#sw selena
classicanalyzer · 5 months
Tales of the Empire Thoughts and Reflection
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Morgan Elsbeth - The Vengeful Nightsister
The Path of Fear
"It appears your path is set, Morgan Elsebeth. I pity you, for I can see what is to come." Mountain Clan Matron
The origins of Morgan's darkness begin with a tragedy. Her Nightsister tribe (whether that be a part of the same group as Talzin's or another Nightsister group is unclear) is massacred including her mother Selena (Voiced by Morgan's actress, Diana Lee Inosanto, who also voices the older Morgan in the next two shorts). You can really feel Morgan's anxiety and fear kick into overdrive as she saw her people and her own mother die to the onslaught of the droids.
General Grievous is terrifying as hell here. This is the CIS General who strikes fear into the Republic, Jedi, and the unlucky souls who have to contend with him. Likewise, there is no humor from the usually humorous and affably evil Droid mooks as we see them ruthlessly carry out the genocide of the Nightsisters.
The Mountain Clan gives me the vibes that they're Light Side-aligned witches. On that note, it's great to see other Dathomir witch clans since in Legends there were more witch clans than just the Nightsisters. However on that note, when Morgan goes on a hunting trip with Nali, the Mountain Clan Matron's daughter, they hide from a patrolling droid gunship. She then incites fear into her about the patrolling droids, even asking her if she can stand to see he mother die.
Morgan did want to protect the Mountain Clan from the Droids perceiving their unwillingness to prepare for the worst as cowardice. However, in doing so, she with three witches (one of whom is the Matron's daughter) got caught by a patroling droid gunship. But instead of getting the untrained witches to safety, Morgan went straight to destroy the droids who killed her family while leaving the witches to be killed.
The ending of the short ends Morgan alone with the fires of her fear giving way to destruction. Fear can cause a person to do things that end up harming those around them, even if the fear is out of a genuine desire to protect others. I don't think she was fully lost yet, but she clearly let the fear consume her after that.
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger." Yoda
The Path of Anger
"Why do you seek Imperial favor?" Thrawn.
"Revenge. Years ago, my people were all but destroyed. Our culture, our beliefs, are fading into memory. Yes, I seek power to ensure my future, to destroy my enemies. My anger gives me strength, and it is that strength that I offer the Empire." Morgan Elsbeth
"Offer accepted."
We open on Coruscant with 4 Venators and an Imperial ISD. It is revealed that Morgan is the designer of the infamous TIE Defender which makes her indirectly responsible for the events of Rebels S3-S4. Of course, the Imperials, particularly Moff Isdain, she presented it to are more interested in Corvus' resources, Morgan's disappointment and worries are felt with her facial expressions... until a familiar Captain is curious about her project.
Captain Pellaeon is disappointed to hear Morgan's response is the standard "Glory to the Empire" statement. Mogan is forced to return to Corvus with an angry crowd of people who worked hard and made her Magistrate, surrendered their freedoms, and trusted her to bring work and prosperity to them. It didn't help when Morgan referred to them from a backwater world and negatively looked down on them.
As night falls, with the angry crowd, Morgan remarks how "ungrateful" they're being and how they're not her people. This shows how Morgan is projecting the loss of her people on the people of Coruvs. However, she didn't take the time to be with the community as she views herself outside of it. She doesn't have long to think about this as she's ambushed by Rukh. The townspeople including Wing who have no love of Morgon now don't even bother to send the guard to help. With some quick thinking and skills, she was able to disarm and hold the assassin at her mercy. Pellaeon then revealed himself and stated how this was a part of a larger test.
With that, Admiral Thrawn (it feels so weird not seeing him in his GA outfit) enters the scene with his theme playing. As Thrawn acts more like his novel counterpart by discussing the Empire's shortcomings by focusing on self-interest and petty infighting over the growing threat of the rebellion. With that, he asks Morgon why she wants to join the Empire. She reveals that she wants revenge for her people being wiped out. It gives me the feeling that she wants to burn down the galaxy at this point, a feeling which is more true in the next short. As Thrawn gives her three of his ISDs, Wind solemnly notes that the Imperial occupation is not good news.
