#sushiswap analysis
zrypto · 2 years
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cryptocozy · 4 days
DeFi Trading Essentials: Tools and Techniques You Need
In the fast-evolving realm of decentralized finance (DeFi), mastering the right tools and techniques can significantly enhance your trading strategy. Here’s a comprehensive look at essential tools and techniques to navigate the DeFi landscape effectively in 2024.
You read A Complete Guide How To Start a Crypto Exchange Business in 2024!
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1. Automated Market Makers (AMMs) and Liquidity Pools
Understanding AMMs like Uniswap and SushiSwap is crucial for DeFi trading. These decentralized exchanges (DEXs) use automated algorithms to facilitate trades, allowing users to provide liquidity and earn rewards through liquidity pools. Learn how to navigate these platforms to optimize trading efficiency and capitalize on yield farming opportunities.
2. Wallet Security and Management
Securing your digital assets is paramount in DeFi. Explore advanced wallet management techniques using hardware wallets like Ledger or software solutions such as MetaMask. Learn about multi-signature wallets and best practices for storing private keys to protect your investments from potential security breaches.
3. Yield Farming and Staking Strategies
Yield farming involves providing liquidity to DeFi protocols in exchange for rewards, often in the form of additional tokens or interest. Delve into effective yield farming strategies, including impermanent loss mitigation and optimizing returns through strategies like yield optimization platforms and protocol diversification.
4. Technical Analysis Tools for DeFi Tokens
Mastering technical analysis is essential for trading DeFi tokens effectively. Explore popular charting tools like TradingView and CoinGecko to analyze price trends, volume patterns, and support/resistance levels. Learn how to apply technical indicators such as Moving Averages (MA), Relative Strength Index (RSI), and Fibonacci retracements to make informed trading decisions.
5. DeFi Analytics Platforms and Data Providers
Accessing reliable data is critical for making informed trading decisions in DeFi. Discover analytics platforms like Dune Analytics and CoinMarketCap to track market trends, liquidity pools, and token performance. Explore how to leverage on-chain data and metrics to identify emerging opportunities and mitigate risks effectively.
6. Risk Management and Diversification Strategies
Developing robust risk management strategies is essential in volatile DeFi markets. Explore techniques such as portfolio diversification, stop-loss orders, and hedging strategies to minimize potential losses and protect your capital. Learn how to assess project fundamentals and market sentiment to make prudent investment decisions.
Conclusion: Elevate Your DeFi Trading Journey
Mastering DeFi trading requires a blend of knowledge, tools, and strategic approaches. By incorporating these essential tools and techniques into your trading arsenal, you can navigate the complexities of DeFi with confidence. Stay updated on industry developments, hone your skills through continuous learning, and adapt your strategies to capitalize on evolving market trends in 2024 and beyond.
Empower yourself with DeFi Trading Essentials: Tools and Techniques You Need to unlock new opportunities and optimize your trading experience in the decentralized finance ecosystem.
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drewssam · 2 months
Will the Market Trend Favor a Bullish or Bearish Outlook? What Will Be the Deciding Factor?
In the current market landscape, both bullish and bearish indicators offer valuable insights for investors.
Bearish signals are evident in metrics like Lido, where despite the price holding steady, there's a decline in active addresses and network growth. Such patterns typically signify a prolonged process in reaching a market top, albeit with uncertain timing. It's crucial for investors to exercise caution, analyzing network activity and growth trends to gauge the strength of bearish trends and make informed investment choices.
On the bullish side, many assets' MVRV (Market Value to Realized Value) remains below the overbought threshold, indicating potential upside. This suggests that some tokens may still be in the early stages of their growth trajectory. Additionally, positive fundamental developments, particularly in DeFi protocols expanding their user base and introducing new products, signal further market growth potential.
By staying abreast of both bullish and bearish developments, investors can anticipate market sentiment shifts and position themselves advantageously. Recent data from Santiment reflects positive gains across major cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Lido, Maker, and SushiSwap, suggesting an upward trend in the market.
In conclusion, investors should leverage comprehensive market analysis to navigate the crypto space effectively. Balancing both bullish and bearish indicators enables informed decision-making, identifying undervalued assets and opportunities for growth amidst market fluctuations.
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dencyemily · 4 months
AI and NFT Crypto Sectors Take the Lead Ahead of Bitcoin Halving Event
In the dynamic landscape of the cryptocurrency market, the past week has witnessed various sectors taking center stage, providing insights into evolving trends ahead of the imminent Bitcoin halving. Notably, artificial intelligence (AI) and non-fungible token (NFT) projects have garnered attention, showcasing their growing influence. The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector and ERC-20 tokens have also demonstrated resilience and sustained investor interest.
Santiment, a platform offering on-chain and social metrics, recently shared key observations regarding the market's response to the upcoming Bitcoin halving on X.
Key Highlights:
AI and NFT Projects: AI projects like SingularityNET (AGIX), DeepBrain Chain (DBC), and Ripple (XRP) have been prominent, attracting both investors and technologists. NFT projects such as Ethernity Chain (ALI), Terra Virtua Kolect (TVK), Ultra (UOS), and Fear (FEAR) have displayed resilience, underlining the increasing value and interest in digital collectibles and art.
DeFi Resilience: The DeFi sector, valued at $82.2 billion, has experienced a 4.82% increase, demonstrating its continued relevance and growth. Platforms like Uniswap (UNI), Convex Finance (CVX), SushiSwap (SUSHI), and Spell Token (SPELL) have contributed to the sector's progress by providing decentralized solutions for financial exchanges, lending, and borrowing.
ERC-20 Tokens: Despite a 5.1% decrease, ERC-20 tokens maintain a substantial $684.5 billion capitalization, emphasizing their versatility and utility in supporting diverse applications and projects within the blockchain ecosystem. Projects like Blur (BLUR), Woo Network (WOO), JasmyCoin (JASMY), and AIOZ Network (AIOZ) showcase the resilience and growth of ERC-20 tokens.
