arasart · 7 years
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#5- Finn! AKA one of the best characters in Star Wars.
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proudtoehaver · 7 years
The Phasma novel tells us that the children the FO takes for the Stormtrooper forces are the forgotten children in the world. They’re orphans, abandoned or the children of those so disenfranchised that they cannot protect their children and the FO takes them. 
This got me thinking about Jedha and the Jedhan diaspora - you're never going to convince me that part of Jedhan culture and people didn't survive. They would have been very vulnerable to be preyed upon having perhaps no real home and it's likely the New Republic would have forgotten all about them. 
So... Finn as the son of some of Jedha's survivors, taken because they had no means to protect him, to keep the FO at bay. Who finds out where he comes from, about all that his people have suffered. That not only did the original Empire destroy his people’s home - first by oppression and stripping it of its resources, then scouring its surface in a test of the original Death Star - but that the First Order then saw fit to target them again, to take their children, their future.
Finn eventually returning to them after the war, with some of the other freed Stormtroopers - some who have Jedhan family too and some who just don’t know where else to go - both angry at what his people suffered, but also shy and uncertain of what reception they’ll get.
The Jedhan diaspora has done what Jedha has always done, survived in the face of the impossible, overcome adversity and though they never forgot their pain or those they had lost, determined to prosper all the same.
Finn and the former Stromtroopers being received with joyous welcome, as long lost Jedhan even the ones who had no family ties. (One part of Jedhan culture was that any who came and settled permanently, who learned the ways of Jedha, was seen as being as Jedhan as any who was born there).
Finn finally seeing his family, for the first time in his memory. Meeting his mother and father and grandparents, all his sister - who had been deemed too old for indoctrination and that was what saved them - and his younger brother, born after the Jedhans learned how to hide their children.
His family hugging and kissing him, and him hugging and kissing them in turn, all of them crying with joy of finally being reunited.
Finn learning the ways of the Force the Jedhan way, which is varied and manifold. Where you find the path that fits you, instead of being forced to fit the path set before you. 
Finn finally finding home.
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lj-writes · 7 years
The trouble with the Light Side, and Finn as the Balance
What happens when you’re told, “Don’t think about the elephant?” Chances are, you’ll immediately think of an elephant.
I think that’s the problem with the Light Side of the Force as we have known it: So many of the doctrines and practices of the LS, such as the Old Jedi way of not forming attachments, are premised on resisting the temptations of the Dark Side.
If your goal is not to  turn Dark, then what are you going to be thinking about? The Dark Side. This is why puritanism of all stripes is destined to fail, because it’s consumed more with what it’s against (sex! rock ‘n roll! murder!) than what it’s for (eh, love and peace I guess?).
Anakin Skywalker’s story from the prequel trilogy is a prime example of this in the Star Wars saga, walking backwards into the one place you were determined not to go. Intentionally or not, the prequels were an indictment of the Jedi way.
I think similarly, trying not to turn to the Light Side has a polarizing effect on those who turn to the Dark Side of the Force. You can see this with Kylo Ren in the new trilogy, thinking too hard about how not to go Light and then running to bugfucking extremes in the other direction.
The results of such extremism, in turn, are so horrific that the other side becomes understandably all the more preoccupied with, you know, NOT BEING THAT HELL NO and, again, being more anti-Dark than anything else. This doesn’t make the LS morally equivalent to the DS, but it does mean that LS practitioners can fall into the trap of puritanism.
Going to extremes seems to be a major theme of the upcoming movie, The Last Jedi, and Adam Driver who plays Kylo Ren has discussed mass murder committed by “both sides” (maybe this is his character’s perspective, I don’t agree with it) and how he took inspiration from the absolute moral certainty of terrorists in playing his character. Since director Rian Johnson has repeatedly said the movie will showcase moral ambiguity, it’s a safe bet that we’ll see the good guys go to extremes, too, something we have also seen in Rogue One.
