#taehyun x kai
daegudrama · 1 year
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Title: You Belong With Me
Pairing: Tyunning
Summary: Sweet high school Kai and Taehyun navigating a change in their relationship.
Word Count: 4,413 words
It's a typical Tuesday night and I'm listening to the kind of music most of my peers wouldn't like. Lately I've been really into music from other countries. I don't know why people think it's weird. Music transcends language in my opinion. 
I look towards my window wondering if I'll catch a glimpse of the boy next door. Huening Kai and I have been friends since I moved here in second grade. We know each other better than anyone else and we are always there for each other. Well...we used to be. 
Ever since he started dating Cynthia he's acted different. She doesn't want to hang out with me because I'm in pep band and she thinks I'm gay. She hasn't said that to Kai but I've heard her say it to her friends. Cynthia doesn't understand Kai like I do and that has led to numerous fights between them. Someone needs to put that girl in her place.
Kai comes into view of his window and I can see him waving his hand around while holding the other to his ear. Fighting with Cynthia again it looks like. I wonder what it's about this time. I'm always the one to comfort him when she takes a joke too seriously or is overly jealous. She fits every stereotype of a rich privileged cheerleader and I can't understand why Kai even likes her. 
His dark brown hair is falling in waves across his forehead and he desperately needs a haircut. He's about a week away from not being able to see anything. Maybe that's what he wants I wouldn't want to see his girlfriend's face every day either. He's wearing a big tshirt and basketball shorts I got him last Christmas. 
The sound of something falling in my room breaks my attention. My Junior Jewels shirt from band camp had fallen off my wall for what must be the twelfth time since I put it up. I set it aside not wanting to deal with it right now. 
Kai spent the summer at home while I was away at camp learning how to repel any romantic attention that might come towards me. Band camp really is the best birth control money can buy.
My room is filled with pictures of my friends and music that has had deep impact on my life. Each square inch covered with another piece of who I am. A picture from freshman year catches my eye and I can't help but smile. Kai and I after his first junior varsity football game. He was so sweaty and muddy but that didn't stop me from hugging my best friend. 
Across the room my phone dings from where I left it on my bed. There is only a few people who regularly text me and a quick glance to Kai's window tells me it's probably him.
Hyuka: do you want to watch a movie in the clubhouse? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
His emoji choice has me questioning things I shouldn't be thinking about. I can't let my mind go there and cause more of my poor heart strings to break. 
It's been awhile since we hung out in the clubhouse because like I said his girlfriend is a jerk. When Kai was eight his dad built him a shed in the backyard where he could play with his friends. As we got older we've redecorated and turned it into a hangout place.
Me: i can be there with popcorn in ten. See you soon 
After putting on a sweatshirt and socks I go downstairs to make popcorn. Mom is standing next to the sink but doesn't ask what I'm doing. When the popcorn is done I tell her where I'm going.
"Be back before ten." She says and I nod on my way out the door.
I unlock the gate of the Huening backyard and walk towards the clubhouse. Kai is sitting on the couch with the projector already warmed up and ready to go when I walk in.
"Hey," I say taking off my shoes in the doorway before walking to the couch. "Are you okay? I saw you through the window and you looked heated."
"Cynthia is being overdramatic again." He says as I sit beside him handing the popcorn over. "I was texting one of her cheerleader friends about an idea for a pep rally and she thinks I shouldn't do that. She said that's how it starts."
"How what starts?" I ask genuinely confused as to what she might mean. 
"I'm not even sure. Maybe she thinks I'm going to cheat on her? I really have no idea. I like her but sometimes she's too much." He sighs leaning back in his seat eating a piece of popcorn. "I wish I could just date someone that gets me like you do."
Date me. My brain screams and my eyes widen trying to figure out if I said that out loud. Kai's facial expression remains the same meaning I didn't say it.
"I think the same thing sometimes." I say without thinking and quickly change the subject. "Let's watch the movie."
He's chosen Camp Rock like he always does when something is upsetting him. This is his comfort movie and at this point I can quote it without the sound on.
When the popcorn is finished Kai leans against my shoulder sending my heart into a frenzy. I need to get my emotions in check before I ruin the best friendship I've ever had.  Lately it's been more uncontrollable. Seeing him running around in his football gear all the time only makes it worse. 
"You should find a girlfriend so we can hang out as a group." Kai says leaning against the other side of the couch. 
I don't know how to respond to that. I haven't told him I'm gay and I'm scared that he might not want to hang out with me afterwards. Kai is not homophobic but I think he'd be a little uneasy because we're so close. 
"I need to tell you something." I say before I can chicken out. This is important and I'm ready for my best friend to know even if I'm scared.
His eyes widen under his shaggy hair cut and his eyebrows come together like he's thinking hard about what I might tell him. Whatever he's thinking can't be close to this.
"Okay, you can tell me anything, Tae." He reaches out to touch my shoulder as he speaks.
"I'm gay." I close my eyes taking a deep breath. 
It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders but my heart also feels constricted not knowing how he'll react.
"Taehyun..." he trails off and my eyes open in worry. "I'm so proud of you for telling me. I'm sorry I just said something about you getting a girlfriend, I didn't know. I love you."
He pulls me into a hug and his words are ringing through my ears. I hug him back burying my head into his shoulder. 
"I love you too." I reply when he's let go.
"Do you like anyone?" He asks a little while later after I've told him he's the first person I've told.
Yes, only the most beautiful man in the world. I can't say that out loud. He's in a relationship and as far as I know he's not even a little gay. I try not to fantasize too much because all it does is hurt me. There is a very slim chance that I'll ever get what I want and that's something I need to live with.
"At our school? No one has really caught my eye." I lie and wonder if my eyes are shinning as much as I feel like they are. 
Every day it gets harder to not lean forward and just kiss him. I just want to know how it feels. Though, if I get a taste I'm sure I'd just want more for the rest of time. Life would be easier if everyone was gayer. 
"Sureee," Kai teases wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "What about that Beomgyu guy in your music class?"
Beomgyu is an attractive man but he can't captivate me in the same way Kai does. The way Kai pointlessly lies and is rarely seen without a plushie within a ten foot radius. It's how he can be a football star one moment and a soft boy that will cuddle his stuffed rabbit watching Camp Rock the next. He's been my best friend for so long. I can't imagine having to tell anyone all my childhood memories. Kai experienced them with me and knows me better than anyone. 
"He's cute but not really my type." I say hoping for a reason to escape before he asks me my type. Lying to Kai isn't my strong suit. He sees right through me and usually doesn't let it go. 
My phone rings and I see a photo of my mother and I breathe a sigh of relief. I quickly answer and my mother asks if I've finished all my homework because she found an English worksheet. I decide to use that as my escape even though that assignment isn't due for another few days.
"My mom wants me to do homework." I say getting up from my seat. "I'll see you tomorrow."
I run out before he can say another word and I feel so awkward. How did I tell him that? I wasn't prepared at all but I'm tired of people assuming I want a girlfriend. Heteronormativity is so strange to my flaming homosexual ass. 
My mom watches me finish my worksheet before letting me go to bed. I stay up longer than I should writing a song about what I'm feeling. No one will ever hear it but getting the words out makes me feel better. 
Around 11 Kai holds up a sign to the window like we used to do when we were little. Before we got cellphones on our thirteenth birthdays this is how we communicated. I find a notebook so I can respond to his 'Are you okay?'
He's not wearing a shirt and though it's nothing I haven't already seen there are butterflies in my stomach. I grab a sharpie and write 'Yes. Just going to go to sleep.'
I hold it up for a moment before stepping back to close my white curtain. A memory floods my mind and I can't shake it so it becomes part of the song.
Two years ago Kai and I were having a sleepover in the clubhouse and things took a turn. This was obviously before I came out and at that point I wasn't entirely sure of my sexuality. I knew I like boys and I thought I like girls but after deep consideration and trying to be with girls I realized that's not for me. 
