godyoutalkpretty · 7 years
I tell you what, IMFDB is an amazing resource. Do I want a character to use the exact same sniper rifle as Kensi Blye? Uh, let me just go check what it was. A DPMS TAC20. Done.
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spooks-anime · 5 years
Act 2: Chapter 2-Shadow One
It's been eight months. Eight long fucking months since I was out of the service - all because of that IED, which destroyed my lower part of my right leg where it had to be amputated. I had to wear a prosthetic replacement of my shin to foot. It hurts like hell but I was on pain killers and still work out with it. In return for my medical discharge, I got a medal. Getting a Purple Heart didn't mean shit to me. What's the point? I had to remain secret and tell no one that I was a Navy SEAL. I didn't mind, and on top of that, no one would believe that a woman was a SEAL. Just because that G.I. Jane film was made doesn't mean a lot of women became SEALs. The US Government still does not want women in Special Forces, period. I was the first and the luckiest to be a SEAL and may be the last. After eight months, I was starting to believe that serving my country was over, meaning that I don't get to be a cop or a firefighter. I probably can't be a fucking paramedic since I have a prosthetic leg. The only chance of a job would be working as a desk job - that was, until that man came to my house.
0400 Hours August 15, 2007
Somewhere in the Southern United States, there was a nice two story house apartment. Inside a bedroom sat Jessica Sawyer herself. She was only wearing her white tank top and grey undies, sitting on the edge of her with her head and eyes staring at the ground. Her facial expression indicated that she didn't sleep much. Not only that, it also showed that she was very depressed. She couldn't stop thinking about what happened in Iraq, neither could she still get over the medical discharge and the loss of her leg. Suddenly, a loud ringing was heard from the alarm clock on top of her night stand, which grabbed her attention right away. She reached over to turn it off and began making preparations to start her day. A car pulled up next to the apartment building and parked in the lot. A bald African-American man with brown eyes in his early forties exited the car. He wore a black business suit and a pair of dark sunglasses. The man took a deep breath before walking towards the building. When he reached the second floor, he found the door he was looking for and knocked three times for someone to answer. The door finally opened and he saw Jessica standing across from him. Upon seeing Jessica, the man gave a half-smile, but Jessica worked to keep her expression blank, despite her curiosity and growing suspicions as to why a strange man had showed up at her apartment with no warning.
"Jessica Patricia Sawyer?" questioned the man. “Former Petty Officer of the United States Navy SEALs? Team 3 Alpha Platoon.”
"Yes. Can I help you?" Jessica asked.
"May we talk inside? This is a private conversation."
“Do you want anything to drink?” Jessica asked as she led the man inside.
“No, no. I’m fine,” the man answered. "How's your leg?"
"Still feels a bit strange, but it’s fine," Jessica answered before cutting right to the point. “So, may I ask what is this about?”
"How would you like to serve your country again?"
"To do what exactly?” Jessica raised an eyebrow. “I'm handicapped."
"You can still run, shoot, and fight can't you?”
Jessica started to wonder whether she was being recruited into a private military company, perhaps for either Blackwater or Triple Canopy. However, working as hired security or as a mercenary wasn’t exactly Jessica’s style.
"If you're recruiting me to be some security contractor for some company, then I'll pass. I'm not the type to do that shit," said Jessica, turning down the offer.
"Of course not,” the man replied. “I meant as in for the US government. With the skills that will be provided for you in the Agency, you can be a part of a paramilitary unit for people who were in Special Operations units of the United States military, such as SEALs like yourself. In this unit, you will be hunting down major terrorist cells or any threat to the United States of America.”
Jessica was feeling a bit unsure of what Agency has a paramilitary unit for her to be in and why they would want to recruit her.
"Sawyer,” the man continued, leaning forward, “I know how much you wanted to go back to the field and how much you wanted to continue serving your country. I know it. I can even see it in those eyes; you still have those eyes of a warrior. We need people like that.”
Jessica was still unsure about being recruited by this man, but it did seem to interest her as there was nothing for her in this civilian life and would rather continue serving her country. Jessica made her decision and agreed to join.
“Where do I sign up?” she asked.
The man offered his hand to Jessica, and she shook his. As they were shaking hands, the man replied.
"Welcome to the Central Intelligence Agency, Jessica Sawyer."
