lazysharkart · 2 years
Some things are just too much to brush off.
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justswim3 · 3 months
Swimming Classes for Women in Chennai - Just Swim
Just Swim is one of the Best Swimming Classes for Women in Chennai. We are renowned label for swimming coaching for kids & adults in chennai. For more details contact us : +91 7845773341 or visit our website : https://www.justswim.in/
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suchhikumarsblog · 2 years
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fierypen37 · 1 year
Lord Commander Frog
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moodboard @libradoodle1
Lord Commander Frog
The gods hated her. She didn’t know what she had done in her fairly eventful life to offend some vengeful god—her money was on the Great Stallion, the fucker—but this was surely punishment. It wasn’t enough that her scumbag ex was late dropping off their son for the five hundredth time. It wasn’t enough that three and a half-year-old Rhaego had neither nap nor lunch and was thus teetering on the verge of a tantrum. No, now Rhaego’s swim instructor Mya, a woman of sunshine and rainbows that coaxed the truculent Rhaego to actually go under the water for the first time in his life, was off on maternity leave. In her place was some guy named Jon Snow. And he happened to be the most gorgeous man Dany had ever seen.
“What the fuck?” Dany muttered under her breath. The blonde mom in a power suit seated next to her gave her a dirty look. Dany ignored her, her eyes riveted to this walking embodiment of trouble behind the glass. ‘Gorgeous’ was too tame a word. There was some ruggedness that saved Jon’s features from being simply pretty. A couple curved scars, one slicing through his eyebrow and curling around his right eye, the other a diagonal line high on his left cheek. Curly black hair, tied up in a floppy little manbun. A few loose strands clung to his forehead and broad cheekbone. Dany had a weakness for men with long hair—her ex Drogo being a prime example. Pale, flawless skin (save for the scars), mysterious dark eyes, lips that invited sinful thoughts. Right now a stunning, eye-crinkling smile lit his face, strong square hands gently guiding one of Rhaego’s classmates in a lap around the pool. For three weeks she’d been watching this gorgeous asshole with her son and it was starting to drive her nuts.
The faculty wore teal t-shirts with ‘Instructor’ stenciled in blocky white letters on the front and back. The wet fabric stuck to Jon’s torso like a jealous lover, straining to contain his thick arms. Clinging wetly to broad pecs, tight little nipples and a fucking six pack.  A six pack? Really? Dany silently fumed, cursing the vengeful god that hated her, Drogo, Safe Swim School, Jon and everything in between. Parents and caregivers observed class from behind glass to encourage independence in the young swimmers. Rhaego was terrified of the water—no thanks to his deadbeat Dothraki dad. Drogo and his friends had a near-pathological fear of water and swimming. At thirty, Drogo was the completest of landlubbers. But Dany was adamant. Swimming was a life skill—and one that could save Rhaego’s life if he by some accident fell in a pool or the pond at their apartment complex.
Dany held her breath as Jon turned to Rhaego. Her little Rhaego, in his blue swim trunks printed with little yellow sharks. His silver-blond hair in a stubby braid at the base of his neck. A painful rush of love raced through her. Dany ached for shy, gentle, stubborn Rhae to feel strong, confident, happy. She wanted to protect him, even from an overzealous teacher. Jon spread his arms, offering Rhaego the chance to practice kicking in Jon’s arms. Jon’s expression was a perfect amalgamation of friendly and authoritative.
Rhaego jumped into Jon’s arms and kicked with single-minded fury. On the lap back, Rhae met her gaze through the glass, his eyelid slightly askew from the blue goggles he wore. The glowing look of triumph on his round little face warmed Dany all the way down to her toes. Jon looked up too. The smile faltered a little bit before he waved. Dany read his lips: ‘Hi, Mom!’ Jon said, which Rhaego echoed so enthusiastically she could hear the trill of his voice through the glass. Dany wondered at the mixed signals. Living embodiment of temptation he may be to her, but that did not guarantee he was available. No ring, but that didn’t mean he was unattached. Or maybe he’s sick of snooty parents glowering at him from behind the glass. She heaved a sigh. Annoying how much she had obsessed over him.
The room was obnoxiously humid, smelling sharply of pool chemicals. Conversation was a low hum as parents and kids gathered for their next class. In the pool, the kids practiced climbing along the walls and then climbing out. Once out of the pool, they were dismissed to changing rooms behind the door. Rhaego was last in line. Dany swung the swim bag up on her arm, checking her watch. Time enough to pick up some takeout on the way home before their bedtime routine. Dany shuffled in the queue with the other parents, waiting for the older kids to go single-file into the warren of changing rooms. Jon was talking to one of Rhae’s classmates, a pretty little girl with bright auburn hair.
“Do you kids want to see a trick?” Jon said. Fuck me, even his voice is hot. Dany had a thing for accents, and Jon’s rough northern brogue made attraction tingle and sparkle through her nerves.
