#sw wing
classicanalyzer · 5 months
Tales of the Empire Thoughts and Reflection
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Morgan Elsbeth - The Vengeful Nightsister
The Path of Fear
"It appears your path is set, Morgan Elsebeth. I pity you, for I can see what is to come." Mountain Clan Matron
The origins of Morgan's darkness begin with a tragedy. Her Nightsister tribe (whether that be a part of the same group as Talzin's or another Nightsister group is unclear) is massacred including her mother Selena (Voiced by Morgan's actress, Diana Lee Inosanto, who also voices the older Morgan in the next two shorts). You can really feel Morgan's anxiety and fear kick into overdrive as she saw her people and her own mother die to the onslaught of the droids.
General Grievous is terrifying as hell here. This is the CIS General who strikes fear into the Republic, Jedi, and the unlucky souls who have to contend with him. Likewise, there is no humor from the usually humorous and affably evil Droid mooks as we see them ruthlessly carry out the genocide of the Nightsisters.
The Mountain Clan gives me the vibes that they're Light Side-aligned witches. On that note, it's great to see other Dathomir witch clans since in Legends there were more witch clans than just the Nightsisters. However on that note, when Morgan goes on a hunting trip with Nali, the Mountain Clan Matron's daughter, they hide from a patrolling droid gunship. She then incites fear into her about the patrolling droids, even asking her if she can stand to see he mother die.
Morgan did want to protect the Mountain Clan from the Droids perceiving their unwillingness to prepare for the worst as cowardice. However, in doing so, she with three witches (one of whom is the Matron's daughter) got caught by a patroling droid gunship. But instead of getting the untrained witches to safety, Morgan went straight to destroy the droids who killed her family while leaving the witches to be killed.
The ending of the short ends Morgan alone with the fires of her fear giving way to destruction. Fear can cause a person to do things that end up harming those around them, even if the fear is out of a genuine desire to protect others. I don't think she was fully lost yet, but she clearly let the fear consume her after that.
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger." Yoda
The Path of Anger
"Why do you seek Imperial favor?" Thrawn.
"Revenge. Years ago, my people were all but destroyed. Our culture, our beliefs, are fading into memory. Yes, I seek power to ensure my future, to destroy my enemies. My anger gives me strength, and it is that strength that I offer the Empire." Morgan Elsbeth
"Offer accepted."
We open on Coruscant with 4 Venators and an Imperial ISD. It is revealed that Morgan is the designer of the infamous TIE Defender which makes her indirectly responsible for the events of Rebels S3-S4. Of course, the Imperials, particularly Moff Isdain, she presented it to are more interested in Corvus' resources, Morgan's disappointment and worries are felt with her facial expressions... until a familiar Captain is curious about her project.
Captain Pellaeon is disappointed to hear Morgan's response is the standard "Glory to the Empire" statement. Mogan is forced to return to Corvus with an angry crowd of people who worked hard and made her Magistrate, surrendered their freedoms, and trusted her to bring work and prosperity to them. It didn't help when Morgan referred to them from a backwater world and negatively looked down on them.
As night falls, with the angry crowd, Morgan remarks how "ungrateful" they're being and how they're not her people. This shows how Morgan is projecting the loss of her people on the people of Coruvs. However, she didn't take the time to be with the community as she views herself outside of it. She doesn't have long to think about this as she's ambushed by Rukh. The townspeople including Wing who have no love of Morgon now don't even bother to send the guard to help. With some quick thinking and skills, she was able to disarm and hold the assassin at her mercy. Pellaeon then revealed himself and stated how this was a part of a larger test.
With that, Admiral Thrawn (it feels so weird not seeing him in his GA outfit) enters the scene with his theme playing. As Thrawn acts more like his novel counterpart by discussing the Empire's shortcomings by focusing on self-interest and petty infighting over the growing threat of the rebellion. With that, he asks Morgon why she wants to join the Empire. She reveals that she wants revenge for her people being wiped out. It gives me the feeling that she wants to burn down the galaxy at this point, a feeling which is more true in the next short. As Thrawn gives her three of his ISDs, Wind solemnly notes that the Imperial occupation is not good news.
The ending of the short reveals how Morgon wanted to be in a community but she can't bring herself to truly be a part of it. Which is why she ended up rejected as people can't see her as one of their own since she chooses not to be a part of the community.
"Anger leads to hate." Yoda
The Path of Hate
"Be brave. No matter how dark things get." Nadura
"I can't." Wing
"You can. Help will come...... but you must be ready to do your part. Even if it is small. You can make a difference." Nadura
The dawn of the NR has come as Nadura, a former laborer, came back to her home for Corvus to become a NR planet. However, she discovers the town has only gotten worse and more oppressed by Morgan. She assures Wing that people can change and perhaps Morgan too. However, the truth couldn't have been farther. As Morgan talks about a vision she has and rejects any offers by Nadura (even thinking she's an ungrateful laborer despite Nadura pointing out the harsh conditions and "fair wages"), at that point despite Wing and Nadura pleading for a peaceful resolution, Morgon chose violence.
Even after killing the NR guards and Nadura, she had her soldiers burn down the forest almost out of spite (Nadura had pleaded with her to not burn everything around her... only for us to get the chilling statement of how her world has been burning since Dathomir). However, a ray of hope arrives when Wing is assured help is on the way by Nadura and he needs to be ready to help whatever he can. This really got to me as I was invested in Wing's growth, especially when we see him in Mando S2 helping to free the prisoners and alerting Djarin about the droid. He was able to live up to Nadura's hopes.
In the end, the cycle repeats itself. It's depressing and tragic to see how the sympathetic victim becomes the victimizer monster. In Morgan's quest to see her destiny fulfilled, she became just like the cyborg General who killed her people. The short ends with a seemingly downer note as Morgan destroys the communicator (Bo-Katan on the other side). However, there was a brief moment of Ahsoka's leitmotif used, a sign of what's to come in Mandalorian S2 The Jedi, where Ahsoka overthrows Morga and Wing plays his part, even if it is small.
Reflecting upon Morgan's character, her arc, and character remind me a lot of FF16's Barnabas Tharmr, both wanted a sense of belonging and were willing to do anything, even die for that. Morgan's revenge seems to be her wanting to burn the galaxy for allowing the massacre to happen. While we don't have a suffering short, the Ahsoka finale is the suffering of one of Yoda's famous lines.
