#susie petnam
Hawthorns on the Brain
Bio inspired heavily by Bread Father’s bio on Amino, found here: https://aminoapps.com/c/deltarune-amino/page/item/detailed-oc-template/gbEK_vmtKIGQxqeRNem845QnmjJlj2e52q
“Somebody told me, once upon a time, to never stop trying. Because, even if it’s raining where you are, the sun is shining somewhere.”
Name — Síofra (She-off-ra)
Name meaning — Unisex name with the meaning, ‘Changeling.’
Name origin — Irish
Nicknames + Nickname origins:
Sí (Pronounced, ‘she.’) - A diminutive of their full name | Often used by Susie—Due to frustration with the full pronunciation—and Noelle—As a more friendly way to address them.
Hazelnut - Often used by Ralsei—Due to their close relationship and Síofra’s connection to hazel trees
Maythorn - Used by themself as a stage name. They know the word is important to them, but don’t know why exactly.
Faerie (Pronounced, ‘Fay-ree.’) - Occasionally used by Kris as a sign language name for them.
Small nature child - Given to them by Queen in Chapter 2.
Lightwalker - Their title according to The Prophecy.
Irritated Fae - A Save Point referring to them in Chapter 2: “You are no longer alone. You are filled with the power of irritated fae.”
Nicknames for others + Nickname Origins:
Lil Pianist - A petname they call Kris upon learning of their love of the piano.
Lil Prince - A petname they use for Ralsei when they’re (gently) teasing him.
Lil Angel - Another petname for Ralsei, used only when the two are alone.
Lil Spade - A petname for Lancer that they use as though referring to a younger sibling.
Lil Bike - A not very affectionate nickname for Berdly in reference to depictions of Irish Faeries riding on the backs of birds.
Gender + Pronouns — Genderfluid | He/She/They/It
Sexuality — Demisexual
Birthplace — The Hazel World (A now destroyed Dark World, which was accessible via a doorway made through three trees—A hazel, hawthorn and willow—having their branches tangled together.)
Birthdate — Currently unknown. However, it is known that Síofra was born some time in spring, likely in April or May.
Age — Roughly the same age as the main cast. Actual birthdate is unknown, but they’re obviously older than Lancer and appear perhaps a few months older than Ralsei. (Depending on the fanon age of the main cast, anywhere between 14 and 18.)
Faerie | 1/2 Sidhe Draoi (Tree fae) 1/2 Changeling
1/2 Lightner 1/2 Darkner
Current residence — Ralsei’s castle, Castle Town (Temporary)
Education — No traditional education. Lessons learned through toughing it out on the streets. However, Ralsei has taught them to read and write. They’re a slow reader and their penmanship is barely legible, but they’re practicing. They are only partly literate and tend to spell words phonetically.
Occupation — Traveling minstrel & Storyteller
Mental health status — Moderate | They are dealing with a few large internal struggles in relation to The Prophecy, as well as having a wealth of repressed memories that they only catch glimpses of due to their subconscious while dreaming. Also has issues with cleptomania.
Physical health status — Fit as a fiddle | Eating well and very physically strong. Lots of upper body strength and a good amount of lower strength as well. Kept fit due to constantly traveling on foot, as well as the fast paced dancing (Reminiscent of traditional Irish tap down step dancing) they’re often doing. However, they do have a sensitivity to the cold due to an encounter with hypothermia and frostbite in the past.
“You’re serious. Nobody’s ever told you that they love you? Well then, I love you.”
True Form // Blank:
As somebody who is part Changeling, Síofra is able to alter their physical appearance at will. However, this takes up energy. When unconscious, downed in battle, or otherwise unable to hold a standard form, they revert to what they affectionately have dubbed their, ‘Blank.’ This form appears slightly unnerving when seen for the first time, but fits very well into the Dark World. A completely black silhouette of an androgynous, bipedal, humanoid creature with shaggy fur on its legs, tapered fingertips resembling claws, pointy, elfish ears and antlers. When this form is presented while Síofra is still conscious, it will use it/its pronouns. Its voice is also heavily distorted and difficult to make out, sounding as though somebody is speaking through water and glass, like its voice is being heard through an aquarium.