It was well past two a.m. when Kai scooted closer to me on the bed that is lofted above the main hangout area. Without a word he tilted my chin up and pressed his lips against mine. For several minutes we kissed holding each other closely and then he turned around. He fell asleep and neither of us mentioned it. I can't help but think about that when my feelings for him grow each day. 
He's been my best friend for so long it's like we belong together. Kai has a smile that could light up this whole town but I haven't seen as much since he's been with her. She fights him on everything from what he wears to who he spends time with. 
Tomorrow is Friday meaning one more week until homecoming. Of course, I'll have to play at the game but without a date I'm not going to show up. Kai talks about wanting me at more school events with him but I just don't feel right about it. Especially not with Cynthia giving me weird looks every ten seconds. It's like she wants me to be jealous and I am but that's a weird thing to do to someone's best friend. Especially when they have no solid evidence that I'm actually not straight. 
I decide sleeping is my best option. Maybe if I'm well rested I'll be able to deal with school. 
The next week is a mess of perfecting songs for pep rallies and barely talking to Kai because he's so busy with football and trying to deal with his relationship.
On Thursday night he taps a note to his window. 'Movie sleepover @ 8?' I think about ghosting him but we live right next door to each other. If I don't answer he'll come over here.
It's odd that he wants a sleepover since we haven't had one in months. The fact that it's the day before game day makes it even weirder. Maybe he just had a really bad day. Beomgyu told me he heard from his friend on the football team that Cynthia wouldn't answer his calls last nights. Her snapchat location said she was at the co-captains house. I'm not going to mention it unless he says something. 
'I'll bring the ice cream' I write taping it to my window because I can't see if he's in his room right now. He's probably eating dinner. 
I sit down at my desk to do some homework. I push a few papers aside that I'd rip from my notebook and see 'I love you as more' written in large letters. Before summer I wanted to tell him but ended up chickening out because he left the window before I could show him. I fold the paper and hide it in my desk drawer. 
After finishing my homework and eating dinner I contemplate what ice cream to bring. My usually stash hidden in the outside freezer is running low. Maybe I'll go to the store and get some of our favorites. 
I tell my mom I'm going to spend the night in the clubhouse and she offers to buy snacks and ice cream for us. I gladly accept promising to do the dishes tomorrow in return. 
Kai's is the only place she would let me stay over on a school night. It's right next door so I can just come home in the morning to get ready. If she needs me I'm just across the yard really it's a win that we became best friends. 
It's nearly 8 when my mom returns. I'm wearing the matching pajama set she got me and Kai for Christmas last year. She looks happy that I'm wearing it and hands me the bags.
"Don't be late to school!" She yells as I walk out of the door. 
I roll my eyes knowing I won't be late tomorrow. Knowing Kai we will be asleep before twelve especially since he has a game. He takes his sports very seriously. 
"I brought snacks!" I say as I walk into the clubhouse without knocking.
Kai is lying across the couch staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression. He's wearing the same pajamas as me but his are a little too small. Kai has bulked up a lot this year from practicing so much. 
He sits up reaching for the bags before he says anything to me. The ice cream is in his hands when he finally greets me and I can tell he hasn't had a good day.
"I'm sorry we haven't been hanging out. Life's been stressful lately." Kai says stabbing his spoon into the ice cream with a sincere look.
"I understand. Girls and sports..." I trail off trying not to sound sarcastic but knowing I've failed.
"Cynthia has been really bugging me lately. It's like she doesn't trust me at all." 
I contemplated whether I want to give him good advice or just tell him it'll be okay. I decide to be a good friend as I shove my hand into the Dorito bag sitting between us.
"If my partner didn't trust me to do simple things I would take that as a red flag." I shuffle in my seat thinking of what to say next. I rest my chin on my hand. "This is high school and this relationship isn't made to last and we both know it. I've been reluctant to tell you this because it seemed like she made you happy but..."
"What is it Tae? You can tell me anything." Kai says when he sees my hesitation.
"Your girlfriend," the word tastes like sour milk in my mouth. "has repeatedly told me to stay away from you because she thinks I'm gay. I've also heard she doesn't want me around because she thinks I'll ruin your popularity."
"Are you serious?" He asks putting the ice cream aside and staring into my eyes. 
"I wouldn't lie about this." I say softly my tummy turning with anxiety.
"Taehyun, I'm so sorry she treated you that way. I would've had a conversation with her a long time ago if I knew. Is that why you declined hanging out with us?"
I nod my head and he sets the bags on the floor so he can reach over and hug me. He smells like the floral shampoo his older sister uses and his arms are right around me.
A moment later he sits back putting the ice cream in the mini fridge/freezer combo by the couch. Something catches his eye and suddenly there is two bottles of soju in his hand. He raises an eyebrow daring me.
"Kai, you have a game tomorrow." I say and he juts his lower lip out creating the cutest pout.
"A little soju never hurt. We'll watch Tangled and use our drinking game. Or we could just sit here. I feel like I need to catch up with you."
We decide to talk and drink rather than watch a movie. The snacks sit between us as I update him on what I've been doing this week. I've the next few hours we each finish a bottle than another half before we call it quits.
"Do you remember that time we kissed?" Kai asks when we've made it to the bed lofted above the main area. 
It's dark and I can't see his expression. Even my intoxicated brain starts screaming because we don't talk about that. This is really the first time he's ever mentioned it.
"Of course I do. I was under the impression you didn't want to remember it." I say wondering where this is going. 
I should turn around and go to sleep before we do something stupid. We are both intoxicated and I don't want to do anything he might regret tomorrow. I'm too intrigued to turn around. I need to know where this is going even it breaks my heart.
"Honestly it was one of the best kisses I've ever had. I tried kissing more boys after you but it was never quite the same."
My heart flutters and my brain is screaming not knowing what to do with this information. He's kissed more boys than just me? Kai thinks he likes boys. This is news to me and I can't understand why he's saying this now. We've drank together before and nothing like this conversation has ever left our lips.
"Why are bringing this up now?" I decide to ask after a few moments of silence.
The tension in the air is thick enough to cut and my chest is starting to hurt. I've imagined this moment so many ways and hoped that some day he'd confess feelings for me. I never thought I actually hear him say I'm the best kiss he's ever had.
"I've been thinking about you in a different light lately. Hearing what Cynthia said about you made me realize I shouldn't hide anymore."
Hide what? Does he have feelings for me? Does he want to kiss me again? I'm about to ask him when I hear a faint snore. He's fallen asleep and I wonder if he'll remember this tomorrow. It seems unlikely and I make a mental note to get up before he wakes up. 
In the morning my head is aching and my stomach feels like I might throw up at any moment. Kai is still asleep next to me with his cheek pressed against the pillow. His mouth is open and a little trail of drool is pooling on his pillow. 
Quietly I make my way out of the clubhouse and back home. Kai's words from last night are running through my mind and I wonder if he was being honest. I drink three bottles of water before taking a shower to wash off that drunk smell. The last thing I need is to get suspended or called to the office today.
It's homecoming night and I'm not planning on going to the dance because the one person I want to go with is still with someone else. I almost hope he doesn't remember his words so we don't have to have an awkward conversation.
"Did you have fun with Kai last night?" My older brother teases as I walk through the hallway.
I roll my eyes ignoring his attempt to get a rise from me. Instead I make toast knowing I don't have enough time for anything else. My phone dings as I'm leaving my house.
It's a message from Kai.
Hyuka: Why'd you leave before I woke up? 🥺Did I say something last night? It's kind of a blur 😣
He doesn't remember. A part of my heart sinks knowing that if I want a confession I'll have to tell him what he said. Time to swear off alcohol so something like this doesn't happen again. 
Me: its nothing...I'll see you later maybe 
I can't force myself to sound normal and I hate it. How am I supposed to react to this? My best friend said he really liked kissing me. I've had a crush on him for ages and think we would be perfect together. Of course I'm a little freaked out.
For most of the day I successfully avoid him until he corners me in the empty band room after pregame rehearsal. Everyone has left to get dinner leaving us alone.
"Why are you avoiding me?" Kai asks his eyes wide tinted with sadness. "I've had a horrible day and I wanted to talk to my best friend earlier but you just ran away."
