#taegi cinderella au
biaswreckmepls · 4 years
do you know any more fics like 'such stuff as dreams are made on' ?
any cinderella fics?
Both of these asks were kind of similar, so I’ve done my best:
Cinderella AU
Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo (Old)
Cinderella |yoonjin au| by orphan_account (Yoonjin, 10 Chapters, 56K, T)
So This is Love by HopeWorldTrash_BTS (Taekook, One-shot, 16K, E)
I'm Falling, But I Don't Know Your Name by stay_weird_people (Taegi, One-shot, 14K)
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written-in-flowers · 5 years
Ten Minutes Ago (Drabble)
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“Ten minutes ago I saw you. I looked up when you came through the door. My head started reeling, you gave me the room had no ceiling or floor”- “Ten Minutes Ago” from Rodger’s and Hammerstein’s Cinderella. 
Genre: fluffy, college!au, 
Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fiction and not does represent the members in any way. 
Pairing: Taegi
What the hell was he doing here? First off, large crowds are not really his thing. He feels watched and uncomfortable. He crossed his arms, leaned against the wall, and hoped nobody noticed him. Secondly, the idea of going to a single’s dance felt embarrassing. It’d been Namjoon’s idea. After his horrible breakup, he thought it’d be fun to get back out “on the field’ and dragged his roommate with him. The university they attended sometimes hosted little singles’ dances for students to mingle and meet someone. He’d never heard of a prestigious university trying to subtly play matchmaker, but there you have it. Yoongi noticed the cup system students developed. 
Red cups meant “I’m single and looking for something serious”.
Blue cups meant “I’m taken” (these people come for the food and music).
Green cups simply meant “Down to fuck”.
White paper cups signified “I just wanna hang out”. 
Namjoon insisted Yoongi get a red cup, but he quickly ditched it in favor of a white one. He has no interest in finding anyone. Every relationship has ended terribly. They either tell him flat out they’re not interested or that they’re “not compatible”. “Not compatible” means “I don’t like you and don’t want to hurt your feelings.” Girls and boys alike rejected him or decided halfway through they wanted something or someone else. It hurt too much. It hurt getting attached to then be tossed aside. He’s a cell phone...tossed away when a newer version comes out. Nobody wants to keep this cell phone called Yoongi. 
“Yoongi!” Namjoon appeared, wearing his blazer over a t-shirt. He is handsome. No doubt he’ll have no problem meeting someone. He spotted the man’s red cup, which he drank from. It’s “punch”, but Yoongi knew better. “Why are you sulking back here?”
“I hate dances. You know that.”
“Oh come on! It’s not that bad!”
He watched people dancing and talking. “I don’t dance.”
“Bullshit. You dance.”
“No I don’t,” he shifted uncomfortably, drinking his “punch”. 
That’s not completely true. A theater major, Yoongi learned to dance, sing and act. He mostly enjoyed writing music, but he’d fallen in love with the theater after seeing “Chicago”. But still, he didn’t like dancing off stage. He felt awkward. Most of the time, the music isn’t even danceable. It’s bumping and grinding. That’s not dancing. That’s dry humping. 
“Have you found your soulmate yet, Keates?” Yoongi joked over his drink. 
Namjoon stuck out his tongue at his elder roommate. “As it just so happens, I’m meeting someone here.”
“What? You never told me that.”
“It happened this afternoon. I met him in the library.” Namjoon sighed dreamily. “He’s gorgeous, Yoongi. When I saw him I thought I might get dizzy. He’s got this really beautiful smile and laugh...you need to see him Yoongi.”
“Sounds lovely.”
Namjoon continued glancing to the door as they talked. Then he gasped, “There he is! The blond one!”
Yes, Yoongi did see the small, fair-haired man who’d come through the door. In slim-fitting jeans and a pink shirt under a white button down, he caught a few stares already. But that is not who Yoongi noticed first. He’s gorgeous. He surpasses his friend by miles. Skin the color of honey, his smooth jawline, and cute nose drew Yoongi in immediately. He dressed well: he wore a blue and white buttoned shirt and black pants. Art student. That is the vibe he gets from the shiny shoes and beret. Yoongi stopped mid-way through drinking to stare at him. 
“Jimin!” Namjoon called out to the blond, who immediately smiled and walked to them. Thankfully, the handsome stranger followed. 
“Hey,” Jimin grinned, “I was worried you might not be here.”
“No way I’d miss a chance to meet you again.”
