yoiku · 7 months
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That's fucked up.
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tvntheatre · 10 months
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So, here have we, an entire page of insanity (and mostly nightmares.)!
I don't know how the fuck I want to draw the confounded The Merry Gentleman. Help he's invading my pages.
#🌊The Vehement Verdant#That's a Sun obsessed Captain going insane in a dream#📜The Vigilant Viper#Robin repeatedly topping off several bottles of the confounded Tincture and his Darkdrop Coffees#he's presently severely nightmare plagued. He's a point away from getting kidnapped.#🎬The Swindling Spieler#Robert was sent to a state of some confusion before Rob spontaneously tried gaining nightmares in Bob's absence.#Blame the Light Fingers ambition (I don't know what I'm getting into but I'm contemplating if I should pick THIS or Heart's Desire oops—)#[I picked Rob and Bob's Ambitions on a whim.]#It took me like—several damned days to return to London.#I kept purposely gaining Nightmares in spite of wanting to return.#CURSE YOU‚ MY ABILITY TO DESPERATELY TRY TO STAY IN CHARACTER!#I only managed to leave AFTER I berated The Manager of the Royal Bethlehem Hotel.#(Which I had complimented on their smooth running mere days ago.#That was also one of the reasons for the delay.)#I'd gotten free like—an evening before December strook. (striked?)#🛎️The Sojourning Bellhop#Theeen there's The Merry Gentleman tormenting my PCs.#As in—practically appearing when I least expect him and jumpscaring Rob and Syr.#(Syren drew this card straight after pushing an old lady out of a hansom cab‚ that's why they're in one#unfortunately I cannot draw one.)#Robin greeted The Merry Gentleman then#Unfortunately: high watchful. Result thar be Walls Incorrectly Placed.#Then the below doodle is a reference for myself so I didn't f_ck up the one for Robin.#Theennn the ones below are all updated or previous versions that I liked so I kept them but didn't bother to edit them in.#I like to pretend The Merry Gentleman is taller than Robin.#And Rob's the tallest FL OC I have (that is human.) so that says a handful.#The Merry Gentleman#The Manager of the Royal Bethlehem Hotel#eyestrain
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urisk-factor · 1 year
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Syren on their third mental breakdown this week after finding out the hot half elf is actually a wrinkly old human
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callsign-dexter · 11 months
Heart to Break
Summary: Y/N has run out of heart to break. But she doesn't have to worry about anything because big brother Jake is there for her and maybe someone in The Dagger Squad if she'll let her heart love again.
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Sister!Reader, Bob Floyd x Seresin!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, heartbreak, alcohol, Soft!Big Brother!Jake, Protective!Big Brother!Jake, cheating (reader is not the one cheating), smut, cursing
A/N: Based of the song Heart to Break by Ryan Griffin
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Jake is madly driving through the streets at night. He's pissed. Where is he driving to? He is driving to your house, his 4 years younger sister's house. Why was he driving through the streets late at night? Well, that would be because your aviator boyfriend of 1 year had decided to cheat on you with a fellow female aviator who was your so-called best friend, Avery 'Syren' Rania. All three of you had gone to the Navy and all three of you made it to Top Gun. You are a single-seater pilot of the F-18.
Jake was furious at your now ex-boyfriend who broke his sister's heart. Jake was very protective of you especially since you had decided to follow his steps in becoming a pilot and you loved it and weren't going to look back. Jake hated all of your boyfriends but he hated this one most of all, he was too much like himself and that's the men he tried to shield you away from. You lived fairly close to him but yet so far away, well at least to Jake.
When Jake arrived he noticed your boyfriend’s car pull up at the same time and that just made his blood boil. He also had the nerve to bring the girl he cheated on you with. When Jake stepped out at the same time your ex-boyfriend did and he turned around he froze. "Lieutenant Commander Seresin. What are you doing here?" Jordan 'Sleek' Fielding, your ex-boyfriend, asked feeling nervous. Jake had moved closer to him and he was towering over him.
"I should really be asking you that Lieutenant Fielding. I came here because my sister is upset and I don't like it when she is upset." Jake said and he watched Jordan's face pale.
"I didn't know she was your sister." He said and Jake looked at him like he had two heads.
"We have the same last name." Jake said. Jordan was not the smartest and everyone wondered how he got into Top Gun. "I think it is best for you to leave." Jake said and Jordan shook his head.
"I have to apologize to her and win her back." He said and Jake shook his head blood boiling further.
"If you wanted to do that then you shouldn't have brought your side piece or cheated on her. I suggest you and Lieutenant Rania leave before it turns out badly for you." Jake said and Jordan hung his head and started to walk to his car "Do not expect me to go easy on you both when Monday comes around." Jake said and Jordan nodded his head. When The Daggers had come back from the Uranium Mission they were announced as an official and they all got promoted. Jake watched Jordan leave and when his car was out of sight he walked up to your front porch and into the house using his spare key. "Y/N/N it's me!" Jake yelled out into the house and he heard you feet padding down the stairs and tackling him into a hug. You just started to bawl.
"Why me?" You asked him mumbling into his chest "Why me Jakey? Was I not good enough for him?" You asked and Jake held you tighter.
"It absolutely not your fault. He doesn't know what he is missing. They showed up when I did." Jake said
"I know. I heard. I knew you would handle it." You said taking a step back from him. He led you to the couch and sat you down.
"Now tell me what happened." He said and you took a deep breath and begun telling the story as it was fresh in your mind since it did only happen a few hours ago.
You had just left the base after a long day of training you had a very good day and you did very move by the book. You had stayed a little bit later than everyone else on base going over your jet and talking with some of The Daggers and your brother. You changed into your civilian clothes. You were also having your 1 year anniversary with your long time boyfriend adding to your good mood. You've had boyfriends in the past but all of them had broken your heart. When you loved you loved hard but the men you were with just didn't put in the effort like you did.
When you had met Jordan he was different. He put in the effort that you did and truly loved you and loved you for who you were and not just trying to get on your brother's good side. You thought he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with and have children with. Boy were you wrong.
When you left base you stopped to pick up some stuff for tonight and then headed to Jordan's place. When you pulled up you saw Avery's car there and were confused. You brushed it off and killed the engine to your car and headed to the front door. You used the key you had and walked in and you saw clothes thrown everywhere confusion grew in you. Then you heard moaning coming from the bedroom your heart sank. You walked into the bedroom and found your boyfriend thrusting inside of your so called best friend and you tears welled in your eyes. "Did our 1 year mean nothing to you?" You asked him and he stopped and pulled out and they covered up.
"Y/N. It's not what it looks like." Jordan said and you raised an eyebrow.
"It looked like my boyfriend of 1 year was fucking my so called best friend." You said and they looked down. "How long?" You asked.
"1 year." Jordan asked and tears did fall from your eyes he had been cheating on you for all of your relationship. You tilted your head back and laughed.
"You know what. Happy 1 year anniversary. You both deserve each other." You said and throwing your key at them and stormed out of the house. Luckily for you all of your clothing was at your house and you hardly had anything there. You rushed out of the building and into to your car. They were yelling at you and you saw them standing in the front door but you didn't give them second look.
You arrived back at your house and quickly parked the car and killed the engine and ran into the house. Once in you locked the door and ran upstairs and into your bedroom closing the door and sliding down it. You called the only person you knew would help you in a time like this your big brother, Jake. You grabbed your phone and dialed his number. He answered on the first ring.
"Jake?" You asked when you heard the phone call go through.
"What's up sis?" He asked and you could hear a football game going on.
