#hes sniffing and snorfing
apricorned · 1 year
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POV: u just came home with fresh poffins
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mxihi · 1 year
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Day 3 ~ Shoebill !
This minion I'm very fond of.. During Shadowbringers my SSD died & I wanted to play so desparately I ended up playing on a tablet with a ps4 controller…. Frustrated trying to play scholar without my usual setup, along with the game running at 12fps, my friends all passed on this lil minion for me… (wipes tear) This minion was requested by @slither-wings
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simplepotatofarmer · 9 months
crivalsduo hc
Ctechno enjoys to press his snout in people's head and cheeks or shoulder as a way to show affection.
So when he was scared to give back cdream's headbutts he did this to show him how much he loves him
i am such a big fan of the idea that c!techno shows affection by nuzzling and sniffing and snorfing people. he knows people by scent so so well that it's actually a bit of a comfort to him, to gently press his snout against one of his friends and have their familiar smell wash over him. it's them! his friend! phil is absolutely used to this, it takes the others some time.
i actually have this headcanon that when techno first went to the prison, when things calmed down, and he was able to pay attention, to get close, maybe hug dream, he noticed how different dream smelled. not just because of hygiene, but because he had been hurt and scared for so long that the smell of all that pain and fear lingered, like a scar or a bruise.
even after they escape and dream gets his first real bath, he still smells of the prison. it takes awhile for that scent to fade.
but it does and the first time techno notices, he scoops dream up and sniffs him real good and exclaims, 'dream! you smell like you!' and dream is just half-heartedly pushing him away and laughing and says, 'what the hell else would i smell like?' techno's face gets sad for the briefest of moments before he says never mind and sniffs him again, just for good measure.
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Did you edit that sniffing sound in the video you just posted or does he actually do that?
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He actually does that. I boosted the sound a bit but yeah he takes in a big snorf like a weirdo lol
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indelible-waltz · 9 days
Snifff…. Snif snif…. SNIFFF…..
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He is sniffing you
Hey little guy!!! Are you perhaps snorfing here??? 🤨 👀
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austronauts · 1 year
My god this bitch just cannot support his own weight why is he so pathetic Victorian maiden coded. Do you think when an older man sits down within a 2 mile radius in his vicinity he just snaps to attention and starts the sniffing the air like a bloodhound knowing he's found his next seat conquest to grin gormlessly on top of
all mitch marner does is don a little smile and flash a bit of his dainty ankles and squeak "cough cough i tihnk i may be dying from CONSUMPTION" into his little handkerchief embroidered with zeus' face and does a little sickly sneef snorf and like EVERY MAN just comes running to pick him up and whisk him away???
now THAT is power. he's the most powerful man in the nhl honestly.
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grodyego · 6 months
ok highlight of the ren faire. they had a little free petting zoo with your typical livestock animals. i immediately bolt to where the donkey + mule they had is bc i love those guys but there was a couple in front of me also checking it out with their baby. let me walk you through this ok
the dad's holding the baby, under a year old but idk how old exactly. its wearing the best thing a baby can wear as far as im concerned which is a little crochet hat with ears and pompoms on it. theyre facing the donkey. the donkey is locked in. this couple has no animal feed or veggies (which you can purchase in the front), just their behatted baby. but they had this animal's complete and undivided attention. dad moves the baby toward the donkey (still an appropriate distance away, with his hand still bracing the baby so its the closest thing to the donkey). donkey meets in the middle through the front fence thing and starts sniffing and snorfing toward that baby like crazy. baby ERRUPTS with delighted laughter. rinse and repeat like 6 times with the baby loving it just as much every single time. and the donkey, consummate professional that he was, repeated his part like clockwork every time. was completely uninterested in the corn + carrots + animal feed i offered him as the couple departed too. the work itself was the reward for him. im gonna think about this every day for the rest of my life
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bloodclawed · 2 years
@rottenbladeofmiquella from here
In his four-legged state, Codei never really knew where or when he was. He lived in the here and now, not worrying about the past or future. Mostly going off instinct, hunger, and curiosity, Codei simply did what he thought was right. In this case, warning this tall stranger that he was a very dangerous boy. No get close. Stay at distance!
