#suu the slime
bimboaudino · 11 months
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The fetishinator returns, this time featuring suu the slime and papi the harpy from monster musume
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I want a slime girl hug!!!
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the-leech-lord · 1 year
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💚Monster Musume Suu stimboard💚
Part 5/6 of my MonMusu stimboards
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elwynten · 10 months
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Suu the slime from Monster Musume.
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sexymonsterotd · 7 months
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sexy monster of the day: suu from monster musume
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shadowjackery · 1 year
The Gladdest Thing Under the Sun
I honestly thought we were supposed to wait a couple of days after the zine’s release, but, heck, everyone else is doing it, so here we are: My contribution to @gensokyozine​ . I’ve wanted to do this story for a while, so I hope you enjoy!
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Descriptive text for the visually impaired or for easy quotation:
Title: "Shadowjack presents: The Gladdest Thing under the Sun"
Yuuka Kazami, a youkai woman, climbs the cracked stone steps to the ramshackle Hakurei Shrine. She carries a parasol. Up the wooded hill, through the pines, stand the shrine gate and two guardian komainu -- one of whom, Aunn, is alive and waving cheerfully, tail wagging. The plum and cherry trees atop the hill are in bloom. Dandelions sprout as Yuuka passes.
Title: "Yuuka Kazami, Flower Mistress of the Four Seasons"
Yuuka wears a summer outfit that evokes the mid-20th century: a vest over a short-sleeved blouse with a necktie, a knee-length pencil skirt, hose and heels, a handkerchief neatly folded in her vest pocket. She also wears glossy leather gauntlets and tight sleeve garters. Her hair is bobbed and curled in 1930s fashion. Her eyes are slitted, like a snake's.
She rests her head on her hand and gazes up at Reimu, rapt. A cat with black and white fur, spotted something like a yin-yang ball, lies nearby, watching her carefully.
Title: "Reimu Hakurei, Mysterious Shrine Maiden of Paradise"
Reimu, a human woman with a long ponytail, looks down at Yuuka, sweating slightly. She says, "Um... you know..."
Reimu wears her usual red-white shrine maiden robes and ribbons, much patched and threadbare. She is barefoot on the porch, holding a broom.
Reimu: "When you look at me like that, I get the feeling I'm about to be CUT and PRESSED."
Yuuka is shocked. "Oh, my! I would NEVER. A wild flower is best viewed in its natural habitat, always!"
Reimu, smiling: "I'm a wildflower?"
Yuuka, grinning: "One of the best!"
Reimu greets Yuuka at the entrance to her residence. Yuuka bows formally. She has brought a package, wrapped in cloth with a floral pattern.
Yuuka: "Ojama shimasu."
Reimu: "Hai, hai."
Reimu: "Everything is flowers with you, isn't it?"
Yuuka: "It could hardly be otherwise, dear! I am what I am."
Yuuka takes off her shoes, while Reimu places the parasol on the weapons rack by the door. The top shelf holds scrolls, boxes labelled "needles" and "seals", and one Mk 2 hand grenade.
A large sign by the rack says in printed text, "Check ALL weapons before coming in! Including but not limited to: Swords, Axes, Bows, Spears, Guns, Wands, Staffs, Parasols, Lasers, Bombs, Poisons, Curses," and so on.
A handwritten post-it note has been tacked to it, saying, "SEIJA -- Do NOT obey this!"
Another, ripped and faded sign has been taped by the list, adding, "MARISA -- Whatever it is now: NO. I mean it."
There is a bullethole next to the sign.
A different yin-yang cat watches Yuuka.
Reimu says, "So what kind of flower is Marisa?"
Yuuka: "She reminds me of pampas grass."
Reimu: "?"
Yuuka: "One of a few varieties of cortaderia, somewhat resembling susuki."
The two women go inside where there's more shade.
Yuuka: "It's a fast-growing, invasive species that can contribute to rat infestations and dangerous wildfires."
Reimu, laughing: "A WEED!"
Yuuka: "But charming in its way."
Somewhere, Marisa sneezes.
