#syngorn squad
the-punslinger · 2 years
Exandria Unlimited Quotes and Memorable Moments - Series 1 (30/?)
Fy'ra Rai: "Dariax." Dariax: "Yeah?" Fy'ra Rai: "When you... made your writing, rubbing, rub-writing." Aabria: "We didn't have to do that." Dariax: "When I rubbed my writing, yeah." Opal: "Okay, well, my sister was saying... who's inhabiting my body, I guess, too... was saying that she kept seeing a purple lady? I just, I don't know." Fy'ra Rai: "A lady in purple or a purple lady?" Opal: "That's a good question."
Fearne: "Wait, I'm so sorry. What did you just say? Your sister is in your... Inhabiting your body?" Opal: "Yeah, it's really weird. And she doesn't even know where her body is. Can you imagine being that irresponsible about your possessions?"
Aabria: "You do remember a squad of people that were clad in all purple. The elves from Syngorn." Dariax: "A squad in all purple. The Purple Man Group out of Kymal." Aabria: "I hate you. Hate you."
I'm assuming it's a gorgeous waterfall and it's... somewhere." Aabria: "Amazing." Fy'ra Rai: "Follow me. And I go a different direction." Aabria: "Oh, okay." Fy'ra Rai: "Towards the sound of the water, but not where he is pointing." Aabria: "Yeah. Respect." Dariax: "I will swallow my pride and follow her." Aabria: "Respect." Dariax: "Is there an entrance way?" Aabria: "Give me perception check." Aabria: "There's a low fog. I would hope so! I've been building to this shit for a second! If you were like, 'Anyway!...'" Opal: "We want to know!" Aabria: "All right, let's go to the river!" Opal: "Let's go to the waterfall!" Aabria: "Yeah. I think it's beautiful!" Orym: "It's 14." Dariax: "I am looking at the waterfall with a zero." Aabria: "Oh my god." Opal: "What!" Dorian: "It's so pretty, though!" Dariax: "It's like: I asked if you're thirsty! I'm just filling up my wine skin. Like: Oh, where'd that wall come from!" Opal: "I half-expected you to just dive off the cliff." Dariax: "Yeah. I'm just skinny-dipping right now." Aabria: "Explodes out of the clothing. " Fy'ra Rai: "Okay, great. So I'm just going to turn around and free climb down." Aabria: "Cool." Fy'ra Rai: "And then I look up and I think about the folks behind me and I take my rope and I toss it up to one of them and I say: Secure this! And then I jump down." Aabria: "I'm not going to make you roll for it. You absolutely do that. It's 12 feet." Fy'ra Rai: "I can do that in these heels." Aabria: "Yeah!" Opal: "You can!" Matt: "That is the definition of dope monk shit." Fearne: "You absolutely can." Aabria: "100%." Fearne: "I kind of want to jump in." Dariax: "I'm already in. I'm skinny-dipping." Fearne: "Oh, great!" Dariax: "I wasn't joking! I rolled a zero! I don't give a shit about this town right now!" Aabria: "Did you just go?" Dariax: "I just went like: Wah!" Aabria: "Amazing." Dorian: "Just a butt-naked dwarf diving off into..." Dorian: "Does the river go into the city?" Aabria: "You see points at which it does go in, but you've got a lazy river situation. It's going around." Dorian: "He's lazy rivering his way into the city?" Aabria: "Possibly. Depends on if he keeps going." Dariax: "I'm fighting the current because I still want to get my clothes. I'm just enjoying the drop and it's like: Hey! Dorian, can you throw my stuff down? I didn't think this through!" Dorian: "Has naked Fearne jumped in as well?" Fearne: "Yeah, I gave you my clothes." Dorian: "Oh, I'm mothering everyone's clothes together. I've got it, all right, cool." Fy'ra Rai: "Your cloak works so well for the glitter shitter!" Aabria: "Mister takes a little poop and puts it in your hand. We're handing you stuff." Opal: "Oh my god!" Dorian: "I'll bundle it all in my cape." Fy'ra Rai: "Don't forget the rope!" Dorian: "I'll one-hand slide it down the thing with all of their sopping clothes and set it gently by the shore until they're done." Opal: "I definitely think