Dark World appearance | General // Primary form:
While Síofra is a Changeling, they do still have a standard appearance. It is the second least energy consuming form they can take on, as it is the actual combination of their parents’ features. Humanoid in appearance, but with many differences. Light, freckled skin, almond shaped, dark green eyes. Their hair is a dark shade of chestnut brown and is completely mat, with no high or lowlights. Their ears are long and pointed like that of an elf, and they are very obviously muscular. Not quite buff, but not far off from it. Down their right arm, from collarbone to back of hand, they have a sleeve of dark, brownish green tattoos in a repeating Celtic knot pattern. As well as this, they have two antler-like protrusions coming from the crown of their head. Unlike actual antlers, however, these appear to be hazel twigs, complete with large, round leaves, as well as catkins in spring and actual hazelnuts in summer. They commonly dress in muted colors and grayscale with only a small pop of color. Their blood is a color similar to amber or tree sap and faintly glows when exposed to the air. Their cheeks will also have this very dim glow when they blush.
Dark World appearance | Male changes:
While male, Síofra makes a few slight alterations to his physical form. He’ll have his hair shortened to his ears and it will be in curls rather than waves. He also will have a more square face, harder features and a faint ginger stubble on his cheeks and chin, just enough to make his face slightly scratchy.
Dark World appearance | Nonbinary changes:
While nonbinary, Síofra also has a few slight alterations they make to their appearance. Their face is more oval shaped, for one thing, and their hairstyle also changes. Shaved on the right side, they have it in neck length waves on the left. They will also occasionally have the longer side of their hair pinned back behind their ear with an emerald clip in the shape of three spiny leaves.
Dark World appearance | Female changes:
While female, a slightly larger number of changes are made to Síofra’s primary form. For starters, her hair is longer, reaching around her nipple line in waves that are typically worn in a knot braid over her left shoulder, clipped at the end with the same emerald pin mentioned above. As well as that, her face is more pointed, and she often keeps a bit of holly tucked behind her right ear. She will also occasionally decorate her hair and/or antlers with hawthorn flowers, typically in pink or white.
Clothing | Chapter 1:
In Chapter 1, Síofra is female. She is seen wearing a strapless, black top. As well as this, she has on a pair of riding pants that seem to cross the styles of the women’s and mens. They are higher waisted, like women’s riding pants, but have a straight fit down the leg like men’s. They are also in black and are tucked into a pair of worn down, black hiking boots that reach halfway up her shins.
Clothing | Chapter 2:
In Chapter 2, Síofra is nonbinary. They are seen in a similar outfit to the one worn in Chapter one, but with a few alterations. They have on what appears to be some kind of custom made riding hood in a soft shade of gray and lined on the inside with off white fluff. It reaches to just the very top of their calves and has long sleeves as well as a red clasp at their sternum to close it. Their hood is worn up through the entire chapter, and appears to have a series of buttons across the top and middle seam for them to affix around their antlers, which can be seen poking up through the top of the hood. They mention in Chapter 2 that they find it very cold in the Cyber World, hence the winter gear. In a few small snip its of the game, the shirt worn beneath the hood is visible, having thin straps rather than none.
Clothing | Chapter 3:
In Chapter 3, Síofra is, again, nonbinary. Unlike in Chapter 2, however, their outfit changes almost completely to one that resembles the attire of a male Irish dancer. They are seen wearing a similar pair of pants to those worn in chapters 1 and 2. They also appear to be sporting different shoes. Dark brown in color, they resemble a pair of leather dancing shoes. Matching the shoes, they have on a worn out, dark brown vest over an off white tunic. The tunic has a loose collar with a few buttons undone, as well as wide, loose sleeves that reach their elbows. They also have a powder blue sash tied around their waist.
