#tab mode in build mode is a blessing and a curse
viineful · 1 year
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horse ranch build wip :-)
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Slithering Into Your Heart [MHA]
Amajiki x Male Reader
Name: not addressed, will be mentioned with ______
Age: 26
Quirk: Snake - can do anything a snake can (heat vision instead of regular human vision), scales along his body, sensitive to temperature changes, has a hood around his neck that expands out just like a regular cobra snake does, venom gathers in mouth when in ’fight mode’
Appearance won’t be specified, allowing for any sort of imagination, physical features will be described though
Set in the future, Amajiki is 22 years old
warnings: physical aggression, cursing, mention of blood, alcohol use, slight panic inducing situation, reader is older than Amajiki, slight suggestive themes towards the end [not quite warning: fluff, admiration from both characters]
Reader is a King Cobra. Due to fear of the poison constantly flowing through their body, not many hero schools would take them and in the end, they didn’t continue their education beyond middle school. They were considered too dangerous to keep around other students.
For the umpteenth time that week, a sigh escaped his lips after washing away the venom in his mouth in the bathroom sink. He couldn’t stop it from happening. It was just something that his body produced because of his quirk, and though it wouldn’t kill him, it could definitely kill someone else.
Now he could proudly say that he’d never needed to kill anyone before, but not a single soul would believe him. Why would they? He looked like a villain, he had a quirk fit for a villain, and he could very well make a wicked villain if he so chose to.
But he didn’t.
He stayed in the shadows of the actual heroes and just watched them, intrigued by their work and wishing he could be there among them. They were admirable, and every so often, a small spike of jealousy would overcome his heart.
He couldn’t exactly blend in considering he had the bottom half of a snake and the hood of the King Cobra around his neck and up along the side of his jaws. A nasty and terrifying sight for anyone that dared look in his direction when said hood opened up to reveal the wing of bones that held its shape.
A snake quirk could either be a blessing or a curse for the user born with it.
Considering the nights were starting to get a little warmer and more people would stay out late, the streets were starting to pick up on thugs and smaller villains causing mischief in the area. The apartment he lived in was close to a couple of bars and restaurants that stayed open until around 4 in the morning. Most nights, he’d spend some time in the bars and keep watch over the small group of people that would frequent there. These folks were used to him being in the bar until close and the bartenders never had any issue with him, possibly because they’d seen every kind of quirk user out there. He was no different than the next person with a quirk.
Tonight wasn’t any different, but he still needed to make sure he wasted all his venom before leaving his home. As harmful as it could be, that was his main source of protection.
He also didn’t want to accidentally spray someone with his venom and cause a scene, confirming the occasional whispers of ‘he could turn into a villain any second now’ from civilians.
He liked the people in his neighborhood though. They minded their own business and never got into squabbles about silly things with the locals. It wasn’t extremely close to the bigger cities, to which he was grateful for because that just meant less stares and less nasty rumors being spread about him.
It was just a little past midnight when he slithered into the bar, getting comfortable in one of the booths off towards the side of the building away from the dance floor. A few cocktails in and he was about to close his tab when two figures entered the bar.
They were both familiar faces due to being well known heroes, but one of them stood out to him the most. The purple haired male who came in with the larger male drew him in for some reason, his eyes following the male to where he and his friend seated themselves in one of the booths.
He swallowed his saliva as the scales along his arms quivered, almost in the same wave of how goosebumps would cover a person’s skin. ______ stared for what seemed like hours, taking in the hero’s features.
Gentle face and bashful, covering most of himself with the hooded cape he wore, his eyes casted downward at the menu on their table. He didn’t seem very talkative either, since the other hero, whom he was sure was named Fatgum, was doing most of the talking in their conversation.
The bartender that was serving ______ his drinks noticed the intense stare he was giving the purple haired hero, a knowing grin spreading on his face. The Naga male’s pupils expanded slightly, more round than they were slits. He noticed how his posture became more proper and could only assume this was the male’s first time seeing Tamaki in the bar.
“Amajiki Tamaki,” the bartender smiled knowingly as he was cleaning a wine glass.
____ heard him speak but the words didn’t quite process in his head. He was too focused on the pretty hero who had caught his eye. Once it finally registered that the bartender had been speaking to him, he looked over with raised eyebrows, indicating he was unsure of what he’d said.
“That’s his name. Amajiki Tamaki, also known as Suneater.”
“Suneater.. I’ve heard the name once before.”
“He’s camera shy and tends to avoid the public’s eyes. Doesn’t like the attention,” setting the glass cup down and picking up another one as he continued to carefully wipe it dry and polish it. “Seems he caught your eye, eh?”
Taking a deep breath before glancing over at the shy hero once more, he nodded his head. “I’d like to admire him from afar if he’s not comfortable around people, as you say.”
“Why don’t you attempt talking to him first before making that decision? You two are more similar than you think.”
____ shook his head in disagreement. “I doubt that. He’s a hero, someone respected and looked up to. I’m considered dangerous and borderline villainous.”
“Trust me, you’re anything but that.” The bartender set down the glass cup in its designated place before leaning against the countertop, “you’ve helped my bar multiple times these past couple years. Stopping bar fights and destruction. I couldn’t ask for a better patron than you. Doesn’t matter what your quirk is or what you think of yourself, you’re a good person on the inside even if you don’t show it.”
Pressing his lips into a thin line, he allowed the words to sink in before looking back over to Amajiki. “Do you really think it’s a good idea if I go over?”
“Why not? What’s stopping you aside from your own confidence levels?” As if jinxing themselves, a sudden crash and shattering of glass could be heard from across where the two were, heads turning towards the commotion. Another bar fight, probably over something stupid again. “I guess that could hold you back.”
“I got this one,” taking a sip of his cocktail, the naga slithered over to where two men, one fairly large in size and the second having more muscle mass, were sizing each other up.
His pupils returned to slits, allowing his sight to shift into thermal detection. The larger male had more alcohol in his system since he was more flushed towards the top portion of his body versus the muscular man. If he needed to reason with anyone, he should probably focus on the muscular guy first.