Opal would also jump in, but she'd take off her jacket and fashion it into some sort of hair protector." Aabria: "Respect." Opal: "Because she does not want to get it wet. But it's a 12-foot drop, so she probably gets it wet. But she's trying." Opal: "Oh, natural 20!" Aabria: "Oh, snap!" Opal: "Maybe her hair doesn't get wet!" Aabria: "Your turban game is so strong you hair does not get wet!" Opal: "No!" Aabria: "Absolutely not. This is power-gaming for me. You didn't want your hair to get wet and it didn't! Yeah!" Opal: "Opal takes her sateen jacket off and she makes it look like a very nice protected hair covering. And then she does a thing that a lot of girls do when they're like, 'No, don't push me in! No, don't push me in!'" Liam: "Don't make me sing." Opal: "Don't make me sing!" Fearne: "Don't make me dance!" Opal: "Don't make me dance. But is kind of sad no one pushed her in. Don't push me in! Looks around, no one's there to push her in. So then she just goes, okay..."
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beanprincess19 · 6 years
*thinks about how Vilya used Hold Person on P.J during a fight and how eventhough her rage was justified, she basically shattered the trust between someone she sees as her brother*
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Firelight Tales of Exandria, Ch.13 - “Refugitive”
Thank you all for coming, and let’s tell some stories...
“When we last left the party, there was a palpable sense of tension in the room: Certain figures from various party members’ past resurfaced in ‘complicated fashion.’ The party had met Ghurvoon, a colleague of Cezika’s, who was in Westruun because of another past acquaintance involving the real reason the thief had moved to Tal’Dorei, and Song had discovered one of Nakiya’s stress outlets in beating
“Reconvening in a private room at the Sloppy Satyr, and as dirty laundry started being aired, a recurring motion arose once more: despite putting their trust in him, the reason for Song wishing to stay out of the investigation in their claim on the bounty seems to be raising more and more complications. It seems that exploring this part of Song’s past, that he has been so reticent to address, is on the verge of inevitability. As Ghurvoon takes his leave, journeying to the west to tug on the strings of Cezika’s past, we are left with another dangling thread...”
Song briefly leaves to change out of his flower girl outfit. After changing, but before ducking back to meet the others, he sees Aeden (the owner of the Sloppy Satyr) exchanging words with Dren Kilgannon (high priest of the Platinum Dragon temple in Westruun). Song can’t quite make out their conversation, and Dren quickly departs as he noticed them being watched.
Song tries to reach out to Aeden, but the bartender kindly dismissed his concerns, so the bard rejoins the group.
Song: “You know you could always come drink with us. I”m sure that’s a great way to run an establishment. I did work for someone who was drunk most of the time.”
Aeden: “Truth be told, not much of a drinker these days.”
After much stalling and nervous dithering, Song says he is on the run from powerful figures in the Syngorn military and tries to blow past the party’s prodding for details. His mother was a prospective Dreamweaver who had a dalliance with a passing human, leading to Song being born. The elven prejudice against half-breeds alienated Song’s mother from her family and social circle, until a young Song managed to rescue a traveling noble elf-child.
In gratitude, the noble family agreed to bring Song’s mother back into the Syngorn fold provided Song become the attache to their child, Oryen Teyr. Song then grew up as Oryen’s shadow, trying to keep the reckless elf out of the constant trouble he was looking for. Song always shouldered the blame for Oryen’s hellraising, trying in vain to prove himself of value to the family.