A chorus of giddy ‘yeses’ answered Jon. Wading toward the edge, Jon jumped. Jumped and landed poised on the balls of his feet on the edge of the pool from waist-deep water. Like a godsdamned professional athlete. Who the fucking hell was Jon Snow? The kids shrieked ecstatically. There was even a smattering of applause from the waiting parents. Jon gave a self-deprecating bow to the delight of his students. The wet black swim trunks did the clingy lover routine, clinging to powerful thighs and the sweetest, roundest arse she had ever seen. Fuck me.
It had been over three years since she’d been with anyone. Her relationship with Drogo was already over when she found out she was pregnant—the cheating asshole. Men—other than her little man Rhae—were more trouble than they were worth. Dany looked forward to a blissfully uncomplicated existence with just her and her son. And then three weeks of staring at Jon fucking Snow made her realize her libido wasn’t fried after all. Hooray for her. Inconvenient lust was all it was, she comforted herself. Dany didn’t even need to talk to Jon Snow if she didn’t want to. It was in the best interest of everyone if she didn’t go to bed with her young son’s devastatingly handsome swim instructor. Right?
Dany hurried to the changing room with Rhaego, only half listening to his mile-a-minute chatter.
“Common, Rhae. You need to practice,” Dany said. Rhae lapsed into Dothraki whenever he was stressed or excited.
“Maaaaaiiii,” Rhae said, drawing out the word in Dothraki to underscore his annoyance at being interrupted.
“Don’t ‘Mai’ me, ser. Common. Now did you like your new teacher?” she asked, squeezing pool water from the tail of his braid with his favorite space ranger towel. Rhaego’s smile displayed perfect pointed white teeth.
“Yeah, he’s silly. He said for us to call him Lord Commander Frog!” Rhaego said in Common, chortling. Cute. Godsdamn it.
“How long is he taking over for Miss Mya?” Dany asked. Rhaego shrugged.
“I dunno. Can we get an ice cream on the way home?” Rhaego asked.
Yanking dry clothes over damp skin with a wiggly toddler was a pain, but they managed. Rhae hopped down and grabbed her hand, towing her out toward the car.
“No ice cream. Dinner. Your dad said you didn’t have lunch.” The heat of the afternoon was a potent as a blow. King’s Landing heat seeped up through the thin soles of her sandals, the humidity closed around her.
“Mrs. Rider?” The same deep voice caressed her. Like phantom perfume in a cartoon. Full of husky notes, rich flavors. Damn it had been too long since she’d been laid. Waxing poetic about his voice, pathetic. Dany hoisted Rhaego into the car and told him to get in the car seat. Only then did she turn with a polite what-do-you-want smile to meet Jon Snow’s watchful gaze. He was still in his wet shirt and swim trunks, with a towel around his neck for form’s sake. Flaunting. He might as well be naked. Dany bit the inside of her lip, furious with herself for imagining him naked. Mm. Naked and gleaming with sweat as he---
“It’s actually Targaryen. Never been Mrs. Rider,” she corrected. While it made custody a headache with the Dothraki dosh khaleen weighing in on parental rights, Dany was still happy she’d never been dumb enough to marry Drogo. On some level, she had known their relationship was a mistake.
“Oh good,” he said.
“Good?” she repeated, frowning.
“Sorry, let me start again Ms. Targaryen--”
“Daenerys,” she corrected again, just to see that brow line deepen. The jokey kid-friendly persona wasn’t his typical personality, then.
“Daenerys,” Jon said, with a tilt of challenge in his chin. A couple seconds ticked by, and when she didn’t interrupt again, he continued.
“Would you like to get dinner with me, sometime?” Jon asked. Of all the things she expected him to say, that hadn’t been it. Her mouth worked, like a dying fish.
“Do you hit on your students’ parents often?” she countered, hefting a comfortable fury. Jon had no doubt made his way through a buffet of lusty divorcees in his tenure. The thought made her so furious the edges of her vision pulsed white. He was unperturbed.
“Never. Ask anyone. I’m not a player type.”
“Then why me?”
A shrug.
“I follow my gut.”
“Something a bit lower, I bet.”
He snorted, grinning. He folded his arms across his chest. Gods, he was beautiful. Each muscle and sinew taut beneath smooth skin. Powerful and confident, like a jungle predator.
“So? Yes or no?” Jon asked with the barest flick of eyebrow.
“Answer me first. Why me?”
Dany braced herself for awkward compliments. She knew she was beautiful. She’d been fending off men sleazier than Jon since she was fourteen.
Jon shrugged again, looking a bit abashed.
“When Rhaego was doing his lap, kicking like his life depended on it . . . that smile you gave him. I uh, I realized I wanted you to smile at me like that.”
Taken aback both by inconvenient lust and an even more inconvenient surge of feeling, Dany scowled.
“Yes.” The word just fell out of its own accord. Chalk it up to temporary insanity or a libido run amok, but here she was. The gods were laughing at her.
