artsy-alice · 1 year
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four tickets to barbie, please! feat. actual barbie romelle, just sven, takashi "all sven's clothes fit me" shirogane, and barbie-girl brother barbie-lore knower bibble-memes enjoyer keith kogane
i don't care if i'm late - romelle and sven are the most barbie-and-ken-coded 😩✨
(they have watched this movie five times. they have matching outfits every time. shiro and keith just go with them to take their pictures and hold their popcorn.)
(this is from this old au: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1131011)
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Let's Rewind! Toast Watches Voltron: Defender of the Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 41: There Will Be A Royal Wedding Season 1, Episode 42: The Sand People
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Episode 41: There Will Be A Royal Wedding I think I recognize this episode title, PART THREE LETS GOO
recap timeee
"I am a wild man, I live in this tunnel eating roots and mushrooms!" SVEN PLEASE
Romelle recognizes him!
Oh god, he's breaking down over his trauma for getting hurt and trying to heal but then he got enslaved all over again without being able to fight and still hurting
the start of the only couple ever, Keith and Allura could never happen because Keith would never stop self sabotaging himself and Sven is willing to be a malewife
he's so scared to call the force because he's scared of them seeing him broken like that he's calling them anyway
oh an escaped slave ship full of slaves is getting recaptured
"do you think princess Ro-MEAL could survive down there?" Zarkon PRONOUNCE HER NAME RIGHT
oh also they're planning to take over Pollux while she's gone
new robeast, it's literally an iron woman that they called iron maiden pretty cool though OH GOD IS SHE CRUSHING PEOPLE IN HER HANDS?? THAT'S HORRIFYING
Romelle is trying to stop it, but Sven is stopping her because if she shows herself then their whole plan is fucked time to steal another slave ship to get her home!
The doomites have worse aim than storm troopers
poor Romelle she's crying for the other slaves who helped her and Sven escape, nobody else was able to make it with them BUT THEY GOT IN CONTACT WITH THE TEAM AND THEY'RE MEETING UP
voltron formed up early,,, it's getting serious folks
"so she wouldn't have me, but she runs away with some slave!" WHY ARE YOU SALTY ABOUT THAT LOTOR
Romelle and Bandor finally get to speak again, JUST GET THOSE BABIES TOGETHER DAMN IT
space battle with the iron maiden guys please you spoke too early now the real fight is starting with her gold form instead of her silver one
that's a cool attack, the crown tied up voltron after it hit his head
oh wow Voltron is taking such a bad beating Sven doesn't even want to help but Romelle is girlbossing so hard he can't help say yes
Voltron is freed by dumb luck, formed up blazing sword and the fight is over with a lot of explosions
Now they're back on Pollux and Romelle and Bandor finally get to hug again! Sven is officially Romelle's malewife "she gave me back my life" GOD HE'S SO IN LOVE
this episode went by so fast
/episode end
Episode 42: The Sand People oh man I remember some stuff from this episode
sand people lore: they're timid and sweet people and look like turtles Zarkon wants to turn them into weapons
"my horoscope tells now the time to be nasty" ZARKON'S LISTENS TO HIS HOROSCOPE?? ASTROLOGIST ZARKON CONFIRMED
PIDGE OSTRICHED INTO THE SAND AS GREEN THAT'S SO CUTE also Keith told him bless you after he sneezed, they're adorable
how are the team getting sand peoples tracks to scan on it accurately so can the lions 'smell' in order to do scans?
oh the sand people definitely died if they got taken by those snakes
Pidge saying he needs to call them team, but Keith was already running towards his location He knows when his son is in trouble,,, there was a disturbance in the force
what are they even riding, I think those are the most alien looking things we've seen in this show ever
wow they really are like turtles, digging underground Allura is already treating them like puppies
I know they're trying to make the sand people humanized, but they're treating them like toddlers or animals
Allura wore a bracelet under her gloves this whole time? Well it's a gift to that one sand person now
"all sand tanks in formation!" all tanks are for the sand dipshit,, they have caterpillar treads
god now i'm humming one of the themes of the show
wow just like the first episode, everyone as their heads in the sand after being smacked back into the ground
Is avalanche just a word for snow? Because the team is getting covered with a ton of falling sand and I feel like avalanche fits for these scenes
Lotor grabbed one of them to turn into a robeast OH NO THE POOR BOY IS SO SCARED, AND HE'S THE ONE WITH PRINCESS ALLURA'S BRACELET
does yellow lion have fire breath?