"He cheated on me." You said
"What?" He asked now furious.
"He cheated on me with Syren." You said through the tears
"That son of a bitch. On my way." Jake said "Do you want me to stay on the phone?" He asked and you shook your head and then realized that he couldn't see you.
"No. Be safe. I love you." You said
"I love you too, sis." Jake said and hung up the phone.
Once you were done explaining he pulled you into a hug and comforted you while you cried into his chest. "It's gonna be ok." He said.
"I'm just all out of heart to break." You said and he swore his heart broke.
"Let's get you to bed and tomorrow night you are coming out to The Hard Deck with us." Jake said and you nodded and he helped you up and get ready for bed. He pulled back the covers once you were ready for bed. He had put on a pair of his sweats from the clothes he had stored at your house. Once he was satisfied that you were comfortable he slid in behind you and cuddled you like he had down when you guys were younger and you would run to him after nightmares. He didn't fall asleep until he knew you were fast asleep. He was pissed but he would handle it later right now his little sister needed him.
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed and the smell of Jake's homemade delicious waffles came wafting up to your bedroom and you smiled. You got up and passed by a mirror and saw you appearance, you had tear tracks stained on your cheeks and you hair was a mess. The events came back and another wave a tears came rolling down and you wiped them away and headed downstairs. Jake looked up when he heard you coming down the stairs he smiled. "There is my beautiful little sister." He said and you looked down and smiled and pushed him slightly and then he pulled you into a hug. "Now eat up. We have a big day planned and then you're coming to The Hard Deck with us." He said shoving a plate into your hands and guiding you to the table where he had drinks and syrup already out. A second later he joined you.
True to his word he kept you busy and your mind off of what happened. He took you to the store and got you some groceries and then to several other places. He even took you to the beach where all of the other Daggers were and you all hung out. None of them brought up what happened and you know Jake had told them. One of them had caught your eye but you didn't want get into another relationship and have it go down the drain. That person being Robert 'Bob' Floyd. He had always been so sweet to you but he was your instructor and you didn't want anything to get you both in trouble. You didn't know Bob had felt the same way. When the beach trip had come to and end Jake took you back to your house considering it was 5 PM and you had to be ready at 7 PM for when Jake picked you up.
When 7 PM rolled around you were ready and putting the finishing touches to your lipstick in the mirror in the hallway downstairs. When Jake walked in and smiled "Well look at my little sister all dolled up and ready to blow the men away." He said and you looked up and smiled.
"You're too sweet." You said and hugged him.
"That's how big brothers are supposed to be." He said "You ready?" He asked and you nodded. You both walked out of the house and to his truck. He helped you in and you were both on your way. It was a short drive to The Hard Deck considering you live fairly close to the well known bar.
Jake parked and got out and then helped you out and you were both walking to the building. You both greeted Penny and then you spotted your friends which Jake encouraged you to go and you knew he would keep an eye on you. He watched you dance and have and smiled. Bradley walked over and greeted Jake and the others followed. "She looks happy." Bob said smiling and Jake smiled and nodded.
"You'd never know if she didn't tell you, she won't tell you. She's out there dancing hidin' it well, hidin' it well, yeah and she's beautiful. Got every eye on her. No, you ain't the first to want her." Jake said to Bob, he had been noticing the looks he had been sending your way and vice versa. By now the others had joined.
"I wanna beat the shit out of him." Bradley said and everyone nodded and Jake continued.
"Lookin' at her, can you imagine? 'Cause I can't imagine, lettin' her go once you had her, the way he had her. 'Cause she's beautiful, take your breath in a second. If he shows up here tonight. She's gonna wreck him." Jake said taking his eyes off of you and to Bob for a brief second and then back to you.
"I can't imagine why he would let her go or cheat on her. I would never do that." Bob said.
"Don't take it personal if she don't wanna talk. You got to understand, that girl has heard it all. She'll drink the drink you buy and then she'll walk away. She's just all out of heart to break. I've seen it happen plenty of times until she found Jordon and I hated each and everyone of them." Jake said. "That dress, that hair, those heels. That lipstick ain't for you. That's just for just in case he walks into the room. She'll make you miss her, wanna get her back. But it's too late. She's just all out of heart to break. She ain't heartless for heartless sake. Far from it, when she loves she loves hard." Jake finished. He really did love you and wanted to protect you no matter what even if that means scaring away the other guys away from you.
The door chiming caught his attention and he looked up and it was Jordan and Avery. Jake was pissed. He watched them look across the room and then they found his eyes and they froze but they kept walking on. They grabbed drinks and found a empty table. Jake never took his eyes off of Jordan and he watched him hold Avery close and then his eyes met you and emotions ran through his face and Jake smirked. Jordan was realizing what he has lost and he turned to Bob. "You want to get back at Jordan for me then go dance with my sister." He said and Bob looked at him.
"Seriously?" He asked and Jake nodded.
"I've seen the way you two look at each other and I'm fine with it. I know you won't break her heart. Just be fragile with her love and heart." Jake said and Bob nodded and watched him walk over to you and grab your attention and watched you smile at him. You two danced and then stood there talking and laughing you touched his arm and he blushed and when you stumbled a little bit due to someone bumping into you he caught you and held you close. Jake watched Jordan frown and he watched Avery try to get his attention and failing. Jake smirked his signature smirk this is what he wanted.
"You're enjoying this." Bradley said and Jake nodded.
"He's seeing what he is missing." Jake said taking a sip of his beer. You may be out of heart to break but he knew Bob would take good care of you and show you what love is. Bob is the only man he would approve of being with you because Jake knew he would make your heart whole again.
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secret-third-thing · 1 year
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Hey all, I'm Secret-Third-Thing! You can call me Sarah or STT! I write fanfic for ACOTAR. My writing typically falls into two categories: completely self-indulgent or experimental. I write for many characters/ships, though Eris Vanserra is my favorite to write for at the moment. Currently in my Neris and Azris era.
My AO3 | Art Commissions Under Construction | Eris Week | Blood in the Wine Side Blog
Currently working on Eris Week Fics (Azris, Neris, Eris x OC and some surprises)
And the Hounds Bayed | Azris/Neris/Nezriel | E | 3/3 Southern Gothing Horror, Dead Dove Eris held an unwavering affection for those Hounds
I Want to Believe | Azris | E | 1/? Alien AU / X-Files AU, Dub/Non-Con Azriel travels to Boston to solve a series of murders.
Wild Nights - Wild Nights! | Emorie | M | 1/2 Canon Compliant, Post ACOSF Emerie and Morrigan fall in love by accident, of course.
Blood in the Wine | Eris x OC | E | undergoing rewrites Canon Compliant, Pre ACOTAR / Post ACOSF Something rotten is brewing in Autumn and Eris is going to find out what.
Tell Me That You Want Me | Tamris | E | 1/2 Canon Compliant, 2-Shot Eris ensures Tamlin doesn’t skip Calanmai.
Dog Days | Game is T, Optional Azris Scene is E Made for PC; Okay on Mobile You are a dog. Go find Eris.
Never an Honest Word | Gen Eris | T Eris confronts his mother after Beron’s death.
Spring, Again | Gen Tamlin | T Tamlin begins to heal after Feyre’s departure.