“Rhaego’s father is taking him for the weekend after his swimming lesson on Thursday. Does Thursday night work for you?”
“Thursday! It’s a date,” he said, grinning.
They exchanged phone numbers and parted.
“Mai, let’s go! I’m hungry!” Rhae complained as he flopped back onto his car seat. Dany climbed into her small SUV to buckle Rhae in. 
“See you later, buddy!” Jon called.
“Bye bye Lord Commander Frog!” Rhae shouted, waving madly.
A vague disquiet followed her through the drive home, in the drive thru at Rhaego’s favorite chicken place, pigging out on fried chicken and grilled vegetables, during bath and story time. Rhaego was wired after going all day and took a good forty-five minutes to wind down. At last, Dany cuddled him, reading his favorite book about talking trucks. Rhae was getting so big, he hardly tolerated her cuddles anymore. She tucked him into bed and kissed his forehead, smelling the soft perfume of his shampoo.
“Goodnight, little star,” Dany whispered.
“Goodnight, Mai. Love you,” Rhaego slurred, eyelids already fluttering. Dany’s heart seized up and she smoothed the blanket printed with smiling stars over his shoulder. The sound machine cast spangled constellations on the walls, humming a soothing cadence of white noise.  
“Love you too, baby,” she said. A moment grounded her, a moment most parents had, where they plumbed the depth and scope of their love for their child. That their existence was unfathomable without them. 
In their cramped apartment, there were always chores to be done. Fighting a yawn, Dany tossed the swim stuff in the wash, tidied the dishes. Swept up the ever-present crumbs and cat hair. Packed Rhae’s weekend bag. Poured some dry cat food for Drogon. The monstrous black cat twined around her ankles with a polite murrph before crouching over the bowl to feast.
She poured a glass of Dornish red and stared down at her phone. She distracted herself by tapping out a couple emails to her boss, to her clients to schedule photoshoots. Jon Snow’s number loomed in her new contacts. She tapped the number and began composing a message to cancel the whole thing. Her thumb hovered over ‘SEND.’  What was she thinking anyway? Dany was surely just the latest in his conquests, ‘player type’ or no. She damn sure wasn’t looking for a relationship. Could she really manage a friends-with-benefits thing? Especially with Rhae’s swim instructor? So lost in thought, it nearly gave her a heart attack when her phone chirped. The wine glass sloshed. Dany cursed, mopping the drops up with the hem of her ratty t-shirt. A text. From Jon.
Do you like YiTish or Pentoshi?
Dany blinked. Of its own will, her thumb backed out the message she’d written and replied.
Either is fine. I love spice, so YiTish?
A dragon girl, huh? That explains the tattoo 😉  
The three dragons on wing circled her left wrist. Dany traced one wing with a sad smile. A tribute tattoo. Surprising that Jon had noticed in their brief interaction. Damn, Jon was proving to be insightful and flirtatious. Dany took a long draw from her wine, relishing the tart-sweet taste.
With the name Targaryen, it’s not much of a puzzle     
She waited, brow furrowing as the message screen stayed stubbornly the same. No new message. No dancing dots. The comment was meant to be wry, flirty. Was he offended? Dany chewed on her lip, chiding herself for getting all fluttery. Drogo had been the master of mental manipulation. The mellow warmth of the wine in her belly gave a wrenching, sour turn. Nineteen-year-olds should not be allowed to enter into serious relationships without some kind of certificate, she mused. Much less with twenty-seven-year-old Dothraki mechanics. The phone chirped.
I’m actually quite the detective, Ms. Targaryen. You’ll see, then in a separate bubble: I know this great YiTish place on Loom Street
The flirting script dictated that she say she was looking forward to it, eager to spend time together, or more polite chit chat. But Dany had been burned on this road before. Burned so bad she thought she would never recover, surrounded by the ashes and smoke of a ruined life. She steeled her heart against Jon’s forthright enthusiasm. With any luck, they could keep the talk to a minimum between bouts of sweaty sex. An appropriate distance would serve her best, and if it fizzled, too bad, so sad.
See you Thursday, she typed. Gods help her.
Wednesday came and went. Hustling Rhae off to preschool. Cursing the bugs and the heat a thousand different ways as she met her clients in the godswood for photoshoots. Back-to-school shoots with kids scrubbed to a shine and gap-toothed smiles, a few engagement celebrations with love syrupy between the pair, one touching couples session with a pair of men who had been married for forty years this fall.
“That’s great guys. I think we’ll wrap up. We’re losing the light,” Dany said, squinting at the setting sun. That elusive golden hour really was magical. The couple thanked Dany and she promised to get the mockups to them by the end of the next week.