Market Dynamics: Stablecoins, with a total capitalization of $776 billion, have seen a slight decrease of 0.3027% over the past week. Ecosystems like BSC and Binance Chain have witnessed a 2.3% increase in total capitalization, reaching $205 billion. NFT projects have recorded an 8.17% increase, reaching a total capitalization of $13.4 billion.
The comprehensive analysis of watchlists and behavior analysis platforms reveals intriguing patterns, with anomalies in exchange inflow and decentralized autonomous organization activities indicating shifting investor behaviors and market dynamics. As the market gears up for the Bitcoin halving, these trends offer valuable insights into the evolving crypto landscape.
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ailtrahq · 9 months
Santiment observes ETH holder sensitivity to the possibility of more sell pressure. ETH on-chain data reveals that top addresses are shielding ETH amid whale sell pressure. Ethereum [ETH] kicked off this week with a sharp pullback compared to the previous bullish attempt in the last week of September. However, recent observations may give insights into the current demand dynamics and where ETH is headed. Is your portfolio green? Check out the Ethereum Profit Calculator ETH, like most other cryptocurrencies, has been experiencing a slow phase in the market. There are now concerns that the bears will regain dominance leading to capitulation. A recent Santiment analysis highlighted the impact of those concerns as ETH holders experienced some panic selling recently. The analysis suggested that the market was still in a short-term profit-taking mood despite the surging sell pressure. 📉 #Ethereum, #ShibaInu, and #Sushiswap traders showed some mild signs of panic yesterday, and their networks showed some of the highest levels of trader loss taking (vs. profit) all year long. These are typically signs of a short-term rebound opportunity. pic.twitter.com/HWzWvM5RHz — Santiment (@santimentfeed) October 6, 2023 A few other cryptocurrencies had the same experience, including SUSHI and Shiba Inu. The post-mid-week panic among ETH holders extended the cryptocurrency’s downside to 8% from its current weekly top. ETH dipped as low as $1607 during Thursday, 5 October’s trading session. The Santiment analysis also suggested that the dip represented an opportunity for short-term recovery. ETH exchanged hands at $1648 at press time after a 2.29% upside in the last 24 hours. This reflected the Santiment statement that the dip would represent an opportunity for short-term gains. Source: TradingView Based on the above price chart we see that ETH’s price action was restricted between the $1544 support and $1745 resistance bands. The recent pivot coupled with the surge in liquidity indicated by the Money Flow Index (MFI). But what do on-chain metrics reveal about the current situation? How many are 1,10,100 ETHs worth today Is ETH at risk of capitulation? ETH’s declining confidence could be for one major reason. The cryptocurrency was substantially discounted from mid-July highs to its most recent lows just before mid-September. Multiple signals have indicated the possibility of a relief rally. Instead, it has been struggling to maintain bullish momentum, an outcome that could risk capitulation. Source: Glassnode According to the above chart, ETH Addresses Holding at least 1,000 and 10,000 ETH, stood at a three-month low at press time. Despite these findings, the Top ETH Addresses have been growing in the last four weeks. A sign that the largest whales were still buying, thus protecting the cryptocurrency from more downside. Source: Santiment Capitulation is unlikely when the top addresses are still buying. This makes it quite an important metric to keep tabs on. Meanwhile, a pivot on the addresses holding at least 1,000 ETH could finally allow the bulls to experience less friction. Such an outcome could allow ETH to exist in its current low range in favor of more recovery.
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proinvesto1234 · 10 months
How To Establish A Crypto Exchange Platform?
In the past decade, the world of finance has witnessed a remarkable transformation with the rise of cryptocurrencies. These digital assets have not only changed the way we perceive money but have also given birth to an entirely new industry — cryptocurrency exchange platforms. These platforms have become the backbone of the crypto ecosystem, facilitating the buying, selling, and trading of a vast array of digital assets. In this article, we will delve into the world of crypto exchange platforms, exploring their evolution, functionality, security, and the future of digital asset trading. How To Establish A Crypto Exchange Platform
The Evolution of Crypto Exchange Platforms
The journey of crypto exchange platforms began with the emergence of Bitcoin in 2009. Initially, trading Bitcoin was a cumbersome process, primarily taking place on online forums and peer-to-peer networks. The first centralized exchange, Mt. Gox, was launched in 2010, revolutionizing the way cryptocurrencies were traded. It introduced order books, market orders, and a centralized platform where users could trade Bitcoin more efficiently.
Over the years, the crypto exchange landscape has undergone significant evolution, with various types of exchanges emerging to cater to different needs:
Centralized Exchanges (CEXs): These are the most common type of exchanges and include platforms like Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken. They act as intermediaries, matching buy and sell orders and maintaining order books. Centralized exchanges offer high liquidity and a user-friendly interface but come with the risk of security breaches.
Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs): DEXs like Uniswap and SushiSwap allow users to trade directly from their wallets, eliminating the need for intermediaries. They offer enhanced security and privacy but may lack liquidity compared to CEXs.
Hybrid Exchanges: These exchanges combine features of both CEXs and DEXs, aiming to provide the best of both worlds. They offer a centralized interface while allowing users to retain control of their funds.
Fiat-to-Crypto Exchanges: These platforms, such as Kraken and Coinbase, allow users to purchase cryptocurrencies using traditional fiat currencies like the US Dollar or Euro. They play a crucial role in onboarding new users into the crypto space.
Crypto-to-Crypto Exchanges: Exchanges like Binance primarily deal with crypto-to-crypto trading, offering a wide range of trading pairs for various cryptocurrencies.
Functionality of Crypto Exchange Platforms
Crypto exchange platforms serve a multitude of functions that are crucial for the cryptocurrency ecosystem:
Trading: The primary function is to enable users to buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrencies. Users can place different types of orders, such as market orders, limit orders, and stop orders, to execute trades according to their preferences.
