#swedish radfem
there-are-4-lights · 2 years
(this is a rant based on a conversation i had yesterday, i wanted to write it down as a time capsule/diary entry type thing about where The Debate is right now. links are to stuff in swedish)
right now im super apprehensive about how the self-id/single sex spaces discussion is gonna go in sweden. a major difference between sweden and the uk is we have established women’s orgs on our side, high ups in the womens shelter movement are speaking out etc.
and im seeing how that can go in 2 different directions. as an example, recently there’s been articles and awareness about the situation for young women/teen girls in institutional care. amongst other things, sexual assault by male staff is an issue. the board says they want to fix it by “hiring more women”. the main organisation of women’s shelters demands single-sex staff, so males don’t get access to vulnerable girls.
at the same time, we have the self-id/trans debate bubbling up. this month there’s been a handful of articles and debate on the issue, but we’re waiting on the government to announce their (overdue) proposition. (So we don’t know right now if it’s full self-id or not! if i remember it correctly the most recent proposal from last year disappointed basically everyone by having all the gender-id language but wasn’t full self-id because it needed some “simplified process of confirmation”, so the self-id advocates were mad about it)
which brings me to what this post is actually about: the fork in the road where we’re at. there’s so much polarisation and so many questions that the right/nationalist side owns already, like how the drag queen story hour thing is only ever presented as a “liberal gays” vs “straight nationalist conservatives and alt righters” issue. right now, at this point in time, the media is actually talking about single sex spaces as “trans advocates” vs “(some) women’s organisations”. and that’s an important advantage imo. one that we don’t want to lose.
re: the example about the institutionalised girls: there are two ways this could go. one way is that people understand that the women’s orgs are right to demand single-sex services for vulnerable girls and women.
the other way this could go is trans activists shouting about how women aren’t actually demanding single-sex care because the girls are vulnerable, they’re just using it to be mean about trans women. and they’ll use the fact that various women’s orgs collaborate on articles to undermine them. (look, these womens orgs that we thought were reasonable work with the really terfy ones!)
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handweavers · 7 months
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you stupid swedish racist idiot i am not american and not talking about the us you just think anything that isn't Eurocentric is us centric + Swedes who move to Southeast Asia call themselves Expats like any other Westerner and I know this because I HAVE MET THEM + you're a radfem too so you should just kill yourself at this point
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unichrome · 3 months
are you a radfem?
no I'm Swedish
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moonys-chaos · 1 year
Hello! I dunno how to make carrds so here's this instead.. I also suck at introductions so yayyy!
—☆ basic info!
Self-proclaimed artist, writer, and poet who doesn't publish a thing
I'm 13–15
My ethnicity is African American + German & swedish
My timezone is EST / GMT-5
You can find my prns page here!
Go check out my beloved wife @godofautism !
Blue coloring for hyperfixations and purple for special interests
My interests r Splatoon, pressure, egretevator, bugbo, spiderverse, Madoka Magica, Neon Genesis Evangelion, DDLC, hello charlotte, ihnmaims, Chonny Jash (HMS heavy), astronomy, digital viruses (as in actual malware) and pretty much anything vintage or retro but I mostly post Chonny Jash or Splatoon
#1 Heart fan and kinnie (deranged way) (character hyperfixation way)
Random spikes of inactivity due to mental health and current living conditions, please be patient with me if I randomly stop or slow down on posting :]
I loveee attention, you should totally give me some but know I'm bad at conversations due to personal reasonings
—☆ Socials/games!
Pinterest: MoonsRosee
Instagram: splitting_moons
TikTok: moony.theoctarian
Discord: cloudedmoonyhsxx
Switch: SW-1387-0017-5422
Roblox: Moonie_mushroom
—☆ Boundaries!
Please do not ask for personal information unless I consider us to be close enough for me to give you such information
Please do not ask me to show you any of my work or projects, I will only show it to a select group of people
—☆ INT!!
Splatoon and/or coroika fans, bugbo fans, spiderverse fans, Jashers and Madoka Magica fans
Literally anyone except people who are on dni
—☆ DNI...
Basic dni citeria
Creepy 18+ ppl
Under 12 (unless already mutuals or talked in the past)
NSFW blogs
MDNI blogs
Any sort of endogenic system
→ ACTIVE ← discourse participants (I don't fw that type of negativity)
"Radqueers" / "transids"
AI "artists"
Pro/darkship && problematic comship
Anyone who believes in PD abuse
And overall I may block you even if you aren't on the DNI list—I block freely and if I don't like you I'll block you on the spot
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wheelie-hurting · 2 years
about me:
- 24
- swedish
- physically disabled
- cane user
- rollator user
- crutch user
- wheelchair user
- mentally ill
- ND
- fat
- trans, gay & demi
what is this blog for?