"Hate leads to suffering." Yoda
Barriss Offee - The Conflicted Jedi
"Brothers, sisters enter. Enter. Now it is time you meet your new Master. Long Live the Empire!" Grand Inquisitor
Operation Knightfall has come... and Barriss Offee can only witness the fires of the Jedi Temple in her prison cell. Even after betraying the Jedi, she didn't want to see them perish (her reason for her actions in the first place was to protest the Jedi's involvement in the war). Of course, it doesn't take long for the Inquisitorius to take an interest. As Barriss recognizes Lyn, she discovers the narrative that the Jedi tried to "assassinate" Palpatine. Under threat of being killed if she refuses, Barriss takes Lyn's offer of an opportunity.
At Nur (I prefer Fallen Order's Nur over Kenobi's Nur but this show made Kenobi Nur look good), Barriss reunites with two Jedi, Ahmar (HE'S VOICED BY HUNTER?!) and Dante (VOICED BY ROWAN FREEMAKER?!), as we get the Grand Inquisitor (Jason Issacs is back!) recapping them of the galaxy's changes (Republic to Empire) and encourages them to prove themselves to join their ranks... discouraging them of trying to leave. Interestingly, Barriss acts the most Jedi-like (meditating while waiting) while Dante (is too scared of leaving) and Ahmar (who correctly sees that the Empire is no better than the Jedi) act un-Jedi-like. As Barriss tries to dissuade Ahmar from leaving, he scoffs (he notably asked why she wasn't in prison when they first reunited) why they should listen to her as it implies he might've been disgusted by what she did.
As Dante's opinions are validated with Ahmar's bloodied gem tossed, Barriss is taken to be tested by the Grand Inquisitor. What's really ironic is that the Grand Inquisitor became disillusioned by the Order because of Barriss' speech, and now he's giving her a crash course in truly embracing the Dark Side. You can see Barriss slow reluctance to give in to her anger but as the "fight" goes on, she becomes more aggressive and gives in to the Dark Side. With the Grand Inquisitor casually dodging her moves and encouraging her to stop "fighting like a Jedi", this results in Barriss hitting his shoulder armor... but he was still able to disarm her. As the blood drips from Barriss nose, she finally uses the Force to attack the Grand Inquisitor and with blood dripping from him, he regards her as ready for the final test.
The final test is of course... a fight to the death or else both will die. Even despite tapping into the Dark Side, Barriss doesn't want to fight... but Dante consumed by his fear decides to go for the kill. Barriss fights defensively throughout until she decides to save her life by Force-Chocking Dante. This of course is how she framed Ahsoka for murder and you can tell how shocked of what she just did as she's given her own Inqusistiro mask and greeted as a sister by Lyn.
The final scene shows Barriss, Lyn, Marrok, and even the Inquisitor from TotJ's episode Resolve meeting their new master: Darth Vader. The irony does not need to be stated. As Barriss puts on the helmet, truly accepting her role as a Jedi hunting Inquisitor. Her devotion is now with the Inquisitorius. We see the journey of someone who went from accusing the Order of promoting violence and warmongering to now joining an order of hunters who will reap violence (which she will discover).
Side Note: The Clone Shock Troopers and the proto-Purge Troopers are some of the most asshole Clones I've seen.
"Long Live the Empire." Barriss Offee
"The Jedi are a threat to be eradicated wherever they are found." Lyn Rakish
"Then you have one Jedi left to deal with." Barriss Offee
Barriss and Lyn are sent on a mission to deal with a Jedi supposedly located there. Barriss rightfully questions how they can trust the intel with Lyn's blindly believing she shouldn't question orders from the Grand Inquisitor. Throughout the entire episode, we see Barriss truly believe in the Imperial propaganda that they were bringing peace and prosperity to the galaxy. However, she sees the shantytown and ruins of a world where a rebel cell operated, and she's shocked about why the Empire would allow this to happen. Lyn coldly gives no empathy to the people as they rebelled against the Empire.
Eventually, they reach the town square where we see a major difference between the two former Jedi. Lyn aggressively threatens the townsfolk about revealing the Jedi and spews out Imperial propaganda about the Jedi which only gets her nothing from their elder. However, Barriss notices a child who seem to know where the Jedi is. Barriss' approach is calmly approaching the child, even taking off her helmet to nicely ask. Unsurprisingly, Barriss' approach worked out as the child gave the Jedi's location. This shows how despite being an Inquisitor, Barriss believes the Inquisitorius is a better version of the Order. However because the Governor lied about no Jedi being there, Lyn killed all of the people in the square. I think this might be one of the most violent moments in SW animation as we see several civilians killed on-screen. Thankfully, Barriss was able to spare the child as she encouraged them to not look back... that child is going to have so many trust issues when they grow up.
We get to know more about Lyn's thought process as it's clear she believes fear will bring a projection of strength (something which comes back to haunt her in the next short). It doesn't take long for the two to find the Jedi. The Jedi managed to knock out Lyn and we get a really cool duel between Barriss and the Jedi. Barriss tries to sympathize with the Jedi about being abandoned and left alone to join a new community. This convinces the Jedi to surrender after sympathizing with being alone and tired of running. However, Lyn then nearly kills the Jedi despite them surrendering. This was the last straw as Lyn dismissed Barriss' point of their surrender and that was when Barriss finally returned to the Light, as she Force pushed her former friend off the cliff. Symbolically, Barriss then drops her Inquisitor helmet off the cliff. She then begins to heal the Jedi as she proclaims they're not alone.
Side Note: The Jedi (They/them pronouns) is also voiced by a Queer VA, Ry Chase (goes by any all pronouns) which is amazing representation to see. I'm also so happy they aren't killed.
"I won't let you die. You're not alone." Barriss Offee
The Way Out
"I forgive you." Barriss Offee
"I don't want your forgiveness. I want you to show me the way out." Lyn Rakish
"You know the way out. You just have to accept it, Lyn."
"Stop calling me that."
"But that is who you are."
"There is no way out, is there?"
"That's what the Empire wants you to think."
"I am gonna get you out of here."
