b0nzodraws · 3 months
Another anonymous request! Keep these coming, I love doing them. I’ll get to more as I can. :)
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Someone wanted to see Amity and Hunter getting into a tickle fight. Seems these two are always finding ways to “duke it out.” Whether it’s a fight to the death, video games, or something a little sillier as seen here, Amity and Hunter find new ways to best each other. So, based on their reactions, who do you think is winning?
EDIT: Forgot to put in Hunter’s tooth gap?! I’m a fraud! I fixed it though! XD
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gaybananabread · 7 months
Heya Kasey! If you wanna and have the time I was wondering if you have any tickle headcannons for hunter from the owl house? He’s such a silly and sweet lil goober and I wanna hear your thoughts if you have any? I hope you have a wonderful day! 💙🫂
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🌕🐺Hunter Tkl Headcanons🐦🌟
~Hi Pocky! Ehehehe I’ve been waiting for someone to request Hunter! The boyo’s of my favorite TOH scrimbles to wreck (*ᴗ͈ ˬ ᴗ͈ )ꕤ*. So yeah I’ve definitely got some thoughts- And thank you! May your day be filled with wonderful thoughts and lots of sweets! ♡ And to the anon, I included more teases than I usually would, just for you. Thanks for the requests!~
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I’m pretty sure the entire fandom can agree that he gives STRONG lee vibes.
He enjoys making his friends laugh sometimes, though, so I’m going heavy lee-leaning switch.
Can only say the t-word on rare occasions. More often than not, it’s adorable stuttering and blushes until you get the message.
With some proper motivation, he can admit that he likes it. It just flusters the hell out of him, so use this knowledge sparingly.
SUCH a cute lee, no question
He blushes like crazy, squirms and wriggles like a worm on a hook, squeaks and hiccups if you get him going, just- ‎°。⋆♡‧₊˚
He gets in a lee mood pretty frequently, and sometimes asks for what he wants. Usually he’ll go to Willow for, but Luz and Gus are close runners-up.
When he can’t ask, he’ll try his very hardest to provoke or tease his friends into helping.
Sassing people, sitting with his arms behind his head, slouching just right so his shirt slides up, and if he’s really gutsy, poking their sides. With these goobers, it works nine times outta ten.
If you don’t wanna get kicked/elbowed in the face, I recommend pinning him. Squirmy flailer boyo
Worst spot is his ribs. Will squeal, snort, thrash and blush like it’s nobody’s business.
Melt spots are his scars. If it’s someone he trusts and is comfortable with, he loves gentle traces (and kisses from Willow ( ,,^ᴗ^,, )) Airy giggles, gets all sleepy. If he’s having problems falling asleep, some light scar tickles will knock him right out.
A soft ler for sure. He can go rougher, but he normally prefers not to.
It’s pretty easy to fluster him. Instant compliance, telling him to not stop/keep going, holding your arms up around him, asking him to do it over and over again-
Yeah, he’ll be a blushy boy in no time
He can tease though. It's a bit rare, but he tries.
"Oh, this tickles? Good, I was worried it wasn't working."
"You blush reeeeeeally hard when I squeeze here. It must tickle so much!"
"You've got a pretty cute laugh, ya know. Think I'll have to have you share more often..."
"I don't know why you don't like this adorable belly. It's so cute and squishy and ticklish; what's not to love?"
"You're squirming a lot, but you haven't told me to stop once. You like this a whole lot, don't you?"
"Hmm? Sorry, it's hard to understand you with all that giggling. Try again~"
This boy cannot ask to tickle anyone. Asking to receive is hard enough, but asking to give? Yeah, good luck-
Willow can normally pick up on his ler moods, and if she’s feeling it, she’ll offer her help
He’s super mindful of boundaries. Stops the moment you say to, checks in every once in a while to make sure you’re still having fun
Doesn’t normally pin unless you’re a massive squirmer. He doesn’t mind, just scared of pushing boundaries
Super loving aftercare. Sleepy cuddles and movies for sure. Hot chocolate, tea or coffee (whichever you prefer), and some fluffy blankets. Can give a pretty relaxing shoulder massage if you ask.
