#syren | starter
bxrn-thc-pxgcs · 11 months
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"I like to smile at people who don't like me. In the end they'll judge me anyway, so whatever."
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starsvein · 3 hours
moonlight aesthetic starters // (🛌) Our muses make a pillow fort.
Standing in Eiden's bedroom, Veoc eyes the pile of couch cushions, pillows, blankets, and poles that Eiden's gathered on the carpet floor in doubt. "I don't think this will be structurally sound..."
"Don't worry, it's just for fun!" Grinning despite himself, Eiden boldly takes Veoc's hand and leads him to treasure trove of soft, squishy materials.
It had started out as a normal evening. After work, Eiden had met up with Veoc for dinner while the two talked about their lives, and at one point the major general had expressed his interest in military forts. From what he gathered, things were far less mobile in the ancient era and unlike Syren, who was ship, weapon, barracks, and station all in one, Earth forts were simply freestanding structures standing around like sitting ducks for anyone to besiege and attack.
They didn't even have the simplest force fields to protect them from natural disasters.
In response, Eiden had promised to show him a pillow fort. Veoc didn't expect that meant taking apart Eiden's furniture to build one personally by hand. After a few failed tries, the major general finally got the hang of it and was securing the the last bit of "roofing" when Eiden poked his head out from inside the tent-like folds of a blanket.
"You should come in and take a look," he suggests casually.
Arching a brow, Veoc first brushes the string of lights hanging in Eiden's face out of the way, then ducks his head to take a peek. It's a small, intimate space with a floor of pillows and a soft duvet, with the human sitting cross-legged in the center.
"It doesn't look like there's much room," Veoc observes politely.
"It's more cozy this way—oh hang on, I'll get the lights," Eiden pauses to look for a socket before sticking in the plug. Instantly, the interior is lit up with a soft golden glow as the string lights come to life.
"They can blink too," Eiden adds enthusiastically while pressing a button. "Or change colors—was saving these for the Christmas tree, but it's not a bad idea to use them now, heh."
He pats the space besides him and tries again. "Come on. It's different from the inside."
Veoc hesitates. He still has some doubts about stability, but carefully adjusts his posture to half-crawl into the space. Once he's fully in, Eiden closes the blanket door behind him and holds it shut with a convenient clothespin, leaving them alone in the fort.
"What do you think?" Eiden asks after a while.
Veoc feels the soft flooring beneath him and exhales. "This wouldn't hold up in a military exercise."
"Pfft—!" He gets muffled laughter in return. "Like I said, it's not that kind of fort!"
Veoc turns to reply, but happens upon something extremely soft. He grasps it with his hand and picks it up, revealing an unusually long, beige-hued pillow with...ears and arms and legs? Some sort of animal, he guesses after spotting a nose and two round, dark eyes. "What is this?"
Eiden stops laughing to look, only to grin and push the pillow into Veoc's arms. "Hey, you've got Topper!"
"What's a Topper?" Veoc ends up half cradling the stuffed animal (?) pillow (?) against his chest.
"He's..." the human trails off, gaze growing nostalgic. "A friend of a friend who's not here anymore. A girl I know liked him too, and made a giant body pillow of him for me..."
Never mind that Mary Sue's ultimate goal with the Prototype Topper Body Pillow was marketing goods for her Quincy fanclub—that would be another afternoon of explanations for Veoc to understand.
When Veoc hears "friend," he tries to return the Topper pillow to Eiden, but the latter insists he hold onto it instead. "It looks good with you," Eiden encourages.
"Your friend is an accessory?" Veoc cracks a smile and rests Topper whimsically on his head.
It's a lethal strike, one that leaves Eiden breathless as he stammers again. "N-no but, you know what? You can keep him there."
Now it's Veoc's turn to look helpless. "I won't be able to do much like this."
"Ah well, I was just kidding, hahah...!"
They eventually move on to other things. Eiden's managed to sneak in his laptop and coaxes Veoc to watch a movie with him. Intrigued by the concept of Earth movies, the major general agrees.