In Reimu's kitchen, the two together prepare afternoon tea, while two different cats beg at their feet. Reimu pours hot water from a large kettle into a cast-iron teapot. Yuuka takes down bowls and cups, and opens up the Japanese-style lunchboxes she brought.
Yuuka has put on an apron that parodies the "piyo piyo apron" worn by Kyoko in the manga "Maison Ikkoku", but instead of a drawing of a baby chick on the chest, it has a drawing of a Dragon Quest slime, saying "suu suu".
Reimu: "You aren't bothered she stole the Master Spark from you?"
Yuuka: "Oh, Marisa didn't steal it from me! She bargained for it fairly."
Reimu stops what she's doing to turn toward Yuuka. "Bullshit."
Yuuka: "It's true! I was curious to learn a little magic, and in exchange for lessons I agreed to trade her a cutting."
Reimu: "Huh!"
Yuuka: "I don't mind helping another gardener to improve their art. She makes it bloom well, doesn't she?"
Yuuka carries a tray of sandwiches and snacks out of the kitchen.
Yuuka: "Besides... to cast it ONCE, she needs a device."
A surprise second Yuuka, with long hair, and wearing trousers instead of a skirt, whisks the teapot and cups from Reimu's hands, leaving Reimu with nothing to do.
Yuuka, the second: "But I by myself can cast it TWICE."
Only one Yuuka again. Yuuka and Reimu kneel on the veranda to take their tea. One yin-yang cat nearby sprawls asleep in the sun, an orange tabby circles curiously, and a third cat sulks by Reimu.
Reimu: "Okay, then how about... Alice?"
Yuuka: "Ohhh... Alice is special. With her pride and ingenuity, she bears the seed of great potential for power."
Yuuka beams with enthusiasm. She says, "Why, if one could but prune away a few of her mortal failings -- such as 'restraint' or 'mercy' -- she could make a truly MARVELLOUS youkai!"
We can now observe that Yuuka's necktie is not knotted, but instead held by a silver woggle marked with a "lily of the valley" emblem.
Yuuka blushes happily. "She might even be stronger than I. Wouldn't that be an interesting day?" A heart floats in her words.
Reimu tries to hide her concern. She thinks, "Ganbatte, Alice-san..." But only says out loud, "...er, uh... and Yukari?"
Yuuka grins wolfishly. "Yukari and I have an arrangement: She doesn't meddle in my garden, and I don't BURN DOWN hers."
Reimu: "Isn't it weird that a youkai of FLOWERS is so good at fighting?"
Yuuka: "I'm surprised to hear that from a Japanese!"
Reimu: "You say that like you're not."
Yuuka: "I am known in many lands, by many names, wherever flowers grow."
Yuuka narrates the scene from the foreground, wearing a woman's kimono and lacquered okobo sandals. She carries now a Japanese-style paper parasol. Her hair is tied up in a bun with a cherry-blossom kanzashi, and she wears a sunflower hair ornament. She is surrounded by flowers: chrysanthemum, hollyhock, and birthwort, and above her spreads blooming sakura.
Yuuka: "Did not your own samurai describe themselves as cherry blossoms, and fight for emperor and shogun under the banners of the chrysanthemum and hollyhock?"
In the midground, two armored samurai clash. The lower-status one has fallen to the ground; the richer has a bloody slash across his left eye. He swings his sword and chops the grounded man's spear in two, but the other is undaunted.
In the background, an army of horse and foot mounts the top of the hill, banners billowing.
Now Yuuka narrates wearing a huipil dress with embroidered shawl, and simple leather slippers. Her hair is done in buns, with a Mexican sunflower by her ear. A hummingbird flies near her. Growing around her are Aztec marigold, dahlias, banana yucca, and Mexican hat flowers.
Yuuka: "Across the sea to your east, the mighty Mexica gathered their 'hummingbird' soldiers to send to the 'Flower Wars' (they named them) to gather honor, blood, and sacrifices."