We can reliably tell where many of the characters old and new fit into this increasingly polarized galaxy: Leia, Poe, Holdo, Rose, Paige, and others on one side, Snoke, Kylo Ren, Phasma, and Hux on the other.
Other characters, on the other hand, stand in notable contrast to the characters whose allegiances are well known. Luke, the character we thought was the Rebel to end all Rebels and the Jediest of them all, not only stayed away for years but still seems reluctant to join the fight. Rey is definitely Resistance-allied, but is still trying to find her place in all this.  “DJ,” a new character, is a cynical outsider who’s only in it for the creds.
Then there’s Finn, who has been in and rejected the First Order and fought alongside the Resistance, but as of the beginning of TLJ is not a committed fighter. Like Luke, he’s wounded from past experience; like Rey, he’s still figuring himself out after his life was turned upside down; and like DJ, he has cause to be cynical of causes in general, something I have previously discussed.
In a universe of absolutes Finn stands out with the other uncommitted characters for his refusal, at first, to choose a side. Turning against the First Order does not mean he automatically chose the Resistance, though he has worked with them.
Interestingly, for someone who rejected absolute evil he seems to have very little to prove. He’s not obsessed with trying not to be evil, or with trying to be good by fighting evil. He suffers the undeserved shame of the abused, but he’s not consumed by it. He doesn’t beat himself up over killing Stormtroopers to defend himself or wonder if that makes him as bad as them, a lack of self-flagellation that some fans have criticized him for. He doesn’t agonize over whether he might be a bad person for lying to the Resistance so he could go back for Rey.
Finn is, in other words, the opposite of a puritan. He refuses to do evil, and that’s enough. He’s not consumed by the thought of it. He tries to be good to the people he meets and distrusts causes and grand theories.
Finn is most definitely not Dark Side, but he’s also not the Light Side as we’ve come to understand it, an anti-Dark puritanism. His allegiance, I believe, is to the Balance as near as I understand it, a goodness that is defined by what it supports, not what it opposes, a space that has room for human ambiguity and fallibility without fear of turning to irrevocable evil.
It’s significant to me that right after his arguably most morally questionable and admirably badass decision was revealed--that he had lied to the Resistance to come get Rey--Finn immediately brings up the Force to a livid Han.
Sure, it may read like a funny deflection, but think about the juxtapositions here: At this moment, we know Finn lied to the Resistance to walk into the heart of the First Order in an act of selfless love. He rejected an evil authority in the most final terms possible but also showed himself not to be following the authority that stands against it. Finn is beholden to no one, standing between all the lines, standing for nothing but the purest love and courage, as he invokes the Force. And he does so in a humorous way, like the trickster figure he is.
This is why I like the Stormtrooper uprising theory so much for Finn’s story, and why I believe it’s the cause that he found to fight for. Finn is not going back to the First Order other than to kick their collective butts across the galaxy (hi, Phasma!). But what does the Resistance mean to him? They stand against the First Order, true, which is why he’s worked with Leia and Poe and the others.
The Resistance is, however, also a Republic-affiliated organization, and what is the Republic to him? If he was ever a Republic citizen, it was by chance of birth and it certainly means very little to him now. This is something I also touched on in my Cassian meta and my Finn and Rey parallels meta, that the forgotten children like Finn and Rey, much like Cassian before them, were essentially failed by the Republic. The Republic is not the Empire or the First Order, sure, but it has to mean something other than that massively low bar.
Finn and his friends can fight the First Order and win. But what comes next? They know what they’re against. What are they for? Without answering that question they will fall into the same elephant trap as traditional Light Side practices, and of the Republic itself. In their shadow loom the Dark Side and Empire.
If there’s one thing we know Finn has always stood for, it’s the freedom and dignity of every individual. That’s why he refused to fire on the villagers in Tuanul. That’s why he escaped at the risk to his own life, and why he meant to flee to the ends of the known universe, to be free. That’s why he came back for Rey.