He stands in front of me arms crossed over his chest. What else happened today? All I've been thinking of is his lips and how I wish I could kiss them whenever I wanted.
"We always promise not to lie or withhold information from each other..." I trail off debating whether I should continue. "but last night you dropped a pretty big bomb on me."
"What did I tell you?" His eyes are wide and he won't meet my eye contact. Kai's cheeks are flushed and I can tell he's hoping I don't say what he told me last night. 
"You told me our kiss was one of the best you've ever had and that you've tried kissing more boys but it wasn't the same. You also said you've been seeing me in a different light but you fell asleep before I could ask about that." 
I try to remain calm but his face is getting redder by the second. He hides his face in his hands and runs way before I can say another word. I let him go knowing that when he's ready he'll let me know. If he doesn't I'll come to him. I don't like being in this limbo. 
After dinner I'm back at school waiting for the game to start. I'm in the bleachers warming up my instrument. Kai hasn't come on the field yet but there is still a few minutes until the tip-off. 
At the last moment he appears looking confused. He quickly seems to get his head in the game, but during the second half he isn't his usual self. We still win the game but Kai has to be taken out because he can't focus. 
Once the game ends I rush home so no one can drag me to the dance. The last thing I need is to be around a bunch of hormonal teens twerking and trying to end the night fucking in the back of a limo. 
I'm trying to focus on my homework but I can't. All I want is to have answers. So I do the most cliched and ridiculous thing I can think of. I grab my love declaration from my desk. I get dressed in my nicest clothes and shove the note inside the pocket. 
I run to homecoming only stopping when I get inside and see Kai standing with his friends. His face is sad and I just want to make him smile. Kai's eyes sweep the room and land on me. A smile breaks across his face and he pushes his friends aside to walk towards me.
In the middle of the dance floor we each reach into our pockets and pull out a folded piece of paper. He unfolds his first and I see 'i love you (in a gay way)' written on his paper. The paper looks like it'd been folded and unfolded many times and I wonder how long he's had this.
He gasps when I unfold my paper taking the step forward to wrap his arms around me. He's pulled away from me by a well manicured hand. I look up to see Cynthia in a fire truck red dress that comes to her mid thigh.
"Babe, what are you doing?" She says trying to look sweet and innocent.
I don't think she's doing a very good job. One could compare her to the wickedness of Bellatrix Lestrange.
"Making myself happy. You were kissing my teammate a few days ago and bullying my best friend. I'm not your boyfriend. I'm his."
My heart is threatening to dance out of my chest hearing the words I've been waiting years to hear. She looks disgusted and storms off towards her group of friends.
"So you want to be my boyfriend?" I ask as he cups my face in his hands.
"Of course I do silly." He says leaning down to press his lips against mine in the middle of the dance like no one is watching.
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kaesficrecarchive · 1 year
[taehyun x kai]
flower petals spelling 'i love you' by SQUISHSUNGS (1/1 | 10,765 | T)
“Hey,” Taehyun smiles, hoping it looks better than whatever the hell he’d subjected Kai to earlier. He tilts his head into Kai’s line of sight, holding his hammering heart. “Are you looking for anything specific? Date? Funeral?”
“No! No, no,” Kai immediately denies. “I just had a... question.”
“A question?” Taehyun echoes.
“You’re knowledgeable on... flowers, right?”
taehyun and kai fumble through the the ordeal of having feelings, speaking through the petals and ink stains
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choiyeonjuns · 4 months
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odxrilove · 11 months
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pairing: txt x f!reader
genre: hcs/scenarios, fluff, bsfs/friends2???? ~1.2k :D
a/n: requested by anon! song rec - nouvelle vague by wave to earth.. also big thank u to val pookie @fairybinie for helping me out sm with these scenarios!!! happy birthday poo i hope u had an amazing day and i wish u the best!! love you lots :D
back to masterlist!
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constantly keeping his hand on your waist. such an action may seem futile and unnoticeable considering yeonjun’s the one doing it, but it still makes you confused. yeonjun’s known to be flirty, a literal heartthrob wherever he goes. he’s also very touchy, easily hugging someone or putting his arm around their shoulder. but it’s only truly with you that he lets his hand rest on your hip, finger hooked into one of your jeans’ belt loops.
at first he started doing it at parties, after finding you in the crowd, arms circling your waist to keep you from getting lost in the wave of people. it continued at normal hangouts, laughing alongside his friends as his fingers fiddled with the hem of your top. then it happened when you two were alone, lounging on your couch while watching a movie. there wasn’t anything or anybody he had to protect you from, but he still slid his hand between the backrest and your body until you were practically glued to his side, his arm comfortably holding onto your waist.
you’re not sure why he does it; maybe to show others you’re not available– you are though, or to purposely tease you and make your heart skip a beat– something that already happens a lot in his presence. but one thing you know for sure is, it certainly doesn’t help your already weak heart.
being oddly protective of you. soobin is the least confrontational person you know, so it didn’t surprise you when he kept his mouth shut as one of your classmates teased him in class. that’s initially how you two became friends, him nursing your wounded fist after you punched the bully right in the nose for calling him a lanky nerd. 5th grade sure was wild. the following years, soobin tried his best to defend you like you defended him back in the day but again, he’s the least confrontational person you know. however, his best friend-instincts took over him when a guy tried to hike up your dress at the graduation party. you nursed his wounded fist after and the two of you became even closer. after the “fight of the century” soobin swore to himself he would protect you. at first, you found it funny, trying to stop yourself from blushing when he would raise his voice at whoever decided to bother you that day. you don’t really know when it started but with each new time, his best-friend protection act would slowly turn into something that held a lot more feelings than just platonic ones. the way he would look at you to see if you were alright, or the way his hand would slid into yours, or even the one time he called you his partner instead of his best friend. everything was slowly changing, and you didn’t even know if soobin was even aware of it himself.
calls you his girlfriend. the first time he did it, you thought he was just joking around, trying to tease you. so you laughed it off, attempting to hide the way your heart fluttered at the thought of you being his actual girlfriend. but the second time, a week or so later, you were even more confused. did beomgyu think you two had something going on? did he find out about your old crush on him? you really didn’t know why he started calling you his girlfriend, since none of his other actions showed he felt anything except platonic feelings for you. he stopped after the fourth time, after he noticed your disoriented and clearly disheartened expression. weeks passed and not once did beomgyu explain his old but short habit to you. but then, months later, when you had almost forgotten about the whole ordeal, beomgyu did it again. to be honest, him calling you his girlfriend that time was in fact beneficial for you– you refused to talk any longer to the creep begging for your number. but the way the word rolled off his tongue, a hint of arrogance and a ton of proudness, made you reach for his hand, acting like the role he had assigned you. tension followed after, for weeks, and your heart continued to long for him. if only you knew you were the only thing on his mind whenever someone said the word “girlfriend”.
constantly buys you things. it may seem shallow at first, but whenever taehyun brings you a small trinket or whatever food you were craving at that moment, your heart fills with joy. it’s not the way he spends money for you, but the way he looks at you when he gives it to you, eyeing you to see your neutral expression change into a happy one. taehyun’s a great listener, so he knows all your orders and favorite things by heart, which only makes it easier for him to empty his bank account for you. he swears you’re not special, or at least not more important than the rest of his friends– for whom he rarely ever buys anything– but he can’t really stop his brain from thinking of you when he sees something pretty or tasty at the mall. the dainty necklace around your neck is the literal proof of his favoritism towards you. he had given it to you on your graduation and you hadn’t taken it off since. it was a symbol for your friendship, he said, something to remember the many years you spent together, but the shiny “T” letter pendant made your heart swell every time you felt it against your skin. in all truth, taehyun was just waiting for you to notice the letter pendant of your name he wore on his necklace and hid, carefully, under his shirt collar.
he constantly mentions you two in his future. you and kai have been friends since the two of you were in diapers and basically experienced all your first together. spending all those years together, in the same neighborhood, school and friend groups lead to many talks about your futures, sometimes wiping anxious tears away or doubling over from laughter at the mention of so many possibilities. it was a normal thing for you two, getting together and just talking about whatever would be on your mind at that moment. every conversation was different but one thing never changed, the way huening kai wouldn’t forget to mention you in his future plans. he would have pictured everything out, you two living next to each other in your own homes, working across the street from each other, adopting pets at the same time so they could be friends, meeting every friday for a ramen and movie night… whenever you were worried about what the future prepared for you, kai would comfort you, reminding you that no matter what happened later, he would always be there. it always reassured you but unfortunately, you never had the guts to tell him that you’d prefer to live together later, spend your work lunch breaks together, adopt a pet together, and turn every night into a movie marathon.
