#syren | asks
bxrn-thc-pxgcs · 11 months
Tags: Syren
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zoe-oneesama · 4 months
Out of all the akuma-inspired outfits you made for the header of each episode, which was your favorite?
I can't really pick A Favorite, but I'll pick a favorite Per Season:
Season 1 -
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Something about designing leggings really gets me excited lol. It's not the most complicated look (and tumblr kept trying to take it down lol) but I love when an outfit looks good, looks like the akuma, AND looks like it fits the character.
Season 2 -
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I'm basic, okay? I like designing for cute girls and I like designing normal clothes themed after "heroes". Volpina let me cheat like that, and it's one of the few where I tried more than one look before deciding.
Season 3 -
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This one I broke from convention because I DON'T think Sabrina would normally wear this, but going for a High Fashion look AND designing it after my own personal akuma design with make me soft for it.
Season 4 -
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What'd I say about leggings? Plus I got to draw a buff girlie. I'd buy this outfit lol.
Season 5 -
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...Girls rule, okay? Pretty sure we can figure out why I like this one.
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brighteuphony · 1 year
hiiii is syren single?
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If you can handle him ;)
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imeriayapping · 2 months
Oh my fucking god, talk to me about sailor Logan x siren Oscar, I am SEATED
This one is probably the least developed of all ideas that i have, I'm so sorry 😭😭😭
I only have vague idea of Logan seeing a mesmerising something when he was young and spending his days on the boat trying to find that something again (it turned out to be oscar that was curious and got a bit to close to humans boat) ever since
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theerurishipper · 10 months
So, as a child abuse survivor and someone who has been sexually assaulted by men who think they're entitled to take what they want Adrien is canonically a god damned dick.
He sexually harrasses Ladybug. When told NO he once let 2.161 million people drown because he was busy throwing a tantrum
Being a victim of abuse does not excuse the abuse of others.
He might not mean any harm but you know who else doesn't mean any harm? Gabriel. My goddamned mother.
Not meaning harm- lacking malice- does not mean harm is not caused.
People are going on about him being a rich white guy because anyone else acting like that in public would be considered an antagonist (in fiction), in jail, or have an active warrant for their arrest. And that's assuming they aren't killed for it.
First off, I am truly very sorry for your experience. No one should have to go through that.
But I still do disagree.
Adrien's pushiness when it comes to expressing his affections for Ladybug are in the same boat as Marinette being a stalker or Chloe being pushy with Adrien: it's a joke. You may find it to be a poor one, certainly, but it's a joke nonetheless. Miraculous relies on this kind of humor, it's not meant to be taken seriously. You can have issues with it, but imho acting like it's any kind of legitimate criticism of his character probably makes people like me less inclined to listen to any actual criticisms you may have.
I don't say this to trivialize your experiences, and if the joke is hurtful to you, you are well within your rights to dislike it or talk about how it's in poor taste to make jokes about these things, but that's all it is, a joke. It's absurdist humor. It's not meant to be taken at face value. It would be creepy if Marinette seriously had Adrien's schedule mapped out, tried to break into his house, or stole his personal items, but it's not supposed to be that way because it's a joke.
And as for your complaint about Adrien leaving people to drown, you can go ahead and blame Master Fu for that one. It's stated quite clearly in the show that the heroes couldn't do anything because everything is underwater. And he's staying there because he's waiting for Ladybug. Making up imaginary civilians who are drowning now isn't a good criticism. Ladybug spends a good amount of time underwater, but there's no-one there. There's no civilian begging for Chat Noir's help as they drown while he ignores them, so suffice to say that we're supposed to assume everyone is safe and sound. This is a kids show, so unless we're shown that people are in danger, we aren't supposed to assume they are.
And then let's talk about Adrien almost quitting.
I'll say it straight: he has every right to quit. He's a 14-year-old kid. This isn't his job. He's well within his rights to quit if he feels like this is detrimental to him. And it isn't about Ladybug not returning his feelings like you seem to be implying. This is about Ladybug keeping secrets from him and leaving him in the dark even though he's supposedly her partner. It took a situation like this for Master Fu to pull his head out of his ass and come give Adrien the tools he needed to do the damn job you're accusing him of not doing. How is he supposed to do anything if he isn't given then necessary tools and knowledge to do it? Should he just accept that he's being ignored and left in the dark? Accept his new role as Ladybug's unquestioning lapdog?