Light World appearance:
Unlike in the Dark World, Síofra has no access to their Changeling abilities while in the Light World, and they are instead completely Sidhe Draoi and are also completely physically female, regardless of what they were physically upon exiting the Dark World. Their hair reaches to their lower chest and seems to be more in ringlets than waves. It has darkened dramatically to a deep hazel brown, but now has borderline black lowlights and bright copper highlights. Their eyes are also a much brighter shade of green. Their skin is a bit more tanned and, in place of their freckles, there are rings around their arms, neck and legs resembling the rings inside of a tree’s trunk that are used to determine its age. Their skin also appears physically rougher. Apart from this, their tattoos also change. In place of the knots, they now have red fire poppies, light purple creeping phlox, light blue water lilies and green ivy tattooed down their arm. Their antlers are also completely gone and their blood no longer glows.
Clothing | Light World:
The first time they are seen in the Light World, Síofra is dressed in an entirely different manner from how they typically dress in the Dark World. They’re seen wearing a pale, ice green gossamer dress. This dress is gathered at the waistline and falls into a slightly flaring skirt that reaches to their mid thigh. It has thin straps, as well as tight, mesh sleeves that reach from their biceps to their wrists with several flower shaped holes cut and hemmed into them. They also have on a pair of brown sandals with curving straps that reach to just above their knees and resemble tree roots.
Voice claim — Helena Byrne, Irish singer and storyteller
Talking: https://youtu.be/XiwqNrjdek0
Singing: https://youtu.be/e9-xSQRdNfc
“Awww, come on. He makes for a pretty cute butler and you know it.”
[F I G H T]
Bard — Not as much health as a tank, but with more than a healer. Has the ability to cast spells with the use of instruments, as well as being slightly more charismatic than other party members.
Ability 1:
Binding vines — Requires 16% TP and is used to lower the defense of one enemy through holding them still with magic vines. While casting this spell, Síofra is given a small animation of them playing their panpipe while green spirals appear around the selected enemy.
Ability 2:
Jig — Requires 30% TP and temporarily immobilizes all enemies by getting them to dance a fast Irish jig. While casting this, Síofra is animated doing a fast dance with lots of leg movement while playing their fiddle, which must be equipped in order for this spell to be cast. The enemies will all be animated doing a similar dance and their attacks will be significantly easier the next round. As Síofra is not present for the Sweet Cap’n Cakes fight, this spell is not available then.
Ability 3:
Spitfire — Requires 20% TP and is Síofra’s only offensive spell at the moment. Damages the enemies slightly using several sparks of fire and lowers their defense temporarily, making future attacks more effective until it wares off. Síofra will be animated playing their panpipe while turned toward the selected enemy. The selected enemy will have a series of red, orange and yellow sparkles superimposed over their sprite for as long as the effect lasts.
LV 1:
HP — 80
LV 2:
HP — 110
MAGIC — 10
LV 3:
HP — 150
MAGIC — 11
Initially equipped:
Panpipe — A traditional, wooden panpipe worn on a leather chord around the neck. Síofra is most experienced with its familiar eighteen pipes and appears to have carved a jagged letter S into the largest pipe. Can be removed, but cannot be taken from Síofra’s inventory.
Gold pendant — A gold necklace with the symbol of the Delta Rune angel on it. A secondary armor can be given, but this cannot be removed, regardless of how many times the player attempts it.
Secondary weapon:
Fiddle — A shiny, wooden fiddle required for certain spell attacks. Can be removed, but is not removable from Síofra’s inventory unless it’s being equipped to Ralsei.
“What? Don’t look at me like that. It’s just a story. It’s not like it’s real.”
Síofra is, to put it lightly, bold. They commonly are the type to dive head first into something, regardless of how dangerous it is, just because it’s a new experience. They have a need to always be doing something and will grow very anxious if they’re idle for too long. An example of this is them reminding the player that they’re able to run while alone with Kris in Chapter 2. They are more Braun than they are brain and are not at all skilled with puzzles, nor do they even pretend to be.
They have a tendency to try and protect those who seem more meek than them, the two most notable examples of this being Ralsei and Noelle. They’ve also attempted this with Kris before in Chapter 2, and depending on the player’s response, they’ll either continue being more protective or will try to lay off. They’re very fierce and can also be considered a bit reckless in times of danger. They have a preference for the outdoors over indoors as well.