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taglist: @0x1lovebot @fairybinie @blaqpinksthetic @odetoyeonjun @pockyandme @soobin-chois @lolalee24 @soobisms @junityy @kaimal @laylasbunbunny @jaeyunverse @enhacolor @honglynights @starry-mins @bibinnieposts @raevyng @yoonzin0 @tyunni @pointlessapple @yyx2 @pearlygraysky @angelyeo-hyj
please do not copy, repost or steal any of my work. all content belongs to @odxrilove
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taegimood · 6 months
mj!! i just saw a tiktok thats like "check ur tone before talking to my girl / watch how u talking to her" and neow i need urbig brained delicious thoughts (sfw or nsfw idc!) on possesive/protective!txt !!!!! 🧎🧎
omfg help… instant wet panties 😵‍💫 i hope this is what you had in mind~
edit: y’all i’m CACKLING at these responses i PROMISE it’s not btob minhyuk in soob’s 💀 i just used the first name that came to my mind HAHAHSKSNJ
yeonjun would not HESITATE.. you’d be at a party together, splitting off for a bit to hang with your respective friends; as protective as he is, he knows you can handle yourself so he’s not immediately racing over when he sees the guy that approaches you.. though his eyes might as well be burning little fires into the guy’s head from the way he’s staring across the room. he’s keeping an eye on his every move, unbeknownst to you; you’re just minding your business, chatting with your friends, and this rando is getting a little too close for comfort, talkin bout sum “why don’t you pay more attention to me instead ahaha” and it’s when you reject his continual advances that his face sours and the name-calling starts. “don’t be such a bitch, you’re lucky i’m even-“
“watch your fucking mouth before i shut it for you.” aaaand there’s yeonjun, seemingly coming out of nowhere. his hand is fixed in an iron grip on the guy’s wrist which had been extending towards you, staring him down — literally down, yeonjun’s height easily surpassing his — with every indication of “i’ll fuck your shit up if i have to” in his eyes. you can tell right away that the guy’s bark is much bigger than his bite as his own eyes are wide, attempting to yank his hand away to no avail, before yeonjun finally releases his grip a few moments later to watch him quickly retreat back into the crowd after some hastily-mumbled apologies. yeonjun scoffs and throws an arm around your shoulders, grumbling and eyeing the area as you just look up at him with a cocked brow and a growing smile, like hello how’d i bag such a baddie ??? him catching your stare and when you jokingly ask “jealous?” he’s rolling his eyes and grumbling about how no one can talk to his girl like that.. he sticks with you the rest of the night, getting extra grabby as you leave to go home — “gotta get your mind off of limpdick lee 🙄” — and you can imagine how the rest of the night goes when he’s determined to show you exactly how you deserve to be treated by a real man 🤤
soobin, bro.. you don’t even see it coming. usually your boyfriend gets pouty and grumpy when he’s jealous, more cute than anything, so you can’t even believe your eyes — or ears — when this time he actually gets scary. not scary for you; you’re just terrified for the other guy. this is the first time you’ve really seen him get so protective; you’d joined him for some schoolmate reunion party that he didn’t even wanna go to in the first place, grumbling about how awkward it would be (but then blushing and grinning to himself when you pointed out how awestruck everyone would become over his 100/10 visuals) and so here you are, his hand in yours as you walk around being introduced to his old classmates. it’s when he leaves you with a kiss on your cheek to go use the bathroom that it happens. you’re perusing the refreshment table, deciding which drink to grab for soobin, when this guy that’s been hanging around the table starts edging himself closer to you. you nearly jump out of your skin when you glance up to see him already staring from 3 feet away. this dude (whose icky school reputation you’re unaware of) becomes relentless in his “flirting”, talking about your body, trying to touch your hair, making you all-around uncomfortable as fuck until suddenly he stops mid-sentence and just stares up at something past your head like a deer in headlights. confused, you turn around and soobin is suddenly standing right behind you with the NASTIEST, MEANEST, most STEELY glare you’ve ever seen grace his pretty face. “minhyuk.” his voice instantly sends shivers up your spine (and down to your core). this ‘minhyuk’ is already backing off with his hands up in surrender as soobin goes, “if you don’t walk the fuck away from her right now, i will make you regret it.” GAH DAMN…. GAH DAMN…. the way you jump his bones later is unreal i’m just sayin. minhyuk is quick to apologize and leave you alone while soobin is quick to grumble out a “we’re leaving” with an aggravated pout forming on his face, the one you know so well — but holy fuck is this about to be the roughest, yummiest, BEST sex that you’ve ever had.
beomgyu omfg 😭 he doesn’t even TRY to have any chill. you’re out shopping together and he’s already hanging all over you in the first place, ever the clingy baby, so when some guy has the AUDACITY to still come up and try hitting on you, beomgyu is not having it. you’re in the video game section arguing over which league of legends dlc you guys should download when you get home, you stopping to test out smash bros on the newest switch model while beomgyu’s got his arms around your waist, head on your shoulder and rocking you back and forth obnoxiously — “GYU YOU’RE MAKING ME DIZZY” “well pay attention to me!!! 😩” — and neither of you notice the store employee that had been lingering in the same aisle, restocking the controller shelf and sneaking glances in your direction. he makes his move when gyu gets distracted by something off to your other side, arms untangling from your waist as he leans over to take a look at the other shelf with one finger hooking mindlessly through your belt loop. “there’s actually a pretty cool new feature on that one, here lemme show you 😉” you’re standing there like 👁️👄👁️ when the voice that is not your boyfriend’s is suddenly all up in your space, this guy reaching past you from behind, going through some game settings that you’re not even paying attention to because why is this guy’s sweaty chest pressed up against my back?????? “what the fuck” aaand beomgyu has tuned back into the channel. lip curled and a 🤨 look on his face that he doesn’t even try to hide; you’re both standing there like the surprised pikachu meme for a second before the cogs start turning again. “dude. why are you touching my girl?” shouldering his way between you, arm protectively going around your waist again as he blocks the employee off with his large frame. the guy’s hands going up as he defends himself, “hey, she was asking for it.” THE WAYYYYY THAT BEOMGYU’S JAW WOULD DROP ??!?! “what the fuck did you just say?” ohhhhhhhh he’s mad now.. facing the guy while keeping you behind him, dude’s eyes widening as he realizes his mistake — “uh, i didn’t mean-“ “i don’t care what the fuck you meant, you don’t get to fucking talk to my girl like that, you piece of-” you have to DRAG him out of the store and he’s ranting the entire way, finally grabbing your face and kissing you firmly when you get to the car before grumbling “you weren’t asking for shit..” league of legends be damned, he’s fucking you good the second you get home.