The ending of the short reveals how Morgon wanted to be in a community but she can't bring herself to truly be a part of it. Which is why she ended up rejected as people can't see her as one of their own since she chooses not to be a part of the community.
"Anger leads to hate." Yoda
The Path of Hate
"Be brave. No matter how dark things get." Nadura
"I can't." Wing
"You can. Help will come...... but you must be ready to do your part. Even if it is small. You can make a difference." Nadura
The dawn of the NR has come as Nadura, a former laborer, came back to her home for Corvus to become a NR planet. However, she discovers the town has only gotten worse and more oppressed by Morgan. She assures Wing that people can change and perhaps Morgan too. However, the truth couldn't have been farther. As Morgan talks about a vision she has and rejects any offers by Nadura (even thinking she's an ungrateful laborer despite Nadura pointing out the harsh conditions and "fair wages"), at that point despite Wing and Nadura pleading for a peaceful resolution, Morgon chose violence.
Even after killing the NR guards and Nadura, she had her soldiers burn down the forest almost out of spite (Nadura had pleaded with her to not burn everything around her... only for us to get the chilling statement of how her world has been burning since Dathomir). However, a ray of hope arrives when Wing is assured help is on the way by Nadura and he needs to be ready to help whatever he can. This really got to me as I was invested in Wing's growth, especially when we see him in Mando S2 helping to free the prisoners and alerting Djarin about the droid. He was able to live up to Nadura's hopes.
In the end, the cycle repeats itself. It's depressing and tragic to see how the sympathetic victim becomes the victimizer monster. In Morgan's quest to see her destiny fulfilled, she became just like the cyborg General who killed her people. The short ends with a seemingly downer note as Morgan destroys the communicator (Bo-Katan on the other side). However, there was a brief moment of Ahsoka's leitmotif used, a sign of what's to come in Mandalorian S2 The Jedi, where Ahsoka overthrows Morga and Wing plays his part, even if it is small.
Reflecting upon Morgan's character, her arc, and character remind me a lot of FF16's Barnabas Tharmr, both wanted a sense of belonging and were willing to do anything, even die for that. Morgan's revenge seems to be her wanting to burn the galaxy for allowing the massacre to happen. While we don't have a suffering short, the Ahsoka finale is the suffering of one of Yoda's famous lines.
"Hate leads to suffering." Yoda
Barriss Offee - The Conflicted Jedi
"Brothers, sisters enter. Enter. Now it is time you meet your new Master. Long Live the Empire!" Grand Inquisitor
Operation Knightfall has come... and Barriss Offee can only witness the fires of the Jedi Temple in her prison cell. Even after betraying the Jedi, she didn't want to see them perish (her reason for her actions in the first place was to protest the Jedi's involvement in the war). Of course, it doesn't take long for the Inquisitorius to take an interest. As Barriss recognizes Lyn, she discovers the narrative that the Jedi tried to "assassinate" Palpatine. Under threat of being killed if she refuses, Barriss takes Lyn's offer of an opportunity.
At Nur (I prefer Fallen Order's Nur over Kenobi's Nur but this show made Kenobi Nur look good), Barriss reunites with two Jedi, Ahmar (HE'S VOICED BY HUNTER?!) and Dante (VOICED BY ROWAN FREEMAKER?!), as we get the Grand Inquisitor (Jason Issacs is back!) recapping them of the galaxy's changes (Republic to Empire) and encourages them to prove themselves to join their ranks... discouraging them of trying to leave. Interestingly, Barriss acts the most Jedi-like (meditating while waiting) while Dante (is too scared of leaving) and Ahmar (who correctly sees that the Empire is no better than the Jedi) act un-Jedi-like. As Barriss tries to dissuade Ahmar from leaving, he scoffs (he notably asked why she wasn't in prison when they first reunited) why they should listen to her as it implies he might've been disgusted by what she did.