Years past, I was part of the CIA’s Ground Branch unit of the Special Activities Division/Special Operation Group. We’re guys or gals selected out of badass special forces units of the United States Armed Forces: SEALs, Delta, Marine Force Recon, Raiders and hell, even Air Force Special Ops. We’re basically a deniable paramilitary unit that handles covert operations, espionage and assassinations. When I mean deniable, I’m referring to the fact that we don’t exist and our government has no knowledge of us if the mission is compromised. Real Black Ops shit.
0100 Hours March 9, 2015
Somewhere in the Caucasus Mountains on the Georgian-Russian Border during a quiet, pitch-black night, there is a three story house in the middle of nowhere. On the hilltop are two snipers in prone position with a good view of the house. The snipers are armed with DPMS TAC20s fitted with CNVD, telescopic scopes, and Parker & Hale bipod stands on the ground. The two snipers are wearing ghillie suits to disguise them as bushes.
One of the snipers is Jessica, who is now the team leader of the CIA Special Activities Division/Special Operation Group Paramilitary unit. The two are in overwatch as they’re scoping out the house 800 meters away from them. Suddenly a man calls through their earpiece comms.
“Shadow 2 to 1, we’re in position. Ready to engage safehouse, over.”  
Jessica slowly clicks on her mic and reply back to the man.
“Copy, Shadow 2. You are clear to execute, over.”
From the forest area to the front of the house, there is a group of three operators wearing coyote brown tactical plate carriers over their black tactical jackets, tactical gloves, blue jeans and sneakers. The operators are also wearing tactical helmets with quad tube panoramic night vision goggles to see through the dark. Two operatives are armed with Daniel Defense MK18s; one is armed with an MP7. Their weapons have different scopes, mounted laser designators, and suppressors, as they want to maintain stealth.
There are two women in the group and one man. One female operative is a Caucasian American with short blonde hair and green eyes; the other female operative is a brown-skinned Latina American with short black hair, blue eyes and a beauty mark on the right side near her eye. The male operative leading the assault is a Caucasian American with short brown hair in a  buzz cut, a light stubble beard, and blue eyes.
The three operatives are slowly walking through the valley making their way to the house, watching their steps from any landmines that may be planted by the hostiles in the house. As they get close to the house, the Latina operative separates herself from the team as she makes her way to the back of the house. Once she gets there, she notices a man armed with an AK rifle taking a cigarette break while standing next to the power generator. She aims her MP7 at the gunman and fires a round at him; the bullet goes straight through his head, killing him instantly.
After killing the gunman, the operative walks over from him and makes her way to the generator. From Jessica and the other sniper’s position, the two sees the house’s lights turn off.
“Show time,” Jessica mutters with a smirk on her face.
The house is now completely pitch black; there is commotion inside. The Latina operative goes to her mic and reports to the male operative as she returns to him.
“Power’s down. Returning to you guys.”
“Copy. We’ll wait for you to breach,” the male operative replies on comms.
The Latina operative finally makes it back to her team, and they’re about to breach into the front of the house stacking next to the door.
“2 to 1. We’re entering the front of the house now,” said the male operative to Jessica using his mic.
As soon as he reaches for the doorknob, loud gunfire rings out and bullets are flying through the door. The male operative quickly moves back so the bullets won’t hit him.
“Fuck…” The male operative swears quietly to himself.
The male operative pulls out an M84 grenade from his vest, pulls the pin, and throws it through the door. A couple of seconds later, the grenade explodes where the shooting stopped, which gives the operatives the opportunity to breach into the front of the house.
The male operative trains his MK18 on a stunned gunman carrying an AK rifle wearing a green shirt and woodland Euro military camo pants, and puts three rounds his chest with no hesitations. Once he falls to the ground, the operative puts one more round to his chest and one to the head to make sure that he’s dead.
The operatives continue to move through the house before finally making their way to the circular room. The operatives found two armed gunmen who were standing still and trying to figure out what was going on, as they cannot see through the dark. The male operative and the blonde female operatives aim their weapons at the two gunmen and the gunmen drop dead as they were pierced by a few bullets. As the team continues, they take fire from a gunman hiding in the kitchen; the man was blind firing and not even hitting near the team, which gave the Latina operative the opportunity to flank. She comes up to the gunman from behind and squeezes off two rounds in the back before finishing him off with a round to the head which kills him instantly.
“Kitchen cleared,” the Latina operative announced.
After securing the living room, the team regrouped back to the circular room and the male operative reports to Jessica using his mic.
“Three tangos down on second floor.”
“Proceed to third and basement floors.” Jessica ordered through comms.
“Taking stairs to third floor,” announces the Latina operative as she separates herself from the team.
“Shadow 3 and I will take the bottom floor basement,” replies the male operative.  