taehyun….. 👁️👁️ is it hot in here already….? you guys don’t go clubbing often, but when you do, your boyfriend is like a blinking neon sign that reads “touch my girl and i’ll run you into the ground 😀.” he hates leaving you alone even for a second, not because he doesn’t trust you, but because he doesn’t trust “all these fucking horndogs that wanna get with you.” his words, not yours. barely drinks anything at first cuz if he has to pee then he has to leave you alone 💀 eventually you convince him to be more chill, have some drinks, and you’re enjoying yourselves — pressed all up on him on the side of the dance floor 🤤 — until begrudgingly he finally excuses himself to the bathroom. you stay put, bopping your head along to the music as you sip at your drink, leaning against the wall to avoid getting knocked into by any dancing bodies. perhaps this backfires, however, when one of those bodies, fairly drunk and heading straight for you, cages you in with his arms before you can even process his intention. his breath reeks of alcohol as you flatten yourself as much against the wall as you can, eyes flitting nervously towards the direction of the bathrooms, praying taehyun will be quick as this manchild croons to you about how he’s been watching you all night and couldn’t wait to get you alone like this. “my boyfriend’s gonna fuck you up,” you mutter, and fuck him up he does. in a flash the guy is on the ground, reeling from the gut punch he just received, taehyun standing there with a terrifyingly calm look on his face. “what do you think you’re doing?” there’s a warning in his eyes, a warning that this bitch ignores as he stumbles to his feet, throwing all kinds of colorful words at the both of you, before stopping mid-tirade as taehyun steps forward calmly, gripping the guy’s collar in his fist as he stares down at him and says with gritted teeth, “you have 5 seconds to walk away before i shove my foot so far up your ass that you’ll be tasting leather. try touching my girl like that again and see what fucking happens.” the raging storm in his eyes paired with the level tone of his voice has your thighs squeezing together despite the situation, and when the man scurries away, you almost feel dizzy at the burning kiss taehyun gives you. muttering “we aren’t coming here again” as he immediately leads you out to the car, heading back home where the filthiest fuck of your life awaits you 😍
kai tends to get quiet when he gets jealous. his instinct being to close himself off more, becoming a careful observer rather than an outright confronter; which is why you’re taken so off guard by the open display of back the fuck off that he dishes out one day when you’re at a convention together. you’re exploring the different booths hand in hand, gushing over the merch tables and limited edition figurines, debating whether or not you should add to your shared plushie collection — when suddenly from behind you comes a low “damn, what a nice ass.” you almost don’t catch it at first. you almost don’t process that it’s being directed at you if not for kai freezing beside you, gaze snapping over his shoulder to the crusty man stood eyeballing you shamelessly. you’re both in shock for a moment until an uneasy feeling creeps over you, and kai can tell. “what did you just say?” your eyes flicker up to him and widen; you’ve never seen him look so serious. his tone is careful, but you can tell that he’s angry. the man is rolling his eyes and saying something like “i wasn’t talking to you, kid, was i?” as he reaches forward as if ready to tweak at your skirt with his fingers. you quickly back up into kai and his hand is flashing out at lightning speed to shove the man’s arm back. “you need to step away.” he’s firm now, holding his ground even as the man sneers at him and starts, “yeah? or what-“ “you need to step away right now before i fucking make you. do not try me.” you’re GOBSMACKED, is this really your sweet plushie loving boyfriend ??!!?!? whatever sexy protective spirit possessed him, you hope that it stays, because the man is visibly shaken even as he scoffs and leaves the booth behind. you turn to look up at your boyfriend whose brows are furrowed over dark eyes, and he’s quickly asking if you’re okay, asking if you want to leave, rambling out questions of concern that have you interrupting him with a simple statement: “i’m gonna suck you off so good later.” his face turns bright red as he stops functioning for a second before groaning and mumbling all these things about how you should be treated like a princess and an angel and.. let’s just say that you definitely feel like one later that night after he’s done with you <3
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fairybin · 1 year
[repost] yeonjun audio #1
warning: nsfw audio!!
pov: sub!yeonjun gasping and whining out that he’s about to cum so you keep stopping on purpose, making him all needy and worked up to the point where tears are running down his face.
do not reupload or repost
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sophvilla · 1 month
Baby, is it gonna fit ?
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⋆ ˚。⋆ TXT SERIES ⋆ ˚。⋆
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Pairing: Bf! Soobin X Gf! Femreader
Synopsis: Soobin didn't know that he had a Size Kink at all, it all started Innocent but Deep down he Truly Knows that it's not Innocent at all.
Warning: Smut, MDNI, 18+, Size kink, Unprotected, Reader gets called ( Baby, Princess, My Love, Babygirl) etc.
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Soobin has a major size Kink....
It all started with how small and short you look beside his 6’1 frame, he is twice as taller then you and to which he somehow felt proud about it, comparing how small your hand are in comparison to his, huge hands then,
How small you looked in his Gigantic Shirt as he smiled like fool watching you drown in his clothes.
He didn’t think that something this innocent will become something so…..kinky,? But it actually did cause..
Whenever his cock was buried deep inside of your cunt all he can think of is how tightly you’re squeezing around his Length, watching how good you’re taking him with tears streaming down your face as you take inhuman thrust.
He watches as his cock disappear inside your that tight little hole that felt like a glove to cock, pounding inside your Sensitive pussy as you already cum for the second time, begging him that you can’t take it anymore to which he replies,
“ Yess you can, my love, ..take all that I’m giving you” as you dumbly nod at his words through your tears proving the fact how fucked out you are right now,
Continuing to abuse his cock inside your overstimulated pussy as it reaches your cervix making your eyes roll back at the stretch and pleasure you feel,
“God, you feel so good around me” Your boyfriend rasp out between his brutal pace of thrusts, You mumble out incoherent words between your moans of pleasure,
“ huh ..uh ….keep going-g” you said in between your hiccups as you feel yourself reaching your third orgasm of the night
“Fuck, look at you right now” He grins upon hearing your request and obliging to it immediately as his thrust turns more Deep and rhythmically harder into your cunt making a clapping sound of Skin Smacking against eachother, making you tremble at the newly set pace,
“you want to come, princess?”
“Y-yes, I- please---”
“Then cum for me babygirl, cum on my cock” Soobin says out of breath as he cums at the same time filling you up with his cum but doesn't stop with his thrust as he continues to fuck his cum into your sensitive pussy making you clench around his cock in an extremely tight grip.
His hips started to give desperate thrust into you, as one of his hands pulls your body even more closer then it was and the other hand pulling your hips closer to his as He started to grind his hip back and forth to yours causing even more friction then ever,
"fucking hell baby, you feel so fucking good." He grunts out, Head falling back as His hand let go of your hip and wrapping his hand around your delicate neck and start to fuck you even harder, in his head all he can think of how Fucking small you are compared to him, How he can easily break you, or How your small cunt is taking his huge cock,
Breaking away from his Trail of thought His eyes focus on yours at how you look on the verge of passing out,
Soobin's constant thrust of his hip inside you, making you too fucked out to even move from the mix of pain & pleasure that your receiving, all you can do is moan and scream at how good you feel right now,
With each thrust, you quite literally Screamed. Seems like you were too sensitive at this point. The sensation of him repeatedly slamming his hips against you turned you into a sobbing mess,
And when his climax exploded for the fourth time within you with one last powerful thrust, his hot cum spurting hard, stuffing you to the brim and painting your womb white— you clawed at him, tugged him closer to your breasts as a mix of scream and moan of his name escaped your lips, trembling at the depth to which he was burying himself inside you.
You were panting, totally spent, sensing the familiar way of his cum trickling down your thighs as Soobin lays inside of you, not pulling out immediately as his cock continues to breed his cum inside of your womb as Soobin gazes down to your flushed goddess like face,
" When did I get so lucky" Soobin mumbles while looking at your sleepy smile that you give him as you drift into slumber
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lost-leopard-beanie · 2 months
˒ pairing: yeonjun x fem!reader
˒ genre: fluff, attempt at humor, college au ig??
