shima-draws · 1 year
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Eostar did you mean Kirito being stupidly over affectionate in public but everyone’s too afraid to say anything bc well. He’s the Star King,
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transboykirito · 6 months
“there’s a japanese legend that your current face is the face of the person you loved most in a previous life” okay okay okay okay okay okay
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kyasemi · 10 months
If I were to write a Eolyne x Kirito fic, when should it take place?
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alunaloverworld · 2 years
I Would flip, if Eolyne is reincarnation of Eugeo.
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I’m not sure if you’ve read the latest light novels, but I’m curious, what’s your take on EoStar (Eolyne X Star King)? Also, any theories on Eolyne? Do you think he’s Eugeo reincarnated? Something else?
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Unfortunately I have not read the latest Light Novels. But I have heard of Eolyne and Star King Kirito, and have seen a few panels. And I do ship EoStar. And yes, I believe Eolyne is Eugeo, just not in the way people think.
I do believe Eolyne is Eugeo, but like I think of it in the way that is kind of like Alice Zuberg and Integrity Knight Alice, like how they're both their own person, but they still have the memories and feelings of their former selves and are really two people but also one whole person together.
So think of Eolyne like he's Integrity Knight Eugeo. He's Eugeo but also Eolyne, he's two people, but he's also one person. He has two identities in one body.
The only thing is, Eolyne hasn't unlocked what made Eugeo, Eugeo yet. He doesn't remember his time with Kirito, he doesn't know those feelings. They're deep down there, buried, and he just hasn't uncovered them yet.
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jnhatea · 5 months
them new characters really can't escape the kuroyukihime kirisuna's child theory
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sadioradio · 1 year
Yall boutta be real mad at me, but I keep calling Eolyne, Jolyne.
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saooutofcontext · 10 months
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Kirito looked over at the commander, who was propped up on his arm, and grinned at him. He reached out and ruffled the flaxen hair spilling over the white mask.
"I'm here to rescue you, Eo."
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softboysora · 2 years
I requested these to Latte artist and they made these for me if you interested you can follow them and you can request them in the DM's
Latte artist
Unital Ring Kirito
Unital Ring Eolyne
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shima-draws · 5 months
If you were hired to work on Sword Art Online, on the Manga and the Anime, and you were allowed to revive Eugeo, how would you go about doing it and how would the Yujikiri reunion play out?
OMG haha
I mean technically we’ve already got a pretty good foundation for that *points at Eolyne*
If I had to stick to canon as close as possible, I’d definitely carry through with the whole Eolyne is Eugeo’s reincarnation thing. He’d somehow recover all his memories from his past life and tell Kirito and it would be very very emotional and sweet and then they’d kiss. With tongue
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sasslett · 5 months
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Name: Jess Varlineau
Nicknames: None, actually.
Age: 28
Nameday: 22nd Sun of the 11th Umbral Moon, I think.
Race: Hyur (Highlander)
Gender: Female
Orientation: Varrus
Profession: the Warrior of Light's shadow
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: Straight, long, dark brown. Typically partially pulled back or left loose.
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Fairly pale, all things considered
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos, but a scar across her abdomen from when Zenos caught her unaware in Rhalgr's Reach
Parents: Roric and Gisela, freedom fighters for the Ala Mhigan Resistance, deceased
Siblings: None that she knows of (though in some alternate non-WoL universe she's become @scholarlostintime's Eolyn's long lost older sister lol)
Grandparents: All I can say is they lived in Gyr Abania and they're deceased
In-laws and Other: Her husband, Varrus Varlineau, and his family: His mother, Marienne, his sister, Valissa, and his cousin, Estinien
Pets: None at the moment
Abilities: Dragoon/lance combat, as the Azure Dragoon she's able to push her limits and harness the power of the Eye, though she draws her power from Hraesvelgr rather than Nidhogg after the Steps of Faith, and also she's damn good at cooking
Hobbies: Reading, particularly history tomes and stories of adventure, exploring, helping others (genuinely), sparring, and sleeping in the arms of the man she loves
Most Positive Trait: Determination. She never lets anything stop her, and once she decides on something, she damn well follows it through
Most Negative Trait: Impatience. She often prefers to act first, think later, and much dislikes waiting around for the other boot to drop, even when it's the correct thing to do
Colors: Red, gold, silver, purple by association
Smells: Worn leather, fresh bread, a crackling fire, the smell of the forest after a rain
Textures: Worn wood, polished steel, creased leather, the smooth skin of her husband's chest
Drinks: Hot cocoa, warm tea, pineapple juice on the beach (soon)
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: No
Drinks: No, despite being a bartender for ten years - or perhaps because of it
Drugs: Never
Mount Issuance: Due to her frequently helping out around Bentbranch, the breeders offered her one of their runtier birds, who she thusly dubbed Helios
Been Arrested: No, not until it happens in the MSQ, inevitably. She may be chaotic in theory but she's fully lawful good
tagged by both @paintedscales and @ubejamjar, thank you! And I'll leave this as an open tag, as I was late to do this (sorry this week has been hell) and so most everyone I know has done it already!
