#swr sumar
thecrusadercomrade · 1 year
Star wars rebels The Wynkathu job. Hondo is always fun, even though we knew he is always out for himself. Azmorigan didn't think we see him again or Ap5. An Inside Man, can see why people are thrill about Thrawn in Ahsoka. To him it like chess game, he doesn't seem to get over emotional or angry about the situations. The ghost team learning Kallus is the mold. Wonder what will happen to him or if Thrawn already knows.
Hondo is the kind of guy that's fun to be around, but you should never trust him for a second. A part of me thought that he was planning to betray the crew and that he had the other Ugnaughts still somewhere on the ship, waiting. But nope, he legitimately got most of them killed.
Not only did I not expect to see Azmorigan, I definitely didn't expect that we'd actually ever be working on the same team as him. Honestly shocked that he didn't end up betraying us, I thought for sure that's what was happening when he disappeared.
Cool to see AP-5! I really enjoyed his episode, and it's always so fun in this show to see elements of previous episodes come back, like new ships or allies.
Thrawn was terrifying in this episode, especially what he did to Sumar. I can't believe that they brought that farmer guy back just to kill him in such a messed up way. Poor guy.
Yeah, I expected it would be Kallus after we heard his modified voice in a previous episode. Thrawn definitely knows that he's the mole as well, or at least has a strong position going off of what he says to Kallus at the end of the episode.
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seth-shitposts · 8 months
Random defectors bits that have crossed our mind the past few days:
Ezra [17]: Ally, would you still love me if I were a worm??
Kallus: yes. My answer has not changed in eight years.
Ezra: just checking :]
Ezra, 7 y/o and just opening up to Kallus: how old are you????
Kallus, internally: [I could tell him what my forged papers say. But I don't want to start this off with lies. He's just starting to trust me.]
Kallus: I am 23.
Ezra: *immediately brings his palms up/looks down at his hands to count*
Kallus: ???
Ezra: you were 16 when I was born!
Kallus, thinking that this is the most adorable thing he's ever seen: I was.
Ezra: I thought that Tua said you were closer to her age?
Kallus: because that's what my file says. It's a secret.
Ezra: a secret? Why?
Kallus: because I had to lie to be allowed to enlist on the academy on coruscant.
Ezra: so everyone thinks you're older than you actually are?
Kallus: most of them. It was harder to keep a secret when I was younger, but as the years go on its less noticeable.
Kallus consistently reassuring Ezra, encouraging him. He tells him how great he's doing at something, how quick he learns, how clever he is, highlights his strengths, and soothes his insecurities.
It all encourages Ezra to do more, to be more confident and comfortable. Ezra looks forward to showing Kallus all the things he does, telling him about what he did.
Sometimes it's Ezra seeking Kallus out when he's unsure or feeling dread. Kallus is always so gentle with him and kind. Warm and soft; safe.
Morad, near the beginning of getting to know Kallus and trying to figure out how much he can trust him: I've noticed a few things and was wondering if I could ask you a question?
Kallus, finishing up a case before putting the tablet away to continue watching Ezra run and play in the Sumar fields: most certainly, Mr. Sumar.
Morad: you aren't the most patient person and I've heard how you temper can grow shorter.
Kallus: something I'm working on yes, but I assure you, at no point will Ezra be receiving such from me.
Morad: that's what I wanted to ask about. I've also seen how you put much more effort and intention into keeping calm and level headed with Ezra. And I know for quite a few months he wasn't making that easy.
Kallus: Ezra’s entire world as he knew it got turned around and he is only seven. Angry outbursts are the least of what's to be expected.
Morad: even still, some of the best people I know don't always have that type of control over their anger or patience.
Kallus: When I was around Ezra's age, i... *pauses to gage how much he's going to share* was a very difficult child in a difficult situation. I didn't trust anyone and most people had no sympathy for me.
Morad: so you're trying to be who you didn't have?
Kallus: I'm trying to be the one person I did have. There was this miralukan chef from a few levels up. They made consistent efforts to try and gain my trust.
-Morad realizes that Kallus was most probably from the lower levels of coruscant rather than the upper crust.
Kallus: I can't tell you how many times I lashed out at them and fled. I thought they were going to hurt me. But. They kept trying.
-Morad pieces together that Kallus grew up on the streets, but unlike Ephraim, most people weren't kind to him.