˒ warnings: nothing I know of? pls lmk if you find any
˒ priya talks: I had soo much fun making this istg!! it kinda doesn't make that sense (TT) but this is highly inspired by @boigyu 's same trend but with enha! I'm not on tumblr that much recently so if this has alr been done for txt, im so sorry!! pls reach out to me if you find it similar to yours! <33
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˒ taglist (perm)! @tinyelfperson @stealanity lmk if you wanna be on my permanent or just my txt taglist! (please anybody send an ask to be on the taglist im on my flop era guys pls im begging 🙇‍♀️)
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miupow · 6 days
which txt members do u think would b the most into foreplay and whod be impatient cuz theyre desperate lol ㅜㅜ
hehe omg… i’m finally getting around to answering old asks :33 • cw // NSFW, MDNI!
yeonjun -> he always makes sure that you cum at least once on his fingers and once on his tongue before he even begins to stick his dick in. and even then he just drags his fat hot shaft up and down your pussy lips, slaps his dripping red cockhead against your puffy clit until you sob out for mercy. and maybe, if you’ve been a really good girl, he’ll finally give you what you want.
taehyun -> tyun is the fingering king; he loves to play with your pussy, make you fall apart while you’re bent over his lap or on all fours, split open on his thick, calloused fingers. obsessed with making you squirt on his fingers too, thinks it’s so cute~ will make you cum and cum until you do, til you’re shaking <3 and then he’ll fuck you rough and nasty, coke can cock stretching your oversensitive wet pussy out just how you like it :3
kai -> kai is always battling with himself, torn between giving in to mindless pleasure and focusing on pleasing you— he just wants to please you, make you feel as good as you make him feel <3 and he’s so attentive!! always playing with you so gentle and sweet, stretches you out proper for his big fat cock cause he would never want to hurt you~ but he loses all composure when he finally gets to feel your cunt swallowing up his cock so well, pussy so tight but so wet, the slide so good he whimpers so pathetic.. now his minds all empty and pussy drunk, can’t focus on anything other than how good it feels and how badly he wants to cum.
soobin -> soobin’s gotta make sure your little tight hole is ready for him, and mutual masturbation is his favorite way to prepare you for his cock… his thumb rubbing tight against your clit through your panties as you fist his big long cock til it’s throbbing, his balls heavy and aching for release— and until you’ve soaked through your panties, gotten whiny and desperate grinding against his nice long fingers, begging him to put them inside and fill you up <3 and the stretch of his monster cock’s dizzying, red hot, but you love it so much as soobin groans n moans so deep in his chest as he bottoms out, kisses your cervix and threatens to nearly push through <3
beomgyu -> when beomgyus needy he’s needy, so horny he can’t even think straight, so hard it hurts when he’s dragging you off somewhere secluded to fuck your brains out. he just wants to fuck, not play around,,, “i can’t wait any longer, i have to be inside of you!” <3 but even has selfish as he can be when he fucks, he will always make sure you cum too… multiple times if he can help it :3
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tmblrcolouredpaper · 7 months
Sleepy scenarios with TXT: habits, routines and rituals that occur when you share a bed with them (fluff) 
5 scenarios, member x reader
wc (in total): 2691
no warnings
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Refuses to use individual blankets and pillows
One blanket, one pillow
You're freezing? Blanket is not big enough to comfortably lay next to each other? Yeonjun takes up the pillow, so his chest is the only free space for your head to rest? Well, you gotta cuddle the whole night then. 
You tuck him in each evening, making sure he has more of the blanket and Yeonjun loooooves it, letting you do this task while having the biggest grin on his face. 
You keep complaining about it, but end up giving in to the forced cuddles, because do you want to freeze? No! Do you want to sleep without Yeonjun to have your own blanket? NO!?
Yeonjun always makes sure you sleep first regardless of how tired he might be. 
He caresses your arm up and down, gently has his hand on your back or lets his fingers slowly wander over your face. 
You end up turning away and taking up all the blanket with one move. That's when Yeonjun knows he can fall asleep now too. 
Holds you close and sometimes feels you pulling the blanket back over him in the middle of the night. 
It's intuitive how you always end up in his arms with both of you covered by the blanket again. 
You basically sleep half on top of him and the one who sleeps longer wins the blanket in the morning.
It's Yeonjun's favorite game. You hate it, but love it. 
'Is it raining again?', you asked, refusing to pull the blanket away from your face to look outside the window yourself.
'Yep', Yeonjun chirped and pulled the curtains aside even further with an overdramatic and energized stretch of his arms. 
He welcomed the grey weather, heavy clouds imitating the thick blanket on his bed that he couldn't feel covering him most times throughout the night. 
He looked back to where you were lying and smiled. This was his favorite part of each day he experienced with you. 
'You stole the blanket again', he sighed with the smile still plastering his face. 
'I keep telling you to use two blankets when two people sleep in this bed, but -', you mumbled into the singular pillow on the bed, until you felt Yeonjun dropping down on you. 
'You just have to tuck me in better', he laughed and clang onto you like a koala on top of a branch.
'I'll tie a rope around you and this stupid blanket', you groaned and tried to wiggle free. 
Yeonjun only allowed that process only go as far as your face being visible. 
'Look who is ready to face the day', he hummed and kissed the tip of your nose. 
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Wants to see you in his clothes. 
Gets too excited to have you with him in these late hours AND the early hours. 
Throws a pile of shirts and hoodies on top of you to let you pick what you want to wear. 
One shirt, one hoodie, but then also another hoodie that you can cuddle. 
He doesn't necessarily need physical contact the whole time. He's happily at peace with your close presence, but he doesn't want you to feel any sort of distance despite remaining a more comfortable sleeping position. Solution: You wrapped up in his belongings and holding onto the soft fabric with his scent as well. 
Cuddles in the morning are a must tho. 
He'll wear the hoodie you cuddled when the cold morning arrives and lets you wake up in his arms when you're comfortable with such closeness. 
'Where is it?', Soobin mumbled half asleep, freezing in the dark and quiet room. 
His hand dived through the layers of sheets. His blanket, your blanket, the layers of clothes that embraced you... Somewhere there should have been the grey hoodie he gave you in the evening before going to bed. However, he couldn't find it, too dark to to see and too messy to feel the right cloth. 
Frustrated, he let his head fall back against his pillow and he sighed tiredly, feeling too cold to fall back asleep yet too lazy to get up and get another hoodie. Besides, he wanted THIS specific hoodie that must be somewhen around you. 
You turned and rolled over, closer to Soobin's side of the bed and he immediately let his hand wanter into the direction he expected your shoulder to be to adjust the blanket. Unfortunately, he took the wrong direction and he hit your chin clumsily. He quickly pulle away and mumbled a shocked excuse. 
'S'biiin', you whined half asleep and groaned into the blanket. 
'Sorry', he repeated and pulled his own blanket further over his body, getting a sense of hiding in his embarrassment. 
You moved again, big movements, freeing your arm and swinging something through the air. It landed on Soobin's face and engulfed him with your sleepy warmth. 
'Y'owe me m'ning cuddles', you mumbled and pushed yourself against him, but pushed your arms back under the blanket. 
Soobin giggled and proceeded to put on the warm hoodie, finally arriving in the state of comfortable morning. 
He pulled you in your blanket wrap closer and felt you resting your head on his chest with a big sigh, making him smile like an idiot.
'Sleep', you demanded and instinctive he listened to your command and closed his eyes. 
It was warm and when he sensed you moving again, adjusting your position to mold into him a bit more, a few seconds later feeling your fingers playing with is hair, Soobin was starting into the new day perfectly relaxed and well rested. 
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You're his pillow, you're his bed
It doesn't matter where you are, on the train, on the floor, actually in bed, he will rest somehow on top of you
He doesn't even think about it, but once he gets tired, he gravitates towards you. 
At the same time, he holds your hand when you get tired. 
Let's you play with his fingers until you drift away. 
He would literally invent an own morse code system with you, so when he's awake and you're too sleepy to talk to him verbally, you'd still be able to respond to him. 
It makes him feel like your guardian at the boarder from awake to dream land.
The one who ends up tired first gets royal treatment. 
If you're both tired at the same time, he'd lean against you with his hand close to you, so you can just take it when you need or want to. 
The train got emptier and emptier with each stop, yet Beomgyu and you still had some way to go. The moon seemed to follow you and whenever you looked outside, a different cloud was decorating the stone in space. Beomgyu's head was leaning against your shoulder and his closed eyes exposed his luxurious dark eyelashes. He looked adorable and your focus shifted from moon to him, back and forth until you yourself got overwhelmed by a wave of tiredness. You combed his hair with your fingers, a gentle attempt to wake him. He stirred and sat up. Only one glance was enough for him to register your demeanor. 
'Your turn', he whispered and his hand found yours and feeling his warmth immediately brought you closer to sleep. 
