#sword art online eugeo
jocdemis · 6 months
Hi ! Making a little promo for @lufeuilart who is currently selling their first keychain ! And I’m really proud of them so if you want check it on our Etsy 😉
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starlightnavis · 2 years
Nightmares of a Forgotten Life - Chapter 5
Yes!!! Finally!!!! I have posted it!!!!! (like 3 months later IM SORRY)
Anyway enjoy~
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transboykirito · 9 months
kirito spiralling into a frantic depression, missing his wife and child, missing all his friends, missing his whole family, being trapped in another virtual world he can’t escape from and not even knowing if he’s alive and then he meets eugeo:
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shima-draws · 2 months
Dunno if you've followed much on latest SAO-game but have like, seen the Yujikiri-food there - it's grown to a freaking wedding feast 😢
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eeksmok · 11 months
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boy from another world
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zodiac-senpai · 8 months
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Bisexual Kirito hints from the Light Novel:
"Klein held his curved sword at mid-level as his handsome features crumbled into a pathetic grimace beneath the tasteless bandanna." - Kirito's thoughts in Volume 1 (Aincrad) ~~~~ “Hey, Kirito! Turns out you look pretty cute after all! Just my type!” I grimaced and called back over my shoulder. “And you look ten times better now that you’re a mountain bandit!” - Klein and Kirito in Volume 1 (Aincrad) ~~~~ “All right, let’s go. Besides, I’d rather not wait to see you blubbering with fear.”
“On the contrary, try not to have your mind blown by my graceful sword work.” We turned our faces away from each other with simultaneous huffs. But for some reason, our constant trading of insults was starting to excite me…" - Kirito's degradation kink in Volume 2 (Aincrad) ~~~~ “Hang on, I’ve got this.” He winked at Leafa. “Now, we’ve got a deal to discuss.” Kirito pulled up a trade window and pointed out a list of items to the man. “Here’s all the items and yrd I earned from this fight. If you answer the simple questions we have for you, I might just give you all of this loot. How about that?” The man opened and closed his mouth several times, staring at Kirito’s bright smile. He glanced around the vicinity—probably checking to confirm that the period of resurrection for all the other salamanders had expired, and they’d been teleported back to their save point far from here—before looking back at Kirito. “…Seriously?” “Dead serious.” They traded devious smirks, and Leafa sighed to herself. “Men…” - Kirito and an ALO player in Volume 3 (Fairy Dance)
"He looked to be my age—about seventeen or eighteen. His ash-brown hair had just a hint of waviness. Like me, he wore a simple tunic and trousers. He was sitting on a root like a bench, holding something round in his right hand. The odd part was his appearance. His skin was cream-colored, but he appeared neither fully Western nor Eastern. His features were fine and gentle, and his eyes looked dark green. The moment I saw his face, something deep in my head itched again… deep in my soul. But the instant I tried to seize the feeling, it vanished." - Kirito meeting Eugeo for the "first time" in Volume 9 (Alicization)
"His grip was much firmer than his skinny build would suggest." - Kirito commenting on Eugeo's physique in Volume 9 (Alicization)
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Something powerful welled up in my chest, and I had to fight it down to maintain control. I grinned and told him, “All right. I’ll teach you everything I know. But the training will be harsh.” I let my smile turn impish and held out a hand. Eugeo’s mouth softened at last, and he clasped it.
“That’s just what I’m hoping for. In fact…it really is what I’ve wanted… for ever and ever.” His head dipped again, and a few clear drops fell, catching the sunlight. He stepped forward before I could even register surprise and thudded his forehead against my shoulder. I felt his whisper through my body more than heard it. “I just…figured it out. I’ve been waiting for you, Kirito. Waiting here in the forest for six long years for you to come…” “…Yeah.”