That is why, I believe, he will find a cause to fight for in the freedom of other Stormtroopers like himself. It’s a cause greater than himself, greater than Rey, and to him, greater than the First Order or the Resistance or the Republic or anything else. He is likely to ally with the Resistance again so far as their goals match his, but much as in Act 3 of TFA, except on a greater scale, he may not concern himself with loyalties or scruples other than his own true North.
He might not always be squeaky clean in the process, either. He could be ruthless. He could be violent. He could be dishonest. He has proven himself capable of all of this in the past.
What he will always be is committed, not to being Not Evil or a perfect vision of Good, but to being free. And he will realize, I think, that he cannot be free alone. His journey to freedom was always with others, from the moment Slip’s death marked him forever, to having to free Poe first to get away, to realizing he could not be free while Rey was in captivity, and finally, I hope, to seeing that others who were abducted and enslaved like he was must also be free.
This is what the Balance could mean for Finn’s story: not two opposing sides locked in extremes, not a cynical equivalence or sophistic compromise between the two, but a moral code that has meaning outside of what it is not. Now that is a code worth living and dying for.
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galakticfinn · 7 years
Force Sensitive Finn Fan Trailer
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the-bi-writer-blog · 7 years
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100 Days of Finn | Day 95: Finn/Luke Parallels | based on this |
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nyios · 7 years
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Finn and Rey holding hands
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twisterss · 7 years
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Answering The Call
I’ll keep this short because I’m in the midst of writing a fanfic exploring this but I wanted to talk about this image a little bit. Here we have a child gazing up at Finn in adoration - in open hero-worship. This isn’t surprising for any of us who’ve been keeping up with TLJ promo. “Everyone in the space, throughout the galaxy, would have heard about… the young former Stormtrooper who helped save the day,” Boyega says. “He’s a hero…,”. As this ill-titled EW article says, Finn has much of the galaxy and quite a bit of the resistance who view him as heroic. TLJ is supposed to explore whether Finn sees himself as a hero and what he plans to do about that. Now I know that I’ve read a lot about how Rose will help sway Finn into accepting his heroism, but I think that this sort of image hints on what will actually compel Finn into answering The Call. Finn knows what people want to hear and what people expect of him. He tells Poe what he believes a resistance pilot would want to hear when he breaks him out of the FO. He tells Rey what she wants to hear after she attacks him on Jakku. So if Rose needs Finn to seem heroic - he’s more than capable of giving that to her. This doesn’t mean he’s dishonest of course. He grew up in the FO so it’s logical for him to understand what someone expects of him and live up to those expectations - his life depended on that. But at the end of the day Finn sticks to certain expectations as long as they serve his end goal. He was a brave resistance member for Rey until he found the perfect opportunity to hop on a ship and get out of the FO’s dangerous path. I think Finn probably keeps working within the resistance until he is faced with a chance to make a clean break. I don’t think he would abandon them if they needed him for a mission, especially because there are people he cares about now within the resistance. But if Finn saw an opportunity to make a life for himself outside of this all consuming war - who would blame him? I don’t think he would blame himself because at the end of the day his actions were not motivated by saving the galaxy but by saving himself and the people he cares about. So when he sees the impact he’s made first hand, when he sees this child staring up at him with a smile and wonder in his eyes - I think that is when he will answer The Call. When he see’s the impact of his personal decisions on a larger group of people - not the people in the resistance (whose whole lives revolve around this galactic war) - I think that will put into perspective exactly how important he is & how much of a hero he can be if he chooses to be one. 
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saviourfinn · 7 years
Day 98 of Finn
The Force is a strange entity, Finn often thinks.
He can’t see it nor hear it, and yet he feels it at all times, a strange but familiar sensation. Sometimes it washes over him like a wave, leaving his mind crystal clear and aware of things he’s never noticed before. Other times it’s an overwhelming fire, consuming him with screams and visions of death until he wakes up breathless. Most of the time, it’s a dull buzzing under his skin, barely there but allowing him to perceive what most people wouldn’t.
But what Finn likes the most about the Force is how it connects him to the people he loves. They all have a distinct, unique signature that he can feel whenever he’s around them -- or whenever he’s alone and meditating, his mind stretching far out of his body and across the galaxy in search of them.