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gh0--st · 1 year
Summary: When Hunter is explaining wolves to Amity, she decides to make their chat more fun.
Switch between Amity and Hunter
This is a tickle fic. If you're not into that kind of stuff, dont read this.
"They have these groups called packs. Those are made up of a group of wolves!" Hunter explained.
Amity sat, listening to him. Earlier, she had found him looking at pictures of creatures called 'Wolves' and had made the mistake of asking him about them.
One small question turned into a ten minute explanation about wolves. Part of Amity was begging for it to be over, but the other half was just enjoying spending time with her friend.
He seemed happy to talk about it, so she didn't say anything. "So, what happens in a pack?" She asked.
Hunters eyes brightened, "Well, it's like a large group of wolves. Usually, theres a female and a male wolf, and the rest of the pack are their pups." He explained.
Amity listened to him talk about it, nodding her head and asking questions at the appropriate times. "Are Alphas the leaders?" She asked. Hunter nodded, "Yeah! The alphas are usually a male. Female wolves are considered too weak for the position." He said.
Amity scoffed, "That doesn't seem fair, im sure a female wolf can be just as strong as a male!" She said. Hunter shrugged, "Thats just how they work. Anyways, the alpha is the one who leads the pack and makes sure they're safe. Personally, I think I'd be the alpha if we were a pack."
Amity snorted, looking away with an awkward smile. She cringed a bit at what he had just said. Hunter frowned, "Whats so funny?" He asked. Amity shook her head, "Nothing! Everything is fine. Anyways, can the alpha be switched out?" She said, trying to change the subject.
He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her before smiling again, "Well, the alpha can be challenged by other wolves in the group, and it usually results in a fight. The winner is deemed the new alpha, and the loser can be kicked out or able to stay with the pack." He said.
His smile widened as he saw interest spark in Amitys eyes, "So, if the alpha loses a fight, their role is just gone?" She asked. Hunter nodded.
Amity soon smiled mischievously, "And you think you would be an alpha if we were a pack?" She asked again. Hunter crossed his arms and nodded, "Of course! It's pretty logical, considering I have the most knowledge about this."
"What if I want to be the alpha?" She said. Hunter scoffed, "No way! Without my knowledge you wouldnt even know what to do! And besides, Im stronger than you."
Amity grinned, "I'll fight you for it!" She said. Hunter frowned, "Im not fighting you. We could get hurt." He said. "Who said anything about a real fight? It could be a tickle fight!" She said.
Hunter just stared at her, "That's childish." He said, crossing his arms. Amity wiggled her fingers at him, "What? Scared you'll lose?" She said.
Hunter stayed quiet for a moment before sighing, "Fine! How will it go?" He asked. Amity smiled, "Whoever gets the other person on the ground first is the winner. And they have to be on the ground for at least three seconds." She explained.
Hunter raised an eyebrow, "Isn't that just like boxing?" He asked. Amity shrugged, "Who knows, who cares? Are we gonna do this or not?" She asked, standing up.
Hunter eventually stood up, "No magic allowed." He stated. Amity rolled her eyes but agreed, "No magic allowed." She restated.
They both stood, staring at each other before Hunter finally decided to take the first move. He quickly tackled Amity onto the couch, squeezing her sides.
Amity squeaked, giggling a bit as she shot her hands up, digging her fingers into his ribs. He burst into squeaky giggles at that, lifting his arms a bit higher, trying to get her ribs.
Amity grinned, taking this as her chance and shoving her hands into her underarms. He immediately burst into loud squeals,
"AHACK- BLIHIGHT NOHO!" He said, letting her go and trying to push her hands off, "Whats the matter, oh so strong golden guard? Can't handle a few tickles?" She teased.
Hunter scowled, suddenly squeezing her ribs, getting the girl to squeak. Amity bit her lip, struggling to hold in her giggles.