A Word Before War: Eris before a Blood Duel | G Just One More: A Nezriel bookstore drabble | E Goodbye, Keir: Emorie Drabbe | T A Cursed Beron Thing | E
Heatwave (Elriel) | Unrated (I wrote part 1) The Syren (Gwynriel) | Explicit (I wrote part 2) Fictional (Nessian) | Explicit (I wrote part 3) - Tumblr Only
ART COMS (Under Construction)
2024 Eris Week
Worried Eris Commission
Eris Portrait Commission
Wet Eris Commission
Eris and His Hounds
Armored Eris
Regency AU Eris + Lucien
Modern AU Eris
Horny Eris
2023 Eris Week:
Eris and Hound Commission
Blood Duel Commission
Dancing Commission
AU Eris Commission
Eris, High Lord of Autumn Commission
Eris Voice Acting and Interview the Matthew Bassett
NSFW Eris Late Night Scheming
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
The Sea Witch P1
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Media The Maze Runner AU X Mermaids
Character Newt (Merman)
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Dark + flirty
Concept Merman X Sea Witch
I laid on my usual rock leisurely and observed the fish float around the reef, the sweet anemones dance in the currents, and the sunlight breaking through the surface miles above me. I suppose I'd been avoiding things, but surely, everyone needs an escape. Every so often, to pass the time I would blow bubbles. I Pursued my lips and made large air bubbles that would ripple and jiggle up from my rock, disappearing from my view not long after. I could hear the Syren song even from here, but that only made me want to avoid it even more. 
"Newt?" A voice called across the reef, 
I perked up sitting up a little seeing a familiar figure across the way, Light blue tail and dark brown hair he swam over and sat himself on my rock 
"Hi Tommy," I gave him a brief forced smile 
"What are you doing, all the way out here?"
"Sittin'," I shrug 
"You're Father will be looking for you,"
"When isn't he," I sighed moving to lie on my back 
"Well he likes to know where you are"
"Why does your family never worry about where you are?"
"because they know I'm either in my room or at Teresa’s"
"Yeah no one sends an army out for you if you don't come home in time" 
"Well you best get home then" he says swimming off to make his way to Pearls, I know he's right I just didn't particularly like hearing it, so I sighed fixed my hair and swam home sneaking my way into the back of the castle. Immediately I noticed how busy everyone was everyone seemed to be rushing around, seeming panicked and concerned I imagine that's because of me it usually is but people are normally this concerned as this is such a common thing so normally people don't get so worried, and there's usual a guard waiting even at the back entrance to escort me to my father, so I headed to the throne room expecting to be yelled at halfway across the ocean. 
But I stopped short "Father! What's happened?" I asked as I came to his side, he sat on the throne barely able to breathe or move his tail, his skin falling off his bones, and he barely had the strength to grip my hand back.
"There was a break-in," the advisor told me
"A break-in! What are you talking about?"
"She broke into the castle"
"The witch of the dark sea"
"Y/n… that evil witch! What did that hellish thing want?"
"The same as all her visits, for the dark sea to be given independence and for her to be officially recognised as its queen" 
"That's ridiculous!"
"That's precisely what you're father said, however this time she was... less detoured"
"That's just the way she is, she's an evil thing, pure evil. What horrible witchcraft has she cursed upon my father?"
"She stole the Aurze Crystal"
"She what!"
"She stole the crystal, right from his crown."
"She's taken it?"
"Yes Sir"
"We have to retrieve it. without the crystal, He'll die"
"We have guards trying to figure out her location-"
"We know her location she's in the dark sea, she would have slinked back there the moment she took the crystal" 
"Yes sir but.."
"But? The king is dying there is no time for but"
"But. few of the guards are willing to go into the dark sea"
"So? What's the plan then if they won't go what do we do?"
"We will plant a battalion of our best and bravest outside the edge of the dark sea, put the pressure on, she'll return the crystal if she wants her sea to remain." he explained "Go up to your room, we'll have the nurses care for the king we'll make sure to keep you updated on anything," he says 
I sighed but did as he told me swimming up to my tower, I laid on my bed and immediately pouted.
They really think she'll give the crystal back if they just sit outside and wait.
None of them will even go in there.
We can't wait for her... she'll wait for my father to die and come in with her army of swamp madness to take control. 
We couldn't wait. 
I can't wait. 
My father will be dead within a month without the crystal, and that's to say nothing of unrest in the kingdom without the crystal and its magic, A year without the crystal the kingdom will fall back to the sand and rocks from that which it was formed. We don't have time to be patient. The Army will take days to get across the ocean to the dark sea.
I could swim there in a day, I'm small, I'm fast, I'm sneaky, and she won't be expecting us to send someone alone. I could sneak there steal back the crystal and get back in time. I don't think I have much of a choice. 
I grabbed some things I might need in a bag and threw it over my shoulder, I built a little pillow body in my bed and snuck my way out the window and the castle. 
I made sure I wasn't spotted by anyone even if that meant I did have to be a little more sneaky than I usually would but it wasn't long until I reached the border, the normal blue with light breaking through beyond the border it was dark, little light was able to get through, the sweet fresh sand replaced with harsh marsh and moss the whole place looked unattractive and concerning. But I had to do this, I made my way into the dark sea doing my best not to touch anything as I headed deeper and deeper, barely any light made its way here, the gross moss and mud below me, tall reeds and seaweed often knotting around themselves, I could have sworn I saw yellow eyes watching me from the darkness but I just swam on. Until At last I found the dark oily stone castle of the dark sea, the home of the sea witch. I made sure to sneak my way close watching explosions of colour from the windows within and listening to the gentle sound of her song. She sounded quiet at a distance so I snuck myself inside making sure to listen and check everywhere for dangers and the crystal.
"AHHHH!" I screamed in shock as something grabbed my tail these creeping Thorn-covered weeds I had seen all about the castle it had grabbed and wrapped around the end of my tail leaving me unable to swim I desperately tried to unknot it from around me but that only seemed to catch the thorns more causing more pain. 
Her sly evil chuckle echoed across the castle 
"No, no no," I muttered desperately trying to get out of these thorns 
"Well, well. Hello little prince" her voice spoke up 
"Y/n" I glared as I looked at her as she lingered above me her long dark hair swirling, her body in a skintight almost seamless black dress with no tail as she had become one with the moss and dark water of the dark sea leaving her lower half fluid
"Well this is a surprise, you could have called I'd have cleaned the place up” She smirked
“You know why I’m here”
“I do but it’s still lovely for you to pop by” she smiled “You’re here for this” she smiled clicking her fingers and there hovered above her hand was the crystal, the moment I saw it I tried to grab for it but she was smart clicking her fingers again and it disappeared “Ah ah ah. Not so fast you can’t just take it and go, that would make you a very rude guest Newt” 
“Give me the crystal! You know what will happen if you don’t return it”
“I do.”
“The army will be here in days-”
“I know, but I think I’ve found myself an even better hostage to negotiate with” she smirked “Vines, my lovely little pets. Take him to the dungeon!”
“No! Noo! Let me go!” I screamed desperately clawing my nails into the stone floor trying to prevent the veins from dragging me away but they tightened and forced me away with little resistance. It dragged me down to the bottom of the castle into a stone and metal dungeon where the vines finally let go of me leaving me in the dark dungeon and a scratched tail for a good while. 
“Enjoying my dungeon?” she smirked as she headed down to see me 
“Not particularly”
“Awww I gave you the nice room” she cooed
“I’d be happier if you let me go!”
“That’s not going to happen, I have a prince as a hostage why would I give that up?” she smirked she merely moved her hand and my body was thrown against the wall 
“They’ll know I’m missing soon, they’ll come after you”
“I’m counting on it. The marshes have been hungry of late” 
“You can’t really think I’ll just stay here, I won’t stop trying to get out!”