Ugh, he’s awful sometimes. But not even Namjoon’s sappy pick-up lines penetrated him now. He pushed off the wall and stood in front of him. What should he say? He immediately felt dumb in the presence of this gorgeous man. What do you say to the most interesting person in the room? His beauty made him so unattainable to a person like Yoongi. He’s short and pale. This man’s tall and bronze. 
“This is my friend, Taehyung,” said Jimin proudly. “Taehyung, this is Namjoon, the guy I was telling you about.”
They shook hands, and then his turn came. “I’m Yoongi,” he almost shouted, though then pretended it was because of the music. He cleared his throat, “I mean, I’m Yoongi, Namjoon’s friend. Nice to, um, meet you.”
Taehyung’s boxy smile made him melt. “Nice to meet you too. I’ve seen you somewhere before.”
“Oh, I was in “How to Succeed in Business Without Trying” at the community theater” he smiled, “And “Rent” last year.”
“That’s cool, but I don’t think that’s it. Do you happen to work at the school cafe?” 
That’s where most people know him and he hated it. “Yeah,” he nodded, pushing back his black hair. “Yeah, I work there.”
Taehyung instantly realized what he’d done, “But that’s cool too. Are you an acting major then?”
“I am.” 
Jimin and Namjoon eventually walked off, and Yoongi wish they hadn’t. This beautiful man only knows him as a barista and an acting major. How fabulous his life must be, right? “Wanna get a drink?” he asked, desperate for a reason to stay with him. “The punch is actually good.”
He’ll find someone else. There are people much better looking than him here. Yoongi noticed people glance at Taehyung as they walked through the crowd. Yoongi did not blame them. “What’s with the different cups?” Taehyung asked. 
Each sign is self-explanatory but Yoongi took the chance. He explained what each cup meant, “It’s so people know what other people want when they come. You know, like, it’s super awkward when you start, um, like, flirting with someone then you find out they don’t want that, you know?”
Taehyung grinned again, “I see what you mean.” 
Yoongi’s heart jumped into his throat when he took a red cup. “A red one?”
He blushed, “Jimin’s idea. He says I should try getting back into dating.”
“Was there...Was there, um, a reason you stopped?”
“Her name was Sophie.”
The heart in his throat crashed into his stomach. He fucking knew it. He knew it was too good-
“-But, I guess you can say it wasn’t Sophie’s fault. I was the asshole. I shouldn’t have dated her if I wasn’t into her that way.”
“What do you mean?”
“I wasn’t really dating her,” he laddled some punch into his cup. “She’d agreed to be my beard. You know, for my parents? I’d pretend to go out with her when really I was with her brother.”
“Then how is she involved?”
He sighed, “She said she started developing feelings for me. She asked me if I’d at least try things with a girl to see if maybe I’m bi. I told her I’m definitely not, so she proceeded to then tell her brother I was cheating on him with her. That I wasn’t gay, but curious and using him.”
“That’s horrible.” It angered him hearing someone hurt him this way. “It sounds more like she was the bitch than you. You shouldn’t blame yourself for that. She knew what she signed up for when she agreed to “date” you.” 
“I just felt bad for leading her on that way. She is actually nice. She was just hurt.” 
Taehyung is so sweet, but his spirits lifted. “So, Jimin suggested you come to this singles thing?”
“Yeah,” he sighed, drinking from his cup. “I came out to my parents a few months ago, so I don’t need to hide anymore. He said I should start fresh by meeting someone tonight. What about you?”
“Nothing in particular happened. Namjoon just says I need to get out more and maybe find someone.”
“But you got that white cup.”
“Yeah. I got it at first because, like, you shouldn’t have to decide right when you come what you want.”
Taehyung then looked between the cups and Yoongi’s nearly empty one. “Would you ever, like, change yours?” 
Yoongi noticed the change in tone. He saw the hopefulness in his eyes. Is he reading it wrong? The idea made him feel like flying. He thought he’d never come back down. “I don’t know,” he shrugged. He drained his cup and threw it away. Should he or shouldn’t he? He didn’t want to give Taehyung the wrong idea. What if he hated him? What if Taehyung decided they’re “not compatible” and left him standing by the punch like a moron? He swallowed thickly, then glanced to the shiny, clear red cup. 
“Wanna dance?” he quickly asked Taehyung instead. “They’re playing, like, really good music now.”
Taehyung stopped to listen as if he’d blocked out the DJ. “You’re right,” he smiled at the upbeat song, “I love this song!”
