#heart chakra
Whenever you are going to sleep, Intent to wake up In the void state with full awareness, As you have your eyes closed focus on whatever you see behind your eyelids, start repeating I AM or ANY other void state/pure consciousness affirmation that you absolutely LOVE and makes you feel LOVED, take deep breaths at your own pace and feel the manifestation of energy aka the breaths of yours to wash your soul with LOVE, feel the love In your heartbeats and find the comfort In that! I'd suggest listening to a guided sleep talkdown or a sleep meditation as those are extra comforting ❤️🥰
Inducing the void state however way you enjoy/love brings you peace, dedication, positivity, strenght etc!
Love Is the highest frequency and It Is permanent ❤️🥰
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phoenix----rising · 7 months
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𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑏𝑦 𝑀𝑢ℎ𝑎𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑑 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑎ℎ
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
spiritual notes: the path of the heart 💚
When exploring the intricacies of spiritual consciousness, one often encounters a labyrinth of interconnected themes, energies, and practices. At the center of this exploration lies the concept of living from the heart, a state of being that transcends the limitations of the ego-driven mind and aligns one with the universal force of love. This journey toward heart-based consciousness is not only a spiritual pursuit but also a practical approach to navigating life's challenges with grace and wisdom.
In the realm of spirituality, the mind often presents itself as an obstacle to living from the heart. It whispers doubts and fears, suggesting that focusing on love will detract from one's efficiency and practicality. However, as we delve deeper into the nature of heart-based living, we discover that the mind does not cease to function; rather, it operates under a new jurisdiction—the law of love. This concept of mind-heart coherence allows us to harness the intelligence of the heart while still engaging in daily tasks and responsibilities.
Living from the heart enables us to perceive reality through a different lens—one that is attuned to the energy behind words and actions. Instead of reacting defensively to criticism or grievances, we become adept at sensing the underlying desire for connection and intimacy. This heightened awareness fosters deeper understanding and empathy in our relationships, transforming conflicts into opportunities for growth and healing.
At the core of heart-based consciousness lies the recognition that love is the highest truth, the ultimate guiding force in the universe. This acknowledgment leads us on a path of devotion, a journey toward aligning ourselves with the divine essence of love. While this path may present challenges and resistance from the ego, it ultimately leads to a profound surrender to the power of love.
In various spiritual traditions and esoteric teachings, the concept of the heart is deeply intertwined with themes of devotion, transformation, and spiritual evolution. For example, in Christianity, the path of devotion mirrors the journey of Jesus Christ, who withdrew to the wilderness to commune with God and align himself with divine love. Similarly, in astrology, the Sun symbolizes our connection to our spiritual essence, representing the core of our being and our capacity to radiate love and light into the world.
The astrological sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun, embodies the qualities of courage, creativity, and generosity that are synonymous with heart-based consciousness. Leos are known for their strong vital energy and their ability to lead with warmth and kindness. Through their connection to the heart, Leos embody the archetype of the hero, bravely facing life's challenges with love and integrity.
As we journey through life, we are invited to cultivate the power of our cosmic heart, to embrace the light of our true essence, and to align ourselves with the universal force of love. This journey requires courage, dedication, and a willingness to surrender to the wisdom of the heart. Yet, in doing so, we discover a profound sense of fulfillment, purpose, and joy that transcends the limitations of the egoic mind.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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ashley-jayne · 1 year
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Jayne Mansfield oozed heart energy both physically and spiritually 💗💕💖
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Trent Kühn, Anima
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sultanesarah · 1 month
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Praying hits different when you lose the ability to verbally express your prayer and start to pray through your feelings and from your heart/heart resonance.❤️‍🔥
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waves-of-eternity · 2 years
Love is a state of being, not an emotion which comes and goes.
Love is unconditional, not conditional.
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mycrystalearth · 5 months
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theuniversalscat · 2 months
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Green eyes to match my heart chakra. 💚
Please do not tell David Lo Pan. 😉🙈🤣
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urloveangel · 9 months
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phoenix----rising · 8 months
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𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑏𝑦 𝑆𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑧 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝐴𝑟𝑡
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katiifaetarot · 3 months
Hello friends, beings, and starlights! Im new to the tarot community (at least on this specific platform) and would like to help guide, give honest/TRUTHFUL advice, and be a safe space for anyone+everyone who feels safe here! 🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
My goals/intentions are always to help others through my experience, to teach/guide them to work on themselves, and encourage them to find the strength, courage, discipline, and honest wisdom within themselves, without looking for outside validation!
