra | Sónia Borges | Maraia | Inês Soares | Fátima Nascimento | Yara Kono | Ana Biscaia | Thais Beltrame | Luísa Portugal | Mafalda Milhões | Marta Madureira | Rachel Caiano | João Batista Melo | Helena Terra | Catarina Gomes | Mónica Brandão | Gabriela Silva | Rodrigo Tavares | Amosse Mucavele | Valério Maúnde | Carla Bessa | Sara F. Costa | Paulo Landeck | Samuel F. Pimenta | Paulo José Costa | Mário Araújo | Dora Nunes Gago | Rita Taborda Duarte | Kalaf Epalanga | Phoe McCallum
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demoura · 3 months
DIA 16 DE JUNHO DE 2024 : MATINÉE NO TNSC COM A FASCINANTE TRILOGIA DAS BARCAS DE JOLY BRAGA SANTOS. NO CENTENÁRIO DO COMPOSITOR DEPOIS DE MUITAS PERIPÉCIAS A BELA OPERA PORTUGUESA REGRESSOU AO S.CARLOS ,36 ANOS DEPOIS. No tríptico de Gil Vicente o compositor encontrou território ideal para os contraditórios da sua obra - cromatismo melodioso versus artonalidade . É uma obra de uma modernidade impressionante. Fico feliz que depois de tantas vicissitudes esta nova produção tenha estreado no São Carlos antes do encerramento para obras que durarão dois anos …Estarei cá para me sentar na cadeira da nossa assinatura de estreia agora solitário ?.. (O TNSC é a única instituição onde eu suporto « violência doméstica « musical …..).A “Trilogia das Barcas”, com libreto de Maria José Braga Santos, a partir dos autos do Inferno, do Purgatório e da Glória, de Gil Vicente (1465-1536) foi apresentada numa versão semiencenada conseguida de Luca Aprea.O maestro José Eduardo Gomes em entrevista sintetizou “Tem uma escrita orquestral rica em cores, texturas, onde a orquestração é bastante larga, tem a escrita coral, com dois coros, com funções diferentes, e tem uma variedade de solistas que vai desde o menino, uma voz infantil, até ao diabo, passando pelas mais diversas personagens, uma produção 100% portuguesa e é nosso dever honrar o legado de Joly, nesta edição crítica que foi feita pelo [maestro] João Paulo Santos e pela Paula Coelho da Silva”. Bem estiveram o Coro do Teatro Nacional de São Carlos e a Orquestra Sinfónica Portuguesa que subiram ao palco do Chiado sob a batuta empenhada de Gomes .O barítono Luís Rodrigues, no papel de Diabo e a soprano Carla Caramujo, no papel de Anjo, lideraram um extenso elenco de personagens interpretadas pelos cantores líricos José Corvelo, Marco Alves dos Santos, João Merino, João Pedro Cabral, Ricardo Panela, Maria Luísa de Freitas, Sérgio Martins, Cátia Moreso, Diogo Oliveira, André Henriques, Tiago Matos e Susana Gaspar. Boas prestações com realce para as vozes femininas com destaque para o difícil Anjo de Caramujo e para a pastora Gaspar excelente soprano « vitima do Brexit » . O elemento mais fraco foi o barítono Luís Rodrigues com uma dicção « pastosa «  e actualmente cantando em esforço . Um erro de casting . Logo no dueto com o fidalgo de Marco Alves dos Santos foi penoso …Os figurinos contemporâneos, de cor branca, exceptuando o Anjo, em vermelho, são de Nuno Velez .“Uma ópera intensa e dramática com uma ação muito viva”, afirmou José Eduardo Gomes, que considera incompreensível a ausência da ópera durante tantos anos, das salas .“desde 1988 [quando foi apresentada pela última vez no TNSC, já depois da sua estreia, em 1970 na Fundação Gulbenkian] até 2024 são muitos anos, e é uma pena, pois esta é a grande ópera portuguesa do século XX, devia vir a palco com mais frequência”.Estou inteiramente de acordo e não perdoo ao finlandês Risto a ausência de homenagem a Joly Braga Santos na FCG !.