As a family with their Force-sensitive child makes their way to find help, they can meet with The Healer, otherwise known as Barriss. She has once again reconnected with her Jedi roots and embraced it. It's even highly implied she reconciled with Ahsoka which is the most heartwarming thing to know happened. However, Lyn has found them all (ironically she wasn't even searching for Barriss).
As Lyn is now sunken low to hunt children, Barriss notes how fear has become Lyn's master and not her ally as Barriss like the Grand Inquisitor dodged every strike.
In many ways, Lyn getting lost in the cave reflects how fear consumes and blinds you. As you let fear dictate your life, you cannot find the way out. But when you let go of fear, the way out is quite clear, the family and the attendants were able to easily get out of the cave as a result.
As Lyn becomes more afraid and fearful when her trapped state is apparent. We see the true Lyn, someone scared of failure, and the organization she serves. Lyn's mental breakdown reflects how just like in the first episode, fear can let you hurt people you weren't intending to hurt... as she stabs Barriss in her blind rage. However, Barriss's compassion despite everything she did was enough to finally break through to Lyn's heart, and like Reva, she abandoned her weapon to hopefully help Barriss. However, whatever Barriss lives or dies isn't important what is important is she helps her friend find the light.
Upon reflection, the Lyn represents Barriss' idealism being twisted by the Inquisitorius. Barriss and Lyn thought this new order would be better than the Jedi. However, while Barriss sticks to her Jedi's beliefs (she ended up in jail for protesting the Jedi's involvement in the war but still believed in its values), Lyn for a long time embraced the violence and heartlessness of the Inquisitorius. It's little wonder why Barriss wanted to do everything she could to help her.
Despite the darkness in these two shorts, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Happy May the Fourth!
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tsuyonpuu · 1 year
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My fav star siblings 🌠💫🌌
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Back to our regularly scheduled program, minish cap!
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luca-ercolani · 1 year
Origami X Wing
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(Via: fresyre on Reddit)
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rexsterss · 9 months
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Jedi traitor sneaking in to see the Imperial Senator (they’re both Rebels)
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from-a-legends-pov · 6 months
Star Wars Legends: Poll of the Week - Out-Of-Context Pictures
Which of these out-of-context pictures from a Star Wars Legends property is your favorite? (Context provided below)
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1: “Heat stick”: Oh, no, that certainly doesn’t look like anything else, no….
2. Laser-eyes Leia: Is it possible to learn this power?
3. Hit where it hurts: He had it coming.
4. “Turn off the foam, Threepio!” I don’t know, that looks kind of fun, Luke.
5. Han punches an otter? An otter wearing fancy jewelry, no less.
6. Playing ships with a Sith: Vader plus younglings doesn’t usually go well….
And now, for some context:
1: “Heat stick” - Wedge Antilles and Wes Janson spend a cold night together on a mission, and yes, that is supposed to be a heat stick used to warm them and not a glowing something else (Star Wars - original Marvel Comics)
2: Laser-eyes Leia: Meet Leia Organa II, a replica droid of the Princess, designed to speak, move, and act like the real Leia, and equipped with blasters in her eyes. The real Leia Organa is captured and nearly forced to marry Trioculus, a three-eyed warlord claiming to be Palpatine’s son (he wasn’t – that was a different three-eyed guy), but right before the wedding Leia’s friends switch her with Leia Organa II. At the altar, the replica droid blasts Trioculus with a little pew pew straight from her eyes, killing him, and the real Leia is able to escape (Queen of the Empire)
3: Hit where it hurts: When Black Sun boss Prince Xizor’s attempted assault of Leia Organa (by drugging her with his powerful Falleen pheromones) is interrupted by Chewbacca coming to the rescue, Leia gives Xizor a well-deserved knee to the groin before escaping (Shadows of the Empire)
4: “Turn off the foam, Threepio!” On a mission with Leia and the droids, Luke Skywalker uses extinguisher foam to subdue some Blackhole troopers aboard a Hrakian ship (“Gambler’s World,” Early Star Wars Adventures)
5: Han punches an otter? Han Solo’s evil cousin Thrackan Sal-Solo has imprisoned Dracmus, a female Selonian who has been trained as a diplomatic envoy to humans. He forces Dracmus to fight Han, whom he has also imprisoned, but Han is familiar enough with Mandaba, the Selonian language, to convince Dracmus to go easy on him during the fight without Thrackan catching on. Han still loses the fight, but gains Dracmus’s trust, and when Dracmus is later rescued, Han is allowed to come along (Assault at Selonia)
6: Playing ships with a Sith: Plourr Ilo recalls her brother Harran (Harrandatha Estillo), who from childhood was an evil, vicious person who wanted her dead so that he could become ruler. Harran idolized Darth Vader, and when Harran met the Sith as a child, Vader made Harran his protégé, taking advantage of his sadistic personality and apparently also playing ships with him for hours (Star Wars comics, X-Wing: Rogue Squadron - The Warrior Princess)
Hungry for more Legends content? Follow @from-a-legends-pov and consider signing up for our upcoming fanfiction event, From a Legends Point of View! Signups open April 28!
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providence-park · 9 months
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"Go straight ahead and don't let these dogs scare you!" "Copy that, we're with you, Poe!"
Dir. J.J. Abrams
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autismmydearwatson · 3 months
It's actually so funny that in Rebels season 3 Ezra goes to so much trouble making sure Thrawn, the guy who is famous for using art for military advantage, doesn't find Atollon by erasing it from the Empires maps, only for Thrawn to find it anyway by studying fucking folk art
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kalak-2 · 2 years
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Luke Skywalker on an X-wing Pegasus :]
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clownery-and-fuckery · 10 months
Do you guys think the batch(ESPECIALLY Tech, Hunter and Crosshair) would be super expressive under their helmets?
Thinking about that time Tech was all "I'm impressed" or the way Hunter watched the Marauder almost get shot down or Crosshair saying "you weren't loyal to me"
With their helmets on, imagine what their faces were like?? With their helmet off its probably easier to just mask all emotion even with their brothers sometimes- but when the helmets are on? All bets are off.
Hunter's probably put on his helmet to cry without disruption.