“Hey,” he called out as he got within a three foot distance form the two men. “Knock it out, will you? This is a bar, not a fight club.”
Both men didn’t bother even glancing over at him as they started shouting profanities at each other.
“You wanna go, pussy!?”
“Let’s go, dickhead! I can take you down anywhere, anytime. You fat fuck!”
The larger male threw a punch at the other, missing his target in his drunken state only for the second man to throw his own punch, hitting the larger man directly in the face. A shout of pain from the man as he collapsed and knocked over the table he’d been seated at, three more glass cups shattering on the ground as people started to gather around them and watched the bar fight.
Nose bleeding and his lip split, he held his nose in pain as blood trickled down from between his fingers. Unable to stand up form the pain he was in, he stayed on the ground as the second male went to attack him in a furry, fist raised once again.
_____ wasn’t going to let the hit reach its target. In the blink of an eye, he’d grabbed the man’s wrist in a tight hold, the grip threatening to snap his wrist.
“The fuck?! Let me go, you punk ass monster before you have some of what he’s about to have!”
“I dare you to try,” he spat out in a threatening tone. “I will snap your wrist if I need to. Either leave on your own or you can get thrown out with a broken bone.” Not caring about the threat nor heeding his warning, he tried to escape the grip he was in once again, trying to snag his hand out of the tight grip.
You asked for it.
_____ made sure there was no one directly behind him before using his other hand to grab the front of the man’s shirt and with a heave, he tossed the man over his head and slammed him to the ground. A heavy thud from the muscled man as the air got knocked out of his lungs, he could barely wheeze out a groan before the naga grabbed his ankle and started dragging him out of the bar.
He didn’t care how many people had gasped, how many took videos on their phones, or the look of what he could only assume was fear in their eyes. Well, that was a slight lie. He did care, but he also couldn’t focus on how people would view him right now.
Opening the front door of the bar, he tossed the man out, quite literally, onto the sidewalk, letting him roll onto his side and slightly curl up in pain, struggling to get oxygen back into his lungs. “I warned you. Don’t come back or the next burst of pain you’ll feel is my fangs in your arm and venom seeping into your veins.”
As much as he disliked using his quirk to frighten people and manipulate them into doing as they’re told, it usually did the trick. People would listen. The fear of the threat of death typically increased the amount of fear in the person’s mind, and he could see how the person’s entire body would heat up. This allowed him to see how effective his threats were and whether he needed to resort to more physical methods. In this case, that’s what he did.
Watching heat flow through the man’s face, assuming it was because of embarrassment of being humiliated in front of so many people, the naga slithered back into the bar. The hissing sound of the door closing behind him was the loudest sound aside from music playing in the background. So many eyes on him, he shifted his gaze to the ground before looking at the bartender, silently asking for help to avert everyone’s attention away from him.
The bartender nodded his head before lifting up a glass cup and lightly tapping it with a metal spoon to gain people’s attention. “Alright folks, go back to what you were doing. We’ll send a cleanup for that section. Just avoid it please.” As the people in the bar started to slowly disperse, the bartender called for an ambulance for the injured man, running to get him a cloth for his bleeding nose.
Amajiki and Fatgum had watched the fight from a distance, Fatgum impressed with the way the snake man had dealt with the situation. Although it was a little more forceful than expected, it was effective. “Wow, that was an interesting turn of events and we didn’t have to do anything!”
Not even a response from Amajiki as his gaze remained on the half-snake man who had stopped the fight, fairly quickly. He didn’t know how he was feeling right now, but it was almost similar to how he viewed Mirio, looking up to him as a role model in his life. But this was a little different.
He felt his cheeks warm up at the sight of the naga. His stance was confident, his method effective, and not once did he hesitate, even when physically he was a lot less muscular than the man he’d manhandled. It was admirable.
As if reading his mind, Fatgum nudged Amajiki in the side, grinning widely with a cheeky glint in his eyes. “I haven’t seen you look at another person like that before. Are you finally interested in someone after all these years?!”
That caused his whole face from the neck up to flare up a dark red, hiding his face further in his hood. Neither denying the comment nor confirming it, Fatgum only snickered a little as he ate some of the delicious steak the restaurant portion of the bar had served them. “You haven’t tried to get close to anyone before. Why don’t you go and talk to him? He’s not that different from you!”
Amajiki stammered over his words, “I-I can’t approach- n-no, I can’t. I-I’m not as- I don’t have- I don’t- I don’t- I-I can’t-… I don’t have the confidence for that. You- you know this..”
“Then how about I go to him instead?”
Eyes widening in fear of being rejected the way Mirio had done so many years ago, he gave Fatgum a pleading look. “D-d-don’t- don’t do that. I-I can’t..”
A sad sigh escaped Fatgum as he gave up trying. Amajiki was too bashful to even approach his friends sometimes. He could only imagine how he’d react if he went up to a complete stranger, but while being teased, the bashful male only glanced away from the naga once. Peering at him from under the hood as his reddened cheeks remained flushed.
“He’s looking at you,” the bartender gave him another cocktail, this one containing a mixture of vodka and bacardi with pink lemonade, chilled and iced with lime juice towards the top. A strange mix for a cocktail for anyone else, but the strong flavor was just enough to give him a buzz.
One good thing about his quirk was that his sense of taste wasn’t powerful, but his sense of smell made up for it. He could smell prey from miles away.
He wanted to look over his shoulder at the beautiful hero again but was slightly nervous about making eye contact with him. What did the hero think of him? He just witnessed how _____ had thrown a full grown man onto the ground then kicked him out of the bar.
“He’s probably thinking I’m some sort of monster.”
“Hey, don’t say that. You’re not even seeing the look he’s giving you.”
“You’re trying to tease.”
“No, quite serious actually. I’m seeing a hint of admiration and curiosity in his eyes. Trust me, I’ve been a bartender here for years. I can recognize most gazes people make and decipher it. I’m telling you, this man is giving you the most bashful look of adoration I’ve seen yet.”