“Ohh you’re not going anywhere little prince” She smirked as she snapped her fingers and all of a sudden the stone wall I had been pushed against seemed to wriggle, to writhe almost as if it came alive, it became fluid much like her body I screamed in fear as it came alive and before I could swim away tendrils stretched out from the wall and wrapped around the end of my tail, my waist, my upper arms, my wrists and my neck pulling me tight to the fleshy wall giving me utterly no resistance from her control. “Now, you stay here and get comfortable while I deal with some business” she smiled brushing some of my hair from my eyes 
“Evil Witch!” 
“Aww thank you” she smiled giving my cheek a kiss before she headed away
“You can’t silence me!” I yelled but she snapped her finger and another tendril came and made its way towards my mouth Immediately I shut my mouth as tight as I could shaking my head trying to get it away from me but it forced its way into my mouth and halfway down my throat enough to make me gag and choke, it throbbed inside my mouth but no matter how much I tried to bite and fight it merely forced my mouth open
“I think I can little prince” she smirked “Have a nice evening, I’ll be seeing you later” 
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 3 months
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aldbooks · 1 year
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The Syren - ACOTAR Writing Circle - Part 3 - Rating: E
I have the pleasure of finishing this lovely story begun by @headcanonheadcaseand continued by @secret-third-thing as part of the ACOTAR Writing Circle organized by @azrielshadowssing
Part 1 | Part 2 | AO3
Summary: Gwyn Berdara is more than just the bartender at The Syren, she's the heart and soul of the place. She rebuilt the old pub from the ground up, turning it into a cocktail bar, and is fully committed to its success. She's always drawn the line at flirting with her customers, but when a patron begins quizzing her cocktail recipes, Gwyn finds herself willing to bend her rules.
words 3691
Gwyn checked the time on her phone- again. Her break was almost up and there was no sign of Azriel. The door to the bar had only opened twice in the twenty minutes she’d been out here to emit a few stumbling college girls and their friends back into the night, and her phone had not buzzed once with an incoming message.
Scoffing, Gwyn rolled her eyes and tucked her phone back into her pocket. “Whatever,” she muttered to herself as she glared out the windshield. “He can do what he wants, I don’t care. It’s not as if there was really anything going on with us. We only hooked up the one time and it wasn’t even that good.”
Liar. She was a damned liar. Those too brief moments they’d spent in her car, in the very seat she was now occupying, had been… she didn’t have the words to properly describe how it had felt. To feel him moving inside of her, his hands and mouth on her skin, the sounds he’d made, the ones she’d made… Even just remembering it sent a shiver through her. 
She did care. Very much. Not that she had a right to, however. Because the one thing she hadn’t lied to herself about was that there was nothing going on between them. There had been no words or discussions of commitments or exclusivity. They barely knew each other, and he clearly had some past with the blonde, one that still seemed to be affecting him. She wanted no part of that. She refused to be anyone’s second choice, no matter how good the sex.
And that, for once, was not a lie.
A ringing emitted from her pocket, a reminder she’d set to let her know break time was over. Sighing, she turned the alarm off and climbed back out of her truck taking a moment to double check her appearance before heading back in. She told herself it had nothing to do with Azriel, she didn’t care what he thought of her. It was for the other patrons, the ones she would smile at and flirt tips out of.
As she walked back inside and headed behind the bar once more, she became aware of two things. One, someone had apparently decided it was karaoke night as they sang very loudly- and off key- to Neil Diamond. Two, Azriel was still watching the blonde (said singer), and didn’t even seem to be aware that Gwyn had left the bar, as he was still nursing the same drink she’d made for him when he arrived.
Irritation climbed up her throat and she swallowed it back, ignoring the knowing, sympathetic look Emerie shot her as she joined her behind the bar. Shaking it off, Gwyn quickly dropped back into the rhythm of mixing and serving, resolving not to glance back at that corner booth again, no matter how loud or obnoxious the noise became as Cassian’s baritone joined in to Journey. Soon enough, half the bar was singing along, glasses raised to the ceiling in a cacophony of discordant sound that grated on Gwyn’s ears. Nesta caught her eye and they both grimaced. She decided right then to never host karaoke nights at the bar. Ever.
Gwyn tapped the brakes a bit too hard in surprise the next morning, cursing as coffee sloshed onto her hand and glared out the windshield at the man waiting for her outside the bar, leaning against a motorcycle straight out of her wet dreams. Of course he would ride a motorcycle. He couldn’t have driven some perfectly sensible vehicle that diminished his appeal enough to keep her sane for whatever confrontation was about to happen. Damn him.
She’d more or less kept to her resolution not to look his way the rest of the evening after he’d failed to join her on her break. She definitely hadn’t noticed the way his eyes barely left the pretty blonde in his group the rest of the night, or the way she had giggled and leaned against him, her manicured fingers wrapped tightly around his arm as they left, or the way he did not meet her eye as he passed by the bar. And she definitely had not spent most of the night, once she got home, trying not to think about him or the fact that the one encounter they’d had together would likely be the only and she might never see him again.
Absolutely not.
And now, here he was, waiting for her, coffee in hand as she pulled into the bar this morning. She had come in earlier than usual to catch up on some bookkeeping and wondered how on earth he’d known when she would be here. Or how long he’d been waiting.
She ignored him as she carefully set her travel mug aside, wiping her hand on her jeans and pulled into her usual spot. Taking her time as she gathered her phone and purse and everything she would need for the day, she took one last, steadying breath before climbing out of the driver’s seat, shutting the door behind her with a sharp snap. 
“Morning,” he greeted her with a deep rumble that made her toes curl in her boots. The blasted man had parked nearly blocking the bar’s back door so there was no way to avoid him. As she passed him, she gave a pointed look at the tray of coffees in his hand before meeting his eye and raising her own mug to her lips.
Behind her, she heard him sigh quietly and felt him follow her to the door, staying a respectful distance behind as she pulled her keys out and unlocked the door. He said her name just before she made to shut the door in his face and, against her better judgment, something in his voice made her pause.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly. “For the way I acted last night. I- will you please let me explain?”
Gritting her teeth, she looked back at him. The morning light caught off the golden hues in his hazel eyes and she could easily read the remorse in them. But was his remorse for the lost opportunity for sex, or for the loss of whatever strange tension had existed between them from the moment they’d met? It seemed her heart was in the driver’s seat this morning and not her brain, as she gave him a sharp nod and allowed him to follow her inside. 
Feeling especially grumpy this morning, she did not offer him a seat as she tossed her things onto her desk and flopped down into her chair, ignoring him entirely as she woke her computer up and pretended to be busy while he patiently waited to be acknowledged. It was a test of sorts, to see just how badly he wanted to apologize. How sincere he might be and, so far, he was passing.
Finally, she leaned back in her seat, turning it to face him. A quick glance at the chair opposite her had him sitting down, awkwardly cradling the coffees in his lap. Still she said nothing as she stared at him, and waited. 
Azriel shifted under her scrutiny, clearing his throat before finally speaking. “I, uh- our friends, who joined us last night, they… sort of surprised us with their visit. I hadn’t been expecting to see them, which was why I’d kind of gone silent the last few days…” He reached up to scratch the back of his head in an adorably nervous gesture that absolutely did not soften her towards him. At all.
She watched as a faint blush stained his cheeks. “You might have noticed there’s a- er, bit of history between Morrigan and I.” Morrigan. So that was the blonde’s name. It was very regal sounding and oddly fitting for the stunning beauty. She gave him no sign of agreement, just continued to stare at him as he floundered through his explanation. While she knew her face was cold and impassive, inside she was a riot of nerves having no idea what sort of history or feelings he was about to admit to.
