#sw nali
classicanalyzer · 5 months
Tales of the Empire Thoughts and Reflection
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Morgan Elsbeth - The Vengeful Nightsister
The Path of Fear
"It appears your path is set, Morgan Elsebeth. I pity you, for I can see what is to come." Mountain Clan Matron
The origins of Morgan's darkness begin with a tragedy. Her Nightsister tribe (whether that be a part of the same group as Talzin's or another Nightsister group is unclear) is massacred including her mother Selena (Voiced by Morgan's actress, Diana Lee Inosanto, who also voices the older Morgan in the next two shorts). You can really feel Morgan's anxiety and fear kick into overdrive as she saw her people and her own mother die to the onslaught of the droids.
General Grievous is terrifying as hell here. This is the CIS General who strikes fear into the Republic, Jedi, and the unlucky souls who have to contend with him. Likewise, there is no humor from the usually humorous and affably evil Droid mooks as we see them ruthlessly carry out the genocide of the Nightsisters.
The Mountain Clan gives me the vibes that they're Light Side-aligned witches. On that note, it's great to see other Dathomir witch clans since in Legends there were more witch clans than just the Nightsisters. However on that note, when Morgan goes on a hunting trip with Nali, the Mountain Clan Matron's daughter, they hide from a patrolling droid gunship. She then incites fear into her about the patrolling droids, even asking her if she can stand to see he mother die.
Morgan did want to protect the Mountain Clan from the Droids perceiving their unwillingness to prepare for the worst as cowardice. However, in doing so, she with three witches (one of whom is the Matron's daughter) got caught by a patroling droid gunship. But instead of getting the untrained witches to safety, Morgan went straight to destroy the droids who killed her family while leaving the witches to be killed.
The ending of the short ends Morgan alone with the fires of her fear giving way to destruction. Fear can cause a person to do things that end up harming those around them, even if the fear is out of a genuine desire to protect others. I don't think she was fully lost yet, but she clearly let the fear consume her after that.
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger." Yoda
The Path of Anger
"Why do you seek Imperial favor?" Thrawn.
"Revenge. Years ago, my people were all but destroyed. Our culture, our beliefs, are fading into memory. Yes, I seek power to ensure my future, to destroy my enemies. My anger gives me strength, and it is that strength that I offer the Empire." Morgan Elsbeth
"Offer accepted."
We open on Coruscant with 4 Venators and an Imperial ISD. It is revealed that Morgan is the designer of the infamous TIE Defender which makes her indirectly responsible for the events of Rebels S3-S4. Of course, the Imperials, particularly Moff Isdain, she presented it to are more interested in Corvus' resources, Morgan's disappointment and worries are felt with her facial expressions... until a familiar Captain is curious about her project.
Captain Pellaeon is disappointed to hear Morgan's response is the standard "Glory to the Empire" statement. Mogan is forced to return to Corvus with an angry crowd of people who worked hard and made her Magistrate, surrendered their freedoms, and trusted her to bring work and prosperity to them. It didn't help when Morgan referred to them from a backwater world and negatively looked down on them.
As night falls, with the angry crowd, Morgan remarks how "ungrateful" they're being and how they're not her people. This shows how Morgan is projecting the loss of her people on the people of Coruvs. However, she didn't take the time to be with the community as she views herself outside of it. She doesn't have long to think about this as she's ambushed by Rukh. The townspeople including Wing who have no love of Morgon now don't even bother to send the guard to help. With some quick thinking and skills, she was able to disarm and hold the assassin at her mercy. Pellaeon then revealed himself and stated how this was a part of a larger test.
With that, Admiral Thrawn (it feels so weird not seeing him in his GA outfit) enters the scene with his theme playing. As Thrawn acts more like his novel counterpart by discussing the Empire's shortcomings by focusing on self-interest and petty infighting over the growing threat of the rebellion. With that, he asks Morgon why she wants to join the Empire. She reveals that she wants revenge for her people being wiped out. It gives me the feeling that she wants to burn down the galaxy at this point, a feeling which is more true in the next short. As Thrawn gives her three of his ISDs, Wind solemnly notes that the Imperial occupation is not good news.