In the midground, the fighters are now two Nahuatl, one poor, one rich with a slashed left eye. The poorer one wears only a loincloth, and has a shield slung over his shoulder. His shield is painted with a hummingbird design, and from it hang a few feathers. The richer soldier wears a full-body jaguar costume, and wields a macuahuitl war-club. The poor soldier leaps to his feet and tackles his enemy, disarming him.
In the background, an army of Aztecs battle below a stepped pyramid and high mountains.
Now Yuuka narrates wearing men's doublet and hose, embroidered with fleur-de-lis and tulips, along with knee-high riding boots and gauntlets. Around her neck is a sunflower pendant. On her shoulder perches a falcon. About her feet, and entangling the narration boxes, are red, white, and yellow roses.
Yuuka: "And to the far west, the lords of the English struggled for a choice of kingly roses, red Lancaster or snowy York."
In the midground, the fighters are now two Englishmen, again one poorer, the other richer with the eye injury. The poorer soldier has some mail pieces and a simple brimmed helmet; the richer has plate armor, a full helm, and a shield. The rich fighter is overthrown, his foe about to stab him through the visor with his own arming sword.
In the background, mounted knights charge a line of archers behind wooden stakes. A church or fort stands on hills in the far distance.
Yuuka: "Flowers and War have always been intertwined."
We return to Reimu's veranda and cherry trees.
Reimu: "You've seen so many strange places... Do you have a favorite?"
Yuuka: "...it was in the west, in Flanders, perhaps a hundred years ago."
Yuuka invisibly narrates: "Such a war, Reimu! The men burrowed like moles, or took to the air like kites."
Above barbed wire, two airplanes spit tracers at each other. It is World War One.
Yuuka: "They plowed the earth with cannon, night and day."
Shirtless German artillerymen fire their gun amid sandbags. Something explodes close by.
Yuuka: "They slew by shot and poison, fire and blade."
A gasmasked French soldier, armed with pistol and entrenching tool, cautiously moves down a trench. An unseen enemy waits around the corner with rifle and bayonet.
Yuuka: "And for no purpose that I could see, no treasure nor slave."
Barbed wire and ruined buildings.
Yuuka, narrating: "The destruction was so maniacal it seemed no tree, no blade of grass, would ever grow there again. I thought you humans had gone absolutely mad!"
Yuuka, wearing colorful hat, coat, and umbrella, stands on a windy no-man's land, surrounded by dull mud and broken pieces. Tracer fire crosses the sky, coming from a distant machine-gun nest. She notices, but does not bother to avoid, the few bullets that land near her.
Yuuka, narrating: "But it was I who did not understand your passion. When I learned your true intentions, I was deeply humbled."
Yuuka, narrating: "Did you know, Reimu? You can find graves in the wild by how the flowers grow. (Bone meal makes such good fertilizer.)"
The corpse of a soldier lies upon the ruined earth. But near his outstretched arm, a single bluebell, and a few patches of grass, have sprouted.
Now there are no bodies, but grass and wildflowers and bumblebees cover the ground. A shattered helmet has a flower growing through the holes.
Yuuka, narrating: "I tell you that after this great war, those fields FLUORISHED with color. Rainbows spilled on seas of green grass!"
Yuuka, narrating: "And ever after, all through those lands, the people wore blood-red poppies, to remember and give thanks to their kindred who slept below, for this sight they had worked so hard to create."
Yuuka wears early-20th century men's hunting clothes: a sturdy jacket and breeches with knee-high boots and gloves. Her curled hair is in a loose pompadour. As ever, she has a parasol. The sun shines warmly. The hill Yuuka walks down is covered in grass and bright red poppy flowers, stretching on forever. The plants almost completely cover a few remaining pieces of military hardware: a broken machine-gun, a lost helmet, a twist of barbed wire. Yuuka smiles.
Yuuka, narrating: "Tens of thousands of men willingly buried themselves for nothing better than the GLORY of FLOWERS!"
We return to Reimu's veranda. Yuuka clutches a handkerchief, almost overcome with romantic tears.
Yuuka: "It was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen!"
Reimu stares at her and says nothing.
Yuuka says, "Excuse me!", wipes her tears, and takes out her compact to redo her makeup.