As Dante's opinions are validated with Ahmar's bloodied gem tossed, Barriss is taken to be tested by the Grand Inquisitor. What's really ironic is that the Grand Inquisitor became disillusioned by the Order because of Barriss' speech, and now he's giving her a crash course in truly embracing the Dark Side. You can see Barriss slow reluctance to give in to her anger but as the "fight" goes on, she becomes more aggressive and gives in to the Dark Side. With the Grand Inquisitor casually dodging her moves and encouraging her to stop "fighting like a Jedi", this results in Barriss hitting his shoulder armor... but he was still able to disarm her. As the blood drips from Barriss nose, she finally uses the Force to attack the Grand Inquisitor and with blood dripping from him, he regards her as ready for the final test.
The final test is of course... a fight to the death or else both will die. Even despite tapping into the Dark Side, Barriss doesn't want to fight... but Dante consumed by his fear decides to go for the kill. Barriss fights defensively throughout until she decides to save her life by Force-Chocking Dante. This of course is how she framed Ahsoka for murder and you can tell how shocked of what she just did as she's given her own Inqusistiro mask and greeted as a sister by Lyn.
The final scene shows Barriss, Lyn, Marrok, and even the Inquisitor from TotJ's episode Resolve meeting their new master: Darth Vader. The irony does not need to be stated. As Barriss puts on the helmet, truly accepting her role as a Jedi hunting Inquisitor. Her devotion is now with the Inquisitorius. We see the journey of someone who went from accusing the Order of promoting violence and warmongering to now joining an order of hunters who will reap violence (which she will discover).
Side Note: The Clone Shock Troopers and the proto-Purge Troopers are some of the most asshole Clones I've seen.
"Long Live the Empire." Barriss Offee
"The Jedi are a threat to be eradicated wherever they are found." Lyn Rakish
"Then you have one Jedi left to deal with." Barriss Offee
Barriss and Lyn are sent on a mission to deal with a Jedi supposedly located there. Barriss rightfully questions how they can trust the intel with Lyn's blindly believing she shouldn't question orders from the Grand Inquisitor. Throughout the entire episode, we see Barriss truly believe in the Imperial propaganda that they were bringing peace and prosperity to the galaxy. However, she sees the shantytown and ruins of a world where a rebel cell operated, and she's shocked about why the Empire would allow this to happen. Lyn coldly gives no empathy to the people as they rebelled against the Empire.
Eventually, they reach the town square where we see a major difference between the two former Jedi. Lyn aggressively threatens the townsfolk about revealing the Jedi and spews out Imperial propaganda about the Jedi which only gets her nothing from their elder. However, Barriss notices a child who seem to know where the Jedi is. Barriss' approach is calmly approaching the child, even taking off her helmet to nicely ask. Unsurprisingly, Barriss' approach worked out as the child gave the Jedi's location. This shows how despite being an Inquisitor, Barriss believes the Inquisitorius is a better version of the Order. However because the Governor lied about no Jedi being there, Lyn killed all of the people in the square. I think this might be one of the most violent moments in SW animation as we see several civilians killed on-screen. Thankfully, Barriss was able to spare the child as she encouraged them to not look back... that child is going to have so many trust issues when they grow up.
We get to know more about Lyn's thought process as it's clear she believes fear will bring a projection of strength (something which comes back to haunt her in the next short). It doesn't take long for the two to find the Jedi. The Jedi managed to knock out Lyn and we get a really cool duel between Barriss and the Jedi. Barriss tries to sympathize with the Jedi about being abandoned and left alone to join a new community. This convinces the Jedi to surrender after sympathizing with being alone and tired of running. However, Lyn then nearly kills the Jedi despite them surrendering. This was the last straw as Lyn dismissed Barriss' point of their surrender and that was when Barriss finally returned to the Light, as she Force pushed her former friend off the cliff. Symbolically, Barriss then drops her Inquisitor helmet off the cliff. She then begins to heal the Jedi as she proclaims they're not alone.
Side Note: The Jedi (They/them pronouns) is also voiced by a Queer VA, Ry Chase (goes by any all pronouns) which is amazing representation to see. I'm also so happy they aren't killed.
"I won't let you die. You're not alone." Barriss Offee
The Way Out
"I forgive you." Barriss Offee
"I don't want your forgiveness. I want you to show me the way out." Lyn Rakish
"You know the way out. You just have to accept it, Lyn."
"Stop calling me that."
"But that is who you are."
"There is no way out, is there?"
"That's what the Empire wants you to think."
"I am gonna get you out of here."