...not expecting him to say yes so quickly, Eiden sits up in a flash. "Then I should make some popcor—"
Too late, his head bumps into one of the pillow supports for the blanket roof, loosening it too much. The entire pillow fort starts to collapse seconds afterward, and Eiden instinctively shields himself from the avalanche of sticks and blankets and cushions that he's sure will fall his way.
In the middle of the chaos, something tackles him to the ground.
But nothing hits him after that.
Instead there's something pinning him down, as well as a wave of heat—he opens his eyes to see an eyeful of Veoc's shirt at chest level, with the rest of the major general kneeling above him to shield him from the barrage. The pinning sensation was the man's knees straddling him at the hips to keep him in place.
Eiden's eyes dart up to Veoc's face as red rushes to his cheeks. The major general seems nonplussed, pushing aside a segment of blanket draped over his head to let in the cooler air from outside their ruined fort before looking back at him.
"All you all right?"
"...huh? Uh, sure! Yeah, I'm fine!"
Veoc straightens up next, pushing cushions and string lights aside as he stays on his knees. "It's fortunate that we chose only soft materials to construct your fort."
"R-right...'' Eiden tries to sit up, but isn't sure what to do after pushing himself upright. He ends up propping himself up with his arms while watching Veoc work. "We can rebuild it again pretty quickly."
"Yes, I can think of a few improvements to brace the supports..."
Eiden stares at the man who seems perfectly fine, and sighs internally. Why was he the only one getting flustered? Until he hears a cough, and blinks to see Veoc deftly unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt.
"It's a bit hot," he offers by way of explanation before turning away. Alas, that gives the human a perfect view of his pink-tipped ears.
Eiden grins.
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ash-rigby · 18 days
tell us more abt those monster/monster pairings...
Well, for starters, all my sex demon ocs need to fuck. That's just a given. And then there's some pairings/groups I've thought about that would just be fun; Solveig/Vaux, Devon/Gloam, Kul/Jace, Elidy/Audra, Bruce/Ángel, Drav/Syren/Flyx. Some of those don't make sense timeline-wise but who gives a shit? We do porn here.
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littlecmer · 3 years
        starter for @deepsea-syren
“Maya?” Chamou Eugenie bem baixinho, abrindo a porta do quarto da outra. O som de outro trovão fez com que saltasse, a barulho da chuva do lado de fora açoitando seus ouvidos. “Maya? Está acordada?” Era tarde o bastante, mas ainda assim queria a companhia da mais velha porque achava que ela era a mais corajosa das irmãs. Sabia que talvez ela poderia não escutar também. Mesmo sem uma resposta, esgueirou-se pelo quarto dela, sentando na pontinha da cama. Estar ali fazia com que se sentisse um pouco mais confortável diante do temporal, porque a presença de uma das irmãs a tranquilizava, afinal, mesmo que gostasse de estar sozinha na maior parte do tempo, odiava o sentimento de solidão. “Eu não gosto de temporais...” Disse baixinho, os olhos voltando-se para a cama ao perceber uma movimentação. Teria Maya acordado? Por um momento Eugenie sentiu-se culpada, mas também feliz por poder ter a companhia dela. 
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glassslippers · 3 years
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 for @syren-cursed​  day three: murder party!
Era mais fácil fingir que não teria problemas com a madrasta enquanto se mantinha longe dela, porém, tivera o azar de encontrar com a Sra. Yildiz durante a confusão com o vídeo do prefeito. E como se não bastasse o caos instaurado no salão de eventos do hotel, a mulher ainda fez questão de puxá-la pelo cotovelo e exigir explicações para o vestido que usava. Ash tentou mentir que Amèlie havia confeccionado, que ganhara de presente, mas não foi o suficiente para a mulher. Nunca era. Sendo assim, a sra. Yildiz deixou claro que resolveriam o assunto em casa, e que a Yener deveria pagar por ‘cada centavo’ que gastara na roupa. Quis gritar:com ela, consigo mesma, com o mundo; mas em vez disso, a mecânica só virou as costas e correu até o jardim com os punhos cerrados e a raiva borbulhando sob a pele dela. Respirava pesadamente quando chegou na área externa, e só constatou a companhia de uma Elsa tardiamente. Ashley, então, passou as mãos nos olhos para limpar as lágrimas que ameaçavam escapar, borrando a maquiagem perfeita de Charlotte La Bouff, e se voltou para a mulher depois de limpar a garganta e empertigar-se. “Desculpe, eu não vi você aí. Estou atrapalhando?” 
