#sxf lily
mj-ackerman · 2 years
SxF Light Novel: Family Portrait Translation Short Novel: Family (Temporary)
Read Mission 4: Portrait of the Forger Family!? Here. DO NOT REPOST
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At a certain restaurant in Berlint, the capital of Ostania. Lily, a waitress at this restaurant, which is popular for its not-too-luxury, yet stylish, chef-created cuisine that uses plenty of carefully selected ingredients and its comfortable atmosphere, was in the midst of her marriage hunting activities. 
“......But I think marriage isn’t really that good, is it?”
After being rejected by her blind date partner again, Lily pouted and ranted to her colleague Rose while setting up the tables before the store opened. 
“You’re just saying that because you don’t want to admit that you got dumped again, aren’t you? You have to take things seriously or else you’ll be left behind, you know.”
“I-I didn’t get dumped! We just didn’t have the same values! You’re just making fun of me just because you have a soon-to-be-husband boyfriend!”
Lily said, pissed and let out a sigh. 
“Geez, I’m gonna stop looking for a marriage partner! I’m fine with being alone! I can live all by myself!”
Lily crumpled the napkin she was folding in sorrow and frustration, only to be scolded by the older Rose again by saying “Hey!”. On top of that, she also lectured her on how she needed to get a little more grip of reality, at which Lily puffed out her cheeks as she complained. 
“But, looking at the families coming here, they don’t look happy at all.”
“Yeah….well, you’re right, that’s actually true.”
“You know, like that couple for example, they’re scolding their kids but they have terrible table manners themselves.”
As Lily gave an example of a customer she seen at the restaurant while refolding a napkin, Rose grimaced, “Oh, I hate that.” Then she added, “Now that you’ve mentioned it, there’s also that newlyweds who were fighting in front of their food. I wish they’d do that kind of thing at their home instead.” 
She set a single flower vase in the middle of the table as she cited a certain customer.
Lily, who was energized by this, added, 
“Say, do you remember the old couple whose husband complained about everything?”
“The guy who said, the food was tepid, or the service was slow, or the pictures on the wall looked old-fashioned and the tablecloths were wrinkled, and so on, right? While her husband was complaining to the manager, the wife looked like she wanted to just disappear from this place. I bet her husband is like that all the time at home.”
“That’s so suffocating, isn’t it?”
As if imagining it, Rose wrinkled her eyebrows deeply. Not only that, she also shuddered with disgust. 
“Well, marriage doesn't always equals happiness, after all.”
“You’re right.”
After that, the two of them continued to talk about the unhappy marriages of their customers, and at the end, Lily’s shoulders slumped. 
“Ohhh….if we look at it like that, marriage is the graveyard of life. Maybe that’s the reality of it.”
“Oh, but, then, how about that family?”
Rose said as she turned the silver spoon around. 
“That family?”
“You know, that family that you said the husband is just your type?”
“Ah! The Ho-Ho-Ho something!”
“The Forgers. Aren’t they the ones who always make sure to make a reservation before coming here to the restaurant?”
At Rose’s words, Lily nodded and said,
“Oh, that’s right, the Forgers.”
The Forger family consists of a father, mother and daughter. They are a family that anyone can recognize as someone from the upper class within a day, but they don’t take it personally at all. They’re friendly, courteous, and kind to everyone in the restaurant. 
The tall, smiling, soft-looking Mr. Forger was quite handsome and he was exactly Lily’s type, but his wife, who looked plain at first glance, but if you looked at her closely, she had a well-defined face and an outstanding figure, was very kind to Lily, who made a mistake in serving the wrong dish, and was even considerate of her feelings as she was very worried at Lily for her mistake, at that she easily concluded that she was no match to her and raised the white flag in her heart. She remembers it well. 
“A handsome husband with a beautiful wife, and on top of that, their child is very cute too.”
Lily sighed as she smoothed out the wrinkles on a nearby tablecloth. 
Their daughter must have been around four years old? Even Lily, who is far from motherhood, gets a tingling feeling as she recalls the child's slightly slurred speech and her childish antics. 
“Actually, I saw that family not too long ago at the city zoo.”