The Latina operative makes her way up the stairs to the third floor. Once she makes it to the top, she quickly shoots down and kills a gunman on the top of the steps before he could react. Before she could search the halls, she immediately came under fire coming from down the hall by another gunman at the end of the hall in the bathroom. She manages to lean out and return fire. Her bullets manage to hit the gunman in the chest, and the last bullet to the head finally kills him.
The Latina operative continues to move through the halls and stops at a door on her left that leads to a bedroom. One opens the door slowly and enters the bedroom and finds nothing. She comes out and makes her way over to the last bedroom on the right. As soon as she opens the door halfway, bullets fly through the door, but luckily the operative is not caught by any of them. She then quickly enters the room and shoots the gunman who is next to the bed. One round hits the gunman’s shoulder and waist, which makes him fall to the floor screaming in pain although he still tried his best to get up.
The operative walks up and finishes the wounded gunman off by two bullets in the chest and one to the head, which kills him. After looking around the room and the closet, the operative goes to her mic and reports to the male operative.
“Third floor cleared.”
The blonde female operative and the male operative are not going down the stairs to the basement room; they are taking fire from a gunman in the corner to a hallway who is keeping them pinned down. The gunman is near the stairs while the operatives remain near the corner of the stairs.
The two operatives still keep their cool as the gunman is shooting wildly. Once the gunman is out of ammo, three bullets pierce through his chest which knocks him down to the ground dead.
The two operatives came down from the stairs and move through the hallway, stacking up to a door to the left. As the male operative takes point, the two enter the room and quickly take down two armed gunmen using their weapons.
After killing them and securing the room, which turned out to be the garage, they come out and move to the next door on the right that leads to another room. The two enter the room and shoot down a gunman together, killing him as bullets pierced into his chest.
There is another gunman hiding in a weapon cache room. He is a middle-aged Russian man with green eyes, grey hair, and a beard, wearing a white shirt under a Soviet chest rig and camo pants.  
He tries to shoot the operative using his PMK light machine gun but the rifle seems to be jammed, giving the male operative the opportunity to cut the man down by putting three rounds in his chest. Once the Russian falls to the ground, the operative puts one round to the head, finishing him off.
“HVT confirmed KIA,” reports the male operative.
The two operatives become relieved that the house is completely secured and there are no enemies left around.
“I’ll start collecting in the garage,” said the blonde female operative as she walks away from her teammate.
The male operative goes to his mic and reports to Jessica.
“‘Shadow 1’, this is ‘Shadow 2’, house secure. All hostiles have been neutralized including HVT.”
“Copy 2,” Jessica replied on comms. “Start collecting everything that you can get, including the HVT. You have ten mikes and then start to exfil or you will be left behind, out.”
The Latina operative comes from the third floor to the living room, which has a plan board which she starts pictures of using a digital camera. By the look on her face, she is surprised by what these gunmen were up to. There are even pictures of potential attacks in the US such as New York, Washington, and even Chicago. Paying attention to their plans, it seemed it would have been very successful.
“Damn,” the Latina operative mutters before going back to her mic and contacting Jessica. “Shadow 4 to 1...you were right...these assholes were planning something big.”
“Good thing we stopped them in time, 4,” Jessica replies on comms.
Meanwhile, the blond female operator is gathering all zip drives, disks, and storages in bags as the garage was a computer lab while the male operative starts to put the dead insurgent leader who is a High Value Target in a bodybag. The team has now successfully completed their mission by killing an HVT and collecting intel for the analysis team to look at, but the battle against these Russian gunmen is not over yet.
I have never been with, nor lead a team of operators like Shadow 1. I thought SEALs were badass but if you’re in SAD/SOG, you’re basically a nightmare to your enemies. Black, “Shadow 1-2,” is a former Green Beret; he’s a bit of an asshole from the South even if he’s joking around, but at least he cares for his country - well, mostly Texas. Echo, “Shadow 1-3,” is a former member of Force Recon, and a skilled fighter as well as an expert at blowing shit up. Deeks, “Shadow 1-5,” is one of the best snipers that I know. Hell, he’s even better than I am, able to put a bullet through the head of a guy one or two miles away. Tequila, “Shadow 1-4,” is a former Army Ranger and a fair shot. She is a demolition expert like Echo but a better fighter, as she knows four types of martial arts and she really enjoys this black ops shit. In fact, I dare say she enjoys too much of it. These guys are some of the most badass motherfuckers and I’m proud to be leading this team.