Poe feels like the warmth of the winter sun peeking out after days of snow, melting the cold away and leaving him warm and content. He’s the solid ground, steady and reliable and supportive, yet he’s also fire, crackles of energy following his trail.
Rey is a summer rainfall, harsh and startling at first, then deliciously cool and exhilarating. She feels like home and trust, but tastes bittersweet, sadness and kindness weaved together around her.
Rose is a windy mountain, sweeping him off his feet with her quiet determination. She’s the bright sparkle of the stars, incandescent anger and luminous hope swirling around her.
And when they’re all together... It’s the sun and the rain and the wind dancing with him, leaving him breathless and dizzy. It feels like love, and belonging, it feels like finally coming home after years of wandering.
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wet-raccoon · 7 years
Animal Lover Finn
HC that Finn has a thing with animals. 
As a cadet in the stormtrooper program, he would excel in the Terran survival missions. When asked how he did it he said he simply followed the small prey animals around to see where they gathered food and to see what was actually safe for consumption. Attempts at copying his method, however, was often met with failure as the small animals would run and hide at the mere sight of a stormtrooper before anyone could follow them anywhere.
Once there was an outbreak of Moraband serpents on Starkiller. Per Orders from the supreme leader, they were not to be harmed in any way. Of course that didn’t stop the serpents from leaving a trail of blood and dead bodies. They were finally subdued when a small group of FN-21XX designated stormtroopers managed to stop and contain the serpents without harming them. The group of troopers were then known as the ‘sanitation’ crew for their uncanny ability to clean up after the dangerous and often deadly animals the Supreme Leader would bring in.
The day after FN-2187′s betrayal, the crew had their first ever trouble containing a simple Nexu outbreak.
Remember that Rathtar that attacked them? It sensed the thread of anxiety from Finn and came to the conclusion that one of it’s own needed to be rescued.
While recovering from his coma, Finn would often go for walks along the edge of the resistance base. He once made the mistake of feeding some of the animals that came out of the forest and now the sight of friendly ash rabbit running around the base has become a regular occurrence. Leia would be mad, but they did help with the morale of shell shocked fighter pilots. 
After the big battle against the FO, after peace has finally been achieved, Finn is often seen with his own therapy cat. A fluffy companion who would calm him down when he has a nightmare, or bring him back to the present if he has that far away look in his eyes. 
Contrary to popular belief, Finn did not adopt his friend from any shelter. He met the stray kitten when salvaging a devastated planet. It saw something in him it liked and simply followed him home. 
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3piox · 7 years
“one person, at the right place, at the right time, can change the face of the galaxy”
now, first off, force sensitive finn is Good Content™ because he’s the first time in the movies that these iconic troopers are given a face, and having him be force sensitive is another facet which shows his connection to the universe at large & the humanity that no amount of horrific treatment could steal from him because he is fundamentally an individual who is bigger than himself because of all he represents
(i’m thinking, too, about it being established that finn excelled as a trooper, that he had talents, that you can’t hide these things. how much the death of a fellow trooper shakes him. that the rebels trust him because he reflects the humanity in everyone -- the force is just a further metaphor for that)
mr finn skywalker tho? takes it another step further because we have watched all these movies about keeping up with the skywalkers (catch it on E! 8/9c) and each features a young person lifted from obscurity and changing everything. each skywalker inherits the trauma & history of the one before them and it accumulates, it's like poetry, it rhymes, etc. now rey can fit this archetype too and i’m not here to argue about that, i want to focus on how, well --
anakin knew his name, he knew his story, but we see him constantly searching for fatherhood, the missing half of the template that made him? the force, qui-gon, obi-wan, palpatine; he even seeks it in being a father to his own child. he needs a reason for why, some guidance, because he is bigger than his skin and he doesn’t understand it. what made me what i am. a name is not enough for him, which is why it gets torn from him and anakin skywaker dies on mustafar.
