#King Midas Sound
King Midas Sound - Meltdown
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radiophd · 1 year
king midas sound -- alone
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maidabazaar · 1 year
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eldritchships · 1 year
🌈 for gary and bowser! <3
Gary time!!! 🎉🎉💞🎉💞🎉💞💞
Bowser - Pansexual, cis but he's very enthusiastically supportive, almost in a dorky dad way (he would loudly call you by your preferred pronouns). Also think he's poly but he hasn't been able to kidnap score a date to save his life.
Gary - Bisexual, I feel like he'd use an older term for it though considering how long he's been around. Cis man but largely detached from his own gender, he might even have had a brief questioning phase after being turned into a vampire.
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zeroground · 1 year
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linnienin · 1 year
💄A S T E R O I D ⁕ S I R E N E ⁕(1009)💄 through the signs and degrees
Disclaimer: Take what resonates. I'm not a professional astrologer, i just am an avid researcher and i use my personal experience when writing my posts (Also, pls, don't copy my work, i spend lot of time on it, thanks)
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Hello beautiful souls!
I'm back with another post on a very requested asteroid 💜
A lot of you asked me about Asteroid Sirene and how it manifests in a birth chart, and initially i answered singularly, but the requests started to get out of hand a bit for me, so i decided to create a whole post on this asteroid in different signs/aspecting different planets
I have planned other posts on this asteroid but for now I..
Hope you enjoy it!
W H A T ⁕ I S ⁕ A ⁕ S I R E N ?
⁕ In Greek mythology, sirens are humanlike beings with alluring voices
Initially descripted as half human half birds then as "sea-girls with the body of a maiden, but have scaly fishes' tails"
⁕ Etymology of the name meaning: "binder, entangler" i.e. one who binds or entangles through magic song.
This could be connected to the famous scene of Odysseus being bound to the mast of his ship, in order to resist the sirens' song.
M Y ⁕ I N T E R P R E T A T I O N :
I want to make clear that this is just my view and thoughts on this asteroid and if you know a trusted source on its meaning please link it down below, i'd be very grateful 🙏
To me Asteroid Sirene (1009) has a similar energy to Lilith but it isn't as raw and destructive, it's indeed more controlled and patient. Lilith is warm blooded while Siren is cold blooded. In our birth charts it can shows where we can become manipulative, turn to our dark side and take what we want with strategy, seduction and mischeviousness.
It can also describe our seductive aura, or how we attract and magnetize others with charm (this can be both conscious or subconscious, depending on how in tune you are with yourself, and also can depend on which sign or house you have this asteroid in)
So, are you interested in knowing how you emanate this irresistible appeal?
Keep reading 💄
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S I R E N E ⁕ T H R O U G H ⁕ T H E ⁕ S I G N S :
⁕ Aries/aspecting Mars/1°,13°,25°: Bold, assertive and fearless. Doesn't matter if the rest of their chart has quiet,cutie poofie placements, when asteroid Sirene gets activated these natives becomes confident queens/kings and knows how to defend themselves. They don't lose time to get what they want, they get straight to the point and they know they didn't come to play but to win. Their seductive charm lays in how confidently they carry themselves, people see these natives as natural leaders and warriors. They carry a powerful and intense aura you just can't ignore, the types that dare to do or say things that should't be done or said (but coming from them they sounds so cool gosh). Their facial espressions are intense and animated, and draws people in.
⁕ Taurus/aspecting Venus/2°,14°,26°: The walking sleeping beauty (lmao is she sleepwalking?). Jokes aside, here you can see how unaware these people are of their allure, and this is part of their charm too. They have such a calming and indifferent aura that makes everyone comfortable around them, and people get obsessed by this feeling of peace these natives exude that they can't have enough of. Usually they are the silent type of "Sirene", it's kind of a dormant feature in them. They are very sensual in their mannerism, and if they get to the point of being aware of how powerful they are well, it's the end of the game. They can seduce EVERYONE with their touch. The Queen Mida (oh yeah and they want that gold) 👀
⁕ Gemini/aspecting Mercury/3°,15°,27°: Everyone's fling. Such a flirty aura. They're very smart and intellectual, and everyone find them extremely interesting, so they automatically are drawn in because they want to know more (and some people will desperately show off to get their attention, it's insane). They can get quite some hidden envy from others because of how witty they can be. These people have a way with words, when they speak everyone else shut down to listen to them. I find having Sirene asteroid in Gemini is very similar to being a Siren/Mermaid how it's described in mythology, they are very cunning when they want to, know how to play games with other's minds, they are very good at putting masks on and turn the cards in their favours. (Also, the ability of sirens to change their body features reminds me a lot of Loki in Northern Mythology which happens to be associated with Mercury) They're the true puppet master and they know it. They have light and quick movements. One minute they're near you, the next one they disappeared from your view, and this is extremely fascinating to people. It's like they can't catch them even if they try so hard.
⁕ Cancer/aspecting Moon/4°,16°,28°: I think of these natives as the spy who pretend to play the damsel in distress, portrayed in old hollywood movies. Don't be fooled by their cute acting. They're actually quite good manipulators. People love how inviting they feel, so warm and nurturing, they have a healing aura to them. These natives makes other people feel like they need to protect them from the dangers of others. I think Sirene in Cancer can be naive at first, especially when inexperienced, but when they get their heart broken oh boy. If Gemini was the master at mind manipulation, Cancer is the master at emotional manipulation. Overall these natives can be pretty unaware of their behaviour, sometimes getting overwhelmed by their emotions, but they can also be one of the most destructive people ever when activating the Sirene energy(both to others and themselves) if they aren't in control of it.
⁕ Leo/aspecting Sun/5°,17°,29°: OOOOH those hip swings, you can recognize them instantly from just their catwalk, it's simply hypnotizing. These people take pride in their sensuality, and they know how to use it very well. You can't escape their attention if they have claimed you to be their prey. Another go getter like Aries, but not so in your face, because even if their focus is on what they want, they'd rather give ALL the signals until what they want comes to them. Very much like: i believe, i attract. Their charm is in the way they carry themselves, so wild and raw, a power of nature, these natives hair can play a huge part when when presenting themselves to the world. One of their game tecniques is the push-pull. They enjoy a good chasing, and it's also a way for them to test you if you're worthy of their time (yeah, they have big egos, so beware of that)
⁕ Virgo/aspecting Mercury/6°,18°: The unattainable one. Like seriously, people get obsessed over conquering the heart of this person just because of their nitpickiness and because they are unavailable 24/7. Others can get obsessed over fantasizing on these natives and creating stereotipes when they didn't even shared a conversation in the first place like...this is some powerful stuff. They naturally look so put together, when they wear basics it looks hot on them. Their seduction way is showing how skilled and talented they are, they can literally do anything when they activate the Sirene energy, they get obsessed over a thing and practice until they have mastered it (coff coff, hello... low self esteem and need of appreciation from others 👀). However, once they get some potential suitors they lowkey refuse them like they don't need them anymore, lmao, this is what drives them craaaaazy, "you did all that stuff for mee and now you're walking away? " 👁👄👁 Lemme get some morreee.
