galahdborn · 2 years
☆ @sylleblosscm ☆
When Nyx had woken in the rubble of what used to be Insomnia, he was obviously quite surprised. Making his way around Niflheim soldiers so he could get out of the fallen city had been hard with his injuries, but eventually he had managed and joined a group of civilians headed for Lestallum. A potion had made the pain bearable, but he had surrendered to professionals once they were somewhat safe.
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Now he was here: alive and without a purpose. He was a hunter, a warrior – surviving the ring had never been part of the plan. So imagine his sheer surprise when he saw a very familiar face not long after his arrival to the city. It almost felt like the gods had answered his prayers for a new purpose.
"If it isn't the Princess herself! I'll be damned, you actually made it out," he kept his voice low, worried about anyone unwanted hearing him, but could hardly hide how relieved and ecstatic he felt at seeing her. He shouldn't be too surprised though, Lunafreya had quickly proved that she had the will to overcome anything thrown her way. Still, it was a relief. It felt like something had gone right in the shit show that had been the Niflheim invasion.
"Did Libertus really leave you to fend for yourself?"
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ofglaiveandguard · 2 years
“Lady Lunafreya.”
The Marshal stood before her, stoic as ever as he raised a fist to his chest by way of a salute. It was a complete coincidence that he came across her on his own way out of the City, but he was glad he had. The King was dead, Clarus was dead – his best friends were dead – but the fighting was still going strong.
As much as he wanted to stay to fight back, he knew it was a losing battle. They needed to regroup. He needed to know what forces they still had, but more importantly, he needed to make sure he was there for Noctis. He wouldn’t fail the son as he’d failed the father.
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“It is good to see you alive. We shouldn’t linger though. We need to get you out of here. We need to get you to Noctis.”
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chosenbythecrystal · 2 years
@sylleblosscm​ liked this post for a starter.
Noctis had been anxious when his father had first brought him to Tenebrae. It was a new place, and his confidence had greatly diminished since his accident. His father had told him that this trip would be good for him though – that the Queen of Tenebrae would heal him. She was an Oracle, though Noctis wasn’t entirely sure what that meant. His father had also said that there were some people that he wanted him to meet.
Queen Sylva had two children as it turned out – a son, Ravus, and a daughter, Luna. Ravus was nice enough, but he was quite a lot older than him. Luna was a little closer in age and had taken to looking after him. Today she had taken him to a large field full of these beautiful flowers for a picnic. After helping him out of his chair, the two of them sat on the warm, cosy blanket enjoying the gentle breeze.
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“So these are called Sylleblossoms?” The young Prince asked, gently reaching out to touch one of the flowers. “They’re really pretty.”
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novuscaelum · 2 years
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“When you say darn terrible of taking care of themselves you just mean Dad, Grandpa and you, right?” 
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caecus-scientia · 2 years
@sylleblosscm liked for a starter
Ignis checked his watch briefly, satisfied that he was on time. He had been asked to fetch Luna from school and take her to the Citadel, where her guardian was hung up in a meeting, and where Noct was training with Gladio. To that end, he waited outside the school, standing just in front of a sleek, if modest black car, waiting for her to appear.
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crackshotsnapshot · 2 years
He heaved a sigh. It had been a few weeks since he'd been back in town, and he felt tired already. The lights were more than he was used to, the people around were kind of stifling, and to make it all worse, he was hurt. Just bad enough to be irritating, but not bad enough to use a potion or something similar, which was why he was in town at all.
Prompto had been spending more and more time out of the wider lit areas, stalking the fringes and roads, hunting daemons and helping move supplies. He needed to be stronger for when Noct returned. He had to push himself more and more.
He wondered how everyone else was doing.
Blowing out a heavy sigh, he ran his hand over his hair, ruffling it, before something caught his eye, drawing him up short. He stared, surprised, taken aback by the sight of who was probably the last person he expected to see.
"Lady... Lunafreya?" He blinked, his expression brightening as he hurried after her, raising his voice a little to be heard over the buzz of conversation around them. "Hey! Lady Lunafreya!"
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leorugiet · 2 years
@sylleblosscm​ liked for a small starter
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“Do you have a plan to go somewhere after all this? A place to rest your head? A means of getting food? You don’t truly intend to just walk around, do you?”
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altrxisme · 2 years
@sylleblosscm sent ❰❰ SUPPORT ❱❱ for Jackson, it's what he deserves <3
An Extremely Self-Indulgent Meme // accepting!!
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He sat on the balcony balustrade, one leg hanging of the edge while he held the other to his chest, cheek pressed against his knee. Trails of dried tears were still present on his face as he curled into himself.
