altermentality · 11 months
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Friends of the Forest 🍂
A little late for Sparks of Hope's birthday, but not too much! I'll always fondly associate the game with this time of year, due to when it came out and because of my favorite planet therein.
I tried to imitate the style of Woodrow's backstory portraits! This is my first ever time trying to use halftones... I'm really happy with how it came out and hope you enjoy!
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mariorabbidsquotes · 1 month
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pixies-and-poets · 11 months
Cute/silly idea: kid Woodrow and kid Sweetlopek dressing up as eachother for Halloween to confuse everyone in Paletteville (spoiler: it doesn't work, lol).
CUTE!! They totally would!!
"Woody, doncha think our, y'know... our sizes'll give it away?"
"Perish the thought, Sweets. I shall be EVER so good at acting as you, no one will even notice."
(Somehow, he doubts it. But they try anyway.)
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turquoisephoenix · 2 years
Headcanon: The big burly Rabbid with the mustache that punches little kid Woodrow in this memory is Sweetlopek's father and he really didn't want his son hanging out with "The Jinx".
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Joke's on him, they later became best friends and now his son is dating a Dryad.
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minnesotamedic186 · 1 year
Medic plays Mario + Rabbids: Rayman in The Phantom Show! Part 1
Honestly this was, a long time coming. Obviously SPOILERS BE ABOUND-!
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With that out of the way, let's see what the Phantom has in store for us
... Already my crush on Rayman is justified-
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The one that shall start it all
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Great Cacophonies of Old this place is an easter egg gold mine-!
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And I see Rayman's still got his grudges-
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*No comment*
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Ooh we get new Sparks right off the bat
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*Insert Linda Day George screaming "Bastard!" here*(literal and affectionate)
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Beep-0 you are, more stupid then I thought-
I wouldn't be surprised if Phantom's really NOT playing us all like those automated orchestras at the House On The Rock, but I wouldn't put my money on it
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Until I post the next part feel free to question why and how the f**k these two are here(Dryad especially)-
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down-the-rabbid-hole · 11 months
Okay SO, since y'all seemed to like my idea post I'm gonna ramble about the Borrower Woodrow au! This isn't really a fic nor headcanons it's just me writing down a bunch of ideas for this au
Okay so for those who don't know what borrowers are, the short answer is fairies without wings. They're little creatures that often resemble rodents that live in people's walls or out in forests, and often "borrow" human items (or in this case Rabbid items) such as food and trinkets like buttons, felt, anything really.
They fit PERFECTLY with the aesthetic of pallet prime!! Given they're often shown sometimes living in trees, or using stuff like acorn caps as hats or tree leaves as clothing, there's so many connections to be made!
Anyways back to what you all are probably here for, Woodrow but s m o l
He'd still have his curse! And wouldn't be too different personality wise? He's still a monochromatic poet. But he'd (at least as a kid) be hiding in the town of pallet prime, scavenging and "borrowing" supplies while trying to stay hidden and avoid being stepped on or caught.
I can see him residing in a library of sorts, and after closing time he'd try his best to read the poetry books there, even making a few poems of his own! Though despite his curse...it probably wouldn't go well. Every time Woodrow's curse would cause something bad to happen, the townspeople would blame it on this "spirit of bad luck", which would become basically this urban legend amongst them.
Eventually, Woodrow would've encountered a young Sweetlopek, who immediately thinks Woodrow's a fairy of some kind would try and befriend him, at first Woodrow would try and avoid him out of fear (Sweets is like 20 times his size, can you blame him??), but after getting over his fear of being squashed he'd accept the friend offer!
(also, I can't stop imagining a tiny Woodrow riding around in Sweetlopeks overalls pocket, it's too cute and image)
Part of me wants to say they just stay as friends since then, but the other part has another idea...
Woodrow starts reading Sweets some of the poems he's made, which is of course causing all SORTS of trouble for the townsfolk, one of which managing to trace the chaos to Woodrow (bonus points if it's that one burly Rabbid that punched Woodrow in canon)
That Rabbid connects the dots to the bad luck spirit and Woodrow, causing the townspeople to go into a frenzy trying to catch him, and he unfortunately gets separated from Sweetlopek during this, who's trying to convince the townspeople Woodrow did nothing wrong and didn't wanna hurt anyone.
Meanwhile in the chaos, Woodrow ends up getting fucking TRAMPLED by the mob of angry Rabbids, but somehow escapes into the forest to safety. Where he'll stay for a while to lay low and avoid other Rabbids.
Aaand I'm just gonna stop the post here before WOW it's getting long, I know that was a lot of angst BUT DW THERE'S FLUFF STUFF COMING SOON I PROMISE. Just gotta get the angst out of the way first. Also gonna be renaming this to the Borrower!Woodrow au instead of Borrower!Phandrow au since it's not ENTIRELY Phandrow centered, though there is phandrow in it eventually!