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midoriwings · 2 years
Hands Of A Thief
starter for: @aliferousumbra​
Friendship bracelets are making a resurgence, but this time, lance wielders are tying them to the shafts of their weapons to show off their popularity. Join the cool kids and decorate your lance with some sick new threads. [Grants Lance +1]
Two ropes of green and white braided thread rest proudly on the table. The end of one is a little shorter than its twin, but that’s hardly noticeable once tied around her lance. She’d first assumed this latest trend as frivolous—wouldn’t the bracelets be distracting during training? Then she’d begun seeing nearly everyone wearing colorful threads in some fashion. Around wrists, bow shafts, and sword hilts. Students pass each other handmade jewelry between classes. 
It hit her then there’s more meaning behind the art than simply showing off. Now, Vanessa plans to send Syrene a bracelet with a letter explaining the purpose. It’s high time she wrote her older sister regardless. 
…letter writing can wait a bit longer. Threads in varying shades of blue catch her eye, reminiscent of the ocean forming one of Frelia’s borders. She tucks her bangs back behind her ears and grabs three more thread strands. Titania deserves a little saddle decoration of her own! 
Absorbed in her task, Vanessa doesn’t notice when someone sits next to her until a shadow falls across her workspace. She blinks, fingers stilling. A polite greeting rises to her lips only to freeze upon seeing the winged thief from a few days prior. 
She glances down to confirm her bracelets are still there. (Fale’s Amulet is tucked safely underneath her shirt.)
  “You again,” she says, tone level. “Here to steal someone else’s hard work?” 
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
IIRC, Adrien salt gained most of its steam from two incidents: His “take the high road” advice in Chameleon, and when he almost threw his ring away in Syren. In my opinion, both of those scenes showcased some of the worst writing in the show. It’s kind of a theme with Adrien salters, actually; just about every bit of ammo they use against him really stems from the writers’ refusal to treat him as a character and just have him do whatever is needed to move the plot in a certain direction.
That is where most fandom scholars would say the salt first became prominent and hit its peak.
You know whats really funny? My opinion on both of these 'Salt starter' scenes has changed on how I view it.
I think the problem with a lot of character salt is that we often think that every character knows everything that we as the viewer do.
Lets start with Syren.
Before things happened, Chat noir and Ladybug were partners and the only hero game in town. They had established rules, that they both agreed to.
Then Enter Rena Rouge. Now when she first appeared, chat noir was only thinking "Oh cool, back up"
But around the time syren happened. Rena Rouge has appeared a few times, and the novelty of it has warn off. Now wondering, "Hey where did she come from?"
And at this point Chat noir is realizing that Ladybug is leaving with the new hero, 'Do these heroes know eachother IRL?" "What happened to identities?"
Then Ladybug lets something slip and now that just brings Chat noir to a realization. Ladybug is hiding something from him. An not just Ladybug. Plagg too! Two people he trusts just as much as himself.
We as the viewer know that Marinette/Ladybug is honoring Fu's request.
And another thing we fail to realize here is Adrien's upbringing.
Adrien knows nothing about what happened with his mother and why. His father always keeps him at a distance and tells him NOTHING.
Imagine being someone who has spent their entire life having stuff hidden from you, including what happened to the mother you loved dearly, only to find people you love and trust start pulling the same s*** to you again?
Adrien's frustration and wanting to quit is actually pretty reasonable. And this character crack is actually great for development.
The flaws in the writing are specifically 2 factors:
1. It fails to point out the situation is not Marinette's fault. This whole situation is on Fu. Fu should have specified that he was the one that instructed Marinette to keep quiet.
2. The show could have emphasized Adrien's home situation more so it was more understandable to the audience.
But these issues are often overlooked.
Now lets go to Chameleon.