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tatarogul · 5 years
TAÇ İndirim Kodu Kampanyaları
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Taç İndirim Kodu Kampanyaları
İlk Alışveriş İndirim Kampanyası www.tac.com.tr'ye üyelikte, üyelik e-posta ile iletilen indirim kodunun Alışveriş Sepeti ekranındaki Kupon Kodu alanına girilmesi ile ilk alışverişte 200 TL ve üzeri alışverişlerde 20 TL indirim olacak şekilde geçerlidir. Diğer kampanya ve kupon kodlarıyla birleştirilemez. Kampanyalı satın alınan ürünlerin kısmi iadesi yapılmaz. Kampanyalı satın alınan ürünlerin iade edilmesi durumunda ürünlerin kullanılmamış olarak iadesi gereklidir. Satın alınan ürünlerin stoklarının tükenmesi ve temin edilememesi durumunda, ödeme yapılan tutar kadar hediye çeki tanımlanır. Kampanya detaylarına ayrıca 0850 202 0180 destek hattından ulaşılabilir Zorluteks Tekstil Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş.’nin kampanya süre ve kurgusunda değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Böyle bir durumda yeni koşullar www.tac.com.tr’de duyurulacaktır. Taç Paket Kampanyası Sonsuza Dek Evet Paketleri : Sonsuz Aşk Paketi: Bu kampanya Artemis çift kişilik yatak örtüsü, Artemis çift kişilik pikeli nevresim takımı, Artemis çift kişilik battaniyeli nevresim takımı, , Artemis comfort aile seti, Artemis klozet seti, çift kişilik Taç fitted alez, 2 adet Taç boncuk elyaf yastık, çift kişilik Taç microfiber yorgan ürünlerinden oluşacak paket için geçerlidir. Kampanya kampanyaya katılan Taç satış noktalarında geçerlidir. Fiyatlara tüm vergiler dahildir. Tüm vergiler dahil paket fiyat ve paket içeriğindeki ürünlerde değişiklik yapılamamaktadır. Kampanya stoklarla sınırlıdır. Bu kampanya, diğer kampanya ve indirimler ile birleştirilemez. Zorluteks’in paket içeriklerinde değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Ayrıntılar www.tac.com.tr ” Paket Paket İndirim Mutlu Hayaller Paketi: Bu kampanya Empire çift kişilik yatak örtüsü, Empire çift kişilik pikeli nevresim takımı, Empire çift kişilik battaniyeli nevresim takımı, Empire comfort aile seti, Emprire klozet seti, çift kişilik Taç fitted alez, 2 adet Taç boncuk elyaf yastık, çift kişilik Taç microfiber yorgan ürünlerinden oluşacak paket için geçerlidir. Kampanya kampanyaya katılan Taç satış noktalarında geçerlidir. Fiyatlara tüm vergiler dahildir. Tüm vergiler dahil paket fiyat ve paket içeriğindeki ürünlerde değişiklik yapılamamaktadır.  Kampanya stoklarla sınırlıdır. Bu kampanya, diğer kampanya ve indirimler ile birleştirilemez. Zorluteks’in paket içeriklerinde değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Ayrıntılar www.tac.com.tr ” Siyah Elmas Paketi: Bu kampanya Midnight çift kişilik yatak örtüsü, Midnight çift kişilik pikeli nevresim takımı, Midnight çift kişilik battaniyeli nevresim takımı, Midnight comfort aile seti, Midnight klozet seti, çift kişilik Taç fitted alez, 2 adet Taç boncuk elyaf yastık, çift kişilik Taç microfiber yorgan ürünlerinden oluşacak paket için geçerlidir. Kampanya kampanyaya katılan Taç satış noktalarında geçerlidir. Fiyatlara tüm vergiler dahildir. Tüm vergiler dahil paket fiyat ve paket içeriğindeki ürünlerde değişiklik yapılamamaktadır.  Kampanya stoklarla sınırlıdır. Bu kampanya, diğer kampanya ve indirimler ile birleştirilemez. Zorluteks’in paket içeriklerinde değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Ayrıntılar www.tac.com.tr ” Taç İndirim Fırsatları Yeni Hayat Paketi: Bu kampanya Sahara çift kişilik yatak örtüsü, Sahara çift kişilik pikeli nevresim takımı, Sahara comfort aile seti, ürünlerinden oluşacak paket için geçerlidir. Kampanya kampanyaya katılan Taç satış noktalarında geçerlidir. Fiyatlara tüm vergiler dahildir. Tüm vergiler dahil paket fiyat ve paket içeriğindeki ürünlerde değişiklik yapılamamaktadır. Kampanya stoklarla sınırlıdır. Bu kampanya, diğer kampanya ve indirimler ile birleştirilemez. Zorluteks’in paket içeriklerinde değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Ayrıntılar www.tac.com.tr” Neşeli Evim Fırsat Paketleri : 3’lü Paketler: Bir Yaz Rüyası Paketi: Bu kampanya Blaze çift kişilik pikeli nevresim takımı pembe-mint, Blaze çift kişilik yatak örtüsü pembe-mint ürünlerinden oluşacak paket için geçerlidir. Kampanya kampanyaya katılan Taç satış noktalarında geçerlidir. Fiyatlara tüm vergiler dahildir. Tüm vergiler dahil paket fiyat ve paket içeriğindeki ürünlerde değişiklik yapılamamaktadır.  