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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pastelprince18 · 2 years
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I’m silly for him,,, cries
Also rabbid Luigi too bc i was suppose to give him a design but forgor <:] so this is a idea for now
But anyways yeah Woodrow we love to see him
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yoshis-island420 · 2 years
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Well, since y’all already seen it, thought it would be a good idea to post it here as well :) Sweetlopek my beloved <3 
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Jeanie, narrating: And here we see Sweetlopek in his natural habitat, sharpening his teeth for the coming winter.
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hostess-of-horror · 2 years
Fallen Leaves
@darkmedolie @lemonbaloni @augie-the-better-brother @salamifuposey
M.B.’s note: This is my and @minnesotamedic186​’s fanfic collaboration for Sweetlopek and Dryad from Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope! We had such a fun time coming up with this story, and there will be a Part 2 for Fallen Leaves. This is also our first contribution to our (sort of) newly found ship: Sweetleaves (Sweetlopek x Dryad)!
Medic’s note: For context (and so no one thinks we're up to something-), Dryad can shapeshift into three different forms: the one you see in Sparks Of Hope, a more humanoid form to match her maturity, and a monster form for when Dryad feels the need to protect the Spellbound Woods.
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Art Courtesy by @minnesotamedic186​ 
Content Includes: Nothing! 100% Clean and Wholesome!
When he swung down his axe, Sweetlopek’s instincts told him that something was wrong. He expected the tree to stand still until he completely chopped it down, but when he made the first swing, the tree toppled like a weed in the wind. In his entire lumberjack career, Sweetlopek had never witnessed something like this before. He placed his axe down and examined the bark. It was soft - murky even - and he could easily grab a chunk of bark by the fistful. Just as he thought, something was definitely wrong.
The only person he knew that could tell him what was happening with Spellbound Woods was the Dryad herself. A pesky pixie, that one. Always trying to butt in with her magic and distracting him from doing his job. But with this lumber being practically too weak to use for anything, there was nothing else he could do. He had to find her. With a hefty sigh, Sweetlopek took a swig of his bottle and headed towards Dryad’s nest. As he walked through the familiar trails of Palette Prime, he began to notice his surroundings. The vibrant colors of oranges, reds, browns,  gold and amber, had become… duller.  Faded. Almost lifeless, even. His eyebrows furrowed with concern and he quickened his pace. Whatever was happening, it must stop! 
Strange, Sweetlopek thought to himself, the season just started. It shouldn’t be winter already.
The more he ventured through the woods, the more greyer it became.  Soon, Sweetlopek was surrounded by crooked branches, piles of brittle dead leaves, and dry soil beneath his boots. The crunching of his steps echoed in the dead silence. A chill shuddered through his spine.  He needed to find Dryad, and fast. Shaking the chill off, he dashed, going deeper towards her home. By the Stars, the lumberjack muttered to himself, what is happening in the woods? When he finally reached Dryad's hideout, Sweetlopek hollered out her name. No response. He hollered again. Nothing… But then, a small squeak! His ears perked up and he followed where it came from. Another squeak - he was getting closer. The squeaks were coming from the nest! Sweetlopek approached the nest. At first, Dryad was nowhere to be seen, until he looked even closer. Sweetlopek was used to seeing Dryad as either a pesky red-haired fairy, or a horned beast with a mane resembling fire. Now she was so small she could fit in the palm of his hand, her skin a sickly pale gray.
The lumberjack’s heart dropped like a stone falling into a river. “D…Dryad?” Sweetlopek spoke to her, “What happened to you? What’s going on with the trees?” Dryad strained to open her eyes. She went to speak, only to let out a tiny sneeze. Squeak! A cold breeze brushed her fur, causing her to shiver. Sweetlopek rushed over and gently picked her up. He held her close to his chest. Dryad’s petite mitten paws slowly reached over and held onto his flannel. “Oh dear…” he sighed with worry, “Um… Don’t worry. I’ll… get you someplace warm. It’s not much, but it’s all I can do.” With the small, frail Dryad in his arms, Sweetlopek went out of Spellbound Woods and returned to his home.
— — —
He lit a match and hovered it in the fireplace. Luckily, he had enough logs to keep his home warm for the colder seasons. As a lumberjack, Sweetlopek prided himself in being diligent, thinking ahead for anything that may happen during the season. But out of all the things he thought about, taking care of an ill nature spirit never occurred to him. He didn’t think that such creatures like Dryad would even get sick. Nevertheless, he had to help her. For his business!
Of course… his business…
As the fire grew warmer, he turned to see how Dryad was doing. He had wrapped her in a wool blanket, which was probably more of a giant fortress than a blanket. Dryad cradled inside his makeshift nest, her tiny body still shivering. Sweetlopek sighed, thinking to himself, how am I going to cure her? Perhaps the blanket is too big? After a moment of pause, he snapped his fingers and rushed into his bedroom. There, placed in front of his bed, was his drawer. He opened it and inside were full of clean socks, shoved haphazardly in one giant pile. Taking the softest one he could find, Sweetlopek rushed back into the living room. Last thing he wanted to do was leave Dryad all by herself in her condition for too long. “Um, here…” Sweetlopek showed Dryad, “I think this would help you warm up much better.” 