⁕ Libra/aspecting Venus/7°,19°: The too good to be true one. They put sooo much thought and intention and effort to present themselves that everyone can't help but look at them all the time. On top of this magnificent presentation add also a flirtatious and extroverted personality that pleases literally everyone around them and BOOM, you can't excape the trap of falling for them. They have a gracious and light aura, great posture and poise, literally princesses/princes. They truly feel like royalty, they also have this natural rich people vibe if you know what i mean. The best at getting what they want in social settings, can have a very innocent vibe that people love. People pleasing is their tecnique to get what they're after. They are one of the most seductive signs in this asteroid, but they're kinda unaware of it. I mean, sure, they know they're pretty but they don't know how many hearts they rob. Even strangers gets captivated by their charming presence, most likely to have suitors telling them "it was love at first sight".
⁕ Scorpio/aspecting Pluto/8°,20°: Heavy aura, attracts anything without even trying. They know how to make an entrance (Leos too, but Scorpios are much more subtle, and still, they get so much attention). People automatically throws themselves at these natives, all it takes is a glance and a little smirk and they living magnets. These people holds the throphy for being the MOST seductive of all the Sirene asteroid's signs . There's just something so intoxicating about them, you can't not get obsessed with them. They are the ones that has to be particularly careful of their aura because they are in this energy all the time and they attract a lot of stalkers, obsessive people, so these are (and should be) the natives that should have firm and clear boundaries. They'll find themselves stepping down at times just to calm this powerful magnetizing field around them, especially if they don't like the spotlight, but if the rest of the chart has placements that like to be the center of attention, this is surely a bombshell placement (watch out for the immense envy/jealousy from others)
⁕ Sagittarius/aspecting Jupiter/9°,21°: Their spontaneity is contagious. They're hot and cool, and know how to talk to people. Give them a night and they will befriend literally everyone at the party, and will reap so many opportunities out of nowhere. A favourite of the masses. Sometimes they can be a little loud and can get envy/jealousy from others, probably because of a rigid opinion they have, but they surely know how to play with it, telling jokes and conquering again the trust of those that didn't like them. They have such a careless and free spirit that they literally live day by day, without worrying much about the future, and people find this extremey hot. This placement is one of the most underrated one in terms of seduction, honestly when researching for this asteroid i found many siren-like women in our history that had/have Sirene in this sign, and i think it makes sense thinking about it, because Sirens are in their natural habitat out in the wild, so there's a sense of familiarity between the native and the raw energy of Sirens.
⁕ Capricorn/aspecting Saturn/10°,22°: The strategic and cold diva. People cannot enter their inner world and their vulnerabilities and this drives them mad and obsessed over knowing what's behind the mask. Can embrace their seductive charm later in life (probably from their 30s on). I have noticed these natives can have strong facial features that are difficult to forget. Attracts wealthy suitors, or will use their seduction to attract opportunity to get into power positions. They have an authoritative and mature aura, slow but decisive movements, can be intimidating to others, big D energy. Demanding of others and themselves. Calculating every move they make, good at getting the favour of those in charge. Could find themselves attracted to older/more mature people or they could attract them a lot. Intense, can be similar to Scorpio Sirene, but people are much more wary when approaching them (this is why usually older people are attracted to these natives, because they give off the vibe of knowing what they want)
⁕ Aquarius/aspecting Uranus/11°,23°: The one that to seduce just have to be authentic and nonchalant. Weird in a cool way, they catch people's attentions without even knowing, but just doing their thing. Their independence and uniqueness are their strong seduction charms. They're pretty unaware of their appeal because they don't even care about seduction in the first place, they have other things that go onto their mind. Their authenticity and disinterest may not attract many suitors, but the ones that get attracted by them are genuine and shares similarities to them, so they might find even THE ONE with this non-method-method. If they're interested in seducing, they might use very peculiar and unconventional ways to do so.
⁕ Pisces/aspecting Neptune/12°,24°: The innocent mysterious person everyone is secretly obsessed with. People will find themselves having wild fantasies on this person and not even knowing why. The way they walk and talk is smooth and divine, like they have a light surrounding themselves. Their eyes always seem to wonder around, like they're never in the present moment, and this fascinates people a lot. If they make eye contact when talking to you or listening to you, they will hypotize you 100%, even if they're not really listening or are having other thoughts. There's just something so enchanting and special about their eyes, also, often these people will have unique eyes or stunning shapes/colours (ex. Liz Taylor has Sirene in Pisces and she is known for having one of the rarest world's eye colour, purple). The least aware of their Sirene charm of all the signs.
M o r e ⁕ o b s e r v a t i o n s:
Water sirene: innocent and wandering eyes
smooth and relaxing voices
Fire sirene: fierce and sexy eyes
clear and powerful voices
Air sirene: playful and flirty eyes
high pitched, unique and chameleon voices (good at changing their tone depending on the situation)
Earth sirene: sweet and calm eyes
deep and warm voices
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And you've reached the end of this post! 💄
I hope you enjoyed it, i kinda wanted to include the houses too, but i think it'd been way too long to digest, so stay tuned for another post on Sirene in the houses
Edit: I published Sirene in the houses too! Click below to read the post (i also included Celebs examples)✨
I wish you all a wonderful day ahead! ✨
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sweetnans · 4 months
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a/n: This could contain some mistakes, english is not my first language. Enjoy 💫
You saw Bakugo flying away, blasting explosions through the air, chasing Midoriya, who was miles away from him. A bad omen twinkling in your guts right after he disappeared from your sight.
You were in the city, trying to help the heroes establish the order again. Helping elders and kids find his relatives again in the middle of chaos, some of your classmates helping you and the other heroes doing some sweeping in the remains of disaster after Shigaraki broke the city in two.
Ochako screamed your name because your quirk was useful in the thing that she was doing. That helped you a lot to keep your mind away from your boyfriend.
He told you we'll be careful and you trusted him with all your heart.
Cleaning the city, evacuating civilians, and watching your back for any villain to appear out of nowhere, made you extremely tired.
You were putting your hands in some wreck from machia destroying everything on his way when an agitated Todoroki stumble in your view.
"Have you seen Bakugo?" He asked right away catching his breath a little bit.
"I saw him fifteen minutes ago flying that way chasing Midoriya," you pointed out to the horizon, and that didn't change Todoroki demeanor, made it worse. "Why?" You grew anxious at his face. Todoroki wasn't the kind of person who wore his emotions on his face, but right now, it was fear all over gaze. "Why Shoto?" Your voice trembled.
"We have to go, right now" he looked at Ochako, and she caught the hint right away.
"I got your back," she said, giving you a little push.
Todoroki grabbed you by your arm and started making a path of ice, sliding in it with you at his back. You ignored the cold and the way that he was going so fast that you almost slipped two times only for him to grab you tighter. You've never seen him act like that, desperate and breaking the rules, not to mention Ochako as well, after what happened in Kamino, you saw a change in her but never expected to cover you two for running straight to something very dangerous without any hero escorting or knowing about.
"Are you okay?" Todoroki shouted in front of you, his voice muffled for the sound of the ice and because he was giving you his back.
"I don't understand what's going on" you yelled back.
"You know your boyfriend," he said, giving you a side eye, "He can be very reckless"
Ok, now you expected the worst.