My own voice was barely audible. I reached around and thumped him lightly on the back with my left hand, still holding the sword in it. “I’m pretty sure that I woke in this forest…in order to meet you, Eugeo.” I hardly even recognized that I had said the words, but I was certain they were the truth. - YujiKiri moment in Volume 9 (Alicization)
"As I lightly patted his not-too-muscular yet nonetheless well-built shoulders while reminiscing on today's events——" - 32/33 If novel - (If We Could Walk Together) (Part 2)
"Chasing after my partner's well-toned back as he headed up the passageway, I made up my mind: Whenever I become a high-ranked knight, I'm so moving into the floor just below this one…" - 32/33 If novel - (If We Could Walk Together) (Part 3)
“You’re late, Kirito!” Naturally, that came from a boy—if you could still call him that—with flaxen blond hair, sitting on the bed second from the end on the right. My partner, Eugeo. He stood up and put his hands on his hips. He’d grown an inch or two since we’d first met two years ago and was more firmly built now. It only made sense, as he would be nineteen this year. Yet his gentle features and sparkling green eyes hadn’t changed a bit. - Kirito's growing muscle kink in Volume 10 (Alicization)
Eugeo whimpered, then clamped his mouth shut.
But Kirito smirked and boasted, “Have no fear, young man. Big Bro will never abandon you.” - Kirito "teasing" Eugeo in Volume 11 (Alicization)
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He scrunched up his face and looked down at the ground, so I moved toward him and ruffled his flaxen hair. “You’re such a worrywart. I told you —whether my memory comes back or not, I’m going along on your journey to the end.”
Eugeo raised his reddened faced and protested, “Don’t treat me like a child.” But he didn’t try to brush away my hand. “I’m…I’m not doubting your word. You’ve said that over and over. But…when I started thinking about how our journey might be coming to an end, it just…”
His voice was tense and thick with emotion, and I started to feel something rising within my own chest. I looked up, hand still on Eugeo’s head. - Kirito "reassuring" Eugeo in Volume 11 (Alicization)
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“Sadly, this is not for children like you…especially not criminal children. It’s a hundred-and-fifty-year vintage from the Western Empire. I might let you sample its bouquet, though.”
He grinned, swiveling the glass in his fingers. Even in the starlight, he was shockingly handsome. The combination of his prominent, thin-bridged nose and slightly wild eyebrows had a profound balance, and his long, sharp eyes glinted with intelligence. Eugeo and I were both shocked into silence. The knight uncrossed his legs and stood up, his armor faintly ringing. He was very tall—at least a head taller than me. His deep-violet cape and pale-purple hair both flowed in the night breeze. - Kirito describing Eldrie upon him and Eugeo meeting him for the first time in Volume 11 (Alicization)
"Now that I thought about it, in the two years since I’d met him near Rulid, there had never been a situation in which I couldn’t see him immediately if I wanted—until right now. We slept outdoors on our long journey to Centoria, complained about sharing a cramped inn floor, and even shared dorm rooms the entire time we were at Swordcraft Academy. It was simply a given that we were always together, and although I didn’t always think about him, I felt oddly lonely now that we were apart. No—it wasn’t that simple. Here in the Underworld, the ultimate virtual realm, I’d finally found the very first person of my gender that I could truly call a best friend. It was a bit embarrassing to admit, but that was the plain truth of it." - Kirito realizing how important Eugeo is to him, if not MORE than Asuna, in Volume 13 (Alicization)
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Like sand sucking up water, Eugeo had absorbed all the combat strategies I’d built up over the last few years, which I grandiosely called the Aincrad style. I couldn’t help but feel a strangely deep joy and satisfaction in his progress. This swordplay had been the source of my personal pride, and yet nothing more than gaming techniques—and it felt like Eugeo learning and making them his own had turned that skill into something real for the first time. If I could solve all the problems afflicting the Underworld and escape safely with Eugeo’s fluctlight intact, I wanted to have him dive into ALfheim Online instead—I was certain that the lightcube was capable of interfacing with all Seed-based VR worlds equally—so that he could meet Asuna, Leafa, Klein, and all the others. Here’s my first pupil, and best friend, I’d say to them.
I couldn’t wait for that moment to arrive. At that point, for the very first time, I’d finally be on the same level as the many people who supported and helped me…
“What are you grinning about?” I blinked, startled out of my reverie by the sound of a voice to my right. I turned to see Alice, who was watching me with an unpleasant look. I quickly brought up a hand to rub at the corner of my mouth as I protested. “Er, I was just…thinking about some stuff ahead…” - Kirito "thinking" of Eugeo in Volume 13 (Alicization)
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“………Eugeo………” The name left my mouth as barely more than a moan.