luke knew his name, but he didn’t know his story, and he feels something is missing. he’s restless, unfulfilled. like anakin, but it’s even worse. then the truth hits. his aunt and uncle die, ben dies, yoda dies -- luke has no surrogates and has to confront what he has inherited, and redeeming vader is how he shows who he will be, who he is. his story is about believing in the humanity & sense of identity a name provides. 
then comes along finn! finn, who was stolen from his family. finn, who had his name torn from him. finn, who was essentially a slave. finn, who has been fed propaganda stories his whole life to deny him his humanity but chose to seek the truth instead. finn, who should just be another face in the trooper crowd, but broke free because he has a calling. when he does so, he’s given a name, and with it, community, trust, and purpose. he mirrors kylo who knows everything about himself and is thus obsessed with the past & repeating the mistakes of it. rey is also obsessed with her family, and this is what really underlines the value of finn in this narrative role for me because he .... isn’t? like, he knows this is a facet of himself and i’m sure he’d like to know more, but it doesn’t define him. 
finn hasn’t inherited anything.
this would make finn the first skywalker who isn’t defined by their name in some way growing up, and this would be something really new and exciting! because you take this character who was supposed to be a nobody but, well, nobody is a nobody (i know, sorry) and he had no expectations but still ends up inheriting the galaxy & the name that has practically defined it for generations now. he pretty much has anakin’s story, but luke’s compassion -- he takes what came before, but he makes something new.
also like can we just touch on this cuz:
anakin commanded the clones, then later the stormtroopers ...
luke made his mark by killing a ton of troopers, basically ...
... and how interesting it would be for their grandson & son to be a trooper himself?
it shows the continuing consequences of anakin’s generation, and how luke wasn’t wrong to fight but, you know, there’s a person under every helmet, not just the one you happen to know is related to you -- and talk about some further vader/finn parallels there, luke’s father and son both losing who they are under a helmet (and finn being forced into one while kylo chose his) and luke learning about finn could so nicely echo him learning about vader except this time it’s a realization of hope that could help ease the space ireland depression spiral he lives in.
and finn? finn gets answers, but they aren’t easy, which is so compelling. and he brings a unique perspective to a legacy that demands so much -- he reminds us that the skywalker name has never just been about the power, it’s been about finding out who you are and learning what a name really means. how perfect a narrative for someone who starts off his journey not even having a name at all? how important for finn to know he was once loved, and that love can save us? how necessary to show the power of choice, and how much impact finn’s will have? 
i want all of this! i want finn skywalker! i want to talk about the skywalker name originating (for us) from a slave woman who feared her son having her life, and how finn shows that even growing up in those circumstances will never be able to destroy your humanity because he matters and he can be someone! *deep breath* finn skywalker. 
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softelesbian · 7 years
music lover finn hcs
for day 96 of 100 days of finn @swrebelfinn
 Before Finn joins the Resistance, the only music he had heard was droning marching music that all stormtoopers listened to in order to march in sync. He didn’t even consider it real music since it always repeats itself and feels controlling. 
However, after he joins the Resistance, he is exposed to so many types of music and immediately falls in love with the variety of music that existed. He falls in love when he hears people singing their favorite tunes in the hallway, or when he hears music playing from speakers as people dance along with the rhythm. But most of all, he falls in love when he hears people play musical instruments and sing along with whatever song they play, such as Poe with his guitar. This inspires Finn to learn a musical instrument so that he may be able to play any type of song he wished and embrace the warm feeling of music being created by him. 
Eventually, after months of thinking and listening, Finn decides to learn to play the piano and is granted his wish when Poe saves up his credits to buy one for his birthday. Finn is so ecstatic and uses any free time he has to teach himself how to play the piano and how to listen to the different chords and scales so he can produce the melody he wants. 
He soon becomes a natural at the piano and starts writing his own songs about his feelings, thoughts, and wishes. Everyone becomes such a fan of Finn’s songs that they convince General Organa to host a talent show so Finn could share his music to the entire Resistance. He receives a standing ovation from the entire crew and is showered with compliments, hugs, and requests from fellow members for Finn to teach them the piano.
