rntozen · 10 months
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Unlocking Creativity and Passion: The Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana) https://rntozen.com/blog/meditate/unlocking-creativity-and-passion-the-sacral-chakra-svadhishthana/
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nununiverse · 2 years
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Chakra Svadhishthana
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hauntedgardenking · 6 months
i am wishes for bacchanalia, clothes torn, and sun-soaked in awe
i am prayers for godwarmth roiling from vishuddha to svadhishthana
i am root down, but skull split cosmic in my endless dreams
i am ever ending, never beginning palm ready witching hours only
i am milky way pupils to thousandhead aching godhead breathe in
i am eyes and eyes and eyes infinite across millennia
i am everlasting pursuit drishti singing om shanti om
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sanctaignorantia · 5 months
A few things I've been thinking about and find subtle links to Death Stranding
Chakras and Death Stranding
This text has content that I took from a book of Reiki handouts that my mother has, so the view of Chakras here is from the viewpoint of Reiki practice.
Chakras are round energy centers and in the East they are seen as whirlpools of energy, little cones (funnels) of spinning energy. They are large, shiny and translucent and, in normal human beings, have a diameter of five to ten centimeters, reaching 20 centimeters in diameter in spiritually developed people.
The size of the Chakras varies according to our energy and spiritual development and can vary according to the individual's energy (positive or negative energy). And each Chakra resonates with a color that derives from its vibration frequency. Each one vibrates with a sound or mantra that corresponds to a musical note and also relates to a natural element: earth, water, fire, air and ether.
In the Oriental view, each Chakra is represented by petals like flowers, depending on the complexity of each one. Ancient writings mention that we have up to 88,000 Chakras throughout our bodies, in other words, we have countless energetically sensitive points, but most of them play a secondary role.
But let's just talk about the 7 main Chakras through which the human aura is connected.
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The Chakras are responsible for the energy flow in the human body and their main function is to absorb prana, which is the energy coming from the Sun, metabolize it, feed our aura and, finally, emit energy to the outside.
Knowing this, let's talk about Death Stranding, we know that Sam, when he dies in his baby phase, is repatriated by Amelie in his Beach. Amélie "seals" Sam's body with a mark and brings him back to life, causing Sam to gain a peculiar scar and live around without a navel. We're talking about the Umbilical/Sacral Chakra here, and according to the Reiki view this is the second Chakra.
We're going to talk about the other two Chakras that, for me, were also "affected" by the repatriate/shot mark, but let's start with the Umbilical Chakra first.
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Name: Svadhishthana Location: Navel area Color: Orange Auric body: Emotional Element: Water Music note: D Mantra: Vam Number of petals: 6
This chakra is for the propagation of the species, in other words, reproduction. Its correct activity makes us love life. It is the Chakra that concentrates the qualities that have to do with sexuality, curiosity, the creative search for material pleasure, a taste for beautiful things, art, emotions and relationships with other people. This chakra is the seat of fears, ghosts and negative fantasies linked to sexuality and behavior towards another sex. If it malfunctions, it can turn life into a small personal "hell" which ends up being reflected in the people we live with and relate to.
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Blockages in this Chakra usually result in physical symptoms such as illnesses related to body fluids (larynx, lymph, saliva, bile). Blockages in the sexual center often result in mental symptoms such as fear of physical proximity and disgust for the body, a mania for cleanliness, incomprehension, a mind that is too focused on reason, an excessive emphasis on impulsive feelings, rhythmic disorders, isolation, frigidity, impotence, lack of sexual appetite, fear of falling.
This Chakra together with the first are important and if they function incorrectly the other Chakras won't be able to function properly either.
I could say that due to the size of the damage caused by the shot, not only the Umbilical/Sacral Chakra was affected, but also the Base Chakra(#1) and the Solar Plexus(#2), because all three are located exactly in the center of our body's balance.
So let's look at a basic summary of the other two Chakras (first and third) to complete the analysis.