She moved her arms up more, trying to dig deeper into the boys skin. Hunter bit his lip, suddenly shooting her hands up into Amitys underarms.
The girl froze for a second before bursting into loud snorts and hiccups, "BAHA- HHUHUNTER NOHO!" She squealed, desperatly trying to push his hands away.
Hunter just blinked, slightly shocked, "Wow, does Amity Blight have a new sensitive spot?" He said, "Just wait until the others find out!"
Amity soon felt a rush of panic. She kicked her legs up, lightly pushing him off of her. He staggered, barely being able to focus before Amity tackled him (gently) onto the ground.
The two wrestled around, trying not to let themselves be forced down. Hunter suddenly pushed Amity onto her back, "Gotcha now, Blight!" He said, about to go for her underarms before Amity suddenly rolled out the way.
Hunter gasped as she quickly crawled behind him, pushing at his knees, causing him to fall over on his stomach.
Amity quickly crawled onto him, scrabbling around his armpits. Hunter squealed, "NOHO BLIHIGHT!" He said, trying to get her off.
Amity forced her weight onto him, keeping him from getting up, "3, 2-" She said. Hunter desperately tried to get her off of him, but it was too late, "1! I win!" Amity cheered.
"Dammit, Blight!" Hunter sweared loudly. "Watch your mouth!" Came a loud voice from the kitchen. They both froze for a second, "Sorry, Camila!" He called, scoffing as Amity chuckled.
Amity just sat on his back, smirking as he lied down in defeat, "I hate you." He muttered, "No, you dont." She said, looking away.
She soon turned her head as she heard Camila walk into the room. She stared at them for a second, "What happened now?" She asked.
"Hunter was talking to me about wolves, and said if we were a pack he'd be the alpha, so we had a tickle fight and I won, making me the alpha!" She said.
Camila just blinked before chuckling. She glanced at Hunter, "So, lost your title?" She said. Hunter glanced at her, "And my dignity." He said.
They all chuckled at that before Camila went back to the kitchen, and Amity helped Hunter stand. They both sat back down on the couch.
Amity started feeling bored. Glancing at Hunter, she could tell he was bored, too. "Soo, what exactly does a pack do?" She asked.
Hunter glanced at her, suddenly smiling again to be talking about the creatures, "Okay! So, they usually have a lot of territory to hunt on, and they have to defend it from enemies-" He rambled on.
Amity just smiled as she listened. She found it nice that he enjoyed talking about the topic. She didn't want to interrupt, so she just quietly listened as he rambled on.
She suddenly didn't feel any regret about her question anymore.
Kind of rushed
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damnwyverngems · 2 months
x MisiMHW1
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astrolavas · 2 years
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thrillerhark · 17 days
i massively enjoyed my time with rise/sunbreak and I’ll no doubt keep playing it, but i finally jumped into world and im not trying to be too corny but i am genuinely overwhelmed by how beautiful it all is.
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In the hours Crosshair spent carrying Mayday back to base...
Do you think Mayday's leadership skills and concern for his team reminded Crosshair just a little bit of Hunter?
Do you think Crosshair thought at all about the fact that Hunter and his other brothers had carried him off Kamino when his life was in danger after the Empire had left him behind, even after he had just held them hostage and tried to shoot Hunter with a rifle that was not set to stun?
Do you think Hunter's warning, "All you'll ever be to them is a number," went through his mind when Nolan did nothing to help Mayday and then berated Crosshair?
Do you think Crosshair maybe realized why Hunter being able to say "I did what I thought was right!" might be preferable to saying "We're soldiers, we do what needs to be done"?
...And then do you realize you're thinking way too much about "The Outpost" and it's making you really sad so you need to find something happy to watch?
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sonichedgeblog · 2 months
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Tails-style Palamute wear for ‘Monster Hunter Rise’, as part of the Sonic 30th anniversary event. Support us on Patreon
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teastarfall · 4 months
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okay so im gonna post this and then go to sleep, okay? good. we’re all in agreement, awesome.