“Oh, that time you went on a date with the twelfth guy? You were rejected spectacularly by that one, right?”
“Don’t remind me! At that time, the husband was watching the giraffe with his daughter on his shoulders. The daughter was so excited that she imitated the movement of the giraffe’s head and wobbled around a lot. At that, the husband scolded her with a wry smile, saying “Hey, that’s dangerous,” but he held her tightly so she wouldn’t fall off while his wife was looking at the two of them with a smile on her face.”
It was like a scene from a happy family movie. She remembered that she felt like crying, partly because she had not had a good conversation with her blind date partner.
Oh, they look happy. Ah, that’s nice. It was a sight that she could honestly think like that. 
As Lily was being sentimental, Rose recalled,
“I heard that her husband is a doctor.”
“That’s right! Ah, I’m getting more and more jealous now…Anyway, why do you know that?”
“I overheard their conversation while I was bringing them their food. By the way, his wife is a city hall employee and their daughter is a student at Eden College. They’re a perfect family, aren’t they?”
“Eh? That kid? That little kid is a student at a very p-p-prestigious school!? That kid sure is smart! Anyway, how come you know that much? Are you a spy?”
Lily literally rolled her tongue at her colleague’s ability to gather information. 
“What are you talking about? There’s only so much fun you can have as a waitress.”
Rose, having finished setting the table, scruffily replied,
“Oh, by the way, I see that you have an appointment with the Forgers today.”
“Yea-....a doctor husband, a hard working wife who works at the city hall and a daughter who is a student at Eden huh….”
They’re truly a picture perfect happy family. She’s sure they live in a beautiful home and spend their days filled with love and peace. 
Imagining their dazzling appearances, she squeezed her eyes shut. They were too bright for Lily’s eyes. 
“Oh right, it seems like they also have a big dog. You’re a dog person, right?”
“A big dog too!?”
As she saw Lily, who almost collapse on the spot due to her jealousy, Rose teasingly asked, 
“So? It makes you want to get married now, doesn't it?
Lily clutched the hem of her apron with both hands and declared with tears in her eyes, 
“Rose! I’ve made up my mind! I’m going to keep looking for a marriage partner even if it kills me!”
----However, the girls didn’t know. That the ideal family that they thought was a normal picture perfect happy family was actually a fake family made up of complete strangers. And the Forger family itself also had no way of knowing that their pseudo-family had contributed to raising the marriage rate in Ostania.
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dreamyeuphoricll · 3 months
Actresses who look so much like Yor❤️
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c512h · 1 year
Choose between my favorite red/pink queen👑
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kiliantharker · 2 years
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convince your uncle to cosplay as a cute anime woman (they are loid yor and anya from spy x family)
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missgreenkitty · 2 years
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Hey everyone!!!! Added a shit ton of new stuff to my shop!!!
🌸New heart-shaped SxF washi tape
🌸New MHA Bun charms (I even added a video that shows off how nice of a sheen the marbled acrylic back has)
🌸New reusable stickerbooks
🌸All the prints I finally photographed and include fandoms such as Overwatch, Evangelion, Madoka Magica, Homestuck, DC comics, and more! Most prints are on clearance!
If you spend $20 or more you will get a code for 10% off your next order :) Happy shopping!!! Click HERE for my shop 💖
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dk-wren · 1 year
Week 4ish - 30 Days of Buddy Daddies
Welcome to the final round of my responses to the 30 Day's of Buddy Daddies tag! Thank you for all your support on these posts and @yuraamar for creating all these fun prompts. Let's do this one more time!
Day 22: Favorite Drawing from Miri's Diary
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I love how this diary entry either suggests Miri woke up later in the night and got to properly celebrate Papa Rei's birthday or this is what she had planned (before she got too tired to wait for Rei).
While it might be more an expression of surprise, I also kinda love how Miri drew Rei with a big smile.
Day 23: Which Actor/Actress Would You Have Liked to Voice the Characters
In all honesty, I don't know.
Yes, I really enjoyed all the voice actors' performances and couldn't imagine anyone else voicing these characters. But also, Buddy Daddies was I think my 5th or 6th anime, so I have yet to really identify and/or follow any particular VAs to say I would have liked them to voice this character.