Crosshair keeps it on as long as physically possible because furrowing his brows like he does 24/7 probably gives him a headache. Tech forgets his eyes are visible sometimes and they can see his eyes curve as he smiles
It gives rise to really emotional scenes like that one where Rex is crying and Ahsoka just calmly takes his helmet off because she knows. She knows and it kills her. I love love love emotional walls being broken and vulnerability like that I need more
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hahaha1d0that · 4 months
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Erm, what the flip Dave?
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potatowilde · 5 months
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💫MAY THE 4th BE WITH YOU!💫 ⁠ . . . . . . You can also find me at: IG | X | Ko-Fi
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legacygirlingreen · 3 months
Late Nights on Pabu
Pairing: Tech x F!Reader
Summary: Continuation of the little SFW oneshot I posted earlier but this one is much less... safe... hehe. Can be read on its own though... Also editing is for those with time so apologizes, will be going back later to edit.
no use of Y/N (you're welcome)
Warnings: FERAL, NSFW, SMUT, BREEDING, MINORS GET LOST, talks of impregnation, birth control mentions, yeah...
Word Count: 6k
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It had been several rotations since the early morning in which the most wonderful man in the whole galaxy admitted he’d wanted something more with you. Since you both had discussed what that may look like. How it would alter your lifestyle.
  Tech had come acknowledging the things you hadn’t even thought of. That he’d help in the early hours when you needed rest. All the things he’d have Phee help track down to make life easier. The research he’d done on bottle feeding versus breast feeding. His understanding of what toddler behavior was like and how to best combat the “terrible twos” as so many called it. In essence: he’d shown that he was more than prepared on paper with the amount of thinking he’d done on the subject. 
  He always left the decision in your court. After all, you would be the one to sacrifice so much of your bodily autonomy in order to create a new life. You would be the one to carry them, and then deal with the shift in mindset when they were born. That was no small task. Especially for Tech, given he was born out of a test tube and had no idea what it meant to come into this world kicking and screaming from the safety of a mother. 
  And despite all this, you couldn’t help it. The way he smiled at you when you were assisting with small children on the island.  When Omega climbed up on your lap demanding braids in her growing blonde hair, he always got that wide eyed gaze. When it came time to finally send the last of the stolen children from Tantis home, you’d been so encouraging for their journey, in a way he mirrored to the joyful parents. It all had come to a tipping point this morning.
  . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
  Rinsing off your morning swim with Tech sometimes was just as enjoyable as actually being out there by yourself in the ocean. The serene silence as the water fell overhead, taking time to brush stray sand off each other's skin or run a confident hand through each other's drenched hair as you massaged the soap into the strands, feeling the peace you’d worked so hard to achieve. 
  Tech had been a very confident man from the first moment he took that plunge to make you his. Prior to that, he gave hardly any inclination that he’d felt anything more than just a squadmate. But once he knew what the feeling was - full hearted ardent emotions that he couldn’t explain - he took that leap in showing that he cared. And after that, he’d done so over and over again without embarrassment, without wavering, and without stopping. 
  “We should get out,” he hummed against your hairline, as you’d both been soaking up the lukewarm water together under its small circumference of a stream. His hands had remained wound against the skin of your upper back while the other cradled your head to his chest.
  Pulling back slightly you caught the view of your name along his pectoral, smiling as you rose on your toes to kiss the skin affectionately as you nodded. “How’s the repairs to lower Pabu and the new wall coming along?” you ask as he turns around and waives a hand to shut off the water. You reached a hand out to grab the towels you’d placed on the hooks near the refresher alcove, passing him one. 
  “On course to finish along the schedule which I set out for myself. Not much to report beyond that, as you have already heard me speak at length about specifications,” he mentioned before tossing the towel over his head, running it over his hair to remove the excess water. 
  When Tech removed the towel, you saw such a simple glimpse at the wonderful man before you. Full relaxed, hair already resuming its slight wavy pattern and displaying those indicators of time in the sun. His skin was decorated with waterdrops and painted a lovely shade of gold. Eyes shining brighter than they had in years, full of all the longing you’d come to know. He was always so handsome, and although you’d seen this view many, many times at this point, something about the way the light coming through the bathroom window hit him this day in particular created that stirring within. The only thought coming to your mind is one that surprised you. Stole your breath away as you continue the unabashed staring at him, even if you weren’t willing to admit it to yourself just yet.
  “Something wrong?” he asked, winding the towel over his nakedness, tucking it as he turned to step out onto the cool tile floor. 
  “Not at all,” you hum, reaching for the goggles along the counter, grabbing the cloth he always kept to clean the lenses and as you proceeded to start the task for him. He didn’t say anything, allowing you to do so as he began tackling the early morning stubble that he absolutely despised. Even if all his other brothers allowed their facial hair to grow once they’d settled on the island, he couldn’t stand the way it felt, shaving it each morning. 
  Once you were finished, you looked at him in the mirror. Tech leaned his torso over the small sink, hips flushed with the counter as he turned his face from side to side, carefully examining the foam across his cheeks, bringing the cool metal razor over the skin in even strokes. His dark eyes flashed to your own in the reflection for a moment as his eyebrow raised. Whipping off the razor for a moment he proposed an observation, “Your behavior is quite unusual this morning Angel,” he pointed out before resuming his task. 
  Instead of replying you stepped forward, setting the goggles along the counter and reaching for his hips, turning him when you knew he’d removed the sharp object from near his face to remove the small hairs and foam from it once more. Taking it from his hands with a careful flourish of fingers, he didn’t need to be told what to do, as the routine was second nature at this point. And regardless of how inefficient it was time wise for you to do it for him - as Tech’s practiced hands were much faster than yours - he selfishly indulged in the attention. 
  Tipping his face upward so you could scrape it along that pesky patch of hair that always grew below his bottom lip in the center, Tech didn’t speak as he allowed you to finish for him. With the final stroke along his jaw, you turned the water on in the sink. Grabbing a hairbrush you started to carefully undo the knots while, he turned to rinse away any stray foam from his skin before grabbing that ornate bottle of aftershave oil you’d gotten for lifeday the previous year. 
  Finally finishing, his large hands grabbed your towel covered waist without a word, pulling you between him and the counter so he could look at you in the mirror while you continued running the bristles of the brush through your hair. Eventually when it came time to do the back of your head, similarly to how you gently stole his razor, he slipped the brush from your grasp and began towards the ends of the strands with a practiced hand. 