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atletasudando · 2 years
El historial del Sudamericano de Cross Country
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La primera edición del Campeonato Sudamericano de Cross se realizó hace 37 años en San Carlos de Bariloche, en la Argentina. Este domingo 22 de enero se disputa la 36ª. edición. Hasta el momento, los vencedores en la prueba central fueron los siguientes:   1986 San Carlos de Bariloche Hombres, 12 km:          Omar Aguilar                CHI       39,23 Mujeres, 8 km:              Olga Caccaviello           ARG     31,52   1987 Santiago de Chile Hombres, 12 km           Omar Aguilar                CHI       36,04 Mujeres, 8 km               Mónica Regonessi         CHI       27,56 1988 Tandil Hombres, 10 km           Antonio Silio                 ARG     33,30 Mujeres, 6 km               Stella Maris Selles        ARG     22,49 1989 Asunción Hombres, 10 km           Artur de Freitas Castro  BRA     31,17 Mujeres, 6 km               Griselda González         ARG     21,47 1990 Caracas Hombres, 12 km           Gerardo F. de Assis      BRA     36,49 Mujeres, 7.8 km            Rita Cassia de Jesús     BRA     27,37 1991 Ambato Hombres                      Jacinto Navarrete           COL     41,37 Mujeres                        Graciela Caizabanda     ECU     32,39 1992 Sao Paulo Hombres, 12 km           Valdenor Pereira dos S. BRA     37,30 Mujeres, 6 km               Carmen Souza Oliveira  BRA     20,34   1993 Cali Hombres, 12 km           Valdenor Pereira dos S. BRA     36,33 Mujeres, 6 km               Silvana Pereira              BRA     20,51 1994 Manaus Varones, 12.1 km          Silvio Ramón Guerra      ECU     38,39 Mujeres, 6.1 km            Carmen Souza Oliveira  BRA     21,57 1995 Cali Varones, 12 km            Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima B     33,04 Mujeres, 6 km               Roseli Aparecida Machado BR   19,28 1996 Asunción Varones, 12 km            Herder Vásquez            COL     38,19 Mujeres, 6 km               Stella Castro                 COL     21,43 1997 Comodoro Rivadavia Varones, 12 km            Elenilson da Silva          BRA     38,01 Mujeres, 6 km               Stella Castro                 COL     21,18 1998 Artur Nogueira Varones, 12 km            Sergio Goncalves da S. BRA     37,56 Mujeres, 8 km               Rosangela Pereira Faria BRA     29,50 1999 Artur Nogueira Varones, 12 km            Sergio Correa Couto      BRA     38,35 Mujeres, 8 km               Erika Oliveira                CHI       29,48 2000 Cartagena Varones, 12 km            Daniel Lopes Ferreira     BRA     37,14 Mujeres, 8 km               Bertha Sánchez            COL     28,10 2001 Rio de Janeiro Varones, 12 km            Adilson A. Ribeiro         BRA     37,14 Mujeres, 8 km               Adriana de Souza          BRA     27,54 2002 Santa Cruz de la Sierra Varones, 12 km            Jonathan Monje CHI       38,45 Mujeres, 8 km               Adriana de Souza          BRA     29,54 2003 Asunción Varones, 12 km            Javier Guarín                 COL     39,34 Mujeres, 8 km               Susana Rebolledo         CHI       31,13 2004 Macaé Varones, 12 km            Bayron Piedra               ECU     36,44 Mujeres, 8 km               Maria Lucia Alves Vieira BRA     28,32 2005 Montevideo Varones, 12 km            William Naranjo             COL     38,50 Mujeres, 8 km               Lucelia de Oliveira         BRA     29,23 2006 Mar del Plata Varones, 12 km            Javier Guarín                 COL     36,29 Mujeres, 8 km               Inés Melchor                 PER     27,55 2007 Rio de Janeiro Varones, 12 km            William Naranjo             COL     38,45 Mujeres, 8 km               Ednalva Laureano          BRA     29,30 2008 Asunción Varones, 12 km            Marilson G. dos Santos BRA     37,28 Mujeres, 8 km               Inés Melchor                 PER     28,19 2009 Concepción (Chile) Varones, 12 km            Roberto Echeverría        