The ending of the short reveals how Morgon wanted to be in a community but she can't bring herself to truly be a part of it. Which is why she ended up rejected as people can't see her as one of their own since she chooses not to be a part of the community.
"Anger leads to hate." Yoda
The Path of Hate
"Be brave. No matter how dark things get." Nadura
"I can't." Wing
"You can. Help will come...... but you must be ready to do your part. Even if it is small. You can make a difference." Nadura
The dawn of the NR has come as Nadura, a former laborer, came back to her home for Corvus to become a NR planet. However, she discovers the town has only gotten worse and more oppressed by Morgan. She assures Wing that people can change and perhaps Morgan too. However, the truth couldn't have been farther. As Morgan talks about a vision she has and rejects any offers by Nadura (even thinking she's an ungrateful laborer despite Nadura pointing out the harsh conditions and "fair wages"), at that point despite Wing and Nadura pleading for a peaceful resolution, Morgon chose violence.
Even after killing the NR guards and Nadura, she had her soldiers burn down the forest almost out of spite (Nadura had pleaded with her to not burn everything around her... only for us to get the chilling statement of how her world has been burning since Dathomir). However, a ray of hope arrives when Wing is assured help is on the way by Nadura and he needs to be ready to help whatever he can. This really got to me as I was invested in Wing's growth, especially when we see him in Mando S2 helping to free the prisoners and alerting Djarin about the droid. He was able to live up to Nadura's hopes.
In the end, the cycle repeats itself. It's depressing and tragic to see how the sympathetic victim becomes the victimizer monster. In Morgan's quest to see her destiny fulfilled, she became just like the cyborg General who killed her people. The short ends with a seemingly downer note as Morgan destroys the communicator (Bo-Katan on the other side). However, there was a brief moment of Ahsoka's leitmotif used, a sign of what's to come in Mandalorian S2 The Jedi, where Ahsoka overthrows Morga and Wing plays his part, even if it is small.
Reflecting upon Morgan's character, her arc, and character remind me a lot of FF16's Barnabas Tharmr, both wanted a sense of belonging and were willing to do anything, even die for that. Morgan's revenge seems to be her wanting to burn the galaxy for allowing the massacre to happen. While we don't have a suffering short, the Ahsoka finale is the suffering of one of Yoda's famous lines.
"Hate leads to suffering." Yoda
Barriss Offee - The Conflicted Jedi
"Brothers, sisters enter. Enter. Now it is time you meet your new Master. Long Live the Empire!" Grand Inquisitor
Operation Knightfall has come... and Barriss Offee can only witness the fires of the Jedi Temple in her prison cell. Even after betraying the Jedi, she didn't want to see them perish (her reason for her actions in the first place was to protest the Jedi's involvement in the war). Of course, it doesn't take long for the Inquisitorius to take an interest. As Barriss recognizes Lyn, she discovers the narrative that the Jedi tried to "assassinate" Palpatine. Under threat of being killed if she refuses, Barriss takes Lyn's offer of an opportunity.
At Nur (I prefer Fallen Order's Nur over Kenobi's Nur but this show made Kenobi Nur look good), Barriss reunites with two Jedi, Ahmar (HE'S VOICED BY HUNTER?!) and Dante (VOICED BY ROWAN FREEMAKER?!), as we get the Grand Inquisitor (Jason Issacs is back!) recapping them of the galaxy's changes (Republic to Empire) and encourages them to prove themselves to join their ranks... discouraging them of trying to leave. Interestingly, Barriss acts the most Jedi-like (meditating while waiting) while Dante (is too scared of leaving) and Ahmar (who correctly sees that the Empire is no better than the Jedi) act un-Jedi-like. As Barriss tries to dissuade Ahmar from leaving, he scoffs (he notably asked why she wasn't in prison when they first reunited) why they should listen to her as it implies he might've been disgusted by what she did.
As Dante's opinions are validated with Ahmar's bloodied gem tossed, Barriss is taken to be tested by the Grand Inquisitor. What's really ironic is that the Grand Inquisitor became disillusioned by the Order because of Barriss' speech, and now he's giving her a crash course in truly embracing the Dark Side. You can see Barriss slow reluctance to give in to her anger but as the "fight" goes on, she becomes more aggressive and gives in to the Dark Side. With the Grand Inquisitor casually dodging her moves and encouraging her to stop "fighting like a Jedi", this results in Barriss hitting his shoulder armor... but he was still able to disarm her. As the blood drips from Barriss nose, she finally uses the Force to attack the Grand Inquisitor and with blood dripping from him, he regards her as ready for the final test.