- cripple punk
- physical disabilities
- fighting ableism
other info
- this blog focuses on physical disabilities
- cripple is a slur that only physically disabled people can reclaim
- uplifting physically disabled people does not equal putting other disabled people down
- spam liking/reblogging is okay!
- english is not my first language, so sometimes i fuck up
- ableists
- terfs/gender criticals/radfems
- fatphobes
- queerphobes
- queer exclusionists
- pro eating disorder blogs
- people who believe in narcissistic abuse
- (no)MAPs
- proshippers
- people who use the terms “sysmed” or “traumascum”
- people who believe that ablebodied people can be cripple punk
- physically disabled bootlickers
- pro eating disorder blogs will get reported if interacting with me
- i block freely, if you’re a nuisance i will block you
- there’s no use sending hate anons, i will laugh at you and then delete it
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[id: white text on a black background reading:
principles of cripple punk:
-cripple punk is exclusively by the physically disabled for the physically disabled
-cripple punk is about solidarity & is open to all physically disabled people
-cripple punk rejects pity, inspiration porn, & all other forms of ableism
-cripple punk rejects the "good cripple" mythos. cripple punk is here for the bitter cripple, the uninspirational cripple, the smoking cripple, the drinking cripple, the addict cripple, the cripple who hasn't "tried everything"
-cripple punk fights internalized ableism & fully supports those struggling with it
-cripple punk respects intersections of race, culture, gender, sexual/romantic orientation, size, intersex status, mental illness/neurotypical status, survivor status, etc.
-cripple punk recognizes that there is no one universal disabled experience
-cripple punk does not pander to the able bodied
/end id]
[header description: dark green text reading: “cripple punk” on a lighter green background. /end header description]
[profile picture description: the wheelchair disability symbol in green on a green background, there is a lime green circle around the symbol. /end profile picture description]
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bimboficationblues · 8 months
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@torschlusspanikattack the “sex work = rape because of the impersonal domination of the market” is a nonstarter both because (contrary to your claim) we do have other language available for talking about forms of coercion/domination/exploitation, sexual or otherwise, and because it makes it impossible to parse personal harm that can/does take place in the course of sex work. it’s a framework that can’t distinguish between tricks that were okay or fine to deal with and times where you were physically assaulted or actively manipulated - it’s also clearly a holdover framework from before it was widely possible to make and distribute pornography or solicit virtual clients from your apartment in an afternoon.
the thing about “wage slavery” or like comparisons between waged labor and feudal forced labor is that many nevertheless still understand that it is not *literally* the thing it’s being compared to (I am not literally a slave or a serf for having to go to work, and frankly I think the whole comparison is unnecessary at all outside of rhetorical agitation - capitalist work is its own horror independent of any pre-capitalist social form). the radfem “prostitution = rape” framework fundamentally does not admit this, it is not a metaphor or even really a comparison, it is a statement that the two are identical. as is often the case in radfem stuff (the Swedish sex work law that was expressly designed to make Sweden apprar more feminist regardless of harms to actual sex worker, or liberal Mackinnonite theories/model codes of pornography as a violation of civil rights) it gets hung up on signifiers and symbols in a way that obfuscates actual harm - what sex workers would actually materially benefit from is secondary because at least we’ve prevented the abstract concept of rape (while creating incentives for tangible instances of it to occur). I don’t think that is a very good grounds for either a sexual ethics or a sexual politics (the latter of which is the thing actually at hand).
the other point is, frankly, not worth responding to! it’s just no-evidence intuition - the fact that people sometimes acquiesce to “quid pro quo” sexual harassment situations or remain in abusive situations when there are tradeoffs to leaving illustrates that your claim that people would always rather experience non-sexual coercion over sexual coercion is not like some universal law or even broadly true - it’s both overreaching, and takes what people might *think* about themselves to be the actual truth of how people behave. hell, the existence of people going into sex work as an alternative to other forms of coerced work disputes it - some people do so as a last resort, some don't, your framework needs to be able to account for both. (this is like when people are like "ooh prison is worse than the death penalty" - the people actually subject to the latter do not all think that!) we are literally responding to someone who says “this sphere of human activity isn’t innately different or special to me” and you’re going “I think it is, so it must be!”. and the whole “sex is a unique special ~sacred~ site of human activity” is both woowoo, and the underlying framework of the many forms of sexual repression that hide or naturalize sexual violence. the OP used the word mystification, and it was apt!
and it’s also just asinine to say “well you have to give radfems credit on these two points before you critique them” no, you don’t! that’s literally the point of critiquing them!