Kallus: and eventually, I did trust them enough to accept the food and clothing they brought me. I would follow them sometimes to see where they were going, where they came from. I sought them out and they would help me.
Kallus: it didn't take long after that, they took me in but I was still so temperamental. I still lashed out. But they always kept patient. They never lashed back at me.
Kallus: in fact, it stuck out to me that they never turned their anger to me, their impatience. I've seen them get angry at other people. Yell at them, scream at them, even have physical altercations. But...
Morad: they made it a point to be patient and gentle with you.
Kallus: Yeah. And for the longest time I thought they were just being the kindest person in the universe. But when I met Ezra, it struck me just how young I had been when I was in such a position.
Morad: kids have a way of realigning how you perceive things.
Kallus: that they do.
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 2 years
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character sketches I
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jlassijlali · 7 years
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you Know rebels lost some good men and women, but we are simple forget
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pomrania · 7 years
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Star Wars Rebels + Onion horoscopes, part 17.
I wasn’t planning on making more today... then I saw that first horoscope, and knew I needed to do something with it.
Images from cap-that.com.
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seth-shitposts · 10 months
Defectors AU
Marida Sumar and Agent Kallus meeting for the first time.
Kallus: He-
Marida: I fucking hate your guts.
Kallus: what?
Marida: you heard right.
Kallus: Ma'am,
Marida: as Ezra’s aunt, I have to tell you what I'm certain Mira wanted to say to you but couldn't.
Kallus: She didn't-
Marida: If I find out you harm Ezra in any way, shape, or form, I will hunt your ass down and kill you with my bare hands. ISB agent or not.
Kallus, torn between imperial laws and genuine appreciation of just how protective this woman is over Ezra: Understood.
Marida: I fucking hate your guts.
Kallus: as you've stated.
Marida: just thought you needed the reminder.
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seth-shitposts · 10 months
A few head canons I have about Marida Sumar (since I'm developing her character further for Defectors AU-) (+some Morad, Ryder, Tseebo, & Ephraim bits)
[Ended up being more than a few-]
[Also please feel free to add!!!! I'd love to see more about these characters 😭]
-She's not from Lothal, but she moved to the planet after meeting Morad in their youth (around 23 to 27 ish). Her planet was recovering from a long war when aid from neighboring planets all flocked to help rebuild.
A farmboy, Morad Sumar, with a smile of sunshine among them. He asked her so many questions. The boy literally never shut up. He probably talked to fill the silence because she didn't.
She was a soldier through and through, just like her sisters and her father and his father and his mother and so far down her family line. And after the war, she was the only one left. She lost her family and they were her home. So she didn't know where to go without orders. The war was over but she wasn't done. She didn't have an outlet or direction. At least not until she saw this Lothalite kid stumbling his way off a ship about to drop a crate of fruit if she hadn't swooped in to help him.
And he never left her alone since. But, to be fair, she never told him to either. Because he filled the silence.
-Morad is about 4 years older than her, but she still called him kid/boy in their younger years. She was 24 when they met and 29 when she finally followed him to Lothal. And she finally found out why he was always so starrily joyful. Lothal is the most beautiful planet.
-Ryder is the same age as Morad but treats him like his kid brother, infact Ryder and Marida bond over teasing him. [And you can bet your ass Ryder teases him about his crush on the stunning soldier girl he brought home.]
-During the five years before Marida came to Lothal, she had decided to travel around to try and figure out herself a bit more. She kept running into that kid with the bright smile who talked a lot. She would arrive to a planet to help them fight and he would arrive to help supply food. There was a lull where there wasn't any fighting, no battle, no war, no recovery. So That lothalite kid asked if she wanted to see his planet until she figured out where she wanted to go next.
She ended up not leaving, at least never for long. The Azadi family took her in and the Sumar family asked her to help around the farm. She finally felt complete because she was being given direction. Even if the tasks were mundane and simple, it was still dependable work. And that's what she loved doing. Fixing things around the farm, helping the Azadi family build around Lothal, listening to the cute farmboy chatter endlessly while he embroidered and she worked on repairing a field droid.
Working with the Azadi family also meant that she met the other politician families. And the politician families of Lothal were definitely... different. Not in a bad way either. But definitely different.