As a family with their Force-sensitive child makes their way to find help, they can meet with The Healer, otherwise known as Barriss. She has once again reconnected with her Jedi roots and embraced it. It's even highly implied she reconciled with Ahsoka which is the most heartwarming thing to know happened. However, Lyn has found them all (ironically she wasn't even searching for Barriss).
As Lyn is now sunken low to hunt children, Barriss notes how fear has become Lyn's master and not her ally as Barriss like the Grand Inquisitor dodged every strike.
In many ways, Lyn getting lost in the cave reflects how fear consumes and blinds you. As you let fear dictate your life, you cannot find the way out. But when you let go of fear, the way out is quite clear, the family and the attendants were able to easily get out of the cave as a result.
As Lyn becomes more afraid and fearful when her trapped state is apparent. We see the true Lyn, someone scared of failure, and the organization she serves. Lyn's mental breakdown reflects how just like in the first episode, fear can let you hurt people you weren't intending to hurt... as she stabs Barriss in her blind rage. However, Barriss's compassion despite everything she did was enough to finally break through to Lyn's heart, and like Reva, she abandoned her weapon to hopefully help Barriss. However, whatever Barriss lives or dies isn't important what is important is she helps her friend find the light.
Upon reflection, the Lyn represents Barriss' idealism being twisted by the Inquisitorius. Barriss and Lyn thought this new order would be better than the Jedi. However, while Barriss sticks to her Jedi's beliefs (she ended up in jail for protesting the Jedi's involvement in the war but still believed in its values), Lyn for a long time embraced the violence and heartlessness of the Inquisitorius. It's little wonder why Barriss wanted to do everything she could to help her.
Despite the darkness in these two shorts, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Happy May the Fourth!
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redbean-nom · 4 months
the contrast between elsbeth's tribe (nightsister... commoners? peasants? villagers?) fighting grievous vs talzin's clan (nightsister royalty) is so funny like.
elsbeth's clan: probably-Mother Selena dueling grievous with two fire sickles that melt/short out when hit by lightsabers (grievous didn't even split his arms! it's literally a leisurely spar for him). approximately three archers in the background. one single unit of B1s and B2s plus possibly a handful of commando droids. elsbeth hiding in a tree and falling out.
talzin's clan: Mother Talzin voodooing Dooku from the castle basement and then levitating in a giant electric sphere and zapping the entire droid army for like five minutes straight. Ventress dueling four-arms grievous for equally long. An entire army of archers casually force-speed/force-jumping over entire trees. Grievous' full fleet, a bomber squad, a unit of commando droids, magnaguards, state of the art experimental tanks, more regular tanks, and a full army of B1s/B2s. Daka long-distance-necromancing the entire clan and resurrecting every single dead nightsister in the entire region. Talzin finally not-surrending by turning herself into a force ghost and then promptly going to start a cult to revive herself/the dead nightsisters.
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jesuis-snips · 2 years
So there is this weird magic themed old tv show in Turkey and in a scene this man sneezes by saying "bless youuu" and the people around him are like "achoo, supreme Honos". And then he responses with "achoo you too".
So because I am obsessed with Star Wars I couldn't stop myself but imagine that this is what happens if you sneeze in the gffa. It's basically like:
Obi-Wan, sneezes because Anakin and Ahsoka dumped iced water on him: Bless youuu!
All the 212th, at once: Achoo, General Kenobi.
Obi-Wan, with a napkin in his hand: Achoo you too, troopers.
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shop-korea · 7 months
Watch Together Again on YouTube Music
28 MAR 2024 - FINAL
31 MARCH 2024
FEE - $20
THEN - $109
$7.99 - WHITE - HEARTS
DARK - PINK - $14.99
RAYON - INDIA - $!5.99
GET - $!0 - 2 - SPEND
COUPON - 24/7 - EVEN
28 MARCH - $5 - OR - TAXED
COUPONS - PLUS - $10.00
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southwest-artisans · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Navajo Women's 2-Part Dangle Earrings Stone Setting Native American Jewelry.