I am trying to empower you to do the work yourself and save yourself from all the horrors of this land that keep you afraid and stuck in your comfort zone, all the fears and doubts about your life weighing you down (conscious or unconscious fears), and most importantly TO LOVE YOURSELF SO MUUCCCH THAT WHENEVER IT GETS BAD AGAIN, BECAUSE IT WILL, UNFORTUNATELY THATS JUST HOW LIFE WORKS!!!!!, you already have, at the very least, some IDEAS about what routines, habits, affirmations, plans, etc-- will make sure you get back up when you feel motivated,positive or okay-to-keep-going again( because you will be okay again, FORTUNATELY thats how life works ;P )
DONT rely on the wrong people, situations, THINGS** to help you.
I LIIVVEEE BY GETTING UP AND HELPING YOURSELF!!! so that you already know what you deserve to recieve from other people, places, situations, etc-- when the going gets tough and you're surrounded by people trying to help you.
This process of empowering and helping yourself will also be beneficial for you in another way too. Helping you understand how to HEALTHILY, PROPERLY, EFFECTIVELY communicate what YOU NEED instead of letting things build up and explode, and helping you release any expectations of other people outside of yourself reading your mind because thats fake and no one can tell you what YOU need or what YOU want but yourself. Period💯
My reading today is all about How to Connect to Compassion and Forgiveness Within Yourself (heart chakra reading) so that you can let the right love in ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
There are 4 piles and you will be picking through the photo RIGHT BELOW this text!
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PILE 1- King of Swords + 2 of Swords
PILE 2- Queen of Cups
PILE 3- Four of Discs
PILE 4- The Magician (reversed)
✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that may sound like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement + BE WILLING TO DO THE HARD, NECESSARY, HEAVY WORK to improve your life and yourself!!! to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself. ⚠️
You need to cut straight through the bull$%!& and cut off the dead weight!!!!! Whatever the situation is or whomever this person is: THEY.NEED.TO.GO!!! You may have been weighing a biiig and tough decision lately....that may have caused you to stop focusing on other parts of your life that are actually more important than you realize.
The best way to connect to your heart chakra is to stop giving away your compassionate and forgiving energy to those who no longer deserve it. No more second, third, fourth, or even FIFTH chances. Its time to stay steady in your boundaries, choices, and decisions. No more indecisive tendencies. Just trust EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT!! BECAUSE IT WILL.
"Everything will be okay in the end, and if it isn't okay, then its not the end" - (idk who said this, lmk somehow if you know!)
After you connect back with your heart chakra and start using your compassionate and forgiving energy on yourself; A good way to stay connected to your heart space would be to start planning and tidying up other parts of your life you may have neglected recently. Reach out to that friend, family memeber, job inquiry, ANYTHING//ANYONE that helps you strive for a better future!!!!
You are highly intelligent pile 1. You have choices and decisions to be made, some of them rather quickly too!, so beware you dont stay complacent, stagnant, or stuck in a cycle where you have to learn the same lessons again. Because they WILL be tougher and more potent. So watch out for repeating patterns, cycles, negative self talk, negative self beliefs, negative belief systems, etc!!
Make sure you're also identifying who needs to leave your life and who needs to stay, even if that means you might be alone for awhile, OR A LITTLE BIT WHO KNOWS WHAT COULD HAPPEN AFTER YOU RELEASE OLD PATTERNS, CYCLES, NEGATIVITY, PEOPLE, SITUATIONS, COPING MECHANISMS ETC!!!!
New situations and people will start appearing when you connect with you heart chakra through forgiving yourself (and maybe others from your past, if you're ready//want too) and staying compassionate with yourself too. There is no need to shame yourself, feel guilty, or wallow in what ifs, could've beens, should've beens, would've beens, past events, etc.
