#sweet poffins are his fav
apricorned · 1 year
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POV: u just came home with fresh poffins
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Interview Time: Rivals
1. Hi! What's your name?
Chris: Sup, I’m Chris Daiki Oak.
Dusk: Hmph, I’m Dusk Yesfer Shinji. 
Sirius: U-Um, I’m S-Sirius Pavel Sh-Shinji.
Sheryl: I’m Sheryl Alice Kirkia.
Rosetta: I’m Rosetta Akira Koyasu.
2. Do you know why you were named that?
Chris: Not really, I know my middle name means impressive or grand tree, and our family name is based on a tree, so I guess it fits.
Dusk: Dad said he named me Dusk because I’m the opposite of mom who’s named Dawn, so I guess that’s why I was named Dusk. My middle name means star-like, I guess that also fits since Dusk is when you see the stars.
Sirius: I-I’m named after a constellation, m-my middle name means small and humble. Wh-Which f-fits.
Sheryl: My name means darling or beloved and my middle name means noble and graceful, both names fit me of course.
Rosetta: My name means rose blossom while my middle name means clear and intelligent, which I am. 
3. Your age?
Chris: I’m thirteen~
Dusk: I’m fourteen.
Sirius: I’m...I’m twelve...
Sheryl: I’m sixteen.
Rosetta: I’m thirteen as well.
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Chris: No, I wish I did though.
Dusk: I don’t need abilities or powers to make me happy.
Sirius: N-N-No...
Sheryl: I don’t need it.
Rosetta: Nah, I don’t. 5. What's your eye color?
Chris: Dark brown.
Dusk: Blue.
Sirius: B-Black...
Sheryl: Purple.
Rosetta: Light brown. 6. How about hair color?
Chris: Dark brown.
Dusk: Purple.
Sirius: B-Blue..
Sheryl: Dark brown.
Rosetta: Gold. 7. Have any family members?
Chris: My mom, my dad, my older brother, my grandparents and some others.
Dusk: My parents, my shy brother, my grandma, my aunt and uncle and that might be it.
Sirius: S-Same as D-Dusk...
Sheryl: Valerie and the furisode girls. They raised me.
Rosetta: My mom and my dad.
8. Fav color?
Chris: Orange and black.
Dusk: Purple.
Sirius: Indigo and t-turquoise.
Sheryl: Pink and purple, the colors of fairy tales.
Rosetta: Yellow and orange.
9. Fav food and drink?
Chris: Natto beans and rice, my mom makes them the best. I also like green tea.
Dusk: Sweet and sour beef soup, I like any kind of tea.
Sirius: Potato pierogi and I like to drink juice.
Sheryl: It’s a tie between profiteroles, which is a cream puff filled with ice cream and drizzled with warm chocolate sauce and Mousse au Chocolat. As for drinks, Kalos hot chocolate is a favorite of mine.
Rosetta: I really like udon and soba, for drinks I like milk tea.
10. Who's your crush?
Chris: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on anyone! Especially not Ashley, or as I all her ‘Sunny’.
Dusk: Don’t need a crush.
Sirius: *blushing heavily while thinking about Ashley*
Sheryl: I don’t have a crush on anyone.
Rosetta: Ha! I don’t need anyone to be happy!
11. If you have one, did you kiss yet?
Chris: I don’t have a crush so I don’t want to kiss anyone. *thinks about kissing Ashley and blushes lightly*
Dusk: *glares* No...
Sirius: *whole face is red and is covering his face due to picturing him and Ashley kissing*
Sheryl: Uh, no.
Rosetta: No..
12. Your hobbies?
Chris: I like to groom my Pokemon and I like to read.
Dusk: I train with my Pokemon.
Sirius: I-I like to bake poffins with m-my mom...a-and I like to draw and write stories...They aren’t much b-but I enjoy it, I-I also took an interest in f-food decorating and fashion d-design, m-mom said I c-could be a Pokemon St-Stylist if I w-wanted.
Sheryl: I like to create flawless designs with my Pokemon, I also sew new clothes for myself. I also take an interest in room design and floral arrangements, I just like designing anything.
Rosetta: I like to croquet, I also have a small interest in singing.
13. Who are your friends?
Chris: I like hanging out with Sun and Hau. 
Dusk: I don’t have many friends.
Sirius: I-I like b-being wi-with Ashley a-and her f-friends...
Sheryl: My dear friends Daffodil, Clementine, Flora and Harmony. When I’m the new gym leader they’ll be my gym trainers.
Rosetta: I have one friend, her name is Ivy.
14. Fav weather?
Chris: I like the rain.
Dusk: Cloudy.
Sirius: S-Sunny...
Sheryl: Sunny, of course.
Rosetta: I do enjoy the sun.
15. What season do you prefer?
Chris: Winter, it’s the greatest.