CHI       37,08 Mujeres, 8 km               Zenaide Vieira               BRA     28,08 2010 Guayaquil Varones, 12 km            Miguel Almachi             ECU     35,53 Mujeres, 8 km               Inés Melchor                 PER     27,16 2011 Asunción Varones, 12 km            Solonei Rocha da Silva  BRA     36,39 Mujeres, 8 km               Simone Alves da Silva   BRA     27,05 2012 Lima Varones, 12 km            Gilberto Silvestre Lopes BRA     38,06 Mujeres, 8 km               Tatiele R. de Carvalho    BRA     28,59 2013 Concordia (Argentina) Varones, 12 km            Gilberto Silvestre Lopes BRA     39,58 Mujeres, 8 km               Cruz Nonata da Silva     BRA     30,25 2014 Asunción Varones, 12 km            Wellington Bezerra        BRA     37,12 Mujeres, 8 km               Sueli Pereira Silva         BRA     27,44 2015 Barranquilla Varones, 10 km            Gilberto Silvestre Lopes BRA     28,31 Mujeres, 7 km               Gladys Lucy Tejeda       PER     21,18 2016 Caraballeda Varones, 10 km            Gilberto Silvestre Lopes BRA     31,36 Mujeres, 10 km             Luz Mery Rojas             PER     38,05 2017 Santiago de Chile Varones, 10 km            René Champi                PER     30,46 Mujeres, 10 km             Carmen Toaquiza          ECU     35,36 2018 San Salvador (El Salvador) Varones, 10 km            Cristhian Pacheco         PER     30,08 Mujeres, 10 km             Carmen Toaquiza          ECU     35,04 2019 Guayaquil Varones, 10 km            José Luis Rojas            PER     32,22 Mujeres, 10 km             Silvia Patricia Ortiz        ECU     37,24 2022 Serra Varones, 10 km            Wendell J. Souza          BRA     31,46 Mujeres, 10 km             Maria L. da Silva Moreira BRA    36,21           Read the full article
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freethejazzblog · 6 years
Free The Jazz #91 [for Daphne Oram]
1 - Yazz Ahmed ‎- Inhale / Jamil Jamal (from "La saboteuse", 2017 Naim)
2 - Stephanie Richards - Full Moon Pt. II (edit) (from "Fullmoon", 2018 Relative Pitch)
3 - Matana Roberts - Love Call (from "The Chicago Project", 2007 Central Control International)
4 - Alice Coltrane - The Ankh Of Amen-Ra (from "Universal Consciousness", 1971 Impulse!)
5 - Sarah Webster Fabio - Work It Out (edit) (from "Boss Soul", 1972 Folkways)
6 - Susana Santos Silva / Lotte Anker / Sten Sandell / Torbjörn Zetterberg / Jon Fält - Life (edit) (from "Life And Other Transient Storms", 2016 Clean Feed)
7 - Caterina Palazzi Sudoku Killer - Maleficent (From Sleeping Beauty) (from "Asperger",  2018 Clean Feed)
8 - Sylvie Courvoisier Trio ‎- October 08 (from "Double Windsor", 2014 Tzadik)
9 - Jaimie Branch - Theme Nothing (from "Fly Or Die", 2017 International Anthem)
10 - Ingrid Laubrock ‎– Contemporary Chaos Practices Pt. I (from "Contemporary Chaos Practices - Two Works For Orchestra With Soloists", 2018 Intakt)
11 - Anna Högberg Attack - Skoflikargränd (from "Anna Högberg Attack", 2016 Omlott)
Hear it first on 8K Sundays 11amNZT (Saturdays 10pmGMT)
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Anthony Braxton / James Fei — Duet (Other Minds)
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Duet (Other Minds) 2021 by Anthony Braxton and James Fei
Lurching starts and sudden halts — 2021 was the kind of year that could strip your transmission. The advent of a vaccine for COVID-19 made it look like things might go back to some sort of normal. The virus’s adroit pivot to a weaker, but more infectious variant, and humanity’s disinclination to let a moderately effective intervention do what it could, were enough to make anyone feel like saying, fuck it. But Anthony Braxton wears glasses that are tinted with a color that has no name, but is described by philosophers as “far brighter than seems possible, and better than we deserve.” Some guys in their mid-70s might have spent the fall of 2021 laying low. He spent it shuttling between gigs on a couple of continents in order to introduce a new musical system called “Loraine.”