How do the doomites know what Earth moles are
how is that bracelet still on the sand person, that some weak ass magic if it can't break metal Allura named him sandy
she's trying so hard to call out to him, but they have to form voltron anyway, this is going to get so depressing
oh they realized the S on him was keeping that robeast transformation on him so they ripped it off, and now he's in a "coma"
nobody ever dies in dotu
/episode end
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dynared · 2 years
I kind of relalized that if lance gets with romelle in a sequel or potential future series. Lance would have broken up both established orginal couples. Though if lance and romelle both live and get a happy ending I would be ok with that. I like svemelle but it was always the beta ship to kallura for me.
I imagine at this point Shiro/Sven is considered radioactive, so retooling Romelle into someone in a relationship with Lance instead of just being there is something that could work well.
Given the alternative is to make Sven a straight up villain like he was in the 2007 script which is actually something I would support given how much the Shiro/Sven character hurt the last series (in the 2007 script Sven kills Coran and is killed soon after, I believe by Keith) either way Romelle is free to do something else.
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reindeer-games-sven · 3 years
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I just think they’re neat 
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vollura · 4 years
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🌸🥰 Svemelle and Svav parallels 🥰🌸
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dotuindex · 4 years
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I ship all the VF members with someone except him
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80sgaytrashgoblin · 4 years
Sven and Romelle G7 and H5 plllssssss
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I had an epiphany because the first option is what really would happen, but the second is more fun, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If people badger me enough, I'll finish the sketch.
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abyssiniana · 6 years
«Have a Little Patience»
A Svemelle fanfic for @svenweek! I wanted to share my love for this underappreciated bean even though I’m a bit late for the event ;;;
Read it on >> AO3 << or under the cut.
The notion of time was something that very easily slipped between Sven’s fingertips, the sand in the hourglass showing palpable signs of passage in its rising levels but no footsteps whatsoever. He existed, he could think, he had needs and desires and fears, and shed a tear or two when he stubbed his toe like any healthy human being.
But time in space was a complicated matter, too slow or too fast or around dinner time, and in the enormous galactic scale, what was another loaded gun pointed at an Altean? The sense of purpose was diminished into a crushing nothingness in a reality where time was as ephemeral as life itself, a rush to get home earlier on a friday evening but the highway is never ending and the sun isn’t quite setting and you ignore the warnings about the ice on the sides of the road, keep your heavy boot on the accelerator and the road comes to an early end and you keep begging “It’s too soon, so soon, there’s so much to do--”
Now that he thought of guns, he realized, a frown darkening his Northern features - not like space had a credible “North” with associated general traits, he had to fix his vocabulary -; he never missed a shot unless he meant to, but he missed her head for more than a few inches, like, it wasn’t even close. It haunted Sven for nights in a row, but not the shot, the hell with the missed green light shot, it was her who tormented his mind. Gorgeous blanched gold in her hair and eyes of an amethyst freshly pulled from the depths of hollow agates in volcanic caves, skin pale but rosy on the cheeks and the tip of the perky nose. She was beautiful and perfect and the walking epitome of sugar, spice and everything nice but then…
Her marks.
Little crescent moons laying on top of her cheekbones, a gentle turquoise to go with her righteous attitude, determination worthy of a warrior in the eyes of a princess, delicacy and passion, simple attraction and downright want, a contradiction when Sven fought against everything her mere existence stood for.
An Altean. A sinfully, painfully, deliciously beautiful Altean.