Dusk: I also enjoy winter.
Sirius: I-I like fall...th-that’s where I g-get most of my inspiration.
Sheryl: Spring, the best time of year.
Rosetta: I really love summer.
16. Your biggest fears?
Chris: I....don’t know....disappointing my family probably...my older bro is the leader of a pack of Rockruff and I got nothing for me yet...
Dusk: Not beating Ketchum...
Sirius: Ashley rejecting me or my family berating me f-for liking her.
Sheryl: *frowns* I don’t want to talk about it...
Rosetta: *looks down* No comment...
17. Any persons you don't like?
Chris: Those guys who think they’re better than me!
Dusk: Ashley Ketchum...she’s just so damn happy all the time and she always wins when I challenge her to a battle!!
Sirius: Anyone who’s mean...
Sheryl: My so called rival Grey Ketchum, he thinks he has a chance to be a gym leader when he doesn’t when I hold the type advantage.
Rosetta: That blue haired girl Salvia, she thinks she can be a performer with her ugly Poison types. I also hate people who don’t get my name right!!
18. Do you like cute things/persons?
Chris: My Pokemon are very cute, so yes.
Dusk: Cute doesn’t do much for me.
Sirius: Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes...c-c-cause A-Ashley’s v-v-v-very c-c-c-c-cute.... *blushing heavily*
Sheryl: Of course I do.
Rosetta: Obviously.
19. A compliment you get to hear often?
Chris: That I’m a genius when it comes to grooming Pokemon~
Dusk: That I’m very hardworking.
Sirius: Th-That I’m s-so c-cute wh-when I-I’m sh-shy...
Sheryl: That I’m beautiful and strong.
Rosetta: That I’m great at coming up with performances.
20. Name your worst habits.
Chris: Worst habits? What worst habits? (A/N: He’s too arrogant)
Dusk: I’ve been told I can be ruthless in battle...
Sirius: I-I don’t have a lot of c-confidence...
Sheryl: I do not know what you mean. (A/N: She’s also arrogant and she looks down on males)
Rosetta: I don’t have bad habits! (A/N: She’s cruel to those around her.) 21. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Chris: My dad and my mom! Oh, and my older brother!
Dusk: My father, obviously.
Sirius: O-Oh, my mom..! A-And Ashley...~
Sheryl: Valerie, she’s what gave me the idea to become a gym leader.
Rosetta: I’m not sure actually. 22. Do you go to school?
Chris: I sure do!
Dusk: Yeah, what of it?
Sirius: I-I-I d-do...
Sheryl: Not really, I’ve been homeschooled.
Rosetta: I’m also homeschooled. 23. Ever wanna marry and have kids one day?
Chris: Pffft, no way.
Dusk: Useless.
Sirius: *blushes heavily at the thought of him and Ashley getting married*
Sheryl: I don’t know yet.
Rosetta: No way. 24. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?
Chris: Darn right I do~
Dusk: No, it’s useless.
Sirius: N-Not really...
Sheryl: I have fanboys, but I ignore them.
Rosetta: Nah, I don’t. 25. What do you usually wear?
Chris: I wear this cool shirt that’s designed to look like a Growlithe’s fur and I have cream colored shorts. I normally wear black sneakers with it.
Dusk: A violet hoodie, orange pants and purple boots. I also have magenta fingerless gloves and an orange scarf. 
Sirius: A turquoise shirt, indigo shorts and aquamarine sneakers.
Sheryl: I wear a variety of furisodes, but my main one is a orchid furisode with a deep purple skirt and a floral pattern on the skirt, lavender ribbons that hold up my pigtails and fuschia sandals.
Rosetta: A yellow shirt with puffy sleeves, a orange skirt, lemon yellow tights, an burnt orange vest and headband and amber shoes. 26. What class are you? (low class, middle class, high class)
Chris: Middle class.
Dusk: Middle class.
Sirius: Middle class.
Sheryl: High class.
Rosetta: Lower middle class.
27. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Chris: A lake is safer.
Dusk: I guess the ocean.
Sirius: I like a lake.
Sheryl: Ocean, me and my dear Pokemon can play together more easily.
Rosetta: The ocean is the best.
28. What's your type?
Chris: I don’t care for Pokemon types. All of them are great.
Dusk: Ghost types because they beat Psychic types and they have interesting battle styles.
Sirius: N-Normal types, they can learn a lot of d-different attacks th-that’s good f-for contests.
Sheryl: Fairy types, the type that Valerie mains.
Rosetta: I don’t care, types mean nothing.
29. Camping or indoors?
Chris: Oh, I love camping!
Dusk: Camping is good, good for training.
Sirius: Camping sounds like fun..
Sheryl: I guess both have pros and cons.
Rosetta: I’ll go with both too.
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