-> Basic Chakra (first)
Name: Muladhara Location: Base of the spine Colors: Red and black Auric body: Etheric and physical Element: Earth Musical note: C Mantra: Lam Number of petals: 4
It lies between the anus and the sexual organs, on the line of the pelvic girdle. This chakra is open downwards and represents the human being's connection with planet Earth, with the material and physical world. It is linked to our earthly existence, our survival. The more open and elevated this Chakra is, the higher our physical energy (disposition) will be.
-> Solar Plexus Chakra (third)
Name: Manipura Location: Mouth of stomach Color: Yellow Auric body: Mental Element: Fire Musical note: E Mantra: Ram Number of petals: 10
It represents the personality and concentrates the qualities of the rational and personal mind, vitality, the will to know and learn, the action of power, the desire to live, communicate and participate. It is the point of connection with other people. This Chakra is the one most closely related to our ego and therefore absorbs a lot of energy from the first two Chakras.
In summary, I find it interesting how I could find a little sense in the location of the Chakras in relation to Sam's injury, and in relation to what the mark of the repatriate represents for him. I don't know if Kojima did this consciously, but there is something that makes sense, for sure.
The center of the human body (CORE)
One of the funniest things for me was realizing that they chose Sam, a guy who doesn't have his "center" complete because of a brand. In other words, metaphorically speaking, Sam has no "balance" at all because his center has been "affected", and yet he is the Man Who Delivers, the guy who stacks things and needs to have good balance and core strength to do what he does.
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How to "close the body" to negative energy
In my religion we say that if you want to go somewhere or meet someone and you want to protect yourself from any negative energy that the place or someone might inflict on you, you just have to wear an adhesive plaster on your navel, so this symbolic action will protect you from negative energies, because that's where we receive and donate energy, so it's an open field. There is the possibility of something or someone sucking this energy from us consciously or unconsciously, just as we can lose this energy unconsciously too.
This doesn't literally mean having a closed body, because the expression can mean another type of ritual that leads us to literally close the body, something much more complex than just "covering the navel", but technically it can be said that this is closing a door to things that can affect us.
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zofi-persson-quotes · 10 months
Aura is a very interesting and rare technique. There are some general abilities, plus seven Aura Chakras, each with their attributes and colors.
Red (Muladhara): Deals with the physical nature of the body.
Orange (Svadhishthana): Deals with emotions.
Yellow (Manipura): Deals with self-energy and willpower.
Green (Anahata): Deals with healing.
Blue (Vishuddha): Deals with intelligence.
Indigo (Ajna): Deals with mental communication.
Violet (Sahasrara): Deals with awareness of illusions and obtaining a higher consciousness.
Aura is something that Overlords, Hollow Heads and Stickfigures can learn,even if it’s something long forgotten by Hollow Heads and Stickfigures, and a power only cultivated and studied by the Overlords with Astral powers, and many of its uses and spells were forgotten over 2000 years.
This is a transcript from ancient books found inside King Abner’s old temple, written with the permission of Sir Entros, the leader of the old Order of Warriors that were at Abner’s service, by yours truly, in the hope to make Aura known once again.
Saffron B.
General Abilities
Aura Generation: The user can generate aura.
Etheric Cord Manipulation: The user has control over etheric cords.
Self-Aura Manipulation: The user has control over their own aura.
Aura Concealment: The user can conceal their aura.
Aura Detection: The user can detect the presence of auras in their vicinity.
Aura Absorption: The user can see and absorb the auras of others, taking their life-force, memories, and powers.
Aura Attacks: The user can release/use aura for various attacks.
Aura Charging: The user can charge and refuel objects or others with their aura.
Aura Combat: The user can combine aura control with physical combat skill.
Aura Constructs: The user can create weapons and other materials made of aura, capable of reforming them with complete control and creating anything they need.
Aura Flight: The user can use their aura for flight and direction control, reaching hypersonic speeds at full power (common to all auras).