The naga felt the scales on his arms and the sides of his jaw rattle as if they were goosebumps spreading across his body. His eyes gazing at his drink as if it held the answers he was looking for.
“I can’t do it,” he started chugging the cocktail, the burn of jalapeno flavor mixed with alcohol stung the back of his throat, but he couldn’t care less. They were heroes. He was just a civilian cursed with this dreaded quirk. “I’m going to keep my distance for now, but.. Maybe if he stops by again, I’ll think about it.”
Three nights back to back, he saw the two heroes again. Same pair, same bashful expression on the dark haired hero, and still he didn’t have the courage to go up to them.
The following week, Tamaki and Fatgum appeared at the bar four out of the seven days, and he had yet to make the first move.
_____ took in the sight of the beautiful hero and sipped quietly on his fourth drink of the night, two weeks after seeing Tamaki for the first time. There was just something about the hero that made him feel all sorts of ways. Forget butterflies in his belly when there was a whole zoo in there.
He desired nothing more than to wrap him in his arms. How their hands would feel intertwined. The curiosity of what his voice sounded like. What it would feel to finally make eye contact with him and take in the soft expression on his face.
“If I see you ogling that hero one more time, I’m going to drag you over there myself,” the bartender replaced ____’s cup with another drink, this one slightly more alcoholic than the previous ones. “You two have been eyeing each other every night and neither of you are making the first move. Come on, _____. Man up and go talk to him.”
“It’s not that easy. Have you seen me? I barely know how to hold a conversation for longer than a few minutes, I’m covered in scales, half of my body is reptilian, and I create venom in my mouth. Who’s going to want to know me more than just an acquaintance?”
“Suneater, if you gain a backbone and actually talk to him. He’s not the best at conversations either,” the started cleaning a wine glass, polishing it then gently setting it down on a towel upside down before going onto the next glass. “Listen, you might not think highly of yourself, but most people in this bar appreciate what you do. Ever since you moved into the neighborhood, my bar has become a safe place for people to relax and enjoy themselves in.”
_____ leaned his head against his propped up hand on the counter. “Because I’m half monster.”
“No. Because you’re territorial and know how to help people, even if you don’t like admitting it. You’ve got good qualities,” the bartender leaned over the counter before pointing at Tamaki. “And I bet he’ll think so too. Just give it a shot. You’ve both been undressing each other with your eyes. Just, go say hi and see how it goes. For my sake if not for your own.”
Scales rattling along his arms and the sides of his face, getting nervous all over again. He may be a big tough naga, but he was still human on the inside. Eventually he gave in, rubbing his forehead before dragging a hand down his face.
This wasn’t something he wasn’t looking forward to at all. The outcome was anything but predictable, and it could go one of several ways. There were multiple outcomes that could occur. If he could have the option to rewind time right to this specific moment, the second this didn’t go in a pleasant direction, he’d take the opportunity in the blink of an eye.
“If this goes south, you owe me three of your strongest drinks, cocktail or not.”
“Deal,” _____ took a deep breath and turned in the direction of where the two heroes were seated.
I’m going to fuck this up royally.
Slithering towards them as he avoided eye contact with the dark haired male, _____ stopped just short of their table.
Fatgum nudged Tamaki in the side when he saw the snake man gazing in their direction again along with the bartender. “Come on, Amajiki! Just give it a shot! You’ve been single since forever. Live a little, ask him out for a drink!”
He knew it was like talking to a brick walk when suggesting it, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t tease a little. Amajiki’s cheeks flushed a dark red once more as he avoided looking in the direction of the man who’d caught his eye. “N-no, I can’t- y-you know I can’t do something like that..!”
“It doesn’t mean I can’t keep teasing you- Oh!” Eyeing the male who started slithering towards them, a cheeky grin spread across his face. “Don’t look now, but- actually nevermind, you should probably look because your crush is heading this way.”
Amajiki felt like the flush on his face spread through his entire body as his wide eyes remained focused on the table in front of him. He dared not move, not even breathe unevenly.
The silence between them was heavy and awkward, neither knowing what to say nor how to make eye contact.
Finally swallowing down his nerves, _____ spoke. “Hi, I…- I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you at all, but-.. I’ve noticed that you two have been frequenting the bar recently and I’d- I’d like to introduce myself to you.”
With a cheeky grin, Fatgum got up from his side of the booth. “As much as I would love to stay and chat, I’ve got somewhere to be right now, kid! The name’s Fatgum! Take care of my partner here, will you? It might be a few hours before I get back. See ya!” And with that, he abandoned Amajiki and made a run for it. He didn’t have anywhere to really be, but this was the only way to play matchmaker for Amajiki.
I know how to fight. I don’t know how to do basic human interaction.
“I uhm..” A bead of sweat rolled down his scaly temple as he struggled to find the right words. “I.. I’m sorry- if you’re not comfortable, I can-“
Amajiki’s mouth moved faster than his brain did, his flustered self finally making eye contact. “Y-you can.. sit down with-… sit with me.”
Seating himself across the hero or at least trying to make himself as comfortable as possible in the booth, he tried not to make him uncomfortable. His eyes remained on the tabletop.
Should he be straightforward with why he was here in the first place? He was very obviously attracted to the man in front of him, but if he beat around the bush, he might lose his chance of dating Amajiki.
“I want to make my intentions clear,” he said as he made eye contact with the dark-haired hero, keeping his voice leveled but just clear enough to be heard over the music being played from overhead. “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you each night here in the bar. I’m attracted to you, and I know little to nothing about you as a hero aside from your hero name, Suneater.”
Okay, introductions were kind of made, his intentions were partially voiced, and he kind of expressed what he was doing there.
“I was hoping I could do more than just buy you a drink tonight?”
As awkward as their first encounter was, he didn’t need to say much more for Amajiki to understand what he wanted out of their conversation.
The first week, they continued to meet up at the bar every night after Amajiki’s patrols were done.
To anyone else, knowing that they hadn’t gotten very far in introducing themselves and their lives to each other, would have been considered either excessively slow or they were uninterested in each other. For two people who have very low social skills, this was progress that was steady for both of them and comfortable too.