Yoongi reached for his hand without thinking. He saw Taehyung’s stunned expression and let it go immediately. He shouldn’t have done that. Now Taehyung will think he’s a creep or overstepping boundaries. He’d just met him. But then Taehyung took his hand and led him to the dance floor. At first, he stood there while Taehyung instantly swayed to the music. He tried finding his rhythm to the song. He wished they played showtunes then he could really impress Taehyung. He watched Taehyung for a moment. Wearing a smile and giggling, he is an angel. His eyes twinkled at Yoongi knowingly, wanting him to join in the fun. Yoongi suddenly forgot the people around them. He forgot their eyes and laughter, which he normally thought was directed at him. Years of high school trauma can do that to a person...but not now. Not with Taehyung, this marvelous, beautiful, angelic boy in front of him. Yoongi could write a million songs about him and then write a million more. He fell into step alongside Taehyung. 
He never recalled dancing and drinking this much in his life. His feet hurt by the time the dance ended. He’d learned so much about Taehyung in the short time on the dance floor. He’s an art major-Yoongi guessed right-and works at a boutique in the city. He told Yoongi if he wanted, Yoongi can stop by the store and he’d “show him how to dress”. Taehyung loved art and fashion is only another medium to use. 
“I had a lot of fun!” Taehyung told him at the doorstep of his dorm building. Namjoon and Jimin stood at the end of the walkway, their lips locked together. Should he do that too? Just grab Taehyung like in the movies and kiss him deeply? “The dance sounded lame at first, but you managed to make it not suck.”
“Really? You...You think that?”
“Um yeah,” Taehyung said, “You’re actually a really good dancer and you’re funny.”
“Thanks. You’re sweet and...and...and…” he forced the next words out, “Beautiful.”
Taehyung stood there a second, then said, “So are you.” 
“Yeah. You’re nice to look at. I like looking at you. If it’s not creepy, maybe one day if you’re cool with it, I can take photos of you. For my portfolio, obviously! I just think you have nice features and a cute smile.”
Should they really speak so boldly? Yoongi didn’t know. He hated things like this, but Taehyung brought on such an ease, he didn’t stop. “You do too.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets, shifting from foot to foot, “Is it cool if I call you? Maybe we can...I don’t know...like go out sometime?”
“How about Tuesday? I work the next few days, but we can set up a time that’s good for you. I know this nice Korean place down the road. It’s super hard to find them around here.”
“That sounds nice.” He thought he might die from his racing heart. “I’d really like that. I’d really, really, really, like that.”
Yoong did not kiss him. He’d love to, but no. He gave a shy wave, forcing back his gleeful grin until he’d turned his back on Taehyung. He had a good feeling about him. All the way home he thought of different things he and Taehyung can do. Maybe, for once in his life, he has met someone who won’t throw him away. 
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So This is Love
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1,366 words
Taegi modern-day Cinderella AU
Constructive criticism is welcome, but please don’t be super harsh this is my first fic.
So This is Love: Kim Taehyung was effortlessly beautiful and could steal anyone’s man in a heartbeat. One problem: his brothers Seokjin and Namjoon had him deal with the brunt of the housework. Taehyung never leaves the house except to go to the market and search for his prince charming, his knight in shining armor. Little does Taehyung know his prince lives next door.
or: the very, very loosely based cinderella taegi au in which kim taehyung is an idiot and min yoongi is certified boyfriend material.
        Dishes. Taehyung’s worst fear (not really, but they were his least favorite chore). The sink was loaded up high and the dishwasher had broken the day before. Shit. He got to work, mentally rearranging his schedule and eventually deciding his trip to the farmer’s market and grocery store would have to wait until tomorrow, even though he was out of sugar and needed some to complete the icing for his brother Jin’s birthday. Taehyung decided to ask one of his neighbors, but who to ask: the grouchy old couple on the left or the mystery man on the right that he’d only ever seen the day he moved in? Mystery man it is Taehyung decided seeing as it was the safest option. The couple would only bash him for not being married at the ripe old age of 21. How caring. 
     Yoongi’s doorbell rang around 5:00 o’clock on a lazy Saturday night, and he expected none other than the pizza guy at his door. He did not expect to open the door to see the male Aphrodite reincarnate at his door. He also did not expect an energetic pomeranian to be nipping at his toes. “Tannie! Don’t bite the neighbor!” Taehyung scolded, but Yeontan was relentless in his attack so Taehyung settled for holding him instead. “Hello?” Yoongi questioned, slightly shy at the fact that this beautiful man was in front of him while he was wearing a pair of ill-fitting sweatpants and an old university hoodie. “Ah. Hello. Sorry about Yeontan, he gets to hyper sometimes. Uh, I’m from next door and I was wondering if I could borrow a cup of sugar and I just feel so-” “Yeah that’s fine. Come in,” Yoongi interrupted before Taehyung could get more flustered than he already was. Poor boy was shaking about as much as a leaf in the wind. 