Aura Infusion: The user can infuse an aura in a body or an object.
Aura Mimicry: The user can mimic the auras of others, understanding their feelings and mimicking their powers.
Aura Solidification: The user can solidify aura into a tangible physical form as per their wish.
Aura Trapping: The user can trap others in their own aura.
Expanded Presence: The user can expand their own aura.
Life-Force Conversion: The user can transform their aura into other forms of matter/energy.
Life-Force Factor Manipulation: The user can use their aura as a medium to develop their own unique powers.
Life-Force Infusion: The user can infuse their own aura into an object or body, enhancing it greatly.
The Seven Chakras
Red (Muladhara)
Physical Augmentation: The user can channel their aura to increase their physical aspects.
Bodily Attribute Augmentation: The user can use their aura to enhance specific bodily attributes of their body and their physical and mental condition to any level,enhancing their capabilities to massive levels.
Optimal Finesse: The user can use their aura to enhance their finesse to the highest potential.
Biological Manipulation:The user can manipulate their own biology or those of other organisms with the effects being either temporary or permanent.
Orange (Swadhisthana)
Empathy: The user can empathize with others for better understanding.
Animal Empathy: The user can empathize with any kind of animal.
Combat Perception: The user can predict the foe's movements by reading their emotional pulses.
Ecological Empathy: The user can empathize with the surrounding ecosystem.
Spiritual Empathy: The user can empathize with the spirit.
Emotion Manipulation: The user can control the emotions of every individual, including his or her own.
Indomitable Emotions: The user has unusually strong emotions, enabling him to bear extensive emotional damage without succumbing to its effects.
Emotional Consistency: The user's power is dependent on certain emotions.
Emotion Aura: The user can turn their emotions into pure aura.
Emotion Empowerment: The more of an emotion the user feels, the stronger they become.
Emotional Trigger: The user can activate and utilize powers based on emotions
Yellow (Manipura)
Aura Generation: The user is able to generate their own unique aura.
Aura Constructs: The user can form their aura into solid constructs, capable of reforming them with complete control and creating anything at will.
Spiritual Weaponry: The user is able to solidify their aura and shape it into any kind of weaponry.
Spiritual Armor: The user can form their aura into durable armor.
Energetic Pressure: The user can destroy the surrounding area with nothing except the force and intensity of their aura.
Energy Duplication: The user can duplicate themselves by using their aura.
Ergokinetic Combat: The user can channel their aura into their arms and/or legs to create power energy enhanced strikes.
Ergo-Telekinesis: The user can use their aura to manipulate matter.
Indomitable Will: The user possesses an unusually strong force of will, enabling them to overcome any situation whether it be life-threatening or not.
Life-Force Beam Emission: The user can project their aura in the form of a destructive beam.
Spiritual Energy Conversion: The user can convert their aura into a form of energy or matter.
Aura Infusion: The user can infuse their aura into an object and/or person.
Aura Mixture: The user is able to mix their aura with the aura of others.
Green (Anahata)
Disease Detection: The user can use their aura to sense the pain, disease, etc., in others and themselves.
Healing: The user can heal or regenerate themselves or another.
Healing Aura: The user can generate a healing aura.
Regenerative Healing Factor: The user can heal rapidly to his or her optimal state.
Empathic Healing: The user can heal the emotional and traumatic pains.
Mental Healing: The user can heal the minds of themselves or another.
Internal Bodily Cleansing: The user can cleanse the body from any foreign impurities.
Foreign Forces Removal: The user can remove any foreign forces from their body and other's bodies as well.
Blue (Vishuddha)
Intelligence Augmentation: The user can channel their aura to gain a higher level of enlightenment which enhances their intelligence.
Causality Perception: The user with this aura can deduce cause and effect relations and create appropriate and effective countermeasures.
Hypercognition: The user can utilize their aura as a medium to perform complex mental operations beyond those of a normal human mind.
