#svcc 2017
fyeahgrantgust · 7 years
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grantssuit: I somehow got this iconic picture
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comicsmoviestv · 3 years
Jim Cummings talks Ducktales, Darkwing Duck, Rescue Rangers, & the Disney Afternoon + 2021 updates
Legendary Disney voice actor Jim Cummings talks about voicing Darkwing Duck and various Disney Afternoon crossovers with the Ducktales reboot. 
Also 2021 news on the Darkwing Duck reboot, the Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers movie, and Ducktales.
Filmed 8/17/19 at Silicon Valley Comic Con in San Jose, CA.
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westallengifs · 7 years
The song that Pasek and Paul wrote that I sang at the end of the musical episode... I was like, this could be, like a theme song for the show, or at least for Barry and Iris' love story.
Grant Gustin at SVCC 2017 on what theme song he would pick for his character
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sirenfrost · 7 years
Tom: I love (Julian’s) dress sense. He dresses really well. Grant: He’s got a nice face. 
Tom: He’s got a nice– His face… I bet Tom blushed right there. Grant flirts just like Sebastian would.
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littleechocosplay · 7 years
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Silicon Valley Comic Con! I might have been too shy to go, but Bill over here kept me company and also scared small children away. Let me know if you see yourself here and I’ll tag you! 
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siroofington · 7 years
some stuff from Grant Gustin and Tom Felton's Q&A at SVCC
All of this is from memory, but I'm pretty sure everything I included is correct. -Grant and Tom talked about how they ship Allenbert lmao -Tom got on one knee to Grant (as a joke. rip) and everyone screamed. -Grant said that he thought the musical episode was really entertaining and that there might be more, though the way he was talking about it seemed like speculation on his part. -When asked if there was anyone, living or dead, that they would like to collaborate with who they haven't already worked with, Grant said Jason Mraz and I believe Tom said John Lennon. Don't quote me on the latter. -Someone proposed to Tom. He said no, obviously, but he came down from the stage and gave her a hug. -The MC asked if they would do karaoke and Grant said no because he had a cold, but later on in the Q&A a person asked if he could sing Summer Nights with her and he sang drunk Caitlin's part. -Grant said sometimes the crew members would challenge him to races, and he's won every time. This isn't nearly everything!! You can ask me more about it or my photo op with Grant (which was AMAZING and and I'm going to write about).
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caqtainbarnes · 7 years
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I never got to apologize for stepping on his foot 😇❤️⚡️
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fyeahgrantgust · 7 years
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Grant Gustin with fans at Silicon Valley Comic Con
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sidewalkstv · 7 years
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Our host Lori Rosales is a big, big, #StarTrekTNG fan. She got an onscreen hug from the sweet and lovely Marina Sirtis (Troi). I guess one of the fantastic perks of being a member of the @sidewalkstvshow team. A highlight for our #tvhost. #ICYMI: watch our interview with the popular actress at SIDEWALKSTV.COM. #marinasirtis #troi #startrek #tng #startrekthenextgeneration #actress #comiccon #svcc #hug #specialmoment #wow #coolmoment #bestof2017 #bestof #2017 #courtdown #celebrityinterview #celebrity
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airmanisr · 4 years
Harley Quinn at SVCC 2017
Harley Quinn at SVCC 2017 by andreas_schneider Via Flickr: Check out the SVCC 2017 Cosplayers Canada magazine Check out my blog www.cosplayerscanada.com/ facebook
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ragnaroktime · 7 years
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Awesome photo of me from Silicon Valley Comic Con 2017! I had no idea my wingspan was that large! 
I honestly loved taking photos with so many people. Little kids came running right up to me, and trust me, they gave the best high-fives! A kind young lady even asked me to pose with her dog!! Everyone was fascinated with the wings, the tail, even my hands/gauntlets. It was such an amazing experience. 
I greatly look forwards to visiting again, and again, and again! Hopefully you can catch me at any number of cons! Never be afraid to say hi, take pictures, and chat!
Thank you all!
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nuthingoodat4 · 6 years
Silicon Valley Comic Con 2018
Silicon Valley Comic con was both wonderful and strange. I signed up for this comic convention a bit late and ended up with a less than desirable spot or so I thought? I was given placement in the Artist alley annex and not the artist alley. After paying my fees I did some research and found a few posts on Facebook about the show from previous years. 2016 SVCC got rave reviews from the attendees and artists alike but 2017 seemed to be when the artist alley annex was installed and boy did it get nothing but horrible reviews. So I was a bit nervous going into SVCC this year since there had been so many disparate  opinions on the show and artist alley versus artist alley annex which seemed to be in a basement with no light in 2017. You can imagine my concern when a couple weeks away from the show I received an email and map of artist alley annex with didn’t seem to really be on the San Jose convention center map where the con was being held. Ack! I was worried. About a week after that e-mail I received another email saying artist alley annex was being moved to the main convention center floor on the opposite side from artist alley. This seemed to be better but still I thought,”will anyone find us in artist alley annex?”
Did I mention the weather forecast was rain with a bit of rain,thunderstorms with a bit of showers and more rain? Next thought was, “who is braving this weather to see us?”  I’ve only been doing comics for six years so when we arrived at the San Jose convention center I was relieved that the volunteer staff knew where everything was and helped us get our badges. Parking was super easy and close. I made sure to arrive several hours early to insure a good spot plus I heard badge registration might be a mess. It wasn’t. Finding artist alley annex was kind of a pain in the ass because the carpet was still being laid down and only a few elevators worked for load in. Not sure why a convention this size only had one or two elevators working for artists to load in heavy stuff? After I got to my table and was all set up a peculiar thing started to happen, artists from artist alley starting coming by asking questions. Apparently artist alley was in another room and walled off from the main floor. It was nice to meet other artists but this was awkward as hell. I felt their pain and hoped for the best for all of us.