Reimu thinks, "Yuuka is one of my oldest friends, but she really is a monster, isn't she? I don't even know how to BEGIN to explain the truth to her... or if I even should."
Title: "FLOWERS appearing in this story."
Many cut flowers are arranged on a wooden surface, with identifying captions. In no particular order, they are: primrose, fleur-de-lis (yellow iris), common sunflower, anemone, dandelion, Mexican sunflower, tulip, rose, cempoalxóchitl (Aztec marigold), dahlia, banana yucca, Mexican hat flower, pineapple sage, bee orchid, celandine, Flanders poppy, lily-of-the-valley, bluebell, daffodil, kiku (chrysanthemum), aoi (birthwort), hollyhock, ume (Japanese plum), and sakura (Japanese cherry).
In a simplified art style:
Reimu pats Alice on the shoulder and says, "Alice, we sure attract some weird ones, don't we?"
Alice wears her usual workdress and hairband, but also has sturdy explosive ordnance disposal goggles and gloves. She is inserting a stick of dynamite into the back of a Hatsune Miku doll. Other dolls and marionettes (and one teddy bear) fill the room, all with visible dynamite fuzes sticking out of their heads, and all with glowing eyes.
Alice says, "Don't disturb me when I'm setting the explosive charges! If they went off, they could hurt the dolls."
Reimu: "...This is why she likes you, you know."
Alice: "?"
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Fictives I have
AI - result of Wheatley and GLaDOS merging Adiris, Amanda Young, Ana, Suzie dbd Dio, Kira - jojo Brian, Blue, Oz - Monster Prom Hypnos - Hades Game Janet - The Good Place Mizore - Rosario Vampire Radio Wave (has same voice as the radio from brave little toaster, unsure if this one is a fictive) Samus Aran (fairly inactive, so I haven't asked her about this tumblr name) Sans Senshi dungeon meshi Suu - started out as a monster musume alter but became her own slime Tharja - Fire Emblem Trexel, Hartro, IMMOGEN, David 7 - Stellar Firma Wesker - Resident Evil Zora Salazar - Epithet Erased so that's 23 out of my 86 alters
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theizzifromosaka · 1 year
Here it is! I'm starting my review series of Monster Girl media, and for the first entry, I'll be reviewing
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Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls
To be perfectly clear, this review will be foucsed on the Monster Girl aspect of this series. I'm not sure if my opinions on the actual show itself would be worth listening to, I'm not trying to sway anyone one way or another.
Monster Musume follows "Darling-Kun" as he adapts to life with a rapidly growing cast of Demihumans. They learn about Japanese culture, and he finds himself pressured to pursue a relationship with one.
Darling-kun, whose name I don't think we ever learn in the anime, is kind of a weird dude. Throughout the course of the series he sees a LOT of naked girls, and he NEVER gets used to them. Other than that he's mostly just one of those generic anime nice guys, though he's aware the girls like him, unlike most of his peers.
Moving on.
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Miia the Lamia
The Classic
The most iconic and recognizable character from this seris, Miia is a Lamia (go figure) with a lot of affection for Darling. She gets jealous easily and can be very clingy but still manages to be one of the most reasonable girls in the roster. She tends to see every new girl as a rival for Darling's affection and at this point you've probably noticed her entire personality revolves around Darling. This is standard for all the girls in this series and any deviation from this is considered strange.
Lamia in Greek mythology was the queen of Libya who, as you do, had children with Zeus and incurred Hera's wrath. Hera killed her children and this drove Lamia to madness, she lived out her days eating children and became monstrous in appearance. The story of Lamia was kinda like the Greek version of the Boogeyman.
I always encourage doing your own research on these topics, and take anything I've said with a grain of salt.
I'll refrain from asking why an apparent reptile has breasts as I could ask that about most Monster Girls, but aside from that, why are her genitals at her waist? They should be at the end of her tail.
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Papi the Harpy
God damn it.