It's how she ended up meeting Mira, daughter of a Lothal ambassador and a Lothal minister. Marida was often asked to assist Mira. Marida had expected the young girl to probably be meek or even tempered. but STARS WAS SHE WRONG.
Mira just barely turned 13 when Marida met her and Marida learned VERY quickly why she was asked specifically to be the one to help Mira. Mira was fiercely independent and demanded that she do things herself. The only person who could ease her temper had often been a rodian kid the same age. And then Marida was 'granted privileges' when after helping Tseebo, Mira dubbed Marida her commander. The girl was definitely something, but she had an intense passion to help others. And Marida did her best to help Mira fuel her... intense passion in a productive direction. And Mira definitely became much more tame, but one can only keep a fire tame to a certain extent.
Marida was the first one to meet Ephraim. A orphan kid from the opposite side of the planet. Marida had been asked to bring and exchange produce with a far off city. She got lost. Ephraim was a 16 year old kid when she met him. He survived off of transporting supplies to various towns, villages, and cities in the area. Marida ran into him every day during the season, as the Sumar family needed her help there.
By the end of the season, she had grown rather fond of him. He was like a younger brother she never had. He was sweet and generous, polite and sentimental. And he cried very easily. He was such a sensitive kid. He valued community, as the community in the area had supported him after his parents passed.
The two had become friends, siblings. So she asked if he wanted to move to the otherside of the planet and help her there. She could provide him food, shelter, and clothing so he didn't have to work so hard. Enjoy being a silly teenager. And he accepted. She was the first family he's had in a long while.
Marida found it hilarious that Ephraim was the one person who could calm Mira just by giving her a tiny smile. The two became good friends and then started dating when Mira became an assistant minister during a rite of moon festival.
Ephraim managed to help Mira learn more patience and yielding and Mira encouraged a boldness in Ephraim.
-Tseebo has always been meek Mira would fiercely advocate in his place and when Marida earned his trust, he followed her around too. She found out very quickly why Mira was always so... assertive when it came to Tseebo's behalf. Tseebo is incapable of hurting a fly. Tseebo is also a sensitive kid, and cries if you raise your voice at him. He also has a tendency to do anything asked of him. Mira fights for Tseebo because Tseebo appears to be unable or unwilling to stand up for himself. She learns that Tseebo actually does it out of a sense of self preservation. She tries to teach him that it's okay to stand his ground, but there's resistance. Mira tells her that it's fine because he has her, they're best friends and best friends will have each other's backs- flaws and all.
It seems to be very difficult for him to learn basic. When Mira found out that Tseebo started to take a liking to Marida, she taught her some rodian. She learned that Tseebo is learning basic as quickly as he can, it's just very difficult for him to translate his throughts and then also to annunciation the contrasting syllables.
Tseebo loves photos, however. And he's really good at them. It's something that always brings a smile to his face and it's how he shows his affection for you. Mira would always be thrilled to stop and pose for Tseebo. It was a game for them; who was faster? The model moving to a pose or the photographer winding up his camera? Tseebo was the one to help many families fill their holo-albums. And they all marveled over Tseebo's skill.
-Marida is stubborn and ridged; tough when first meeting someone. Only a few people have seen her softer side.
-she's a handiworker: a fighter, a carpenter, an electrician, a construction worker, a heavy lifter, a mechanic.
-Morad was the one to propose to her.
-Mira was the one to propose to Ephraim. (After consulting with Tseebo for ideas on how.)
-Marida doting on Morad was obvious to literally everyone accept for Morad himself.
-Ephraim and Marida were best friends. They were each other's family and their family grew to be much bigger than either of them had ever imagined it would be.
-Marida loves the fields and trees of Lothal. The lack of help from the senate angered her, but surprisingly, Mira had been the one to calm her. By the time the empire came to Lothal and got rid of all the trees, both of them have decided that this isn't going to be permitted. They banded together the family and worked on a plan.
Age key for my reference since they don't have canon ages [as of beginning of swr]:
-Mira - 37
-Ephraim - 39
-Tseebo - 37
-Ryder - 59
-Morad - 59
-Marida - 55
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seth-shitposts · 10 months
Morad Sumar
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That is all 💙
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seth-shitposts · 10 months
Defectors AU: Morad & Kallus - Follow Orders Bit [After Kallus becomes Fulcrum, one of the last chances he has of working with Morad before isolating in himself in the empire.]
