#PSYCHOPATHIC DENTURES should be his name
toohottohoot · 5 months
*sobs hysterically*
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rosamundhr · 4 years
Books and Sins | Chapter One [Benedict Cumberbatch AU]
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Summary: Katherine is a fan of Timothy Carlton, the writer who she knows nothing about. No photos, no interviews, no information, not even his age. And one day, a man comes into her life who claims to be her classmate from high school. But through the time, she has a gut feeling something is... Wrong.
PS: I was inspired by fictional characters before writing this; Sherlock Holmes, Khan Noonien Singh, Alexander Masters, Joe Goldberg, Patrick Bateman and all the psychopath characters I've seen before. Oh and some books & tv shows. The character might be like any of them so please do not judge. And please read at your own risk as this book will include mature content, self harm, violence and swearing. Thank you, I hope you enjoy it! ❤️
- Rosamund
  "Cappuccino please," she asked the bartender, and then added kindly "My name is Katherine." before he could ask.
  Katherine... Benedict thought. It's nice meeting you... Finally.
  He was just behind her, and he could smell her linden scent. Even being this close to her was exciting, and he tried to keep his hands to himself. Taking a deep breath to stay calm, he ordered as well while keeping an eye on her.
  She found herself a table, and put her headphones on. Looking through her bag she finally took her book out. Caged Will - Timothy Carlton. The book looked worn and old. Is this your fifth time reading it? Oh no, it was Secret Caller. Your favourite... You can't imagine how sexy you look when you read my books. Those fingers, you once said they're always cold; oh how I want them around my-- "Are you going to keep standing?" The old lady said with a look of disapproval. He bit his cheeks inside his mouth, I'm going to cut your fucking throat with that denture, he thought but of course he didn't say that out loud: "I'm so sorry, ma'am." With a fake, small smile, he walked towards her table.
  "Excuse me, is this taken?"
  She looked up at him and took her headphones off, "No it's not, you can take it." she smiled. He just sat down, and her smile faded while continuing to read her book. Soon, she felt his gaze on herself and looked at him again, before she could say anything he said "I think I..." He pretended to think, narrowing his eyebrows, "I might know you... Katherine? Ashbourne High School?"
  She was surprised, "Yeah, it's me!" And felt bad for not remembering him for a moment. "And you must be..."
  "Benedict. That one guy who never talked to anyone and always got high grades."
  "Oh I remember you! Were you wearing glasses back then?" You're a bad, bad liar, my love. But I'm not.
  "Yes I was." He smiled cheekily, and shook her hand. It sent him vibrations inside... Cold fingertips, just like how he imagined they would feel. Soft and delicate. No nail polish, just manicured. Small and cute.
  "It's been a very long time. Eight years!" She said, still not remembering him but trying to.
  "Yes, you changed a lot! You're even more beautiful now." This made her giggle, "What? I'm telling the truth! You were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
  "Was I?" She smiled at him, and he knew why. She always thought she wasn't beautiful, and he knew it. And he wasn't lying, she really was beautiful.
  "Yes you were! Didn't anyone tell you? I never had to courage to tell you that I liked you because I thought you must have had a boyfriend."
  She giggled again, like she couldn't believe it. Someone liked her and couldn't tell her. Someone found her beautiful. Maybe he was just being kind.
  "I didn't. I wish you had told me, Benedict."
  "Well, I'm telling you now." He flashed her a cheeky grin before taking a sip of his Americano.
  "So... What do you do?" Her interest was obvious, and he'd seen that question coming. A complete geek, good reader, 26 year old virgin, shy, clever, beautiful. Hiding something in these dark pools of mystery... These dark brown eyes.
  "I'm a writer."
  "Oh really?!"  Her eyebrows shot up, and she leaned forward against the table, revealing cleavage. He tried not to look there, and smiled. "Yes. And you?"
  "I studied psychological counseling and guidance, I'm working at a school now."
  "I knew you were interested in psychology..." He looked at his watch and quickly stood up, "I'm so sorry, I have a meeting in thirty minutes. Can I have your number?"
  "Yeah, of course. Just tell me yours and I'll give you a ring."
  Oh no need, I have it already.
  He gave her his number and smiled at her. "It was nice seeing you again, Katherine. I'd love to meet up again sometime."
  "Me too, Benedict. Good luck with the meeting!"
  "Thank you, darling. Have a good day." He took his bag and turned his back, before she asked "I don't recall your surname..."
  "Cumberbatch, Benedict Cumberbatch." He waved at her and left the café with a smirk. Almost got you, baby. So naïve, so blind and silly yet intelligent. You have to be mine, and mine alone.
KathieD: I'm reading The Caged Will again. My favourite part is when he stabbed his stomach eleven times. He deserved it though! Not to mention that the main character hates odd numbers. He also never revealed his name...
I know, I know, I talk a LOT about the books but you know, this man is a LEGEND. No wonder why he's nowhere on the internet. No photos, no interviews, nothing at all. That makes him more mysterious... Timothy Carlton. We can't deduce anything by the name, can we? Maybe he's a real psycho. Who knows? I wonder if he reads people's comments... 
Mr Carlton, if you're reading this, I just want you to know that I love your books! You're a great writer and I just wish I could get to know you in real life. Lots of love!
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  Samantha_X: I know how you feel, girl. He's an amazing writer! Too bad if he doesn't know that...
  KatherineD: Exactly! I just wish he would let us contact him sometime.
  Samantha_X: Same :(
  KatherineD: I have something to tell you, hmu!
  Samantha_X: Sure thing! X
  She was bouncing on her bed as she started telling her online friend. She's been telling almost everything about her life to her because they were like sisters now. They even met in real life and she was her best friend.
  K: He was wearing a long beige jacket and eyeglasses, with a leather postman bag, and smelt like mint. Did I say that he has blue eyes?
  S: Just your type, huh? Tell me what happened already!!!
  K: So he said he knew me from high school, (i'm not sure if I remember him) and I was the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, and he liked me but couldn't tell me because he thought I had a boyfriend! I never did!
  S: And then?????!!!
  K: We kept talking, and he suddenly said he needed to go and asked for my number. I took his and gave him a ring, then asked his surname, Benedict Cumberbatch.
  S: So, did you call him? I think you should, you seem like you like him already lol
  K: Not after what happened last time, I don't want to have a boyfriend for a while tbh
  S: Wait, you didn't tell me, what happened?
  K: Never mind, I'll tell you later... Did I mention that he's a writer? I couldn't see any books online though. There's only one Instagram account with his name but it's private and I'm not sure if it's him, so I'll just wait for his call i guess :(
  S: Why don't you call him already? xD
  K: I don't want to seem desperateeee
  S: You won't!
  K: What if he was just being kind? I'll just wait, don't force me >:(
  S: Hahaha OK!
  She kept thinking of him all night, staring at the ceiling and wondering if he lied about being a writer... Maybe he didn't get his books published yet, she thought. Why would he lie about that? And... He was really attractive. The way he talked, the way he smiled... No, she didn't fall in love with a stranger! Not a stranger, a friend from high school. She couldn't remember him though. Or... Did she? Could he be the guy who never talked to anyone? But no, he had green eyes... No, blue. Green or blue? She sighed in frustration and took her phone, it was 1 AM and wasn't the right time to call him... Not to text him either.
  Still thinking of him, she fell asleep. 
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