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pinkrose05 · 5 months
Soooooo very normal about this skit btw
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lucyvelvett001 · 6 months
Do you want to date me??
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moopasaurus · 5 months
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✨ Paolumu nosies ✨
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
“Alright, Iskall, pay up. You know the price. Three diamonds,” Stress says gleefully.
“That doesn’t count!” complains Iskall, from where he’s stretched out on the floor, rubbing at his poor, poor ankles. He’d misjudged a jump while building and, despite being a pro gamer, hadn’t managed to throw his water bucket out in time.
“Well, why not?” Stress says. “You told me I needed to help incentivize you to acclimate to vanilla again, you did. It’s important to make sure you don’t do silly modded things and get hurt. So, pay up. Three diamonds. Hurry up!”
“It doesn’t count,” Iskall says. “I don’t use Stonefall. I’m a professional. I use a water bucket.”
“Well you didn’t there,” Stress says.
“I don’t understand why I’m letting you do this. You tried to Dash earlier too!”
Stress huffs. “Yeah, which means neither of us paid. I’m sympathetic. That’s why I’m doing it.”
“You? Sympathetic? To me?”
“That’s what I said,” Stress says. “Three diamonds.”
“And I’m not paying! I didn’t use Stonefall! I just missed a landing. Because you distracted me. You’re a distracter,” Iskall says.
“I wasn’t talking about Stonefall anyway,” Stress says. “When was the last time you ate?”
“I’m not out of sprint yet?” Iskall says, baffled. Sure, now that she says it he’s plenty hungry, but there’s not really a purpose if he’s not out of sprint yet. There’s…
“That doesn’t count either!” Iskall shouts.
Stress cackles. “I think people normally eat when they’re hurt in vanilla, love, pay up!”
“No! Nein! No! That doesn’t count! It’s a bad habit in the overworld in modded too!”
“I don’t know, sounds like you thought you could just Heal the injuries.”
“You’re bleeding me dry! This is—this is highway robbery!”
“Yep! Welcome back to Hermitcraft!”
Stress grins at Iskall a while longer. After several seconds staring, he grumbles and fishes for the diamonds in his pockets. “I’d been playing early game. I’ll adjust faster, I thought. I won’t have as many skills and talents and busted gear to get used to not having, I thought. Even with her silly scheme, I won’t be paying, no sir.”
“Well, you are a bit of a moron,” Stress says.
“Hey! I’m giving you free, undeserved cash! And you mock me! You mock me!”
“Just telling it like it is.”
He grumbles in mock offense.
(…yeah, he’d missed Hermitcraft.)
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gh0--st · 1 year
Summary: Amity and Hunter argue for the remote and things take an unexpected turn.
Characters: Switch!Amity Switch!Hunter Ler!Camila
Ships: None.
This is a tickle fic. If youre not into that stuff please leave.
Amity yawned as she walked into the living room. They had been staying in Luz's home for a while now. They didn't know when they would be going back home.
Nobody was around, and the TV was perfectly free. Smiling to herself, Amity reached for the remote, but her hand touched something else.
She looked up and found herself staring directly at Hunter. Their stares turned into sharp glares. "I was here first." Amity stated.
"Im older than you, I get the remote." Hunter said. He tugged for it, but Amity's grip was tight. "You think you can just waltz in here and take this, knowing I was here first? I dont think so, Golden boy." Amity spat.
"Watch your words, Blight." Hunter shot back. They both knew they wouldn't hurt each other, but they enjoyed messing with each other like this.
Holding their glares, Hunter suddenly gasped, distracting Amity as he poked her belly, causing the girl to squeak and let go.
"Hah! Seems you forgot to never let your guard down!" He said, turning happily in victory.
Scowling, Amity shook her head and lunged at Hunter, tackling him to the ground. The teenagers rolled across the ground before Amity was on top of him, "Seems you've forgotten your own rule already!" She said.