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kyasemi · 11 months
Is it worth it to get Unital Ring LN just to get some Eolyne and Kirito moments? I also kind of want to write a Eokiri but I have no clue about how they interact with each other and just Eolyne’s character in general. So I might have to get the volumes that are already out and translated. I’m just not up to date on what’s going on with the story arc and Eolyne and Kirito
If anyone wouldn’t mind sharing me like, notes about the LN and Eolyne and Kirito’s relationship and dynamic, moments etc., I would really appreciate it.
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transboykirito · 8 months
What are your thoughts on Volume 27?
rinko’s hiding something but i’ve said that since alicization lmao
the foreshadowing is absolutely driving me mad because i’m terrified
every time they mention growing up and moving on and leaving eachother behind my heart breaks
THE BLACK SWORDSMAN WAS SOOOO BACK!!!!!! like. jfc. i got CHILLS. like. that’s like the oberon fight all over again. we haven’t seen him like that SINCE that fight. he really is just… his girls are his entire world and life.
yui’s fucking adorable and i want to put her in bubble wrap and protecc her forever
^ things kazuto and asuna have said before, probably
lis!!!!!!! i’m generally always happy with more lis screentime so i was soooo <3
alice i fear you have grown on me much the same way as moss grows on a river stone or flowers grow through concrete. i’m quite attached to you now and very fond of your existence.
eolyne’s hiding something lmao
how fun would it be if all the old villains came back for one last showdown huh. wouldn’t that be fun. considering half of them are missing. wouldn’t that be fun.
seeing the girls again made me so happy i love them also that was such a touching moment with the descendants
KAZUTO REMEMBERING HIS BIO MOM AND DAD??????????????????? though i admit reading “it wasn’t always mom and dad driving” immediately made me think minetaka sat baby sugu behind the wheel propped up on phone books
also asuna………. my poor baby my heart broke for her when she got home
growing up is hitting all of them so hard and i get it because i’m going through it right now and those parts give me very complicated emotions
spicy micheal canon
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There’s A Hollow Fracture In Kirito’s Chest...
{{Not A Title, Just an Attention grabber for a preview of a polyfic of different romantic/platonic dynamics between Eugeo, Kirito, Asuna And Alice coming to an A03 near you. Yujikiri is the main focus, and the poly stuff comes more towards the epilogue. How does it all play out? You will just have to wait and see!}} _ _ _
OBLIGATORY MAJOR SPOILER WARNING FOR Sword Art Online: Alicization Arc! Do not READ if you haven't finished the first half of the Alicization Arc! MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH INCOMING! YOUVE BEEN WARNED!
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There’s a hollow fracture in Kirito’s chest, a fissure stretched all the way vertically across the middle, it is wide and raw. Bleeding, red, agonizing and burning, yet all at once so cold.  
So cold… 
It was as if a blade of ice, so cold it burned, but so hot it was cold- had flayed him open. Cleaving through skin, muscle and finally carving against the bones within his ribcage. Where it punctured downwards, rending them until broken, and struck true into his heart. 
The frigid point piercing and plunging its serrated edge so deeply into it, that it found his very core, his soul and froze it over. 
There was a hollow fracture in Kirito’s chest. It was far deeper than it was wide, like a black abyss, swallowing him up whole, devouring everything he had left to give. 
A murky nebulous, akin to the night sky, yet there was no light to guide his way, no stars speckling the canvas of the lonely void to bring him back home. 
Why? Why wasn’t there any light? 
He knew why. 