The elephant in the room is that Lila THREATENED Marinette. Which we as the audience sees. No one else knows Lila did this. But to us, seeing Adrien suggest the "High road" seems like awful advice. But when you remember earlier,
Adrien tried to tell lila to stop Lying, and that lead to her akumatization.
Marinette and Adrien both have very different experiences here, thus having them come to different conclusions
Adrien believed that confronting Lila wouldnt change anything because his attempt to talk with her resulted in her akumatization
Marinette's opinion of wanting to confront and expose Lila is more natural when someone has personally threatened you or a loved one.
So the writing flaw here isnt Adrien's advice, its the fact that they made his advice the 'Correct choice' despite the fact that Lila crossed a line with threatening.
If Lila didnt threaten Marinette, then Adrien's advice being the 'Lesson' would actually make a lot of sense.'
So the Flaw in the writing and viewer perspective resulted in Adrien being the main target of the salt. (which when looking at it from this perspective does explain a lot)
I got a bit off track there. As for the Adrien salt.
I do believe that what you said is the start of not just Adrien salt but all character salt in a nutshell.
The fans taking the writing of the canon and finding fault with it. Originally wanting better for the character.
The light/ early salt can simply be seen as critiques (often attributed more to writing salt for the show than actually on the character)
I theorize that from this point that it can build up and start to spiral from criticism of character writing to simply hating the character because of multiple factors:
1. Negative interaction with Fandom stans of the character or Ship involving a character. (Reactionary salt)
2. Individuals that salt on the character, encouraging more and more criticism (Salt mining for approval/ echo chamber effect)
3. Or simply taking one's personal dislike of the direction the character in the plot or Character in general and beginning to exaggerate things to such an extreme degree. (Psychological response which I would need a psychology degree to delve into further.)
Of course take all of this with 'A grain of salt' because there is a lot more too it.
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thescarletmacaw · 3 years
O Sayid é um serumaninho muito do metódico e chatinho, então dá pra tirar uma boa onda com a cara dele e com os chiliques dessa ararinha vermelha. Vou deixar aqui algumas sentenças que podem resultar em interações. Deixa o número + a URL do seu char, pode ser mais de um, porque tem bastante! E se quiser combinar comigo na inbox, vai ajudar mais ainda. Simbora ❤️
P.s: tem +18 também!
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1. “I’m trying to fix your hair, so hold still.” (f/m) @melodws​
2. “I don’t have a date, so do you wanna be my plus one?” (f)
3. “You can come over any time. it’s not a problem.” (f/m) @luccrd​
4. “What would you do without me, huh?” (f/m)
5. “Violence only breeds more violence.” (f/m) @celaenac​
7. “Underestimate me. that’ll be fun.” (f/m) @augustandthebeastinside​
6. “Power belongs to those who take it.” (f/m) @vainasombra
8. “You can kiss me, you know." (f)
9. “You’re freezing, Jesus!” (f/m) @aurorabriar​
10. “You always look beautiful.” (f)
11. “Put me down! I can walk!” (f) @maurecn
12. “Don’t make a big deal out of this. you like hugs, right? so… here’s a hug. ” (f/m) @pkieran​
13. “ how are you so happy all the time? ” (f/m) @cballie​
14. “No, like… it’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.” (f/m) @deepsea-syren​
15. “So, you’re just kissing strangers for no apparent reasons?” @theartistxroxy​
16. “Don’t give me that look. No… NO! I said no puppy dog eyes! You know I can’t resist them! Argh, fine!” (f/m) @bstdayevah​
nsfw/smut starters
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17.  “There’s so many things i wanna do to you.” (f)
18. “Show me how much you missed me.” (f)
19. “You’re such a tease.” (f) @syren-cursed​
20. “We’re in public, you know.” (f) @neverbillie​
21.  “We can’t do that in here.” (m) só vem falar comigo antes pra gente combinar essa daqui, pls, porque o Sayid é bem pique verdades secretas e no sigilo! @thehandymanxkyle​
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hughiewantsout · 3 years
Era sempre assim. Em dias sem reunião no clube de luta, todos os lutadores combinavam de ir até algum lugar. Alguns se perdiam no caminho, alguns iam para o bar errado e alguns nem se dignavam a aparecer. Sempre acabava sendo Hugh e mais alguns gatos pingados contando piadas e se provocando até que ficava tarde para quem tinha empregos diários - coisa que ele não tinha. Era tão raro que ele saísse para se divertir que ele acabava ficando. Naquela noite, tinham se reunido The Syren Wraith, que alguém tinha recomendado - e não aparecido. Nesse frio, ninguém estava com muita vontade de ir a lugar nenhum com tanta neve do lado de fora. -- Parece que está bem parado... Anda muito assim? -- Hugh perguntou a bartender logo depois de receber mais uma bebida, tentando puxar assunto já que não queria ir para casa ainda. Era difícil dormir com Morag chorando a noite toda. 