Just for a further Yuri on Ice reunion, maybe Junichi Suwabe as Kyuutaro(?), but again idk.
Day 24: Crossover
Not so much a crossover, but rather, something I hope exists in the Buddy Daddies universe is Animal Crossing. (There's Mario Kart/Morio Kart in the Buddy Daddies world, so I think it's possible) This just feels like a game the whole family would love and could somewhat play together.
I can totally see Miri loving to talk with the villagers, decorating her house, and catching bugs/fishes. Rei enjoys doing these things too, but I can also see him grind for hours just to make sure Miri has all the bells/supplies she needs when she plays to buy whatever she wants (perhaps this is how Rei spoils Miri?) or make any furniture she wants. I could even see Kazuki casually playing Animal Crossing. He may not be a gamer, but I think even he could learn the basics and not be too overwhelmed.
Just something about Miri, Rei, and Kazuki playing Animal Crossing together seems like a really cute idea.
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Day 25: Things You Would Like to See in Future Projects
Something I would like to see in future projects is Kazuki, Rei, and Miri actually finding the place that became the Dining Nest. Did Kyu or someone else find the place for them, did they hunt for this place on their own, and when/why exactly did they choose to open a diner rather than like a shop or some other business? I'd also love to know if the first time they entered the space, if there was an immediate feeling of "this is our home" or did it take some time for them to adjust to the place and make it feel like truly their own space.
As many people have said before, I fully want a beach day story too. The art Lily recently posted of Rei and Miri finally bringing home a cat also makes me want to see this storyline further fleshed out. Gosh, there's probably a bunch of other things I would like to see, but honestly, I just want to see more peaks into Kazuki, Rei, and Miri's daily life as Miri grows up and as Kazuki and Rei fully(?) leave the organization behind them
Day 26: Playlist
I would like to start by apologizing for my music taste because it unfortunately (for you probably) means that this playlist is basically show tunes. Either way, hope you enjoy the songs and my very brief explanations.
Kazurei Vibes:
Rei Vibes: (Trust me on this one, pls)
Final confrontation vibe (Rei singing, but replace "man" with like "dad"):
Day 27: What Made You Watch the Anime
The first anime I really got into was Spy x Family. Because there were a lot of initial comparisons between the two series, that grabbed my attention. I thought to myself, well I quickly fell in love with Spy x Family, so why not give Buddy Daddies a try since it seems similar.
The two animes I had previously gotten into and watched in the fall (SxF and Chainsaw Man) finished their seasons right before Buddy Daddies began airing. This was another reason I watched since I no longer had a weekly anime/show to watch and to help me keep my sanity because of school.
Funnily enough, I really do think it was because Buddy Daddies kept coming up in the SxF tag here that I watched this anime. Like I legitimately do not remember watching the trailer for Buddy Daddies until way after I got into the series.
Day 28: What Would You Change About the Story
Maybe not change, but I really wished more of Kazuki's past with Yuzuko could have been explored or touched on.
For reasons made clear throughout the series, her death, as well as the death of their unborn child, clearly left an impact on Kazuki for a long time. The circumstances alone are tragic, but to have even a little more information about Yuzuko I feel could have made her death even more emotional and tough for the audience. We really only know Yuzuko as Kazuki's ex-wife, so I kinda have to agree with those who have discussed her death really just being a plot device.
Given Kazuki's sorta self-deprecating humor/behavior and past, he definitely seems like someone who does not view himself as highly as he should. And this behavior is likely not a new development after Yuzuko's death, but a habit he’s had for most of his life. So, to see him be open with Yuzuko would be really sweet because she seems to love him as he is and not what he could be. Also, just to see Kazuki be open/vulnerable for the first time in his life, which we see happen again with Rei and Miri, would add to the parallels and give the audience more information about what make Kazuki feel safe.
Day 29: What Message Would You Leave to the Creators and All the Anime Staff?
Thank you thank you thank you!
This series was such a fun watch. I fully went into this show thinking it was a comedy, but loved the emotional and serious moments. The blending of the two tones was really well done and almost felt complementary. Like it's talked about in the show, light and dark walk together and coexist with each other.