She’d sort of fallen into photography. As a teenager, she’d found a fancy camera in one of Rhaegar’s boxes. Fiddling with it, she found memory cards with Rhaegar’s photographs. Hundreds and hundreds of photographs. Of the beach, the house on Dragonstone where they’d both grown up, candids of her parents, Rhaegar and herself. A million times more precious than the meager life insurance settlement the company had given her, or what was left of her mom’s jewelry. Photographs could speak volumes. It could be art, it could be evidence, it could be the heart of a life. The camera’s eye captured it all. From then on, it was hobby. Then, when she was a penniless single mother, it was a way to put food on the table. She loved it.    
After preschool, Rhae happily chattered on about his friends Colt and Lorrie, and how Miss Alys had loved the picture he drew. Dany listened and exclaimed at appropriate intervals. The picture was great. A ragged red circle shape with about twenty lines off it. Rhae said it was caterpillar-dragon. Rhae crashed his toy cars together while Dany made dinner and then they snuggled on the couch to watch his favorite show about a family of anthropomorphized dogs.
“After swimming tomorrow, you’re going to go home with your dad for the weekend, little star. Won’t that be fun?” Dany said, tucking him in and kissing his forehead. She tried to infuse some enthusiasm into her voice, but from the troubled look on Rhae’s face, she failed.
“I don’t wanna, Mai. I want to stay home with you,” Rhae said, blinking at her with those guileless indigo eyes. Dany’s heart flinched, as if squeezed in a giant fist. If it was any further proof that Drogo was as shitty a dad as he was a partner, this would clinch it. Dany knelt beside Rhae’s beloved racecar bed and smoothed his drying silver hair, smooth as silk between her fingers. The stamp of Drogo’s influence was evident in Rhae’s copper-toned skin and sturdy frame, but his hair and eye color were pure Targaryen.
“It’s your weekend with him, baby. It’s the rules. I can’t break them, no matter how much I want to,” Dany said. Rhae snuffled a little, reaching up for a hug. She squeezed him tight.
“Why don’t you like going to your dad’s, baby? Has something . . . happened?” Already, fury began to churn in her gut. I swear by the old gods and the new, if he’s laid one finger on my son, I’ll—
Rhae shook his head against her chest.
“Daddy don’t like me,” Rhae said, his voice muffled by her shirt. Dany’s heart shattered.
“What do you mean, baby? Did he say so?” she whispered, infusing gentleness and comfort into her voice. No matter what Rhae said, he had to know that she was on his side.
“No. But I know.”
“He don’t play with me like you do. Or cut the crusts off my sandmitchs. He plays music really loud. He always has friends over.” Drogo, you fucking scumbag!
“Dad’s house will be different, little star. But I’ll talk to him, baby. We’ll show him how to play Neighbors. And Horsey Stable,” Dany said, striving for lightness. Rhae smiled at that. His favorite pretend games where he got to be the loud, silly neighbor, or the vet who fixed the sick horseys. Dany leaned against the door as she shut it, knees wobbling a little. Should she contest custody? Drogo was a scumbag, but he had given her every impression that he adored his son. They would come face to face at Rhae’s swimming lesson tomorrow. If Dany had her way, Drogo would have a couple scorch marks by the time he left.
Thursday passed in a busy blur. So busy, in fact, she didn’t have time to get nervous as she primped for her date. She dabbed on some makeup, blew her hair out smooth, shimmied into tight black jean shorts and a gauzy white peasant blouse. Beaded sandals and her mother’s silver ring completed the look. Luckily Rhaego took a long nap, so was bright-eyed and brimming with happy energy on the way to swim lessons. Together they sang the ABC song at the top of their lungs seven times in a row before pulling into the car park.
Jon gave a cheery wave as Rhaego took his spot at edge of the pool. Dany’s heart leapt up in her chest, assaulted anew by the beauty of him. The ‘Instructor’ shirt did its clinging lover routine, reacquainting Dany with the godlike perfection of his pecs and abs. Saliva filled her mouth. She watched them practice kicking, paddling with their arms, going under the water. She held her breath along with Rhaego on his turn, almost hearing Jon’s cheer as Rhae surfaced with a beaming smile. The sight of them both smiling did something inside her chest.  
“Moon of my life,” a rough voice said in her ear. His warm breath tickled her ear, smelling strongly of coffee. The happiness collapsed like a bad souffle.
“Ugh,” Dany flinched and swatted at Drogo, lurching to her feet, “don’t call me that!” He wore his customary expression of mocking condescension, white teeth gleaming in a smile. It had been mysterious when she was nineteen. Now it just annoyed her.
“We need to talk. Outside, now,” she said. When he made no move to follow, Dany grabbed a handful of his leather jacket and hauled him toward the door. It was out of concern for the coat and not her that he allowed himself to be towed—being a foot and half taller and several stone heavier.
“What’s the deal? Fuck!” Drogo said, disengaging her claw in the thankfully deserted car park. The clock was ticking though. Any minute, a new influx of families would arrive for their scheduled lesson.
“Rhaego. Your son. That’s the deal. He tells me you’re busy with ‘friends’ lately,” Dany snapped. Drogo shook his long black hair out of his face, folding his thick arms over his chest.