     Taehyung felt grateful for that as he followed Yoongi to his kitchen and promptly took a seat at the breakfast bar with Yeontan in his arms. “I’m Kim Taehyung by the way, sorry for not introducing myself earlier. And this is my fluffy baby Yeontan. Sorry again about him biting at your toes, I haven’t had the time to teach him any manners.” “No, it’s fine. I’m surprised my dog Holly wasn’t up and at the door the second I opened it. I’m Min Yoongi. Also, may I ask why you need the sugar? You can have it, but I want to know why.” “It’s my brother Seokjin-hyung’s birthday and I ran out of sugar and didn’t have enough for the icing and I didn’t have enough time to go into town.” Yoongi hands Taehyung the sugar and his phone too, with a mumbled “in case you ever need more sugar.” Taehyung smiled at that, not believing that the cute, fair-skinned boy in front of him wanted his number. Taehyung put in his name and number, along with a cake emoji for good measure. Yoongi blushed and saw him out the door. When the doorbell rang about 5 minutes later, Yoongi was hopeful for Taehyung, but alas it was the pizza gut he had waited so long for.
     It was a rainy Friday when Taehyung next showed up at Yoongi’s doorstep with Yeontan in tow, claiming that he needed butter. Okay, so he didn’t really need butter but he can’t help coming over, the mystery man is really cute and it’s not like he has the time to go in town and get in on the action. So once in the kitchen, Taehyung tells Yoongi that he doesn’t need butter but just wanted an excuse to come and see him, to which Yoongi just smiles and laughs, his gums on full display. Taehyung’s chest flutters and butterflies erupt in his stomach only to realise that oh no, I have a crush on the not so mystery man. 
     “So,” Yoongi starts, “Why didn’t you just text me?” “It’s not the same.” “Okay, so why not call me?” “It’s still not the same.” “Okay, so how about facetime?” “Hyung!” Taehyung groans, “It’s just not the same.” Yoongi giggles (giggles), and Taehyung thinks that this may be the sweetest torture one could ever endure. 
     They talk for hours, and Yeontan and Holly play together on the floor. Yoongi learns that Taehyung’s birthday is coming up in the next couple of weeks and that Taehyung will be 22 and almost every aspect of Taehyung’s bright, colorful life (Taehyung makes it seem like that, even though all he ever does is be a glorified housewife). Taehyung learns that Yoongi is a composer and songwriter for some of Korea’s finest agencies and that Yoongi’s cheeks are in fact as squishy as they look. 
It’s Taehyung’s birthday and Yoongi comes over that morning to find him doing chores. Unacceptable. So, much to Taehyung’s dismay, Yoongi takes his ‘new best friend’ (Taehyung’s words, not his) out to town to have some fun for his birthday. Yoongi makes sure that they stop by the grocery store and get butter and sugar before heading of to the farmer’s market to fill the depleted shelves of the Kim household’s pantry. Yoongi also takes Taehyung clothes shopping because all the boy ever wears are white t-shirts and some old grey sweatpants. Yoongi buys everything before Taehyung can so much get his wallet out, so Taehyung insists on paying for lunch. The two of them meet up with some of Yoongi’s other friends and Taehyung’s old friend. Taehyung was shocked to see his old friend Park Jimin sitting at the table, and introduced Taehyung to Jeon Jeongguk, his boyfriend who also happened to be a friend of Yoongi’s. Yoongi’s other friend Jung Hoseok was there. They ate lunch at a cafe and reminisced of the old times until Taehyung got a phone call from his brother Namjoon asking where he was. Taehyung said he had to leave, but Yoongi insisted on taking him one more place. They ended up in front of a shoe store, where Yoongi bought Taehyung some nice sneakers to wear instead of the same worn-down ones he always wore. 