Síofra, though they often give the appearance of being either feisty or chill most of the time, does have a few softer, more emotionally charged moments during the game. For example, if the player travels around Castle Town on their own, they can overhear a conversation between Síofra and Ralsei in which they tell him that they really care about him.
However, Síofra isn’t all softness when it comes to the people they care about. They, though they hate to admit it, do tend to become jealous when those they’re close with become closer with somebody else. This is most obvious when seeing Susie and Ralsei at the carnival. While they don’t say anything, a text box displaying an ellipsis is displayed after Noelle trails off, and their dialogue portrait looks very bothered with a slight shade over their face. Though it isn’t entirely obvious whom they are jealous of, it can be inferred that it’s Susie based off of a number of factors and bits of dialogue from Síofra at earlier points in the game.
Síofra is not the most trusting person, however they do know how to fake trust and how to pretend they like somebody. Whether they’ll actually do this or not depends on if they think the person’s input actually matters. For example, they don’t actually care much for Kris and Susie at first, but will be cordial and polite to them, exempting when Susie is on the enemy team. Unlike this, however, they openly and greatly dislike Berdly and don’t even pretend not to until his actual character development in Chapter 2.
Síofra also can be seen displaying a soft spot for children. This is in reference to the story of the Pied Piper and how he lured children away, though Síofra’s affection for youth seems genuine, shown most notably in their older sibling like affection toward Lancer. They also tend to have a habit of getting themself into unofficial battles and also just random spats. This is shown best when they can get into a brief banter argument with Sweet Cap’n Cakes when the player visits Castle Town at the end of Chapter 2.
Síofra, despite their faults, is genuinely kind to those they care about and seems extremely loyal to the party. Not to the extent of Ralsei’s submissiveness, but still willing to take a hit for those they care about. They enjoy making other people smile and laugh and consider themself a born entertainer with a passion for music and story.
“If I’m gonna protect you, I have to be in shape. Don’t worry, I’ll rest when I need it.”
Music — Síofra’s love of music forms has always been with them as far as they know. Making music, whether it be with an instrument or their own voice, as well as listening to it from somewhere else. They’re rather skilled in making music, with their best instruments being their panpipe and fiddle, and have practiced with it for as long as they can remember.
Dance — Going hand in hand with their love of music, Síofra has always enjoyed dance. It isn’t their greatest passion, but they enjoy it nonetheless, and it goes along with their love of performance art. While they can do slower dances and have waltzed in the past, they clearly enjoy faster paced dances above all other types.
Storytelling — Síofra, though not the most poetic with their narration, loves to tell and retell stories to others. This is another performance type they’ve done before, along with working stories into the songs they’ll sing. They occasionally use storytelling as a means to soothe others as well. They can be found telling more anxious and stressed out Cyber World residents stories, and they’ve also told Ralsei actual bedtime stories in the past.
The outdoors — Síofra has always been more of an outdoor person than anything else. Not only are they most used to the outdoors, but they feel genuinely stronger and more at ease while outside. This can either mean simply spending time out, or even sleeping in the forest since they find it more comfortable.
Travel — Given their inability to be still for very long, Síofra is very apt to travel. They love the concept of cartography to go along with this and have several maps pinned up on the walls of their room in Ralsei’s castle. For several years before the start of the game, Síofra would travel from the Vernal Equinox to Winter Solstice and would only stop for a season’s break when it got too cold for them to keep moving. Due to traveling as much as they have, they have many odd and miscellaneous skills with the only explanation provided being, “I learned it while I was away.”
Cold weather — Due to a stint in their younger years with hypothermia and frostbite, Síofra has grown a very strong dislike of the cold. Their room is kept constantly warm and they’re very sensitive to cold temperatures, especially when traversing other Dark Worlds. They’re also slightly more antsy when exposed to the cold for too long. If the player doesn’t have the party move for an extended period of time while in the Cyber World, there’s a chance of one of two animations being shown. The first shows Síofra tucking their hands into the sleeves of their cloak, while the other shows them breathing onto their fingers.