"What did you see exactly? Where the fuck are we going?" You sounded desperate and you knew that you needed to keep your calm because you were a hero, you needed to act like one but in the other hand, you loved the bastard and you didn't know anything about him and in what state you would find him.
"I think there's something bigger going on in that direction. I'm pretty sure my father is there, and I think that neither Midoriya nor Bakugo should be there. That's what worries me"
He sounded like he was worried. You knew that your boyfriend and Midoriya made him come out of his shell of trauma, and that, even though Katsuki didn't think that, they were friends.
"If your dad is there, maybe they're not in danger. He's protecting them, isn't he?" You asked, trying to see the bright side. At least they were with the number one hero.
"Why do you think my father is there?"
He didn't mean to make you feel dumb but it was a conclusion that you didn't want to come to.
It didn't settle your nerves down, the exact opposite, and it increased when you started to notice the columns of smoke and flames far away, the sound coming straight after that.
"Fucking hell" you muttered to yourself.
You closed your eyes, putting away all your intrusive thoughts and preparing yourself to fight against Shigaraki.
The villain was like an unhinged king Midas, but instead of making gold, he destroyed everything he touched. His capacity to break down everything was absurd, and he seemed undefeatable.
"Hang on!" Todoroki screamed worry laced in his tone.
His path of ice stopped while grabbing you firmly, so you wouldn't trip over him from the impulse. He was still in front of you, blocking every view from you to see. The grip in your arm was hurting, but you didn't have the chance of saying anything before he made a mountain of ice to stop Shigaraki from tearing up Aizawa's face.
You were shocked to see your teacher bleeding and on his knees.
The neurons in your brain connected quickly. He was using his quirk to suppress Shigaraki's quirk. Now that he wasn't able to do that, the situation morphed into one that was ten times worse.
Shigaraki destroyed Todoroki's ice in an instant. You were in the ground when Deku appeared out of nowhere and tackled Shigaraki.
You ran towards Aizawa kneeling at his side to see the damage in his face. He couldn't open one of his eyes, and the bleeding wasn't stopping.
"What are you doing here?" he coughed his answer and put on a worried face.
"We are the back up team, remember?" You tried to joke but you were out of breath.
"Get away from here. It's too dangerous. " He was getting weaker, and you grabbed him, helping the other heroes.
"No chance, sensei. I promise you'll have me in one piece when this ends"
Your quirk wasn't very useful in hand to hand combat. You could grow vines in every part of your body, making them useful for climbing, swinging, catching, and with suitable surfaces, flying, but this time you didn't have any building at your sides to tie up your vines Sero style.
"Why did you bring her here?" You heard Bakugo yell at Todoroki while shooting explosion to Shigaraki.
Todoroki didn't answer.
After a round full of fights, Shigaraki stopped. He was in the center of it while everyone was panting at his side in a prudent distance. Todoroki made his way to his father, throwing him some of his ice so he could cool down and keep fighting. This was far from ending.
Bakugo made it to your side. He didn't touch you in any way. He was just by your side, his chest rising and falling with every breath he took.
"Before you say something," you started knowing that he would call you out for coming. "I'm here to back everyone up. I want you to do your best there and destroy that bitch"
He smiled smugly at your words and gave you a look taking you in.
"You got it princess"
You ran back to Aizawa, wrapping his leg with your vines to cut the bleeding. Midoriya was there losing it. The heroes telling him to go.
"Midoriya," you snapped your fingers at his crying face. "Go"
In your peripherals, you could see Shigaraki ready to touch the ground again when something in his chest exploded, shredding all his skin. He reached his limits.
Everything happened so fast. Midoriya grabbed you all with his quirk lifting you up from the ground before Shigaraki destroyed everyone.
You didn't know that Midoriya could float, and it seemed that the other didn't know it too.
You couldn't let go Aizawa's leg from your vines, so you weren't much of a help trying to secure the others with your quirk, lightening Deku's work. You could keep them floating, but you needed something to tie your vines and there wasn't any building around.
While thinking of ways you could help, Deku left you all in the ground just staying with Shigaraki in the sky.
"Shoto, take care of the wounded" Endeavor said looking at him and then looking at you. "You, help him too"
You nodded and went straight to settle Grand Torino on the ground.
Bakugo started yelling at Midoriya, but you couldn't catch anything he said.
Midoriya started to punch Shigaraki in the air repeatedly, over and over, but the bastard was far from getting unconscious.
"He's going to break his limbs again." Shoto remarked, standing up and watching the fight. You did it, too.
"Todoroki are you done?" Bakugo said.
"Yes, what do you-"
"Come here and hold on tightly,"
Todoroki made his way to Katsuki while he was yelling his plan to Endeavor. He was going to Midoriya to help him get rid of Shigaraki.
With Endeavor and Todoroki at his back, he started elevating, making his way faster to his friend.
Bakugo grabbed Endeavor and throwed him to Shigaraki. Enveavor hugged him, telling everyone to go away. He lit himself up, burning Shigaraki to the core, leaving him roasted like a burned chicken.
Endeavor fell, and Todoroki caught him in the air.
You were out of breath watching everything passing so quickly in front of your eyes. From your position, the scene seemed like it was near to end. You thought that Shigaraki was the next one to collapse from the air.
"Why isn't he falling like Endeavor?" you asked the heroes that were beside you, but they were clueless too.
In a span of seconds, something emerged from Shigaraki's body, aiming straight to hurt Midoriya when the explosions caught your eyes, three to be exact.
Bakugo tackled Midoriya receiving all the impact from Shigaraki's quirk, red spiky blades passing through his arm, chest, stomach, and leg, hurting him bad.
You heard you screaming like it was a third person. You felt your throat getting sore and your vocal chords straining out.
Your vines weakened beside you, breaking loose from Aizawa's leg because you couldn't concentrate on anything other than Katsuki hurt and falling from the sky above you.
You were ready to throw some vines to catch him, but Todoroki grabbed him by his leg holding Endeavor's and Katsuki's weight.
"Hey, we need you here," Lock Hero snapped you from your trance.
You blinked a few times, dissipating the tears you hadn't noticed streaming down your face. You put yourself together and kneel beside Aizawa, wrapping your vines around his bleeding leg.
You tried not to look up. You wanted to keep your vines in position so your teacher wouldn't bleed to death before the EMTs arrived. But the try was worthless.
Midoriya was turning into something you hadn't seen before. He was seeing red. He made his way to Shigaraki, biting the blades until he was in front of him. The villain was able to reach him now, and he absolutely did.
Todoroki screamed, everyone did, even you. Shigaraki was absorbing Midoriya's quirk.
You were midway of keep screaming when all of a sudden something lit up in the sky and blinded you, then, complete silence. Both of them, Midoriya and the villain fell from the sky.
What happened after was something that you were almost unable to explain. The other from the league came and made his appereance venting out some secrets that took you and everyone else by surprise.
Everybody ended wounded, even though that, while taking care of the already wounded, had to interfere. Aizawa and Bakugo, whose heartbeat was steady but faintly, got all your attention. You had to keep them safe.
You were one of the conscious ones while everybody was dropped dead. You helped the paramedics carry the bodies of your classmates and friends using your vines and tucked them safely in the ambulance.