Kampanya stoklarla sınırlıdır. Bu kampanya, diğer kampanya ve indirimler ile birleştirilemez. Zorluteks’in paket içeriklerinde değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Ayrıntılar www.tac.com.tr” Dört Mevsim Paketi: Bu kampanya Maxi çift kişilik pikeli nevresim takımı sarı-mavi, Maxi çift kişilik yatak örtüsü ürünlerinden oluşacak paket için geçerlidir. Kampanya kampanyaya katılan Taç satış noktalarında geçerlidir. Fiyatlara tüm vergiler dahildir. Tüm vergiler dahil paket fiyat ve paket içeriğindeki ürünlerde değişiklik yapılamamaktadır. Kampanya stoklarla sınırlıdır. Bu kampanya, diğer kampanya ve indirimler ile birleştirilemez. Zorluteks’in paket içeriklerinde değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Ayrıntılar www.tac.com.tr ” Peri Masalı Paketi: Bu kampanya Leslie çift kişilik pikeli nevresim takımı pudra-krem, Leslie çift kişilik yatak örtüsü ürünlerinden oluşacak paket için geçerlidir. Kampanya kampanyaya katılan Taç satış noktalarında geçerlidir. Fiyatlara tüm vergiler dahildir. Tüm vergiler dahil paket fiyat ve paket içeriğindeki ürünlerde değişiklik yapılamamaktadır.  Kampanya stoklarla sınırlıdır. Bu kampanya, diğer kampanya ve indirimler ile birleştirilemez. Zorluteks’in paket içeriklerinde değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Ayrıntılar www.tac.com.tr ” 2’li Paketler: Bahar Neşesi Paketi: Bu kampanya Sarina çift kişilik pikeli nevresim takımı pembe-mavi, ürünlerinden oluşacak paket için geçerlidir. Kampanya kampanyaya katılan Taç satış noktalarında geçerlidir. Fiyatlara tüm vergiler dahildir. Tüm vergiler dahil paket fiyat ve paket içeriğindeki ürünlerde değişiklik yapılamamaktadır.  Kampanya stoklarla sınırlıdır. Bu kampanya, diğer kampanya ve indirimler ile birleştirilemez. Zorluteks’in paket içeriklerinde değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Ayrıntılar www.tac.com.tr ” İlkbahar Paketi: Bu kampanya Selia çift kişilik pikeli nevresim takımı pembe, ürünlerinden oluşacak paket için geçerlidir. Kampanya kampanyaya katılan Taç satış noktalarında geçerlidir. Fiyatlara tüm vergiler dahildir. Tüm vergiler dahil paket fiyat ve paket içeriğindeki ürünlerde değişiklik yapılamamaktadır.  Kampanya stoklarla sınırlıdır. Bu kampanya, diğer kampanya ve indirimler ile birleştirilemez. Zorluteks’in paket içeriklerinde değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Ayrıntılar www.tac.com.tr ” Taçlandıran Fırsat Paketleri İlk Hayaller paketi: Belirtilen indirimli fiyat, Enflasyonla Topyekûn Mücadele %10 indirimi uygulanmış şeklidir. Bu kampanya Verona çift kişilik yatak örtüsü, Verona çift kişilik pike takımı, Verona çift kişilik battaniyeli nevresim takımı, Verona bambu aile seti, Taç çift kişilik kapitone fitted alez, 2 adet Taç boncuk elyaf yastık, Taç çift kişilik microfiber yorgan ürünlerinden oluşacak paket için geçerlidir. Kampanya, kampanyaya katılan Taç satış noktalarında geçerlidir. Fiyatlara tüm vergiler dahildir. Tüm vergiler dahil paket fiyat ve paket içeriğindeki ürünlerde değişiklik yapılamamaktadır. Hediye olan TBU 101 ütü ürününün piyasa satış değeri 329 TL’dir. Kampanya stoklarla sınırlıdır. Bu kampanya, diğer kampanya ve indirimler ile birleştirilemez. Zorluteks’in paket içeriklerinde değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Ayrıntılar www.tac.com.tr’de Mutluluğa Merhaba paketi: Belirtilen indirimli fiyat, Enflasyonla Topyekûn Mücadele %10 indirimi uygulanmış şeklidir. Bu kampanya Camilla çift kişilik yatak örtüsü, Camilla çift kişilik pike takımı, Camilla çift kişilik battaniyeli nevresim takımı, Camilla bambu aile seti, Taç çift kişilik kapitone fitted alez, 2 adet Taç boncuk elyaf yastık, Taç çift kişilik microfiber