Liquidity Provision: Exchanges provide liquidity by allowing users to easily buy or sell assets. High liquidity ensures that users can enter and exit positions without significant price slippage.
Wallet Services: Many exchanges offer integrated wallets, allowing users to store their cryptocurrencies securely on the platform. However, it’s advisable to use external wallets for enhanced security.
Data and Analytics: Exchanges provide real-time market data, charts, and analytics tools to help traders make informed decisions. They also offer historical price data, which is invaluable for market analysis.
Security: Security is paramount for crypto exchange platforms. They implement robust security measures such as two-factor authentication (2FA), cold storage of funds, and encryption to protect users’ assets from hacks and theft.
Compliance: To operate legally, exchanges must comply with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations, requiring users to verify their identity.
Security Concerns in Crypto Exchange Platforms
Despite the advancements in security measures, crypto exchange platforms remain vulnerable to various threats:
Hacks: Exchanges have been targets of cyberattacks, resulting in the loss of millions of dollars’ worth of cryptocurrencies. Mt. Gox’s hack in 2014 and the Coincheck hack in 2018 are prime examples.
Insider Threats: Internal actors can pose a significant threat. Rogue employees or administrators with access to sensitive data can exploit vulnerabilities.
Regulatory Risks: Changes in regulations or government crackdowns can impact exchange operations. Compliance with evolving legal requirements is an ongoing challenge.
Phishing and Social Engineering: Users can fall victim to phishing attacks, where malicious actors impersonate the exchange to steal login credentials and private keys.
Lack of Insurance: Unlike traditional financial institutions, most crypto exchanges do not offer insurance coverage for user funds, leaving users vulnerable in the event of a breach.
The Future of Crypto Exchange Platforms
The future of crypto exchange platforms holds exciting possibilities and challenges:
Regulatory Evolution: As the crypto industry matures, regulatory frameworks will likely become more defined. Exchanges will need to adapt to comply with evolving regulations, potentially affecting their operations and user experience.
Institutional Participation: Increasing interest from institutional investors is expected. Exchanges catering to institutions will need to provide advanced features, high security, and compliance solutions.
DeFi Integration: The lines between centralized and decentralized finance will continue to blur. Hybrid exchanges and cross-chain trading platforms may become more prevalent.
Enhanced Security: Exchanges will invest heavily in security measures to protect user assets and maintain trust. The adoption of decentralized custody solutions and improved auditing practices will be crucial.
Global Expansion: Exchanges will continue to expand their global presence, offering services to users in different countries. Localization and support for multiple languages will become essential.
Crypto exchange platforms have come a long way since the early days of Bitcoin. They have played a pivotal role in the adoption of cryptocurrencies, making it easier for users to access and trade digital assets. However, challenges related to security and regulation persist. The future promises further innovation and integration with traditional finance, while the industry strives to strike a balance between accessibility and security in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency trading. As the crypto ecosystem continues to evolve, exchange platforms will remain at the forefront, shaping the future of finance.
Read More Info:-https://proinvestideas.com/
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ict-reports · 11 months
Decentralized Finance Technology Market Size 2023, Latest Trends, COVID-19 Impact and Global Competition
The global “Decentralized Finance Technology Market Size” is expected to rise with an impressive CAGR and generate the highest revenue by 2030. Fortune Business Insights™ in its latest report published this information. The report is titled "Decentralized Finance Technology Market Size, Share & Revenue Forecast, 2023-2030". The report discusses research objectives, research scope, methodology, timeline and challenges during the entire forecast period.
 Report Highlights:
A comprehensive overview of Decentralized Finance Technology Market Size
Significant factors boosting, restricting, challenging and providing an opportunity to the market
Key insights and major industry developments
Significant players functioning in Decentralized Finance Technology Market Size
Major strategies adopted by players such as the launch of new products for better revenue generation, company collaborations, and others
Other market trends 
An Overview of the Impact of COVID-19 on this Market:
The emergence of COVID-19 has brought the world to a standstill. We understand that this health crisis has brought an unprecedented impact on businesses across industries. However, this too shall pass. Rising support from governments and several companies can help in the fight against this highly contagious disease. There are some industries that are struggling and some are thriving. Overall, almost every sector is anticipated to be impacted by the pandemic.
We are making continuous efforts to help your business sustain and grow during COVID-19 pandemics. Based on our experience and expertise, we will offer you an impact analysis of coronavirus outbreaks across industries to help you prepare for the future.
For More Information, Visit- https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/decentralized-finance-technology-market-107823
List of Top Key Players in Decentralized Finance Technology Market:
Compound Labs, Inc. (U.S.)
Dapper Labs, Inc. (Canada)
Moon Pay Limited (U.S.)
Hashflow (U.S.)
Bancor Network (Switzerland)
MetaMask (U.S.)
Uniswap (U.S.)
Aave (U.K.)
SushiSwap (Japan)
Synthetix (Australia)
 Regional Analysis for Decentralized Finance Technology Market:
North America (the USA and Canada)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Scandinavia and Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (Japan, China, India, Australia, Southeast Asia and Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America)
Decentralized Finance Technology Market Size research report offers a complete assessment of the industry. The projections included in the report have been determined utilizing demonstrated research philosophies and presumptions.
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cyphershieldtech · 1 year
Why do you need security audits for smart contracts?
Security audits for smart contracts can help you find potential weak points in your system. It enables you to fix these flaws before a malicious party takes advantage of them and undoes what you've created.
With this new technology, though, you might have questions about what a smart contract audit is, why a smart contract security audit is significant, and whether you actually need a smart contract audit.
What is auditing of smart contracts?
A thorough and methodical inspection and analysis of the code that a smart contract uses to communicate with a cryptocurrency or blockchain is known as a "Smart Contract Audit." This method is employed to identify bugs, errors, and security flaws in code. With it, smart contract security audit professionals can provide suggestions for improvements. Because most smart contracts deal with valuable items and financial assets, smart contract audits are typically necessary.