Yet his curiosity got the better of him once Malenia held out her golden arm. The sharp pointy thing Codei’s wolf brain had decided was dangerous, folded back. So, safe? Safe-ish! 
Slowly, the werewolf stuck his neck out, trying to get a better whiff of her. Sniff snorf.  Paw for paw, he inched closer. There is a smelly smell to her, but also another, more interesting smell. That’s the one Codei wanted to know more of. Besides, having such a large creature hold out a hand like that? That deserved to be thoroughly sniffed! Enrichment! 
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demon-slayer-kaiden · 5 months
He pushes his doggy snout into her hair and starts sniffing and snorfing.
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The wolf had managed to catch her off guard again. She could only guess it was because of scents from the hair products she used, after all they did smell nice and weren't overly strong.
"I know it smells nice, but I need to finish putting it up." Kaiden tells him, unable to stifle the tiny laugh from his nose tickling her.
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middle-name-queer · 2 years
After I eat I need to lay down but after my dog eats he goes crazy goes stupid and wait wow he's not even done eating he just needed a break to roll around and scratch his back on the ground I guess now he's back at it chomping away huh.
Okay now he's done and is rolling around again sniffing and snorfing like hog looking for truffles.
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stguinefort-moved · 3 years
sully is in the bathroom w me because no one else is awake and hes snuffing around SO much
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daunsun · 2 years
I have to many questions for your flowershop au!!!
Is y/n just a client or work here?
Whatvdid they said to sun for them to want to appologies?
are the boys magic flowers? :D
Can I aggressively sniff moonie? :3
1.) Y/N WAS a client at the beginning of the story, hence my first doodle of sunflower!Sun being them giving Y/N a bouquet they didn't ask for. A teensy bit further down in the story is when Y/N actually starts working for the flower boys in exchange for being able to stay under their roof for what was supposed to be a temporary period.
2.) As was pointed out in the Moon doodles and in the original doodle for this AU, Y/N just got out of a really bad relationship!! That they were in for a long time!! That did a lot of damage!! :D
Essentially, Y/N got a bit flustered and upset when Sun originally offered them the flowers that they supposedly ordered and said he was being creepy (which without context for Y/N, that would've seemed creepy) and intrusive, or something to that effect.
For more context, the bouquet of flowers that Sun originally offered for Y/N were from their ex in an attempt to get Y/N to forgive them and offer them another chance, and were meant to be delivered to Y/N's apartment later on. (Hence why Moon knows their address, he does deliveries.) Y/N, on the other hand, came to the flower shop to purchase a pot of gardenia's for their mother, since that's her favorite flower, and her mother was moving away from where Y/N lived. The timing of both these events happened to coincide so that Sun hadn't set the bouquet aside for delivery when Y/N showed up, and recognized their name whenever Y/N placed their order for the gardenias. Then what you saw happens.
3.) …Good question! Personally, I'd like to believe Sun and Moon are what happen when you use too much fertilizer, but that part can be up to interpretation! (I have no idea, you caught me off guard and I can't think of anything lmao)
4.) You... do know what happens when you ingest Daturas, right?
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Go ahead and cancel your plans for the next couple of days.
(DISCLAIMER: Sniffing a Datura really hard might give you some weird dreams for a day or so, but Moon is a giant Datura who doesn't like people, so snorfing him has the same effect as eating a dozen or so Datura seeds. Don't eat fucking Daturas kids.)
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simplepotatofarmer · 10 months
i just think that when any of his friends leave for an extended period of time (which can be anywhere from a day to weeks) and he sees them for the first time, c!techno immediately begins sniffing and snorfing them and hugging them and kissing them.
c!phil is very used to this and accepts it because that's just how techno is. the others are very thrown off the first time it happens.
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Stay Alive. Stay Alive, For Me - fic
Characters: Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Titus and Alfred the cat Summary: In which Damian is woken by a nightmare. But not his own. A/N: Is this a weird prequel to ‘Wash Your Mouth Out’? Maybe. Inspired/title by: ‘Truce’ by Twenty One Pilots
He was sleeping. It’d been an easy night, a simple night. Not many criminals, no injuries, not even any fights amongst the family. They went out, they came back, and the sleep came quickly. His dog was lying on his feet, his cat curled up next to his head.