  There was something so wonderful about the domestic intimacy you both had developed with time. Acts of service for the other, without a word necessary to explain them, as you both made it a goal to help one another prepare for the day by assisting with hygiene. It always felt amazing having him brush out your hair, eyes closing at the electrified nerve endings along your nape while his hands gently removed the knots. 
  He finished rather quickly, setting the brush along the counter near his neglected razor blade, as your eyes cracked open once more, seeing the smiling face of the retired soldier behind you. Arms wrapping around your sides as his tall frame leaned down to rest his chin along your shoulder, as you both continued to stare at the reflection in the mirror. 
  It was the vision of two people who deeply loved one another. Who’d sacrificed so much for each other. Who’d found affection in the midst of an uncertain time and come out of it on the other side with more care than imaginable. It was the demonstration of what loving someone without reservations looked like. A couple of strong individuals who finally laid down the weapons to be at peace. Almost perfect. 
  Suddenly that flash from before came to your mind, and you could no longer deny what it is you’d thought when looking at the stunning man next to you. Despite how wonderful things were, something was missing. Something you hadn’t noticed before, being consumed by the love for Tech and your oddly thrown together family of his siblings.  Perhaps it had been there all along, waiting for the right moment to make itself known. Or maybe it was something new, that was only born of the exact sliver in time it would be ready. 
  But the way his hands expertly defied the towel, seeking the warmth of your skin only further intensified the thought. His grasp settling on your stomach as you both basked in the morning light of the bathroom, you pieced together that feeling, finally acknowledging it after the unknown amount of time it had been with your mind, body and soul. 
  The only thing missing from this moment was Tech’s warm hands over your swollen belly as you both felt those glorious flutters of a new life. 
  . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ 
  That moment had ended soon after it began, with Tech slipping away to work, blissfully unaware that you had finally come to the conclusion that you were both on the same page about a future. The walk to the home the others stayed at was filled with a nervousness you hadn’t anticipated. The knock, met with the wide smile of Omega, who never failed to make you feel loved and appreciated as she hugged you as if she hadn’t seen you the day before.  
  “Is there any way I could see AZI?” you ask her once you are ushered inside, the boys all off doing whatever the islanders put them to work doing, leaving her with Lyana’s company.  
  “Are you sick? Hurt?” Omega asked, giving you that glance over with the same brown eyes you’d come to love in her brother. 
  “No, I just need to consult him about the implant I told you about, as it likely is on its last bit of life and I’d like to know if I need to find a replacement,” you mention hoping to avoid an interrogation from the teen. It wasn’t a total lie, but you weren’t about to explain to her that you were here to remove the device. Something about that bordered on too much information. She was now fully aware what it meant to be a woman, coming to you for advice on occasion with how to handle it, as Lyana’s mother was gone. Both girls seeking you out from time to time as one of the only fellow females decently close to their age. 
  “You are sure that there’s nothing wrong?” she pressed and you nodded, reassuring smile overtaking your features as Lyana returned with the droid, who promptly greeted you. Omega encouraged you to use her room for privacy and when the door shut, leaving you with the medical droid they’d stolen from the ruins of Kamino, you looked at his large mechanical eyes.
  “If you wish to lay down so that I may begin scans,” his oddly animated voice came through and you did as he asked. 
  Omega’s bed was expertly made, covers pulled tight as you laid down and watched as AZI scanned your body to provide updates since the last time he’d done so. He was a very efficient droid, always maintaining a better bedside manor than even some doctors provided. Explaining you needed to increase your intake of potassium, drink a bit more water during the day and that he’d noticed you were halfway through the womanly cycle. 
  There was something much more pleasant about dealing with a droid who lacked opinions upon your reproductive care. Any human you’d seen before, often warning you to do this or avoid that, and speculate on if you should or should not have children. With AZI, there was a comfort in knowing he would simply do as you asked, offer medical advice and nothing more. 
  He’d confirmed what you’d already known of your own body, and despite its more rushed nature, you knew that tonight you’d explain everything to Tech once he got home. This would leave you with plenty of time to think of a way to do so. 
Omega didn’t comment on the small patch left along the inside of your bicep as you re entered the kitchen where both girls were weaving bracelets. 
  “Are you girls up for a trip to the market area? It's been a while since I bought a new dress and I want to look nice…” you’d mischievously asked as they both jumped from the seat, eager to follow you on your quest. 
  . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
  Tech shucked his boots off outside the home, as the door slid open. You weren’t in the living space, nor the kitchen, but he could tell you’d cooked as the smell lingered. Sliding off the belt buckle with his tools, he set them down on that table you designated for his supplies as he allowed his mind to slowly run its course on plans for the following day. There was something meditative about removing the articles associated with work each evening, in order to return to one’s domestic life. 
  Taking those calculated steps out onto the balcony, he saw you, in a garment he’d never seen before. The simple flowing teal material framing your body in all the right places while flowing out in others. He was used to seeing you now in a much more feminine appearance, and it always brought him delight, but the addition of flowers woven into your hair made him pause in the entryway to the patio. 
  Eyes roaming the setup before you. A light meal, consisting of his favorite fish, most likely caught by Wrecker. A bottle of that wine he really enjoyed atop a bucket of ice. Some fresh fruits ready to be consumed. Soft music playing from the holodevice he’d retired long ago when he obtained a new one. 
  “What’s all this?” he asked, finally stepping out of the house, onto the porch. Recalling the date, he knew there wasn’t an anniversary he missed, nor an impending holiday to be concerned over. This was totally unexpected, and a break from normal routine. 
  “I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate all the hard work you’ve been doing for Pabu,” you tell him kindly, offering a hand for him once he came closer. In doing so, he pulled you to stand next to him, dropping the sweetest kiss to your cheek as his arms wound your frame and then pulling away. 
  “This is new,” he pointed out, gesturing to the dress as you smiled, hands wiping over the material. 
  “Omega and Lyana helped pick it,” you confirm with a smile, giving him a displayful turn, allowing him to watch the material pick up slightly with the spin before settling again. 