The existence of defects or vulnerabilities in the contract cannot be completely assured by smart contract audits. However, after being examined by a technical specialist, it does guarantee that the smart contract is secure.
Blockchain networks and smart contracts are targets of cyberattacks
Blockchain developers have a responsibility to identify and address vulnerabilities before they are employed in actual attacks.
Bait and response attacks are the two basic strategies used by malicious groups to conduct successful attacks. The second, more complex strategy calls for a thorough understanding of Blockchain network smart contracts and related elements, such as cross-chain and sidechain wallets, as well as knowledge of various protocols. The first strategy is based on social engineering tricks, such as convincing the victim to send cryptocurrency to the attacker's wallet.
Smart contracts are appealing targets for malevolent hacker attacks because they handle or trade substantial quantities of wealth. Large amounts of data can be stolen due to straightforward programming flaws.
Three prominent Blockchain attacks are listed below.
the wormhole bridge
The Wormhole Bridge hack is currently the second-largest cryptocurrency-related attack. Due to the breach, Wormhole, a well-known bridge connecting the Ethereum and Solana chains, lost about $320 million. The attacker stole 120 323 Ether, or XNUMX million dollars, by taking advantage of a weakness in the bridge.
On the Solana Blockchain, the attacker was able to create almost 20,000 hours' worth of Ethereum, which was worth $325 million at the time of the attack. He accomplished it by impersonating a legitimate signer on a transaction without providing any guarantees.
Financing CREAM
By taking advantage of a flaw in Cream Finance's rapid loan contract, the hacker obtained Ethereum tokens valued at almost $130 million. The technology and approach used by Oracle Cream to determine asset prices have severe drawbacks.
The attacker modified the price of the pool of yUSD used as collateral, turning the 1 yUSD bet into $2 by taking advantage of the limitations on price computations provided by the smart contracts utilised by the CREAM Finance platform.
As a result, Cream Finance reports that the attacker's initial $1.5 million investment in yUSD has increased by twofold. The hacker then used his yUSD investment at Cream Finance to convert it into $3 billion and used a $XNUMX billion profit to drain the project's overall liquidity.
reverse lending
The attacker started by taking 901 ETH out of Tornado Cash, the Ether Mixer. The attacker afterwards converted them to INV using the liquidity pools for INV/WETH and INV/DOLA on SushiSwap. The INV price was then artificially increased using data from both groups that Oracal Keep3r used to keep track of the INV pricing. Inverse Finance's INV price was inflated as a result, enabling the attacker to withdraw a debt secured by $15.6 million in INV in ETH, WBTC, YFI, and DOLA.
Smart Contract Security Audit's Importance
A weak smart contract is the result of more than just poor programming. It may damage the developer's reputation and jeopardise initiatives that took months or years to create. As a result, programmers now include smart contract audits in their development process for all new projects.
The smart contract code for a project is examined and commented upon in a smart contract security audit. These contracts are often created using GitHub and written in the programming language Solidity. Decentralized finance projects that anticipate processing millions of dollars' worth of Blockchain transactions or a sizable number of investors will benefit significantly from security assessments.
The procedure delivers the following incredible advantages:
enhanced security against hackers.
Avoid expensive smart contract errors.
Decentralized financial goods that are safer.
Boost public trust in the initiative and the sector as a whole.
increased credibility in a sector that is becoming more and more competitive.
Through smart contract audits, it is feasible for developers to do better, more enduring work that results in more secure products and applications. Additionally, the audit report acts as an independent expert's endorsement of a new initiative, which investors and customers may rely on.
Process for securing smart contracts
The process for auditing smart contracts is comparatively uniform among auditing service providers. Despite the fact that each reference may adopt a somewhat different strategy, the accepted practise is as follows:
1. Establish the review's parameters.
The project (and intended application), the overall design of the smart contract, and the different specifications are all defined. When building and running the code, the audit team is able to comprehend the project's objectives thanks to the specification.
A thorough explanation of the project architecture, development procedure, and design choices may be found in the smart contract specification and other associated publications. The specs are often described in the project's README file.
Audits of smart contracts are not just concerned with the blockchain's security. Additionally, you consider efficacy and advancement. Some contracts carry out a complicated set of operations to fulfil their specified purpose. Effective contracts can significantly reduce transaction costs because processing expenses on networks like Ethereum are rather high.
Unit test 2.
Here, the developer is in charge of creating unit test cases. The validator tests the smart contract's functionality while the unit tests are executing. At this step, smart contract auditors make sure unit tests cover all pertinent risks by using testing tools and an audit network.
The tests also provide smart contract auditors access to unofficial documents that offer further information about the project's intended functionality.
3. Manual review
the critical step in the review process. Each line of code is examined by the verifier for mistakes.
4. Self-verify
After human proofreading, the validator uses proofing tools like Slither, Scribble, Mythril, and MythX to do a thorough code review. Based on the found vulnerabilities and code optimization, the auditor advises doing a smart contract audit.
The majority of an audit's job consists of examining contracts for security flaws. While some problems are obvious, many exploits use sophisticated methods and schemes to steal money. For instance, attacks on rapid loans can be launched using market manipulation and weak smart contracts. The validator starts checking for outages and simulating malicious attacks on smart contracts in order to discover these problems.
5. Creation of preliminary reports
The project development team receives the auditor's initial draught of the report, which includes any problems discovered, and provides feedback and necessary revisions.
6. The Last Report
The writing of the audit report is the last step in the smart contract audit procedure. Before releasing a thorough audit report, the auditor must finish testing and analysis using both manual and automated methods. The team's efforts to address the concerns mentioned are taken into consideration before publishing the final report.