Sven wasn’t sure of the nature of the contents the alien bartender had spilled into his glass, but whatever that lilac liquid was, it had traveled right down and hit him in a nasty spot; if he knew his intolerance well, which he did, the alcohol would be traveling right back up his throat soon enough. Nunvill more like Dumb-ville, Sven Holgersson’s hometown. Total population: one (1), en, uno, just this dimwitted nerd right here, with the buzzing neon arrow shaped sign above his head that read “THIS IS THE SOLE CITIZEN OF DUMBVILLE, THE IDIOT WHO ASKED AN ALTEAN, WHOM HE WAS SUPPOSED TO KILL, OUT ON A DATE”.
His forehead met the flat surface of the black counter at the intergalactic bar with a thud muted by the loud music that drowned the whole environment in this hazy cloud of induced comfort.
But time, yes, he had a point earlier. Time was an issue, much more so in space. Time zones were confusing enough back home on Earth, but with several quadrants and a multitude of gravitational pulls and people who simply did not carry a watch or share the same calendar, the blond Altean was late. Or so Sven thought. Maybe he was the one who was there too early; or maybe she wouldn’t come at all. Perhaps she was laughing with her assigned platoon, mocking the rebel fighter who had the nerve to forget his place, his ethics and morals and soldier training, for the selfish request of a pretty lady accompanying him for dinner.
Time was consuming and Sven was nursing it further away with a bad drink and broken hopes.
A pair of mutant gorillas regulated the entrance, determining if certain attendants were allowed inside - that seemed like a pretty useless or poorly done job since Sven had walked right in without being asked anything at all, the two guards excitedly discussing something in their native language. The bartender had several arms poking out of his sides, similarly to his friend Slav, only he was not nearly as chatty, thank the Lord. He offered no more than a nod at the orders and brought them back without as much as a smile, and that was as much as the customers were allowed to ask of him. That worked just fine for Sven. His exploring gaze evaluated the whole glass structure, the bubble shape of the aquarium in the center of the circular bar showcasing a pretty mermaid-like creature, her golden trinkets glistening in the faint blue glow as she danced with virtually rehearsed moves to a nearly mute rhythm, eyes like lifeless marbles. Was she even alive? Hard to tell. Almost as hard was to hear the ambiance music; unless he closed his eyes, it would be impossible to feel the theta binaural pulses, sound waves with a frequency that resonated in the theta range. It numbed the weight of his mind like some sort of auditive drug. Where was this lo-fi vibe coming from? Had he drank enough already, he would believe it was coming from inside his body rather than the embedded speakers in the limits of the area.
Why had he chosen this place anyway? The rush of the assault to an Altean commoner base allowed little time to chat with the enemy, and a pamphlet for this lousy establishment in an otherwise vacant moon was the closest thing he could grab and hold towards the girl with the excuse of an invitation.
Oh, how embarrassing it had been; were it physically possible to merge with the counter and hide his shame any further, he would, at the memory of his dumbstruck face pointing at the damn paper and then handling it to the girl with a collection of grunts because what were words when he practically brain farted in the presence of the most beautiful girl in the Universe? He hadn’t even gathered enough balls to open his mouth to speak; he didn’t ask her name nor offered his own. He simply pointed at the paper advertising the anniversary special with live music performances and and hoped she would pick up what he meant. She nodded so he assumed as much...?
You’re making an idiot of yourself, Holgersson.
Sven considered getting up to leave more than once - if he didn’t look anyone in the eye on his way out he might sell the lie that he had planned on going by himself all along and not been shamefully stood up - but when he glanced at the hooded figure who approached him, he immediately changed his mind.
In fact, his mind fuses went short-circuit and stopped working all together mid-action, as he was awkwardly half-standing up half-about-to-sit-back-down on the bar stool. It was her. She had come. He stuttered; after so long waiting, he hadn’t even thought of what to do should she actually join him.
Her dark blue cloak covered most of her face, nervous eyes glancing from side to side. He couldn’t help but to notice the bandages that covered the highest point of her cheekbones. Her marks were occult, skin reddened enough to make her beautiful eyes teary. Was she hurt?