Occultism: The user can gain wisdom of the supernatural by channeling their aura.
Indigo (Ajna)
Spiritual Meditation: The user can be at one with their aura in order to keep control of their abilities.
Astral Projection: The user can separate themselves from their physical form.
Dowsing: The user can use their aura to track and locate objects, resources, and people.
Intuitive Aptitude: The user can learn the complexities and develop the perfect methods for any field of expertise without taking much time.
Mind's Eye: The user can use the indigo aura to access the third eye.
Psychic Energy/Psychic Force Manipulation: The user of this power possesses and is able to use the fuel and or force behind psychic/mental abilities/powers.
Psionics: The user can use various forms of psychic/mental abilities/powers
Telepathy: In a meditative state, the user can mentally communicate with others.
Tranquil State: The user can quiet and clear their mind, allowing them to focus on only the task at hand.
Violet (Sahasrara)
Aura Reading: The user can read the aura of another and gain information of one's emotion, health, and gain information of the special abilities of others.
Higher Consciousness: At a higher level, the user can spiritually ascend into a developed state of awareness.
Inner Power: The user is able to awaken the hidden potential that has slept within them.
True-Self Recognition: The user is able to connect with their true higher selves within themselves.
Illusion Awareness: The user can become aware of false realities and break free of the Illusion.
Enlightenment: The user can comprehend the whole universe and beyond.
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33-108 · 12 days
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"The Serpentine Power is called Kundalini-Sakti on account of its spiral-like working in the body of the Yogi developing the power in himself. It is an electric fiery occult power, the mighty pristine force underlying all organic and inorganic matter. The Yoga which treats of this Kundalini-Sakti is called Kundalini-Yoga.
Kundalini is the Divine Cosmic Energy in bodies. Siddhi or perfection in Yoga is achieved by arousing this Supreme Force, which is lying dormant in the Muladhara Chakra at the base of the spinal column in the form of a serpent with 3 1/2 coils. That Yogi in whom the Kundalini is awakened and taken towards the top of the head is the real King of kings or Emperor of emperors. He has all divine powers. All Siddhis and Riddhis (minor powers) roll under his feet. He can command Nature. He can command the five elements. His glory is indescribable."
"When the Kundalini is awakened, it forces its way through the Sushumna, and its progress is characterized by supernatural visions, acquisition of various special powers, knowledge, peace, and bliss. When the Kundalini is taken to the Sahasrara Chakra (at the top of the head), the Yogi enjoys Supreme Bliss."
"All students of Kundalini-Yoga should possess a clear and sound knowledge of the six Chakras. Then only can they contemplate on these Chakras. Meditation on these Chakras brings psychic powers. A Chakra means a centre of spiritual energy. The different plexuses in the human body correspond tentatively to the different Chakras in the astral (Sukshma) body. Otherwise, Hatha-Yoga is impossible. There is a difference of opinion as to where the Chakras are really located."
"There are six subtle Chakras or centres or lotuses in this Sushumna Nadi. These are Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, and Ajna. Above all these, there is the Sahasrara, the chief of all the centres. All the Chakras are intimately connected with the Sahasrara Chakra. Hence, it is not included as one among the six Chakras. Sahasrara is situated above all the six Chakras at the top of the head."
"The SAHASRARA CHAKRA is the thousand-petalled lotus at the top of the head and is the Abode of Lord Siva. When the Kundalini is awakened, it pierces one Chakra after another and finally unites with Lord Siva and enjoys the Highest Bliss. Now the Yogi attains a superconscious state and becomes a full-blown Jnani. He drinks the Nectar of Immortality."
"When the Kundalini is awakened, it does not directly proceed all at once to the Sahasrara Chakra. You will have to take it from one Chakra to another. You will certainly live even after it is taken to the Sahasrara. But remember that even after it is taken to the Sahasrara, it may drop down to the Muladhara at any moment! Only when you are firmly established in Samadhi, when you have attained Kaivalya, the Kundalini cannot and does not drop down."