One thing I’ve learned over the years is that your table neighbors can make your experience great or like living hell. I had an odd mix. Alex the Pumpkin Geek was super sweet and we both were animated sales persons so that made for good neighbors. I also had a table neighbor who seemed to be really having a hard time so although a nice person it was a bit concerning. Day One there was a steady flow of foot traffic but sales were a bit slow. Day Two the pace picked up and my sales were much much better and there were tons of people. Day Three while there was a huge crowd sales were good and steady but not extraordinary. I had fun talking to folks and people who said they would come back and buy things actually came back and bought comics and art so that made my day three pretty cool. I was also interviewed by Cinovation productions so hopefully that video will be available for me to share soon!  I’m not sure I would do the show again. The artist alley versus artist ally annex thing was really bizarre and uncomfortable. Shout out to the volunteers that came by the table to check on the artists and make sure we were doing okay and all the hard work. Thanks to the organizers and staff because even with hiccups this was a huge production to put on and kudos to them for doing their best to accommodate everyone. It was nice seeing returning customers and chatting with other artists.After all was said and done I had a blast and met some cool people,made a bit of money and now on to the next one! As always enjoy some photos and find all of the photos on my flickr page here, https://www.flickr.com/photos/storm1sky/albums/72157693675006711
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caqtainbarnes · 7 years
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So did my first cosplay as America Chavez at SVCC this weekend!!! Like damn I did that!! ✨🌈
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annastilinski · 6 years
Anna’s 2017 in a nutshell:
A whole year has passed and a new one is just right around the corner. I’m going to do my best to reflect on happened to me this year.
JAN - YA’LL GIRL WENT TO HAWAII FOR THE FIRST TIME. It was great relaxing under the sun, sight seeing and just living the island life. I met my tumblr friend @mmfoodandliquor for the first time! So that was pretty neat! (Which btw, wsup? I hope the east coast is treating you well!)
FEB - I SAW JOJO (MY QUEEN) IN CONCERT. That was pretty lit. It was also my friend’s first ever concert. So I was glad I was there to experience it with her!
MAR - Is when I discovered the ever so great kband, DAY6. I was randomly looking at ASC clips and just clicked on the Jae only episode. I was so intrigued with him because he seemed like a really chill dude. And from there on, I hopped on the Day6 train and never looked back. 
APR - SVCC. I MET GRANT GUSTIN AND TOM FELTON. IT FELT LIKE A DREAM. I GOT TO EVEN TOUCH THEM. They are real ya’ll! So I thought that was really cool. 
MAY - I GOT HIRED AT MY CURRENT JOB AND I SIMPLY JUST LOVE EVERYONE. My manager is chill. My coworkers are chill. I have met some of the greatest people here. 
JUN - Hm..... I don’t think anything eventful happened this month. I think this month was just trying to learn the ropes of my new job. 
JUL - G DRAGON CONCERT AKA MY FIRST EVER KPOP CONCERT. And it was really cool! I was wish I was closer to the stage to truly enjoy it but it was a great first time!
ALSO IN THE SAME MONTH IS WHEN I SAW MONSTA X. So that makes 2 kpop concerts in a month! I really enjoyed this concert because I was REALLY close to the stage so I got to see their faces up close! (Thanks to my sister bc she got good seats!) This is still probably one of my favorite concerts I ever attended. 
AUG - Crunchyroll Expo! It was their first year so it was a bit small but it was fun nonetheless! I spent so much time on making my Hylian sword and shield. I had fun too! It came out pretty nice. I got to catch up with one of my old friends and got to meet the creator of Mahoutsukai no Yome and got her autograph! I also met Caitlin Glass and Gigguk! So that was really neat.
SEP - THE FREAKING HEAT WAVE THAT KILLED ALMOST A LOT OF PEOPLE IN THE BAY AREA. It was also the same time as SFCC. It was also their first (AND LAST) year here. I met Emily Osment! 
IN THE SAME MONTH I SAW MY BIAS THAT GOT ME INTO KPOP IN HS, YOUNGBAE. OMG I JUST COULDN’T BELIEVE IT. I have been following him since his Wedding Dress days and I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. Which btw, I AM SO HAPPY HE IS GETTING MARRIED NEXT YEAR. My bby is growing up. :’) #VIPfolyfe
IN THE SAME MONTH, I attended the City Kids Family Fair that my work was hosting for the first time! It was fun seeing everyone gather around and checking out the booths and getting info about childcare. 
OCT - KARD FANMEET IN SF. This would make my 4th and last kpop concert I attended this year. I would love to thank subk for making a part 2 of this tour and bringing them here. I got a signed poster from the concert and I am totally treasuring it forever. 
Which btw, here’s a pic of me in my Arthur costume since Halloween is in Oct. The reason why my coworker now calls me “Little Arthur.”
NOV & DEC - Ahh the last 2 months of the year. The time to be with your loved ones and food. I had to combine these months together bc I just felt they were basically the same. I attended my work’s holiday party for the first time! And I got to meet my cousin from Thailand for the first time. It was hard to communicate bc of the language barrier. But we made it work. She knew a little bit of english. 
EDIT: How did I forget I went to the Ice Cream factory?!?! Like pictures galore! And I also went to HVFF. My second year there and it got a bit bigger but still a small con. 
And that concludes my 2017. I hope 2018 will be just as great as 2017. Happy New Year everyone! :)
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julianalbertgifs · 7 years
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Tom Felton and Grant Gustin at SVCC 2017
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