  “Radiant,” he commented, noticing the few pieces of jewelry you’d donned. Not uncommon to see the many friendship bracelets and necklaces Omega would weave for everyone along your wrist, a metal bangle along your bicep catching his observant gaze. He didn’t comment on it, assuming it had been gifted to you by the girls in your womanly bonding time while he worked. “Shall we enjoy the kind labor you’ve put into this evening?” Tech asked and you nodded, grabbing the empty wine glasses, prepared to indulge in the evening's early domestic bliss before unveiling the depth of the surprises you had in store for the handsome engineer you very fortunately called your own. 
  . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
  After a relaxing evening of eating, drinking, slow dancing to the sound of the waves and enjoying the sunset, you both found yourselves tucked away in a chair facing the moonlight as Pabu wound down for the night. The wind rustled Tech’s hair as you finished off the wine in your glass and turned to face him. 
  He’d removed his glasses long ago, allowing you to watch the golden light shine upon their brilliance while you’d both danced. Now closed as he simply enjoyed the proximity of your body in his lap as the ambience of your home calmed his racing mind. 
  “Tech?” you softly whispered his name as his eyes cracked open, looking at your moonlit softened features with curiosity. He hadn’t pressed, but all evening you seemed to stare at him with the same longing he had noted that morning. Pair that with the extra effort to curate the perfect night alone together, he was almost suspicious of what was going on. That didn’t stop his mind from wandering to a place where he questioned what ulterior motive lurked beneath that beautiful dress of yours. 
  He responded with your name as you summoned the courage to explain your actions, yet something about the nature of the depth they held stalled you from doing so. Was this how nervous he’d been when he’d expressed the thought to you that morning? Luckily, Tech was an expert in the way of your behaviors, so he carefully lifted a hand to cup the side of your cheek as he asked. 
  “Not that I am ungrateful, and believe me when I say that I am quantifiably appreciative for all you’ve done, but might I ask what has brought on this increased staring and effort?” he calmly questioned, his gaze unwavering, matching his tone. The thumb along the hand holding your face, tracing ever so lightly along the skin as you sighed. 
  Uncertainty shaking for a moment, as you thought that there was no cause for concern. The likelihood he’d change his mind is very minimal. He wouldn’t outright reject the idea, as you knew it initially had been his.  But that didn’t stop the worry if either of those had happened since you last spoke of it that morning in the ocean together with the lapping waves of water, in which he detailed the amount of energy he’d put into the concept on his end. 
  Most of the doubt stemming from worry that he’d be angry you’d gone and removed the implant without consulting him. Maybe he would’ve wanted to be a part of the process. What if he wanted kids but didn’t want them now? What if-
  “Talk to me,” he encouraged as you blinked rapidly, eyes no longer staring at the waving flowers on the balcony as they snapped back to his concerned gaze. 
  Deciding it was now or never you decided to remove the golden bangle that you’d borrowed from Lyana who insisted that it matched the dress perfectly. Setting it along the table you instead grabbed his hand from where it rested along your knee, putting it on the small patch still remaining from AZI earlier that day. 
  You could almost see the cogs turning in Tech’s mind as he slowly pieced it together. The longing stares. The sweet moments. The effort tonight. The new dress. The odd bracelet. The small wound on your arm at exactly the same place your implant-
  “Do you wish to procreate?” he asked, lacking all ounce of romanticism, and yet something within the direct nature you loved so dearly about him made you squirm in his lap. His eyes were desperately staring into your own as his fingertips traced over the bandage. 
  “That’s one way to put it Tech,” you playfully scoffed. 
  “You did not answer my question,” he demanded, tone shifting slightly as did his grip on your arm. 
  “I just,” you trailed off, eyes wandering down to the flowing material of the dress before finding the brilliance of the moonlight on the water to be more comforting in the moment. “I have just been thinking about what you said and it just sort of hit me. I know it's sudden, and I know I likely should’ve spoken to you before I went and had AZI remove the implant, but I found myself certain for the first time that this was something I wanted. That I want it. With you. Not years from now. But in this moment it felt right,” you admit to him. Watching as his mind seemed to absorb the confession, you felt his grip loosen ever so slightly. 
  “What changed your mind?” He probed, genuine curiosity overtaking his handsome features as a small smile worked along his plush lips. 
  “Can I be honest and say I am not really certain,” you ask as he chuckles, accepting your candor. 
  “Let me rephrase my question then: What moment are you referring to as having clarity on the matter?” Tech inquired, nose delicately tracing the skin of your jaw as you shuttered at the soft intimacy of the act. 
  “This morning,” you say quietly, cheeks flushing as you recall how sweetly he’d stared at you in the early light. 
  “I do not recall anything particularly unique about this morning beyond your additional staring,” he commented and you shook your head. 
  “That is why I told you that I hadn’t really been able to explain it. I just woke up feeling as if things were finally right in that area. I found myself hyper aware of all your touches or expressions and they all seemed to point to that conclusion. Then you held me in the mirror and I just thought how happy I was. How content I felt. And despite all that…” you trail off, looking up at him through thick lashes as you whispered, “I still felt that we were missing something. Something here.” You take his hand and set it on the flat of your stomach. 
  “And you are positive this isn’t a passing feeling? I don't want you to feel pressured since I was the one who initially proposed such an idea,” he sought confirmation as you nodded. 
  “I am certain. This morning wasn’t the first time I have thought about this. More or less it was the realization that I am ready. I want to take this step with you Tech,” you tell him and that’s all he needed, to finally lose the resolve. Standing as he gripped your body tightly to his own, nearly tripping as he ran through the home to the bedroom with a speed you hadn’t anticipated. Giggles erupting from the back of your throat at his desperation.  Then you were weightless as he tossed you onto the shared bed. 
  Shock in your eyes as you watched him quickly shedding the clothes he had worn for the day. Soon he stood bare with an almost predatory glint in his eyes. You’d never seen him staring at you that way in all the time you’d known one another, but as he stepped closer, he once again shocked you. Grabbing your ankles in his worn hands, yanking you to the edge of the bed as he turned you enough to find the ties along the back of the dress and slide them to the floor. As the dress fell away his smirk only deepened when he realized you had forgone anything under it. 
  “Mhm this is quite a lovely surprise dear,” Tech said as he laid you out on the bed, gentleness returning as he’d gotten out his excitement in the quick rush to the bedroom. 