yorgan ürünlerinden oluşacak paket için geçerlidir. Kampanya, kampanyaya katılan Taç satış noktalarında geçerlidir. Fiyatlara tüm vergiler dahildir. Tüm vergiler dahil paket fiyat ve paket içeriğindeki ürünlerde değişiklik yapılamamaktadır. Hediye olan TBU 101 ütü ürününün piyasa satış değeri 329 TL’dir. Kampanya stoklarla sınırlıdır. Bu kampanya, diğer kampanya ve indirimler ile birleştirilemez. Zorluteks’in paket içeriklerinde değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Ayrıntılar www.tac.com.tr’de TL İndirim Kampanyası Kampanya 1 Ocak 2019 tarihi ile 31 Aralık 2019 tarihleri arasında her Perşembe günü belirli alışveriş tutarı ve üzeri alışverişlerde, belirli TL tutarında sepette indirim olacak şekilde www.tac.com.tr’de geçerlidir. Kampanyaya Valeron markalı ürünler dahil değildir. Kampanya stoklar ile sınırlı olup, diğer kampanya, hediye çekleri ve indirimli kupon kodlarıyla birleştirilemez. Belirtilen fiyatlara tüm vergiler dahildir. Kampanyalı satın alınan ürünlerin  kısmi iadesi yapılmaz.  Satın alınan ürünlerin stoklarının tükenmesi ve temin edilememesi durumunda, ödeme yapılan tutar kadar hediye çeki tanımlanır.Satın alınan ürünlerin iade edilmesi durumunda ürünlerin kullanılmamış olarak iadesi gereklidir. Kampanya detaylarına ayrıca 0850 202 0180 destek hattından ulaşılabilir Zorluteks Tekstil Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş.’nin kampanya süre ve kurgusunda değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Böyle bir durumda yeni koşullar ve ayrıntılar www.tac.com.tr’dedir. Taç İndirim Kodu Kampanyaları TAC20 İndirim Kodu www.tac.com.tr adresinden temin edilen TAC20 indirim kupon kodu www.tac.com.tr'den yapacağınız 200 TL ve üzeri alışverişlerde geçerlidir. 20 TL indirim alışveriş sepet kampanya kodları indirim kodu alanına girildiğinde tanımlanmaktadır. Kampanya, diğer hediye çekleri ve indirim kuponları ile birleştirilemez. Kupon kodu 2. Ürüne %50 İndirim Kampanyasındaki Ürünlerde geçerli değildir. Kampanyalı satın alınan ürünlerin kısmi iadesi yapılmaz. Satın alınan ürünlerin iade edilmesi durumunda ürünlerin kullanılmamış olarak iadesi gereklidir.  Kampanya detaylarına ayrıca 0850 202 0180 destek hattından ulaşılabilir. Zorluteks Tekstil Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. kampanya süre ve kurgusunda değişiklik yapma hakkını saklı tutar. Taç İndirim Kodu Kampanyaları bu kadar, Daha Fazla İnidirm ve Kampanyalar için www.indirimco.com Katagoriler: YATAK ODASI & MUTFAK & BANYO & PERDE & LİSANSLI ÜRÜNLER & BEBEK & TAÇ BOUTIQUE & KÜÇÜK EV ALETLERİ & FIRSAT KÖŞESİ & ÇEYİZ PAKETLERİ Alt Katagoriler: Nevresim TakımıTek Kişilik Nevresim TakımlarıÇift Kişilik Nevresim TakımlarıKing Size Nevresim TakımlarıYatak ÖrtüsüTek Kişilik Yatak ÖrtüleriÇift Kişilik Yatak ÖrtüleriPikeTek Kişilik PikeÇift Kişilik PikeUyku SetiÇift Kişilik Uyku SetleriTek Kişilik Uyku SetleriBattaniyeTek Kişilik BattaniyelerÇift Kişilik BattaniyelerYorganTek Kişilik YorganlarÇift Kişilik YorganlarKing Size YorganlarYün YorganlarKaz Tüyü YorganlarYastıkVisco YastıklarYün YastıklarÇarşafTek Kişilik ÇarşafÇift Kişilik ÇarşafAlezÇift Kişilik AlezlerTek Kişilik AlezlerKing Size AlezlerFitted Alezler Ürünlerimiz 24 ay tüketici garantisi kapsamındadır. Her tür şikayetinizde 444 4 822 telefon numaralı çağrı merkezimizden yardım talep edebilirsiniz. Almış olduğunuz ürünü kullanmadan, tahrip etmeden/bozmadan teslim tarihinden itibaren on beş (15) günlük süre içerisinde satın almaktan vazgeçerek teslim aldığınız şekli ile iade edebilirsiniz. Ürünü, ürün faturası ve iade sebebini içeren bir dilekçe veya sürekli veri taşıyıcısıyla (e-posta) ile iade edebilirsiniz. İade Koşulları Orijinal ambalajı zarar görmüş, tahrip edilmiş..vb şekildeki ürünlerin iadesi kabul edilmez. Bu şekilde gönderilen ürünler Tac.com.tr tarafından kabul edilmeyecek ve iadesi yapılmayacaktır. Müşteri süresi içinde satıştan caydığı hallerde ürünü, kendisine teslim edildiği andaki durumu ile geri vermekle ve kullanım söz konusu ise kullanma dolayısıyla malın ticari değerindeki kaybı tazminle yükümlüdür. Müşterilerimiz satın almış oldukları ürünü almaktan vazgeçmeleri halinde, kargoya teslim edilmeden önce, Taç Müşteri Hizmetleri'ni arayarak iptal etme hakkına sahiptirler. Read the full article