At the conclusion of the audit procedure, the audit report is delivered. Projects are supposed to share their findings with the community in order to attain transparency. Most reports divide problems into severity categories like critical, major, minor, etc. In order to give projects time to address the problem before the final report is released, the report will include indicate the issue's status.
The standard report will also include recommendations, redundant code samples, and a thorough description of all the defects, in addition to the executive summary. Before the final version of the report is issued, the project is given time to act on its conclusions.
testing for vulnerabilities in smart contracts
You may avoid cybersecurity catastrophes that could harm your company's reputation and result in considerable financial loss by conducting penetration tests. Effectively exploiting security flaws in smart contracts will make it possible to find crucial flaws and pinpoint potential access points into information systems.
There are three approaches to carry out a smart contract penetration test.
using a black box
A penetration tester uses "black box" testing to test a smart contract without being aware of how it operates internally. Data is entered by the tester, who then examines the output produced by the smart contract under test. This makes it possible to evaluate the smart contract's response speed, usability, dependability, and how it reacts to both unexpected and expected user behaviour.
the grey box test
Gray box testing is a technique for testing smart contracts when just a portion of their internal structure is known. Gray box testing looks for flaws in the design or implementation of shoddy smart contract programming.
black box test
White box testing examines a smart contract's core components as opposed to verifying its functionality. It is also referred to as a structural test, glass box test, and transparent box test.
This test's objective is a comprehensive system analysis. determines the damage done by the attacking side.
Security audits of smart contracts are essential for DeFi and NFTs.
Several well-known initiatives that suffered financial setbacks were used as examples, bringing attention to the critical necessity for competent smart contract auditing. However, there is no assurance that the smart contract will always be impervious to assault, even if you carry out a smart contract audit.
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The New Financial System X METAVERSE PRO: Helping Users Find the Best Investment Opportunities
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Sources: DeFi TVL from OKLINK
DeFi is a decentralized financial ecosystem based on blockchain technology, which is built on smart contracts. In line with its unique characteristics, the system embraces the concepts of neutrality, privacy, inclusion, openness and transparency. With financial services such as payments, transactions, lending, investments, wealth management and insurance, DeFi enables everyone to become a borrower, lender and investor under decentralized smart contract protocols.
DeFi’s problems in asset management
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We are glad to see that, X METAVERSE PRO is trying to solve the pain points and challenges by introducing an automated smart money manager for DeFi. This article will introduce the advantages of X METAVERSE PRO and why should we choose X METAVERSE PRO?
X METAVERSE PRO, the cross-chain DeFi asset management platform
X METAVERSE PRO is a Web3-based cross-chain DeFi asset management platform governed by DAO organization, the goal of X METAVERSE PRO is to build the easiest and best tool to manage your DeFi portfolio.
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To increase the utilization of crypto assets, X METAVERSE PRO will enable cross-chain access to mainnets such as BSC, Polygon, ETH and Solana. In addition, X METAVERSE PRO will provide a series of automated DeFi asset management products. You can explore and evaluate various DeFi assets in the market by browsing through products and historical returns.
X METAVERSE PRO advocates a smooth experience for users with seamless connectivity, high availability, and optimal performance strategies.
Why should we choose X METAVERSE PRO?
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In addition, after analyzing the latest DeFi protocols, the team has released the X METAVERSE PRO decentralized digital asset management protocol, which will minimize the barriers to entry as well as the cost of investment. The protocol is created according to the business logic of fund management and overall risk control, and funds do not pass through the platform, so users can interact and approve “smart contracts” individually. With open and transparent information and no risk of default, which means that users’ funds have the highest level of security.
Currently, X METAVERSE PRO smart contract code has passed security audits. X METAVERSE PRO has been granted financial licenses for blockchain, digital banks, virtual currency exchanges, market-makers and more. The licenses obtained include NFA, AUSTRAC, ASI, etc. It is obvious that X METAVERSE PRO has advantages in terms of compliance and security.
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How does X METAVERSE PRO work?
X METAVERSE PRO is a comprehensive asset management platform with multiple capabilities including monitoring, multi-protocol composability, risk management and auditing of smart contract security.
Liquidity Mining Strategies: Offering a range of liquidity mining strategies to different products, all investors can obtain revenue/returns from their existing digital assets and DeFi investments.
Automated DeFi Manager: This is a simple basic algorithmic strategy introduced by the platform to deploy users’ cryptocurrencies to the best yield aggregators via stablecoins such as USDT, DAI, USDC, TUSD, etc.
Lending and AMM: Accessing to protocols such as Uniswap, MDEX, JustSwap, SushiSwap, users are allowed to spread their risk without spending hours researching.
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Powell LI — Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Founder, responsible for strategy, business and marketing. Extensive experience in Wall Street and is known as the #1 person in the investment community.
Baker- Technical Manager (TM), responsible for technology development and management. He is responsible investment and financial management, as well as statistical analysis of financial returns.
Charles — Chief Risk Control Officer (CRO), responsible for the establishment and operation of the company’s risk control system. 10 years of experience in credit management and risk management of large banks, skilled in the use of various risk assessment methods and risk control tools.
Morris — Quantitative Consultant (QC), responsible for blockchain quantitative financial analysis. Recognized as one of the top blockchain quantitative experts in the industry, Morris is specializing in uncovering the value of different financial products.
X METAVERSE PRO gathers a team of crypto enthusiasts, technologists, cryptocurrency participants and others passionate about making DeFi simpler, more accessible and more inclusive. The team says, “Crypto asset is an imaginative future currency, and it is our responsibility to promote it so we can create a better world.”
X METAVERSE PRO Asset management Around the Corner
The crypto world gathers many emerging things, so X METAVERSE PRO is not limited to supporting a certain type of asset, it will support an integrated economy that integrates DeFi, Metaverse, NFT instead. Because of this, X METAVERSE PRO is improving itself and it may become a model for asset management platforms in the future. We are confident that after overcoming all the difficulties, X METAVERSE PRO asset management will bring a brand-new trading experience to all the users.