"It is easy to awaken the Kundalini, but it is very difficult to take it up to the navel, to the Ajna Chakra, and thence to the Sahasrara in the head. It demands a great deal of patience and persistence on the part of the practitioner. But there is nothing impossible for a man of determination and iron will. That Yogi who has taken the Kundalini to the Sahasrara is the real master of the forces of Nature. Generally, Yogic students abandon their Sadhana on account of false satisfaction. They foolishly imagine that they have reached the goal when they get some mystic experiences and powers. This is a mistake. Complete Asamprajnata Samadhi (Nirvikalpa Samadhi) alone can give final emancipation."
— Practical Lessons in Yoga by Swami Sivananda
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steliosagapitos · 10 months
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claudsville · 1 year
Chakra Meditations Album Release
Chakra Meditations by Earth Tree Healing is now available on digital stores to stream and purchase. A musical tool with frequencies to relax, balance, meditate and do chakra work to. Music Links https://linktr.ee/earthtreehealing Muladhara (Root Chakra) Svadhishthana (Sacral Chakra) Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra) Anahata (Heart Chakra) Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) Ajna (Third Eye…
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View On WordPress
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styleofdiamandis · 10 months
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Marina took some time to do another one of her FAQin' Hell Q&A sessions (this time all around the "Neon Nature" Tour) via YouTube on September 14, 2015.
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The Greek-Welsh beauty was wearing the Daisy London Sacral Chakra 18ct gold-plated necklace ($161.00).
The Sacral Chakra (also known as the Svadhishthana), is the second Chakra and is linked to the colour orange. Found in the pelvic area, the Sacral Chakra is linked our emotions and physical pleasure. It allows us to accept change and go with the flow if we are balanced but if impaired it can make us distant and feel isolated.
Daisy London "Sacral Chakra" Necklace ($161.00)
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thecosmicangel · 2 years
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💚 Anahata means unstruck or unbeaten sound. The sound that is produced without striking any objects. The calm peace “soundless sound” . OM the sound that created the universe is a perfect example of Anahata.
💚 The heart center opens up the door to higher wisdom . It is also the door to other dimensions and higher states of consciousness. To be able to reach the heart chakra one needs compassionate emotions and discernment. Discernment is needed to tell the difference between what is real and what is not real, memory vs imagination, experience vs psychological figments. Heart center is the superior way of knowing intellectual information, it’s something you know deep in your heart. It is also the core of consciousness awareness. The heart center is key to liberation; without it the wisdom of higher chakras will be useless. Wisdom without love is a source of destruction and can be dangerous. Wisdom (wisdom from crown & third eye chakras) is also needed to understand the language of the heart. The Heart is our moral compass.
💚 The heart chakra is the center of the chakra system. It is the 4th chakra located in the center of chest. The Heart chakra is the bridge between Lower and higher chakras. It connects the 3 lower chakras ( Muladhara/root, svadhishthana/sacral, and Manipura/solar plexus chakra ) with the 3 higher chakras ( throat, third eye and crown chakra) the lower 3 chakras constitute the physical dimension of the body in many ways; the ego or identity which is connected to the mundane world, and security. In the heart chakra the ego is opened, instead of being self- centered it makes us feel one with all which is the quality of the heart chakra.
“Love is the recognition of oneness in the world of duality” - Eckhart Tolle
💚 This is also why the heart chakra can be associated with transformation and change. This Chakra is also associated with balance, serenity and calmness. When you are anxious or stressed this causes your brain to override your emotions which block your heart chakra and you will notice both mental & physical disturbances.
💚The heart chakra is associated with the upper back, thorax and thoracic cavity, lower area of lungs, skin, hands and arms. Cardiovascular system, respiratory system and the immune system. The heart chakra regulates the thymus endocrine gland, thymus gland is said to be the “seat of the soul” representing spiritual growth, unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness.
