#swan princess erasermic AU
Swan Princess Erasermic #3
Toshinori sighed as he watched his nephew sit despondently on his horse.
“Hizashi…you know you can talk to me about anything right?” He said softly, giving the other a smile
Hizashi gave a forced chuckle, turning to face his uncle. Sadness evident in his eyes, before he turned back to the road.
“I know…its just…I really loved him you know? Like…head over heels in love with him…but if he can’t say it back” He trembled softly, as the two of them sat there is near silence as quiet tears trailed down Hizashi’s cheeks.
Then, Hizashi furiously rubbed away the tears, sitting up straighter and rolling his shoulders back. “But I’ll be fine…”
Toshinori gave a sad smile…not believing Hizashi for a minute. But he had to give the boy time…maybe he and Aizawa could work this out. He gave a smirk of sorts as he thought of the perfect reply
“You will be fine…and you know why?”
“….no no don’t say it”
Hizashi let out a strangled moan of embarrassment as he covered his face, trying to cover up his laughter. Toshinori just guffawed loudly, happy to see some semblance of joy on his nephews’ face. Before he could continue his goofy act, someone caught his eye. 
The guards in front of them had stopped, a thick mist descending upon the road before them. Toshinori hopped down from his horse, shushing Hizashi when he tried to do the same. Unsheathing his sword, he marched towards the front. As he expected, a familiar form started to walk through the mist.
“Long time no see…old friend” the Figure chuckled “Ah…and you have company”
Hizashi stiffened as the figure seemed to turn towards him. The mist continued to roll in heavily, encasing the group.
“Hizashi…Run my boy” Toshinori commanded, eyes never leaving the figure in the mist.
“No, I can help!” Hizashi countered, his voice loud yet uncertain.
“ah…just as brave as your uncle aren’t you little one?” the figure chuckled, something…unnerving was in his tone of voice.
“Don’t you dare lay a hand on him All-For-One!” Toshinori growled, raising his sword in attack position. “Hizashi Run Now!!”
Hizashi felt fear begin to fill his very being. He began to turn his horse around before a figure suddenly walked out of the mist. Spooked, his horse took off in a frightened gallop, leaving Hizashi to fall painfully to the ground. He looked up, only to be grabbed by several arms, their grips painful and bruising as they began to drag him away.
“Hizashi!!” Toshinori yelled, trying to run to the aide of his nephew.
“Not so fast All-Might. You shouldn’t be worrying about your precious nephew right now…you should be worried about yourself!”
Hizashi cried out again as he saw the Figure, All-For-One, blast his uncle with a horrid swirl of light. He tried to break out of the hands pulling him deeper into the forest, before pain exploded at the back of his skull. The last thing he saw was his uncle falling to the ground…and a sword glimmering in the mist.
And then…nothing more…
((WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?! where have they taken Hizashi?! what has happened to all might?! should I write the next part? *evil smirk* let me know through likes, comments, and reblogs please~ also feel free to request scenes from this AU! It feeds my imagination))
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Swan Princess Erasermic
~Part 1~
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@dadmic is an amazing and creative individual that fills my head up with these plot bunnies~
Let's get started~
Character List:
Hizashi Yamada="Odette"-> Heir to the Kingdom of Kalare
Toshinori Yagi="King William" -> King of Kalare; Hizashi's Uncle
Shouta Aizawa="Derek"-> Heir to the Kingdom of Aedelstan
Recovery Girl="Queen Uberta"-> Queen of Aedelstan; Shouta's Grandmother
Nemuri Kayama= Best friend of Aizawa; loyal to the end and filled with dirty jokes. She is not a fan of commitment and encourages Shouta to "explore" in every sense of the word
Tensei Iida=Advisor to Aizawa; Sees the pairing of Hizashi and Shouta as an amazing act. Hizashi can help Shouta smile and be happy, while Shouta can provide structure. Plus they are both amazing friends and he can see the UST
One For All="Rothbart"/Evil Sorcerer-> wants revenge on Toshinori/AllMight so he kidnaps Hizashi and plans to use him to get what he wants...no matter what.
Shigaraki=Sorcerers Apprentice/bodyguard-> he loves to torment Hizashi and frequently punishes him when the blonde wont follow All for Ones commands. He would kill the other, but all for one needs him alive.
Frog, Puffin, and Turtle companions are being discussed as we speak-> we are thinking students
>>what he wouldnt give...to see Shoutas smile one more time. Or one of his secret laughs. Hizashi sighed, stretching his wings... everyday he was stuck in this avian form left him more and more lifeless. It was like sand pouring out of a bag grain by grain... he looked to the moon once again... wondering if Shouta would even want to see him? He wouldnt blame him if he so... the way they left off... the anger that sometimes still burned within him. Still... what he wouldnt give to see the other, with whom he created so many memories with<<<
×××Shouta growled as he trudged back into the palace from another fruitless search for... he clenched his hand around the ring and chain, cursing his stupid youth and his traitorous heart. What if he had said those words that night? What if had held Hizashi close? Maybe the blond would still be here...by his side... in his arms. He shook himself before marching up to the map room...time to plan another search×××
(((Let me know if you guys want more details on this, or have ideas to contribute! I have so many plot bunnies, plot twists, fanfic scenes and more! I've been brainstorming all day! :D I dont know if anyone is interested in this type of AU but I hold it dear to my heart. Also~ please go check out @dadmic ! They are so amazing and this AU would not be possible without them! <3 )))
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Swan Princess Erasermic
~Part 2~ Teaser Plot Bunny
((for @dadmic - let me know what other scenes you want written~ Thanks for.the Idea!))