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primorcoin · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://primorcoin.com/industry-execs-confident-in-defi-adoption-despite-security-flaws-finance-redefined/
Industry execs confident in DeFi adoption despite security flaws: Finance Redefined
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Welcome to Finance Redefined, your weekly dose of essential decentralized finance (DeFi) insights — a newsletter crafted to bring you significant developments over the last week.
Industry experts are confident in DeFi and believe the sector would continue to see adoption despite its security flaws, primarily due to the mammoth failure of centralized exchanges. Despite the continued growth, however, the decentralized exchanges have lost $30 million on liquidity provider incentives.
Popular hardware crypto wallet Ledger introduced a new DeFi tracking feature that pairs with its hardware wallets to monitor performance analytics of over 1,000 protocols.
The Lodestar Finance protocol that was exploited for over $5 million on Dec. 10 had a Mango Markets connection, wherein the exploiter copied the methods used by the Mango Markets’ hacker to drain funds.
The DeFi market had a mixed week in terms of price action, where the majority of the tokens remained in the same price range as last week but lost bullish momentum.
Industry execs voice confidence in DeFi adoption despite security flaws
With DeFi being a hub for various hacks and exploits, some may feel discouraged or wary of entering the space. However, professionals within the crypto space are confident that DeFi will have broader adoption in the future.
From educating institutional investors to eliminating user experience barriers for retail investors, Web3 executives shared their thoughts on how broader DeFi adoption can be achieved.
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Ledger hardware wallet adds DeFi tracking feature
Users and developers are seeking out ways to stay both safe and informed after a year of volatility and uncertainty. During this shift, the hardware wallet developer Ledger announced a new integration for users to track the value of their assets.
Ledger and Merlin, a DeFi portfolio tracker, announced their new partnership on Dec. 13 to bring live DeFi performance analytics to Ledger Live users. The app connects to Ledger’s cold storage wallets and services over 5 million users.
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SushiSwap CEO reveals DEX lost $30M on LP incentives this year
According to a new tweet by SushiSwap CEO Jared Grey, the decentralized exchange (DEX) experienced a $30 million loss over the past 12 months on incentives for liquidity providers (LPs). As explained by Grey, SushiSwap currently employs a token-based emission strategy to incentivize LPs, but the current rate is “unsustainable.”
Moving forward, Grey plans to rework SushiSwap’s tokenomics so that LPs are no longer subsidized with emissions and redesign the entire model of bootstrapping liquidity on the exchange. “In Q1 2023, we will bring innovation to scale swap volume & prioritize TVL. As LPs experience a more profitable swap experience, others should migrate to Sushi,” wrote the DEX executive.
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Hackers copied Mango Markets attacker’s methods to exploit Lodestar — CertiK
Blockchain security company CertiK has shared a post-mortem analysis of the $5.8 million Lodestar Finance exploit that occurred on Dec. 10. Lodestar Finance hackers “artificially pumped the price of an illiquid collateral asset which they then borrow against, leaving the protocol with irretrievable debt.”
The attack occurred through a vulnerability in the PlutusDAO’s plvGLP token on Lodestar. According to its documentation, Lodestar “uses verified, secure Chainlink price feeds for every asset it offers with the exception of plvGLP.” Instead, the exchange rate of plvGLP to GLP relied on total assets divided by total supply on Lodestar.
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DeFi market overview
Analytical data reveals that DeFi’s total value locked remained above $40 billion but saw a minor dip from the past week. Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView show that DeFi’s top 100 tokens by market capitalization had a volatile week, with the majority of the tokens trading in the red.
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Lido DAO (LDO) was the biggest gainer among the top 100 DeFi tokens, registering a surge of 8.5% over the past week, followed by Thorchain(RUNE) with a 3% surge on the weekly chart.
Thanks for reading our summary of this week’s most impactful DeFi developments. Join us next Friday for more stories, insights and education in this dynamically advancing space.
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cyphershield2022 · 2 years
Why are security audits for smart contracts necessary?
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Security audits for smart contracts can help you find possible weak points in your system. This allows you to fix these vulnerabilities before a malicious party exploits them and destroys everything you've done.
Smart Contract Audit is a comprehensive and systematic examination and analysis of the code used by a smart contract to interact with cryptocurrency or Blockchain. This process is used to find bugs, technical issues and security vulnerabilities in the code. It allows smart contract security audit experts to recommend solutions and make changes. Because most smart contracts deal with valuable objects and financial assets, smart contract audits are typically necessary.
Intelligent contract checking does not fully guarantee that the contract is free of errors or vulnerabilities. However, it does ensure that the smart contract is safe, after evaluation by a technical expert.
Cyberattacks on Blockchain Networks and Smart Contracts
It is up to Blockchain developers to find and fix vulnerabilities before the vulnerabilities are used for real attacks.
Malicious entities use two main methods to perform a successful attack: decoy and a return attack. The first is based on social engineering tricks such as persuading the victim to send cryptocurrency to the attacker's wallet; the second, more complicated approach necessitates full familiarity with the Blockchain network's smart contracts and related components like cross-chain and side-chain wallets, in addition to a working knowledge of several protocols.
With massive amounts of value being traded or held in smart contracts, they become attractive targets for malicious hacker attacks. Simple programming mistakes can lead to huge amounts of money being stolen.
Here are three notable attacks by Blockchain.
Wormhole Bridge
The Wormhole Bridge breach is the bitcoin industry's second-largest attack to date. Wormhole, a popular bridge connecting the Ethereum and Solana chains, lost nearly $320 million as a result of the hack. The attacker exploited a loophole in the bridge to steal 120 Ether, or $323 million.
The attacker was able to mint approximately 20000 hours of Ethereum worth $325 million on the Solana Blockchain at the time of the incident. He accomplished this by impersonating a legitimate signer on a transaction without providing any guarantees. 