So try your best to pull yourself together, just enough to start accepting your reality for what it currently is and feeling out what must or NEEDS to come next for you! Its your journey, so dont let others knock you off your path, tell you what to do, or dim your light!
(I will say if you've already let go, moved on, and are trying to figure out how to grow from past people or situations and are NO LONGER in contact with these situations or person(s) AND only an emotional attachment remains; this is definitely your pile!)
You need to FULLY grasp your current reality and let go of the past to fully integrate your lessons, growing pains, betrayals, hurtful pains etc-- so you can feel the forward movement you've been craving and wanting! and also be able to recognize, even a little forward movements is still......well progress!
The past seems to be over in this pile. Like no one or no situation from your past is currently in your life at the moment.....But one of you NEEDS to hear this:
your past cant hurt you anymore because it/they're gone now.
The best way to connect to your heart chakra is to applaud yourself and keep telling yourself you did the right thing and are making the right and HEALTHY choices for yourself. AND TO STOP BEING SO FLIPPIN' (╯'□')╯ ┻━┻ HARD ON YOURSELVES FOR EVERY LITTLE TEENY TINY MISTAKE YOU HAVE MADE OR MAKE GOING FORWARD. This pile needs more emotional support within their own minds and to BE THEIR OWN emotional support system for now. Connecting back to your heart space will allow those answers inside you to rise from you and help you determine what you truly want out of life and how to go after it.....without fear, guilt, or shame attached it.
This pile NEEDS to work on deep rooted emotional hurts that relate to guilt, shame, and fears. Go back to a past time OR multiple past times, you can CLEARLY remember, that left a negative idea about these concepts in your head.
Guilt is teaching you how to put yourself first.
Shame(cringe) is teaching you how to stand in your personal power no matter what anyone may say.
Fear is teaching you how to motivate yourself to be better and do better.
See, there are positive ways to look at negative emotions that hold us back sometimes.
stop beating yourself up over the past that no longer exists. Release that shame, guilt, and fear so you can forgive others + MOST IMPORTANTLY FORGIVE ☆YOURSELF☆ AS WELL AS lead with a compassionate lens on your eyes to see life a little more beautifully♡
i PROMISE the answers you seek will come and life will suddenly make a bit of sense again once forgiveness is shown to yourself and compassion is achieved within yourself!
this pile must work on building better habits regarding compassion and forgiveness and what those habits may look like to you + build better boundaries around forgiving other people and trying to be compassionate to everyone you may meet! Dont give unnecessary chances or let people walk all over you just because you learned to forgive and stay compassionate....HAVE BOUNDARIES STILL !!
pile 2 got some tunezzz:
Song_What Once Was by Her's
Song_These Days by Wallows
yall are straight-forward as he|| :
the best way to connect to your heart chakra would look like releasing stubbornness, outdated ways of being or doing, limiting belief systems and TEACHING yourself how to build/cultivate the stability you INNATELY KNOW will bring you the prosperity, peace, and abundance(in all forms) you so rightly deserve to have!
This stubborn mindset is the only thing holding you back from connecting to your heart space and STAYING connected to it. Its okay to change your views, beliefs, policies, etc--
No one but YOURSELF is keeping you tied to those thoughts, spaces, or people that do not serve a purpose anymore. And hey, maybe at one point they did have a purpose for you, but thats no longer the case. So let go and stop being so stubborn!!!!!!!!!!
To see a solid and secure foundation be cultivated for youself ; You would need to REALLY plan your goals/steps out and figure out what you ✨️truly need✨️ to get yourself that abundance and stability you crave.
To stay connected to your heart space and to recieve what you deserve; You would need to stay on top up of your to-do list, keep doing the self-reflection work, leave some room to spend your energy on having fun!!, and just simply keep showing up for yourself the way you deserve to be shown up for.
Pile 3 was short, but straight-to-the-point! Love that for me and Y'all because you know what to do and what you deserve, so go get it and keep going! Even if solitude is needed, you'll be okay♡
You need to start believing and trusting yourself again. A major pattern holding you back is going about certain situations or handling/dealing with certain people in sneaky ways that may end up coming off as manipulation in the end. Even if you never intended to come off that way. So I would make sure to look into how your moving, what behaviors you are exhibiting, and take stock of what needs to change inside or outside of yourself so you are INVESTING wisely AND investing in the correct situations/people.
the best way to connect to your heart chakra would be to start inspiring yourself to move correctly and invest in the correct people, places, things! No more playing the victim. Only standing up to show how brilliant you truly are and how much you have grown over the years.