They made small talk every so often but mostly just enjoyed each other’s company. _____ found out that Amajiki had a high tolerance to alcohol due to his quirk, even higher than his own, and he swore to challenge the hero to a drinking competition one day.
The first month rolled by and Fatgum was even inviting _____ over for dinner every so often with him and Amajiki after their patrols. Of course, his true intentions were to tease the new lovebirds, although neither one would budge on telling him any of the details about their date nights.
Towards the end of the second month, they were finally on a first name basis. Amajiki was less bashful about holding his hand now, but the two of them agreed to try and keep this out of the public’s eyes. However long that was going to last, considering news reporters loved being nosey, they were going to cherish it while it lasted.
_____ found he liked wrapping the tip of his tail around Amajiki’s wrist. It gave him a sense of security and the hero didn’t seem to mind it much either.
They were starting to introduce the other to their personal lives, and for tonight, Amajiki had invited the hybrid over to his place to stay.
Though he didn’t wear shoes, he still had to make sure the underside of his scaly belly was clean before slithering inside the house from the front door. Amajiki had gotten used to the difference in bodily anatomy, though sometimes he still had questions to ask, to which the hybrid was always pleased to answer.
“Are we watching any specific movie tonight?” He asked the hero who was now slightly flustered as he balanced on one foot.
“W-well.. I was- I-I was hoping to do something more than just… more than watching a movie.”
That got his attention quickly, his scales quivering with anticipation as he waited for Amajiki to finish.
“Y-you wanted to uh- s-see my quirk in- in action. I wanted to show you how it works.”
The two of them sat down on the couch in Amajiki’s living room facing each other. He held in one hand a plate with meat on it. “Anything I eat, I can turn a body part of mine into that of my food source.”
Using chopsticks, he picked up the meat on the plate and ate it fairly quickly. “It sometimes takes a few seconds,” he set the chopsticks and plate down on the little coffee table next to the couch.
“Is it painful for you?”
“N-no.. A little strange but never painful. It just-.. I-It just takes some getting used to when it’s a new food I’m eating.”
When Amajiki finally felt his body ready to transform, he focused his mind on the body part he wanted. Imagining the appearance, slowly, the lower part of his body started molding into the necessary appearance.
_____’s normally slitted pupils became slightly enlarged in size when he saw the full transformation. Amajiki’s lower body was the same as his own, half snake.
His scales were brighter in color than his own, smooth looking and gentle on the eyes. If he dared to admit, it almost looked like the hero was trying to appeal to his taste. Not that he had to.
Immediately his expression softened and he almost looked a little dopey at this point, forked tongue sticking out from between his lips to taste the air. For normal snakes, pheromones couldn’t be tasted in the air, but because they were still partially human, he could taste it clearly in the air. It was so sweet, so desirable. He could practically get drunk off just the taste.
“You’re so delectable..” His muttered words reached the hero’s ears and caused a dark flush to cover his face. Amajiki watched him lean forward and place their foreheads against one another, his eyes hazy and clearly not in the right headspace to be speaking sober.
“You smell so good. You look so beautiful… I’ve never met anyone like you before and I don’t want to let you go.”
His words only flustered Amajiki more and more.
“I-I thought I could-.. I wanted t-to show this to you a-as a gift..”
“I adore it. So very much. You are so beautiful.” If he wasn’t already smitten by the dark haired hero, he certainly was now. “You did this for me?”
”Can I do something for you in return? It’s a little selfish.”
“I-I don’t mind.”
He wrapped his lower body around Amajiki, their tails intertwining as he laced their fingers on one hand together. Pushing Amajiki onto his back on the couch, he buried his face in the hero’s neck and inhaled his human scent, mixing with the snake pheromones.
A small surprised gasp from him as the naga placed an open mouthed kiss on the soft flesh at the junction of his neck and shoulder.
He felt his pulse race at the delightful sound, desiring to hear it again. His voice low in tone, “Please, let me mark you. Can I mark you as mine?”
Amajiki felt his head was spinning rapid circles yet somehow, between all his own thoughts clashing with each other, the question that _____ asked, immediately registered in his mind.
Mark him..
That was something that, if he understood correctly, wasn’t done lightly. It was a powerful symbol, almost like a mating mark was. Maybe that’s what this was, a mating mark. But did such a pretty human really want to mark him as a potential lifelong partner?
“I can smell the doubt coming off you, Amajiki,” a string of kisses being placed from ear to the underside of his jaw. The touch was so soft yet so sensual, a shaky breath escaped him, gripping onto the hand that was interlocked.
“W-why me?”
“Why not you?” A pause as the naga placed another kiss on his jaw. “I’ve enjoyed our time together the past three months.. I adore every second we spend together. You’ve become special to me, and I want everyone to know that you’re off limits.”
Another kiss to his jaw as the naga hovered above him now, waiting for a proper answer.
He may be innocent in all other aspects, but admittedly, Amajiki had been curious what it would feel like to touch him. Actually touch him. What his scales would feel like if they were overheated, what his voice sounded like when it was thick with desire, whether his pupils dilated or remained slits.
”… W-will you go slow?”
“However slow you want me to go for you, Amajiki.”
“You won’t regret it?”
“I will never regret claiming you as mine.”
“Can I hide the mark?”
“I will mark you somewhere that’s for only our eyes.”
“Can… Can I mark you as well?”
He could feel the way that question affected _____. He felt the way his body squirmed just slightly, the way blood rushed through his tail, how his scales quivered. It almost looked like he was holding back from letting his eyes roll to the back of his head. “I would beg you to claim me if you didn’t already ask.”
From the moment they started dating, Amajiki had never made the first move on anything. He always waited for the older male to go first, letting him do the guiding in the relationship. Age was a slight contributor to that, but Amajiki didn’t have the courage to do things first. The first interaction, first time they held hands, first night sleeping together, first dinner date. The naga was the one to initiate all of that.
He wanted to try and give back, even if he wasn’t initiating it.
”C-can I kiss you?”