Song: “Everywhere we went it was, y’know, ‘Oh, look, look how merciful these generals are! They took in this half-elf bastard out of the goodness of their hearts, and how nice it is to have a little mongrel around to do anything for the family!’ And I would have. I did everything for them. And for Oryen.”
Despite the suffering and humiliation of being their personal whipping boy, Song held out hope that they would hold up their end of the bargain and send him off to a prestigious elven university; which they did, but as Oryen’s servant.
One day, while in Emon, Oryen went off to explore the dark undercity. Song refused to accompany him, fed up with his bullshit and knowing the Clasp called those tunnels home. The next day, Song heard the news that a young elf had been found beaten to death near a Clasp hideout. Fearing being tracked down by the Teyrs, Song vanished and has been on the run since.
The party tries to speak some sense to Song, saying it wasn’t his fault that someone so self-absorbed and reckless got themselves killed, but it proves extremely difficult for him.
Ladryssa vows to protect and avenge Song if the Teyrs come for him, which he quickly tries to discourage. Shadow says that since Song was not there, he doesn’t even know for certain that it was Oryen who died.
Song: “Ah-uh-whua...”
Shadow: “There are no other elves in this Emon place?”
Song: “Look, you’re starting to freak me out here. If I’ve been on the run for ten years [for nothing], I am absolutely going to shit a brick.”
Shadow: “That sounds painful.”
Shadow fails to see the link between the Teyrs and the Margrave. Song admits his paranoia isn’t healthy but it has kept him alive for a decade, and refuses to let others be put in danger for his sins. Shadow says they know much better than Song understands.
Shadow: “You are not dragging us. I take that back: I cannot speak for everyone else. You are not dragging me along. In fact, I run. I always run. I always run alone. I do not want to continue to run alone. It is an invitation.”
Nakiya: “It seems that most of us here seem to be running from something. It would make sense to start running together.”
The group hears the faint ringing of a bell hidden in the wall of the room. At first they think it was the bell that rings the time of day but are certain not that much time has passed. Cezika instead thinks it may be a signal.
Cezika: “A sign in a metaphorical sense, in terms of a code or communication method. You ring the bell so many times, so you know to drop your stash and run.”
Leaf: “If we do not understand what they are trying to tell us, why are they trying to tell us in a way we do not understand?”
Cezika: “Because some things are universal.”
Leaf: “A bell ringing four times is not universal.”
Shadow points out the sound of voices coming form outside the room, and Song says it could be Dren and Aeden arguing again, worrying Leaf.
Peeking out from the room, the party sees a small squad of Westruun Shields questioning Aeden.  Realizing Nakiya vanished from under guard while the barracks was in lockdown after a murder, the group believes they are in danger.
The group tries to come up with some form of escape plan. Song mentions they have a couple pinches of dust of disappearance, so he wants to try smuggling Nakiya out. Leaf and Shadow also mention they can turn invisible. Ladryssa says that making a distraction means only Nakiya has to be invisible.
Cezika: *out of patience* “Song, I know you are using humor as a deflection device to hide you pain, and I appreciate and acknowledge that; but please tell me you know not to snort or eat this powder.”
Song: “..........you have really pretty eyes.”
Shadow: “This is not the time!”
Cezika, Ladryssa, and Leaf loudly exit the front, through the group of troops, as Shadow and Nakiya try to invisibly navigate the tavern. Song, attempting to provide further distraction, exits the room last, drawing the attention of one of the Shields.
Two of the Shields flank Song, attempting to magically examine him. Before they have a chance to arrest him, Shadow blankets the tavern in a cloud of darkness and ushers Song out, followed by Nakiya and the rest.
Song makes a dash for the nearest passageway to the Underwalk Ward, and Nakiya (still invisible) follows after him. Shadow keeps a watch on the roof of the Satyr, making sure everyone has gotten away safely. Everyone manages to duck out just in time before a new squad of Shield arrives, and one of their spellcasters easily dispels the darkness. Shadow goes invisible once more and then follows after Leaf.