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batfall-moved · 2 years
* be on tonight to do some drafts and be around 🤍 i hope everyone is im enjoying their st & sw binges 👀. sending love to everyone this saturday
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normalweirdoboy · 4 years
Thanks for tagging me @sulfurousmirrorscapes 
Rules: Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people.
So here it is... (kinda embarrassing heheh)
Be Kind - Marshmelo, Halsey
Ho Hey - The Lumineers
Monaco - Smooth Lounge Piano (Well it was there in the list so...)
Mo-Eh Wa - Fujii Kaze
Rare - Selena Gomez
Tomake Bujhina Priyo - Prasen Mukherjee
You Need to Calm Down - Taylor Swift
Obokashbelay - SHOUBHIK GHOSH
Prayer X - King Gnu
Tum Hi Ho - Arijit Singh
I’m tagging @art-for-every-heart @strongfiercestworld @creativespacetime @quaelearns @shayraeh420 @sarrrrrrrah @shreyabhadauriya @oneiridescent @mialuvscats @dancelover45
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thatwitchrevan · 5 years
for the oc ask game: s/b/q?
Selena for ‘S’:
Nicknames, If Any: Annie calls her ‘Sel’.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor!
Gender: Woman
Sexuality: Bi? Pan? I only know her to be attracted to Annie, who’s agender, but she’s probably also into women, and beyond that I’m not sure.
A Song I Associate With Them: This is also on Meetra’s playlist, but Battlefield by Svrcina fits Selena and the rest of the Mandalorian War Jedi pretty well.
3 Important Relationships: Annie is her best friend and her partner and helps balance her out a lot, like they’re the majority of each other’s support system during the war. Meetra is a good friend and Selena has her back at least 90% of the time. Revanna is also a friend but an increasingly strained one as the war drags on.
2 Fears: The big two would be losing Annie or watching the Republic and/or the Jedi fall. Annie is fine but that other fear becomes very real for Selena.
1 Element of their backstory: I think Selena’s master may have been one of the masters that actually went to fight with the kids in the Mandalorian Wars. Both they and Selena felt like this was exactly what the Jedi were called to do, to protect people and fight the battles that others can’t. Also, while obviously the war is a terrible thing that none of the Jedi (fully) enjoys being a part of, there is a small bit of relief in it for Selena. The war allows her to be with her friends and especially Annie more than she might have if they all got sent on regular assignments and had to train their own padawans. Selena never had any specific goals for her career as a Jedi; she just wanted to use her abilities where they’re needed and try to keep her friends close as she could. The war ironically made that a lot more certain, at least for a while.
Barrett for ‘B’:
Nicknames, If Any: I’m sure Zhen has one for her (or a few) but I haven’t thought of any yet.
Hogwarts House: Probably Ravenclaw.
Gender: Woman
Sexuality: Gay
A Song I Associate With Them: I don’t have one yet
3 Important Relationships: Zhen is her girlfriend who she met in the Imperial Academy, and her favorite pilot to work with. She also has a younger sister (Marianne?) who she doesn’t see often anymore but is probably the only family member she’s close to, and a friend from her early days in the academy that I’ve only begun developing.
2 Fears: She worries about Zhen a lot especially since Zhen isn’t very careful, and she’s afraid to get kicked out of the Academy or fail at her career.
1 Element of their backstory: Barrett and her sister come from a shit home with a dad who was always taking their money and shit, so they both took off as soon as they were old enough. Marianne went to art school off-planet and Barrett went into the Imperial Academy. Barrett’s one of many kids that saw the Academy as their one way to a better life. 
I got nothing for ‘Q’...yet...
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penclicksound · 6 years
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"It's been the longest [friendship] I think either of us had really. When your life changes and you become thrust into this really strange whirlwind where what your life is is different from what other people think your life is. And your life is commented on and your life is written about and its fictionalized and all that. Both of us have kind of stuck it out and hung in there through all the different changes we've gone through. Longevity is something you really can find very precious and rare in friendships."
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lothal · 6 years
Okay but wolves by Selena Gomez is the perfect swr song
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liwanags · 6 years
all im saying is shawn mendes is just a guy who has a mediocre voice who is v good with a guitar and is conventionally attractive and he’s white ! and im just annoyed that he gets such a big break when there’s a thousand more poc kids who’s so much better like ?? idk alessia cara or jordan fisher maybe u kno 
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dreaming-to-go-away · 7 years
Yours until my heart dies.
