#ta6 shitpost
stalkerjoetmblr · 2 years
Libby: *breathes*
Callum: you're so fucking annoying oh my God can you just shut up for once in your life your opinion doesn't matter you're literally the dirt on my shoe...
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belle-keys · 8 months
the angels asked god if to give the novas a gay son or thot daughter and god said both and dropped callum
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collectate · 3 years
The Atlas Six as troubled birds:
Nico de Varona
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Libby Rhodes
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Tristan Caine
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Parisa Kamali
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Reina Mori
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Callum Nova
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Dalton Ellery
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Gideon Drake
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The Installation
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That SceneTM with Libby, Tristan, and Parisa
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olivieblake · 3 years
@presumptious-quirks your ask had a few spoilers, so I'm answering this way and redacting things as necessary!
Congratulations on your son!! so sorry you had a rough time of it but I hope you feel better soon!!
but also
so so so soooooo I finished the atlas six and I
feelings. exciting!!! the dream!!
most of which will probably be largely incomprehensible lol (flashback to all the rambling comments I've left on your fics) but firstly, FIRSTLY:
I've obsessively scrolled through the entire fandom on here and so I know a LotTM of people do not like him (for understandable reasons I guess) but I just. he's just. so INTERESTING. this is my defense, personally and they were going to [REDACTED]. and he KNEW that. and when it looked like Tristan was going to [REDACTED] I nearly DIED. and his MOTHER oh my goshhhhh his MOTHER that whole conversation was HEARTBREAKING and explains so much about him??? like we talked recently about mommy issues and how much harder they are and it's just??? no wonder he wants to turn everyone's emotions down if he's had to feel his mother's emotions like that from such an early age and KNOW she doesn't quite love him and then her own issues - wow. olivie i would like to sue you for emotional damages my HEART harsh but fair, I respect it
fun fact tho I kind of already knew he was going to be my favourite ever since I heard he was south african bc I'm afrikaans myself and he's actually the literal first afrikaans character I've ever come across, so!!! i was wondering about his name, tho - nova isn't a traditional afrikaans name so I wondered what made you pick it? I get that sometimes the name chooses the character tho lol haha yeah I wasn't really writing in order to have 100% fidelity to the world vs. the fantasy, which I realize now makes it a bit hard to defend, but callum's name just sort of felt right for a prominent family within the space of magical capitalism. I wanted his position in society to feel a little mythical in its elitism, hence the name
also does he speak afrikaans? and his family lives in Cape town so I presume south africa has advanced through the magical world? feel free not to answer these if they're kind of spoiler-y but I just have so. many. questions. now I think callum can in a weaponized way, meaning he doesn't always reveal that he can; like nico he would have spent a lot of time away for his schooling, so he's kind of like an unsocialized puppy
and his POWERS oh my gosh his POWERS. an empath with little to no personal empathy. and the way his more deadly powers are revealed?? LITERAL joy. i love how you wrote it so we found out more through the other's reactions than explicit portrayal (until parisa and his competiton). when dalton said [REDACTED] I literally gasped out loud bc that makes so much SENSE I love a gasp!
i can't decide if I ship him with Tristan or not - in the beginning i definitely did but now i think there's so much between them?? which makes for wonderful conflict and dynamics but might not translate into the best of relationships. I think someone else has said that they're epically tragic and I do agree - I was fully prepared to get my heart ripped out when it looked like one of them was going to [REDACTED] the other
Which reminds me - reina is my next favourite (in fact she and callum pretty much share the top spot) bc she's so. steady? is perhaps the word? she kind of grounds them and her motivations are so interesting and how much she resents her powers? (the plants' 'mothermothermother' way of speech is legitemately like my favourite part of the whole book ) I do love that
and then gideon.
I just think he's neat? lol
i am of the firm opinion that libby and nico are platonic soulmates but gideon and nico are IN LOVE. personal headcanons until the sequel(s) ofc but needless to say OTP: YOU AND YOUR TICKING CLOCK, GIDEON, THAT'S MY FUTURE. fully prepared to be proved wrong in delightful ways (i legitimately think I'd love ANY configuration of pairings in this universe; they all have such different dynamics and like ALL the characters have chemistry with each other)
although I am ALSO torn between wanting them to be very close friends. but alas, such is the fate of shipping so true and I appreciate the turmoil
hmmm let me see what else do I want to scream about (I'm trying to do this all at once to not overload you but I don't think its working lmao)
parisa's backstory is veeeeerry sad (if I'm reading it right) and I just want to give her a hug (unfortunately I do not think she would appreciate it, but one can dream) lol
libby! I love her development so much - she's started on this journey of coming into herself and being comfortable in her own skin and its wonderful seeing the first stages of that (apart from the. [REDACTED] part. but we live in hope she will be alright)
nico I love nico, popular opinion there i see :)
also this is the WEIRDEST thing but when I was about eleven I wrote this story about a woman running a secret society and her name was Atlas Blake??? great minds think alike am I right yes!!
that is about it I believe, although in true me fashion I immediately made my entrance to the Atlas Six fandom with a shitpost sorting the characters into Troubled Birds memes oh what love that, so I will probably be populating your dash with many low quality alignment charts and tumblr quotes for TA6 until I run out of steam incredible
this got very long so feel free to ignore/avoid/answer when you feel better and I hope all goes well for you and your family!! 💛💛💛
I can't say much at the moment, both because there's an infant napping on my chest and because there's a lot I don't necessarily want to comment on yet, but I'm so glad you enjoyed the book and I think these are all very interesting takes. thank you so much for reading!! so grateful for you
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belle-keys · 8 months
what happens when you let a neoliberal vanilla macchiato white girl in stem act like a white man: a memoir by libby rhodes
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