#sxf ch 75
ahundreddoves · 1 year
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This arc was rough so ty Endo-sensei for sprinkling in some lovely Henderson moments throughout. The man has been much needed comedic relief on that cursed bus, but his response to Anya bursting into tears makes me melt. Although he’s always going to love (and fear) Anya’s ~elegance~, he also just wants to see her be a kid, wants her to feel safe enough to react the way anyone would in a situation like this – stellas for bravery aside. As an educator he continues to strike a wonderful balance between firmness/standards and genuine care, and I would’ve loved to have had someone like him for a teacher.
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deonideatta · 1 year
Would be cool to see a parallel between anya breaking down when she saw yor, and twilight's reaction when he finally goes home as loid. Just his ability to put on a facade breaking down as he sees anya properly and realizes that he almost lost her, like he doesnt even have to cry or make a big fuss (it's unlikely he will, and it'd be out of charcter if he did imo), but i need to see a crack it can just be a small one PLEASE endo im literally on the floor
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1alchemistart · 1 year
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throwing these here before the new chapter comes out tomorrow ✌️
i actually added captions for when these were made this time, since the dates are more varied AKLJFDL (more recent art that’s whyyy)
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ackergarden · 3 months
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i need him to spend an afternoon with the forgers and yor talking to him now please please please 😭😭😭😭
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connoisseursdecomfort · 10 months
A list of posts I made for sxf
A character study - on Twilight, love, and denial
A character analysis on Twilight/Loid/[redacted]
Side Mission vs Family: a chronological order of Twilight's developing internal conflicts
The problem of normality 1 - Yor's insecurities and her assassin job
The problem of normality 2 - Yor in ch. 79
All the lies in ch.86, and the truth behind
Embracing imperfection - Yor's reflection on her marriage
Information, understanding and empathy - a character study on Franky, Yuri and Nightfall (Part 1)
The Garden - is it political, personal, or profitable?
Jeeves and the Desmonds
How to get Anya to trust you: The Importance of Aligning Thoughts and Actions
How powerful is the SSS - a discussion on Ostanian politics
Teamwork - with the children succeeding and the adults failing oh so miserably (on bus arc)
Yuri in Chapter 71
A character study on Billy Squire (ft. Biddy)
How children call their fathers in SXF
Finding Loid (Ch.73-75)
How Twilight sees angry Yor
The Love Story in Todome no Ichigeki
Comparing versions of Short Mission 11: JP vs TW vs ENG
The thin line between Waku Waku and danger - what awaits Anya after ch.94?
Song fics (Or a playlist for sxf?):
Twilight - "Maybe it's alright to hope a little too"
TwiYor - "I love Winter"
Translations of interviews:
SXF interview and panel discussion at TICA
Opinions (at times quite unpopular):
On SxF "lacking gore"
On the portrayal of love in SXF
On Twiyor and Damianya
Hot take on SXF's plot
Unpopular opinions - Twilight and his honey trapping skills
Yor actually has the healthiest relationship with her job
On Episode 17: Spy work is mundane
On what Endo thinks about drawing hot and cute characters
On the dynamic of Twiyor
Is Anya unrealistic
Yor's weapon
Theories/ Headcanons:
On Anya's mind-reading abilities
On the ending of SXF
Theories on Anya's Mama
Theories on the timing of the Authens moving in
Theories on Anya's name: Ania/Anya
Theory on Barbara Authen's name
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benjaminthesnail · 1 year
Spoilers for SxF Ch 75
I have a new favorite character and her name is Melinda Desmond. Ch 75 was a very nice wrap-up to the Red Circus arc, but MD really stole the show at the very end.
I know every Tumblr user has their poor little meow meow and Melinda Desmond is mine. She goes directly to pick up Damien instead of sending the family butler. She loves and fixates on her son so much in the moment that it reminds Anya of Yuri’s relationship with Yor. She hates her husband so much that she will not refer to him by name or by familial title. She seems to genuinely love and hate her youngest son so much that she can’t commit to one or the other even in her own thoughts. Whether it’s because her son still fixates on a man who couldn’t be bothered to show up when he almost died, or she’s reminded of how Damian is the one shackling her to the Desmond household, or if she’s reminded of the man she hates in the boy she adores - my girl is unsettling and I don’t want her around her own kids.
I want to study her like a bug.
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deonideatta · 1 year
Thinking about Twilight rushing back to Berlint. Thinking about that period when he had no way of knowing how things were going, or if he'd get there in time to help. Thinking about what that journey must have been like, anxiously trying to reassure himself that everything will be fine, his daughter mission will be ok. Thinking about the helplessness, how he'd have had to sit there and know he had absolutely no control over how things would end up
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deonideatta · 1 year
THAT CHAPTER SKFJSK I can't organise my thoughts into any proper analysis lol so here's everything in one go
Only 1 stella???? Stingy 😒😒 they should have at least given Anya 2 and the rest 1 haha
As the other students left and it was just damian and anya left there were like 4 different fanfics which I was trying to use to predict what would happen next lol
I'd like to see more of becky's parents!!! her dad is so sweet to her 🤩
Friendship!!!!! They're friends!!!!! I love it skfjsj they're so sweet
I'm happy that anya broke down and cried when she saw yor! No 4/5 year old has nerves of tungsten lol, and seeing that she feels safe enough with yor not to bottle up her feelings is really lovely
Twilight you tsundere skdkskd it didn't actually occur to me that he might already have been there! Count on him to try and wave it off tho lol, if he doesn't give anya the biggest ever hug when he gets home I'm suing
Also I love how the senior agent that was with him always talks about the forgers like they're twilight's actual family lol he knows what's up 👀
Melinda dlskfksk what was that????? She did a 180 so fast that for a moment I seriously wondered if maybe she has a split personality
I think there's definitely some serious animosity between her and donovan. She seems torn between motherly love for damian and absolutely despising him, possibly because he's donovan's son, or because he's so fixated on pleasing his father (not his fault, he's literally 6 lol).
Horrible stuff to think about a child though. Made even more bizarre by how much she seems to love him at the same time
I wonder how she feels about demetrius, assuming he's also her son
But yea good chapter!!! We were well fed
In the next chapter I want more from twilight, we can't let him for the mission his way out of this one lol
And perhaps now that anya's gotten another stella we'll get another scene that mirrors the one where twilight felt genuinely proud of her after her first stella
Also I wonder if there will be any tension between twiyor over this. Not sure there will be, but it'd be interesting if there is
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