“First of all,” he said, leaning forward, his expression earnest. “I want to say that, while I did once care about her- that way- I haven’t for a long time. Still don’t. Neither does Cassian-” he said quickly. Despite herself she was amused that even as he was attempting to apologize for his own sake, he was still worried about how her friend might react to a potential threat to her ‘situationship’ with his friend. Which he rightly should be. Nesta was terribly territorial, but she had seemed unbothered by whatever had been happening last night. Not that she would tell him so. Let him sweat.
Shaking his head, he continued. “Nothing ever really happened between us, anyway. The details are irrelevant but I just- it had been so long since I’d seen her, I think I’d forgotten what she was like.”
Gwyn raised a brow at that, the first response she’d given him thus far. A panicked look came over his face and he hurried to explain, “I mean, I forgot how manipulative she was. She was always good at playing Cass and I against each other. Cass caught on long before I did, unfortunately, and ultimately, it was what convinced me to move on. But she was in typical form last night, trying to flirt and evoke a jealous response out of us both and, when that didn’t work, she got more aggressive… I don’t know what exactly you saw, but I promise I was not pining for her. I was more angry than anything.”
His expression turned pleading. “As for not meeting you on your break, I swear I tried to, but every time I tried to leave, Morrigan would rope me into whatever stupid conversation she was having and wouldn’t let me leave.”
Gwyn scoffed at that and he winced. “You’re a big boy, Az. If you wanted to leave, you could have. Easily. And if you’re apparently incapable of using your big boy words to tell her to shove it, well then… I’m not sure there’s much left to discuss. I have no time to play with little boys.”
Azriel grimaced. “I’m sorry,” he said again, his tone now dejected. “Truly. I know you and I- that we-” a sigh of frustration. “I know there was never any kind of official agreement or anything between us but I liked you. I still like you. And I know last night I wasn’t exactly in best form, but I hoped…”
His lips rolled together as he stopped that train of thought. Gwyn’s heart was pounding as she fought to keep her expression neutral. He looked a bit like a lost puppy and damn if it didn’t yank at that awful, sensitive part of her that longed to fix all the sad, broken things in the world. Just like her bar, and her Bronco. She had a feeling that, with some tender loving care, this man might just be everything she never thought she wanted. But no. She was stronger than that. She’d been hurt too many times to allow herself to fall for another man who would not fight for her. Hell, if his explanation of what had happened the night before meant anything, it seemed he could barely fight for himself. She didn’t have time for that nonsense. She had a business to run that took far too much of her time and energy. She didn’t need another thing to take care of.
He seemed to read that in her face as he sighed dejectedly, hanging his head for a moment before rising from his seat. Setting the coffees on the corner of her desk, he gave her a sad smile. “I really am sorry, Gwyn. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“You didn’t,” she said coolly, forcing herself to meet his eye and did not miss the flicker of pain in them as he nodded and turned to leave.
As soon as he was gone, she buried her face in her hands and willed herself not to cry the stupid tears that burned her eyes. He wasn’t worth it.
At least, that’s what she told herself.
Gwyn swiped a hand across the sweat that had collected on her brow as she finally managed to catch up with the mad rush that had suddenly hit her bar in a wave. Turning towards the far end, intending to restock the ice chest, she bit back a sigh when she found Azriel waiting there with a ghost of a smile. 
Ever since the morning he’d come to see her to try and explain what had happened with him and Morrigan nearly two weeks ago, he’d shown up at Syren almost every night, with or without Cassian, sometimes not even drinking, just sitting at the end of the bar and watching her as she worked. The first few times he barely spoke to her outside of the words necessary to order a drink. Gradually, his smiles became more frequent as he attempted to banter with her as they had before, apparently finding her steely responses amusing.
She’d be lying if she said it didn’t excite her a little every time he gave her that crooked grin when she gave him some smart ass retort. She liked sparring with him, and each time  he smiled at her she both wanted to smack him and drag him over the bar to have her way with him right there on the sticky floor. The thought was tempting.
Ignoring the heated response that thought elicited in her, she took a bracing breath and walked over to him. If she added a bit of sway to the movement of her hips as she did so, and if his eyes dipped down to watch the movement with hungry eyes, well… that was no one’s business.
“What do you want?” she snapped. The regular sitting two seats away gave her a sharp look, likely shocked at her lack of manners when she was so friendly with everyone else. Azriel just grinned, pointing at the newest addition to the menu. 
“Why is this one called the Priestess?”
The corner of her lip twitched. “Because it’s deceptively sweet,” she purred. “And if you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself on your knees.”
His eyes darkened as his grin turned a bit seductive. “Sounds perfect.”
Fuck. Me. She thought. She had no defenses for that smile. If she wasn’t careful, she’d find herself giving in much sooner than she’d intended. 
She’d already decided to give him another chance. Honestly, how was a girl meant to resist such charm when he showed up at her bar continuously, no matter how harsh she was? Nesta and Emerie had also voted in his favor, giving her knowing grins the moment he’d walked in every night. She had no doubt of his sincerity when he’d said he liked her. And damn it all if she didn’t like him too, if for no other reason than his stubborn persistence. 
She held his gaze a moment longer before turning to grab her ingredients. Bourbon, lemon juice, thyme infused simple syrup, peach puree and a splash of sweet tea. He watched intently as she added everything to the shaker, his gaze on her breasts and she lifted it to shake. Straining it into a glass, she slid it over the bar to him, holding his stare as he lifted it to his lips and took a long sip. 
Swiping a stray droplet from the corner of his lips, his tongue stroked over the tip before sucking it into his mouth. Her knees wobbled a bit but she kept a straight face as she called over her shoulder to Emerie. “I’m going on break.”
Behind her, her friend snicked but agreed. Azriel grinned as she winked at him before turning on her heel and hurrying to the back. By the time she grabbed her keys, and a condom, and made her way to her truck, Azriel was stalking around the side of the building to meet her. Wanting more space than the front seat offered, she flipped open the hatch and climbed into the bed. A hand grabbed her ankle, yanking her back slightly. Before she knew what was happening,  her jeans were off and Azriel was climbing in behind her, still fully clothed. The hatch slammed closed and he was on her, hands tangling in her hair as their mouths crashed together. 
She squeaked when he suddenly flipped them over, dragging her up to straddle his face. He grinned up at her as his fingers pushed her underwear aside, stroking her lazily. “It’s not quite kneeling, but given the lack of space back here, it will have to do.” And then his mouth was on her.
For several moments, all Gwyn could do was grip the back of the seats and attempt to breathe. His tongue was merciless as he licked and sucked and nipped and worshiped her. Her orgasm built shamefully fast and though she did her best to hold it off, there was little she could do against such onslaught. Soon enough she was shaking and screaming and grinding against his face. His fingers dug into her ass, encouraging her to move, and the vibrations of his groans only made her shake harder.
When she couldn’t take anymore, he relented, loosening his hold and allowing her to pull away from him. She stared down at him in a pleasured haze, watching as he panted and licked his lips with a satisfied smile. Fuck. 
She didn’t realize she’d said it outloud until his grin widened. “I need you inside me,” there was no disguising the huskiness of her voice as she said it. She moved to grab the condom from the back pocket of her jeans that were bunched up in the far corner but he flipped her over before she could go far, laying her out diagonally along the bed of the truck. Reaching up for the seatbelt of the driver's seat, she watched in confusion and then anticipation as he pulled her hands above her head and bound her wrists with the strap, leaving her open to him. 