Leaf, Cezika, Ladryssa, and invisible Shadow visit the Temple of the Platinum Dragon, mostly empty but for the clergy cleaning the hall. Leaf asks Dren why we was arguing with Aeden, and the rest of the Scales make themselves scarce before Dren invites the group into his rectory for tea.
Dren quietly explains that he, his sister Adorah, and Aeden were childhood friends and all joined the Order of the Platinum Dragon long ago. They were especially close, and Aeden and Adorah actually fell in love. When a great calamity erupted across the Ozmit Sea, Aeden talked Adorah into leaving to help while Dren stayed behind, after marrying the two them. After the crisis, Aeden returned a broken man but Dren never forgave him for taking his sister off to die far from home. Aeden crawled into a bottle and wandered the world for years before returning to Westruun and building the Sloppy Satyr as a refuge for the hurt, broken, and homeless the world cast off.
When Zeal began acting upset and closed off recently, Dren approached Aeden, for the first time in years, since he knew she frequented the Satyr. Zeal reminds Dren greatly of Adorah but feels powerless to help her when she needs it most, and reached out to his estranged friend to keep an eye on her.
Dren: “I lost my sister and I drove my brother away, I don’t want to lose my-- my...”
Ladryssa: “Daughter?”
Dren apologizes for being a bad host, but Leaf reassures him that since they came to take care of him, Dren is doing exactly what he is supposed to. Moved, Dren offers Leaf a job in the clergy.
The priest reports that the Shields had come by asking about them, asking about a “Storyweaver”, and Dren did his best to protect the party, but warns against twisting or hiding the truth too much, because even if it is the right thing to do it has a bad habit of making things worse.
Trying to compose himself, Dren offers some sparse treats to the group while Ladryssa pours tea. As they toast “to family”, Dren realizes that Ladryssa accidentally brewed a pot of TranquiliTea (a peace offering from Aeden), mellowing out he, Ladryssa, and Leaf.
Leaf: *head in Cezika’s lap* “Eye-lee...”
Cezika: “Aile.” *kissing Leaf’s forehead*
Meanwhile, Song runs away from the Satyr through the Underwalk before collapsing onto the wet, dank stone. Nakiya reappears before him, nearly scaring Song to death, but reassuring him that everyone got away okay.
Song advises Nakiya to return to the Garrison before it gets much worse, since they seem to be looking for him. She offers to stay, regardless of the danger, but Song won’t risk it.
Trying to distract himself from the oppressive gravity and stress of his current situation, Song messes around with a painted stone Aeden gave him yesterday, trying to figure out what it does. Giving up on that, Song re-disguises himself as a disgusting, ragged beggar before setting off through the Underwalk.
After walking long enough to be sure he missed his destination, Song comes across an old open chamber in the Underwalk Ward. The walls of the chamber are covered with carved names and pictograms depicting some kind of important history. It is in this chamber that Song contemplates his own history and his futures: the future he thinks he deserves, and the future he actually desires.
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beanprincess19 · 6 years
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I can’t draw for the life of me, but my druid and our wizard managed to stop a battle between them and a group of kobolds, purely by persuading them to form a union due to an unfair work environment.
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beanprincess19 · 6 years
Soooooo Vilya had a conversation with P.J about his death letter and it ended up with them fighting and Percy revealed he knew about Vilya’s extended life. And then when she comes back she finds out Kaya knew about it too. And when she finally goes to Ondor, she finds out he left without saying goodbye and all she has left of him is his holy symbol. Y’all Vilya is just broken and I’m here like 
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beanprincess19 · 6 years
- Ondor being the only person to thank Vilya for the stupid shit she did to save him, eventhough he knows it was a shitty idea. 
- Vilya FINALLY spilling that as future Voice of the Tempest, she’s going to watch everyone die and that’s why she can’t get close or fall in love. 