“Oh come on. You’re frothing over something a three-year-old said? It’s no big deal. I had the boys over. Then Rhae comes whining that he can’t sleep. Kid needs to toughen up, if you ask me.”
Dany’s fingernails bit into her palms. Toughen up? Toughen up?
“News flash: no one asked you. No one will ever ask you about Rhaego’s needs or habits, especially me. I didn’t fight you for custody and I damn sure didn’t fight you for child support though we desperately needed it. All I ask, Drogo, is that you pretend to care about our son when he is with you. The barest fucking minimum.”
Fury flashed black in Drogo’s eyes. Some tender inward part of her flinched.
“Gods, you’re such a fucking harridan! Pretend to care? He’s my son!”
Dany made an impatient gesture.
“Then play with him. Talk to him. Cut the fucking crusts off his sandwiches. There’s plenty of time for him to ride motorcycles and fix cars and drink beer with you when he’s older. Now, he needs attention. From you. Got it?”
Drogo rolled his eyes.
“Great Stallion, yes. I get it. Fuck.”
Dany checked her phone.
“Time’s up. I’ll get him dressed and meet you at your car,” she said, hurling Rhae’s backpack in Drogo’s direction.
To his scant credit, Drogo spoke enthusiastically with Rhaego when he emerged from the swim school.
“Hey big man! How about we go get some pizza for dinner?” he said. Rhae’s smile was shy, but so bright it made her heart hurt. Rhae beamed when his dad was nice to him. Dany exchanged a you-better-not-fuck-up look with Drogo. He rolled his eyes, giving her the finger behind Rhaego’s back. Dany exhaled a slow breath. Gods, Drogo infuriated her.
“Daenerys?” Jon’s voice washed over her. That deep northern flavored voice. She turned, finding Jon in his wet swim stuff. He noticed her lingering once-over and grinned.
“Give me ten minutes to get ready. I’ll be right back.”
Dany sighed as she watched that perfect arse as he walked back inside. Yes, the gods hated her.
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yearningagain · 1 year
don't let me drown
so i had this thought and decided to elaborate on it, but i ended up having 1.5k words and i'm not even a third of the way done :,) so pls let me know if this would be something you guys would like more of!! this is my first time posting writing here except for a few snippets, so pls be nice but constructive criticism is welcome!
ft. modern au, Single(Seahorse)Dad!Eddie, SwimInstructor!Steve
Eddie Munson didn't know how to swim. Growing up in landlocked states while despising every swimsuit he was ever presented with, it just made sense. He didn't need to know how to swim, there was no reason for it, and he was perfectly fine with it.
Until Max.
Specifically, until Max decided, after watching the 2020 Olympic swimming, that she was going to be an olympic swimmer. She kept bugging Eddie, begging him to sign her up for swim lessons with all the umph a six year old could muster.
And Eddie was a weak willed man, especially when it comes to his daughter. So he said yes.
Eddie spent the next week and a half researching the best swim instructors around, googling and calling and looking at reviews. Eventually, he settled for the Hawkins Aquatic Center. With it being relatively close, a 20 minute drive at most, and having the best reviews out of any and all other pools in the area, it was a clear winner.
So that Tuesday, while Max was at day camp, Eddie made the call.
“Hawkins Aquatic Center, this is Robin! How can I help you today?” One of the bubbliest voices Eddie had ever heard answered the phone, immediately putting him a little more at ease.
“Hi, I was looking to set my daughter up for some swim lessons?” He asked, hoping Robin didn't pick up on his slight nervousness.
“Of course! I just need a little information. Her name, age and birthday, and skill level is what I need now, and I’ll ask for some more information about you once we schedule.”
“Yeah, for sure. Her name is Maxine Munson, but everyone calls her Max. She’s six, her birthday is June 14th, 2014. She doesn't really… know how to swim?” As he gave her the information, his nerves almost doubled. He couldn't swim, he wouldn't be able to practice with her! What if she drowns? What if something happens? What if-
“Alright, Mr. Munson, I’m assuming?” Robin asked sweetly, interrupting his spiral.
“Uh- yeah that's- that’s me. You can just call me Eddie. Eddie Munson, at your service! Ha! Sorry, that was, like, super lame.” He cringed at his antics, but a bubbly laugh filled the phone.
“Got it, Eddie! So from the information you’ve given to me, it seems like it’ll be best to put her in our beginners class for kids under 7. We typically have two instructors that rotate throughout the week, but one of them is on paternity leave, so she’ll only be with Coach Harrington. There's two options for this class. Twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5:30 in the afternoon, or three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 5 to 6:30 in the afternoon. Do either of those work for you?”
Eddie hesitated. He knew how much enthusiasm Max had about swimming, but he was nervous about taking her so often. But the more time she can get in the water, the more she’ll practice. Plus first grade homework isn't terrible, so she’ll be able to continue when school starts up again.
“Eddie? You still with me?” Robin asked. He must have taken too long to answer.