Okay, so Papi's name comes from the Japanese pronunciation of Harpy (would be something like Haapi). She's a very childlike adult, which is apparently typical of Harpies. They don't completely physically mature so they're light enough to fly, and she's a "bird brain". She claims to see Darling as a big brother but seems to have no idea what that really means.
Harpies are also Greek, they were birds with features of human women. They were seen as undesirable, ugly and foul and yeah, all the boxes are checked here.
Okay, it's not fair to judge Papi on these terms. We ought to be judging the creator of the series here. Honestly if not for the constant sexualization I probably wouldn't mind her too much.
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Centorea the Centaur
Double damn it.
She's one of them warrior women that acts all stoic "but hides the heart of a woman" or whatever. I don't care for her, and unlike with Papi, I think it's her fault this time. I don't like her character, and I don't like her design.
Centaurs, yet again, are Greek in origin. They're half horse half man and are named after Centaurus, the first Centaur. Pop culture depicts Centaurs as being a Warrior Race, probably stemming from Chiron, among the most famous Centaurs in Greek Mythology. It is speculated the image of a Centaur arose from people seeing horse mounted warriors and either misinterpreting what they saw or a Telephone Game effect eventually resulting in what we're familiar with today.
Her design is a perfectly passable Centaur besides her Serious Honkers. Her real set of Badonkers. She's packin some Dobonhonkeros. I'm sure you don't need me invoking a copypasta to tell you she looks ridiculous.
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Suu the Slime
Oh baby a triple!
Another child coded character. Suu is a shapeshifter so she doesn't always resemble a child, but her mannerisms are harder to change. Throughout the course of the series she becomes more intelligent and capable, going from a shapeless blob to barely coherent to regularly speaking full sentences. Suu is like... THE Slime Girl too, the first case of the author coming up with a wholly original design.
I'm not actually sure if Suu is the first Slime Girl but her influence can't be ignored. Slime Monsters overall are a pretty recent thing, and hard to track the history of (by that I mean they don't have a Wikipedia article). Their origins can be traced back to many sources, including classic Monster Flick The Blob, the Gray Goo Global Catastrophic Scenario, Tabletop RPGs and Dragon Quest.
(in absence of a Wikipedia article)
Honestly Suu would be cute and endearing if she wasn't subject to so much fanservice. Her personality, as it develops, is very childlike, with no sense of tact and little in the way of a filter. In this case I think I'd prefer it if they made her MORE childlike, and I wouldn't mind one bit if she remained a shapeless blob the whole time.
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Mero the Mermaid
it was Big! Scary! and PINK!
Mermaids in this universe romanticize tragedy, and that ends up being one of Mero's most defining features. She states outright to ease Miia's worries that she does not want to marry Darling, she just wants to be his mistress. She's very soft-spoken but occasionally says some weird things.
So Mermaids have a lot of history and multiple origins, ranging from Greek Sirens to misidentified Manatees to just disoriented pent-up sailors seeing a Thicc Fish. The story of The Little Mermaid is very influential, and the in universe reason given to why Merfolk romanticize tragedy so heavily.
Honestly Mero might be my favorite of the main cast, her taxonomy is vague, she states that her skin secretes mucus, she's got tiny little arms on her hips, and in the 11th episode she tries to drown Darling, which if you ask me makes her best girl by default. I lament that most of the time she just looks like a girl in a wheelchair, and I also have to mention the fin ears.
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Rachnera the Arachne
Not so itsy-bitsy
Rachnera is perhaps one of the most fleshed out characters in the show, she has a backstory and is capable of a range of emotions. That said most of the time she's just horny. Her initial foster family greatly disliked her but tried to "put up" with her, and after an incident resulting in their daughter being injured they sold her to a shady man who wanted to sell her silk on the black market. She starts off not exactly fond of humans but in typical fashion a single interaction with the main character all but changes her opinion.
The Greek story of Arachne is about a woman who challenged the Gods and was turned into a spider by Athena. She won by the way, the moral of the story is the Gods are jerks I guess.