Music becomes a huge part of Finn after joining the Resistance and he treasures his skills and appreciation of music for the years to come. 
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lj-writes · 7 years
A Stormtrooper uprising and the balance of galactic power
Fans have been excitedly speculating about the possibility of a Stormtrooper uprising in The Last Jedi, and one intriguing aspect of it is that it may make the rebelling Troopers a third power in the galaxy that is neither First Order nor Resistance/Republic. This would give Finn as their leader deciding power in many of the military and political struggles of the galaxy, someone who could sway the balance of power.
Fans generally assume that Finn’s allegiance is to the Resistance and Republic because they’re the good guys, and certainly he has allied with the Resistance in their shared opposition to the First Order. I have discussed in the essay Finn does not give a fuck about your idols that he was not a follower of the Resistance, however, and in The trouble with the Light Side and Finn as the Balance I discussed, among other subjects, how the Republic doesn’t mean much more to Finn than the Resistance does.
Here, below the cut, I will talk about how Finn’s freestanding status could play into his ongoing story and the politics of a galaxy far, far away.
One way to think about the issue is to consider what a Stormtrooper uprising might mean to the Resistance. I’m sure it would be a dream come true in many ways. But it’s also fraught with uncertainty. and it’s not like the Resistance can conduct a straw poll to see how many would be on board (Would you leave the First Order if you could? Answer Yes or No). These are not your average enslaved people who would generally prefer freedom, they are a fighting force trained specifically to not only to wreak destruction and death but also be fanatically loyal to the First Order and Snoke.
Now, imagine the Resistance had a “better,” or at least much more expedient and certain, alternative. What if there were a way to kill or brainwash large numbers of Stormtroopers so that they were either no longer a threat, or would come over to the side of the Resistance? I mean, the Resistance is in the middle of a brutal war for the future of the galaxy itself. Who wouldn’t be tempted in their situation?
It could even be argued that such an action is a moral imperative. Left alone, the Stormtroopers would destroy countless lives as we have watched them do in Tuanul and Takodana. Between the uncertain option (an uprising) and the sure one (killing/brainwashing), it might be argued that the latter is not only more more expedient but more moral.
This is the kind of moral dilemma where Finn would show where he really stands. I don’t believe that he has given himself so completely to an organization that he would agree to taking away the lives and/or agency of so many people without even giving them a chance to choose. I believe he would insist that the uprising be given a chance. Alternately, if he thought he couldn’t convince the brass, he might do much what he did when he went back for Rey: Let the Resistance think what they want and then use their resources for his own ends.
“But he killed Stormtroopers!” Yes, because they were going to kill him. I mean, sorry he didn’t visibly hate himself enough for your tastes, I guess it just wasn’t enough that he spent much of the movie traumatized and wanted to get far away from the fighting. You know, almost as if he didn’t want to fight more Stormtroopers or something.
Now, here’s where things get controversial. On the flip side, I think Finn could also ally temporarily with the First Order if it meant he could stop the destruction of Stormtroopers long enough to get the uprising started. Not because the First Order are humanitarians or in any way the moral equivalent of the Resistance, obviously, but because it’s in their own selfish interest to keep their fighting force. Of course he’d yank the carpet out from under them because fuck the First Order, but if necessary he could use them.
I’m not saying the scenario above will happen, although it would be very interesting if it does. It’s one example of a plot that illustrates the kind of direction Finn’s story could take with him as an unaligned agent, loyal to the cause of personal dignity and freedom above organizations and their causes. It would also be the kind of thing Daisy talked about where good people make bad decisions and vice versa.
In the above scenario, I wonder if some might see Finn as ruthless, even fearsome for starting an uprising, which is likely to be a bloody event and in fact seems to have been, if the clips we saw in the trailers depict this event. Was it worth the destruction and loss of life, some might wonder, when the Stormtroopers could have died peacefully or had their minds bent without bloodshed?