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starter fechado com @syren-cursed​
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flashback | festival de ano novo
-- Puxa vida, tem muita foto para pouco eu! -- Orson murmurou para si mesmo, passando pela multidão para pegar alguns cliques das barracas, do festival, da peça e tudo o mais. Ainda precisava achar um bom lugar para montar o seu tripé para assistir à queima de fogos e, com sorte, conseguir algumas imagens. Tinha conseguido bastante dinheiro vendendo suas fotos para estoques de foto online e achava que em breve conseguisse comprar um carro caindo aos pedaços - mas ainda assim um carro. Seu relógio apitou, avisando quinze minutos para a meia noite e ele buscou sair do meio da multidão, achando um lugar meio tranquilo, apenas com @deepsea-syren​ encostada à uma mureta próxima ao píer. Ele tocou o braço dela de leve. -- Licença... Você se importa se eu colocar meu tripé aqui? Prometo que não vou atrapalhar a vista. 
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starter fechado com @deepsea-syren​
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carcdepau · 3 years
Random starter for @deepsea-syren​
Conheceu Maya nas épocas de escola, ela era alguma das poucas pessoas da época que ele ainda mantinha algum contato, provavelmente uma das poucas amizades que ele ainda não havia estragado. Chegou com dois copos de café nas mãos, entregando um pra ela. ❝Toma, eu peguei seu favorito.❞ Ele garantiu em um sorriso, mas logo mais acrescentou sem problema algum. ❝Caso esteja errado, foi inteiramente culpa da funcionária que não me ouviu, eu jamais esqueceria seus gostos.❞
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bxrn-thc-pxgcs · 11 months
Tags: Syren
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d-knaveofhearts · 3 years
this is a starter for @deepsea-syren
“Ok, eu sei que você deve estar ocupada e tudo mais, você tem um monte de coisa pra fazer lá na água e tudo mais.” Falou se referindo ao fato da mulher ser mergulhadora n’O Canto da Sereia, mas ele tinha assuntos super sérios para tratar com Maya. Ao menos, ele considerava super sérios. Nunca havia trabalhado, não de verdade. Gastava tanta energia no dia a dia fingindo ser um grande herdeiro desocupado que tinha mais fora da cidade que pagavam suas contas, que ele se quer havia se esforçado para procurar um emprego de verdade. E agora que ele havia conseguido uma reforma para a loja mofada na periferia da cidade, agora talvez ele tivesse que realmente se esforçar não era? Mas nem podia dizer que seria terrível, na verdade, parte de si estava gostando da ideia de ter alguma responsabilidade, alguma ocupação mais segura do que apenas suas lutas. “Eu queria saber onde é que compraram esses lustres daqui. Quer dizer, eu sei que parece bobagem, mas eu acho que a iluminação daqui é tipo, uma das melhores da cidade toda. De todos os estabelecimentos. E eu não tô conseguindo encontrar nada parecido nas lojas daqui. Eu tentei ir até para uma cidade vizinha, mas meu carro deu um problema. Ele é daqueles carros de colecionador sabe? Meio antigo, às vezes da problema. Mas isso não vem ao caso,” ele normalmente já ia emendando uma desculpa com a outra, mas não era sobre isso naquele dia “você tem ideia de onde que compraram?”
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cwrdelia · 3 years
this is a starter for @deepsea-syren​ .