Maybe it's just my nature, but I fully and easily fell in love with Rei, Kazuki, and Miri. The development each character went through, especially Rei, in 12 episodes was really incredible. With Rei and Kazuki, their growth felt earned and natural. I also appreciate how their growth is not linear. They learn and make mistakes and keep trying to figure out what it means to be their individual self and a papa.
And going off of that, the central idea of change and if people can change was just so well done. I feel that "can people change?" is a question many ask and you all did such a great job of illustrating yes, you can change, but again, it's not going to be over-night or easily earned.
If it's not been made clear yet, my love for this show is just so big and it’s really got a firm grip on my mind/thoughts. Like literally, this show was life altering since it caused me to develop another interest that I have just so much love for and am deeply obsessed with.
I hope you all return to this story in the future and add on to it. But if not, I appreciate all the work and love you put into these 12 episodes. Truly incredible stuff.
Thank you again for bringing this series and these characters into my life! - Dakota Wren
Day 30: Incorrect Quotes (Free Day)
I've been collecting a bunch of random "incorrect quotes" for a dnd campaign I'm currently in and had a bunch of fun pairing them with those characters. So, now just gonna bring a few of them over here to further create some Buddy Daddies madness.
Kyu, knocking on the door: Kazuki, open up. Kazuki: It all started when I was a kid. Kyu: That’s not what I- Rei: Let him finish!
Rei: Surgeons just stab people to life Kazuki: Please never become a surgeon...
Kazuki: Bold of me to constantly use the phrase 'no worries!' when I am, in fact, constantly full of many worries.
Kazuki: How did none of you hear what I just said?! Rei: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Miri: I got distracted halfway through. Kyu: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Kazuki: Why is Miri crying? Rei: She saw a leaf on the sidewalk and- Miri: IT LOOKED SO CRUNCHY! Kazuki: Please don’t say what I think you’re going say- Miri: AND WHEN I STEPPED ON IT THERE WAS NO CRUNCH! Kazuki: NO, NOT THAT!
Day 31: Episode I Wish I Could Rewatch Again for the First Time (2nd Free Day)
If I could rewatch any Buddy Daddies episode again for the first time, it would be the finale.
The first time I watched the episode was while I was working (yes, I was that impatient I couldn’t wait until after my shift ended), so I had to split my attention between doing my actual job and watching the episode. I would love to just sit and watch the episode again for the first time with my undivided attention. Not being at work would’ve also meant I could’ve fully lost my cool throughout the episode because there were several moments throughout that I was fully screaming in my head.
Not only that, but to just relive so many of the moments again. Rei and Kazuki driving up to the Suwa Manor like maniacs, bursting through the front door together, the kitchen scene?! And also seeing Miri be so indescribably happy to see her Papas wall into her concert. I’m not sure if I ever talked about it, but during my first watch through, I fully thought the episode was going to end with Miss Anna taking the family’s picture, which is followed by the title card. So my shock to see a grown up Miri was through the roof. I didn’t ever want to see how much of the episode was left because I just wanted to enjoy it. It made me so unbelievably happy that the epilogue kept going to show more glimpses into the lives of Miri, Rei, and Kazuki several years into the future. To watch the epilogue again, with that same feeling of oh my gosh there’s more?! would be amazing.
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And that’s a wrap for me on the 30 31 Days of Buddy Daddies tag! I had so much fun and loved that this allowed me to continue to show my love for this anime. Can’t wait to see what’s hopefully next for this family, but like I said above, if we’ve already seen the end of their story, then I’m happy with that being so too.
Thank you again for coming along with me on this tag! It truly means a lot to me!
-Dakota Wren
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deonideatta · 2 years
For ao3 wrapped: 3, 18, 27?
Sorry this answer is so late sfjsdlf but thanks for the ask!!!!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Probably And just let our walls cave in! I really like writing Twilight's internal dilemmasTM and I felt it went particularly well with this one :D
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Probably Anya haha, I love fics that focus on her but I find it hard to get her characterization right in longer stories. It's hard to find a balance between child and knowing telepath while also making sure it isn't cringe lol. But I think I'm getting better at it!