“Yeah, sorry! Just, uh, just thinking.” He replied lamely.
Robin seemed to catch on to his anxiety. “A lot of parents are nervous about teaching their kids how to swim, I get it! But Steve, or Coach Harrington I should say, is the best in the area. He’s been an instructor here for a few years and loves it. There’s always lifeguards on duty and all of our staff are trained in basic first aid and CPR. Parents are always welcome to sit in on lessons as well, there's seating in the instructional pool area. Max will be in great hands!”
Eddie took a breath. Robin's ramblings helped put him at ease, knowing all of the precautions the center takes to keep everyone safe.
“Thank you so much, Robin. I think three times a week will work best, Max has been bugging me for weeks! I know she’ll be ecstatic when I tell her I signed her up.” Eddie can already picture her reaction, grinning and hopping around in excitement.
“Sounds great, Eddie! I can guarantee she’ll love it. So now I just need to ask you a few questions! I just need your email, the best phone number to reach you at, an emergency contact other than you, and we can get her all set!” Eddie breathed a sigh of relief, giving her the information she asked for.
“Alright, we’ve got her in the system! You guys can come in any time this week for a tour of the place and meet Coach Harrington, but her first lesson will be next Monday, August 10th. We do ask that she brings goggles, but we have extras in case she forgets them. Do you have any other questions for me?”
Taking a second to think, Eddie replied. “I think we’ve got everything covered. Thank you, Robin. I really appreciate your help!”
“It’s really no problem! If you do think of any questions you may have, you can always ask when you tour, or call us! We look forward to seeing you!”
All that was left to do was to invest in a good swimsuit, some goggles, and tell Max.
“Hey, stinker! How was camp today?” Eddie asked as Max climbed in the car and got herself situated in her seat.
“It was great! We did finger paintings ‘n played on the playground! There was a worm on the slide and Lucas was too afraid to touch it, so I got it ‘n brought it to the grass!” Max beamed at her father, showing her gap toothed smile. “I’m gonna bring home the art tomorrow, but Miss Joyce said we have to let it dry tonight. I did a picture of us!”
Eddie laughed lightly at his daughter's antics, smiling right back at her. “Sounds like today was fun, bug! I do have a little surprise for you when we get home though, okay?”
That got Max’s attention quickly, asking all sorts of questions about it. Eddie simply smiled at her and turned up the music, an old The Cure CD playing on the radio system. As the volume rose, all Eddie could hear was an exasperated “Daaaaaad!” from the back seat.
The ride home was short and sweet, the ending of Friday I’m in Love fading out as they pulled into the driveway. As soon as the car stopped, Max unbuckled and sprinted towards the door, abandoning her backpack and lunchbox.
“I know you're excited, Max, but you have to come get your stuff!” Eddie called out as he exited the driver's seat. The sound of her Skechers on the concrete and her small giggles approaching before receding back to the front door where she bounced on her feet in a poor attempt of patience.
Eddie sighed and shook his head, a small smile playing at his lips as he unlocked the front door. Immediately, Max ran inside, throwing her stuff on the couch and turning to her father expectantly.
“Where is it? What is it? Can I know now?” She asked, her little body practically vibrating in excitement and anticipation.
Eddie laughed warmly, dramatically rolling his eyes. “I guess you can know now, since you’ve been so patient.” Max snorted at his sarcasm, eyes going crinkly at the corners. “Go look in your room, love.”
And with that, she was off. Running as fast as her little legs could take her, not minding her dad’s warnings to not run in the house. Practically tearing her bedroom door off its hinges, she rushed into her room. Sat in a neat pile on her bed was a small black and red one piece swimsuit, a pair of black goggles, and a print out of the confirmation email from the Hawkins Aquatic Center.
Finally catching up and leaning on her door frame, Eddie quietly asked, “What do you think?”
It’s a miracle the neighbours didn't call the cops that day.
All of Max’s excitement and happiness seemed to explode out of her, letting out one of the loudest screams he had ever heard. Before he could blink, the small child tackled Eddie into a crushing hug, jumping onto him like a koala.
“Really? You’re for real?” She asked, pulling her head back from the embrace to look at her dad, unshed tears threatening to escape from her eyes.
“I’m for real, baby. I promise.”
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aeliuss · 4 months
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frankosvive · 5 years
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Peacock 🦚 swimsuit 😍😍😍 #swiminstructor #swimming #siswimsuit #swimingboy #beachboys #mensfashion #mensstyle #menstyle #gaypride #gayinstagram #gaylife #gaylatino #gaylifestyle (at Davie's Last Frontier) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Yph_wgc0O/?igshid=1hvu3zfp14n1q
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garrepa2 · 5 years
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When it's hot go to the beach. #nofilter #beach #westwardbeach #malibu #pinkbikini #swimmer #swiminstructor #californiagirl (at Westward Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz_-zf2A526/?igshid=2jx59qqz3ae9
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cancookandbuild · 7 years
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It's official he started his job at the @yguelph as a Lifeguard/swim instructor. He worked so hard to get all the qualifications. We are so proud of him. #firstjob #working #guelph #lifeguard #swiminstructor (at Clattenburg Woodworks)
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lazysharkart · 2 years
How bad can bad management be?