I would never mistake him for anyone else. He was my partner and my best friend; we’d been inseparable since our meeting in the forest two years ago. The only thing that kept me going for so long in this alternate world was Eugeo’s presence at my side. I would never, ever see his features in someone else’s face by accident. - Kirito's reaction to Integrity Knight Eugeo in Volume 13 (Alicization)
Eugeo’s muscled body, the translucent blade of the Blue Rose Sword, and the crystal prism formed one straight line. - Volume 14 (Alicization)
Eugeo’s eyelids were just barely lifted. He was smiling. His face was paler than the moonlight itself, and his lips were totally bloodless. It was obvious that his life was continuing to drain away. But his green eyes were the same as when I first met him, gentle and warm and bright. - Kirito gazing gayly at Eugeo even as he 🥹 in Volume 14 (Alicization)
“Kirito, did you…did you just hear that…?” “Hear what…? Oh, about the yummy-nummy milk? You’ve really taken to fatherhood, haven’t you? Ha-ha-ha.” “Don’t you ‘ha-ha-ha’ me! Now that you’ve heard that, I can’t let you leave unharmed. I’ve gotta pound that memory right outta your head!”
“Bring it!” - Kirito and Iskahn in Volume 19 (Moon Cradle)
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(Kirito, why are you smiling?)
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"Between the brim of the hat and the folded collar of the jacket, the sun shone on gentle, wavy hair. It was not blond but a darker golden brown. In a word: flaxen. Suddenly, my heart began racing without reason. My breathing quickened and became shallower; my fingertips went cold and numb. Awkwardly, I craned my neck to the right, capturing the entirety of the commander in my sight. If he was a man, he was neither skinny nor bulky. If either, he was on the slender side, similar to my figure. But even through the thick coat, I could tell his muscles were well honed. I wanted to reach out and feel his shoulder to see how hardy it was. In fact, I wanted to rip off his mask, pull those collars apart, and——" - Kirito meeting Eolyne for the first time in Volume 24 (Unital Ring)
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heyyallitsbeth · 2 months
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Is there a term for “protagonist’s gay love interest built specifically for them that is entirely doomed by the narrative to never be together and also they keep trying to convince you they’re not gay even though they clearly are”
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i-used-to-be-a-spy · 11 months
When one is sunshine and other is sunshine protector and they're also gay for each other
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koffeenoe2 · 10 months
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kyasemi · 6 months
Is it just me and reading too much into this, but does Kirito genuinely smiles more often around Euegeo? Like, not the closed mouth smile and smirks and mischievous grins? I’m talking about wide opened mouth grins with teeth showing. Or am I not remembering the previous series before alicization?
Like this one for example:
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It’s a smirk, but idk. It feels more open and unrestrained. His mouth is open to show his teeth when he smirks at Eugeo here. I can’t seem to remember if he’s ever done that before with others. I think he did a couple times with Asuna but I can’t recall any. Maybe because I just ship yujikiri more? Like, I’m a multishipper and absolutely love Kirito’s and Asuna’s relationship. But at the same time I feel like I connect more with same-sex ships more than heterosexuals or bisexuals with their opposite gender relationships. And I seem to have a similar type of ship, fanon and only like maybe one semi-canon one(which is a heterosexual ship).
Okay this went a little off topic, but the thing is this: I feel like Kirito opens fully to Asuna and Eugeo more than any others. (Even if I think more open with Eugeo than even Asuna but I digress)
Anyone else? Or want to share their own thoughts?
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softboysora · 1 year
Can't get them out of my head and they are so similar to each other
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thegayfromrulid · 11 months
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He's smiling like the sun...😭😭😭😭
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transboykirito · 11 months
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— on the tragedy of childhood friends, featuring the rulid trio.
stand by me (1986) / / it (1986) / sword art online (2009-present) / seven (2020) / sword art online (2009-present) / bobby jean (1984) / sword art online (2009-present) / it (1986) / sword art online (2009-present) / tumblr post by starpeace (2022) / sword art online (2009-present) / us against you (2017)
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shima-draws · 5 months
MERMAYYY please?
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Yujikiri Mermay that I started aaaaaages ago and just forgot to finish lmao
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eeksmok · 1 year
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finally finished that color wheel thing from twitter
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zodiac-senpai · 2 months
~𝙔𝙪𝙟𝙞𝙆𝙞𝙧𝙞 𝙒𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜~
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