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prehistoric-faggot · 1 year
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> here’s how to pronounce my name <
• dino •
- twenty four.
- swedish.
- physically disabled.
- ND.
- mentally ill.
- queer.
- fat.
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• byf •
- fat liberation > thin ppls hurt feeling.
- anti endo & anti “tulpa”.
- personality disordered & it shows.
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• dni •
- i block freely -
• racists/nazis/fascists.
• terfs/GCs/radfems.
• (no)MAPs/pedos.
• proshippers/“anti-antis”.
• radqueers.
• fat fetishists/fatphobes.
• transmeds.
• queerphobes.
• ableists.
• ed blogs.
• yandere blogs.
• sh blogs.
• ppl who use the terms ‘sysmed’ & ‘traumascum’.
• ppl who think ablebodied ppl can be a part of cripplepunk.
• ppl who believe “narcissistic abuse” is real.
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• side blogs •
- main: you are here.
- cripplepunk: @crippled-lavender
- airplane art: @boeing747-sp
- npd blog: @npd-haver
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
This is an unpopular opinion-
But I don't think even "consensual" sex work should be legalized. People think it's for the protection of sex "workers" but I don't think so. It's amazing how the left understands consent means "enthusiastic affirmative consent" but totally ignored it in the case of prostitution where if you take the money away there's no enthusiastic affirmative consent. And I think treating sex as a transaction is....sexist af.
Regardless even the prostitutes that get coerced in the sex industry later claim that their work is consensual because while they were forced into it, they stay there for the money or survival.
Ofc there should be laws that protects the women in sex industry. Therefore, *buying* prostitutes and shit should be illegalized, meaning men who hire prostitutes in first hand should be punished, but I don't think a single country has tried that right?
Sorry but there is no meaning to the fight against women's exploitation of their sexuality if we assume "consensual sex work" is always consensual.
Saying this in the lieu of India legalizing "sex work". As an Indian woman myself, I claim this to be bs because hardly any sex work here is consensual. Keep in mind that the law states nothing about men who rape or are violent towards the women, or any necessity for condoms or etc to prevent STIS amongst the women.
So how is this law truly protecting the "consensual" prostitutes if it doesn't even recognize the dangers even those women face regularly?
you must be new here (i mean this in a friendly way haha). that view is the radfem view, and is called the swedish model, which these countries have: sweden, norway, iceland, ireland, northern ireland, canada, france, israel, and i think i heard that spain is considering it. this doesn't mean they're completely successful, many countries unfortunately fall short in actually fulfilling the other aspect of the model, which is providing the necessary resources for women to leave prostitution and gain other skills to get employed with. otherwise, the women are still stuck in prostitution, just with men who are willing to risk it to buy them (especially in nations or areas where the police see arresting johns and pimps as low priority).
what's happening in india is shocking. even with the argument that legalising makes what's already happening safer, indian women in poverty are not going to trust the police, who are the same men that also pay to rape them (or just straight up rape them) to report violent men. not to mention the caste effects. trafficking will increase even more, police won't care, and it will be the lowest caste women that suffer.
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a fellow swedish radfem, i love to see it!
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there-are-4-lights · 7 months
Holy shit this is amazing! Keep this in mind for future gift-buying, and order it at your library!
I had no idea a Swedish translation was in the works so this was a nice surprise
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lav3nd3rfag · 2 years
about me!
- 23 - swedish - he/it -
other blogs:
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- terfs/gender criticals/radfems - queerphobes - queer exclusionists - racists - (no)MAPS - proshippers/anti-antis - narcissistic abuse believers - ableists - fatphobes - transmeds/truscums - pro eating disorder blogs - people who use the terms “sysmed” & “traumascum” - people who demonise cluster b disorders -
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askgothamshitty · 7 months
Do you have recommend articles/essays debunking a swedish study that says that su1c1de rates on trans individuals go up after transition and is very popular in radfem tumblr and GC sites? I would greatly appreciate it
29 May
I have a TikTok on it! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRoFxSxP/?t=1 I talk about how the researcher behind the study has come forward to say the results have been misinterpreted and misrepresented
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robofucks · 1 year
hi I'm not new to tumblr. I'm robofucks, my name suggests what I do.