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💚 The symbolism of the heart chakra symbol:
Contains two intersecting triangles which create a six pointed star, this symbolizes the lower 3 chakras & the upper 3 chakras merging together. The six pointed star is known as Shaktona. The 12 petals are referred to as the 12- Petaled lotus . In the Hindu traditions the deity associated with the heart chakra is Vayu which sits at the center of the symbol riding a deer or antelope. The hexagram made up of two interlaced triangles one pointing up and the other pointing down represent the power of spirit & matter coming together as well as feminine and masculine energies in harmony, it’s 6 qualities in 1.
💚 The symbolism of the 12 petals are the 12 divine qualities of the heart . 12 mental states or “vritties”
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💚 The green color is symbolic of freshness, compassion, ability to transform, safety, and it emphasizes the essence of fresh growth, eternal nature, new hopes, and ability to share love.
💚 The heart chakra vibrates at 639 Hz frequency. Listening to this frequency helps balance emotions & elevates mood. It is helpful to listen when anxious , or feeling negative emotions in your heart ot have relationship problems.
YAM mantra is connected to the control over the air & prana ( life force) in our body.
💚 The element of the heart chakra is air. Air is associated with freedom, openness, freshness, lightness, simplicity, and softness
💚 The deer/antelope symbolize the heart and its qualities mirror the type of energy or process we go through in matters of the heart. The spirit of the deer/ antelope characteristics are gentleness, grace and innocence.
💚 The characteristics of the heart chakra :
Control center for compassion, empathy, connection, and forgiveness
The heart chakra determines ability to rise up beyond materialistic identity. State when you identify yourself with higher self. The upward pointing triangle indicates that fundamentally every creature is trying to rise up in some way, in whatever their understanding of rising may be.
Release expectations
Release attachments
Trust your relationships
Balanced Chakra
Harmony with nature
Positive neutrality
Harmonious relationship
Unconditional love
Nonjudgmental of self or others
Understand the connections with all things
💚 Imbalanced Chakra
Physical symptoms: asthma, heart problems, hypertension, breathing problems, lung issues , bronchitis , weaker immune system ( colds, flu, frequent infection) poor circulation
Inability to forgive
Inability to love
Passive aggression
Smothering behavior
Lack of empathy
Feeling Rejected
Disconnect from the world
💚 Overactive
Tendency to feel like the victim
Losing sense of personal boundaries in a way that is detrimental to your well being
Put other peoples needs before your own
Don’t have any energy for self
Being overly demanding specially to close family or partner
Extending to fulfill others needs before yours
💚 Blocked
Lack of compassion & empathy for self or others
Cold hearted
Emotionally inaccessible
Overly sensitive
Scared to love or be loved due to fear or betrayal
💚 How to balance:
Breathe from chest
Engage in activities that fulfill your heart
Express gratitude / gratitude journal
Heart opening yoga poses
Breathing exercises ( conscious breathing)
Heart chakra crystals
Green foods / vegetables
Leafy greens, salad greens,
Listen to wind instruments like flute, saxophone
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💚 Aromatherapy oils / essential oils:
💚 Crystals
Rose quartz
Green aventurine
Ruby zoisite
Rose quartz
Green jade
💚Fun fact : Our heart creates much more electricity & magnetism than our mind💚
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Disclaimer: Do not take this as medical advice, for educational and entertainment purposes only.
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ankaragundemhaber · 1 month
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mysticofseven · 3 months
Sacral Chakra Healing in Ahmedabad (Online|Offline)
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Chakras are energy centers in the body that influence physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. There are seven main chakras, each associated with specific organs, emotions, and aspects of life.
Sacral Chakra(Svadhishthana): Located at below the navel, where the perineum is.It's said to be associated with the sex organs and the kidneys.