I got to seen one such introductory concert at Skanu Mezs, a festival in Riga, Latvia. He, accordionist/singer Adam Matlock, and trumpeter Susana Santos Silva tore through intricate, converging figures at a daunting path, flipping madly through their respective scores while their instrumental voices forged through a flickering mist of electric sound. The next day, I got to sit in while Matlock taught a class at the local conservatory. A veteran of Braxton’s ZIM system, he described the task of navigating Braxton’s incredibly dense scores, with the composer joshingly admonishing musicians that if they play everything on the page, he’ll fine them $1000. The musician’s task, it seems, is to find a way through score, gleaning from it a passage that worked with what every other musician around them played. They improvised by navigating written material, rather than elaborating upon it. 
The next week, Braxton played at another festival, Other Minds in San Francisco. His accompanist this time was James Fei, an associate since 1996. Each brought several saxophones — Braxton played sopranino, soprano and alto, and Fei played sopranino, alto and baritone saxophones — and a laptop operated by Braxton managed a program that generated long, glassy tones in response to what they played. They performed a new piece, Composition No. 429, which introduces the Loraine system to Braxton’s discography. One doesn’t need to know about all that novelty to be impressed; the experience of two masters executing precision maneuvers in close formation, then diverging, then pulling up close again, for nearly three quarters of an hours does that. Despite the pace, their progress through the piece is quite methodical, as they address passages of long tones, zig-zag melodies and prescribed attacks that range from pure tones to vocalized gargles. Phrases recur, signaling changes in approach. In one way, the music feels like it looks backward as well as forward, since the Braxton’s angular forms feel similar to music that he and Roscoe Mitchell each played during the 1960s and 1970s.   
While the music’s form is rigorous, its execution is a blast to hear. It’s rather like witnessing a couple of barnstormers doing barrel rolls and buzzing pastures with their biplanes, then pulling up their noses to punch through a halo of electronic sound. Don’t say fuck it, this music seems to say. Instead, aim high, and see how far into the atmosphere a motivated human can fly. 
Bill Meyer
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diyeipetea · 2 years
Fred Frith - John Scofield - Miles Okazaki: Guitarristas. Por Pachi Tapiz. HDO 548 [Podcast de jazz]
Fred Frith – John Scofield – Miles Okazaki: Guitarristas. Por Pachi Tapiz. HDO 548 [Podcast de jazz]
En HDO volvemos a parte de su dinámica habitual centrando la entrega 548 en tres grabaciones lideradas por guitarristas, las tres más que recomendables. John Scofield acaba de publicar en el sello ECM Solo, armado únicamente con su guitarra eléctrica y sus loopers, para dar cuenta de un repertorio tanto ajeno (jazzístico y no jazzístico), como propio. Miles Okazaki lidera un cuarteto que…
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thoregil · 3 years
2021-10-01 Susana Santos Silva // Torbjörn Zetterberg 'Tomorrow' - Fri resonans, Dokkhuset
2021-10-01 Susana Santos Silva // Torbjörn Zetterberg ‘Tomorrow’ – Fri resonans, Dokkhuset
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zaphmann · 5 years
In Memory of John Peel Show 200111 Podcast & Playlist
In Memory of John Peel Show 200111 Podcast & Playlist
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“The first show of 2020 features intriguing duos and an extended bonus that will lift your head off” >>>> Join the resistance to big corporate music – back this show on patreon
heard in over 90 countries via independent stations the best new music in association with KFFP FM https://radiopublic.com/in-memory-of-john-peel-show-6nVPd6/ (RSS)Pod-Subscribe for free here or embed/listen at podomatic– i
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