The final test is of course... a fight to the death or else both will die. Even despite tapping into the Dark Side, Barriss doesn't want to fight... but Dante consumed by his fear decides to go for the kill. Barriss fights defensively throughout until she decides to save her life by Force-Chocking Dante. This of course is how she framed Ahsoka for murder and you can tell how shocked of what she just did as she's given her own Inqusistiro mask and greeted as a sister by Lyn.
The final scene shows Barriss, Lyn, Marrok, and even the Inquisitor from TotJ's episode Resolve meeting their new master: Darth Vader. The irony does not need to be stated. As Barriss puts on the helmet, truly accepting her role as a Jedi hunting Inquisitor. Her devotion is now with the Inquisitorius. We see the journey of someone who went from accusing the Order of promoting violence and warmongering to now joining an order of hunters who will reap violence (which she will discover).
Side Note: The Clone Shock Troopers and the proto-Purge Troopers are some of the most asshole Clones I've seen.
"Long Live the Empire." Barriss Offee
"The Jedi are a threat to be eradicated wherever they are found." Lyn Rakish
"Then you have one Jedi left to deal with." Barriss Offee
Barriss and Lyn are sent on a mission to deal with a Jedi supposedly located there. Barriss rightfully questions how they can trust the intel with Lyn's blindly believing she shouldn't question orders from the Grand Inquisitor. Throughout the entire episode, we see Barriss truly believe in the Imperial propaganda that they were bringing peace and prosperity to the galaxy. However, she sees the shantytown and ruins of a world where a rebel cell operated, and she's shocked about why the Empire would allow this to happen. Lyn coldly gives no empathy to the people as they rebelled against the Empire.
Eventually, they reach the town square where we see a major difference between the two former Jedi. Lyn aggressively threatens the townsfolk about revealing the Jedi and spews out Imperial propaganda about the Jedi which only gets her nothing from their elder. However, Barriss notices a child who seem to know where the Jedi is. Barriss' approach is calmly approaching the child, even taking off her helmet to nicely ask. Unsurprisingly, Barriss' approach worked out as the child gave the Jedi's location. This shows how despite being an Inquisitor, Barriss believes the Inquisitorius is a better version of the Order. However because the Governor lied about no Jedi being there, Lyn killed all of the people in the square. I think this might be one of the most violent moments in SW animation as we see several civilians killed on-screen. Thankfully, Barriss was able to spare the child as she encouraged them to not look back... that child is going to have so many trust issues when they grow up.
We get to know more about Lyn's thought process as it's clear she believes fear will bring a projection of strength (something which comes back to haunt her in the next short). It doesn't take long for the two to find the Jedi. The Jedi managed to knock out Lyn and we get a really cool duel between Barriss and the Jedi. Barriss tries to sympathize with the Jedi about being abandoned and left alone to join a new community. This convinces the Jedi to surrender after sympathizing with being alone and tired of running. However, Lyn then nearly kills the Jedi despite them surrendering. This was the last straw as Lyn dismissed Barriss' point of their surrender and that was when Barriss finally returned to the Light, as she Force pushed her former friend off the cliff. Symbolically, Barriss then drops her Inquisitor helmet off the cliff. She then begins to heal the Jedi as she proclaims they're not alone.
Side Note: The Jedi (They/them pronouns) is also voiced by a Queer VA, Ry Chase (goes by any all pronouns) which is amazing representation to see. I'm also so happy they aren't killed.
"I won't let you die. You're not alone." Barriss Offee
The Way Out
"I forgive you." Barriss Offee
"I don't want your forgiveness. I want you to show me the way out." Lyn Rakish
"You know the way out. You just have to accept it, Lyn."
"Stop calling me that."
"But that is who you are."
"There is no way out, is there?"
"That's what the Empire wants you to think."
"I am gonna get you out of here."