“F-Forgive my lateness…” She whispered, as if it were a secret. As if they were a secret, but then it hit him that they really had to be. Were an Altean general to show up alone in a public bar, chances were she’d be glared to death, her presence terrifying those who were there. Certainly, she wasn’t allowed to leave her post as she pleased. Her absence could be reported to the Empress. Sven was aware that Empress Allura was nothing short of relentless when it came to underlings straying from their duties. This gorgeous Altean was taking a huge risk just for standing here, fraternizing with the enemy.
Was that why her marks were hidden?
Oh, she was breathtaking.
“I meant to appear sooner, but... There’s been a little incident.” Her face grew flustered as she fidgeted, her gestures frantic in a lack of words to explain. Sven wanted to say it was okay, that he was glad for the simple fact that he got to see her again - heck, he could die happy right about now - but his mouth hung agape, no words daring to spill through his parted lips. Her hand curled around his wrist and he was tugged towards the back of the establishment, a corridor leading to the bathrooms.
There were several outcomes to escaping to the darkest corner of a night bar; it was either the elected spot for a heated makeout session or the perfect crime scene. His body wouldn’t be found unless someone decided to take a piss, or when the closing hours approached and the establishment owner would come to check the bathrooms to make sure the clients had all left.
Whatever the sequel to this scape, Sven was enthralled enough to accept.
Good God, she was stunning.
“D-Don’t laugh.” She made him promise as soon as they were away from prying eyes, with an adorably prominent pout - which he did, immediately, with a series of nods - before she pulled her hood off, having it rest around her shoulders. Indeed there were bandages covering the upper cheeks of her face, a bunch of tiny outbreaks of swollen, pale red bumps.
“I wanted to hide my heritage marks… should anyone recognize me… I didn’t want to cause you trouble for being seen with me! My friend lent me her cosmetic kit but then my skin became swollen and it stung a lot and it burned and now it’s like this!” She explained rapidly, the words overlapping each other in the rush, only ceasing when Sven rose his hand to touch her face, inspecting the allergy from up close, the rash confined to the area where the cosmetic had been applied. “You’re probably regretting even asking me to come… I’m sorry, I look hideous!”
No. God, no, that was not it.
He had no way with words, being the stoic-faced introvert his friends always accused him of being; thus, resorting to a more physical language, his lips came in contact with the surface of the bandages, a soft kiss placed on each, ceasing the tears that had been absorbed by the gauze. She became redder, to be quite honest, but Sven didn’t pay much of a mind to it, keeping her cute face framed by his big hands, thumbs caressing her jaw with affection.
“Never say that. You’re beautiful.”
As a young kid, Sven had this little night lamp to help him overcome the fear of the dark (it wasn't cool for boys to be afraid, Ma said at the time); and it did help him, that device made him fall in love with darkness because the cutout stars and dots on the surface of the lampshade created a small universe in the confinements of the bedroom, making it so much more immense and deep and fantastic and full of mysteries beyond the cracks on the walls or the stains on the sheets. It made him dream of being up there, bouncing from star to star, riding on a meteor or sliding on the rings of Saturn. His dream did come true, however in a more practical sense. There was no sliding off rings - if anything he'd fall through them -, he didn't ride meteors unless he had a crisp to death wish - he was close to, at times -, and the concept of bouncing off stars was less of a theme park kind of thing and more of an everyday task that involved vargas of voyage between astronomical bodies and the bounce effect was felt with gunshots, screams and scrapes in his armor. It wasn't until Sven reached the vastness of space that he realized he had never really lost his phobia; he had simply... Accepted it.
He lay back down in the rented bed of a lodging in a distant Solar System, sweat making the sheets stick to the end of his back. He thought of Earth, he thought of home, and then realized the magnitude of the distance between that little mountain house in Norway and his training in the Galaxy Garrison. He thought of Voltron and how they failed to answer the call of the Universe, petty humans who blundered the only chance, how his friends had died for nothing and his former partner strayed from good to side with his Altean heritage.
Truth was so dark, so raw, so sad. A jarring stab wound that drained the blood out of a nearly dead corpse. The Universe fell enslaved to a race of crazed mind-controllers, driven by the fake belief that peace had to be implemented in people’s minds rather than achieved through fair negotiation and common-sense. Enough blood had been spilled, ten thousand years of turmoil, death, fear, a peace-through-strength kind of permanent panic. When would the Alteans come for the two lovers who defied their rule?