Allie X
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Question more about boys. I was sitting and thinking, harley has lou and bud, freeze has teo polar bears in canon, penguin had both penguins and vultures in canon and in games sharks in a tankz selena has cats and ivy is...ivy. she has plant pets
Now I'm courious about what pets do you think would match other rouges but to accept your limit, let's say riddler, scarecrow, mad hatter and music meister to keep the theme of dork pets
Freeze having polar bear got me good. Put it in shows people!
Also it was one of greatest asks, I had so much fun.
I like idea of him having parrot
Would have to take care of one for a favor and she would annoy him by repeating what he says
Would just scream at her and she would scream back
Somehow she learns his riddles, he would say that it at least makes her smarter
By the end he gets too attached and adopts her, names her Riddlrina (listen I have no clue what to choose)
Would take her to his plans and make her her own tiny mask
Would give her honor of asking riddles first
First time it happens Batman thought he got stroke
So proud of his birdie, would hug her and make her toys
Gets depressed in Arkham without her so Batman ask for permission to let her in; for the first time Ed doesn't hate him
I am between crows liking him and crows hating him (cause you know, Scarecrow) so I decided for enemies to friends crow
Basically crows never liked him but he saw injured crow lying by the window of his house and just decided to let him stay
Crow absolutely would peck him and it would drove Jonathan crazy but he took him in so he takes care
Slowly when Crow's wings starts healing he starts realizing that Jon is helping him
Becomes more friendly and even let him pet him, It's pretty nice
When he starts flying around the house Jon decides it time to let him go, kinda misses him
Then one day while walking home some crow starts attacking him and while trying to get them to leave some other crow shows up and attacks the first one
After agresor flies away other Crow just sits in front of Jonathan turning his head, when he lets him pet himself Jon realizes it's his crow
Just takes him home and names him Poe
Would take him on his heists and Scarecrow has Crow sitting on his arm now; Poe would get him some information if needed by stealing it which,by the way, Poe would sometimes bring random shiny things
Jon would teach him to talk some E.A. Poe quotes to scare the shit out of people
Mad Hatter
You would probably think white rabbit or cat but MH in Alice books had a friend in March Hare so when he saw hare hanging around his lair he was so excited
It seemed he was used to human interaction cause he didn't run when Jervis approached
Gets very friendly when he is given salad and hops into Hatters lap
He could cry
Thinks of name and just decides to name him March
He doesn't really accompany him since he is scared of loud noises plus he might be too friendly with foes
After taking him in he realized that, like original March Hare, he's kinda crazy; would jump from wall to wall; Cannot find him? Probably on top of a dresser
Would just sleep tight as ball to wake up, starts running around the room just to jump onto Hatters lap and fall asleep again
Loves him so much
If March doesn't like someone they cannot be Alice
Makes little hats for him to wear and tells him what a beautiful gentleman he is
Music Meister
I didn't want to also give him a parrot so I thought of animal who uses singing but I'm not giving him a fucking whale
Ok so maybe I am giving him a whale just because this is too funny of concept not to use
Would go to Sea World and saw him there, his voice was so southing that he just stayed in his area listening until closing time
Goes there more often and sings to whale which turns out he likes and starts to recognize him
The thing is SW has problem with abuse so after realizing his new friend is victim he makes new place to put him and uses his power to transport him there
He wanted to name him after some artist but he really liked name Bubbles so whale name is Bubbles Patrick Larson (shout-out if you know these 2 references)
Just plays with him and pets him, gets diving equipment for it
Batman again couldn't believe what he was seeing, after defeating him he lets Bubbles into ocean
Problem is Bubbles actually liked MM so he is close to shore and just cries for him, not only is it heartbreaking but also annoying
It got so bad that even Aquaman gets involved and say Bubbles should see MM
Batman is just defeated and let them meet
No one tries to release Bubbles again, if he wants to swim in ocean MM just makes henchmen do it
Weirdest pet Gotham ever seen but city loves Bubbles, the amount of time he was on news ho
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southwest-artisans · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Navajo 2-Part Dangle Earrings turquoise Stone Native American Jewelry Signed***.