She gave a breathless laugh as he scrambled out of his pants, tucking a condom from his own pocket between his teeth. “Someone was optimistic, I see.”
He shrugged, unrepentant. Yanking his shirt over his head, he was suddenly, gloriously naked and she looked her fill as he rolled the condom on, sorry not to have use of her hands to touch every inch of him. Later, she promised herself. Because there would be a later.
Stretching himself over her, his kiss was surprisingly tender and she felt herself melt a little more. “I missed you,” he said, trailing kisses down her neck. She wrapped her legs around him as she felt his cock slide against her clit. Making his way back up to her lips, he continued to thrust against her, making her wetter but still not entering her. “Please tell me this isn’t just a one time thing,” he begged. 
“It will be if you don’t fuck me right the fuck now,” she grumbled.
He laughed, his eyes sparkling in the darkness. “Yes, my syren,” he promised. He was inside her in the next breath and she gasped at the sudden fullness. His movements were excruciatingly slow as he allowed her to adjust to him, his cock dragging through her with each slow thrust. The sensation was delicious but she quickly grew impatient. 
Tugging against her restraints, the seatbelt moved with her but not enough to touch him, causing her to groan her frustration. “Azriel,” she snapped his name and his answering laugh was low and sexy. 
Bracing himself above her on an elbow, his other hand wrapped lightly around her throat and he held her gaze as his pace increased until her thighs were squeezing around him and the beginnings of an orgasm stirred. “Is this what you wanted?” he growled.
“Yes,” she breathed, her back arching as she tried to meet his thrusts. “Yes- fuck, yes!”
Her eyes slammed shut as another orgasm barreled through her, Azriel continuing to fuck her through it. He grunted as her pussy squeezed him until he too was coming apart, the fingers around her throat contracting slightly. His mouth found hers again as they both came down until the necessity for air forced them apart. 
Their bodies were covered in sweat as he rolled off of her as much as he could in the cramped space, reaching up to release her wrists. Taking each in his hands, he gently massaged the red marks between his fingers. All she could do was lay there and breathe, temporarily unable to move her body. Brushing hair out of her face, she felt his lips on her forehead as they lay there in silence.
A silence that was abruptly shattered by her alarm, signaling the end of her break. 
“Fuck. I don’t know if I can go back to work after that,” she groaned. Azriel’s hand slid down from her cheek to squeeze her hip and then she felt him moving about the space, probably redressing. She didn’t object as he helped her back into her pants. 
He was smiling, but she could tell there was something he wanted to say. “What is it?”
He smiled sheepishly. “Well, I don’t want to presume anything,” he said as he helped her out of the back. “But I was already planning on hanging out most of the night, if you’d like the company…”
Gwyn arched a brow as she took a moment to make sure she was presentable. “Oh?”
Azriel closed up her truck and turned to give her a wicked smile. “Perhaps if you give me another Priestess, you can get me on my knees for real later…”
Her lips curled in a slow grin as she sauntered past him. “Now there’s something to look forward to.”
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andreabaideas · 8 months
Idea : thoughts on Daisy Jones and the Six and why the love triangle worked for me.
I just saw an inspiring publication/post (by @hellcat-in-chaos :https://www.tumblr.com/hellcat-in-chaos/190027062509/hellcat-in-chaos-66-fuucckk?source=share); reblogged by @alwayschasingrainbows
It made think on Djats. 
It finally lets me put into (mostly) coherent words what I thought about both CamiBilly (Camilly) and DaisyBilly (Daisylly) while watching/reading. Thats why i LOVE both. 
The post says that, and i quote : 
"What's the difference?" I asked him. “Between the love of your life, and your soulmate?""
“One is a choice, and one is not."
Billy may be a mess (totally IS), thats why i LOVE him, but i'm digressing...I get him!! Whats better the LOVE of you Life or your soulmate? 
There’s lucky people who finds one or the other, and never gets exposed to both at once (like Billy was) .
There's some others who never find any of them…Thats okay too, your biggest love should be YOURSELF (single Life IS awesome, i'm happier single than in couple,TBH, i'm more Karen Sirko) 
But, and that's when trouble begins, others are like Billy, and find themselves between  ice and Fire , or as my Abu (RIP) said (in spanish):
Está atrapado entre dos tierras…y al final no podrá respirar = he's trapped between two lands, and in the end he won't be able to breathe. 
To me Camila IS and Will Always be Billy’s love of his Life , because he actively has chosen Camila, both in book (better) and TV (not as good, but good enough), Camila IS the one he wants to be with. She is his choice. He loves her to the point of selfdestruction aka the relapse in TV show, when he thinks she has left him in the last episode. He thinks himself broken without her. 
On the other hand we have Daisy…To me Billy loves Daisy too, with every inch of him.
Fuck, even the lovely ever wise Camila acknowledges It (in book, the series did a huge disservice to her by erasing her discourse my fave in the book):
"He loves you, i know that he loves you, you know that he loves you...but hes not gonna leave me" (sorry for any possible mistakes, i read it in my native language spanish, not english, so Its a rough translation).
But… he denies It, because she IS just like him… and he cant admit/choose to loving Daisy, someone Who IS like him…Because at that point hes an addict (that doesnt act on It) but an addict nonetheless , once you are you'll always be , in the story he hated himself.
Billy and Daisy are soulmates (in spanish Its almas gemelas, like twinsouls, but in meaning more like soulmates really) because they hadn't chosen each other…yet they can't avoid their situation/ passion (and remember : passion is a also a synonym of pain) 
They dont choose each other…Because theres no choice at all for them. 
Billy has always had the choice that doesn't make him “broken”, the choice of love : Camila.
And in the end, when he manages to not be broken and only after losing his love, he can choose, from a healthy stand in life, to be with her soulmate (Daisy) and to turn her into another love. 
But that quote is right : Love IS a concious act of choice. Soulmates arent…It is someone whose soul calls to you, like a syren chanting in the shore, and that can be good…or -like syren chants were in legends-  a curse. 
To conclude: I dont get Billy hate at all, i didn't get It when reading the book, and later with the series casting Sam Claflin (my beloved) It didn't help at all for me being objective.
Billy's situation was difficult …His options nearly imposible. He was crying in that Taxi for fucking reasons, you all. In choosing love, he has to deal with the consequences: he loses his soulmate . Also hurts everyone (himself, Camila and Daisy) in the process. 
You find that easy to decide?? What would you choose LOVE or SOULMATISM? (I may create a future poll with this question)
If you doubt or dont know your answer,  then i'm glad to tell you that you are ...~(insert drumroll sound here)~ Billy Dunne.
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How severe a crime is Poaching in the Wizarding World in your Pureblood Culture-verse? Especially of sentient magical beings and creatures (Fae, Mer, Syrens, Lycaons, Naga, etc)?
People always get greedy for something unique, something unusual they can get their hands on - and even in the Pureblood Culture verse, it’s probably something that still happens.
It’s probably INCREDIBLY UNLIKELY that any full-grown creature would get caught (unless caught by surprise or betrayed by someone) but what about the young, or those who have unexpectedly (in the rare case of a Newblood) come into a creature inheritance?
The reason I was thinking of this was because of your fic where Remus’s father poisoned a Lycaon pack. If wizards could kill magical creatures for existing, caught unaware by treachery, they could also capture them and make money off of them by more insidious groups.
Underground Poaching and Trafficking, especially in the magical world, is somehow more terrifying than in the muggle because if you aren’t careful, if you trust the wrong person and they get ahold of anything from you, they could throw rituals to take away your will or spells like the Imperius curse.