  “I thought you’d enjoy it,” you raise a hand, brushing but his carmel curls as everything slowed, his lips descending slowly upon your own as he held you to the bed, kissing your mouth, then your neck, and shoulders, finally reaching your stomach as he repeatedly did so in the spot you’d hopefully carry his child. 
  “I do,” he whispered against the skin below your naval as he once again crawled over your body, remembering the question he’d meant to ask earlier. “By chance, when you got this removed, did you find out where exactly within your reproductive cycle you are,” he asked. You had anticipated a more sensual tone, but the sudden shift to clinical nearly made you laugh out loud. 
  But then you remembered why you loved this man. Something about the way his mind worked was positively endearing. There was no beating around the bush when it came to Tech. He did not know the word subtlety. 
  “I think you’ll find tonight is right where we want to be…” you say, trying to express that you are currently being blessed by the gods of fertility in a way that is not overtly scientific and more romantic. 
  “Well, that is quite appropriate,” he states bluntly as you continue running a hand over his face and hand, questioning why that is. Your thumb catches the ever so slight stubble starting to grow over his cheekbone. You had always found it humorous just how quickly the pesky hairs returned to his cheeks and jaw. 
  “You ask why…” he says before lowering his mouth to your ear, purring as he nips the lobe for a moment to pull away and stare down at you as he continues the husky whisper “my dear it's only natural for a man to want that…” he claimed as those flutters in your stomach turned into a storm. 
  You knew it was playing with fire, but you were curious what Tech would do if you pressed him on the matter, so you asked, “For a man to want what exactly..?” as he slid a hand down behind the small of your back, tightening his hold like a coiled python ready to strike. 
  “To fulfill that need to see the woman he loves glowing and full of his offspring…” he explained as if it was the most simple explanation in the world. You’d never heard Tech using this tone before. It bordered somewhere along domineering and straightforward in that unique confidence he always had. It also brought about a dampness between your thighs and an aching that would soon need to be addressed. 
  “You said that you were certain this morning… in front of the mirror?” he questioned after a moment and you nodded, unsure why he was bringing it back up now that you were both naked, and from what you could gather based on the way he was throbbing against you, ready to start. 
  You almost didn’t hear the way he huffed out, “come here” as his arms tightened, lifting you up from the bed. Gripping along his shoulders, the man’s still muscular frame carried you with ease towards the bathroom, not even bothering to turn on the light as the moon cast enough of a glow in the atmosphere it perfectly mirrored the morning with a more hazy view of night. 
  “What are you doing?” you questioned as he set you down in front of the counter, carefully turning you around without a word. 
  Soon it clicked. He was recreating this morning, except this time he would be the one getting to indulge in your momentary fantasy. His shifting grip found your abdomen as his long fingers trailed along the flat below your naval without a word, kisses beginning to nip along your shoulder blades. 
  “Tell me what you thought this morning when I held you right here,” he demanded playfully, lips caressing the skin of your nape as he glanced into the mirror over your shoulder, awaiting a response. Thighs tightening together, attempting to bring some relief to your aching core, you sucked in a breath.  
  “Won’t you be my good girl and tell me…” he chuckled as one of his fingers pushed the clamp of your thighs apart, dexterous finger dipping into your warmth as you bit your lip to contain the noise threatening to spill out at the contact of his fingertips near your opening. The weight in the air provided more preparation than you thought possible, you knew that you were already acclimated to take him, but Tech wanted to tease the thought out of you it seemed… 
  “Darling… you know that you shall have whatever vision your beautiful mind dreamt up here if you simply indulge me,” he explained it all so simply, finger breaching your walls as he sunk into the velvety walls that he soon planned to paint with his seed. 
  Adding to the now burning desire to have him continue was the pressing against your back, warning of the angry and leaking head of his cock, desperate to get inside. Tech rocked ever so gently as he tightened his grip on your stomach while your locked stares looked at one another in the mirror. While unexpected, this position was so much more enrapturing than what you thought this would be like.
  You’d imagined him leaning over you, whispering the sweet words he always had when he made love to you. Instead, he was here poised like an animal ready to fulfill his body’s main desire. Tech hardly seemed like a man who’d fall for such feral whims, but yet here you were pressed between the cool stone counter and his warmth as he waited for you to explain yourself. 
  “I thought about us standing here in the morning, exactly as we are now, but-” you began, feeling as his fingers retreated from your body and instead wrapped around his own cock, as he abruptly shifted apart your lower seam. Head of his cock now pressed right against your opening, he brought his slick covered hand up to tuck a strand of hair affectionately behind your ear as he cooed, “keep going…” against your ear with a gentle kiss to your temple. 
  “But your hands stretched over our growing child as we both felt them kick for the first time,” you say, eyes closing as you imagined it. Same place as you were right now. His hands would both be able to fit over the round of your belly instead of the flat he easily covered with one hand now. His warm brown eyes found yours in the mirror as you both felt those flutters together. It was perfect. 
  And then Tech suddenly brought you both one step closer to that reality with a snap of his hips, his cock finding its home with one harsh thrust.  
  Tech rarely made much noise when he was bringing you both to ecstasy together. His heavy breathing and occasional gasps being the extent of what he brought to the table beyond simply talking. But as he pushed inside of you the guttural groan that escaped from the back of his throat, echoing off the walls of the bathroom only intensified the heat you felt over every inch of your body. 
  His fingers laced in your own, resting against your naval as he leaned against the side of your head with his own, his nose finding that spot behind your ear where your perfume always sat.  The second he took to collect himself doing so much to aid in your pleasure, as you watched his always held together resolve melt away in the bathroom mirror. From the tight grip on your hand and the bathroom counter, to that gorgeous crease between his eyebrows - everything about watching him come undone within your body was perfect. 
  Soon he looked back up, seeing your wide eyes in the mirror as he pulled back enjoy to thrust back in with another groan, eye contact never straying. “You are perfect. Just like this. Made to-” he groaned once more as he felt your walls clench quickly and release him once more. “You were made to take me, Maker-” 
  “Tech, I-” your voice wobbled, eyes threatening to spill with tears from both the physical exertion and emotion lingering in the air. 