If he could put to words what _____’s expression was describing to him, it almost looked like he melted a hundred times over, his pupils dilating into an oval shape and a pink hue dusting his cheeks. If Amajiki were being honest, this was the first time he’d really paid attention to his lover’s face like this.
Lover… He liked how it sounded to him, how it made his heart flutter.
”Getting a kiss from you would make me force the world to bend for your every desire, Amajiki.” A bashful smile on his lips, he reached up with his free hand and gently cupped the man’s scaly cheek, letting his thumb run over the texture and committing it to memory.
Did he always have such pretty scales?
Were his eyes always so focused on him and solely him when they were together, as if he was the only to exist?
When was it he admitted to himself that he found snakes attractive?
Whenever Amajiki let his heart accept the man before him to create a place in his heart and allow him to cherish moments like these, he would hold those grateful thoughts to himself and instead, enjoy the moment as their lips molded into a much desired kiss.
Maybe Fatgum was right. Maybe he should have let go the second they entered the bar that night. But he was happy that he had a friend like Fatgum to make sure he didn’t miss out on precious moments like these.
He’d have to thank him later. In a couple of years.
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Who’s ready for a BILLION SCREENSHOTS*?
Not you because I’m not putting all of them in one post. :P
I’ll just put some of the ones from the beginning of the episode in this post. :D
Obvious spoilers is obvious. All under the Keep Reading.
*I did not actually take a billion screenshots. Steam says I took 982. This is what happens when you make TAB the screenshot button on Steam.
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Shouldn’t the SEASON TWO thing be after the Story Mode? xD
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CHICKENS AND BUI- oh hey, I see Stacy Plays and Stampy Cat.
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And then suddenly octopuses.
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MMM, Beacon Town looks lovely and so full of personality! :D
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All the new Jesse’s are pretty sweet, but I’ll stick with my first Jesse since I am going off my first file, thank you very much. ;)
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Awww yeeeeaaaahhhh...
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I was a little surprised that you can see all the episodes right on the main screen once you get into it. I did take a look at all of them and saw their summaries, but I’ll talk about them later.
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Lukas is the new narrator. BLESS. :3
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I'm already hurting and it’s only been two minutes. :(
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I was immediately reminded of that one moment of episode one where Jesse, Olivia, Axel, and Reuben jump into the air and then suddenly FREEZE FRAME. xD
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The game remembered that I used a pickaxe for the command block, but forgot I chose the Star Shield during the Witherstorm fight. YOU GET HALF CREDIT FOR THE EFFORT, GAME.
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I’m pretty sure their armor looked a little different in season one, but I’ll roll with it. xD
Also, I just noticed Lukas looks likes a biker now with the goggles and shoulder pads.
Or was it a mechanic?
Or maybe I’m thinking of something else that’s dressed similarly to him.
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All around me are familiar faces... worn out places... worn out faces~
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I have played through the whole episode and I want to adopt Radar.
Make it happen, Telltale.
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Ah, yeah. Magnus is still alive in my first playthrough. I wanted Ellegaard’s armor because it looked like it suited my Jesse more.
Then she died and I was all ‘Ooooh, I see what you did there, Telltale’.
That reminds me, the first time I played through episode two of the first season, I visited Boom Town first, but I was curious about Olivia’s route and rewinded back to that.
Sooo, is Axel still King of Boom Town in this playthrough, or what?
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Telltale got a little trigger happy putting all the parrots everywhere, but I’m completely fine with it. :D
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Radar is such a fanboy and I love him. <3
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It was when I started making the face that I remembered Nell said something along the lines of ‘make a statue, Jesse’ and not ‘make a statue of Jesse’ and I felt silly after that.
3 AM is not a good time to be playing a new game. :,D
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Then I tried to make a seahorse and was severely disappointed that I didn’t have the height room to make it happen.
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In the end, I went with something that looked like a surfboard. I could’ve made it thinner, but ehhhh, I’m fine with the end result. xD
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Oh yeah, and these two are around. xD
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You okay?
What have you seen?
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The game remembered my Enderman. *sniff* It’s beautiful. :,D
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I made an Enderman because I like the mob.
There is no special meaning to this.
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Aw, I adore the cute little posters of Reuben. :3
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Ohmigosh, it’s me.
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I’m sorry, but Smushy Cutecheeks.
Meanwhile, I think Lord von Thunderpork VI is a perfectly normal name for a pig. xD
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Yeah, I had no idea who to choose.
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How dare I not be able to make a decision! SUCH ANGER! MUCH HATRED!
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Oops. Mayhaps I made a mistake.
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Excuse me while I take this sugarcane and rethink my life choices.
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Though, I can’t really say that I like them since I never read them.
Make it happen, Telltale.
Make. It. Happen.
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Greatest redstone invention ever created. 10/10, would recommend another piston to the face.
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Who wants to dive into water anymore when you can dive onto slime?!?
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I ended up choosing pink wool because I was reminded of the Death Bowl. :P
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Looking good! You can even see a :| octopus in the distance. :D
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Come on, baby~ Let’s do the twist~
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She ascends.
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I relate to Stampy on a spiritual level.
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Yeah, that about sums this game up in a nut shell.
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Radar, this is a side quest.
Of course I’m going to find all the materials I need.
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And in this screenshot, Jesse laughs at chickens and Radar is questioning why he started interning for her in the first place.
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Me thinks this belongs to a Youtuber.
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Well, that was a piece of cake AND pie. :D
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That cake and pie looks like they’re shooting stars about to hit the other.
There were no survivors.
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Burger Balloon Man has some issues to work through.
Burger Balloon Man needs some therapy.
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Well, the exit is blocked.
Curses! My escape plan has been foiled!
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Yeah, now seems like a good point to end this post.
I have a looooooot more screenshots than this. So, let me know if you want to see more of them.