( ✉ ➝ peixinha 🐟💗 ): ei linda ( ✉ ➝ peixinha 🐟💗 ): como você tá? ( ✉ ➝ peixinha 🐟💗 ): como foi seu halloween? ( ✉ ➝ peixinha 🐟💗 ): espero que melhor que o meu  ( ✉ ➝ peixinha 🐟💗 ): você quer que eu te dê a notícia ruim ou a notícia péssima? ( ✉ ➝ peixinha 🐟💗 ): pode escolher por onde eu começo
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leona-florianova · 3 years
hi, i've been admiring your urbex photos and i'd like to start exploring myself. (i'll probably wait until the pandemic is better) do you have any tips on how to check for security/alarms/sensors etc? some of the places near where i live are hard to find info about and i don't really wanna get caught on my first exploration lol
heya... hmmm... You just check the outside perimeter for signs of human activity... depending on where the urbex is it difffers tho.. In what state are the windows, how recent are the tracks in the dirt on dust /can be from other explorers), do the locks on the gates look used?, do you hear sounds of dogs? Is there car suspicisously parked nearby? or is there an occupied house facing the building? better be careful... 
alarms sensors etc...sometimes places have warning signs that THIS OBJECT IS WATCHED BY SECURITY CAMERAS!!! ALARMS!! etc.. that sometimes means that they just bought the warning signs or fake cameras and have no money or energy for surveilence anyway and are hoping that it will scare people off... well... you cant know... sometimes they are there and working.. 
To see these security measures you just have to walk carefully and look at ceilings and walls.. for cables, blinking lights, camera objectives and domes.. or little boxes that might be the sensors... 
Sometimes you have to take a different path.. or you can risk it and hope they are fake or inactive...  
You can also try and check if other urban explorers were already in that building and what was their experience... (if they seem trustworthy enough ask them to tag along cause...you never should go alone..ever)...Problem is that sometimes there are...ugh... fun personal shenanigans between urbex groups..where misinformation is intentionally spread.. so they can tell you that the building has no alarms and is perfectly safe for sure : ) ...and its not... (- - ___- - ) 
In any way.. if you trip the alarms...there are first two things...if its loud alarm which you can hear as a syren or a ringing... sometimes its just the alarm.. sometimes its also connected to local security or police... then you have from 5 to half hour to skidaddle... If its a silent alarm you usually notice only at the moment when you see red and blue blinking lights or quietly stalking police car nearby... at that point i usually remember that i forgot my ID at home... you should have ID...
Oh yeah... uh... if you get out of the urbex ok..dont hang around... leave the town/city/area asap... Happened to few people I know that they went to pub right after.. and police questioned them there.. 
honestly i think getting caught on your first urbex sounds like fun starter experience..happens at some point anyway..
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miraculous-rewrite · 4 years
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We’re going to take this on like a bit of a piece meal, in order to make sure we answer everything, since there’s a lot to unpack. We’ll also be giving each section a slightly reworded header with regard to what part of your critique we’re addressing, just to clarify what’s being answered with what.
Marinette’s Decision to Invite the Team for Helping Adrien (And Not Giving Adrien His Space)
For starters, the reason Marinette “invited the whole crew” is primarily because of Adrien’s own actions, or perhaps one could say it’s his LACK of actions. Adrien refused to answer Marinette’s calls during a time when the goal (as far as Marinette knew) was to find Master Fu so he wasn’t sleeping on the streets on a holiday. She didn’t know what Adrien was feeling, she didn’t know he just tried to break up with Kagami (until Kagami called Marinette), and for all she knew, Adrien was in trouble. 
By refusing to answer Marinette, she NEEDED to get the help of the others in order to actually get Adrien to pick up the phone, and make sure he was ok. This is a world where there are clear dangers to negative thoughts, and as a member of the team, everyone would be worried about him. And sometimes what you think you want (being alone) isn’t what you need (the support of friends). 
It’s not exactly inconsistent with Adrien’s character as we’ve written him to ignore what might actually help him in the long run over wallowing in the short term, this was supposed to be a sort of backslide with his character, harkening back to his actions during Syren, and showing that, much like with Chloe, progress isn’t linear. People will sometimes slide back into troubling unhelpful coping mechanisms. Which is also in part why the whole team got involved, because things AREN’T the same as they were back then, he has people he can rely on now and would ALL be happy to jump in and help.