     It was around 7:00 pm that night when Yoongi texted Taehyung asking him to come over, and to ‘wear something nice.’ Taehyung wore his new sneakers (a prized possession of his), a sweater, and some jeans. Taehyung walked to Yoongi’s house and barely opened the door before a chorus of “Surprise!” rang out. Taehyung nearly cried, it was his first birthday party since his parents had died. Yoongi whisked him away and they sat at a table with Jimin, Jeongguk, and Hoseok. They drank until nearly midnight, and Taehyung had realized how late it was. His brothers were going to be pissed with him being out so late, claiming that he was neglecting his duties and disobeying his curfew. Even though he was now 22, his brothers still treated him like a child and never let him go out and do anything by himself. Taehyung saw that the clock had just struck midnight and bolted out the door, losing a shoe in the process. Taehyung returned home a little late, and his brothers decided to punish him by locking him in his room. 
     Taehyung swore he was going to die of boredom. He was alone in his room without his phone and without connection to the outside world. Well, he was until there was a yell, a crash, and the sound of footsteps clamoring up the stairs. Taehyung stayed still, afraid he was in yet more trouble. However, Taehyung was nothing but relieved when he saw Yoongi open the door. “Yoongi-hyung! What are you doing here?” “Returning your shoe,” Yoongi said, while slipping it onto Taehyung’s foot. “Y-Yoongi-hyung?” “Taehyung,” Yoongi started, “When you first came to my door asking for sugar I thought ‘I really like this guy.’ Now, Tae, (Taehyung giggled at that nickname) I think I more than like you. Taehyung, I think I love you. Will you be my boyfriend?” Taehyung gasped (only a little bit since he wasn’t that surprised) and leaned down to Yoongi. He whispered a yes, and the two shared a kiss on the floor of his bedrooom.
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babyboyoonie · 6 years
Yoonmin Rec Masterlist
what more can i say,, let’s just GET IT 
Thunder | it’s thunder, bitch | don’t mind my tags | Yoongi just doesn’t like thunder much
A Little Jealousy | never kills nobody~~ | well the title is self-explanatory what do you want me to say
housewarming | they’re adorable as fuck | my heart has been reported: soft
In the way you give and take | Jimin’s intense with his feelings | they’re just both whipped for each other
Almond Eyes | coffee shop AU | Yoongi’s super shy | Jimin’s a flirt
Soft Spot | Yoongi’s soft for the maknae line
Coffee and Honey | coffee shop AU | Yoonmin are adorable
You're My Everything | Yoongi is a clumsy cutie | Jimin’s soft
mind is a razor blade | doggo Jimin but not really | Yoongi lens a flower shop
fools | shy Yoongi is shy
If looks could kill... | I’m not gonna say anything | just read lololol
You don't mess with Min Yoongi | in which Yoongi is softer than soft
Impulse | vampire Jimin | childhood friend AU
let's stay like this | morning sweetness | Yoongi’s as needy as he said Holly was
meow and cuddles | hybrid AU but not really | it’s soft and a bit angsty on Minnie’s side but nothing big
sleep and showers | they’re both hybrids | and cute
Away in The Mountains | witch!jimin with his magic kitty Yoon
babies and flowers | kid fic
To Not See Is To Love | sweet n soft
i don't care if you're not sorry, i forgive you | seemingly bad boy Yoongi | he really isn’t and Jimin sees it
Tiny Humans Not Included | yoonmin are adorable ))=| caring for a baby included
Of Potions and Chocolates | dragon slayer Jimin | potion brewer Yoongi | they’re crushing on each other but totally oblivious and it’s sweet
Tell Me Your Secrets, I'll Tell You Mine | post stress after mixtape release | overall cute
Nothing wrong with a little Pride | adorable and funny to bits | the characters are so lovable whoa
For You | comfort
In Bloom | mystery  | just soft
I Think It’s Called, Customer Service | an adorable misunderstanding | cute
Overdose | sad...but not too much...but sad
Color // Yoonmin | bitch maybe I cried | aaah my heart hurts why am I doing this
Why are you shaking up my heart? | it begins as v sad but turns out soft in the middle | crushing boys having crushes in idol verse
you make me believe in happily ever after | right in the kokoro
if I can laugh with you, my heart will clear up, too | oof be mindful of your heart it’ll clench up so bad
Lead me home | angst fest yeay | Pirate AU
Ashtrays and Heartbreaks (a love song since when)  | soft angst  | dealing with feelings n all that
An Uber-Unexpected Journey | an Uber story
Caught in a Lie | cheating
Confidence | it’s sad but not full blown sad ya know | ends up sweet
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait | threesome | Yoonminjin | dom Jimin
imma give it to you right now |  ABO | alpha Jimin | Omega Yoongi | cute
you're unbelievable (but i still want it) | funny!! | they’re both very straightforward....