As a family with their Force-sensitive child makes their way to find help, they can meet with The Healer, otherwise known as Barriss. She has once again reconnected with her Jedi roots and embraced it. It's even highly implied she reconciled with Ahsoka which is the most heartwarming thing to know happened. However, Lyn has found them all (ironically she wasn't even searching for Barriss).
As Lyn is now sunken low to hunt children, Barriss notes how fear has become Lyn's master and not her ally as Barriss like the Grand Inquisitor dodged every strike.
In many ways, Lyn getting lost in the cave reflects how fear consumes and blinds you. As you let fear dictate your life, you cannot find the way out. But when you let go of fear, the way out is quite clear, the family and the attendants were able to easily get out of the cave as a result.
As Lyn becomes more afraid and fearful when her trapped state is apparent. We see the true Lyn, someone scared of failure, and the organization she serves. Lyn's mental breakdown reflects how just like in the first episode, fear can let you hurt people you weren't intending to hurt... as she stabs Barriss in her blind rage. However, Barriss's compassion despite everything she did was enough to finally break through to Lyn's heart, and like Reva, she abandoned her weapon to hopefully help Barriss. However, whatever Barriss lives or dies isn't important what is important is she helps her friend find the light.
Upon reflection, the Lyn represents Barriss' idealism being twisted by the Inquisitorius. Barriss and Lyn thought this new order would be better than the Jedi. However, while Barriss sticks to her Jedi's beliefs (she ended up in jail for protesting the Jedi's involvement in the war but still believed in its values), Lyn for a long time embraced the violence and heartlessness of the Inquisitorius. It's little wonder why Barriss wanted to do everything she could to help her.
Despite the darkness in these two shorts, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Happy May the Fourth!
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squirrelno2 · 5 months
This is a very nothing little piece of fluff, but I love them and I'm trying to get myself back into dragging them through hell for the clone rebellion fic. so! Here are my ocs Sneak, Nali, and Nine as they would be post-clone wars in the canon universe. the galaxy may have gone to shit, but they've got each other. (fun facts about them/their circumstances after the cut)
Sneak’s leg was asleep. He grimaced, forcing it up and down a few times. One of Nali’s lekku slipped off his knee, but she didn’t budge.
“I’m napping,” she grumbled, swatting the air over her head. Sneak looked beseechingly at Nine.
“You’re the one who adopted a stray,” he said airily.
“You’re the strays,” Nali said, eyes still closed. “This is my ship, remember?”
“And that’s his lap,” Nine said. “You’re not wearing the thing Splatter made you.”
“You mean the shoddily crocheted headdress? Splatter seems to think I have three lekku,” Nali said. “Either that, or he mixed it up with a pair of underwear he made for someone with a tail.”
“Considering he only knows clones and you, that seems unlikely,” Nine mused. “Maybe the phantom lek can be a thrilling new style.”
“Fashion is nobody’s strong suit on this ship,” Nali said. “And I’m happy with it that way. We may be smugglers –“
“Pirates, really,” Sneak said.
“Smugglers who dabble in piracy, but fashion is the really cutthroat industry.”
Nine laughed, tipping his head back against the wall. Sneak gave up on sitting comfortably and laid his arm across Nali’s chest. She swatted at him again and rolled over, holding his arm to her like a blanket.
“I’m never getting up, am I?” Sneak said.
“No,” said Nali and Nine at the same time. Nine tipped sideways so his head was on Sneak’s shoulder. Sneak resigned himself to being the communal pillow.
“I hate you both,” he said without any hope of affecting the situation.
“Don’t fucking lie to me,” Nine said.
In the clone rebellion Nine doesn't get to spend much time on Nali's ship, but in canon they don't have to run around overthrowing the government so when he finally gets out of Krell's clutches he gets to go on adventures with Sneak and Nali.