Carefully, he lifted Dryad from the wool blanket with one hand and opened up the sock with the other. Delicately, he slid the small pixie inside her new snug wrapping until the only thing exposed was her face. Sweetlopek held back a chuckle. His amusement became relief when Dryad slowly, surely, and finally stopped quivering. He let out an exhale as he eased into his favorite chair near the fireplace. Although he had managed to warm up Dryad, he still could not figure out how to cure her. He then feared the worst; were these Dryad’s final moments? No! Surely that can’t be it. She can’t be! What would he do when Dryad is gone for good? She has a connection to the trees of Spellbound Woods, so that means they will rot. When they rot, then they won’t be of any good use for lumbering! Sweetlopek shook his head, his thoughts flooding his mind like a broken dam. He then felt a soft tug on his flannel. “Thank you.” Dryad muttered with a sweet smile, “Thank you for taking care of me. I have… gone through this before. I will recover soon. Even beings like myself get sick from time to time.”  Sweetlopek’s anxiety melted away as he looked down at her. Dryad turned to her side and nuzzled her face against the warmth of his chest, letting out a short, little yawn. He couldn’t help but grin - she looked so adorable curled up inside a sock.
Soon, a yawn escaped his lips, too, and he leaned back into sleep.
— — —
Sweetlopek woke up to the sound of utensils. His eyes searched around the living room, and as he did, he realized Dryad was no longer in his arms. Waking up, he lifted himself from his chair and followed the noise into the kitchen. “Dryad…?” Sweetlopek asked wearily. “Oh, Sweetlopek! You’re awake! Forgive me, I was just making some tea for the both of us. I hope you do not mind.” Dryad cheerfully greeted. Sweetlopek paused. Her size had grown significantly, big enough to be the same size as a teddy bear. He watched her brew the tea as he helped himself to his own dinner table near the window. “I didn’t know you could make tea. What kind are you making?” he asked, noticing the unfamiliar ingredients right next to the kettle. “Oh, I actually learned how to make tea when a Druid from Terra Flora visited Palette Prime. I think his name was, Alkementor.  He taught me as a trade for some pumpkin spice for his potions. This is a special brew made from the plants all around Spellbound Woods. Their healing properties are great for all sorts of conditions. It can even give you lots of energy for the day.” The kettle whistled as Dryad lifted it from the stove and poured the tea into two mugs. She then finished by garnishing the tea with some berries. “Here you go.” Dryad smiled, handing a cup to him. Sweetlopek nodded as a thanks and blew over his cup. With a giggle, Dryad floated over to Sweetlopek and placed a small peck on his cheek. The lumberjack jumped, his face and ears turning bright red. “Thank you for yesterday. I truly appreciate it; I will never forget it.” she whispered to him.
Sweetlopek’s heart skipped a beat. As he sipped his surprisingly delicious tea, he could not help but feel a tinge of a warm smile.
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turqrambles · 2 years
I personally see Woodrow and Sweetlopek as always being the best of friends rather than ever dating sometime in the past, not in the "no homo" way but in the "never occurred to them in the two decades they've known each other to take their relationship that direction, nor do they want to, and their platonic bond is hella strong anyhow".
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pearl-crystals · 7 months
Doodle Medley :)
Some doodles I've got! I've been drawing a lot but I never share em on here! I've really gotten into Mario and Rabbids and I mostly cannot stop drawing the rabbids and the wardens (mostly Woodrow.)
Ive got a huge surplus of doodles so I hope you enjoy! I hope to draw a few of these bigger! If not, I'm pretty content on how they've turned out :)
Only two of these pictures are based off a tiktok! I am pretty certain you'll be able to tell which one hahaha.
Im adding a read more just because of how many doodles there are. But I hope you enjoy em as much as I do! C:
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This should be end of the doodles for now! Hope you enjoyed em! :)
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mariorabbidsquotes · 18 days
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Of Verses And Curses
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pixies-and-poets · 2 years
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This came to me as I was falling asleep
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Woodrow's Disguise
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"Shoot, I'm afraid of heights..."
Before the poetry contest, Woodrow had to make sure he didn't get recognized so he went and showed Sweetlopek his disguise. Test passed and Sweetlopek had a good laugh about the absurdity of the situation (and his friend). Beaver was eyeng Woodrow's stilts, though. That was a strange looking tree.
[I swear I had this drawing in my "to do" list since March, lol. I used a new ink brush for this and finally managed to find some decent looking pattern for the papery texture]
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minnesotamedic186 · 2 years
@augie-the-better-brother @randomrabbidramblings @deezeyrabbidy @pastelprince18 @bramble-scramble @c1own777 @si--ko
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Here me out-
(Y'all aren't obligated to do this I just wanted to show you an idea I had)
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