This girl is a mixed bag. On one hand she has motivations that don't involve the main character, but on the other hand she very quickly becomes a vessel for bondage fetish pandering. As for her design, I like her eyes, it's a bit overdone to represent spider eyes like this but that's for good reason. I also don't really like how if you erase her human parts you're left with kind of a dumb looking spider. Overall I'd rank her pretty low, but not the worst.
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Lala the Dullahan
So no head?
Lala is only in the show for about one and a half episodes, plus gets some screentime in the OVAs. She's a Chuunibyou who claims herself to be Death and gives the rest of the cast quite the spook.
The Dullahan is from Irish mythology, originally referring to any headless spirit, but eventually invoking a Headless Horseman, said to use a human spine as a whip. The image of a Headless Horseman can actually be found in various parts of Europe, and even in the Americas thanks to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, which is apparently where the Jack-O-Lantern head thing comes from.
This is probably gonna be a recurring point of friction throughout this review series but you can't just paint a girl blue and call her a monster. Given the monster she's supposed to represent in this case I suppose I can't fault them too much, but in my opinion painting her blue somehow makes the design feel MORE lazy. Other than that I could criticize her inaccurate scythe for not having grips but that seems to be an anime thing.
Overall I'd say this series has surprisingly competent worldbuilding, reason is given to why most of the infrastructure doesn't accommodate demihumans and, though shallow, the different cultural origins of the girls play a part in how they interact with Darling and each other. That said the girls' designs are all very safe and same-y, with the most out there design being Polt, a character that only shows up in one of the OVAs. If I had to pick a favorite from the main cast though, it would have to be Mero. Her little arms really sell her design for me, and her gimmick of wanting to live out a tragedy actually got a chuckle or two out of me.
Overall, would I recommend this series? It depends. If you're a fellow Monster Girl Connoisseur then the sheer influence of this series earns it a watch, and if you're the kind of person that enjoys a good hate watch, or if you like ecchi (no judging) then you could probably get some enjoyment out of it. Outside of those spheres, nah it's not worth it.
Next review:
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the-illiterate-pirate · 8 months
What are your thoughts on the idea of Weather Report as a Slime Monster, like a human being that is entirely made out of slime? 🫠
Not something I'd think up, but it can totally work for him. I fwi. I'm thinking of something like Suu from Monster Musume. He would be very goopy, but the hugs are worth it
I should make a Musume au...
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durgalmaple · 10 months
okay there's a something i want to talk about.
you ever read or watch something and end up really liking it? so you go online to look for more stuff relating to it? but it turns out that everyone else who watched it likes it in a completely different way than you?
that's me and Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls
tl:dr: i like Monster Musume in a way that practically no one else likes because of the nature of the series.
(note: there's a couple descriptions of some ecchi stuff and some kind of yucky stuff, so if you don't want to see that, be warned)
Monster Musume (further shortened down to MonMusu) is an ecchi harem anime/manga about a guy who becomes the host of a bunch of monster girls who all love him. it got an anime adaptation in 2015 which covered the first twenty six chapters, and there are 82 chapters in total, with an 83rd chapter coming soonish.
being an ecchi, the main focus tends to be something along the lines of "what sexy situations can we put this guy in?" and "how can we get a bunch of boobs on screen?"
i went into this series knowing this, and with one goal in mind. i wanted to know if this series was actually good.
the answer: no, but it gets close to being kind of good
the series is positively absurd. the main character has only been refereed to by his actual name once, two kaiju battles have happened, the most recent chapter was about the main character playing yugioh against a mummy so that the company that's puppeteering him could get the rights to yugioh! it's genuinely fucking funny! however, i think it's ecchi nature bogs it down significantly.
in chapter 29, Centorea (who is a centaur)(creative name i know) and her mother (who goes unnamed)(probably named Horsea or something) have a jousting match. they're fighting for their ideals, which sums up to a battle between tradition and progression. at the beginning of the chapter, it was shown that while Centorea is a very skilled jouster, she's not perfect. she hits off the mark, and this bothers her. however, MC has something that he's sure will help. he give it to Centorea and it's a very big bra. I should mention, Centorea has really really big boobs. see, her big boobongos bounce when she runs, which throws off her stance making her miss the mark. i think this is a funny joke. anywho, Centorea and her mom joust a little bit more and in the final round, they give it their all and once the dust settles, because the author hasn't met the Boob QuotaTM, their boobaroobas are out. this really deflates a bunch of the tension from the chapter, and miffs up the ending. i mean it's still alright, but it's just that one bit that brings it down.