CREAM Finance
The hacker acquired approximately $130 million worth of Ethereum tokens by exploiting a bug in Cream Finance's speeding contract. There are significant limitations to Oracle Cream's technology and methodology for calculating asset prices.
The attacker took advantage of the restrictions on pricing computations provided by the smart contracts used by the CREAM Finance platform to change the price of the yUSD pool used as collateral, changing the stake from 1 yUSD to $2.
As a result, the attacker's original deposit of $1.5 billion in yUSD has doubled, according to Cream Finance. The hacker then converted his yUSD deposit into Cream Finance into $3 billion and used a $10 billion profit to drain the project's overall liquidity.
Inverse Finance
The attacker started by taking 901 ETH out of Tornado Cash, the ether mixer. The attacker then used SushiSwap's INV/WETH and INV/DOLA liquidity pools to trade them for INV. They then inflated the price of INV using both groups recorded by the price of Oracal Keep3r, which controlled the price of the INV. This allowed the attacker to drive up the price of INV in Inverse Finance and take out a $15.6 million loan from INV in ETH, WBTC, YFI, and DOLA.
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bitcofun · 2 years
Let's take a better take a look at today's altcoins revealing breakout signals. We'll discuss what the coin is, then dive into the trading charts and offer some analysis to assist you choose. 1. Kadena (KDA) Kadena KDA is a proof-of-work blockchain that integrates the PoW agreement system from Bitcoin with directed acyclic chart (DAG) concepts to provide a scalable variation of Bitcoin. Kadena declares it can supply the security of Bitcoin while having the ability to provide unrivaled throughput that makes the blockchain functional to business and business owners alike. Kadena's distinct facilities is decentralised and developed for mass adoption due to the fact that of its multi-chain technique. KDA Price Analysis At the time of composing, KDA is ranked the 102 nd cryptocurrency worldwide and the existing cost is US$ 1.96 Let's have a look at the chart listed below for rate analysis: Source: TradingView KDA climbed up 65% from its mid-June low, producing a bullish market structure break on the day-to-day chart. Aggressive bulls may discover the closest assistance near the August open, around $2.01 This level will likely reveal ineffective trading on the day-to-day chart after Monday's candle light closes. If this level breaks, the next assistance may be near $1.73 This level is near the 61.8% retracement. It's likewise near the 9, 18 and 40 EMAs and the high of build-up on the weekly chart. A dip lower might reach $1.54, where bulls turned down bears on the weekly. A relocation this low might go considerably lower. Bulls' stops near $1.34 and a big location of ineffective trading on the weekly deal little assistance to stop a more considerable drop. The closest resistance is from $2.20 to $2.30, near the June monthly open. This location revealed ineffective trading on the weekly chart. The rate has actually travelled through this zone several times, however it might supply some resistance once again. If the marketplace's rally does continue, $2.47 may provide the next resistance. This level reveals ineffective trading on the day-to-day chart. It's likewise at the low end of ineffective trading on the weekly and month-to-month charts. If the rate does bounce from $1.73, the 68% and 100% extensions of the previous swing include more confluence to this location. 2. Swipe (SXP) Swipe SXP is a platform that wants to form a bridge in between the fiat and cryptocurrency worlds with its API that is created to develop international payment cards powered by its native SXP token. Swipe likewise has an on-chain item called Swipe Swap, an Automated Market Maker which is forked by Uniswap, SushiSwap and THORchain, and is powered by Swipechain. This environment is powered by the Swipe Token SXP, which works as the fuel for the Swipe Network, and is utilized for paying deal costs and protecting Swipechain through bonding and governance. SXP Price Analysis At the time of composing, SXP is ranked the 136 th cryptocurrency internationally and the existing cost is US$ 0.4405 Let's have a look at the chart listed below for cost analysis: Source: TradingView SXP has actually combined in a tight variety given that its 51% drop in early June. Near $0.4080, a location of ineffective trading may provide assistance. This level is near the 9, 18 and 40 EMAS. It's sensible for the rate to drop somewhat lower to the next location of ineffective trading, near $0.3876 Relocating to this level would enable bulls to get in near the July open. A location of ineffective trading, near $0.5293, might provide the closest resistance. This level is near the June open and might be the target as SXP shares its metaverse vision. A relocation this high might reach a little greater, near $0.5668 Bears turned down bulls on the weekly here in early June. It's likewise near an old December 2020 weekly swing low. If the marketplace continues climbing up, it might reach as high as $0.6550 This location reveals ineffective trading on the month-to-month and weekly charts.