If only he had kept him mouth shut, his Nana would still be alive. Jackson could deal with the week long solitary confinement, doing everything and anything to keep his mind intact before he lost himself. Having witnessed his grandmother being shot down in front of him before they threw him in a cell had him spiraling those first few days, throat raw from him crying out in anguish until he lost his voice.
He doesn't know if he could face his mother when she returned from Gralea. Either the Chancellor already told her or he withheld that information until she returned. The man was known to like adding insult to injury after all, and it didn't seem too far off.
Jackson felt a hand on his shoulder, jolting from surprise and quickly turned to look who it was. His sight was turned to the stars above, the dark night looking right back at him, as he was being held. He didn't need to see who it was to know and the tears returned as he buried his face into Luna's shoulder, his entire frame shaking from the comfort of her arms. It was difficult to keep his composure in front of his liege, the loss and fear too much for him to hold it in at that point.
He couldn't let the Empire see how much it broke him to have his family taken away, but this was the closest they got to making him yield to them.
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ardynzunia · 2 years
@sylleblosscm   from here 
Unparalleled are the gardens of Fenestala Manor, in both beauty and tranquility. Her haven these long years: the place her mother would once bring her when she was distressed, the place she would take herself in her lowest moments for a breath of fresh air, and the place she brings her new charge now, whenever their lessons appear to overwhelm him.  
She gazes down at the tired child - for he is nothing if not that, a child - and hesitantly brings a hand up to stroke his hair. When she is not brushed aside she does so again, tenderly, until he finally falls asleep in her lap. And only then does she realise that, for the first time in her life, she has not sought her peace in this place - but she finds it anyway in those quiet, even breaths.
Ruby has been trained over time, not to twitch or stiffen against unwanted or unexpected touch. Made it easier, once upon a time, for Verstael to do his work. But he’s very glad of the training now, as the touch is not harsh but soft and kind. Luna affectionately stroking his hair as he lies on her lap.
It’s so easy to fall asleep, knowing she’s there. Knowing he’s safe. He sees her as a sister any more, and he wonders if she feels the same.
“You’re really nice,” He mumbles sleepily. “I’m glad Caligo agreed to my deal, so I got to meet you.” 
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oldamicitia · 2 years
“i made you some soup, and i’m going to sit here until you eat it. i can wait.” (papa's going to get an earful if he doesn't start taking better care of himself smh)
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"Lunafreya." He sighs at her, frowning ever so slightly. "I'm perfectly fine. It is you that should eat the soup. You look feverish yourself." He looks back to his paperwork, attempting to focus on the words infront of him.
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sixba · 1 month
Having hung out with the group on the road trip for quite a bit, Simba was more used to the guys' company instead of Lunafreya's. Not that she didn't have a right for the cub to be considered hers as well, due to the fact that the cub was a joint gift for the marriage of the royal couple from a foreign dignitary but just hanging around a girl in general just seemed...odd to him. Call it...intuition or all the teasing he'd heard Noct go through get to his head.
That was a while ago. Now things had changed.
In fact, almost everything seemed to be different everywhere he looked. People barely had time to play anymore, there were far less monsters around, and don't even get him started about the presences of Umbra and Pryna who moved in along with Luna.
One day, the cub was left to his own devices which wasn't exactly the greatest thing for a young cub to be...
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A crash of a vase could be heard in the hallway as the cub was attempting to nab a pesky fly that had made its way into the vicinity. Having jumped up on the table, the little lion almost squashed it with a paw except the vase in question was knocked over as he moved toward his target. Hearing the sudden noise made his ears flatten. Oh, he was probably gonna get it now unless...
"Umbra did it!" the cub cried out jumping off the table. Soon he was on the ground scrambling down the hallway to avoid being caught. If he could move fast enough...
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galahdborn · 2 years
✘ - You feel your soulmate’s emotions as well as your own.
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Soulmate AU || @sylleblosscm
Nyx had always been the type of person who let himself feel. Suppressing his emotions wasn't something he had been taught. He knew when to temper it, when his anger wouldn't aid him in his endeavours and when tears could be held at bay for somewhere more private, but it didn't stop him from letting himself feel the full extend of his emotions.
His soulmate was unlike him in that sense and it worried him. Sure, one can only suppress so much, but when Nyx first became aware that some of the things he was feeling wasn't his own, he debated himself if that was truly the case since it didn't seem to happen very often.
Still, he quickly decided that if his soulmate was in a situation where emotions wasn't allowed for some reason, then he would simply share his own more freely. He sought out adrenaline spikes and emotions filled of wonder and joy as often as he could, but did not hide away from the emotions that would have him shed tears. There was no shame in it and maybe it would encourage his soulmate to give in to those emotions once in a while as well. Bottling it all up couldn't be healthy.