Sleeping Romelle shifted in bed next to him, cuddling closer to his side, her delicate little hand resting over his abs, her cheek pressed against his bare chest. He traced a finger near her eyes, calloused fingers hovering the soft skin; the signs of allergy around her markings had disappeared so long ago - it had been close to a year since they began their occasional encounters, their I love you’s hushed by the opposing sides of the war they stood for.
In this rented bed, there was no war. No slavery. No death. Just them and their unscrupulous love, handwritten by Shakespeare with the inevitable imminence of tragedy. She had snorted at the funny name when Sven first mentioned it, her accent making it hard for the playwright’s name to roll around her tongue. He developed his point further in that conversation; they were both risking so much for the little they had, but in the universal scale of their flaming hearts it was so worth it. Love was worth withstanding anything that was sent their way.
She represented the cutout stars in the darkness, the spark of light in a world swarmed by danger, consternation and the permanent fear of being caught.
Sven had come to terms with his childish fear of the dark, but only for as long as he had the stars in Romelle’s eyes.
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pocketramblr · 5 years
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Or, The Master List Post
(I’ve actually got 71 works in now, but one is a test for a workskin and one is a “I will break the AO3 work character limit’ copypasta that some discord friends egged me into making at like 3 am one day. So really, 69 fics now.)
Since i’ve got so many, the rest are gonna be under the read more
Percy Jackson Fic
Campfire Song: A lil oneshot about the song from TLT musical, with the cast at the end of HoO. Teens acting like Teens.
Voltron Fic
Every reality, every romance, every regret: A fiveshot of Svemelle in three of the various Voltron Canons (84 voltron, Voltron Force, and the Guns Of Gamorah AU.) because i’m a sucker for childhood nostalgia and also i cant make anything more disappointing than 2016 voltron now can i.)
Sanders Sides Fic
green and orange and black: A little oneshot musing on the color theory and what extra sides might be like. it got way jossed with the introduction of remus, naturally.
Stormlight Archive Fic
Round One: this oneshot of SA characters in the bnha-universe. Kaladin and Syl are fighting each other in the first bracket of the sports festival. This one has a whole connected AU that i might add to later, who knows.
BNHA/MHA Fics (aka, most of them)
These are my current fixation so there’s a lot. We’re breaking it down by AU now, and splitting into multiple posts because it got So Long i couldn’t keep it all together
Fantasy AUS 
Brozawa AUS
Family-Based AUS
Apprentice AUS
Everything Else
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ao3feed-keithshiro · 5 years
John Wayne
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SJhrWR
by Abyssiniana
Sven Holgersson has had his heart broken once. First loves aren’t meant to last, but the trauma of loving too hard at once made him incapable of ever daring to do so again. Until he met a boy whose heart was already taken, and he found the steel of his armor breaking all over again.
 for Alt Shiro Big Bang from uh. 2018. I'm so sorry. Art by the sweet, ever so patient, Hymn, in chapters one and four!