- Vilya crying into Ondor’s chest and Ondor, who’s not used to hugs, being very gentle with her and letting her cry it out
- Ondor telling Vilya that he ran away from home, how his family life was shitty, and how it’s better now with them. 
- “You know I have to say I’m kind of glad you’re not in love with me, you wanna know why?” “Why?” “You would most definitely break my heart if I had to say goodbye to you” AND LIKE HER FATHER BEFORE HER, SHE WALKS AWAY!! 
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beanprincess19 · 6 years
Tonight on Syngorn Squad
- Vilya sewing a Kobold doll for Ozgar after Ooph left without a word last session, starting a really sweet and funny Druid/Barbarian friendship 
-Vilya taking the dead kobold Ozgar used for comfort and burning it because it was a legit corpse. 
-Ozgar believing that Vilya wanted a corspe for funsies, leading to real awkward thumbs up
-Ondor reacting to that with a “What the fuck did y’all do while I was gone?”
-Percy, in the night, putting rat poop next to Vilya while she’s sleeping and making a mustache on her face as revenge for last session’s rat battle, only for Vilya to accidentally wipe it off her face and not notice the revenge plot at all. 
-Bi Disaster ™ Vilya telling Zafarett she was hot when she landed from the tree with flames around her 
- The Gang meeting a mysterious dragonborn who challenges Ondor to a one on one battle or 4 hostages die
- Vilya seeing Ondor has 8 hit points left and ruins the plan by lion form jumping into the fray to save him
- The Gang having to run away after the villain disappears with the hostages and them being surrounded by guards, on Pteranodon Vilya’s back 
-Kaya and Percy originally not getting on Vilya’s back and Vilya having to Nat 20 swoop them away by force
-Kaya yelling at Vilya for going against the plan even though it was Vilya’s plan, and Vilya realizing she not only put Percy and Kaya, the two people she loves, in horrible danger but her entire team. 
-Ondor, bloody and bruised, reaching out to Vilya but Vilya running away, hurt and guilty for all the pain she’s caused. 
-Session ending with Vilya sitting by herself in the woods, ashamed, crying, holding the “if I die” letter that Percy gave her, and whispering “What do I do, Dad?”
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beanprincess19 · 6 years
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Air and Lightening: Volume 1 of Vilya's Adventure  (Spotify Playlist here X)
Song Explanations below
Prologue. Opening from The Secret Garden// “Safe in my garden, snowdrops so still”
Our story begins, with the birth of a daughter forged from a lost love. Vilya’s beginning, living in the world of Zephrah.
I. 20 Years by Bad Suns// “Looking in the mirror, smiling at her fear. Nothing really matters, these eyes have so much to see”
And we meet Vilya, 20 years of age, living in Zephrah. Also, basically touching base on her fears that everyone she cares about will pass on before her, and how she hides that fear with her kindness and can do attitude. 
II. Half by Pvris// “I never wanted a body. I never never never said” 
The weight on Vilya’s shoulders as not only the daughter of The Voice of the Tempest but also, the last living legacy of her father. She never asked for this. 
III. Mother & Father by Broods// “ And ever since I left my mother. It’s much harder to know. How to make my own life here”
And so Vilya begins her journey towards her search for purpose. Will she find out more about who she is, or will she come back empty-handed? All she knows is she has to do it. Even if she leaves her childhood home where she has been safely kept, she needs to experience the world for herself. 
IV. Don’t Take the Money by Bleachers//  “ Will we fight, stay up late? In my dreams I'm to blame”
The beginning of the Syngorn Disaster Squad. We all hated each other at first haha good thing we don’t now! Right?
V. Break the Rules by Charlie XCX// “ I don't wanna go to school. I just wanna break the rules”
And here’s the reckless Vilya we know and love. The world’s gonna eat her alive you say? Let them try. She’s just a runaway teenaged asshole. 
VI. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker by O.A.R// “ He looked at me with a face full of fright. And I said, how bout a revolution? And he said right.”