Much of his life passed like that, even as his life led him to Insomnia so he could fight against the Empire. He worried that feelings of anger would come through the bond he shared with his soulmate too often, but he had also promised himself that he wouldn't hide. He made sure to seek out good times with his friends, just to balance things out and he knew that he was helping himself with his attitude as well.
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The gala held to celebrate the peace treaty with Niflheim was a night of revelation, it seemed, as he spoke with Lady Lunafreya and found an odd amount of the things he was feeling reflected in her body language and face. A coincidence, surely, but one he felt the need to experiment with.
When he was done experimenting, he wasn't sure if he should laugh or cry – for being soulmates with a woman who was promised to someone else. It didn't matter, he supposed – he would still protect her and maybe, one day, he would tell her the truth. He wasn't sure he'd be a good fit as a romantic partner to the Oracle of all people, but maybe he could be a friend instead.
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ravusnightblossom · 2 years
“I don’t want to pry, but.. I want you to know I also want to listen, if you want someone to talk to.” 
Long-lost Meme | No longer accepting | @sylleblosscm
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⋞⁘♔⁘⋟     As touching and heartfelt as that sentiment was, Ravus doubted that he could ever truly be transparent with his sister. He knew that she had his best interest in mind, but how could he speak of his discontents when she was much the source of it.
He loathed everything about her supposed Fate, her duties, her missions, and even the way she coddled that Lucian kingling as if he were some precious soul!
He despised the Astrals and their homilies and how she blindly followed their words. The way they played the Oracle like a game of chess twisted anger into the pit of his gut.
He was disgusted at the life they lived, that their futures had resorted to shackle-bound obedience.
All of it.
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"I... Thank you, sister," he whispered with a wry smile. "I will keep that in mind, but for now I will detain at burdening you of such." Nevermind that his anxiety was boiling inside of him and his head felt nearly dizzy from the spiral of it all.
He would ignore it. Just as he always did, bottling it away until the next time it spilled over.
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kingxlight · 2 years
∗ 55﹕ sender and receiver cross paths in the kitchen late at night .
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He knows he insisted that he was fine to Clarus, and he was just full the maid on staff at the time. He knows he didn't finish any of his meals, and yet, finding he can go back to sleep after his knee woke him up... Regis sighs... He really didn't want to bother the housekeeping, very much his butler...
After some time, and some struggling, the King sneaks into the kitchen to find something to drink, maybe to snack on, before finding some tea and an apple and setting them down as he hears the doors.
SHIT! The housekeeping is supposed to be asleep!
However, seeing who it was, the elder stares in surprise before looking around as he leans over the table. Lunafreya?
"You alone?..." Regis whispers. Wasn't she be asleep as well?
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novuscaelum · 1 year
⚠ (her son deserves cuddles)
Tiny fingers reached towards his Mother as the six month old was unstrapped from his bouncy seat and into her arms. He was quiet and holding onto locks of her blonde hair in his fists though thankfully he wasn't pulling, just gripping for now.
"Daa!" he babbled and even though it sounded like he wanted Noctis, the baby was perfectly content in Lunafreya's arms for this moment. A few more words were babbled as if he had things to say even though they didn't make any sense.
"Bjafaaa!" He'd come a long way in six months. By this time, Novus was very slowly beginning to crawl a pace or two before laying back down on the floor, and he was speaking more. All good things and good reports from the pediatrician.
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phoenix-flamed · 8 months
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Okay, here we go finally! Please bear in mind that this list isn't entirely complete, in that there are a plethora of Asks I plan to answer, there are Ask replies from others that I want to respond to, and I need to skim through my tracked tags for starters that I've missed.
Right at this current moment, based on my Drafts(and listed in no particular order), I owe replies to: @fadedfirebird , @reviresc , @sylleblosscm , @flamebearer , @nievea , @primalvessel , @rosariens , @brightblessed , @tripleflames , @eikonbound , @cagedfirebird , @audaciiae , @hideawaysteward and @sharpnosedscout , @creatrix-mea and @askens-konge , @lured-into-wonderland , @assilat-vojjor and @outlaws-legacy , @stingslikeabee , @cybrvce , @flamesofrebirths , @voidtouched-blue , @kihel-sorcas , @lacedaether , @phoenixsummon , @phoenixcoin , @bestboygav , @ignitedshield , @origami-assassin , @devotionbled , @inproelia , @strykingshot , @seeasunset , @phoenixshards , and I have no doubt I'm missing plenty more, so if you know I owe you a thread reply and you aren't on this list, please don't hesitate to let me know so I can wrangle it!
When I reply to our thread, if you aren't feeling it anymore because it's been so long, please, please, please know that you're not obligated to reply back. We can always try again with a new thread!
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