Kallus: I can't tell you much more.
Morad: I know, but thank you for taking the risk to warn me of this. This will save many lives.
Kallus: I won't be able to do much more. Codename Axis has ordered that I stay put and do work where I am and I agree with him that I will be of most value there.
Morad: Alexsandr, I know you well enough to know that there's a 'but' to that statement.
Kallus: I talked things over with Marida and she says that she supports any and every choice you make. As I'm certain you're well aware.
Morad: Alexsandr, what is this about?
Kallus: I know that you're aware of the risks we both face integrating ourselves into the empire to do damage and to rectify.
Morad: I do.
Kallus: And in the risks, it's smart to have backup plans for the backup plans. To always have a way out, whenever possible.
Morad: You're afraid you'll be caught?
Kallus: No. If I follow orders and stay self-aware and vigilant, I'll be fine until I need to escape.
Morad: So you think you will need help with that?
Kallus: No, Morad, I want to make sure that, if you need help, you will have it. We need a plan. In case something goes wrong and we need to get you out.
Morad: aha, that's why you started it off with my wife. Alexsandr, we both know the risks. Her and I spoke about it in great length.
Kallus: I know, but if there's a chance I can-
Morad: Alex, if the time comes and you can save my life without putting your position at risk by all means.
Kallus: Morad, that's not what I meant-
Morad: I know. You mean if it comes down to my life or your position-
Kallus: I mean that your life is more important to me and I would risk my cover no questions asked.
Morad, grinning slightly despite the situation: You would disobey a direct order? What's new there.
Kallus: Following orders is what I was always good at. Before-...
Morad, laughing: Before the Bridgers? Marida would agree with you there. Alexsandr, if it comes down to my life or your cover, don't risk it. Your position is far more valuable and could do much more good.
Kallus, biting his tongue as he nods.
Morad, reaches over to place a hand on Kallus’s arm: I promise, it'll be worth it. I'm telling you, you'll love Lothal even more when you see what it used to be like. Maybe I'll finally be able to talk you into a drinking contest.
Kallus, smiling despite fighting back a few tears: I know it'll be worth it. And no, I'll end up giving you alcohol poisoning old man.
Morad, smiling brightly: Theres that Kallus Bite! And I told you, whippedsnapper, it's Mr. Old Man to you.
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seth-shitposts · 11 months
Defectors AU Masterpost
This is a SWR AU in which Kallus is assigned to The Bridger Raid and ends up finding Ezra. Kallus ends up fostering him and becomes acquainted with Mira and Ephraim. He has a slow defection after agreeing to help them.
⚡️Links Below⚡️
Major Links
Ao3 Concept Dump
Original Tumblr Post Dump [as you can see I decided to work on this au]
Headcanons & Scenes
Scene Spill ["I just want you to come home."]
Mun Asks ["An Inside Man" / "Through Imperial Eyes" / "In The Name Of The Rebellion (unsolidified)"]
Kallus & Hera / Kanan / Zeb beginnings
Defectors Ao3 ch 3 teaser dump [1st Loyalty Crisis / "I Will Simply Not Get Sick"]
HC Bits [Tseebo Photo / Best of Honor Wedding / The Graffiti Artist]
Floor Is Lava
Marida Sumar & Alexsandr Kallus
First Idea Spill of Tseebo
First Idea Spill of Marida Sumar
Tseebo & Kallus Spill: Good Conversation & Laughter
Mun Asks Playlist: What Was I Made For? - Thoughts behind it for Kallus & Ezra
Scene Spills - Alcohol
Bit Spill- Tseebo: "Better to not resist."
Dialog Bit- Morad & Kallus: Morad's Deal
Headcanons not specific to Defectors AU, but will be used as a building foundations for the characterization of Marida, Morad, Azadi, Mira, Ephraim, & Tseebo [HC Listing - Marida & More]
Dialog Bit - Ephraim, Mira, & Kallus : one last reminder-
Not Our Work
Unrelated art w/ a Ghost ficlet (ghost we love your work so much and I think about this piece every day)
Mun's Spotify Link + Gift for Playlist(🥰💙)
Addie's Art: Tseebo - Kallus - Ezra Dynamic (3 Idiots)
As other posts are found from the depths of my wall or posted new, they will be added here.
The inbox is always open for thoughts or questions.