If the bullish relocation stops working, bears may go for a location near $0.2705 This level is near the midpoint of March 2020's swing low wick. On the weekly, it reveals that bulls declined bears. Reaching this level would enable bears to sweep bulls' stops under reasonably equivalent lows into ineffective trading on the day-to-day chart. 3. Wax (WAXP) WAXP is a purpose-built blockchain, launched in 2017, developed to make e-commerce deals much faster, easier and much safer for each celebration included. The WAX blockchain utilizes entrusted proof-of-stake (DPoS) as its agreement system. It is totally suitable with EOS. The custom-made functions and the reward systems established by WAX are meant to optimise the blockchain's energy particularly for usage in e-commerce, with the objective of motivating voting on propositions. WAX Price Analysis At the time of composing, WAX is ranked the 130 th cryptocurrency worldwide and the existing cost is US$ 0.1153 Let's have a look at the chart listed below for cost analysis: Source: TradingView WAX dropped 54% in early June prior to going into a debt consolidation variety. The rate has actually simply swept bulls' stops above relative equivalent highs into a location of ineffective trading near $0.1145 This zone, as much as $0.1223, might supply resistance. If this level breaks, the rate might reach $0.1622 This relocation would let bulls run bears' stops above June 2's swing high. It would likewise fill out ineffective trading on the weekly and regular monthly charts. However, macroeconomic conditions are still bearish. Currently, the financial environment makes it less likely that the rate can reach this far. Below, a reasonably large location from $0.1037 to $0.0955 might offer assistance. This location saw build-up prior to the current go up, reveals ineffective trading on the everyday, and overlaps with the 61.8% and 78.6% extensions. Bulls declined bears on the weekly chart, near $0.0842 This level might supply assistance if bears run bulls' stops under July's swing lows. A more bearish turn in the marketplace might move the rate considerably lower. The next drawback target might be near $0.0560 Here, the weekly chart and month-to-month chart both reveal ineffective trading. Learn How to Trade Live! Join Dave and The Crypto Den Crew and they'll reveal you survive on a webinar how to take your crypto trading to the next level. Where to Buy or Trade Altcoins? These coins have high liquidity on Binance Exchange, so that might assist with trading on AUD/USDT/BTC sets. And if you're taking a look at purchasing and HODLing cryptos, then Swyftx Exchange is a user friendly popular option in Australia. Market Analysis Crypto News Kadena (KDA) Swipe Trading WAX (WAXP) Disclaimer: The material and views revealed in the short articles are those of the initial authors own and are not always the views of Crypto News. We do actively examine all our material for precision to assist safeguard our readers. This short article material and links to external third-parties is consisted of for info and home entertainment functions. It is not monetary guidance. Please do your own research study prior to getting involved. Read More
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xrpvibe · 3 years
XRP, Synthetix, SushiSwap Price Analysis: 07 December
XRP, Synthetix, SushiSwap Price Analysis: 07 December
XRP was in a phase of consolidation in the vicinity of $0.43. Synthetix clung on above $19.6 as bears tried to force prices lower. SushiSwap would need to defend the $12 region to avoid a drop to $10, and a successful bounce would likely see it reach above the previous highs at $16. XRP Source: XRP/USD on TradingView The 1-hour charts showed that XRP was in a phase of consolidation after its…
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thecryptoreport · 3 years
Growing list of billion-dollar crypto ‘unicorns’ suggest the best is yet to come
Growing list of billion-dollar crypto ‘unicorns’ suggest the best is yet to come
In the traditional investing world ‘unicorn’ is a term used by venture capitalists to describe a privately held startup valued at more than $1 billion.  Typically these startups have strong fundamentals and oftentimes a first-mover advantage that helps them rapidly rise in value to become prized investment opportunities for yield-seeking funds. Some of the best-known unicorns include Elon Musk’s…
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dzswap · 3 years
Dzswap defi is a troublemaker of the track, breaking the existing pattern and opening up a new way of playing
In 2020, the rapid rise of defi has shocked the whole blockchain industry. Defi has become a race track for all public chains, and those who win defi will win the "world", while swap is an indispensable section of the defi track. First uniswap sounded the horn, then sushiswap, and 1inchswap caught up, setting off an upsurge of the swap track, resulting in incomparable congestion of the swap track and rising mining costs, Many ordinary users and defi exploration and developers have to find another way to find another convenient, broad, efficient and affordable track to participate in the defi competition. Dzswap is one of the most dazzling competitors.
After rigorous market analysis and technology research and development, dzswap has opened up the link channel between decentralized exchanges through the aggregation protocol. At present, dzswap has aggregated all decentralized exchanges on the wave field network, and will soon realize asset interaction with Ethereum, heco, BSC and other public chains. Users have many choices, clear comparison, effectively avoid sliding point loss, save transaction costs, and provide users with more convenient and fast basic services.
Dzswap is a decentralized trading platform based on wave field network. On the basis of AMM transaction exchange service and liquidity mining module, by adding aggregation transaction agreement to provide users with the best transaction way, pol cashing power mechanism can quickly establish deep liquidity and focus on community traffic consensus. By draining mature community tokens and the automatic pull mechanism of dzswap, the enabling platform token DZ has a stronger degree of consensus. The currency price will rise automatically every day
Dzswap is the first decentralized exchange in the world to adopt the mining mode of community interactive universal computing power, redefines the defi computing power, opens the precedent of the mining mode of defi computing power, perfectly integrates technology, finance, game, entertainment and mining, and is fair, just, open and transparent. In addition to the conventional AMM trading service, liquidity mining and other product modules, the aggregation trading function template is added. Through the aggregation trading path, the system can recommend the best trading path with lower sliding point and lower transaction handling fee for users in a short time.
DZ has the fairness of zero pre excavation and zero private placement, which will better serve the users of dzswap. All users are the owners of the platform. In the future, more DZ playing methods and value empowerment will be opened. Dzswap will inevitably become another dark horse of defi track in 2021.
1. Technological innovation: aggregation transaction protocol can provide users with automatic and interoperable choices. It can not only quickly find the best exchange rate for token exchange, but also provide the most effective exchange path.
2. Model initiative: the world's first mining mechanism integrating technology, flow consensus and reasonable mechanism will drain a steady stream of users for the platform, and its perfect reward mechanism will attract more people to pay attention to and participate in platform mining.
3. Mining method: unlike other DEX tokens, DZ does not conduct airdrop, and the number of mining increases gradually from the initial 1000. It will be halved for every 1 million mining. At the same time, the original intention is to highlight the scarcity of DZ and prevent a large number of speculation in the early stage. At the same time, this design is fair to later users and can attract users to participate in mining.
4. Destruction mechanism: DZ cannot be reissued and will only become less and less. The usdt of each cashing will enter the flow pool to exchange DZ and directly enter the black hole address for destruction. The more cashing people, the more the amount of exchange will be destroyed. It will be destroyed to the last 210000, no longer destroyed and recycled. The automatic destruction mechanism makes the number of DZS in the flow pool less and less, and the price of DZ will be higher and higher, which will certainly attract more people to participate in the calculation of power and exchange mining, so as to form a closed cycle ecosystem.
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zrypto · 2 years
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