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FULL STACK PACKAGE Raptor/// TAC20 Includes •TAC20 Multifunctional weightvest •Coolmax removable liner •16 Contoured powder coat weights •Strong tested anchor points •PDF Raptor/// Tactical weight vest workout guide featuring 12 weeks training •Raptor T-shirt •Raptor sweat wrist band •Pack of FitDeck Exercise playing cards Limited stocks available! Invest in your vest! Made strong in 🇬🇧🇺🇸 R/// https://www.instagram.com/p/BzaafOsHeYu/?igshid=1g9828bj9papw
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tacpod-blog · 6 years
TAC20: WWE Summer Slam & Fresno FC & NFL
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#flashbackfriday Warrant Officer and Worlds Toughest Mudder 11th place finisher @markh4h. Working out in the Raptor TAC20 utilising the @beaverfit military deployment training locker at the DSEI in London. (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/By-RjqXngd3/?igshid=kulaakd1y659
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Friday Workout ☠️ Raptor TAC20 Pyramid Blast Go crush it👊🏼 . Pull ups increase by 1 rep per round Push ups increase by 2 reps per round Air Squats increase by 3 reps per round Scale the period up and if you have the gas in the tank the goal is to work your way back down the pyramid. Rest after each cycle but try to keep moving as much as possible. Adjust the weight of your vest according to your fitness level. It maybe that you have to reduce the weight considerably due to the total number of reps. Pull ups 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 - 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Push ups 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Air Squats 3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24-27-30-27-24-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2KGsKnMqs/?igshid=1dbgnplxl16mm
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FREE 12 week progressive training plan with every Raptor TAC20 purchase! Written by former US Navy Seal @stewsmith50 .Stew has now composed more than 40 tactical fitness training manuals. If you are thinking about joining the Military, Fire Brigade or Police this program will help you to build a rock solid fitness foundation. “Preparation is everything!” Made in 🇬🇧🇺🇸 US Customers please contact SORINEX.COM @sorinex . . . . . #bodytransformation #transformation #weightvest #raptorvest #training #workouts #navyseal #army #navy #police #policek9 #airforce #firefighter #functionalfitness #wellness #exercise #ops #fit #run #swim #weighttraining #pullups #strength #gym #belegendary #fitfam #crossfit #fitnessaddict #calesthenics #health https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxhj6p7HOr8/?igshid=1e9de7qcs2q1z
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FREE 12 week progressive training plan with every Raptor TAC20 purchase! Written by former US Navy Seal @stewsmith50 .Stew has now composed more than 40 tactical fitness training manuals. If you are thinking about joining the Military, Fire Brigade or Police this program will help you to build a rock solid fitness foundation. “Preparation is everything!” Made in 🇬🇧🇺🇸 US Customers please contact SORINEX.COM @sorinex https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxhj6p7HOr8/?igshid=kp8zulugt3f4
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The Raptor TAC20 featured in use with the British Military. Raptor is the ultimate 3 in 1 multifunctional training weight vest for men and women. Wether you are training solo or as a team member, you can expect to perform more exercises and ultimately achieve greater results! Checkout our full stack package deal today! •#raptorvest •#sports •#military •#rehab •#physiotherapy •#personaltraining •#crossfit •#fitness •#weightloss •#running •#walking •#athletics •#tacticalfitness •#footballtraining •#basketballtraining •#hockeytraining •#boxingtraining •#mmatraining •#coaching •#strengthandconditioning •#functionaltraining •#gym •#calesthenics •#yoga •#pilates •#health •#weightvest U.K. and Europe Customers 🇬🇧Raptor Weight Vests.com USA Customers 🇺🇸SORINEX.com @sorinex https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwj1MIJnVW5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wwfs46cp2y4m