Then his bedroom door was kicked open.
Titus started barking at the surprise, and Alfred jumped, accidentally clawing at Damian’s shoulder. He himself, in his attempt to roll over and see what was happening, got awkwardly trapped in his blankets and had to kick repeatedly to get himself free.
And underneath all the ruckus, Damian could hear heavy, panicked breathing.
But by the time he was able to sit up and see clearly, about three seconds later, his door had already been slammed shut again just as loudly, and he heard a heavy thump in the hallway.
Titus and Alfred had already abandoned him, running to the door themselves to make sure their boy was protected and no one tried again. Groggily, confused, he stepped out of bed to follow. As he stumbled across the floor, he heard voices and…and sobbing?
Titus was scratching at the door now, whining slightly. So…it wasn’t a threat, then. Just a family member. As Damian pushed his pets out of the way and turned the doorknob himself, he made a mental checklist of who he knew to be in the house.
Father. Himself. Pennyworth. Grayson. Drake. Cain? Not sure.
But when he opened his door, the hallway was empty. Nothing was out of place, and there were no remnants of anything that had potentially fallen. He might have thought he dreamed the intrusion, if not for the reaction of his pets.
In fact, as soon as he opened the door, Titus has rushed out, nose to the ground, sniffing away. Alfred stayed against his leg, tail wrapped around his calf, even as he stepped forward.
He glanced down both directions of the hallway, and there was still no sign of a disturbance. He frowned. Maybe it was a dream…?
Then Alfred let out a light meow, nudging Damian in Titus’s direction. He looked, and saw that Titus had honed in on something, something that looked like a stringy glob of spit.
But before he could even contort his face in disgust, he heard the sound of a door elsewhere in the house…and the sounds of crying once more?
Alfred let out a little snorf, then began trotting down the hall, towards his Father’s study. Titus immediately followed after him, only stopping to make sure Damian was coming too.
Well, he was awake now with nothing else to do.
He yawned as he followed his animals, the muffled sound of crying and voices getting louder with every step. As they neared the study, Titus let out another little whine of sympathy. Damian could only tilt his head at him in curiosity.
The crying was clear now, and definitely coming from within the study. The voice murmuring under the sobs sounded a lot like Grayson.
Titus scratched once at the door, and Damian silently cracked it open.
The scene…wasn’t what he expected. Though, if he really thought about it, he didn’t know what he expected. None of the clues had added up to anything yet. So it was surprising, but wasn’t, to see that the sobbing was coming from one Tim Drake, collapsed on the center of the floor, a trashcan sitting within easy reach. Grayson was sitting behind him, wrapped around him like a blanket, letting Tim hide his face along his neck as he stroked calmly at his hair. His whispering was still indiscernible, but Damian thought he could pick up a few phrases like. “It’s okay, Tim. He’s okay. Everything’s okay.”
His father was in the room too, leaning back against his desk, donned in his soft robe with sleep-tangled hair. He, too, had been awoken by the situation, it seemed, and was watching over it like he did Gotham every night.
Or, at least. That’s what Damian assumed. But when he glanced up at his father’s face, all he found was a pair of bright blue eyes staring right back at him.
Titus gave a little whimper, this time clearly for Bruce. Bruce glanced down at the dog, then back to Tim and Dick on the floor, then back to Damian. Silently, he held a single finger up, and beckoned Damian to come inside.
Damian bit his lip, but did as he was instructed, watching his father push off the desk as he opened the door. Grayson glanced up at the movement, and his eyes seemed to almost become sadder as he recognized Damian. Tim, eyes closed in his misery, didn’t notice a thing.
He stopped just inside the doorway, even as his pets rushed to Tim’s side. Bruce gave him a gentle smile and jerked is head towards the couch. Damian nodded awkwardly, trailing after the man as he moved that way himself.
“Deep breaths, Timmy.” Grayson hummed, leaning his head down to see the tear tracks he was attempting to wipe from Drake’s face. “You gotta keep breathing.”