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thatoneclumsyjedi · 2 years
Star Wars Fic Rec
Some SW fanfics I've read these last few days
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*yestreday's gone - hobbit_in_the_tardis
14k, 4/4, Ahsoka Tano, Luke Skywalker, Leia Skywalker, Parent Ahsoka Tano, Kaeden Larte
“‘Soka.” Padmé seemed as if she was squeezing out the words. “Take care of them. Promise me—” her throat closed up and she coughed. “Promise me you’ll take care of them.”
“No. You’ll look after them yourself.” Ahsoka shook her head at the woman, speaking softly but determined.
“Ahsoka. Promise me. Please.” She spoke so desperately that Ahsoka felt the tide in her eyes rise once more.
“I promise,” she choked. “I promise, Padmé.”
*One Day is Many when Grief is Involved - Webtrinsic
3k, 1/1, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Hurt Ahsoka Tano, The Force
She is a phantom on an unmoving battlefield wondering what was so important for her to learn that the Force decided to use the cruelest form of tutelage possible.
*Into Her Keeping - zinjadu
14k, 2/2, Barriss Offee/Ahsoka Tano/Rex, Obi Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Unplanned Pregnancy, Family Feels, The OT3 I never knew I needed
The Ahsoka gets pregnant fic absolutely no one asked for! After helping the rebels on Onderon, Ahsoka got a little too involved and winds up pregnant. She defies and challenges the Jedi Order (with a little help from some friends) so she can make a choice about how she lives her life. Whatever she decides that will be.
*Worry - Pandora151
4k, 1/1, Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Sickfic
"You worried Anakin and Ahsoka. You worried the entirety of the 212th and the 501st. You worried the Council. And you worried me, Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon would have been devastated to see you like this. You know that, right?”
*Little Moments That Lead Us Here - KCKenobi
3k, 2 works, Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Humor, Family Shennanigans, Hurt/Comfort
And for a moment, the universe was no wider than this – a little room, with a little laughter and a lot of love, and all the little moments that had led them there. There was no war, no Sith, no battle wounds or pain. Just three people who were meant to find to each other, even if they weren’t meant to stay.
*Another Way To Fall - Selena
5k, 1/1, Barriss Offee, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Luminara Unduli, Character Study
Barriss Offee had many reasons to act as she did. Or none. Or just one.
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chickawah23 · 3 years
I don't understand how Sw*fties above the age of 25 aren't massively put off by Taylor's PR, I sort of get why fans younger than 25 fall for it because their brains are still growing and they won't be grown adults until then, but as a 27 year old woman myself, I find the constant push-and-pull with the engagement rumors to be so cringy.
It's just so fake and oh so unnecessary for a 32 year old woman to be doing this sort of PR, it harkens back to Paula's shitty PR shenanagins circa 18-24 year old Taylor and it really squicks me out to see a 32 year old woman using the exact same flavor of PR tactics she used as a kid except with engagement rumors thrown in for ~flavor~. I'd much rather Taylor just commit to a PR engagement instead of continuing this deranged cycle of her never acting her age because she refuses to let go of teenaged PR tactics 🤢
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Yeah I’ve said this before but I don’t think her pr is for us. I think she has always focused on staying relevant by latching on to the younger fans who still believe in fairytales and cookie cutter romance. I think for many people who grew up with Taylor we watched as her public persona stopped growing with us at a certain point.
It’s why she’s seen with gen z celebs and shouts out popular young artists (OR Conan grey, Gracie Abrams, girl in red, Phoebe Bridges, Griff, etc.) more than she talks about artists popular only with older folks. Idk if that’s a bad thing. I just think you age out of her pr after a certain point. But like I always say my favorite Taylor songs are the ones that feel honest. Like an honest look at her anxiety or an honest look at her mistakes or an honest look at depression. So seeing her reach into that more on her recent albums keeps me engaged. Maybe that is by design. Like you come for the pr and you stay for the growth. Idk.
But exploiting queerness for profit seems to be on trend right now so I get why people would be tired of the games but I also get why others would be excited for the representation. It’s always a question of authenticity.
As for Cara and Selena their pr was so obvious. Lol.
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