"Finally marrying Hizashi huh Shouta? You must really love him!"
Hizashi beamed and nodding, already having professed his love for the brunette time and time before. He waited a bit...before...nothing.
"Shou....?" Hizashi asked softly, feeling the eyes of everyone in the ballroom suddenly on the two, as he stared at the other.
Just waiting for those words...
His uncle was looking at him with mild concern...and Recovery Girls lips were set in a disappointed frown. Hizashi swallowed and looked at Shouta once more. The other was looking away from him.
"Shouta...you do love me right? That's why you proposed..."
"Zashi can we not do this right now? I'm marrying you because I care for you and this marriage will help our kingdoms..."
The tension grew, Shouta biting his lip as he realized how callous that sounded. He looked up at the blonde, his heart breaking at the crushed look on Hizashis face.
"So...that's all this is? You like me a bit and it's for the benefit of the kingdom?" The blonde asked in a broken voice
"Zashi..." Shouta said...but nothing followed, not an explanation or those three important words.
Hizashi took a shuddering breathe before nodding to the other, turning in his heel, and walking away.
"Zashi!" Shouta called as he and Toshinori-san followed close behind.
"Now Hizashi..."
"The marriage is off Oji-san...I'm sorry" Hizashi choked as he let his uncle gently lay a hand on his shoulder.
Toshinori just nodded, pulling the shorter blonde into a soft hug. Recovery girl, Tensei, and Nemuri having caught up and wisely held Shouta back from the scene. Toshinori looked over his shoulder, eyes meeting Recovery Girls. The older woman nodded to him, a soft smile on his lips.
"We shall head home tonight..." Toshinori sighed, nodding to them all.
His eyes hardened at the sight of the young black haired prince, but pity filled his heard for the young heir. Love was never easy to porfess... but his nephews needs came first. They always did. He gently led his nephew away from the quickly emptying ballroom.
Shouta stared after Hizashu, internally begging for Hizashi to turn around. To look at him once more...maybe he could utter those three words. Faster than he expected, it was just him, his friends, and his grandmother standing in the ballroom.
"We will talk in the morning Shouta" Recovery Girl sighed, patting his cheek even as blatant disappointment shone in her eyes.
Walking away, Shouta turned and flinched at his two friends expressions. Nemuri had a look of guilty happiness on her face, and Tensei's expression screamed murder.
"Well...now you have more time to experiment and--"
"Shut it Kayama..." Tensei growled, his eyes never leaving Shouta's "Really Aizawa? - 'I like you and it would help our kingdoms?' -you should write a book! How to offend you lover in 5 seconds or less!"
Shouta flinched at the others words before interlocking his fingers behind his neck, almost biting through his lip.
"Tenseui show him a little compassion huh?" Nemuri suggested.
"No actually I'm not! Hizashi was so open, loving, and genuine around you! He made you smile, he made you laugh, he put up with every single tantrum you threw, every single insult you threw at him, and never left your side! Hizashi gave you 110% of himself...and what did you do?" Tensei ended up yelling at the end
Shouta flinched, waiting for the finishing blow.
"You make him sound like a trade agreement. Like a royal obligation! Like he isnt surrounded by that 24/7 back home! " Tensei dragged his fingers through his hair "Shouta, that man loves you...do you even love him?"
"Of course I do!" Shouta screamed, whirling on his friend, face screaming rage and indignation. "With all my heart and soul...I just...words just are... are hard"
The air was filled with silence and heavy breathing.
"Then overcome it...for Hizashi" nemuri, shockingly, said this.
Shouta stared at the two before huffing and nodding, stomping away toward his room.
"Wait where are you going?!" Tensei and Nemuri asked in confusion.
"To write down my feelings...maybe it can give me the courage to say it outloud" Shouta called back, his heart ready to beat out of his chest.
He would do this...for Hizashi.
>>Outside the Palace<<
Toshinori hitched up on his horse, his eyes softening at the sight of his nephew, wilting upon his own steed.
"You know...we dont have to hurry on our way. We can go back and-"
"Oji-san...please" Hizashi croaked "I ... I want to...can we just leave?"
Toshinori sighed and nodded, motioning for the guards to start trotting forward...Hizashi and him following close behind.
They never noticed the brunette running out of the palace doors, letter in hand, and a look of desperation on his face.
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((Who wants more? ;-) ))
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What to Write Next?
Hey beautiful people!
I am in a writing situation, I have too many stories I want to write ((all erasermic--sorry to those who are sick of it))
Can people help me decide please?!?! They would be published here and on Ao3, just tiny series of snippets.
I have it narrowed down to three options
1. Erasermic- Beauty & The Beast AU
2. Erasermic- Swan Princess AU
3. Erasermic- Mafia Boss AU
I cannot decide which one I want to write first! I also have Erasermic angst in my head! HAAAALP!
Also anyone feel free to message me for either suggesting ideas or I can help you with ideas! I'm a great sounding board to bounce ideas off of!
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