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Apparently so much Sleeping at Last that he's my top artist on spotify for the year 😂😂 but yea Sleeping at Last songs work SO well for sxf that probably more than half of my sxf playlist is just his songs lol. I probably play Heart, Neptune, Light and Saturn the most. Other highlights from the sxf playlist include Soft Dark Nothing by Lily Kershaw and Your Tears Are Mine by One Ok Rock.
Thanks again for the ask!!!!
Ao3 wrapped question post
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primordialhazbin · 3 months
knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier !
I would rather walk for 2-3 hours than take the bus if I can help it (transit is boring)
I started urban gardening last year and I'm hooked! Currently raising a lily in a pot, failed at germinating apple seeds, and am waiting for my pepper seeds to dry to put in the ground.
I think space is breathtaking. Currently raising money to buy a fancy telescope!
HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): on & off for 10+ years. PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: forums, tumblr. BEST EXPERIENCE: in the SXF fandom with a lovely partner who has my other braincell. We were so in sync! I miss my spy husband/father, but Lilith took over & life got too busy to focus on more than one thing at a time.
FEMALE OR MALE: Both, but I lean towards male muses even though I've had more female muses. FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: Fluff is sweet when done properly, as for angst... I prefer drama. If it's without a good plot, then I'm not interested in torturing my characters senselessly. I don't write smut. I don't know how to do it. PLOTS OR MEMES: Plots. Memes are easy for me as long as I have a direction that guides my muse's response. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Depends. Sometimes I'm wordy, but that's starting to take a backseat. In between is good - it leaves room for interpretation & story growth. BEST TIME TO WRITE: Night/Early morning/Whenever I have time. ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I wish! But then again, I don't. My muse is too stubborn & that's not healthy lol
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sy-on-boy · 3 years
Spy x Family - What’s In a Name?
I’m going to try to analyse the names in SxF, except I’m not really sure which angle to go for. The setting is presumably based after Cold War era Germany, but it’s a Japanese manga, but the characters have English names. So this will be a dump of thoughts.
1. Forger
This should be obvious lmao. Twilight adopts the name Loid Forger and starts the fake Forger family. The name reflects what they are- a forgery.
2. Yor(u) Briar + Yuri Briar
Briar means “prickly scrambling shrubs, especially a wild rose”, which perfectly reflects Yor’s job as the “Thorn Princess”. Yuri (ユーリ) is also the pronunciation for “lily” in Japanese (百合), continuing the nature theme.
Curiously enough, Yoru (ヨル) is also the pronunciation for “night” in Japanese (夜). Guess who has a crush on Loid? Fiona Frost aka. Nightfall (夜帷)! Twilight attracts all the night ladies doesn’t he~
3. Alliteration
This doesn’t mean anything at all, but I find it interesting that quite a lot of the characters have alliteration in their names.
The Desmond trio. Becky Blackbell. Fiona Frost. Sylvia Sherwood. Emile Elman. Ewen Egeburg. George Glooman. Henry Henderson. And more side characters.
Interestingly, most of these are related to Eden Academy. Eden is attended by prestigious families, so maybe they want the first names to match the family name?
4. The Desmond Trio
Damian means “to tame” or “subdue”. This is awfully ironic because Damian is currently an arrogant brat that should be tamed, rather than tame others.
Demetrius means “devoted to the Greek goddess Demeter” and “earth-lover”. Note: both of the Desmond brothers’ names are derived from Greek. Possible hint to Mrs Desmond?
Donovan is even more fitting. It’s an Irish surname that means “brown-haired chieftain”.
5. Bondman / Bond / Subject 007
References to James Bond. Anya used to be known as Subject 007, and 007 is James Bond’s code number.
This is all I have so far, if anyone wants to add anything feel free to do so~
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mj-ackerman · 2 years
I love how Yor is making her “rivals” back off to Loid without doing anything. Her genuine kindness (and strength) is enough to make her “rivals” think they are no match to her.
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(I added becky because she thinks Yor is her rival and not the other way around btw)
Fiona is still not giving up, but she stop approaching her directly to attack after what happened to their little tennis match.
She throws indirect shade of Yor lacking in the intelligent department to Loid because she knew that aside from that, there's really nothing that she can criticize about her.
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