They took you to the nearest hospital, where they checked your vitals and looked up for hidden wounds. You didn't have any.
"I need to see my boyfriend," you almost pleaded to one of the nurses.
When Todoroki dropped Bakugo to your side to keep fighting against his own brother, you leaned on your boyfriend for a while, touching his hair and cleaning the blood from his body, the tears dropping to his uniform. You watched his eyes closed and prayed that he wasn't feeling any pain.
The nurse gave you a sympathetic look. You weren't asking for impossible. You knew he would be fine, and he would give you shit about your look and make fun of you for being a cry baby.
You needed him.
"I'll see what I can do"
That sentence stucked for a few hours. She gave you his room, but the doctors didn't allow you to come in. They said that they were still checking on him.
Mitsuki called, and even though she sounded like she was about to cry, she said firmly to you that you had to punch him in the face the minute he woke up, for being so stupid to get hurt.
You cried a little talking to her, and she told you the same that his son told you just the say before. He would never leave your side.
After two hours, the doctors and several nurses left Katsuki's dorm. You stood up at the sight of them and the doctor just smiled to you.
"I think he wants to see you too"
That took all of your breath away. He was awake.
Joining your hands, you made your way to the dorm while the doctor held the door for you.
You couldn't help but sob at the sight of him. He was connected to several machines, and his body was wrapped around bandages.
"Don't cry," he told you, holding his own tears at the sight of you. "C'mere"
You sprinted at him and pulled the chair to sit by his side.
"Oh no," he said, scooting over his bed. "I need to know I'm not dreaming"
"I don't want to hurt you," you said, doubting if it was a good idea or not.
"It's hurting not having you right here," he pleaded.
He sounded desperate, touch starved. You complied.
Silence flooded between the two of you, only the beeping from the machine echoing in the room and your heartbeat matching his.
"Your mom called. She said she's proud of you, " you told him. Well, you lied to him, but you knew that deep down that was Mitsuki meant.
"She didn't say that shit," he shook his head in disbelief.
"Nah, she said something about you being stupid for risking your life." You looked up at him, and he pouted. He did that face when his mind went cloudy.
"Mm," he hummed in response and stayed still for a moment, caressing your hair and twisting your locks in his fingers while brushing it with them. "I'm sorry"
Katsuki wasn't the type of boyfriend to verbalize his apologies. He was more the type of doing things to fix what he did. His love language was acts of service for rights and wrongs.
"If you are saying sorry for what I think you are saying, sorry, I won't forgive you," you whispered, searching for his eyes to meet yours. "I'm proud of you Katsuki, you did exactly what every other heroe would have done"
"But I broke the promise I made to you," he sounded conflicted. He was a man to his words but he was also a great hero.
"You did what you had to do. You saved not only Midoriya's but many more lives. I know you just woke up, but have you realized what it could've had happened if he hurt Midoriya instead of you? That son of a bitch was acting like some sort of unbreakable loser and after he did that to you Midoriya went nuts, he almost lost his mind using Shigaraki as a punching bag"
He went quiet for a minute and then hugged you with the remains of his strength after a huge fight. You could feel his arms around you, hanging faintly but his grip firm on you, his head against yours.
"It's okay baby, you are okay, I'm okay, everybody's fine," you hummed against his chest.
"When I saw you behind icy-hot, I almost lost it," he blurted. "The first thing in my mind was getting you out of there, getting you as far away as possible, and then I saw how you were helping Aizawa with his leg, and then I realized that you are one of us too. Back there, you were doing ground control, but what if we need you and your quirk fighting next to us?, I can't lose it like I did with you there knowing that you are as capable as me doing this kind of shit, I'm sorry" his voice trembled and you tried to look at him.
"Sorry for what, Katsuki? For caring for me? Please, we saw Shigaraki, how he broke everything in his way. I was scared as shit when I saw you fighting, and when you got hurt, but I do know you too, I know your strength, I know you stubbornness, I know you care for others even if you try to hide it, I would've do the same for one of our classmates and I know it felt more personal to you being that person Midoriya, it's fine, shit like this is going to happen again and again but I'll be here, next to your wounded body everytime and I know if it was me laying here with all these bandages in my body, you'll be here too"
You didn't expect that your speech broke him, but he did, in a Bakugo way. He exhaled the longest sigh that you ever heard, and his heart was beating like it was going to blast out his chest. But he was fine knowing that you wouldn't leave his side anytime soon.
Do not edit or reupload my works elsewhere! All rights reserved.
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xwiedzmax · 4 months
spoilers for Sherbs finale of Fable!! they all signed it.. every Sherb signed off their name during the final scene (well.. besides Epsilon. but we dont worry about that-). thats.. mmm. "all of my versions are at least a little aware now" king. what does 'a little' mean. they all signed it - but that doesnt help to determine it.
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(look at their handwritings. theyre all different, but not by much. i care so much.) and Midas. gosh i hold them so much. theyre so young. they *sound* so young. and they were pulled into this role, into this mess. they lost their brother, their life. way too young. they lost everything. they know how that feels. and they made so much mess, they hurt themself, trying to let Icarus have a life they never were able to have. because lets be honest, young Icarus would absolutely not be a great Quixis. Midas didnt want Icarus to lose themself. thats why they never let it. because they lost themself, lost their world and they know what that feels like. everything Midas did was to let Icarus have something they didnt get to have. and gosh theyre so young. theyre young but theyre still so kind, considerate, they still know how to care and be kind to others. if Midas was taken when they were too young. im assuming they werent an adult yet. and, they sound like it. so. im assuming theyre 16 at most. and.. if they aged as Quixis, they wouldve been.. around 12 when they first came to the worldport, took the role of Quixis, lost their brother, their world. if they havent aged while being Quixis thats.. another thing to unpack. so much was taken away from them... hell, they sacrificed not only themselves but others too - all the worlds - to let Icarus have a life. and they did have one. they got to see the end of their story. and after all of it. Icarus can be happy. happy, because they can fix everything. finally do something right. they are gone from their world, no one can remember them and theyre not stuck in the Worldport but it doesnt really matter. they were happy, they looked happy that theyre able to fix it. and even happier knowing that they can go back eventually. and all the other Sherbs. realizing their eyes are back to normal. theyre back to normal. all of them being so happy. all of them get to be happy.
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Disney obscure songs tournament matchups
Substitutiary Locomotion vs So Close
To Be Free vs A world without fences
The Sweetest Sounds vs Fearless
It’s Fun to Be Free vs As long as there’s christmas
There's a great big beautiful tomorrow vs It’s what’s inside that counts
Pericles of Athens vs Carrying the banner
Elena of Avalor Theme Song vs Ain't No Doubt About It
Forget About Love vs Color spectrum song
We've Just Begun To Dream' vs Boo Bop Bopbop Bop (I Love You, Too)
Stories vs Great Outdoors
(We Used To) Listen to the Land vs Little Orange Bird
High adventure vs I miss you
Riddle diddle 123 vs One Little Spark
Make me look good vs The world will know
Diggin' in dinoLand vs Trick or Treat (for Halloween)
Destino vs Ballad of Davy Crockett
The Best Time of Your Life vs Petey’s king of France
Destiny vs The Song of the Seeonee
Space Angels vs My Lullaby
Happily ever after vs Let’s Go Back to the Future
Canada (you're a lifetime journey) vs Whistle Stop (Ragtime Demo)
Once and for all vs Why Me?