WhatsApp:+91-9409055383 Web: https://mysticofseven.com/services/healing/
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viii-the-strength · 4 months
Flow centered around Vishuddha and Svadhishthana for the New Moon in Gemini! The affirmations used where:
I express myself clearly and intentionally
Being honest frees me
I speak from the heart
I communicate my needs and feelings
I speak up for myself even when i am afraid
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dvineyogaa · 4 months
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The word Kundalini is a familiar one to all students of Yoga, as it is well known as the power, in the form of a coiled serpent, residing in Muladhara Chakra, the first of the seven Chakras, the other six being Svadhishthana, Manipuraka, Anahata, Visuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara, in Order. if you want to join the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course and more about Kundalini Yoga, you can visit our website ...https://www.artdivine.org/300-hours-kundalini-yoga...
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soulsmesh8 · 5 months
Unveiling the Mysteries of the Sacral, Throat, and Crown Chakras: A Journey to Spiritual Alignment
Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual alignment often involves understanding the intricate energy centers within our bodies known as chakras. Among the seven primary chakras, the Sacral, Throat, and Crown chakras play pivotal roles in our emotional expression, communication, and connection to higher consciousness. In this article, we delve into the significance of these three chakras, exploring their attributes, imbalances, and techniques for achieving balance.
Sacral Chakra: The Seat of Creativity and Emotion
Exploring the Sacral Chakra
The Sacral chakra, also known as Svadhishthana, resides in the lower abdomen and governs our creativity, passion, and emotional well-being. It serves as the center of our pleasure, sensuality, and ability to experience joy in life. When the Sacral chakra is balanced, we feel inspired, emotionally fulfilled, and able to express ourselves authentically.
Signs of Imbalance:
Emotional instability
Creative blocks
Issues with intimacy and relationships
Lack of enthusiasm or passion
Repressed emotions
Techniques for Balance:
Creative expression through art, dance, or writing
Engaging in activities that bring joy and pleasure
Emotional release through journaling or therapy
Yoga poses targeting the pelvis and hips, such as hip openers and pelvic tilts
Throat Chakra: Finding Authentic Expression
Understanding the Throat Chakra
The Throat chakra, known as Vishuddha, is located at the throat region and governs communication, self-expression, and authenticity. It empowers us to speak our truth, express our ideas, and listen with empathy. A balanced Throat chakra enables clear and honest communication, fostering harmonious relationships and self-confidence.
Signs of Imbalance
Imbalances in the Throat chakra may manifest as
Difficulty expressing oneself
Fear of speaking up or public speaking
Chronic sore throat or thyroid issues
Communication problems in relationships
Dishonesty or manipulation
Techniques for Balance:
To balance the Throat chakra, one can practice:
Vocal exercises and chanting
Journaling to explore thoughts and feelings
Speaking affirmations and positive statements
Engaging in honest conversations and active listening
Throat-opening yoga poses such as shoulder stand and fish pose
Crown Chakra: Connecting to Divine Consciousness
 Understanding the Crown Chakra
The Crown chakra, Sahasrara, resides at the top of the head and serves as our connection to divine consciousness, spirituality, and universal wisdom. It transcends ego and individuality, offering a profound sense of unity and enlightenment. A balanced Crown chakra fosters spiritual growth, inner peace, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings.
Signs of Imbalance
Imbalances in the Crown chakra may manifest as
Feelings of disconnection from higher purpose
Spiritual cynicism or dogmatism
Lack of inspiration or creativity
Closed-mindedness or rigid beliefs
Existential crises or feelings of emptiness
Techniques for Balance
To balance the Crown chakra, one can practice
Meditation and mindfulness to quiet the mind
Spiritual practices such as prayer or contemplation
Connecting with nature and the cosmos
Engaging in acts of service and altruism
Crown-opening yoga poses such as headstand and seated meditation
Understanding and harmonizing the Sacral, Throat, and Crown chakras is essential for achieving holistic well-being and spiritual alignment. By cultivating awareness of these energy centers and practicing techniques for balance, individuals can unlock their true potential, express their authentic selves, and connect to higher realms of consciousness. Embrace the journey of chakra healing and spiritual evolution to embark on a path of profound transformation and enlightenment.