So let’s say a Stormtrooper uprising is successful, whatever counts as success. A liberation of some large divisions of Stormtroopers, maybe, after pitched battles. What then? Would they join the Resistance?
Again, you have to think about what the goals of the Resistance are. They started out as a Republic-sponsored militia, and may become even more aligned with the goals of the Republic if the remnants of the Republic fleet join them. What does the Republic mean to the Free Troopers, anyway? Do they really want it to be restored into a New New Republic when the Republic and New Republic already failed, twice, to stop the rise of the Empire and First Order? In fact, the Old Republic actually became the Empire and the First Order was ignored or even actively aided by the New Republic’s leadership. The line between the Republic/Empire and the New Republic/First Order is not as clear when you look closely.
The Free Troopers’ capture and enslavement, in many ways, was the direct result of the failure of the New Republic. What would induce them to give their lives for its return? They know they’re against the First Order, what should they be for?
The Resistance and possibly New Republic will have to make some serious adjustments, in other words, if they want the Free Troopers’ loyalty. The enemy of their enemy may be their friend, but only friends of convenience. A deeper bond requires a lot more trust than being against the same evil, some confidence that they are headed in the same direction.
Then there’s the issue of identity. Let’s face it, a lot of Troopers will have difficulty settling into civilian lives or even the Resistance. Their lives and experiences are too different, and though well-meaning people will try to understand and help, much of it may just ring hollow because they come from such different places.
How many outsiders, for instance, can understand the Troopers’ distinct combination of pride and shame, the fact that their enemy shaped everything about their lives? That they have an identity that still give them meaning and purpose, if no longer in the First Order’s service?
A sizable number of Free Troopers would be genuine war criminals, too. What should justice look like for a fighting force that was systematically brainwashed from childhood? The military disciplines would be very different from Resistance and other Republic-allied fighting forces, too. As I touched on in Finn handles a blaster like no one else, Stormtroopers have a distinct fighting style that Finn used even after leaving the First Order.
The above are some of the reasons a number of Free Troopers, should a Stormtrooper uprising be successful, may choose to stay together as their own distinct group, even if they join another group such as the Resistance. They will probably have to form their own units and have their own leaders to be maximally effective, too.
If Stormtroopers were to stay together as a cohesive group, Finn as their leader or one of their leaders would become a very powerful person. He would have at his disposal a force that is allied in goals with the Resistance and perhaps an eventual New (New?) Republic but quite distinct in viewpoint and interests.
Perhaps most importantly, the Free Troopers would not be composed of the Republic’s elites and would have great interest in the protection of and justice for the most vulnerable. They are, in a way, the Jedi that the Old Republic’s Jedi should have been, and the irony is that they were forged by the evil that destroyed the New Republic.
This is how a Stormtrooper uprising could catapult Finn into being a third power, a force of conscience as sharp as a blade, that keeps the Resistance and the Republic true to their own ideals. He would be the Balance in the political and military senses as well as a moral one. He and his successors may become the force that stands between the galaxy and history repeating itself.
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Day 21: Finn Ships Thursday
We want to see all your finnpoe, finnrey, finnrose, etc. ships today so please use the tags: #swrebelfinn & #100daysoffinn. And remember, you can always submit directly to this blog. We can’t wait to see what Finn content ya’ll create today!
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blacksquadronpilot · 7 years
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the most stylish jedi
(Force Sensitive Friday for 100 Days of Finn)
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the-bi-writer-blog · 7 years
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Some more Finn goodness from The Last Jedi trailer and TV spot. (Finn fans - feel free to use these for edits!  Please don’t repost and claim them as your own, though. Can’t wait to see what people make!)
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swrebelfinn · 7 years
Day 34: Force Sensitive Finn Friday
We want to see all your ideas about Finn and his relationship with the Force! As always, please remember that we track the tags: #swrebelfinn & #100daysoffinn. You can always submit directly to this blog. We can’t wait to see what Finn content y’all create today!
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