Which also has me thinking about underground trading rings, where potions like Polyjuice and any others that would normally be highly regulated if not banned entirely, would be traded.
in your Pureblood Culture-verse, why do you think Polyjuice was created anyway? Since a witch’s hair is sacred, I’m thinking it was either more likely to be created by Wizards/Wix to use, specially regulated for offices like Aurors OR - and this feels kind of worse - it was created by Muggleborns who shunned mother magic and either sold the potions to muggles for money, or for some other nefarious reason of, you know, stealing a pureblood’s identity.
"Poaching" a sentient Magical Being would be an Azkaban-worthy sentence. Kidnapping/torture/murder, depending on what happens. Magical Beings have the same rights as wizards/witches/wix.
I head-canon each duchy has a magical creature reserve, where willingly harvested ingredients can be responsibly sourced, like griffin feathers, unicorn hair, etc. If someone "poached" there, the person would be subject to whatever punishment the duke/duchess hands down.
There will always be criminals in every society. So, yes, a Black Market of some kind absolutely makes sense.
I've never considered why Polyjuice was invented. I'm not a fan of it. But, yes, I can picture a 'Mudblood' inventing it for revenge or identity theft or some such.
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chaotictoast · 7 months
Waltz to Death - Prologue
Xe watched as the more experienced deity shifted its shape through multiple different Syrens. She could almost make out the individuals’ features but they shifted too fast for her to get a good grip. Finally, they settled into what looked like a young man with chin-length fluffy hair and blazing blue eyes. He was wearing a dark blue traveler’s outfit made of thick wool. “This one works, I suppose.” His voice was pleasant and melodic, as usual. “I am in a more extravagant mood today but it’s not quite appropriate to wear silks in this weather,” he laughed and he and Xe walked down a winter road, “so I guess I’ll settle for a boring traveler today.”
Xe still didn’t know how he could be so many things and people. Sometimes he wasn’t even a he, most times he didn’t adhere to any of those specifics. She told herself that she didn’t mind that she didn’t even know his name if he even had one. She admired his skill and thought of her own as she could only shift into a few different forms, and not any other people than how she usually expressed herself.
Xe fastened the buttons on her fur-lined coat. A bitter wind was beginning to stir and sting her cheeks. Her traveling companion didn’t look outwardly fazed. However, he had given himself a scarf that covered his face and nose. “There’s an inn up that way,” he said, pointing to a brick structure with a plume of smoke flowing lazily out of its chimney, “I’m sure they’ll like some business on this cold winter night.”
She agreed and the two of them made their way to the inn. The path they were walking on had been crudely shoveled out and made it so they had to walk single-file. The snowbanks were almost as tall as Xe, although they only reached to her companion’s shoulders. I guess I’m just short, thought Xe with an inward laugh.
As they made it to the inn, her companion checked them in. He pretended not to notice the innkeeper’s startled expression when she noticed his unnaturally blue eyes. When they were safe in their room he sighed, “Yellow probably would’ve been a better choice.”
“I like the blue. It’s classic,” Xe replied, settling down on the smaller of the two beds. The other was larger, but not by much.
“The yellow is ‘classic’ too,” he replied.
“I suppose,” Xe looked up at the bare wood ceiling, “One question. I’ve known you for almost my entire life, which admittedly isn’t that long, but I still don’t know your name.”
“I thought you didn’t mind not knowing?”
“I guess I do now.”
“Well, since you asked, my name is Aurentis,” he said. Xe figured that the name roughly translated to “fractal” or “the one who confuses through shape” in Oldest Syran, the language of Upper Gods like Albys and Syrra. The name made sense from what she knew of him.
As far as Xe knew, Aurentis was one of the older gods in the pantheon, although they usually kept to themself or did errands for Syrra, who couldn’t leave her domain lest she be cast out permanently and another god take her place as Priest of the Sun. From that logic, Xe figured that the whole reason she was with them was that she was the errand for Syrra, whatever that meant. It left a bad taste in her mouth but she still had some sort of innate respect for the Sun Goddess, was she the one who made her? She tried her best not to think of it.
All she knew now was that they were headed north, and at this point, they were about halfway across The Towering Range that split the continent of Seunby-Sy in two. On one side was the Golden Rainforest, named for the way the sunlight filtered through the leaves; and the Kingdom of Tataki and the Vetur Alliance of Provinces, both of which were subject to a terrible lycanthropic curse over a hundred years ago which made all their citizens more wolf or foxlike than human. On the other side of the mountains is the cold Xiollan desert and strangely crystalline Aevum forest, along with the split Syrenian kingdoms of Ornithincia and Sylven. Xe thought it was strange that she never had to be told this information, but maybe it just came with the territory of being a god? Demigod? Spirit? Angel? Something along those lines.
The next day they started their descent down from the mountains. Traveling became much quicker once they got out of the domain of people, as they could shift into more graceful shapes and run on four tireless legs. Aurentis preferred a form similar to a wolf or fox, although it was taller with long legs and tail, and a peculiar blue coloring with dark blue stripes that ran down the entire length of its body. Xe’s favorite form was a black wolf with one long horn on one side of her head. And so they ran for tireless miles, and sometimes they flew, Xe as an eagle and Aurentis as a dark blue jay with stars glittering under its wings.
“Where are we going?” Xe finally asked.
“To Albys. You need the blessing of the Moon Preist,” Aurentis said, diving through the sky to land in the suddenly appearing prairie. And she heard no more about it.
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Chapter 1
The Syren
The dawning sun shimmers across the surface of the beach waves. The city of Volkar just beyond the sand is preparing for nightfall, freshening up the garlic above their doors. A group of teenagers abandon care in their activities, just far enough off the shoreline to tiptoe while the water meets their chin.
“Which direction did you throw it?” Called one of them in frustration to another.
He responded with a shrewd general point, “Over here somewhere!”
A typical game of ‘find the sinker’ is a popular children’s game, but these teens were competitive and upped the steaks with their friends for rewards. They didn’t notice the setting sun, or if they did, disregarded it, and as fate would have it, they began to fear something in the water.
“Something touched my leg!” A smaller teen called in fear.
“Sure it wasn’t me?” Another joked. Not another moment passed until he was pulled under by a force unknown to the others, spiking fear and panic.
This was short lived when he resurfaced again, holding the sinker with a wide grin, and a humanoid sea creature beside him with a similar expression.
Sye was one of their friends, the last siren as far as he is aware. He had never met another siren, and because no other humans were becoming mermaids, he could only find friends of his age near the surface. He and the blonde teenager had set up the prank together, and they all had a good hard laugh.
One of them did not laugh, because they were only invited to this kind of gathering with the siren recently, and were not aware of the siren in the first place. Her fear subsided after they returned to shore and hung out way after the sunset.
“How do you know you’re the last one?”
The question seemed to bother him. “I’m the only one I've ever met.”
At the ends of his fins were bulbs that could glow on command, and this is the light they relied on for now at the beach. The girl watched in fascination. Sye made them glitter and flicker, which got some more attention, because it was quite stunning. Every so often he would slide back into the water to take a breath and get wet again, keeping his scales hydrated.
The later it got, the more anxious they were to return home, lest a roaming vampire or two ambush them. They each said their goodbyes and returned to Volkar just beyond the beach.
Sye swam across the shoreline to the docks, awaiting his father’s return. Well, not his real father of course. He was old enough to know how it wasn’t possible.
“See you tomorrow, professor!” Said a woman, who was a friend of the professor called Abigail Williams.