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alusa12 · 6 months
Balancing the Chakras through Massage: Energy Centers in Harmony
In the realm of holistic healing practices, balancing the chakras through massage has emerged as a powerful method for restoring harmony and vitality to the mind, body, and spirit. Originating from ancient Indian spiritual traditions, chakras are believed to be spinning wheels of energy located along the spine, each corresponding to different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When these energy centers become blocked or imbalanced, it can manifest as physical discomfort, emotional distress, or a sense of being spiritually disconnected. Through the art of massage, practitioners aim to unblock and harmonize the flow of energy within  promoting a sense of balance and well-being.
Understanding the Chakras
Before delving into the intricacies of chakra-balancing massage techniques, it's essential to understand the role of each energy center in the body. There are seven main chakras, each associated with specific organs, emotions, and spiritual qualities: 서천출장안마
Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra governs our sense of security, stability, and connection to the earth. 
Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana): Positioned in the lower abdomen, the sacral chakra is linked to creativity, pleasure, and emotional well-being.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Situated in the upper abdomen, the solar plexus chakra influences our sense of personal power, self-esteem, and confidence.
Heart Chakra (Anahata): Found at the center of the chest, the heart chakra governs love, compassion, and emotional healing.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located at the throat, the throat chakra is associated with communication, self-expression, and authenticity.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Positioned between the eyebrows, the third eye chakra is linked to intuition, wisdom, and inner vision. 서천출장마사지
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Situated at the top of the head, the crown chakra represents our connection to the divine, spiritual enlightenment, and higher consciousness. 
The Practice of Chakra-Balancing Massage
Chakra-balancing massage techniques vary depending on the practitioner's training and expertise. However, the underlying principle remains consistent: to facilitate the flow of energy through the chakras, promoting balance and well-being. Here are some common methods used in chakra-balancing massage:
Aromatherapy: Essential oils are carefully selected based on their corresponding chakras and used during the massage to stimulate and balance energy flow. For example, grounding oils such as patchouli and vetiver may be used for the root chakra, while uplifting oils like bergamot and rosemary are chosen for the solar plexus chakra.
Energy Healing Techniques: Practitioners may incorporate energy healing modalities such as Reiki or Pranic Healing to channel healing energy into the chakras, clearing blockages and restoring balance.
Crystals and Gemstones: Crystals and gemstones are placed on or around the body to resonate with the vibration of each chakra, amplifying the healing effects of the massage. For instance, amethyst may be used to balance the crown chakra, while citrine is chosen for the solar plexus chakra.
Sound Therapy: Tuning forks, singing bowls, or chanting may be used to produce sound vibrations that resonate with the frequency of each chakra, helping to clear stagnant energy and promote harmony.
Visualization and Meditation: Clients may be guided through visualization exercises or meditation techniques to focus their awareness on each chakra, encouraging relaxation, and energetic alignment.
Benefits of Chakra-Balancing Massage
The practice of chakra-balancing massage offers a myriad of benefits for the recipient, including:
Stress Reduction: By promoting relaxation and reducing tension in the body, chakra-balancing massage helps to alleviate stress and anxiety.
Emotional Healing: By releasing blocked energy and unresolved emotions stored in the chakras, massage can facilitate emotional healing and promote a sense of inner peace.
Physical Well-being: By improving the flow of energy throughout the body, chakra-balancing massage can help alleviate physical ailments and promote overall health and vitality.
Spiritual Growth: By connecting individuals to their higher selves and the divine, chakra-balancing massage can facilitate spiritual growth and awakening.
Balancing the chakras through massage is a holistic approach to wellness that addresses the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. By clearing blockages and restoring harmony to the energy centers, individuals can experience profound physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Whether used as a standalone therapy or as part of a comprehensive wellness regimen, chakra-balancing massage offers a transformative journey towards greater health, happiness, and inner peace.
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