This is not Ladybug salt btw, this is Master Fu salt only, in this house we don't like Master Fu.
Literally look at why he tries to quit.
Adrien:(grimly) If you don't tell me what Ladybug is hiding from me, I'm done! Plagg: You can't do that! Adrien:(bitterly) Why not? No one'll know if I quit. No one'll care!
He doesn't think he's needed. He doesn't think anyone would care if he quits.
This isn't because of any entitlement. It's because he's being cast aside and left in the dark. It's because his partner (it's not her fault either, to be clear, it's Master Fu's fault) is keeping secrets from him even in this time, so he assumes he isn't needed and decides to quit because he feels like he's unnecessary and unwanted, and that no one will care if he quits. Adrien already has very low self-worth, and this is just adding onto all that already. If it is detrimental to his mental health, then he definitely has the right to step aside and quit.
So yeah. If this ask was to get me to change my mind, I'm sorry, but it didn't. You're entitled to your opinion, of course, but I think I've made my opinion on the matter clear.
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unhonestlymirror · 9 months
Recently, a russian-speaking woman asked me, "Why did you move from Kyiv? Kyiv is not shelled.😂😂😂"
This is my city last night:
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yoiku · 2 years
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babies stink.
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theimperialnuisance · 7 months
Does your OC cry at weddings? Did they cry at their own (if they've had one?)
for whoever
<Amorous Asks!>
I'd think all of my ocs wouldn't be someone who would cry at a wedding, maybe get a little teary-eyed from how happy they are for their friend but nothing more than that. None of my ocs are married (yet) but Kien is promised to G'raha and while he got teared up when he and Raha exchanged their promise rings (I actually had a prompt I wrote for it in ffxivwrite last year (#shamelessplug), he didn't full on cry. But I am sure he'll cry on his wedding day as he never thought he'd be lucky enough to have someone to love/love him so yeah, he'd cry from happiness :3 N'noah got a little teary-eyed at Saraphina's and Bastian's wedding when she saw her cousin come down the aisle but she didn't full-on cry either. She probably wouldn't cry at her own wedding though. This would be the same for Atticus. (He'd absolutely tear up at a first look or when Shaili comes down the aisle) For Syren, nope, nada. He wouldn't cry at a wedding nor would he cry at his own. Not that he wouldn't be happy, he's just not the type to let himself cry in front of others. Ciel might be the only one who would cry at a wedding/at his own wedding (if he ever gets married) but it would be of course out of happiness and probably during the first dances/speeches. Thank you for the ask @actualanxiousswampwitch :3
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coralrevenge · 2 years
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Happy Holidays! Brimstone has been holed up in his office these past couple of days, so I’ve decided to surprise him by decorating the VP’s sitting room. Sova’s been hunting down stray decorations from around the building, and Fade let me borrow her string lights (in exchange for an extra plate of Pozole for dinner).
Cypher? Well. He’s on Brimstone watch. Just don’t let the boss know he has cameras in his office again!
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How would your ocs celebrate the holidays?