'Set an alarm', you mumbled and took your scarf from your neck to adjust it over his and your legs like a blanket. 
'When do we have to get off', he asked and a big yawn escaped his lips when he opened the alarm app, his eyes getting teary. 
You took his phone and set the alarm to 10:53 pm, ten minutes before you were supposed to arrive. Beomgyu wiped his eyes and his head landed back against your shoulder. He grabbed your arm and linked it with his own, intertwining your fingers in the process, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. 
'Just sleep a bit', he mumbled and caressed you felt him tracing your palm with his thumb until sleep finally numbed you. 
When the alarm rang, you woke up properly first. Panic occupying your body in no time. You shook Beomgyu away and buried yourself gathering your belongings. The train stopped almost on time at your final destination and you got off, with bags in your hand and Beomgyu still clinging onto your arm, ready to let his head drop against go despite asking through the city. 
'Fall asleep in bed, not now!', you granted and felt one bag falling out of your grip. 
'We're not dreaming?', he asked and laughed, taking the bags with one and your hand with his other hand, now guiding you home. 
Finally in bed that night, Beomgyu asked:'We dream together, right? I always try to follow you to your dream land when you fall asleep first. I always try to find you'. 
You hand fount its way into his hair and he buried his face closer the crock of your neck. 
'Don't have to try finding me. I'm always there whether you see me or not'. 
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He's not playing when it comes to sleep. 
Practical and organized routine. 
Fresh sheets? Check. Water bottle on each side of bed? Check. Phones charging? Che- You forgot your charger and have no battery left? He gives you his phone to watch something or read and charges your phone on his side that while. 
Cuddles you to get a sight on the screen as well, but snatches the phone away after thirty minutes and plugs it in. 
Refuses on giving you your phone back, because you shouldn't stare at the screen last thing at night. 
Literally fights you when you try to reach it. Tickles you, pins you down, laughs with you until you both are out of breath. 
Only then, knowing you end the day with a sprinkle of happiness, he switches off the light. 
Gives you your phone back in the dark, but you're doomed if he sees that screen shining. 
If your head is full and you think you need your phone to distract yourself, he'll cuddle you. He's your distraction and your focus. 
'Please just shut your phone', Taehyun whined for the third time this night. 
He tried just not facing you, pulling the blanket completely over him, dear, he even built a pillow wall to shut off the light of the phone screen. It didn't work. He might not have seen the light, but he could still sense your whole demeanor, focus on your phone and not even slightly on sleep... or him. 
'No', you cried out and he saw the light finally getting off. 
'I was in the middle of this Webtoon chapter', you explained and Taehyun finally decided to break the blockade towards you, taking the pillows away and robbed closer towards you. 
'Hey', you said in shock when he snatched your phone out of your hand. 
'Just charging it', he explained and plugged it in on and placed it on his bedside table. 
'Here', he announced and gave you his phone instead. 
'It better be a good chapter, because I wanna read with you'. 
He watched you opening the app and typing some things in the search bar and to your surprise the correct title popped up immediately. 
'It's your account, silly', Taehyun laughed and cuddled closer to you, positioning himself so that he can see the screen. 
He read with you, silently. From time to time, he glanced up and studied your face. Once your eyelids wee so heavy you obviously fought not to fall asleep every second, Taehyun repeated his action and took the phone away from you. You demonstrated with a weak 'hey', but in no time you already held onto your own phone again. 
'No screen anymore, okay? You need to sleep', Taehyun whispers softly and maneuvered your arm to your own bedside table to signal you to finally put your phone down for the night. 
'Can we cuddle?', you asked lowly and felt Taeyhun pulling you closer, embracing you in his warmth and with his attention on you, sleep was not avoidable anymore. 
Taehyun felt you breathing in his arms in a calm rhythm. He got a bit thirsty and reached to his side next to the table where he found his water bottle that you prepared for him even before he arrived at home. The luxury of being able to go to bed with everything already perfectly prepared gave him the sense of just sleeping, but he liked to remind himself of his priority that was you and your comfort. 
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Other than Soobin, cuddles YOUR hoodie or dresses one of his plushies in one of your shirts when you're not there. 
Stays close to you before switching of the lights. A hand on your stomach, a leg thrown over you or you cuddled into him. 
Lights off and position for sleep adjusting, you don't sleep right away. You talk. About everything and nothing. 
The more sleep-drunk you get the more abstract will the topics end up being. 
For instance, you start talking about Pokemon in general and end up designing a whole 'Day in my Life as Mawile'. 
You guys have no idea at what point you fell asleep, trying to follow memory line to the last plot point. 
Waking up is messy. Blanket messy, pillows everywhere, plushies between and around you, despite them usually chilling aside, away enough to not come in your way. 
Sleepy cuddles in the mess of warmth and softness. 
Tidying up together, arranging the whole bed setup as a morning ritual. 
'This is new', you laughed and pointed at the moiling plushie that was wearing your cropped shirt, regular size on the fluffy creature. 
'Oh. OH! Yeah', Kai slightly panicked and suppressed the urge to throw Molang into another room to hide this attire. 
'You know I was already wondering where this shirt went?', you teased him, well aware of his embarrassment. 
'Oh, sorry, you can have it back', he spoke quickly, making you laugh and hug him. 
'It suits Molang way better anyway'.
Kai pulled the blanket over you both when you lied down and his hand instinctively found its way to rest on your stomach, minimalistically rubbing circles over the fabric of the hoodie you were wearing. 
You both lied there, facing the ceiling and letting the lights of the passing by cars flicker over the walls. The ticking of a clock is audible and it was a weird atmosphere of quietness and irritating noisiness. 
'So', you started and Kai immediately turned to his side, facing you and robbing himself up by pushing his free hand under his cheek, ready to listen to whatever you had to say. 
'When and how did you steal, sorry, did Molang steal my shirt?', you spoke, unable to ban some wheezes out of your speaking, because Kai looked absolutely cute the way he was staring at you, all sleepy yet attentive. 
'Borrowed. It's borrowed not stolen', Kai corrected in a matter of factly and hurried to place a kiss on your cheek to finish his sentence properly. 
'You simply forgot it here and I wanted to make use of it the best way possible', he continued and a second touch of his lips followed.
'Did you at least wash it?', you asked, genuinely not knowing what his answer might end up being.
'Washing machines are not invented yet', he yawned and you made a mental note to wash the damn shirt tomorrow. 
'What else isn't invented yet?',, you asked and rolled over to be closer to him. 
He adjusted and held you close right away.
'Cars', he said. 
'What are those lights then?', you asked and pointed up the wall. 
Kai took your hand and pulled it towards his lips to place another kiss, this time on the back of your hand, before he maneuvered your arm around him with a content sigh. 
'Gigantic fireflies`, he chuckled and after a few more explanations of what everything technological around you actually is, you two fall asleep, dreaming of a fantasy world with gigantic fireflies and Molang presenting its new shirt collection. 
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biteyoubiteme · 13 days
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busy signal
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fem!reader x huening kai x choi yeonjun
synopsis: yeonjuns away on a trip and sends you a suggestive photo leaving you needing the help of your other boyfriend kai to take care of you.
warnings: 🔞!! established relationship, trouple/poly, phone sex, breeding kink if you squint, size kink if you squint, praise, nipple play, fingering, multiple orgasms (f!rec), oral (f!rec), unprotected sex, creampie, use of the name baby, love, and the word slutty is used once.
wc: 4.7k oops
an: this is my first post on tumblr and first time writing anything with k-pop idols. feedback is appreciated :)) [m.list]
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in the middle of class your phone gave a deafening jingle in the silent room. for the better part of the day your phone had not gone off meaning you didn’t know the ringer was waiting to interrupt your lesson. waiting for the perfect time to make you flustered as you tried to dig it out of your over-cramped bag to shut it off. 
by the time you grab it, the class is watching as your cheeks turn pink stitching it to silent. the professor clears their throat to catch everyone’s attention again as you look at the message that embarrassed you. 
thinking of you <333
the photo attached is enough to make your blush burn your ears. Yeonjun had an away game this week in Chicago. Kai and you were unable to make it because of your class schedules, and every time he went away with the hockey team he made sure to fill your phone with lude photos and audios. in his words to “make sure you don’t forget about me.”
so now you were not only embarrassed for the outburst but feeling needy all at once. Yeonjun was leaning back shirtless on his hotel bed fisting his hard cock through the thin material of his underwear. 
you clicked your phone off as fast as you could hoping no one saw the photo and if they did it had been too quick to know exactly what it was. but you knew instantly because it was one of Yeonjuns favorite poses and he knew it was one of your favorites. 