Technology — Síofra is so far removed from tech that it’s almost comical. While in the Cyber World, they constantly have a headache and mention on multiple occasions that half the things Queen says are completely incomprehensible to them. They are also slightly weakened by the Cyber World, causing their spells to require more TP. They’ve stated before that the most technological they’ve ever gotten was when they helped Ralsei bake using his cauldron once in the past.
Inactivity — As stated before, Síofra has a very deep hatred for idleness. They cannot be still for even short periods of time and tend to have difficulty falling asleep because of it. This will be more thoroughly explained in the Backstory section at the end.
Tight clothing — Form fitting clothing is one thing that Síofra is alright with, but if it gets too tight, they’d sooner burn it than wear it. This is due to their need for flexible clothing in order to move and perform easier. Because of this, a vast majority of the clothes they own are either loose fitting or stretchy.
Makeup — Don’t get them wrong, Síofra isn’t anti-makeup or anything. If another person wants to wear it, they have no issue with it. However, it’s impossible to get them to even consider wearing it. They consider it a waste of money and pointless, as they can just change their face to look like they’re wearing makeup if they wanted to.
“Lightwalker, Lightwalker. My life I’ll sacrifice...”
This tale begins long before the birth of Síofra. Long before prophecies of humans and monsters and princes from the dark. Our story doesn’t even begin in a Dark World, but rather, it begins with a young Sidhe Draoi by the name of Niamh.
Niamh never had much interest in society at all. She felt that the town her tree was nearest to was overrated, overblown. To her, a life alone with just her and her hazel tree was enough.
Until, that is, one fateful day when she returned to her home after a, ‘hunting,’ trip, which was really just going into Hometown for a bit of new fertilizer. She was surprised to find, not just one tree, but three, all tangled together by the branches and the roots. Not only had these two new trees come from nowhere to intertwine with her own, but neither of them were even hazel trees. One, a willow with inviting wood, and the other, a hawthorn whose flowers had just started to bloom.
But probably strangest about this tree trio had to be that Niamh couldn’t see through the gap between two of the trunks. Instead, here in this secluded little part of the woods, it appeared as though there was a portal, or, more accurately, a doorway. She felt drawn to it somehow, like it was calling out to her, crying for her to come and be welcome in its vernal embrace.
With nothing to lose and everything to wonder, Niamh took a leap of faith and allowed herself to step through the door. At first, all she found to greet her was darkness. But after a few moments, the ground seemingly vanished beneath her feet, sending her tumbling down, down, down, like Alice down the rabbit hole.
When at last she did find the ground again, Niamh was surprised to see that, not only was she not injured, but she didn’t look like herself anymore. The rough, bark like skin she had appeared smoother, though no less brown. The bands that showed her age had a faint green glow to them. Most shocking, at least to her, though, was her hair. From pure black to pure white, matching the strange, flowing gossamer dress she now found herself in.
Looking around, she found that she’d landed in another forest, though it was unlike hers completely. Lusher, taller trees, greener grass, brighter flower petals, and the sweet scent of rose and pine on the air. Behind her, she found the thickest tree with an obvious door shape carved into it.
The sky, too, was different. Deep indigo and speckled with the most stars she’d ever seen, a giant, pale lavender moon hanging so near that it was almost like she could touch it from the ground.
She began to traverse this strange, alien forest, feeling wonder like none she’d ever felt before. Everything she passed seemed more incredible than what’d come before. From butterflies with bodies longer than she was tall, to flowers that opened and closed, seeming to inhale and exhale glowing drops of dew. She must have been dreaming, surely. No place in the world could be this magical. No place in the world could make her feel this at home.
That was, of course, until she found herself in a less than optimal situation.
While examining one of the breathing flowers, Niamh was approached by a pair of people clad in what seemed to be armor made from stone. They were apparently out on a patrol, and when Niamh couldn’t explain herself, who she was or where she came from, she was promptly apprehended and taken into custody.
They brought her to a grand castle full of sprawling gardens and towering windows. Something strange that Niamh noticed as she was escorted toward the throne room was that, out of everyone she saw, only she had green eyes. Everyone else had either black or red, no exceptions.
Niamh was, to say the very least, surprised when her eyes lifted up to the king of the realm. Not only did his large, ten pointed antlers surprise her, but his casual attire like that of a lumberjack, as well as his young, open face.