Professor Ramond waved back and turned again to the sea, taking a stone from a pouch around his neck and holding it to the moonlight. The magic appeared to flow into the stone and coat his skin, which reflected the anticipation of scales. When he was completely coated he leapt off the dock into the water. It was as if the line separating the air and the water erased what was before and he became what was new. The brilliant transformation never fails to put the siren in awe, almost jealous.
“Great to be back in the waters again.” Said the professor to the siren, returning the stone to his pouch.
“It’s been long enough. Thought you got eaten by a land siren or something.” He said in a sarcastic yawn.
The professor shrugged and said, “Well with the sun-blessed Saraphamn warriors around, vampires became wise enough to avoid their attention. Just today I met one, and their powers are astonishing. I can’t quite describe it.”
Many of these terms are thrown around. Sun-blessed, sea-chosen, moon-cursed, and so on. The sea-chosen most often refer to the merfolk whom the sea gifted tails in a brilliant event before the war. At first they could not return to land, but the moon gifted them all with a footstone at the moment of their transformation. Without it they would be trapped on one side or the other.
Most of the merfolk were sailors, fishermen, people who already spend time on or in the water. Raymond had a fascination with sea life and was studying to be a marine biologist. Their tails were all unique, different colors and shapes, some having long eel-like tails, some generic scaled fish tails, others having stronger shark-like tails, and a few having octopus tentacles. Raymond’s looks like an orca, sleek black and white without all the blubber.
Our water underwater was a type of coral the sirens grew originally to build their homes. When the merfolk began to appear, they taught them how to utilize it, to grow it slowly by tying the roots in the water together. Over time it would strengthen and form the shell of our home. It requires daily maintenance, but it’s very sturdy and reliable.
Many of the merfolk sleep on land, very few still remain in the water after dark. I think Raymond only stays under to take care of me, and I wonder if and when he might stay up top now that I’m getting older.
At the end of the day I let myself sink into the anemone and dream my cares away.
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sobri-k-eyt · 1 year
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Since I’m doing an AMA, here’s a look at my siren gal, Syren! (Yes, her name is a pun) Syren was a young woman with a penchant for singing and dance. She was incredibly shy, and often struggled with opening up. She lived in a sea-faring village, but always felt a small fear of the waves, a draw in her bones that she didn't understand. One day, Syren was traveling, and her ship was attacked by bandits, who sunk the ship and killed her crew. As she fell into the waves, she wanted to live desperately, heartbroken yet craving life. The Ocean chose her as a vessel, and when Syren woke up on land, her brown eyes had turned golden. Confused, she went around and discovered what had been done to her. Terrified of the sea (both because of her curse and the sinking of the ship) and the growing coldness, she moved more inland, looking for some way to return back to normal and find a new life to heal her broken heart. However, the transformation continued, ears being webbed, her hair turning blue as seafoam and growing long like weeds, and scales appearing on her hands. She was becoming a proper siren, and she felt terrified. 
She wanted to live after all, and becoming a monster was no life at all. She cuts her hair short and hides it and her curse, trying to find a way to break the curse and return to her normal life. Basically, she's cursed into becoming a siren, avatar of the sea. She gains the voice and appearance slowly of the merfolk, but loses her own individuality and emotions, becoming a weapon of the ocean. She wanted to be a dancer and singer before the sinking when the Sea chose her, and now she's fighting against what's happening to her. She's very closed off, but slowly learns to open her heart again. The more time passes or if she uses her abilities, the more her body changes as a result, her eyes immediately turning gold after she was chosen. She can change to grow a tail when immersed in water, but the more she uses her abilities/time progresses, the more she visibly changes to appear like a siren.
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urisk-factor · 1 year
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The party druid has a bad habit of accidentally insulting people. Syren's banned him from speaking to people they're trying to get information from after he got his arm broken by the old lady selling dream pies in Barovia, then had his mouth removed by some dumbass wizard.
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solarsyren · 2 years
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“…No tengo tu tiempo. Stop ignoring me, I know you can hear me!”
Syren had grown used to Reyna’s impatient huffing quite some time ago. It wasn’t very often that they got sent out on missions together, but this specific trip required a bit more Spanish than the rest of the Protocol knew, and they were both familiar enough with the area. So here they were, despite Brimstone’s hesitation, two Radiants deep in the brick jungle of a Mexican barrio, awaiting instructions.
“Llora más. I’m just taking a look, alright? I’ll be back in a minute. Besides, you were complaining about having to be next to me the entire ride here. Consider this your gift from me.” With that, Syren took off the earpiece and draped it over her shoulder.
Yes. Technically.
What other way could she say it? She had walked those cobbled streets and looked for spiders in the crevices of those buildings’ facades, a hundred, maybe a thousand times. She had made mud cakes with leaf candles in the very dirt of the empty lots that filled with stalls during the weekends, lining the streets, ready for the waves of patrons that would throw themselves at piles of old denim, buying ten pairs of pants for the price of two. Even now, years since she’d been here, Syren was sure she could traverse the entire town blindfolded, if only she were barefoot to feel the stones under her feet.
Was there a word for places that were part soil and part soul? They had somehow been sent to her hometown, and it felt like a cruel joke. Would the streets recognize the metallic soles of her Valorant uniform, or would they trip her up? Syren imagined herself entering the corner store, greeting Don Manuel, and searching the drink aisle for that half-lemonade half-soda that her mom would buy her on hot weekends; only to be escorted out, a crowd of confused neighbors gathering around the intruder.
A rally of laughter and obscene words broke her out of her thoughts. Yes, it was about that time of the evening when mothers began calling their kids back home, and the rambunctious teenagers howled down the streets, orange street lights illuminating their path. Syren ducked into the shadowy area under a tree’s canopy, and her breath caught. She could barely hear Reyna’s muttered complaints on her shoulder, but they became less clear as tears welled up in her eyes.
Her hands shot up to cover her mouth, and she cursed herself for her carelessness as the woman sweeping barely a block away looked up. Her hair was pulled into a loose bun, and the bottom of her skirt had a few dirt stains, the undeniable proof of a well-spent day. Age must have gotten to her in the past six years, because her eyesight failed her as she looked for Syren in the shadows.
Selfishness tugged at Syren’s heart. It was much harder to stay away when her mom was right there, when she could run to her and hug her and tell her that she didn’t mean to not call, that things had been hard and scary for a while, that she was doing okay and hopefully changing the world someday, and that she would visit more often now that she had the chance.
But she couldn’t, she…
“Alright, trenzas, you had your fun, and now I have our target. We’re going. Now.” Reyna’s voice was loud and clear, and close enough to her ear that Syren knew where she was before Reyna’s hand even made it to her shoulder. “Spying on civilians, really? And here I thought it was only me on the prowl. Well, let’s get moving.”
…She had bigger responsibilities. And much bigger risks to take.
Still, she couldn’t keep herself from slipping one last glance, watching intently as the door to the familiar house closed.
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werewolf240moon · 2 years
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NeverenD Reunion
From left to right (and from top to bottom):
+ Maybelle & Ruusian (chapter: Cursed cat)
+ Mahiro (Chapter: Humanity)
+ Auryn (main story)
+ Red & Ichabod (Chapters: Red & Sleepy Hollow)
+ Juliet (chapter: Scarlet Witch)
+ Luce (main story)
+ Cyanure (main story)
+ Mort-Rah (main story)
+ Syren (chapter: Dark Water)
All these characters & NeverenD belongs to VanRah/poizongirl @poizongirl
⚠️ Source : Vanrah Devianart ⚠️
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