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Nothing makes us more happy than another satisfied customer! @4drun rocking his new TAC20 Camo! That is a very impressive medal collection Dave! Dave trains at the @commandotemple in London. If any of you Raptor’s are in town go check these guys out! It doesn’t matter wether you are a beginner or advanced athlete everyone is welcome and their are some great toys and knowledgeable staff on duty. R/// . . . . . #raptorvest #weightvest #commandotemple #ocr #gym #fitnessaddicts #strength #power #fit #fitnessgirl #wod #crossfitters #strongman #weights #gymlife #workharder #fridaymood #workouts #betterneverstops #sorinex #karrimorsf #lbtinc #fridaymotivation #tacticalfitness #functionaltraining #results #gainz #neverquit #uk #usa (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvlkYn3nAbD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13at6o11ge4eq
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Special offer! Free bundle worth £45.00! When you purchase any FULL STACK PACKAGE Raptor/// TAC20 Includes •TAC20 Multifunctional weightvest •Coolmax removable liner •16 Contoured powder coat weights •Strong tested anchor points •PDF Raptor/// Tactical weight vest workout guide featuring 12 weeks training •Raptor T-shirt •Raptor sweat wrist band •Pack of FitDeck Exercise playing cards Limited stocks available! Invest in your vest! Made strong in 🇬🇧and 🇺🇸 R/// USA customers go to @Sorinex Sorinex.com place your order and receive your American Made Raptor by @lbtinc and we will send you your bundle from Raptor Hq in the U.K. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvRZSRYnexD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y4m9as44bgvt
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“Let’s Train Better!” The Raptor///Tac20 putting recruits from the Military to the test. Due to Raptors/// build quality and Multifunction it is the perfect training partner for Military personnel. Build key foundational strength in specific areas of the body for load carrying. The Raptor/// vest is also being used by physio’s and Rehab instructors to assist in the rebuilding process of injured recruits. R/// . . . . . #military #tactical #tacticalfitness #raptorvest #rehab #physio #weights #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #functionalstrength #basictraining #letswork #gainz #fitspo #trainbetter #instructor #pti #fitness #personaltraining #betterneverstops #airforce #army #marines #navy #gym #trainsmarter #belegendary #winthefight #weighttraining #bethebest https://www.instagram.com/p/BvLxGxWHBFe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5k1h4yjqxtet
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Free Raptor bundle worth £45.00! With every TAC20 Full Stack Package purchased! Includes •Raptor TAC20 The Multifunctional 3 in 1 Training vest 1.weightvest 2.Heavy duty towing harness 3.Bungee anchor system •Coolmax removable liner •20Kg Contoured powder coat weights •Raptor multipoint anchor system •PDF Raptor/// Tactical weight vest workout guide featuring 12 weeks training •Raptor T-shirt •Raptor sweat wrist band •Pack of Exercise playing cards Limited stocks available! Invest in your vest! Made strong in 🇬🇧and 🇺🇸 R/// USA customers go to @Sorinex Sorinex.com place your order and receive your American Made Raptor by @lbtinc and we will send you your bundle from Raptor Hq in the U.K. . @kelfriel @gregcackett1 @stewsmith50 https://www.instagram.com/p/BwEw4uSH3YF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ehc23mnsdw1h
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