Come little children vs In the Space Between
Blue Milk Surprise vs Universe of energy loop/theme
Magic Journeys vs Le Festin
Queen of Mean vs The Bear Band Serenade
One Dance vs Junkyard society rag
Wherever You Are vs Naked mole rap
He lives in you vs If I Never Knew You
Can’t back down vs Morning report
We've Come So Far vs Rolie polie olie theme
It's a Kick vs The Mickey Mouse Club
Humiliate The Boy vs Scrooge
Boo to you vs Minnie’s Yoo-Hoo
Tomorrows Child vs The Apple Song
Eglantine vs Night falls
Baloo's Blues vs Quit Playing Games With My Head
Kitchen Cabaret vs One step closer
Love (Robin Hood Version) vs Babkak, Omar, Aladdin, Kassim
Wishes vs Oo-De-Lolly (Country Western Score Demo)
In a Heartbeat vs Call Me, Beep Me
Your Side of the Line vs Promise
It's Gonna Get Weird vs Dig It
Extraordinary vs I'm Walking Right Down the Middle of Main Street U.S.A.
Remember the magic vs The Man With The Golden Touch
Follow your heart vs Evermore
Own the night vs It’s on
John Henry vs On this magic night
Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful vs We go on/Illuminations
If you had wings vs A Step in the Right Direction
Making memories vs Not in Nottingham (Prince John version)
The Spartan Anthem/Spar OTC Fight Song vs Disney Sing-Along Songs Theme Song
What’s My Name vs One Good Man
Talespin Theme Song vs Fantasmic! Main Theme
Next stop anywhere vs Snuff Out the Light
Midas Curse vs Follow the compass of your heart
Surprise in the Skies vs Welcome To The Forty Thieves
Paul Bunyan vs Grim grinning ghosts
One of Us vs Beneath the Laughing Sky
Passamaschloddy vs Shadowland
Phantom manor overture vs If we were a movie
A Whale of a Tale vs Brothers All
Chop away at my heart vs Eating the peach
The Apple Dumpling Gang vs Suitcase And A Dream
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ACOTAR Masterlist
Azriel x Eris |
Just Enough Light to Cast Shadows Chapters 1-25 on AO3
WIP | Weekly Updates | (25/36 Chapters posted)
Eris Vanserra has been plotting to overthrow his father for years. But when Beron’s removal becomes a matter of life and death, he allies with the Day Court. In his desperate quest, Eris unearths secrets that could change the course of Autumn Court history, if not all of Prythian's, even as his mating bond pulls him towards a male who will only ever see him as a cruel prince.
Meanwhile, Rhysand becomes suspicious of his sly Autumn ally and his activities in Day, and orders his spymaster to watch Eris. But the more time Azriel spends with the Autumn male, the more drawn he is to Eris’s cause.
When faced with an impossible choice, will Azriel take Eris at his word, or fulfill his duty as Night’s brutal enforcer? And where will this leave the Autumn prince and his court?
Into the Night on AO3 Greek Myth AU
Azris Week 2024 | Complete 1/1
The moment the Night Court’s Shadowsinger sets eyes on Eris Vanserra, he knows the male is his. But one does not simply walk into Autumn and steal a prince...Hades x Persephone, but Azris
Held Close, Like a Secret on AO3
Azris Week 2024 | Complete 1/1
The Night Court's Spymaster has been searching everywhere for his mate. When the shadows finally catch up with the secretive heir of Autumn, a wager is placed. As the night goes on, Azriel starts to question whether it's worth the fight anymore. What would happen, if he just let go of their past? If he just said yes? Could he lose the wager, but win something more? (This can be read as a one shot, or as Chapter 8 in JEL).
The Night Court Lounge | Tribeca, NYC on AO3
(Modern Azris AU)
Eris Week 2024 | WIP | 2/4
He struck. “Fifty thousand.” Eris was sure to keep his voice level, his timbre smooth. It did no good to sound desperate or overwrought. 
Hazel eyes locked with his, and it took all his will power not to stand up and take what was his. Because the beautiful winged man literally leaned forward and subtly arched his back so perfectly, it was as if his body couldn’t help but move closer to the sound of Eris’s voice. The auctioneer must have seen the same thing, because she didn’t give anyone a chance to counter. 
“Sold to Eris Vanserra for fifty thousand dollars.”
Eris and Lady of Autumn |
Eris Week 2024 | Childhood
Commissioned Art | There was joy, too
Eris and Lucien |
Monster | on AO3
Eris Week 2024 | Complete 1/1
“No,” Lucien ground out, “I’m nothing like you. You’re a monster.”  Jesminda’s blood had dried to an iron brown on his tunic, spattered like wet earth upon his face. 
No one had explained to Eris that when the heart breaks, it did not feel lighter, as one would imagine. No, it was not like a piece of glass that shattered and scattered to the corners of a room. A heart grew heavy and leaden. It pulled the body down. Breath burned and blood cooled. A heart, when broken, was melted down in the forge of pain and reformed to become dead weight. 
And now it sat, this dead thing in the cage of Eris’s ribs.
Elain x Lucien |
A Heart of Gold on AO3 | Greek Myth AU
Elucien Week 2024 | Complete 7/7
When the Prince of Merchants loses everything, he is granted the golden touch. His daughter, Elain, finds herself whisked away into a world of powerful fae. Can she resist the charming Day Court Prince or will she allow herself to dream of more and risk all?
Lucien Vanserra is the Prince of Day and Autumn. And he's already loved once and lost all. But when the Fates thrust a beautiful mortal in his path, he finds himself unable to resist her soft eyes and her gentle smile. It would seem this woman holds his broken heart in her hands. The Myth of King Midas, but Elucien
OCs and Drabbles |
Elain Archeron: An Apology
A writing prompt that became a love letter to the gentle Seer.
Illyrian OC (Mention of Emerie)
Valkyrie | on AO3 | On Tumblr | 1/1 Complete (for now)
An Illyrian mother questions if her High Lord and Lady have done enough to protect females from wing clipping and other forms of ingrained oppression. She makes a choice for herself and her daughter to seek out the one fae who might be able to help.
Sylvan x Mithras | Court of Nightmares OC X Vanserra OC
Drabble on Tumblr
Me just posting photos of my children. One is a literal nightmare. Do Not Engage.
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apixieindreamland · 9 days
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There's a lot of victim-blaming within loa due to two transparently false and damaging beliefs. The first is "Everything Is You Pushed Out," which logically leads to the second conclusion that "Everyone Is In Their Own Reality."
I differ with most of the loa community in the belief that EIYPO, and instead believe that everything we see is God, and every person we interact with is an individualized conscious being who is also God and able to manifest things themselves. Since I don't believe EIYPO or in individual universes, I don't believe that all the negativity in the world is caused by any given individual. According to the logic of people who DO believe in that, they'd have to say that a newborn infant who can barely open its eyes has already manifested all the atrocities of the world it was born into, including things which happened before she/he was born: the Holocaust, the Salem Witch Trials, the Black Plague, the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE, and many other things it can't even 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘦 of.