Sleepover | face-fucking | cock-slut Yoongi
Thunderstorm | soft
Lock and key | ABO | porn with plot | dog hybrid Jimin
no rest for the wicked | Taegimin | tired bby yoon
softer than the sky at dusk | Yoonminseok | (((;
things that can't be found on the internet | i don’t even know what to tag | just read it pls it’s good
Let yourself unwind | shower sex | Dom Jimin
Hatred Plays On Our Side | enemies to lover
Cherry Lips  | crossdressing  | Yoongi in pretty clothes
i would throw in the towel for you, boy  | jockstraps? daddy kink? yeah, uh, that
Touch me, Hyung | morning sex
Camera Shy | Plot twist
Slice of life
Don't come closer (I'll bite) | College AU | Jimin is b o l d | Yoongi tries to be mean but he’s a marshmallow so jokes on him | a favorite
Powder Pink (Softer Than Mink) | Car racing AU | smut part contains BDSM
we'll be your escape | idol verse | part everyone/Yoongi | cuddles
rid me of this meddlesome fate | deities AU | ADORABLE
styx and stones (i'm home alone) | ...hell AU? | Jimin is chaotic
Charcoal and Graphite | vampire jimin
Red's Big Bad Wolf | red riding hood AU | Jimin is one yummy wolf okay and really into Yoongi
What Helps Him Sleep At Night | Incubus Jimin | he’s whipped and it’s adorable
Money can't buy happiness (except when it does) | it hurts but it hurts good | v v sweet
Transparent | ghosts AU
We Belong Together  | surprise baby-sitting  | yoongi is good with babies
I kissed a boy (and I liked it).  | or the one where jimin’s yongi’s sex-drive epiphany
Peach Kiss | the 80′s | soft boys in love | so so endearing
Caught In A Lie | Royalty AU
A Cinderella Story: Yoonmin Edition | social media au + some parts written
Two Worlds | ABO | boarding school | Alpha Jimin | Omega Yoongi
at the touch of death | mythology AU | Persephone Yoongi | Hades Jimin
I want you (to want me) | college AU | playboy Jimin
two plus one | idol jimin and single parent Yoongi | they’re cute
I know you want to be my bitch for tonight | Yoongi’s depicted as an asshole in the beginning but it’s explained and it gets better don’t worry
A Little Bit of Everything| chat fic | the interactions are cute!!! | 12/10 would recommend their dynamic | a favorite of @lollifewhatlife
SUN PRINCE | another chat fic | my personal favorite | platonic taegi for life
that's gay | chat fic !! | ...platonic taegi hehe
when you're in love all the lines get blurred | fake dating au | Yoongi’s actually so soft you’ll see
Conflicting Arrangement | 12/10 character development
Solace | bitter sweet | heartbreaking in the most mundane way, it shouldn’t be that sad but it is | it gets better super quick so no worries
Neko Atsume | cat hybrid Yoongi | okay so Yoongi’s really soft and Jimin takes care of him real good BUT Yoongi tops in one chapter (the 77th) | I still rec-ed it bc even though he tops Jimin is still in charge
Soft | trope inversion, Jimin’s the bad boy and Yoongi’s the good one | Jimin isn’t bad at all actually lmao
blow a kiss (fire a gun) | spy AU
Ablaze | dragon Yoongi turning human | spell breaker Jimin | it’s a roller coaster you’ve been warned
Burning Snow | crush crush | unhealthy relationship (not between yoonmin)
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biaswreckmepls · 4 years
do you have any fics based on fairytales?
I’m basically gonna rec old fics:
my will is yours (Ella Enchanted AU)
not really a fairytale ending (Prince locked away in dragon-guarded castle)
Cinderella AUs
Beauty and the Beast (What could this be hmmm)
hymn to the sea (The Little Mermaid AU)
The Flower That Blooms in Adversity (Mulan AU)
BTS Fairy Tales (Series)
charmed (Sacrifice to a dragon except not really)
Studio Ghibli Inspired
Bonus - New Fics
Fairytale AU's by CassiaVioletBlue, softjeon (3 Works, Fantasy AU, Little Red Riding Hood AU - Minjoon, Beauty and the Beast AU - Taegi, Alice in Wonderland AU - Taekook, 77K)
Apple of My Eye by jeonify (Jikook, Fantasy AU, Royalty AU, Beauty and the Beast AU, Other Fairytale elements, One-shot, 18K, T)
This took a hot minute to gather lol
Hope you like this!
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