She dug her fingers into his sides, earning a surprised squeak before tons of giggles rolled out the boy. "Quihihit thahaat!" He said.
Amity reached one arm out, snatching the remote. "Haha!" She said before immediately bursting into giggles as Hunter ran his fingers down her stomach.
They were both giggling messes now. Hunter pushed his hand into Amitys face, struggling to get her off. "Aahahaccept ihiht! Yohohou lohohst!" Amity giggled out.
"Nehever!" Hunter said, using all his strength to push the girl off. They both stood quickly. The remote sat in between them.
They both lunged, tackling each other to the ground as they tussled. Amity dug her fingers into his ribs as he tickled her sides.
Luz peeked over the corner, trying to see what the commotion was. "Woah!" She said. Willow and Gus followed her.
"Yeesh! What's with those two?" Gus said. "Ihiits mihine, Blihight!" Hunter said. "Yohou wihish!" Amity replied.
Luz could see what they were fighting for. "They're fighting for the remote?" She said before giggling.
Hunter shot his hands into Amitys underarms, and she had a bigger reaction. "NOhoho! QUIhIhit ihiht!" She said.
"Go for his underarms!" Willow yelled. "Willow!" Hunter yelled. "Sorry! I'm really intrigued!" She said.
Hunter suddenly squealed as Amity dug her hands into his armpits, laughter erupting from him.
"CUHUHURSE YOHOHOU BLIHIHGHT!" He yelled. Luz frowned, "Go for her ears!" She yelled. "Luz!" Amity said, sounding betrayed.
Blinking nervously, "Im also very intrigued!" She said, shrugging with a nervous smile on her face.
Amity glared at her before squeaking and bursting into giggles as Hunter tickled her ears. "NOHOHO! *snort* QUIHIHT!" She said.
She dug her fingers deeper into his armpits, causing the boy to let out his own snorts. "BLIHIHIGHT! *snort* STOHOHOP!" He said.
"NOHOHOT TILL YOU AHAHADMIT IHIT WAHAS MIHINE!" She argued. Hunter struggled away, "Neheever!" He said. Camila suddenly turned the corner, causing all of the kids to freeze.
"Fighting, are we? Well, there's only one punishment for that." She said, pulling up her sleeves. The two teens eyes widened.
They both turned and ran, but Camila was faster. Tackling both kids down, Camila started scribbling all over their bellies, causing the kids to burst into giggles.
"You're not supposed to fight! You be kind to each other, understand?" She said. "BUhut!" Hunter started, only to get cut off as Camila tickled them faster.
"OHHOKAY!" Amity said. "What will you do?" Camila said. "WEHEHE WOHONT FIHIGHT ANYMOHORE!" They both said. "Good!" Camila said, giving them one last tickle before getting up and walking off.
Panting on the ground, Amity and Hunter sat up. They looked at each other before glaring. They got closer eyes narrowing as they stood face to face.
Luz, Willow, and Gus watched but were confused at the two teens burst into laughter. "Boy, was she mad!" Hunter said. "We need to never get on her bad side again!" Amity responded.
"Wanna watch TV?" Hunter asked. Amity happily nodded. "I still would've won, by the way." Hunter said.
Amity scoffed and hardly nudged him in his side, "In your dreams!" She said.
The trio stared, confused as hell as the two teens started laughing together as if their whole tussle hadn't happened.
"What was the argument for if they're just gonna share it anyways?!" Gus said. Luz shrugged, "I guess that's what makes siblings siblings. They're both like Rose and Gold." She said.
Williw chuckled, "Like the Rosegold siblings! What a cool title. it's like a movie!" She said. Luz chuckled and stared back at the two, laughing on the couch. Rose and Gold huh?
I was going to do this anyway but more based on an idea I had while talking with somebody :>
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damnwyverngems · 12 days
x Inomate456
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deepsavers · 26 days
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Gold Rathian friend arrived 👑💛
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