When the two sentries explained what they’d found, the king seemed upset. Not with Niamh, but with his own guards, scolding them for their improper treatment of a guest. This woman was obviously a Lightner and ought to have been treated with more respect.
To her surprise, the sentries were quick to cut her bonds and offer Niamh bows and words of apology. But she was terribly confused. Guest? Lightner? And why was the king so intent on having her, a trespassing stranger, treated so well?
He introduced himself as Oisín, king of the Hazel World.
Oisín, Niamh noted. The name meant deer, and the man had antlers.
He, as well, introduced a woman who appeared around his age, his royal advisor and profit. Roisín, whose hair was filled with barbs, and who trailed red petals in her wake.
Roisín, another name Niamh took note of. Little rose.
Oisín, to Niamh’s even greater surprise, called her, ‘a-chara,’ my friend, while offering her his hand to shake and asking for her name.
She knew, already, that this place was one she didn’t want to leave for a long time, and so, she chose to leave the old name behind. No longer Niamh, as that name belonged to the other world.
As she took his hand, she smiled and replied that her name was Pixie, and so that is who she became.
As all good fairytales go, Pixie and Oisín had a whirlwind romance, one so passionate and miraculous that the whole kingdom was surprised. However, not all were happy. Lingering in the margins of the storybook’s pages, there was one who longed for Oisín, who longed to rid the Hazel World of Pixie completely.
Roisín, though she tried hard to be happy for her dear friend the king, found herself growing more and more bitter by the day, more and more thorns driving deeper and deeper into her heart until she was nearly consumed by an all encompassing hatred of Pixie, a hate that only grew when the newly crowned queen began to show signs of pregnancy.
One evening, while brewing herself some tea, Roisín was startled to awareness as bright, glowing gold took over her eyes and a bright, glowing vision took over her mind.
A prophecy. A prophecy that spoke of three heroes and the destruction of entire worlds, the Angel’s Heaven and the earth taking her final breath.
And one more line, one that put golden words and a face before the profit’s eyes.
The Lightwalker trails behind the three heroes, assisting where she can. She shall give her life to save the one she loves more than any other, and her sacrifice will go unseen...
The face that accompanied these words served only to further stake hate into Roisín’s chest, causing more withered flowers of disgust and jealousy to bloom. A dimpled smile, bright green eyes, a connection to the light.
With this hate, though, there came a plan. A plan so vile, so wicked, so horrid, that Roisín thought that maybe, just maybe, it would let Oisín see Pixie for the curse that she was.
The next morning, the profit called for an audience with the royal couple. Sadly, with apology in her eyes, she informed the two of what she’d seen, what she’d learned, and that their child, the unborn princess, was the Lightwalker that the prophecy spoke of.
Distraught at the thought of their child’s death already laid out, Pixie and Oisín vowed to remain strong for the babe, assuring one another that they would do all they were able to prepare the child for her fate. This display angered Roisín, but she showed it not. Eventually, she was certain, Oisín would understand.
Months later, the queen bore a baby girl, by far the most perfect child she’d ever laid her eyes upon. Sidhe Draoi, yet Changeling. Seelie, yet Unseelie. Light, yet dark. And when the babe found her perfect form, she was more beautiful than anything the king and queen could have imagined. A dimpled smile, lively green eyes, and even still just a babe, the brightest spirit the Hazel World had ever seen.
Following the world’s rather on the nose naming customs, they called the child Síofra, meaning Changeling. But, not wanting to have her think herself only one and not the other, Pixie offered her a second name as well. Maythorn, as tribute to the strange way she’d found this perfect life.
As Síofra grew, her parents were transparent with her about her fate. They taught her to be kind, to be loyal, to be true. But also to be herself, to love unendingly and to be as wild and free as she saw fit. An adventurer’s heart, some would say, though others called it a butterfly heart due to the butterflyish way the young princess tended to flutter from one thing to the next.
In the day, she learned to ride on the backs of bluebirds, and in the night, she learned stories of the future from her mother and learned to play the flute from her father.