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justswim3 · 3 months
Best Swimming Coaching in Chennai - Just Swim
Just Swim is one of the Best Swimming Coaching in Chennai.  We are renowned label for swimming coaching for kids & adults in chennai.  For more details contact us : +91 7845773341 or visit our website : https://www.justswim.in/
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suchhikumarsblog · 3 years
A real reel tv reality show .. 🇲🇺 🇫🇷 🇿🇦 🇸🇨 🇲🇬 🇮🇳 #tvreality #show #adventuretravel #sportbikeaddicts #swiminstructor #deepseafishing #deepseadiver #underwater #underwaterphotography #underwaterlife #underwaterworld #adventuretime #videooftheday #videostar #rolexdeepsea #actionmovies #joellembc1 #suchhikumar #topshow #instagood #instatravel #bloggerstyle #gymmotivation #gymlover #fitnessmotivation #adventista https://www.instagram.com/p/CRaZ3RfDLKI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fierypen37 · 1 year
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moodboard by @libradoodle1
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yearningagain · 1 year
don't let me drown (part two!)
FINALLY got around to making a part two to this! should i put it on AO3 maybe? lmk!!!
Eddie hated the smell of chlorine.
They had decided to come in that Friday after Max’s camp to tour before her first class, not only to ease Eddie's nerves, but to keep Max’s excited momentum. The entire aquatic center smelled like it, and he could tell it would stick to his clothes. They had only just walked through the front door, Max bouncing with each step, her excitement obvious.
A woman with short strawberry blonde hair sat at the front desk, typing intently while almost glaring at the computer screen in front of her. As Eddie and Max approached, she quickly glanced their way.
“Hi! Give me one moment please, our system is being all wonky.” She aggressively pressed enter on her keyboard a few times with a scowl before turning her attention to them.
“Alrighty, sorry about that! What can I do for you?”
Eddie laughed lightly before responding. “It’s okay, no worries! Uh- I called earlier this week about signing Max up for lessons, and we wanted to see if we could get a quick tour before Monday?”
Max popped her head up, staring at the woman intently. “I’m gonna learn how to swim, I think!” She said with a huge grin.
“Ah, you must be Max!” Robin said, matching Max's grin before turning to Eddie. “And you must be Eddie! I’m Robin! Nice to meet you both!” She glanced at her watch. “Hold on one sec, I’m gonna grab someone to watch the desk so I can give you a tour.” She got up from her chair and went through a door, presumably to the staff room, before a short redhead emerged to take her place.
Robin came through a side door and looped around to meet them. “That’s Vickie, our other front desk operator and also one of our lifeguards, when needed!” Vickie gave a short smile and wave, turning to the computer.
“You guys can follow me!” Robin turned and walked towards what seemed to be a small café. “This is our Snack Shack! There's smoothies, soda, water, and gatorade to drink and all sorts of different snacks as well as hotdogs and hamburgers.”
Eddie nodded along, giving a short wave to the bored looking staff member at the counter. Robin turned and walked past the front desk to a stairwell. “This is the stairs to the pools. The locker rooms are to the right at the bottom. We’ll pass the instructional pool, but I’ll show you that one last.”
As they descended the stairs, they passed a doorway with a few parents loitering around, going through a bigger glass door to a huge pool.
“This is our competition pool for our swim team, but it's also used for open lap swim when there isn’t practice or a competition.” They breezed past, Eddie struggling to keep up with Robin and Max while he marveled at the size.
They passed through another doorway with both glass doors propped open, revealing another pool. This one was smaller, but not by much, and had a huge inflatable slide in it while being full of children.
“This is our program pool! It can be rented out for parties, like it is now, but it's also used for the more advanced swim lessons, open swim, and the junior swim team. People can also rent inflatables for parties from us, hence the giant slide!” Robin said, gesturing wildly.
Max gasped and tugged on Eddie's pant leg. “Dad, can I please have my next birthday party here? Please? Pretty please?” She begged with the biggest puppy dog eyes.
Eddie sighed loudly, Robin giggling quietly. “We’ll see, bug. You have to learn how to swim first.” Max nodded, pulling away with a determined look.
“Can we keep going, Miss Robin?” She asked, already walking towards the next set of doors.
At that, Robin gave a hearty laugh and continued walking. “Of course, Miss Max!” She pushed open the metal doors to an outdoor pool. “The last pool before the instructional pool, outdoors! This one is for private adult lessons, training, and open swim. Definitely our most popular for open swim.” Robin continued walking parallel to the building, revealing yet another set of doors.
“This place is huge.” Eddie muttered, earning a laugh from Robin.