And yet somehow, everyone else manifested the same exact world with literally 𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 numbers of identical details, despite having vastly different assumptions, beliefs, and thought patterns. Quite the coincidence. 🙄
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We can't seem to manifest things like laser-beams coming out of our eyes or a pet dragon, but our individual consciousnesses are simultaneously meant to be responsible for 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 in the world, including things we've never heard of or weren't even alive to witness?
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If you don't know about it already, I'd like to introduce you all to a concept called "Toxic Guilt":
"People with toxic guilt may blame themselves for events or situations beyond their control, or feel responsible for other people's feelings and actions. Toxic guilt can lead to self-blame, self-punishment, anxiety, depression, and shame."
To all those who were told that they manifested their own mental illness or abuse: does this concept sound familiar? The loa community drowns people cruelly, positively waterboards them, in a sense of 𝘐𝘕𝘍𝘐𝘕𝘐𝘛𝘌 𝘙𝘌𝘚𝘗𝘖𝘕𝘚𝘐𝘉𝘐𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘠 which they 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴!
We are not responsible for 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 that happens to us or to the world at large. We are NOT the only conscious being in the world. Other thinking, living, acting, manifesting facets of God are here with us and each of us is responsible solely for what we think, say and do!
Let me be very clear:
Infinite responsibility only comes with infinite power, and it is abundantly clear by our many failed manifestations that we do NOT have infinite power.
Think of ALL the wild things we want and can not seem to bring into this realm (probably due to limitations set by the Godhead Itself to make sure that everything works properly), such as the ability to sprout wings or turn things to gold à la King Midas. These are relatively TINY displays of power compared to controlling our entire reality, yet we can't manage them. So why are we claiming infinite responsibility for every detail in the universe?
Drop any idea that you "manifested" whatever tragedy you've suffered in your life, especially if it was at the hands of another person. That is NOT your burden to carry, and it was never your fault or responsibility. The theories that this idea was built on are as unstable as a house of cards, and they topple down the moment they're examined closely, even though loa bloggers keep scrambling to rebuild them. They're 𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦. Free your mind from this dogma and be at peace.
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awritesthings1 · 1 year
The Midas Effect (Part 2)
Anakin Skywalker x Royal Reader
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Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Royal Reader
Summary: After the King dies, the Dark Ones invade the Capital and burn your palace to the ground. You plan an escape, which ultimately fails and seemingly crash lands you back in time. Will the help of a familiar Jedi be able to save you from your fate?
Word Count: 2.8k+
Note: This is the final part! :)
AO3 link
Previous part
Sometime in the night, you lose yourself to the rhythm of the rain. Its presence swallowed your thoughts away into distant lands where the howl of the clouds drew tears from the sky. Where the valleys drowned themselves in waterfalls pouring down from mountain cliffs. Where mud swallowed earthly greens out of greed and where the creaking of floorboards disappeared under the roaring of the storm.
It was all the same.
Yet you still felt like a stranger in your own home.
The scar across Anakin’s eye remained as memorable as it did the day you last saw him. And the heat of the mug in your hands thawed your hands the same way. Because you couldn’t mistake any of this for anything but real. So it had to be true just the same way you were a girl and he was a Jedi.
For lack of a better term, you missed Anakin Skywalker.
You realize all of this after you position yourself in front of the fireplace. Anakin had gone to gather thicker blankets and fluffier cushions to make your spot on the floor comfier.
The universe had sent you a second chance. You just need to figure out why.
“Anakin.” His name sounds like a prayer on your lips.
Anakin, who was crossing the threshold of the room, stops still in his tracks. “Yes?”
You turn your face away from the fire, fighting away the wobble in your voice with a teary-eyed smile. “Come sit with me?”
He thinks you look like a precious vase on the verge of cracking. Without another word, he scrambles to your side, careful not to make too much noise with the weight of his boots. Anakin is afraid to make any sudden movements and cut the thinly disguised pain on your face.
The truth is, you hated being alone. When you were alone, your thoughts got too loud. It was like being stuffed in an overcrowded room with no door. And no matter how many people you elbowed out of the way, two more would rear their ugly heads. Sometimes you think you might be better off letting them grab your shoulders and press you into the crowd until you wilt away and become a dot among thousands of bodies. At least then you wouldn’t need to worry about where you place your hands.
Anakin must see the slouch in your shoulder when he brushes the back of his knuckles down your arm. You shiver because it’s the flesh hand. If only he knew his mistake before he touched you. Didn’t he know everything you touched turned to stone?
Your father once told you about a king named Midas. Everything he touched turned to gold. What a heavenly gift, you thought. You could have a gold hairbrush, gold slippers, and a large golden mirror. How could that be a curse? The ending never made sense. You would never be so dumb as to touch your family and make the mistake of turning them into gold.
You tense at your naivety. How stupid you had been. Because wasn’t that exactly what you had done? But instead of gold statues, you turned them into chiseled headstones perched in the meticulously groomed family graveyard.
The thoughts cluster together like a star ready to burst.
Bigger and bigger, they swell, burning your toes until it’s large enough that the fireplace disappears and then the room. It’s just you and the taunting ball of light.
“…in your head?” Anakin’s husky voice rasps like the burning sphere. It explodes then, pricking the soles of your feet with shards of debris.
“Huh?” You reply absentmindedly, albeit not all there.
He exhales through his nose slowly, fixing you with an intense stare. Or at least it felt that way. It was easy to feel small next to the Jedi. He was the kind of man your dad would approve of— someone strong and ambitious to rule the kingdom by your side one day. He’d give you one of those sly looks fathers gave their daughters after a joke they told fell flat. You scrunch your nose at that.
“You were fine before you went to bed. Did you have a nightmare?” Anakin asks.
You are almost certain that’s not what he said originally, but you don’t have an ounce left in your frail body to argue.
You shake your head, hoping he will let it go. How would you explain that you almost died in a crash and accidentally traveled back in time into your younger body? It wasn’t like Anakin had any reason to trust you. You had never been close, and you mostly avoided everyone after your father’s passing.
His lips part as if to say something, but he presses them closed shortly after to embrace the silence. You would thank him if you didn’t feel like a ghost trapped in a stranger’s place. What use are your hands when they tremble and cramp? Anakin would be wise to cut one off to replace his metal hand so at least then one of your hands would be able to save people.
He shuffles closer until you feel the tickle of his golden locks. “Did I ever tell you the story of how I lost my hand?”
Your teeth gnaw on the flesh of your bottom lip. You think if he opens his mouth one more time in that silky, soft rasp of his, you will burst into tears. Just one more sweet ounce of affection, and you would throw up at his feet and effectively soak his robes with your pathetic tears.
“Obi-Wan and I were on Genosis—”
It all comes out. All the muffled noise that had been prowling through your head comes crashing out.
“Come here,” Anakin abandons the story, shuffling closer until his whole body is pressed into your side.