Drake seemed to try, shaky breath sucking through trembling lips. But then he collapsed into coughs, and Grayson silently grabbed the trash bin and brought it closer.
Bruce gave a light grunt as he sat on the edge of the couch. Once he deemed himself settled, he exhaled, holding out his hand to Damian. “Here, son.”
Damian stepped closer to his father and, without warning, Bruce reached underneath his arms and lifted him to be sitting on his lap, but facing his brothers. As soon as he felt Damian was comfortable, he wrapped both arms around Damian, and leaned his chin on the boy’s shoulder. Damian silently leaned back into his father’s embrace.
Grayson just gave them a tired smile.
“Tim.” His father called gently. Tim squeezed his eyes even more tightly shut. “Tim, can you look at me?”
Tim tried to shake his head and hide in Dick’s chest.
“Please.” Bruce offered again. “It’s important. I promise.”
Tim let out another cough, even as Dick murmured into his hair that it was okay, he could trust Bruce. Slowly, he turned his head, letting his puffy red eyes crack open. Another weak breath shuddered through his nose.
“See?” Bruce asked, running a hand through Damian’s hair. “He’s here. He’s right here. Safe and sound.”
Damian caught Tim’s tears flowing faster before he covered his face with his hands.
“Are you sure?” Tim wailed, even as Dick tried to gently tug at his wrists. “Are you absolutely sure?”
“Absolutely.” Dick confirmed. “He’s right there, Tim. He’s okay. I promise.”
“If you’re fucking with me-” The sentence collapsed into another round of sobs and coughs.
Damian watched his brothers for a few seconds before twisting in Bruce’s arms. “Father?”
Bruce seemed to think for a moment, then let out a slow sigh. “Tim had a nightmare. A bad one.” A moment to choose his words carefully. “About you.”
“Me?” Damian’s stomach dropped. “What did I do?”
Because people had had dreams about him before. Dreams where he destroyed the world. Became a monster.
But Bruce gave him a smile, tucked a curl behind his ear. “Oh, sweetheart.” He murmured. “He had a dream that you were killed again, and when he woke up, he panicked.”
“That’s why you’re awake, isn’t it?” Grayson asked. Damian looked back at him. “You heard him come in your room?”
“That was him?” Damian asked.
Grayson nodded. “I heard your door, and when I came to check on you, he was back in the hallway, gagging on the floor.” Dick winced then, glancing to Titus. “Sorry I left the mess. I was hoping he hadn’t woken you, so I tried to get him out of there before you heard us. I’ll clean it up later, I promise.”
“I had heard your door crash open too, and was coming to investigate myself.” His father added. “But I ran into them just outside the study, and Tim was…well, is still inconsolable, so we brought him in here to calm down.”
Tim still wasn’t looking at him. Was, in fact, having a small battle with Titus, who was attempting to get behind his hands and lick his tears away. Alfred jumped onto the couch with Damian and Bruce.
“…But why?” Damian asked dumbly. “He wasn’t hit with any sort of panic-inducing toxin tonight, right?”
Dick snorted and shook his head. Bruce let out a little chuckle as he squeezed Damian a little tighter. “It’s because he loves you. And it would break his heart to see anything happen to you.”
“It was one of those dreams that feels real. You know the ones, kiddo.” Dick explained. Damian found himself nodding sympathetically, as his stomach churned. He did know those dreams, all too well. Had woken Grayson in their aftermath far too many times. “And when he woke up, he couldn’t discern dream from reality.” He glanced down. “Still can’t, I don’t think. But that’s just because he’s not awake enough yet, so the panic is overriding his brain.”
“Oh.” Dick laughed, then he glanced at Bruce. “Oh, he says, B.”
“Oh, indeed.” Bruce hummed.
“…Did he say how?” Damian asked quietly. It probably wasn’t the best to ask, but he would just blame his morbid curiosity. “I died, I mean.”
Dick twisted his lips. “Not directly. He just kept saying how there was a lot of blood, and that it wasn’t fair. Then he kept asking if it was real, because if it was, he didn’t know how he was going to keep going.” He frowned now. “He even told me he saw you in your bed, but he couldn’t tell if you were dead or not.”
“I moved.”