20 notes · View notes
immuskaan · 6 years
Apple Update: iOS 13 release date, news, and rumors
New iOS 13 rumors suggest a big software revamp for iPhone and iPad
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The iOS 13 release date is expected to usher in big changes for your iPhone and iPad and, with iPhone sales down, excitement is something Apple needs right now. The good news is that some features were reportedly delayed to 2019 to focus on the stability of iOS 12 in 2018. So the time has come for major UI and app redesigns. iOS 13 rumors are still in their early stages. Most of the features we've heard about are ones left on the cutting room floor from a year ago. We've outlined those. Update: New iOS 13 rumors shed light on what to expect from the 2019 software update, so get ready for a dark mode, tabs to view multiple versions of a single app and a brand new home screen. All are included below. We've also listed our own iOS 13 feature predictions. These are new ideas that Apple could include in future software updates, and really should. Most are long overdue. Here's everything you need to know about iOS 13 in the lead up to Apple WWDC 2019 in early June. iOS 13 release date announcement: when will it come out?
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Apple CEO Tim Cook at the latest iPad Pro event in November (Photo credit: Matt Swider / TechRadar) iOS 13 release date
Monday, June 3: Estimated WWDC 2019 date (based on historical timing) 
Early June: iOS 13 developer beta meant for paid Apple Developers  
Late June: iOS 13 public betas may launch for adventurous testers
September 2019: iOS 13 likely to launch with new 2019 iPhones
iOS 13 reveal date could be Monday, June 3, as Apple has historically unveiled its new software at WWDC in San Jose. Actually, we don't even know that June 3 will be the official WWDC 2019 date. It's just that last year it was Monday, June 4, 2018, and the year before it was Monday, June 5, 2017. We see a trend here. iOS 13 developer beta: The first iOS 13 betas will likely arrive at or a few days after WWDC, but it's going to be restricted to paid Apple developers. You should probably wait for the public beta, which is always more stable. iOS 13 public beta: This is Apple's way of testing features on a larger scale, and that may happen toward the end of June. It's typically a more refined version of the iOS developer beta, although it can still be rough and never includes all of the features implemented in the final version of the software. The official iOS 13 release date: We'll get the new iOS 13 software in its final, stable form at the iPhone launch event, what we're calling the iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Max and iPhone 11 XR at the moment. The date? Probably mid-September. We'll know for sure at the iPhone launch event. iOS 13 compatibility
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Apple has continued to support the iPhone 5S, the first phone with a 64-bit chipset inside of it. It's seen six versions of iOS, as have the iPad Air and iPad mini 2.
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iOS 13 could revert to shedding the oldest devices from Apple's compatibility list, like it used to do before 2018. That means iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, and iPod Touch 6th generation might be the oldest devices on the iOS 13 compatibility list. Apple would essentially require devices to have the A8 chipset or newer to upgrade to iOS 13. This also happens to be the chip in the HomePod and Apple TV 4th generation, so it brings everything into line. In reality, it's in Apple's best interest that you upgrade your hardware, too. We saw what happened when the company price-dropped its battery replacement service in 2018. Don't expect Apple to make an official announcement at WWDC 2019 if the iPhone 5S isn't compatible with iOS 13. The phone will just show up on a slide, or it won't. Also, remember that not every iOS 13 feature will come to all devices on that list. Some new ideas may require the TrueDepth camera, a rear dual-lens system, or 3D Touch. Big iPad changes needed
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Every two years, the iPad seems to get a flurry of meaningful changes. We saw this with iOS 11 nearly two years ago and iOS 9 two years before that. That means – in our minds at least – the iOS 13 update is destined to change up the iPad software, and it may be in an effort to make the iPad a better 'computer.' That was our chief complaint of the iPad 11 and iPad 12.9 in 2019. Even if iOS 12 is great on phones, it feels limiting on a tablet when we wanted to do real work. We'd love to see a 'Desktop Mode' to improve our workflow, with a menu and taskbar across the top and bottom. Going along with this is our wish to see Bluetooth mouse support. iOS 13 would, of course, need to include support for a cursor. The Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 added all of these features in 2018, but with terrible touchscreen execution. Apple could do what it does best and refine an existing Android idea until 'it just works.' Interestingly, the latest home screen rumor (more on that below) mentions that it's an iPad-specific change. Apple could be building its new home screen UI revamp for the iPad before it changing anything on the iPhone. Expanding on the Apple Files app and supporting external storage would also make the iPad Pro a much more productivity-friendly device, as would the long-rumored multi-user support. iPads, after all, are often shared among family members. Home screen redesign
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iOS 13 may bring the first-ever major changes to the iOS home screen, and it's overdue. We've had this app tile layout since the first iPhone launched in 2007. It works, sure, but it's also a bit stale. While last year's rumors mentioned a home screen refresh, it didn't go into detail about the potential changes. We'd, however, envision parts of the current Today screen (that leftmost widget-like screen) making its way onto the home screen. Being able to peek at snippets of information – the 5-day weather forecast, your next calendar appointment, and the latest Apple News headlines – would be a welcome addition to the unchanged iOS app grid. When talking up Apple Watch face complications, the team behind it used the words 'glanceable information' a lot. That would be a natural fit for the iOS 13 home screen. However, the newest iOS 13 rumors suggest that this is an iPad-specific change. We'll have to wait to see if the iPhone can get in on the home screen UI changes, too. iOS 13 dark mode seems very likely iOS 13 may, in fact, be the update in which Apple finally comes through with the long-rumored 'dark mode.' We've been hearing about it for a number of years. Apple introduced a dark mode for macOS Mojave at WWWC last year, so it's fitting to hear Bloomberg report that iOS 13 is going to do the same for the iPhone and iPad in 2019. If the rumor is accurate, this will make it easier to look at apps at nighttime. There's a lot of white and bright hues among current app color schemes, so toning them down would be a great way to compliment the blue-light-reducing Night Shift mode. Camera app revamp
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Apple's camera app is extremely basic. It's been a blessing and a curse. It's easy for less tech-savvy iPhone owners to use, but more advanced users are missing out on features that would let them fine-tune their photos and videos. A revamp to the camera app was also among last year's leaks, and that's the change that piqued our interest the most. The Samsung Galaxy S9 has the ability to snap a photo with gestures, while the LG V40's video tools allow you to fluidly zoom into anywhere on the screen, not just the dead center. The Google Pixel 3 has added a Night Sight mode that aims to end the need for a frequently-photo-ruining flash. Expect Apple to keep the camera app streamlined, but sprinkle in more advanced tools. And if all we get is the ability to change resolutions and frame rates from within the camera app (and not in the settings menu), that'd be good enough. Health and Activity apps on the iPad Your health and fitness data deserves to be seen at 9.7 inches and 12.9 inches, and that's what we're hoping for from the iOS 13 update in the coming months. Both the Apple Health app and Activity app (the one with the rings) present a lot of data to comb over, and seeing bars, graphs, running maps, and various numbers stretched out on the big screen would be ideal. Right now, both apps are limited to the Apple Watch and the iPhone. We think Apple will do this eventually. Doctors could review health data with patients more easily, for example, and senior citizens have complained to us that their iPhone is too small to read all of the health data. We'd also like to see both apps on macOS, but one tracked step at a time.
