#tadc spoilers ep 2
toohottohoot · 5 months
*sobs hysterically*
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mylifetherant · 5 months
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Crazy what one episode does to a mf
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Pomni decided to make a second memorial⚰️❤️
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kingzombear · 5 months
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holy shit that ep was so fuckin gooooood, doin some Pomni doodles rn but here, have a King
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angele-darliing · 5 months
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Made two funnygummy stuff in like two days sooooo posting both of them here.
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sunny-boooo · 5 months
I simply loved this episode and this little step up Pomni had in her character development, she starts having nightmares about fearing getting abstracted and being left to die alone and be forgotten.
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But then, she finds someone that also fears his reality, she finds someone that she can relate too and talk about how she really feels, how their worlds are similar as she tries to cheer him up.
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To finally, at the end of the episode, realize that, no, she's not going to be forgotten, she's doesn't have to go through this alone, because there are people there that will fight with her to keep her sane and show how loved she will be, even if she abstracts, they will not stop caring for her.
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I'm sorry for the long rant, but I just loved this episode and it's message, here's a last picture of Pomni smiling at her new found family when she's realized she's loved:
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marshmallowpuffcat · 5 months
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So Caine's a god to NPCs huh
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grape-souffle · 5 months
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xxduncandonutxx · 5 months
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I love Gummigoo so much😭😭💖💖
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Also, here's an image that I reference
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grrrechka · 5 months
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Not sure if it's a spoiler tho but uh, girlfailure Ragatha is so high in my mind
The way she always asks about her wife like?? Miss girl, u were stabbed literally??? Such a gay ass she is
Also, princess loolilau had so much less screen time than I anticipated :( ,kinda wish she interacted with em more
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ask-pomni-blog · 5 months
Ok this may seem like im grasping at straws here but i need you guys to let me cook for a sec-
We start off the episode with Pomni’s nightmare, which is a reflection of Pomni’s fears and feelings that are going to be expanded upon throughout the episode. Her main fear isn’t abstracting here, it's the feeling of helplessness, the feeling of not mattering to anybody in the circus. This is seen clearly when Ragatha, Jax, and Caine are shown above the cellar, basically saying “good riddance” upon witnessing Pomni abstract.
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And it makes complete sense that Pomni would feel this way once you look back at the circus’ reaction to Kaufmo abstracting (before the second episode). He doesn’t get acknowledged as someone who has just passed away, he doesn’t even get a moment of silence. Pomni notices this, and after she wakes up from her nightmare, she seems almost reluctant to bond with the rest of the circus members because this fear is still on her mind.
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This is seen particularly when Pomni is speaking to Ragatha. Ragatha attempts to be helpful at any given chance, but most of the time Pomni is lost in her thoughts. Pomni doesn't seem very open to conversate with Ragatha because of her fears. But this isn't unwarranted, Ragatha literally calls the situation from the day before a “doozy” which brings up the fact that Ragatha constantly dismisses important issues, saying that they should just forget about the situation that happened the day before when Pomni left her for the exit. I understand that she’s trying to ease the tension between them, but I fear she might be making it even worse. Additionally, Ragatha dismissing a very important issue like that makes Pomni’s fears stronger, it may seem to Pomni that Ragatha doesn’t care…
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When it’s actually the opposite! The whole episode she tries her best to motivate Pomni (“look, Pomni. We’re already friends with the princess!”, “So, Pomni, I’m sure there’s some way you could help out here.”)
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and she’s also very concerned for Pomni when she’s gone (“...Pomni’s still on board!”, “Oh man, Poor Pomni. I hope she's alright.”, “I’m more worried she’s having another horrible experience.”, “Pomni! Are you okay?”)
However, all these remarks could be seen as condescending from Pomni’s perspective… And on the other hand, Ragatha feels like Pomni blames her for the situation, and that Pomni dislikes her. 
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Returning to the topic of Pomni’s fears, a lot of this is also reflected in her conversation with Gummigoo:
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G:“I don’t matter in the slightest. I’m nothing. My life, my memories… my friends… it’s all fake.” 
P:“...I think I know the feeling.”
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P:“...I guess I just don't want you to feel like you’re nothing. I don’t want anyone to feel like that.”
G:“But I'm not even a real person. Would I even belong?”
P:“I’m sure you wouldn’t belong any less than me.”
Pomni relates to Gummigoo’s fears!! And Pomni is so compassionate and understanding too! …sadly their friendship didn’t last very long… and that brings us back to Ragatha and Pomni. Ragatha tries her best to be reassuring… unfortunately that didn’t work either. AND THIS WHOLE INTERACTION IS JUST- OH MY GOD... LET ME PUT A HUGE EMPHASIS ON THEIR BODY LANGUAGE HERE:
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and this scene ooohhhhhhh,,,,,,,, this scene...!!
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POMNI IS REASSURED ONCE SHE SEES THAT THE CIRCUS MEMBERS DO CARE. THEY WOULD CARE. HER FEARS DISSAPEAR AND AND- ohhhhmy god this is so sick and twisted.. this ep was.. soooooo good. holy smokes. anyways thank you for listening to my TED talk.
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thebadchoicemachine · 5 months
but imagine the world from Gummigoo's perspective:
• So you steal some maple syrup to save your mom and village. Okay.
• The kingdom sends some people after you. Okay, expected, lose them.
• These people are WIERD. Like, insane. They act so recklessly you'd think they either didn't care if they killed their own or thought they were immortal.
• What the fuck. Where are you? "Did we crash? did I die? Last thing i remember is hurdling toward a cliff in the truck."
• Existential Horrors as you look upon your own frozen face.
• One of the crazy people is here. They explain to you that they are not from this world and that your existence is uncaring for anyone but them. Your mom doesn't even exist.
• THEN of all things this "angel" just. cheers you up? Invites you to live with them?
• You make it back home and magically have doubled the maple syrup you need. It’s a miracle.
• You send your friends on their way and step into a higher plane.
• Actual God appears and kills you.
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ithemissawesome · 5 months
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if only they had a proper goodbye
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art-beyond-the-stars · 5 months
Everyone, everyone
The ship of Pomni x Gummigoo could be called GumBells
Bells for our beloved jester, Gum for one damn good NPC :'>
Plus it's a reference to an actual candy: gumballs.
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zebracorn-chan · 5 months
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sunny-boooo · 5 months
The way I thought the episode was going to be Ragatha just being around Princess Loolilalu and somehow making Pomni jealous but instead she's trying her best to make Pomni like her, she really is just the sweetest man 😭
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