The leather material of his glove combs through your head. You almost purr like a lothcat at the sensation. But instead, you just cry into the cusp of his neck where you can feel the pulse of an artery. His fingers brush loose strands out of your mouth and behind your ear. Anakin’s chin rests on your head, mumbling something unintelligible under his breath. It’s probably something like, you’re alright, or it’ll all be fine, that people say when they don’t know how to comfort anyone. You’ve heard them a million times, and it never makes you feel any better.
Intertwining your hand with Anakin’s leather one, you pull it to your lap where you fiddle with the notches.
“Can I see it?” You sniff.
His brows furrow as you watch the cogs turn in his head. After a moment, he lets out a sigh, releasing your hair to unlatch the leather glove. Before he removes it, you place your hand over his and tug away the glove yourself. What you see next makes you bite down hard on your tongue.
It’s gold. His metal arm is gold.
The Midas effect: everything you touch turns to gold.
Anakin mistakes your delirious laughter for tears, shushing you and trying to rock you gently. “The Midas effect! The Midas effect,” you babble mindlessly, batting his attentive touch away. When Anakin pauses to hold your shoulders, you continue. “The Midas effect, Anakin,” you laugh while a tear slips out.
“What’s that?” He questions.
“The King whose touch turns everything to gold. I’m cursed like him.”
Puzzled, he looks at his golden arm. Even through your weary-eyed mess, you catch the faintest smirk on his face. By now, your maniacal laughter had died down enough to hear a gentle chuckle from the Jedi. Maybe your state of mind has brushed off on him. If anyone saw the two of you, they would surely think you were both patients who escaped a ward.
Anakin smiles at you. “Who told you that?”
“You haven’t heard the story of King Midas?” You match his grin.
He bites his lip, shaking his head. “It’s not a story the Jedi have ever told me.”
You swallow a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding. It would be too easy to shamelessly sink into the Jedi’s arms and bury your head in his chest forever. Of course, if he hugged you back, it would be out of pity because it was his job to look out for you. Regardless, you don’t really care at this point.
Anakin clears his throat. “You should get to bed; it’s late.”
It’s been late for the past couple of hours, you think wryly. “I don’t want to go to sleep.”
He ignores you, reaching for his glove to refasten it on his arm. “Let’s go; all princesses need their beauty sleep,” but you don’t budge from your spot. Quietly, he slips out to the kitchen to fetch a bucket of water. When he returns, you watch him douse the fire until it sizzles out.
“Can you show me a Force trick?” You lean back onto the floor, stretching out like a star.
He sighs, turning around as if to check to see if anyone was hiding nearby before turning back to you. “Is there a reason you don’t want to go to bed?”
You blink up at him lazily. “What if I don’t wake up?” The words slip past your lips without a thought. God, look at you. How could anyone ever trust you with being Queen? Not when the filter keeping your deepest fears broke in a matter of hours within the presence of a Jedi.
Anakin inhales sharply. Perhaps you misjudged him. Maybe that was his Jedi trick— bringing the most unsettling thoughts to the surface.
“I’ll keep watch over you,” he nods.
“You promise?”
“I’ll be right next to you when you wake.”
You watch him as if he were a shooting star, burning so bright but gone in the blink of an eye. Your eyes burn, afraid to close them and snuff the light out. You don’t know what waits for you on the other side. Death, perhaps. Would it be dark? Would it be cold? You had heard tales of kings who buried everything they would take to the afterlife with them: their favorite wine, lavish furs, cutlery and furniture. Yet all you have is the servant’s dress you had put on earlier. If you were wiser, you would have stopped pulling at the loose thread at the hem so you wouldn’t have to worry about having one rag to your name in the afterlife. Huh. How ironic, you think, a queen with only a rag to her name. There’s something awfully fitting about that.
“Will you hold my hand?” You don’t want to go into the end alone.
Wordlessly, he lies down next to you on the floor, mimicking your position. His cheek presses into the floor, watching you as he slides his leather hand closer. Anakin’s hand is much larger than yours when he encompasses it gently and rubs his thumb up and down your knuckles.
Your skin is dry and stiff from where your tears have dried, but you still find it in you to smile out of gratitude.
“Goodnight, Anakin.”
And how lucky you must be to know that the tender caress of skin feels the same as slipping into a dream.
You find that death isn’t as scary as you expected. Its shrill cry rings like a bell in your ear, awakening you from a deep slumber. Death’s arms are wound tight across your chest in an unwanted hug. Instinctively, you claw at your chest to pull it away. It tightens then, and you jump at the sound of your own scream.
Your eyes fly open, just as the harness of your seat digs into your skin.
You survived.
Relief floods over your head and you sink beneath it. The moment is brief, enough to steal a burning gulp of air. It isn’t fresh or clean, and your lungs protest at the smoke, but it’s the fuel you need to keep pushing.
Shaking hands reach to undo your harness, and you think it’s a bit strange how one is concealed by a leather glove. Neither Vee nor the Alderaan pilot were wearing one when you boarded. You spare a look up.
“Getting yourself into more trouble, princess?”
I’ll be right next to you when you wake.
Anakin had never been a liar.
When the harness clicks open, you throw yourself at him despite, your legs giving out halfway there. He catches you in the rush, the hood of his robe falling back to reveal those tender curls you always loved. Anakin laughs a boyishly. It reminds you of timber crackling in the fireplace.
“Good to see you too,” he smiles, brushing away the dirt and sweat you felt sticking to your face.
You don’t even consider the repercussions of your actions as you sling both arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss. It must be the shock, you think, or perhaps part of you still thought you were dreaming. Either way, he doesn’t pull back and it makes your stomach twist into knots.
When you pull back, you push him away and scream joyously at the sky, stretching your arms as far as they will go. You forget about it all, letting the hairs on your arms stand tall and shiver in a satisfying way.
And then it hits you.
“Vee!” You cry, hissing at the throbbing sensation in your head as you must have whipped your head around too quickly.
She comes running around a large piece of debris from the ship with her hands gathered in her skirt. Behind her is the Alderaan pilot, who cradles his arm carefully across his chest. “Are you hurt?” She asks.
“I’m fine. How about you?” You answer, although your words are muffled into her shoulder as you embrace.
“I was lucky. Only a broken arm over there,” she says, looking back at the pilot, a small smile ghosting her lips before turning back. She stills.
You follow her gaze over your shoulder to Anakin. He looks just as unnerved. Your eyebrows furrow. “Vee, you remember Anakin. The Jedi that guarded me after my…” The words die on your tongue. After my father died.
She clears her throat. “Forgive me, Jedi Skywalker. I am just surprised, that is all. I thought the Jedi were a thing of the past.” Her words are curt.
You flinch at her formal address. It probably wasn’t appropriate for you to refer to Anakin by his first name, but it also couldn’t have been appropriate to kiss him either.
Anakin sneaks a glance at you, catching his bottom lip between his teeth for a moment before looking back at Vee. “We may not have a temple anymore,” he says, holding your gaze, “but we do have our responsibilities.”
“What happened to you?” You don’t mean for it to come out so suddenly, but like most things in your life, it passed you by.
He swallows and forgets to blink. “Your ship won’t make it past their lines in the sky. I suggest we take mine; it should have landed just past that hill.” He gestures somewhere in the distance. “And then we will get that cut cleaned, my lady.”