Words: 4441, Chapters: 4/11, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Sven (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Sven's Mum
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Past Adam/Shiro, Keith/Sven (Voltron), Romelle/Sven (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Sveith, SHEITH - Freeform, Past Adashi - Freeform, svemelle, Threesome - F/M/M, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Self-Destruction, Unrequited Crush, Sexual Frustration, Masturbation, Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Implied/Referenced Underage Prostitution
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SJhrWR
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artsy-alice · 2 years
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💌 listen, i'm thinking i love the thought of you 😳 more than i can love so many things, it's crazy to think! 🌸 
(we just fall where our hearts go  ♥ or, the sheith high school romcom au)
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 45: One Princess to Another Season 1, Episode 46: The Mighty Space Mouse
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Episode 45: One Princess to Another
Starting today's episode on Pollux I see where the hell is Romelle and why are the guards only talking to Bandor when he's A BABY
Never mind she ran off with Sven to stop doom from rebuilding their army and attacking their planet again At least she left a note that he could follow
I love how Lotor and the other people behind him gasp when Zarkon says he's gonna make himself the best king to have ever ruled with that plan Like guys, he's said crazier things than that
Also, with the way Zarkon spoke about him conquering the universe it sounded like Arus was the only stronghold left that he hasn't conquered which a bit weird to me
"I think the robeasts are having some kind of contest" "Yes they're trying to figure out which one is the ugliest!" "That's not funny Sven" YES IT IS ROMELLE
why does the winning robeast have such a cherry red colored head compared to literally the rest of its green colored body
God Romelle's outfit looks SO GOOD ugh I need to find someone who I can pay to make it for me, such a vibe Or y'know I can make it myself, but I'm lazy
Oh woah we only just now got to see Arus and even then nobody spoke but Sven when he called in, that never happens
SVEN WHERE DID YOU GET THE ROBEAST COSTUME Now I just imagine him making it in the middle of the night before this whole plan was made
Amazing we finally get some dialogue from the lion team, not for long though 'cause it's back to Sven
"Why didn't I think of this fantastic plan before my father did" Because you're a fucking idiot Lotor, get with the program
Not Sven bitch slapping a guard, go king you can do no wrong
Sven yelled at enough people in the cockpit to convince them to go to the engine room he just blew up, but I guess the producers either forgot or thought nobody would notice if they just,,,, pretended those guards were new ones as they were running out so they could "catch" Sven being there
Sven: (guns down the entire room to destroy all the controls and then does it AGAIN when he's just about to leave) Uhh, A bit trigger-happy huh Sven
Late episode launch sequence means business
I was gonna say, is it really a robeast if it's just a ship that outmaneuvering the team, but it really is one in the form of a spider
that robeast just stood there as voltron pierced through it,,, not much of a fight
man this episode had nothing to do with both princesses, just Romelle, but I will never complain about seeing more screen time of her
/episode end
Episode 46: The Mighty Space Mouse
We open with Pidge bitching about the Garrison not doing their jobs by refusing to send reinforcements to Arus, I love this episode already #fucktheGG2k24
I dont think the mice have ever bothered me, it's obvious they're comedic relief but they're training to help fight against enemies so they're kinda useful! Also they found a sleeping Kova (Koba?) and Cheesy immediately stabbed him with a tooth pick and when that didn't work HE FUCKING STONED THE CAT SO IT'D STAB THE TOOTH PICK FURTHER INTO HIS TAIL, RUTHLESS
christ does that cat have no neck?? it was FAT
cheesy is just braving this cat along man, where are his wife and kids?? BEHIND ROCKS THAT'S WHERE unappreciated 😤
Nanny putting Hunk on a diet is foul, like I know it's a fat joke, and that man is NOT fat but I do agree maybe a diet is good because all we've seen on him is that as long as it's food he doesn't care what he's shoving in his mouth
ah the other mice went to get help from the team since Cheesy was getting cornered by Kova, HOWEVER HE DOESNT NEED HELP HE FUCKING STABBED THE CAT IN THE EYE AND CHASED HIM OFF HIMSELF EVEN THOUGH HE WAS AFRAID I LOVE HIM HE'S SO COOL
Keith giving Cheesy praise is so wholesome, i love this keith he's a sweetheart through and through
"let [lotor] stand by and watch a job done right!" get his ass zarkon, i want to see lotor verbally abused MORE
Allura and Pidge were arguing about what the mice should do, allura is on the other three's side where they're too distracted to train while pidge agreed with cheesy that they need to be ready for kova
The transition to them agreed was weird because allura was finally like "train to stand up to kova first!" as if she wasn't the one arguing against that sdoivns
omg everyone is so supportive of the mice training, keith was there first giving them moral support and now hunk and lance are watching them do cardio i love this team they're having so much fun just being themselves
PIDGE BUILT THEM A MOUSE SHIP THATS ADORABLE I know in future comics and tv shows (and in the next season prob) they made pidge the genius but he just seems to like to tinker instead of being the defacto smarty pants and i love that a lot
DID LANCE HELP PIDGE BUILD IT, HE KNEW THE NAME (X-47) AND SAID IT WAS STABLE AND FOOL PROOF lance is forever pidge's big brother in this goddamn show nobody can tell me fuckin OTHERWISE
test flight 1 failed but they're still tryin
oh great,,, coran's here, at least he has plot relevant quake information yay launch sequence!