A song dedicated to the comedic duo of Ooph and Ozgar. The first friends she made when she got to Syngorn. She treasures the moment of Ooph single-handly winning a poker game against the so-called Man of the World. 
VII. Dirty Deeds by Joan Jett// “ Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap “
To Petra and Zafarett, a duo of a different caliber than Ozgar and Ooph. Truthfully Vilya doesn’t know a lot about either of them. She just knows that if you got trouble, they’ll take care of it in a snap. 
VIII. Swing Life Away by Flashpoint// “If love is a labor I'll slave till the end. I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand until you hold my hand”
Vilya knows the world is hard, she isn’t as naive as everyone thinks she is. But because of her duty to her people, she is going to live for a thousand years. Her sadness has to wait. All the friends she will make, will die one day. She only wants to be strong for them. 
IX. Sisters by Scandal// “ Hey sister! I'm on your side.The sky we reached up to is a deep blue.My sister! Act tough and hold your head high! Seize the day!”
To Malikaya. You’ve grown up since Vilya last saw you. You’ve always been the brains and Vilya’s been the heart. So whatever nightmares you’ve been having, or whatever pain you’re going through. Bring it on! Vilya’s ready to protect you, and make you smile. You may not be her blood, but you’re her best friend, and forever her sister. 
X. Brother by NEEDTOBREATHE (feat. Gavin DeGraw)// “ Brother, let me be your shelter. Never leave you all alone. I can be the one you call”
To Percival, her blood cousin. You and Vilya are always similar, both traveling to find our purposes outside of our families. To prove that you’re not just legacies but more. She knows that although she is the daughter of the man who inspires you, you see her as your own sister. As she sees you, as her little brother. 
XI. A Million Dreams by Maddie// “ Hoewever big, however small. Let me be part of it all. Share your dreams with me. You may be right, you may be wrong. But say that you'll bring me along. To the world you see”
Her heart is towards her two cousins, her best friends. That night in their youth, they dreamed of one day traveling together as their parents did before them, and one day, growing old happy together reminiscing . But Vilya sees her cousins have grown up, with sadness in their eyes. She may be looking for herself but, on this adventure, her aspiration are towards making that childhood dream come true for them. Because she wants their happiness, and to grow old happy and fulfilled. Because she will live with that for a longer time than them. And they don’t know about her aging yet. This is all she can give them for now.
XII. Blank Space by Alyssa Bernal// “But I’ve got a blank space baby, and I’ll write your name”
To our Dragonborn Paladin, Ondor. Vilya and you have had a rough couple of days of awkwardness. First you called her a child, then she carried you in her eagle form in The Shadowfell, and then she got a prank romantic poem that Ooph signed in your name. Oh don’t forget you carrying her drunk ass out of the bar. It’s gonna be an awkward ride for these two, but hey why not celebrate that with a classic T Swift song? 
XIII.Lions by Lights// “I’m not the hunter, I’m not a martyr. Just looking for some wisdom in the dark”
Dedicated towards Vilya’s hope. Even though her happy go lucky nature may hide her sadness, she still hopes for the best in things. She is the sunshine of the group after all~ (Oh and her go-to Lion Wildshape duh?)
XIV. Thunder by Imagine Dragons// “I was lightening before the thunder”
Another reckless Vilya song. Aka remember her first attack spell was Thunder Wave? That was fun. 
XV. CAMO by BoA// “  My face has changed. My heart is moving. But my camouflage will hide it”
This song inspired Vilya and slowly it’s become more true with every passing session. 
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beanprincess19 · 6 years
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“Come to my garden, where life begins anew”- Secret Garden The Musical
My druid, Vilya, recently got the plant growth spell in our tal’dorei campaign and it made me think about how one of her first memories with it were with her mother Keyleth, in their garden at home. So all in all, it was way too wholesome for me not to get it commissioned by @starrycove
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