One night, before bed, her mother told Síofra that, someday, she would meet a kindhearted and handsome prince and would become his friend. When Síofra asked if she would marry him, Pixie’s heart ached, but she only told her child, “That, my little treasure, is up to you.”
But, even in a fairytale, all good things must come to an end.
Seven years, nearly to the very day, after the princess was born, something darker than pitch, a great black blaze, began to take over the Hazel World. Home by home, tree by tree, village by village. No matter what Oisín and his troops did, all that were touched by the darkness were consumed, erased. The king knew, deep down, that there was no hope for him, nor his people. But, in the form of his bright love, his queen, his Pixie, there was still hope.
With the magic flute he’d given her years ago, Oisín ordered his wife to take their child and run, run as fast as she could and find the doorway again. Pixie, though the idea of leaving her lover behind made her want to cry, obeyed. She took the girl up in her arms and began to run deep, deep, deep back into the forest where she’d first found herself, all those years ago.
As she ran, Pixie tried to comfort her child, though she knew, deep down, that there was nothing to be done. Síofra watched helplessly over her mother’s shoulder as the darkness consumed everything she had ever known. The trees she’d climbed, the birds she’d befriended, the people she loved, all gone.
Pixie did find the doorway, eventually, but she learned something horrible upon reaching it, something that she knew meant that only one of them would survive. The door could only be closed from the Hazel World. If left open, she thought, the darkness would spread, and then nobody would survive.
And so, she gave her child one thing to remember her by, to protect herself with, that very magic flute given to her by Oisín. A kiss laid on the girl’s forehead, an apology said under breath, before Pixie pushed the girl through the door and slammed it shut behind her.
There, standing with her back to the door, watching and feeling the dark fire eat her away, Pixie realized something. Something terrible. Something she longed so fiercely to tell her daughter that she wouldn’t ever be able to say.
Síofra was not the Lightwalker.
Pixie was...
When Síofra first awoke after going unconscious, she knew not where she was, nor how she got there. She knew not where she haled from, nor her own age. All she had to soothe the questions in her mind, pounding in her head and aching in her heart were a few remembered things, a name, the clothes on her back and a strange, wooden instrument.
What did she know? She knew that she was in a Dark World. She knew that was different from a Light World, though she wasn’t entirely certain how. She knew that her name was Síofra. She knew how to play the instrument in her hands, and she vaguely recalled that somebody, some white haired woman, had probably saved her life. Though from what, she couldn’t say.
She didn’t allow herself to mourn for a life she didn’t know. Even at such a tender age, she knew she had to be strong, that she had to keep moving. Somebody, once upon a forgotten time, had told her to keep moving. Had told her to never give up. Had told her that the sun was always shining somewhere. Síofra didn’t know what the sun was, but she liked the way it sounded.
One more word lived in her mind in those first few minutes of her existence in this new life. Lightwalker. She remembered something about that. A Lightwalker, somebody who would do something important. Something important for somebody they loved. She... She must have been the Lightwalker. Yes, that sounded right.
One more thing Síofra knew. She was the Lightwalker.
If only.
If only her mind hadn’t tucked memories away in dark corners and cracked walls. If only her brain hadn’t tried to protect her the way it did. If only she could have known, could have realized.
If only her mother could have told her that she wasn’t the Lightwalker...
“I shall cut it short, so you may see paradise...”
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cozylittleartblog · 3 years
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semi-endgame jail conversation gave me whiplash! i don’t know what the royal family drama is but i need the entire story front to back thanks. gimme the tea or whatever the kids say ☕
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deartouya · 2 years
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all works are identified by genre : suggestive, fluff, angst.
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fics + drabbles
susie save your love (and take mine from me) : mutual pining, fluff + slight angst
written for the only truth is music collab.
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petnames they use for you : bakugou, deku, kirishima, shouto, denki, sero, mina, momo, hawks, dabi.
their love languages : bakugou, deku, kiri, shouto, denki, sero, shinsou, tamaki, hawks, dabi, jirou, momo, mina.
them as parents hcs : bakugou, deku, kiri, shouto, mina, momo, denki, hawks, dabi.
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rotten-dan · 6 years
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some youngsters in love 
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