Ivy: She'd take advantage of the holiday crowds and monitor bioweapon detection systems and patrols while blending in with said crowd
Rainer: He'd spend the day celebrating and running errands with his mom
Syren: She'd spend the morning briefly with her parents and then the rest of her day with Jeffery, Thaddeus or both
Thaddeus: He'd spend the day with his parents and try to get Sy in on it too if he can. If not, he's jumping her with presents asap
Machiko, Taro and Eito: They'd spend some time together making breakfast and just generally being together before Machiko inevitably goes off looking for some Christmas oriented cryptid and the other 2 follow her
Payton and Flower: They don't do much in the way of celebrating but Payton starts giving Flower different exotic meats to try and she eventually starts returning the favour, Despite Payton Very Much Not Wanting Her Too
Jax and Mia: They have a tradition of Mia visiting and the 2 of them hanging out at Jax's place until after new years. Neither of them really celebrated before meeting each other but now they try to make the most of it, doing all the holiday stuff they missed out before
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deadeyemarkxman · 1 year
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newjenns · 1 year
I’m reading thru all ur asks (srry for spam liking) and omfg we were all DELULU!!!! WHY DID I ACT LIKE THAT???? Like some shit drm did literally made me upset!!! for good reason!!!!! And then I just went, “well it’s maybe actually not that bad :))” HUH?!?!? Man if u feel uncomfortable w/ someones actions over and over and over maybe ur not too sensitive, maybe they’re the problem. The way I fought for my LIFE defending him. Fortunately I was never rly outspoken abt it. I would like. Reblog things n stuff but I never made my own posts. Also I’m learning all this shit abt critblr and leaktwt and Jewish George and drms family for the first time and I feel like I’m in the school bathroom and the rly gossipy group of girls came in and started talking like I just wanted to piss but now?? Bitch now I’m inVESTED tell me EVERYTHING. ngl when he face revealed I did think he was kinda. ugly. but I tried to be nice abt it 😭😭 idk he’s not even that bad looking I just Don’t Like him. AND IT SUCKS CAUSE TWO OF MY IRL FRIENDS STILL LIKE HIM 😭😭😭 I asked them to not talk abt him or dteam stuff anymore and they did which was nice but Ik they still like him cause they have merch n stuff like PLEASE TAKE OFF THE ROSE COLORED GLASSES AND PUT UR HANDS IN THE AIR. anyways this ask is crazy fucking long but typing that literally made me remember the asks I sent to a certain dream blog and the asks r still up 😀😀 back on topic, sorry for rambling but I had to get this off my chest and I feel like ur like the gossipy therapist friend. Therapist in that I can vent my deep dark secret of being an ex delulu dream stan but gossipy in that u don’t offer advice we just all scream abt crusty white men together peace and love 🫶🫶 also if u have any fun leak or crit drama pleaseee tell me I know almost nothing and I’m nosy and no longer have a guilt complex abt knowing stuff <3333 sorry for the long ask I hope ur day is lovely
i’m laughing out loud at the part that says i don’t offer advice like Yeah i’m just here to fester and seethe 😭 i think to some degree there was also a culture of one upping each other to see who could be crazier/more delusional/nastier in the name of defending dream which you know made people Act Crazy including me but also in just like that but anyway i think that culture probably got exasperated once the idea of dtblr 2.0 was spoken into existence 🤔 i feel for your relationship w ur dream stan friends i think compartmentalizing is honestly your best answer tbh it’s the only way i can answer asks about him without calling him every nasty thing i can think of and even then 😭😭
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brighteuphony · 1 year
Your Syren is making me Feral. Just Goregous. 🫀
Tysm! He's a big gremlin and im so happy you like him!!! <3
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ochablooms · 1 year
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HII I'm sending u sep heap stuff now anyway heres a stupid little bit from syren I found when looking for the page after it
“Not so fast, Marcia,” said Aunt Zelda. “I think you will want to hear this. It concerns Septimus.”
Marcia sighed. What didn’t?
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zoe-oneesama · 4 months
First of all, I love your art style and the route that you took with your AU, but may I ask you: Why you dislike power ups? (I just really want to understand, you don't have to explain if you don't feel comfortable) Thanks for this amazing AU and I look forward for the angelic Layer AU.
I mean I've talked about it before but it mostly comes down to too much and too little all at once. They introduced more Miraculouses AND power ups in the same season, so too much, but now we're 4 Seasons since their reveal and we've only seen 3 of them? If the show can't even pretend to care about them, why should I?
Plus the title "power up" is misleading. They don't get a power boost, they don't get stronger - they're just environmental suits. A Costume Change. Which is fine, especially against akumas which can have literally any power. But maybe showcase those powers then????
And the longer they sit on these, the worse hindsight is going to look if when they finally debut them. Like, think: how many akumas would've been easier with the Space Power Up? Why do you think I made this joke in SLs Crocoduel:
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How much easier would Stormy Weather have been the second time around if they had the Space Power Up? Or Weredad? Queen Wasp? Star Train, the akuma LITERALLY IN SPACE?! They hadn't debuted the power yet, but Adrien and Marinette have had the full set of powers since "Syren", it just makes THEM look dumb for not using it! And it'll be the same thing when the other 4 powers finally show themselves. IF they show themselves.
Just add a throw away line about the ingredients being difficult to acquire to explain the scarcity, at LEAST!
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