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Clipboard manager Clipboard manager apps do exist, allowing for multi-copy and paste and copy and paste history, but they're all rather limiting because they're not built into the UI. Apple could change this in iOS 13, and it's another way in which productivity on the iPad could be enhanced. Having a full clipboard manager work at the system level would also help prevent copying over what's in our clipboard currently. SPAM call blocking iOS 13 needs better SPAM call blocking. Absolutely needs it in 2019. It's one of the best features of the Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL, yet the increasing nuisance of telemarketers persists on the iPhone. Okay, last year's iOS update did at least add a call blocking and identification option. But users have to invest in an app (that often costs money annually) to get good SPAM call blocking protection. Apps like Hiya cost $2.99/month or $14.99/year for premium service. The good news is that we see a big shift happening. Verizon is making its SPAM and robocall feature free starting in March, and Apple has recently issued a patent for this sort of feature. Change WiFi and Bluetooth via Control Central
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Connecting to new WiFi networks or Bluetooth devices without exiting the app you're using is impossible. Sure, Control Center allows you to toggle WiFi and Bluetooth on and off via this drop-down menu, but switching between connections requires you to dive into the Settings menu and submenus. That's rather annoying. iOS 13 could easily change this, with another frosted overlay menu that lets you pick your connections without kicking you out of your current app. This would be especially handy when traveling and constantly cycling through multiple open WiFi networks. It'd be a shortcut within a Control Center shortcut, and we'd be okay with that. More iOS 13 news to come iOS 13 is still several months away, even in beta form. However, as we get closer to Apple's WWDC 2019 keynote in June, we expect more leaks to emerge about what the company is working on. If they do pop into the news, we'll report on them here.
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We'll have to wait for the final version of UI, likely in September with an iPhone 11 launch event. However, the potential iOS 13 features above give you an idea of where the iPhone and iPad software could head in 2019. Need a quick fix? Our iOS 12 problems guide has you covered. READ MORE:
from Blogger http://bit.ly/2Ttpfv3 via
New iOS 13 rumors suggest a big software revamp for iPhone and iPad
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The iOS 13 release date is expected to usher in big changes for your iPhone and iPad and, with iPhone sales down, excitement is something Apple needs right now. The good news is that some features were reportedly delayed to 2019 to focus on the stability of iOS 12 in 2018. So the time has come for major UI and app redesigns. iOS 13 rumors are still in their early stages. Most of the features we've heard about are ones left on the cutting room floor from a year ago. We've outlined those. Update: New iOS 13 rumors shed light on what to expect from the 2019 software update, so get ready for a dark mode, tabs to view multiple versions of a single app and a brand new home screen. All are included below. We've also listed our own iOS 13 feature predictions. These are new ideas that Apple could include in future software updates, and really should. Most are long overdue. Here's everything you need to know about iOS 13 in the lead up to Apple WWDC 2019 in early June. iOS 13 release date announcement: when will it come out?
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Apple CEO Tim Cook at the latest iPad Pro event in November (Photo credit: Matt Swider / TechRadar) iOS 13 release date
Monday, June 3: Estimated WWDC 2019 date (based on historical timing) 
Early June: iOS 13 developer beta meant for paid Apple Developers  
Late June: iOS 13 public betas may launch for adventurous testers
September 2019: iOS 13 likely to launch with new 2019 iPhones
iOS 13 reveal date could be Monday, June 3, as Apple has historically unveiled its new software at WWDC in San Jose. Actually, we don't even know that June 3 will be the official WWDC 2019 date. It's just that last year it was Monday, June 4, 2018, and the year before it was Monday, June 5, 2017. We see a trend here. iOS 13 developer beta: The first iOS 13 betas will likely arrive at or a few days after WWDC, but it's going to be restricted to paid Apple developers. You should probably wait for the public beta, which is always more stable. iOS 13 public beta: This is Apple's way of testing features on a larger scale, and that may happen toward the end of June. It's typically a more refined version of the iOS developer beta, although it can still be rough and never includes all of the features implemented in the final version of the software. The official iOS 13 release date: We'll get the new iOS 13 software in its final, stable form at the iPhone launch event, what we're calling the iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Max and iPhone 11 XR at the moment. The date? Probably mid-September. We'll know for sure at the iPhone launch event. iOS 13 compatibility
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Apple has continued to support the iPhone 5S, the first phone with a 64-bit chipset inside of it. It's seen six versions of iOS, as have the iPad Air and iPad mini 2.