Your mouth sours at the formality before reaching above your eyebrow. When you pull your fingers away, they are covered in fresh blood. Oh.
Anakin brushes past you, swiping the faintest touch across your arm as he does. You study Vee and the Alderaan pilot to see if they caught it, but they appear unphased. Quietly, you follow behind him.
After a minute of walking in silence, you speak up. “Why did you come back?”
“I heard about the invasion of Caridaan and figured a little princess may need my help.”
“I’m Queen now.”
Anakin grins, still focused on his ship in the distance. His smile hasn’t changed.
“You remember that story you told me? About the King who turned everything to gold?” Anakin begins. You nod, confused about where he was going with this. Regardless, you watch as he fumbles beneath his robe to reveal his silver lightsaber. He stops in his tracks, grabbing your arm gently to draw your attention closer. “Put your hand out.”
You gape at him. “I can’t.”
“Yes, you can,” he sighs, putting the metal hilt into your hand anyway. It’s heavier than you expected, larger too. You wonder how he is able to wrap his hand around the whole thing. “Press the button.” He shifts to your side to stay clear of the direction you are holding his weapon.
When you do, a single beam of blue light ignites. It hums beneath your grip. “I don’t understand,” you gulp. You never really knew much about the Jedi. Anakin had told you about the different colors briefly, how the good guys were blue and green, and the bad guys were red. Still, you failed to understand what point he was trying to prove.
By your side, Anakin inhales deeply before exhaling. “Doesn’t look cursed to me.”
The King whose touch turns everything to gold. I’m cursed like him.
You see a silly reflection of yourself in the silver hilt.
The silver metal feels just right in your hand.
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valeria-fortnite · 1 day
[Midas came to Doom's castle to check in with Valeria. The other one mentioning her Montague left him a bit concerned with how a meeting between him and his Val would go, considering logic would say he'd be in possession of a relic like hers. Fight or otherwise, he imagined it wouldn't be pleasant. He came alone to ensure his visit couldn't be interpreted as a threat, but was briefly stopped by a couple guards at the front regardless. "I'm here to see Valeria. Even if you are dumb enough to not know who I am, know that I'm a friend of theirs and she'd be very irritated to know you didn't let me see her."
The guards, perhaps a bit extra defensive with the recent curses on the family, pushed back by pointing their guns at him. "We are aware of tricks used by those attempting to court Valeria."
Midas rolled his eyes, and with a golden touch to their guns said, "I am not everyone else." This seemed to get the point across, and he was able to enter. The guards stationed at her room thankfully had the sense not to bother him as he passed.]
Valeria, I apologize for dropping in without notice. I spoke briefly with the other one while she was here, wanted to make sure you made it back. I'm glad you have, but it looks like you had an...experience, while away. Are you alright? -@king-midas-fortnite
[ The lack of resistance from the guards at her door, let alone the way they don't even glance directly at him, but their presence nonetheless is enough tell that Valeria wanted some peace. But that Midas was an exception to that. Maybe the guards simply didn't care, knowing that she could handle herself no matter the state. ]
[ It's a moot point as he walks in either way. The room is cast in a low light by nothing more than candles and one modern lamp next to the bed. Made of heavy mahogany and spiraling bronze designs painted into the posts, it's obvious the bed used to support privacy curtains that have long since been removed. ]
[ It makes seeing that she's awake at all easy enough since the room is dead silent aside from the occasional scratch of pen against paper. Valeria's lying on her stomach, despite the burns, to let the wrappings around her relic breathe. The ruddy stains seem to reflect the light like fine glitter. ]
[ A journal sits on her silk pillow instead of her head, more heavy books are scattered on top of the matching lotus silk comforter. At the sound of the door she twists as much as the bandages allow her to, elbow propping her up to see who's joined her. Their initial look of annoyance lights up into subdued delight despite the exhaustion painting their features. ]
King Midas! No don't apologize, it's good to see you.
[ Her smile doesn't fade at the mention of the wounds but it does become almost a grimace as she's reminded either way. She sets down her pen, leaving the journal open to motion him to sit on a chair propped up by the bed thanks to Wrecker. ]
Certainly an understatement but...I'm okay. None of it should scar and it made for a learning experience, relic wise. I'm already sick of all the 'bedrest', as you can tell.
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midague · 6 months
i just read quite possibly the best fanfic i have ever read in my life and they’re only one chapter in but i need more of it SO BADLYYY GODDDD.
"Are you going to have me punished?" Montague teases, almost sounding like he was smiling, "It will not happen again, my King."
Midas feels a shiver run over his entire body. Those words, spoken in a voice sweet and dripping with golden honey, did not refere to him as a provider, a protector, a ruler.
My King.
It was a claim of ownership.
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blondedingdong · 7 days
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Little update from the dragon dork herself regarding my ask blogs and general projects. Just gonna reblog this to @chaos-agent-rory & @golden-king-midas so you guys see it there too. Not been feeling so hot and I'm sorry for the lack of actual content and updates. I've seen all your wonderful and fun asks aswell as roleplay posts tagged for me. I'm so happy I joined the Fortnite Tumblrverse cuz you guys have been such a blast to be around. Just reading your posts in passing is a huge comfort. (Shoutout to MegaloDoom; you guys are adorable.) Mentally I've had really heavy ups and downs that further just added to my fatigue, frustrations, and exhaustion. I do tend to my sketch book and make sure to go outside to catch some sunlight and human interaction (sounds like an alien speaking but I was a major recluse in the past so bear with me lmao).
My therapist will be back from vacation soon so I will be in good hands again by next week. Also meeting up with my self-help group bi-weekly. AND I have my wonderful lil sibling Mons aka G0D living with me who also helps me get some things done around the flat and not spiral down further. I'm thankful for everyone in my life, honestly. ´v`
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iamnotawomanimagod · 8 days
What are your top five favourite Halsey lyrics?
SO HARD to choose, honestly. I'm probably going to forget some that I really love, but off the top of my head:
1 - "My heart is massive but it's empty, a permanent part of me, that innocent artery is gasping for some real attention, some undivided hypertension. Tell it quiet down you're being loud but it beats harder every time you come around, well do you love the sound?" - Easier than Lying
2 - "And I will always be a martyr, I will fill your life with sounds. I'll be a wind chime in the window, catching light you throw around. And I will tear apart your bedroom, I will call you in the night. I will exist in every second, just to decorate your life. And when you're done, you can discard me, just like the others always do, and I will nurse my wounds until another artist needs me new." - Lonely is the Muse
3 - "Well King Midas put his hands on me again. He said one day I'll realize why I don't have any friends, why I find myself alone at night, unless I'm having sex, that he can make me golden if I just show some respect. But I don't let him touch me anymore." - 100 Letters
4 - "He says, 'Ooh babygirl, you know we're gonna be legends. I'm the king and you're the queen, and well, we'll stumble through heaven. If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes. I know you wanna go to heaven but you're human tonight.''" - Young God
5 - "Why do you need love so badly? Bet it's because of her daddy, bet she was brutal and bratty, bet that she'll never be happy. I bet that you're right, and I'll show you in time, but I sabotage the things I love the most, camouflage so I can feed the lie that I'm composed." - Whispers
Thanks anon <3
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