  “I’ve got you. Safe in my arms. We are safe. And when we finally have- Kriff!” Tech never swore. Found it highly unnecessary. Hearing him do so now, balls deep inside of you caused you to clench involuntarily once more around him. As if your body was saying how much you wanted his spill. 
  Abandoning his train of thought entirely, Tech reached forward, tugging your jaw back as he pushed his lips onto yours, hips rutting with reclass abandon as his other hand held you up against his thrusts. Pulling back ever so slightly, he continued the pace. Sweat dripping down his temple as his mouth fell open and his eyes struggled to focus as his eyelids grew heavy under the weight of the mounting release he desperately sought with each push inside your heavenly body. 
  “Mine,” he gritted out between his white teeth and you realized exactly what he wanted. 
  “I’m all yours” you all but wailed as he grinned for a moment, hips no longer pistoning in a calculated pattern. No this was beyond that. This was simply a man on a mission. Body finally taking over as Tech felt his himself on that edge. 
  Desperate to drag you with him, he reached down to pinch your clitorous almost painfully between two fingers as he grunted in your ear, “soon everyone is going to know that you’re mine.” 
  That was all it took. 
  Screaming his name so loud the whole damn island must’ve heard you, as you clenched so harshly around his cock that he couldn’t stop it from bursting within your walls. You thought that release would’ve calmed this man, but you’d be wrong. 
  “That’s it, take it-” he hissed as his hips kept chanting forward with slight thrusts as if they would somehow aid his sperms journey into your womb. 
  Whispering his name gently, your legs started to wobble slightly from the intensity and he slowed enough to catch you, pinning you against the counter as he remained inside. His handle gently carding along your skin and in your hair as the praises suddenly began to spill from his lips. 
  “You did so well… so perfect… so beautiful… look at you… glowing in the moon light…” he punctuated each sweet phrase with a kiss somewhere along your skin and face as he continued to soften within your walls, eventually sliding out once your breathing returned to normal. 
  Replacing it with his fingers, he shoved the combined spill from the two of you back inside before it could leak out, humming against your neck with that serene expression you reconized every time his balls finally would be emptied. 
  Eyes cracking open behind you as he swayed gently, kissing your cheek once more before saying, “I’m not going to work tomorrow,” calmly he replied finally removing his hand from your leaking hole, plunging it into your mouth without warning as you sucked the mess from his hand without question. He’d done it before, forcing his messy fingers inside your mouth. You were quite acclimated with all the facets his oral fixation took.  
  “Huh?” you questioned his out of place comment, still sucking around his digits until they were clean, releasing them with a pop of your lips.
  “You and I are staying in this room all day…” he hummed out as he bent down to lift you into his arms with ease, carefully treading back into the bedroom and laying you back out on the bed. 
  “All day?” you teasingly questioned, leaning up on your elbows as he looked down at you from where he stood. 
  “Mhm, I’ve got important work to do,” he quipped, knees finding the edge of the covers as he gazed down at your blushing body. Sweat in your hair, cheeks flustered and dark khol eyeliner spilling down your cheeks. Seeing you so undone by just his first attempt alone had him growing hard once more. 
  “Oh really, and what would that be,” you teased as he lowered himself over your body, his twitching cock coming alive once again near your already shivering thighs. 
  “Perhaps you require a refresher…” the back of his hand carefully traced down the length of your body as he smirked at you. 
  “I’m all yours to remind,” you tell him, eyes fluttering shut as you prepare for the long night and day he’s likely going to indulge you with. 
  “You absolutely are,” he huskily whispers as he plunges into your womanhood without warning before grabbing your face in his comically large hand, pulling youre forehead to rest against his own. “Soon you’ll be mine in every way possible,” he lets you know with a groan, as you stare into the most beautiful brown eyes in the galaxy, ready for everything Tech’s brilliant mind can dream up to bring you both the depth of your shared desires. 
  Every way possible.
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betelgo0ze · 3 months
Dathomirian culture is yet another topic the Star Wars franchise is yet to fully flesh out.
We know that it is a matriarchal society where males are cast out and used only for breeding but other than that no traditions or customs are explored. Yes, a few things are, but I’d like to add a few ideas of my own.
If you’ve ever read Wings of Fire than you’d know how only daughters or sisters of the queen can become the next ruler and kings have little to no power or influence(that is assuming the queen even gave him the title)
Queen Coral had 38(somewhere around that number, ik it was late thirties)sons and only a few daughters who she cherished. Long story short, she didn’t even know half her son’s names.
I think it would be cool if that would be the norm in Mauls culture. I don’t remember if it was ever said(and if it was I forgot lol)how members of the Nightsisters become the next leader but it isn’t too important for this headcanon. The leaders would want to procreate nonetheless and daughters would be the only children allowed in the tribe anyways.
But Talzin is diffrent.
she wouldn’t have let Maul live with the Nightbrothers if he had grown up with her. She would have kept him and his brothers. She cherished him which was something the Nightsisters saw as strange.
I think it would be funny if she had many daughters as well and loved them equally but loving her sons would be seen as strange since it isn’t something in there culture.
I think it’s just funny to imagine Maul with a bunch of older and younger sisters and in a ideal reality where after TPM he was able to make his way back to his mother and suddenly be seen as “the lost prince” w a bunch of sisters or whatever. It’s just endlessly hilarious to me.
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tsuyonpuu · 1 year
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Stickie Design! He's just a little guy, starboy 🌠✨
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ladymiraclewings · 21 days
Super Wings - Season 9 News
Well, there it is after two whole summer months, TF1 just held their annual TFOU conference yesterday and we finally have a first look at S9, titled "Super Combo", with the first image and synopsis:
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As always, the synopsis translation, originally found in the press kit there
"This brand new season of Super Wings is a festival of new things!
Jett, the famous globetrotting red plane, continues his extraordinary for children all over the world. But this time, when the missions get too tough, the Super Wings can transform themselves into huge electric robots that can be combined with each other. In this way, the qualities combine to create incredible Super Combos!
New planes join the team: Curie, the science superstar, Runi, the firefighting seaplane, and Sara, the royal plane used to carrying only crowned heads.
This ninth season is also an opportunity to travel to the distant past, Dino World, where the Dino Wings come to the aid of dinosaurs in danger.
The Super Wings are going to make a splash in season 9 - Super Combo"
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