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iOS 13 could revert to shedding the oldest devices from Apple's compatibility list, like it used to do before 2018. That means iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, and iPod Touch 6th generation might be the oldest devices on the iOS 13 compatibility list. Apple would essentially require devices to have the A8 chipset or newer to upgrade to iOS 13. This also happens to be the chip in the HomePod and Apple TV 4th generation, so it brings everything into line. In reality, it's in Apple's best interest that you upgrade your hardware, too. We saw what happened when the company price-dropped its battery replacement service in 2018. Don't expect Apple to make an official announcement at WWDC 2019 if the iPhone 5S isn't compatible with iOS 13. The phone will just show up on a slide, or it won't. Also, remember that not every iOS 13 feature will come to all devices on that list. Some new ideas may require the TrueDepth camera, a rear dual-lens system, or 3D Touch. Big iPad changes needed
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Every two years, the iPad seems to get a flurry of meaningful changes. We saw this with iOS 11 nearly two years ago and iOS 9 two years before that. That means – in our minds at least – the iOS 13 update is destined to change up the iPad software, and it may be in an effort to make the iPad a better 'computer.' That was our chief complaint of the iPad 11 and iPad 12.9 in 2019. Even if iOS 12 is great on phones, it feels limiting on a tablet when we wanted to do real work. We'd love to see a 'Desktop Mode' to improve our workflow, with a menu and taskbar across the top and bottom. Going along with this is our wish to see Bluetooth mouse support. iOS 13 would, of course, need to include support for a cursor. The Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 added all of these features in 2018, but with terrible touchscreen execution. Apple could do what it does best and refine an existing Android idea until 'it just works.' Interestingly, the latest home screen rumor (more on that below) mentions that it's an iPad-specific change. Apple could be building its new home screen UI revamp for the iPad before it changing anything on the iPhone. Expanding on the Apple Files app and supporting external storage would also make the iPad Pro a much more productivity-friendly device, as would the long-rumored multi-user support. iPads, after all, are often shared among family members. Home screen redesign
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iOS 13 may bring the first-ever major changes to the iOS home screen, and it's overdue. We've had this app tile layout since the first iPhone launched in 2007. It works, sure, but it's also a bit stale. While last year's rumors mentioned a home screen refresh, it didn't go into detail about the potential changes. We'd, however, envision parts of the current Today screen (that leftmost widget-like screen) making its way onto the home screen. Being able to peek at snippets of information – the 5-day weather forecast, your next calendar appointment, and the latest Apple News headlines – would be a welcome addition to the unchanged iOS app grid. When talking up Apple Watch face complications, the team behind it used the words 'glanceable information' a lot. That would be a natural fit for the iOS 13 home screen. However, the newest iOS 13 rumors suggest that this is an iPad-specific change. We'll have to wait to see if the iPhone can get in on the home screen UI changes, too. iOS 13 dark mode seems very likely iOS 13 may, in fact, be the update in which Apple finally comes through with the long-rumored 'dark mode.' We've been hearing about it for a number of years. Apple introduced a dark mode for macOS Mojave at WWWC last year, so it's fitting to hear Bloomberg report that iOS 13 is going to do the same for the iPhone and iPad in 2019. If the rumor is accurate, this will make it easier to look at apps at nighttime. There's a lot of white and bright hues among current app color schemes, so toning them down would be a great way to compliment the blue-light-reducing Night Shift mode. Camera app revamp
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Apple's camera app is extremely basic. It's been a blessing and a curse. It's easy for less tech-savvy iPhone owners to use, but more advanced users are missing out on features that would let them fine-tune their photos and videos. A revamp to the camera app was also among last year's leaks, and that's the change that piqued our interest the most. The Samsung Galaxy S9 has the ability to snap a photo with gestures, while the LG V40's video tools allow you to fluidly zoom into anywhere on the screen, not just the dead center. The Google Pixel 3 has added a Night Sight mode that aims to end the need for a frequently-photo-ruining flash. Expect Apple to keep the camera app streamlined, but sprinkle in more advanced tools. And if all we get is the ability to change resolutions and frame rates from within the camera app (and not in the settings menu), that'd be good enough. Health and Activity apps on the iPad Your health and fitness data deserves to be seen at 9.7 inches and 12.9 inches, and that's what we're hoping for from the iOS 13 update in the coming months. Both the Apple Health app and Activity app (the one with the rings) present a lot of data to comb over, and seeing bars, graphs, running maps, and various numbers stretched out on the big screen would be ideal. Right now, both apps are limited to the Apple Watch and the iPhone. We think Apple will do this eventually. Doctors could review health data with patients more easily, for example, and senior citizens have complained to us that their iPhone is too small to read all of the health data. We'd also like to see both apps on macOS, but one tracked step at a time.
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Clipboard manager Clipboard manager apps do exist, allowing for multi-copy and paste and copy and paste history, but they're all rather limiting because they're not built into the UI. Apple could change this in iOS 13, and it's another way in which productivity on the iPad could be enhanced. Having a full clipboard manager work at the system level would also help prevent copying over what's in our clipboard currently. SPAM call blocking iOS 13 needs better SPAM call blocking. Absolutely needs it in 2019. It's one of the best features of the Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL, yet the increasing nuisance of telemarketers persists on the iPhone. Okay, last year's iOS update did at least add a call blocking and identification option. But users have to invest in an app (that often costs money annually) to get good SPAM call blocking protection. Apps like Hiya cost $2.99/month or $14.99/year for premium service. The good news is that we see a big shift happening. Verizon is making its SPAM and robocall feature free starting in March, and Apple has recently issued a patent for this sort of feature. Change WiFi and Bluetooth via Control Central
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Connecting to new WiFi networks or Bluetooth devices without exiting the app you're using is impossible. Sure, Control Center allows you to toggle WiFi and Bluetooth on and off via this drop-down menu, but switching between connections requires you to dive into the Settings menu and submenus. That's rather annoying. iOS 13 could easily change this, with another frosted overlay menu that lets you pick your connections without kicking you out of your current app. This would be especially handy when traveling and constantly cycling through multiple open WiFi networks. It'd be a shortcut within a Control Center shortcut, and we'd be okay with that. More iOS 13 news to come iOS 13 is still several months away, even in beta form. However, as we get closer to Apple's WWDC 2019 keynote in June, we expect more leaks to emerge about what the company is working on. If they do pop into the news, we'll report on them here.
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We'll have to wait for the final version of UI, likely in September with an iPhone 11 launch event. However, the potential iOS 13 features above give you an idea of where the iPhone and iPad software could head in 2019. Need a quick fix? Our iOS 12 problems guide has you covered. READ MORE:
0 notes