this is something that plagues a great deal of the series. there'll be a good chapter and then it gets messed up by the Boob QuotaTM.
the chapter which i think gets hit by this the most is chapter 32. in which MC, Miia (who is a lamia), and Rachnera (who is an arachne) help a shrine maiden (who's also a Nine Tailed Fox) put on a play and it's really nice and cute, and then Okayado (who is the author) fills the Boob QuotaTM. this, along with the next chapter, broke me.
the series has other problems however. it hasn't touched the harem aspect of it in years, characters stagnate, and then there's literally just Suu.
Suu is a slime girl. she's one of my favorite characters. i think her characterization is really fun and interesting most of the time. however, this is Suu
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can you see the problem?
(note: Suu has two forms. small Suu and big Suu. pictured above is small Suu, i don't want to picture big Suu. i've kind of just accepted that small Suu and big Suu are two completely different characters which i can attribute different actions to)
i think that anywhere else, Suu would be an amazing character. however, because Suu is in Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls, her existence is just really uncomfortable.
i can at least find solace in the just sort of ignoring the parts i don't like about Suu, or even making an actually interesting character trait out of it.
however, i'm not the only person in the world that likes MonMusu.
Monster Musume is an ecchi series for people who like ecchi, so a lot of the fandom for it is ecchi stuff. i like these characters as characters, whereas a lot of the fandom like these characters as something hot to look at, which makes it hard for me to find things i like because everyone else is just posting boobs.
while yes, i like boobs, this is not the place i want to look for boobs.
and that's it. send post.
(this was made because i recently found out that they had announced a second MonMusu game)
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hypnolordx · 1 year
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Been a minute since the last manip that was like a comic, so I decided to do a Monster Musume one. This kind of a spiritual follow-up to "Hypno Slime" from a while back, but I thought it'd be fun to do this little comic where Suu hypnotizes Papi to say she's "best girl", and Papi being Papi, she misunderstands the directions and Suu being Suu, she's okay with that. Seems like the shenanigans these two would get up to. Enjoy!
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elwynten · 7 months
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Suu the Slime
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bimbogardevoirnoal · 2 years
Painting Pumpkins for Suu.
But instead of painting, she's being injected with colored slime
*the obese slime looks back at the person doing this and tilts her head in confuison*
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loadedcanons · 1 month
there’s Suu from My Daily Life with a Monster Girl that’s a slime girl
I can try, and I read through her wiki page, so I can approximate her personality, but I also don't want to piss off fans of the anime. How would you feel about Inque from Batman Beyond?
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cloud-monki · 11 months
My cool ass dnd characters
Character #9: Glex
Class: Sorcerer
Subclass: WIld Magic
Species: Plasmoid
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality: Dumb and oblivous, but socialble and kind. They're curious and wanderlost and wants to share those adventures with others. They don't really know about how people work.
Appearance: Humanoid figure bluish seafoam green slime, changes sizes basically all the time. Has a face similar to Suu from monmusu with a constant empty head smile. Has a somewhat masculine, but mostly androgynous figure.
Strength: Above Average
Dexterity: Above Average
Constitution: Above Average
Intelligence: Low
Wisdom: Medium
Charisma: High
Age: 3
Where did you get your powers? You mean my magic? I dunno, I was always like this.
Title: The Alien of Chaos
Gender/Pronouns: Non-binary. They/Them
Sexuality: AroAce
Backstory: A batch primordial soup in the feywild was given life thanks to magic, they spent their life exploring the feywild, but was somehow transported to this realm, they don't really care, as they continue exploring. Although they are feeling a bit lonely
Roles: Face, Blaster and Stricker
Conclusion: I just like cute, naive but friendly characters, OK!? And they're my biggest example. I love them and their no brain smile.
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