This AU, like many of our works, is being quilted. And, this is mostly an Alex💙 piece, as he is using this au to cope with stuff.
Also. I am very open to suggestions of a name for this au 😭
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jlassijlali · 8 years
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Kinda ship it,because some quote i read in comics,comics was the one make me grow up so much when it come love relationship OTP 
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pomrania · 7 years
Star Wars Rebels random character selector
Have trouble choosing? Just feel like picking a character, without having to think about it? This should help. Below the cut, there is a numbered list of almost every character to show up in the first three seasons of SWR, sorted first by how major they are, and then alphabetically. (I have omitted INCREDIBLY minor characters, and also anybody whose only appearances were in the comics.)
1-6 is the crew of the Ghost. 7-21 is major characters who aren't part of the crew (Ahsoka and Thrawn, for example). 22-50 is non-major characters who have showed up more than once, and 51-80 is non-major characters who have only showed up in one episode. (A two-parter counts as "one episode" here, even if it's not marked as such, so Tseebo would be in the last category.) Characters whose names are in [square brackets] are deceased as of the end of season 3, barring any mistakes I’ve made. If I had trouble remembering who a character was just based on their name, I added a short description afterwards.
EXAMPLE: I want to pick a random character who isn't one of the Ghost crew. I go to random.org (or any other site that has the same function, this is just the one I use) and put "7" as the minimum value, and "80" as the maximum value. I get 15 as a result; looking at the list, the character that corresponds to is Jun Sato.
Of course, you could also just ignore the numbering scheme, and simply use it as a mostly-complete list of characters; that would work too.
1. Chopper 2. Ezra Bridger 3. Hera Syndulla 4. Kanan Jarrus 5. Sabine Wren 6. Zeb Orrelios
7. Ahsoka Tano 8. AP-5 9. Arihnda Pryce 10. Bendu 11. Fenn Rau 12. [Fifth Brother] 13. [Grand Inquisitor] 14. Hondo Ohnaka 15. [Jun Sato] 16. Kallus 17. [Maketh Tua] 18. [Maul] 19. Rex 20. [Seventh Sister] 21. Thrawn
22. Azmorigan 23. Bail Organa 24. Brom Titus (failure) 25. Cham Syndulla 26. Cikatro Vizago 27. [Cumberlayne Aresko] (the thin one) 28. Darth Vader 29. Gall Trayvis (asshole) 30. [Gar Saxon] 31. Gobi Glie (twi'lek guy) 32. Hobbie (aka Derek Klivian) 33. [Kassius Konstantine] (moustache) 34. Ketsu Onyo 35. Marida Sumar 36. Mon Mothma 37. [Morad Sumar] 38. [Myles Grint] (the fat one) 39. Numa (twi'lek lady) 40. Old Jho (guy running bar) 41. Ryder Azadi (former governor) 42. The Presence (holocron) 43. Tristan Wren (Sabine's brother) 44. Ursa Wren (Sabine's mother) 45. Valen Rudor (failure pilot) 46. Vult Skerris (academy) 47. Wedge Antilles 48. Wilhuff Tarkin 49. Yoda 50. Yogar Lyste (dude on Lothal)
51. 264 (droid kicked out) 52. Brunson (captain at Geonosis) 53. Chava (old lady lasat) 54. Controller LT-319 (pwned by Hera) 55. [Darja] (grandmother), Alora (baby) 56. [Eighth Brother] 57. [Ephraim & Mira Bridger] 58. Erskin Semaj (with Mon Mothma) 59. "Gold Two" 60. Gooti Terez (pink girl) 61. Gregor 62. Gron (guy lasat) 63. Jai Kell (brown kid) 64. Jan Dodonna (general) 65. Jonner Jin (big kid) 66. Kalani 67. Klik-Klak (Geonosian) 68. Lando Calrissian 69. Leia Organa 70. Mart Mattin (dumb kid) 71. Obi-Wan Kenobi 72. Oora (mother), Pypey (baby) 73. Quarrie (ship-building Mon Calamari) 74. [Rake Gahree] (pilot who tried to escape) 75. Saw Gerrera 76. Slavin (asshole on Ryloth) 77. Tseebo (rodian, friend of Bridgers) 78. Wolffe 79. Wullf Yularen 80. Zare Leonis (black kid)
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