“The biggest and the best! The outdoor pool actually opened just last year, so it's attracted a lot more people,” She leaned towards Eddie to whisper, “which was our goal.”
Eddie looked down at Max, immediately melting at her awestruck face. “What do you think so far, Max? You like it?”
Max turned towards her father, eyes lit up in astonishment. “I love it. I love you, Dad. Thank you!” She rushed towards Eddie to give his legs the biggest hug she could muster.
“I love you more, sunshine. C’mon, let's see where you’ll be learning!” He said, patting her head.
Robin stood by the doors, waiting patiently for their little pow wow. “Miss Max, would you like to open the doors for the big reveal?”
Immediately, Max rushed to the doors and pushed with all her might, revealing the instructional pool. As the group made their way inside, Eddie couldn't help but notice the prettiest man he’d ever seen in his life standing by the side of the pool in swim shorts with the center logo and a towel draped around his neck, surrounded by small children.
If this is the instructor, I am definitely going to sit in on every lesson, Eddie thought to himself.
“So this is our last stop, where you’ll be taking your lessons!” Robin said as Max looked around.
“‘S so small…” The girl said, a hint of disappointment in her voice.
Robin kneeled down to Max’s level. “Well, Max, you’re small. And in order to keep you safe while you learn, the pool has to be smaller so we can watch out for you. Once you learn and get bigger, you’ll be able to swim in the big pools!”
Max nodded, walking around the pool as if to inspect it. “M’kay, I guess.”
Robin stood up, following her. She cupped her hands around her mouth to shout, “Coach Harrington!”
The small crowd of children and lingering parents had dispersed, leaving Coach Harrington sitting in a metal folding chair. He winced at the sudden loud noise. “Geez, Robin, there's no need to shout so loud! You're like eight feet away!”
Eddie had never heard such a fitting voice. It was as handsome as him, slightly deep and very expressive.
Robin only grinned as she approached. “You’ve got some newcomers to meet.” The coach stood, glancing behind her, meeting Eddie's eyes (and turning a touch pink in the face) before looking at Max.
“Hello! I’m Coach Harrington, what’s your name?” He said, crouching a bit.
Max stuck out her hand for a handshake. “I’m Max! ‘N I’m gonna learn how to swim!”
Coach Harrington laughed lightly and shook her hand, despite it being larger by far. “Very nice to meet you, Max! I can tell you’re excited! I can’t wait to see how you do!”
He stood up, meeting the man's eyes once again. Eddie stuck his hand out in a similar fashion, trying to hide his slight blush. “I’m Eddie, Max’s dad. Nice to meet you, Coach Harrington.”
“Call me, Steve. Nice to meet you, too, Eddie.” Steve said with a small smile, grasping Eddie’s hand in a firm shake. His hands were warm for someone who just got out of a pool, and almost completely dry. Eddie stared at their hands dumbly before pulling away and shoving his hands in his pocket. Close up, he could see the abs, the chest hair, and the moles littering his face and chest. He wondered how far they went before shaking his head slightly as if to shake the thought away.
Robin clapped, startling the two men. “Alrighty! So, Max here will be in the 1A class three times a week. Now that you guys have met, we can head back upstairs!” She gave Steve an intense look before heading towards the door to the stairwell. Max and Eddie followed, with a final “I’m gonna blow your socks off, Coach Harrington!” That earned her a laugh from the coach that warmed Eddie from the inside out.
As they made their way to the front desk, Eddie turned to Robin. “Is… is he gonna be the instructor every time?”
She looked at him and smiled knowingly. “For now, yes. I think I mentioned our other instructor being on leave, and he’s still got a bit before he comes back. Steve is great though, promise.”
Eddie blushed, covering his face with some of his hair. Returning to the front desk, Robin turned to Max.
“You think you’re ready for Monday?” She asked, smirking at the child.
Max was undeterred, nodding determinedly once again. “I’m gonna swim so good. I know it.”
Turning to Eddie, Robin asked, “How about you? Ready for Monday?”
Eddie nodded as well, though with more hesitancy.
“Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.”
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coachsyrienh20 · 3 years
Located in Redlands, California.  I am a mobile swim Instructor.  Along with my fiancé Coach Michael, we service Redlands, Highland, Yucaipa, Loma Linda, Mentone and San Bernardino with Private Backyard Swim Lessons.  We travel to you!  We teach year round and teach ages 6 months - adult.  Feel free to contact my Fiancé, Coach Michael @ 909-253-6718 (serious inquiries only please) with any questions or to schedule a swim lesson package.
I have over 25 years of experience.  I am certified through The American Red Cross for Lifeguarding as well as all aspects of aquatics.  I am also certified Through USA Swimming Organization via American Red Cross as a certified Professional Competitive Swim Team Coach.  We are both covid vaccinated and are full liability insurance
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ablogforhani · 8 years
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Art by Mr Elijah, age 2. #bss #swiminstructor #art (at 24 Hour Fitness - Miramar, FL)
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