i love when the show reuses scenes, we just saw the team land on this open fault line and then immediately after hunk races out of inside it as it was closing in on him we see the same scene again LMAO i get it's so save money but it's so silly to me and very fun
"from down under! you can feel it!" pidge was that a down Under by Men At Work reference?
of course keith is the only one who doesnt get caught by chains also he's cutting the team loose with the ion knives but you can very obviously tell its just his one and the rest are color coded for the other lions lMAO
voltron formation time, we're at like maybe 1/4 more than halfway of the episode though? i wonder what makes the fight take so long
alright excitement short lived because cheesy is having a mufasa moment at the edge of a cliff with kova as scar
is voltron being tied up and cut apart fucking redone in voltron force?? you've gotta be kidding me this is the third goddamn time it's happened
im sorry since when did "magnum energy fusion" exist?? they just melted off the goddamn chains like that! obvs voltron always wins and is overpowered as hell but I NEED THE WEAPONS LIST WHERE IS MY 30TH ANNIVERSARY BOOK
oh that is a SICK design for a robeast, very very cool, it looks like a mutated scorpion that has extra legs underneath
robeast defeated, haggar thought that bringing up the surprise attack from the mice would make zarkon soften up but he just got on her ass more LMAOO
/episode end
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Cats in the Cradle
read it on the AO3 at Cats in the Cradle
by Abyssiniana
Takashi Shirogane, top of his class, star of the school’s track team, spelling team champion, popular among the students, fresh out of middle school with the promise of a scholarship in America, into one of the world-renowned NASA branch for youngsters who ambitioned towards space exploration. Once he turned fifteen, he’d move to Arizona and just a little bit closer to his dream.
But even after a decade of pretending he was okay, of making plans and having his life right where he wanted it, Shiro still felt like something was missing. Maybe someone.
-- in which an attempt to reconnect with his Father end up uncovering a much deeper relationship with a boy who shares his face.
Words: 1767, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Voltron: Defender of the Universe (1984)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Shiro's Family (Voltron), Shiro's Father (Voltron), Sven (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Iverson (Voltron), Matt Holt, Sam Holt
Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Shiro and Sven are half-brothers, Their dad is a womanizer, Brotherly Bonding, Sheith will be a thing towards the end, a little Svemelle, Shiro's parents are divorced and he was raised by his grandparents, Pre-Kerberos Mission, Pre-Canon, A little Sheith towards the end, mild violence?
read it on the AO3 at Cats in the Cradle
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reindeer-games-sven · 3 years
Wrong place, ǝɯᴉʇ ʇɥƃᴉɹ
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 Not letting these two meet again was the biggest mistake Dreamworks has ever made
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ao3feed--sheith · 5 years
John Wayne
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SJhrWR
by Abyssiniana
Sven Holgersson has had his heart broken once. First loves aren’t meant to last, but the trauma of loving too hard at once made him incapable of ever daring to do so again. Until he met a boy whose heart was already taken, and he found the steel of his armor breaking all over again.
 for Alt Shiro Big Bang from uh. 2018. I'm so sorry. Art by the sweet, ever so patient, Hymn, in chapters one and four!
Words: 4441, Chapters: 4/11, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Sven (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Sven's Mum
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Past Adam/Shiro, Keith/Sven (Voltron), Romelle/Sven (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Sveith, SHEITH - Freeform, Past Adashi - Freeform, svemelle, Threesome - F/M/M, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Self-Destruction, Unrequited Crush, Sexual Frustration, Masturbation, Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Implied/Referenced Underage Prostitution
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SJhrWR
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[Going through Romelle’s emails]
Bandor: There’s a “Top 10 Sven Holgersson’s Butt 1985” slideshow. You emailed it to me and Allura and “The Huffington Post”?
Romelle: Yeah, I’m not embarrassed by that.
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