dni: minors, harry potter fans, dream smp fans, terfs, radfems, transmeds, otherkinphobic, objectumphobic, and other basic dni.
pronouns: it/its
More under the cut
tags you can block:
#objection-objectum -> post about objectum
#robo-recordings -> general posting tag, most text based
#robofuckery -> things about tech and stuff. Sometimes I wanna fuck them, sometimes I don't, but they all go under this tag.
other stuff to note
I'm objectum and I have possessions that I've attached to, and here are there names, relationship with them, and pronouns:
Grayson/Greyley -> a blanket with a soft grey side, and white sherpa on the other. (Platonic) (He/him)
Michaelwave/Mikes/Mikewave -> an LG smart microwave. They have a silver body with a black interface, and sing a lovely soft tune when done or at a halfway done mark. (Platonic) (He/him/they/them)
Topsy/LapLap/Spacebud -> my laptop. He has a silver chassis silver, but decorated with various space stickers of astronauts and rockets. (Platonic) (He/him/they/them)
Patches/Qilt -> a multi patch quilt with various patterns and colors on the topside, and a white underside. Torn and tattered as some patches on the topside and a hurt seam on the other. (Platonic) (She/hers/it/its)
Iggy -> My LG Stylo 4 phone. He has a silver white backside with one camera. He has a crack at the top of the left corner. She does not wear any cases. (Platonic) (He/him/she/her)
Peera -> My PC tower. Gamer's Republican brand/Asus ROG G10. The front of her case juts out, and has a singular jagged line of light. (Platonic) (She/her)
L3D (LED for screen readers)/Bub -> My monitor hooked up to Peera. I do not remember the brand. White case, small and minimalist. (Romantic/Platonic) (He/him)
Riez -> My BF's PC tower. Swedish brand. Three RGB lit fans inside, a clear side panel, and larger than Peera. The RGB fans can either go through all colors, or be selected to be on certain colors: Riez is mostly on the red one. (Platonic) (He/him/they/them)
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k1mch1-pancake · 2 years
Introductory Post ft. Basic Info
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Hi there!
I'm k1mch1-pancake, but you can also call me Jeejee/Jiji or Sunny. I like drawing (both digitally and traditionally), knitting, making and eating food, and looking at things I find pretty, all of which I hope to do here :)
Since I haven't made a carrd yet, I'll be putting some basic info, DNI/BYF, and tagging system in the following points:
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Pronouns: she/her/hers
20 years old
Based in US
White + Asian (Swedish + Korean)
Virgo + INFP-T
College student
Chronically/mentally ill + ND
Cis + Aro-spec
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Basic DNI criteria: (no racism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, islamaphobia, zionism, sexism, ableism, fatphobia, whorephobia, etc.)
No TERFs/radfems/gendercrits/transandrophobia "truthers" etc.
No proship/shotacon/lolicon/MAPs/"fiction doesn't affect reality" people
No raceplay/rapeplay people
No NFT/crypto/AI art people
No pro-ana/pro-ED people
No anti-SJWs/tradwives/MRA's/centrists/neoliberals
No antivaxx/anti-abortion/anti-science people
No Harry Potter/South Park/Attack On Titan/MCYT/Taylor Swift/Vivzie Pop/Black Butler/Hetalia Axis Power fans
Be at least 18 years old to follow
Generally inactive on most of my socials so if there's something you want to tell me/let me know about, it may take me a while to respond
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Personal thoughts will be posted under #thinkingthoughts
Art will be posted under #jeejeeart and/or #jijiart
Trigger tagging will be formatted as #tw [trigger]. If a trigger is comprised of two or more words (for example, body horror), then the space(s) between words will be included in the tag, kind of like this -> #tw body horror
If a trigger is mentioned in passing, it will be tagged as #[trigger] ment
Will tag sensitive posts where I am unsure if a trigger tag is needed with #ask to tag
And there you have it! A very basic, bare boned rundown of the rules and what to expect from this blog. I'll do my best to update it along the way as I work on a carrd with a better layout and a nicer theme, but I hope that everything has been made clear.
Thanks for reading <3
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cruelsister-moved · 3 years
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what is the angle here though like obviously if a woman starts going on about how it's so hard to be white and refugees need to be expelled u know she's a freak but that goes beyond dogwhistling into just whistling really so like are you saying a woman complaining about her bf is a dogwhistle like and implying it's automatically manipulative cult recruitment if a woman is asking you for sympathy??? i just dont get the take here
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
Do you know any swedish radfems?
not by url
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