Adrien’s Breakdown and Alya’s Exclamation
When it came to the discussion at Kagami’s, the intent there wasn’t to really come to the actual conclusion of the problems. For all that these kids are the heroes of Paris, they are just that, KIDS, and therefore they won’t get things right immediately. Sometimes, kids blurt things out, they don’t always realize it’s better to keep quiet, and they might think getting it all out in the open is the right thing to do. 
Again, this is a world where if you want to prevent an akuma, you need to get the emotions Hawkmoth or Monarcha can grab onto dealt with quickly. Adrien’s outburst (and it’s parallel to Gabriel) was meant to feel almost rushing in a way. Both of them were at the height of their emotions, both of them running a gambit, and it’s not supposed to feel… ok? It’s supposed to show there’s a problem. And it’s supposed to show that this has been festering, in a way. 
And it’s ok to hate a character in a moment, no one can be perfect! :D
However, jumping back onto Alya real quick announcing what PROBABLY should have been kept close to her chest, Have you noticed recently Lila making observations like ‘If she knew someone’s identity she’d probably tell everyone in an instant’? Well while she’s not entirely right (obviously) she’s not wrong either. Alya’s always been team ‘everyone should know all the information before we proceed’ which is why she’s so hellbent on finding out Hawkmoth’s identity, and way back in Dark Cupid she’s actually the one to come into the idea that Adrien had a thing for Ladybug. It’s like a whole ‘While having all the information is HELPFUL tact exists for a reason’ thing. Obviously Marinette and Kagami should know, and that’s what was important to Alya, ignoring the fact that she’d also be telling Chloe, Amber AND Nino at the same time. ‘Because now we have all the information and can proceed.’ It’s Not supposed to be the right move, but it is the move Alya would take.
The Lack of Deep Conversation with Marinette and Adrien
The whole team is present and involved in this because it relates to the team. This is happening to one of the two primary leaders of the team, someone who was unreachable at a time where they were trying to find their mentor, and since they were already present, elected to remain to further assist with helping their friend. It’s important, in that regard, to show the bond they all have. 
Also Adrien is their second in command, they were closer than they ever were before to an instant game over today, that’s why Fu wasn’t too mad about Marinette transforming in front of Kagami, since Adrien or her getting Akumatized could probably make quick work of ALL of the team. This isn’t just ‘our friend is sad :(‘ this is ‘One of Our Leaders could be brainwashed and turned against us’.
As for a “deep conversation” between Adrien and Marinette… Adrien has come to terms with his emotions and feelings, but Marinette has NOT. Adrien and Kagami are on a break, Marinette is STILL in a happy and content relationship with Luka. Marinette is having her own struggles with her feelings, to be sure, but her choice… is to not think about it right now. 
There’s not a lot of options she has right now that wouldn’t mess things up. If she Does have a sincere talk with Adrien she’d either have to turn him down or potentially ruin things with her and Luka. Both people she cares deeply about. And if she spends too long thinking too hard about it she might come to a conclusion that would hurt one or both of them, too. For Marinette at this juncture her best decision (in her mind) is to ignore it.
Making Edits to the Christmas Special
While we DO make edits every so often on previously posted chapters, (once I misspelled Buddha for instance, or when we didn’t recognize Carmen in Bakerix and misidentified the song) Those are relatively minor edits, usually no more than two sentences, Idk if you really noticed, but if we had agreed with you entirely Anon, that would be re-rewriting the entire thing, granted how much of the episodes tension hinges on bad moves made by kids trying their best.
We hope that we’ve managed to address all of your issues, but if you do have any further issues, please feel free to send further asks. We’re more than happy to help with explaining our thought processes. And it helps US, when you ASK this type of stuff. Some of this seems almost perfectly understandable in our brains, but this shows that what seems reasonable may not be as easily understandable to others. 
So, thank you for your ask, and we look forward to sharing what we have in the coming weeks. 
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