Dick shrugged. “He just couldn’t tell if it was real.”
“…Stop talking about me like I’m not here.” Tim croaked, hands still over is face. “I can hear you, you know.”
“Which means you can hear Damian, right?” Dick tried to tug at his wrists again, and won the battle this time. Tim let his hands drop to his lap, but kept is cheek smushed up against Dick’s chest. He eyed Damian suspiciously. “You waking up, Timbo?”
“…No.” He pouted. Then: “My stomach hurts.”
“Well, you’ve been dry-heaving for like ten minutes, so I imagine it does.” Dick laughed. Tim sighed and closed his eyes. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“You can hear Damian, right?” Dick asked seriously, pushing Tim’s bangs off his forehead. “You know he’s here? He’s okay?”
Tim didn’t answer right away. Kept his eyes closed as he tried to restabalize his breath. Despite the fact his hands were now curled into Dick’s shirt as he accepted their older brother’s comfort, Damian could see his fingers still shaking in the fabric, and almost violently so.
“…He’s still scared.” Bruce whispered. “Losing you again is a scary thought, for all of us. A terrifying thought.” Suddenly he felt his father’s lips on his temple, a quick, nervous kiss. “It…lingers. For a while. Even when we know you’re okay.”
Damian leaned is head back to look at him. “You sound like you’re talking from experience.”
Across the room, Dick gave a knowing snort. Bruce just stared down at Damian with a smirk, and left another kiss on his forehead.
Damian hummed, raising his head to look back down at Tim. He’d released Dick’s shirt now, but had grabbed the trashcan once more. “Has Drake had this…situation before?”
“Not so obviously.” Bruce thought out loud. “He’s come to me about it before-”
“Me too.” Dick interjected.
“-but never…like this.” Bruce frowned, watching Tim. “It must have been really terrible this time.”
“Just nightmares about losing the family?”
“No. Just you.” Bruce sighed. “At least…ever since you died. Before, I think it was various friends and family and nightmares about losing them, but since you died, I believe it’s just been you.”
“But…that was years ago!”
Bruce gave him a grim smile. “And when the nightmares hit, they’ve just been about you for all this time.”
“…Never this bad.” Tim added himself, sounding almost confused. He still wasn’t looking at anyone. “I have never had a nightmare this…” He suddenly gagged and lurched forward, shoving his face into the bin. Dick cooed quietly at him, and returned to his previous gentle litany.
Tim heaved a few more times, and once Damian believed him finished, he silently slid off of Bruce’s lap.
(Alfred took his spot immediately.)
He crawled across the floor and sat at Tim’s side next to Titus, opposite the trashcan. He watched as his brother held his head in the can for a moment more, then let out a shaky sigh and leaned his forehead against the bin’s side.
Then he reached his hand out for Tim’s. His skin was freezing, fingers almost blue. “…I’m okay, Drake.”
Tim jumped in surprise at the touch, collapsing back into Dick’s chest. Dick just laughed at him.
“Believe them now?” Damian asked anyway, curling his fingers around Tim’s, just in case he tried to pull away. Tim didn’t, though. Just stared at him with wide, embarrassed, guilty eyes. “See? I’m right here.”
Titus leaned over and licked at his cheek, then shoved his head against Damian’s stomach, as if to prove his point. That Damian was still there, in the flesh. Alive.
“And anyway.” Damian added nonchalantly. “My death is nothing to make yourself sick over. Father or Grayson, perhaps, but mine is not important in the long-”
“Oh my god, shut the hell up.” Tim hissed even as he suddenly rolled forward and enveloped Damian in his arms. His hands still shook as he clawed his nails along Damian’s spine, but his breathing seemed to be calming down. Slowing.
Damian blinked in surprise, glancing at Dick. Dick just smiled at him as he gently rubbed at Tim’s back. After a moment to collect himself, he silently returned Tim’s embrace, curling into Tim’s chest.
“You’re not allowed to die, okay? Not before me. I’ve decided.” Tim spat, squeezing Damian as hard as he could. “That’s the rules.”
“Drake. I don’t think you can-”
“So promise me.” Tim whispered. “Promise me you won’t die.”