Splatter is a clone I've written a little about on here before, and technically he's been introduced in the clone rebellion fic but not by name; he's from Krell's unit as well, and joins the Vyla crew with Nine and another clone named Tilt
Splatter likes art of all kinds. She is also terribly bad at it. this does not stop him from making people awful sweaters and things
this is not intended to be shippy in any way - Nali and Sneak are in a qpp that occasionally gets sexual for fun and as an extension of the trust they have for each other, but Sneak is aromantic and Nali just Does Not Want romance in her life these days. Nine and Nali are often a little weird about each other, since they're both Sneak's Important People and they have Trust Issues, but they like to gang up on him. it's how they bond
it's not all fun and cuddles, as they're definitely continuing the work they did before with helping deserters but now with knowledge of the chips (more on that... sometime?) and rebelling against the empire in general, but this era lets them breathe in a way the clone rebellion au really doesn't, since they don't have to be in charge of anything beyond themselves
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jasonshousewife · 9 months
Help me, I have had an idea running through my head all week, it is truly a necessity, and he is nothing more and nothing less than a vampire hunter Jason and a vampire reader, I have no idea how the plot would go, there is just a dialogue that constantly runs through my head and doesn't let me sleep.
"You're going to suck more than just my blood." HAHDJAHSJSKNFNDKFJ 😻😻😻
i've been keeping this in draft for so long... I was so busy last week + mental issues kicked in lol Sorry it took so long!!
Warning: including sexual content, pnv sex
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i don't really know much about vampires and vampire hunters au but please tell me them being enemies with benefits is possible cause why not??
The very first time was a mistake. Everything was hazy and adrenaline was still running wild through his veins. He pinned you against the wall and without thinking, his rough lips crushing on your soft lips. The blood red pupils of yours, and those plump limps- he couldn't help it. You both don't remember much about that night but you remember the first kiss and the taste of blood lingering on his lips. The taste of blood, the anger, the excitement. There was nothing gentle about the night, all rough and want and trying to take from each other.
And then it became a thing after that. No matter how the night starts, it all ends up with him inside you, fucking you rough. His hand in your hair pulling your head back while you're bent over for him. He knows he shouldn't do this, but fuck it this feels so good and so right. He loves the little whines you make everytime he thrusts his hips deep inside you.
It's the same on your side, you know you shouldn't but you don't want this to ever stop. And everytime you unintentionally claw him you draw a blood... you have to swallow down your thirst. If only he wasn't pinning you down and making you cum so hard.
It's just sex, no feelings included. You try to remind yourself. But it's not your fault he feels so good- he tastes your skin so deliciously, you wonder how he'd look if you're the one drinking him. Whenever he's above you with that nasty grin, incoherent babbles you hear when he cums, oh god the things he do to your stomach.
But it's not so later that you started to crave for him. Just watching him felxing his ripped muscles makes your stomach flip even when you should not. Seeing his body so thick, the scars you left on his skin so pretty, you couldn't help it. You needed him inside you, and you needed to drink in his blood. You wanted to know how he tasted.
And he seem to notice that at one point as well. He started to tease you the way he never did, enjoying every little reaction he can pull out of you.
"Do you want this?" He whispers in a gruff voice, his calloused hand holding on your waist.
"Do you want to cum for me? hmm?"
He does again, slapping your hip this time and making you moan. You nod fiercely, trying to make him keep going.
"Good fuckin' girl..."
He mutters out, breathing heavily. He begins to thrust in and out again, quickening his pace as he felt himself getting closer as well. But he can't stop it- not when you're so tight for him. He continues until he hears you mewling and feels your cunt pulsing around his cock. He stays inside you for few moments before pulling away. He makes a crooked smile as he pulls you up from bed so he could hold you in his arms by your thighs.
"I think you can take some more, can't ya?"
He whisper into your ear, stroking his cock before adjusting himself again.
"No, t'much-" You whine as you're still shaking from the orgasm. But his smile still stays the same.
"Yes you can... I'll even let you sunk those fangs in my neck later..."
He says in an almost sarcastic tone, pressing pecks on your cheek. And you feel chills going up your spine as he whispers those words. He slowly pushes himself in, moaning at the warmth of your hole and how it's squeezing him so tightly.
"Just like that..." He whispers sweetly and his grip on your hips tightened. He lets out a sigh, feeling like he's gonna cum right there and then.
"You're going to suck more than just my blood tonight."
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okay sorry there is no plot just smut😭
but can you blame me i'm just horny after being so stressed for the last week!! thank you so much for the good quality content (any sexy jason content is a good quality content you can't change my mind) Nali <3
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