Ask yourself: Are you using your talents for good, or is your ego controlling your current actions?
Dont let people take advantage you either!!! and make sure NO ONE AROUND YOU!!!!! is being manipulative to you currently as well!!
Let go of distractions and behaviors pulling you off your path because its hard to succeed if you're not trying!!! Negative thought patterns, anxiety, or a loss of faith in yourself should be addressed. Its time to move forward, in a healthy way,** with your plans&goals!!
Turn Yourself Back On!! Sounds a bit dirty, but maybe you need some self-lovin' to get yourself up and started again ;) no shame and honestly, hoping you find a good time soon filled with pleasure so you can start seeing the good in life again! Let go of the darker parts of yourself to fully realize and understand just how much light is within you pile 4!!
Your pile was short and straightforward as well, but i truly hope life can bring positive change to you and your current reality! You deserve ALL THE GOOD THINGS! and im sorry if anyone or something made you feel jaded or like you didnt deserve good things for awhile. ://
you're awesome pile 4, i hope you realize that soon!!!!!!!
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me and also a good way to signal to me that I should keep going + any helpful advice from the community would be welcomed and appreciated 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
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toyastales · 5 months
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With a lot of patience and meditation I finally finished and it crackles with energy. I loved the end result despite the difficult creative journey.  
Title: Heart Chakra  - I Am Not Your Muse 
Artist: LaToya Cole 
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kidestom · 5 months
50 Chakra Affirmations for Each of the Seven Major Chakras
In my chakra affirmations series, you'll find 50 chakra affirmations for each of the seven major chakras of the human energy field.
Each blog post provides an overview of the chakra along with fifty positive affirmations you can use to nurture healthy expression of that individual chakra.
These affirmations are a great resource you can use anytime. Click the link below to start using the affirmations!
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Root Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Balance, Inner Stability, and Vitality
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Sacral Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Warmth, Flexibility, and Creativity
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Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Confidence, Self-Worth, and Empowerment
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Heart Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Love, Compassion, and Inner Peace
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Throat Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Effective Communication, Authenticity, and Playfulness
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Third Eye Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Imagination, Intuition, and Awareness
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Crown Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Higher Consciousness
Healthy and balanced expressions of the seven energy centers can mean an optimal connection between your physical and energy body.
An optimal flow of energy or life force throughout the body and energy field promote overall health and well-being and bring about a long list of physical, psychological, and energetic benefits.
You can practice using the affirmations to increase the frequency of positive thoughts you experience related to the individual chakra function.
For more tips and guidance on consciousness expansion, visit my website!
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northnodal · 5 days
i had a revelation that i’ve been trying to protect myself from heartbreak by 1. approaching relationships with cold logic and 2. distancing myself from “passionate” romantic feelings. overall, i’ve been subconsciously keeping my guard up.
i realized that there’s always a risk when dating, but that shouldn’t stop me from leaning into intimacy. i’m more mature now; i possess discernment and self-respect. that’s the best i can do for myself in a relationship—the rest is out of my control.
loving is scary, but it’s better than never loving at all.
and so i am opening myself up.
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sultanesarah · 4 months
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I had this sudden realisation today that most of the "influencers, boss babes, self help/LOA/dark femininity coaches " that give people advice on the internet give advice based on an extremely blocked heart chakra. Not that their advice are not valid or false..this sort of advice only brings you so far..however the downfall of this, is the complete destruction of your emotional body. I keep seeing videos recommended to me on "how to emotionally detach yourself, how to be unbothered, how to keep yourself busy, 1001 strategies to manipulate men". But in the end, no matter how much they claim to strive for "expansion", their advice are rooted in deep limitedness. An open and healed heart chakra automatically opens the gate for more expansion in life. A healed heart chakra knows the values of boundaries. A healed heart chakra is your best teacher in life.
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