Damian just stared at Dick, whose face became sad once more. He twisted a little to look at his father, but he was now looking at the cat purring in his lap.
“Drake, you know I can’t-”
“Promise.” Tim ordered harshly. Then immediately, he deflated, leaning is weight on Damian. “…Please, Damian. Please promise.”
The shaking in Tim’s hands increased, just for a moment, like he was terrified Damian would say no, or laugh in his face. Or that maybe Damian would disappear, and this was all still part of the dream after all.
So instead, Damian just tightened his grip on his brother. “…Okay, Drake. I promise.”
Tim let out a tiny whimper. “Thank yo-”
“On one condition.”
Tim stiffened immediately, even as Damian pulled back to look into his face. His skin was an ugly mixture of gray and red this close up, and Damian was almost surprised Drake could keep his eyes open with how swollen they were.
“You can’t die either.”
Tim gaped for a moment, as Dick nodded behind him, murmuring to Bruce, “…Sounds like a good deal to me, don’t you think, Bruce?”
Their father grunted in agreement.
But Tim was able to collect himself, and let a smile melt on to his tear-stained face. He reached out to embrace Damian again, this time dragging him forward so they were both nestled in Dick’s arms. Dick didn’t let the opportunity go to waste, holding them both as closely as he could, as Bruce leaned back into the couch and watched them with a dreamy smile. Titus woofed happily beside them, attempting to like at both the younger boys’ faces at once.
“Deal, kid.”
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telekinetiq · 3 years
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Sniff sniffs Myuutsu.
         Myuutsu  perks  up  at  the  sound  of  the  medbay  doors  opening.    he  expects  it  to  be  Xaallo,  but  instead ...  is  another  child ?    what ?    he  didn’t  know  there  were  other  children  on  board ...  not  that  he’s  been  around  very  long  to  meet  all  of  the  other  guests.
         Myuutsu  tenses  a  bit,  still  on  edge  given ...  everything  he’d  been  through  recently.    he  stops  playing  with  the  flesh-ball  and  just  stares,  before  being  sniffed  at.    they  sniff  him ?    they  snorf ?    he  giggles  a  little ;  it  tickles.
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                  ❝  hehe.    h-hello.    haven’t  seen  you  before ...  ❞
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Tracker (Animal Companion Archetype)
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 As long as man has domesticated animals, we’ve been using their superior senses as our own in order to better us both. Pigs digging for truffles, dogs tracking down prey or rescuing the lost, and even the modern practice of bomb-sniffing rats.
The subject of today’s entry refers to animal companions that, be it by exceptional talent or selective breeding, are masterful trackers.
As one might expect, this archetype is only available to animal companions with the scent ability. Thankfully this includes most animal companions, predator and prey alike.
 These trackers are masters of their namesake, able to track by scent with impressive reliability, even when moving quickly.
This archetype does miss out on shared spells and some of their resilience, so they are perhaps not possessing the same synergy as other companions, but they can still be quite viable combatants in addition to their utility function. Rangers that trade away the tracking ability for an archetype in particular may enjoy a companion of this archetype. It should be noted, however, that the requirement of this archetype means that only a few plant and vermin companions can benefit from it, limiting you to mostly animals.
 While it seems a natural fit to apply this archetype to predators, many herbivores have the scent ability as well, though they primarily use it to warn themselves of nearby creatures, rather than track them, leading to a certain amount of absurdity to training a prey animal to follow trails, though there may be ways to train them to find specific scents.
  Gormik Pigchaser is particularly proud of his goblin dog companion, Snorf, whom he claims is the “bestest at finding man and halfling scent and catching rabbits”. He may be right too, for the mangy rodent certainly makes up for Gormik’s lackluster tracking skills.
 When the Millerson’s hound vanished into the fey realms while chasing a choxani fey, many assumed the dog lost for good. However, a year later, the loyal dog returned very much alive, but there was something different about him, including a surprising ability to follow a trail.
 They say in the deep lands, there is no escaping a “svirfneblin hound”. Indeed, some deep gnome colonies have developed a bond with giant any colonies, and many naturally-inclined among them bond with the insects, making use of their keen antennae to follow quarry in the normally traceless stone of the underground.
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