His light, his star, it had burnt out like a supernova and had left him all alone. 
Isolated and suffocating in his own despair. That’s right… his heart had been plundered and his soul pillaged, and all that remained was ice. 
Kirito’s home didn’t exist anymore. 
There was a hollow fracture in Kirito’s chest and in that hollow space between his bloodied and shattered ribs, was a single blue rose. 
It was withering, yet a sheen of glistening frost had crept over the surface of its beautiful petals. 
Beautiful just like…him. 
Beautiful it might be it was still just as ugly.  
A merciless constant reminder of being so brutally bereaved of his beloved partner. 
It was as if the frost had frozen Kirito in time. Forcing him to remain in that exact heart-stopping and spine-chilling moment. When the sword, that was responsible for this fractured and icy hollow in his chest, shattered and then dispelled and released his precious partner. Leaving him to plummet to the floor. 
Leaving him all but lifeless, his crimson cruor pooling like a sea of ruby rose petals underneath him. His frame severed into two halves, leaving him a shell of something once whole, by the sword of the ruthless ruler of the Underworld. 
The guttural and wounded growl, of Eugeo’s name, detonated like a violent gale. It surged rapidly out from Kirito’s vocals like a swirling storm and echoed within those damn forsaken walls. 
And she with her long lavender hair, fitted with a dress as white as snow, looked on. 
Outwardly, one might mistake her for a holy being, innocent and pure, full of love and light. 
If Kirito didn’t know better, he would have thought her an angel sent from the heavens above to collect Eugeo. 
But the angel was a devil in disguise, staring mockingly and sneering with a smirk so vile that Kirito had come to despise it and her. 
That despicable woman, no not a woman, she was naught but a callous and cold creature with no capacity for loving anyone put herself. She had love for herself alone and her insatiable bloodlust for control over all. 
The Administrator, Quinella, were she still alive now- Kirito would have hunted her to the ends of the Underworld and he would have slaughtered her. Then he would have used system commands to bring her back and slaughter her again, and again, and again… 
Over and over… until not a trace of her fluctlight remained. He would raze her away, permanently deleting her from the system, and by the time he was finished it would be as if she’d never existed. 
Yet nothing could be done now. Though Kirito’s body was in the present, his heart and soul and sense of self and time had been frozen in place. It froze over within an impenetrable barrier, an icy cage. Of which the only key that could set him free had long since melted away. Leaving it forever locked and leaving him in everlasting lament. 
A part of him had died with Eugeo that day. That dark and dismal day, the day that Kirito’s star went out, the day that his precious little Eugeo… 
His best friend and his ever-loyal partner, his everything… 
His beloved Eugeo. 
His icy blue rose. 
Burned and melted away in a baleful blaze of crossing blades and blood. 
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_ _ _ There you have it, that's the preview! I've wanted to rp a Yujikiri reunion for a long time, but no one has ever come to the call and actually committed. So I decided to write something my damn self, and make it into a fanfic. this will be a self-indulgent Yujikiri reunion fic, with a small side of poly dynamics between Kirito, Eugeo, Alice and Asuna scattered throughout the fic and in the epilogue. If polyamory isn't for you, then this fic I'm writing isn't for you.
Please do NOT start a ship war in the comments, or reblogs, or even screen shotting this preview and making it into a ship war, thank you. This fic won't be exactly like the Yujikiri reunion I have in my head rp wise. Rp wise would be a much simpler premise, and it would be strictly Yujikiri, and not as long and as lore heavy.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed what you've read so far. I don't know if it's obvious or not, but Kirito is having a nightmare. He's reliving Eugeo's death over and over and has been every night for YEARS.
I take no responsibilities for anyone's emotional turmoil.
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loldragoon-ffxiv · 1 year
Feldspar Ruby in Pictures~
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Age 11, Anyx Trine, Dravanian Forelands
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Age 16, Rowena's Center for Cultural Promotion, Idyllshire
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Age 19, The Forgotten Knight, Ishgard
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Age 22, The Drowning Wench, Limsa Lominsa (Eolyn's Shard)
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Age 21, the Mist, La Noscea (Zoisite's Shard)
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Age 26, the Cracked Cluster, Mor Dhona
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drivemysoul · 10 months
gf and i were talking on the phone on my lunch break and she said she’s been reading sao and keeps reading eolyne’s lines in my voice
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