You still had thirty minutes in class left and a bike ride home where you were sure to call Yeonjun to chew him out knowing he has your schedule memorized. for now you slumped in your seat pushing your thighs together to relieve yourself, if only slightly because as class went on the only thing you could think about was Yeonjun and his teasing. 
when you do call Yeonjun he chuckles over the line “I’m sorry the time difference has me all messed up,” 
“I was so embarrassed,” your tone is on the edge of a whine and you can practically hear Yeonjun smile. 
“Did I make you all hot and bothered in theoretical physics?” 
“junnie,” you drag the name out and he chuckles again.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you can hear one of his teammates calling for him, “I’ll call you tonight maybe I can walk you through your little problem,” 
“I don’t have a problem,” but it’s a lie and he knows it. your bike ride having made it all the more obvious how needy you really are, the seat pushing the seam of your jeans right against your clit uncomfortably. 
“liar,” he sings, “if you can’t wait until tonight you do have Kai waiting at the apartment.  he could fix your problem,”
“I don’t have a problem for anyone to fix,” you say, making it to your apartment and locking your bike up. “and kai is busy you shouldn’t be making me his to handle when you did this to me,” 
“So you admit it,” grin in his voice. 
“yes yes I know no teasing you cross country but hey you have two boyfriends for a reason. now I have to go, I love you!” he hung up before you could reply. 
kai, Yeonjun, and you have been a trouple since high school and friends for far longer. it was not unusual in your relationship for Yeonjun to pass you off to Kai seeing as both of you tended to be a bit shy around each other when it came to sex unless it was the right circumstances i.e being drunk or just being extra clingy. kai and you are always cuddling and close. you love it when he touches you but Yeonjun is usually there to guide the two of you together, that one extra push to set the two of you in motion. you mostly think this is because the three of you started this way in the first place making it the norm. 
you push open the door to your shared apartment kicking off your shoes and handing your keys on the hook. Kai's penguin keychain is already in its place showing he’s home. The only light coming from the office down the short hallway, the curtains closed against the setting sun. Padding your way over to the office you see Kai with his rumpled brown hair typing on his keyboard. He had a long paper due by midnight and had been working on it the past week, even last night he had only made it to bed around two in the morning. 
you toss your school bag next to your empty desk on the opposite side of Kai’s before leaning over his seat to wrap your arms around him in a hello. “working hard huening?” you ask, pressing the side of your face into his hair. He tilts his chin in a way signaling to peck his check all without him taking his eyes away from the screen. 
“nearly done,” 
“Have you been staring at the screen all day?” you ask, taking in his squinted eyes and dark circles. “Did you eat anything since I left this morning?” 
“some jelly I found in the fridge,” he nods. 
“You can’t survive only on jelly,” you press on more kisses to his cheek before pulling away, “I’ll order takeaway for dinner but for now I’m going to try and nap,” he nods away, never leaving the essay the entire time. you are halfway out the door when he speaks up, “Did you talk to Hyung? Did his game go well?” and you’re brought back to the photo on your phone. kai would have been able to see how red you had gotten if he had looked your way. you weren't wearing a bra under your sweatshirt, your tank top being sufficient enough but your nipples are hard and uncomfortable against the martial. 
“His game was good, he um, interrupted my class with his messages,” your voice was weak but unnoticed by Kai. 
“oh good,” and you rush to your room to pull off your clothes. first the jeans digging into you then your sweatshirt. but as you lay down in your empty bed you can’t find anything to calm your racing mind. you grab your phone from the nightstand trying to scroll aimlessly but you keep thinking about the photo. 
tossing and turning you end up on your stomach too hot to be under the covers even in only your panties and tank top. you open the text chain with Yeonjun and it’s the first thing you see. the sly little “thinking of you” message eating you alive. it was so unfair that he was so easily satisfied when away from you but you couldn’t get off by yourself and not that you hadn’t tried many times before. your hands weren’t the right feel, too short fingers, too soft, too much to think about. but you needed to get off now, looking at him with the veins in his hands showing off. you were uncomfortably wet and aching. you hadn’t even noticed the small whines you were letting out as you rolled over to your back pulling your knees up to rub your thighs together. 
you wanted to call Yeonjun and beg him to walk you through an orgasm, wanted to beg Kai to take over with his mouth even if he was exhausted. but you dug your grave earlier and wouldn’t hear the end of it from Yeonjun if you fessed up to being so turned on by the photo. 
This conundrum leads you to the file you had saved with all the previous photos Yeonjun had sent for this very purpose. there was no forgetting him now and not ever when he made you feel this way hundreds of miles away. 
you hadn’t even noticed how late it was getting, how the room was dark and you were still stuck lying in bed looking for a release you couldn’t give yourself. and not for the lack of trying you just couldn’t make it to the end. Every missed orgasm made you tear up your soft whines suddenly pulling Kai’s attention from the other room. 
The office has an adjoining wall and he was too focused on his paper to see what time it was or to see that the only light now was from his screen. He hit submit flicking off the monitor to hear your soft whimper. 
he remembered you saying you would be taking a nap and then ordering food. but now seeing the time you had slept for way longer than you usually napped for after class and he would know because it was one of his favorite after-class activities to nap right along with you. 
he picked himself up from his desk making his way into the dark hallway following your desperate whines. When he made it to the dark bedroom the three of you shared he flipped the switch that only lit the far corners lamp. and There you were with your hand in your pale pink panties eyes screwed shut, skin hot and flushed. you gave a weak sob before tugging your hand back still unaware of Kai in the doorway. 
Kai was frozen, face turning all different shades of pink. He was tired before but now he was awake, the swell of his cock clearly seen through his gray sweatpants. He has always reacted easily to the sight of you and he was fast to try and push those feelings away. He was needy and always believed himself to be too needy and he wanted to keep you from that. Let Yeonjun take over sexually and let Kai take over emotionally. 
but now here you are teary and writhing in the bed. your phone is next to your head and without warning it rings startling both you and Kai, who you finally notice. 
 both of you are still as the ringtone sings alone in the silence. “answer it,” Kai’s voice is thick in his throat and you lean up on your elbows to grab the phone, shutting your knees to try and hide the wet spot on your panties as if he hadn't already seen it. 
“I almost didn't think you would pick up,” is the first thing Yeonjun says, the sound of his crinkling sheets on the other line telling you he was tucking in for the night. 
“I was…” another tear sliding down your cheek, eyes locked on huening who gives nothing away. “busy,” the phone pressed to your ear. 
“busy? working out the problem I gave you?” he says it as a joke but you’re already too needy to take it well. your voice shakes ready to burst into tears, “You’re the worst you already know I can’t do it myself,” you blink up to the ceiling trying to hold back any more tears from slipping and to avoid Kai’s gaze. 
“Where is kai? I left you in perfectly capable hands,” 
“he was busy and I didn’t want to bother him,”
“But where is he now, you said was, so he must be done. His deadline was a few minutes ago,” you peek over to huening, his arms crossed still standing in the door watching you, eyes trying to see right through your legs. “He's here,” you whisper shyly. 
“put me on speaker,” 
“put me on speaker,” no room for argument. you follow instructions balancing the phone on your knees so you can rest your elbow back down on the mattress. “I leave for three days and you guys can’t live without me?” 
“huening we’ve been over this before if she needs to be taken care of she gets taken care of,” 
“I’m not a house plant,” you quip, “ and I don’t need to be forced onto any-“ 
“you’re never forcing me,” Kai cuts in, “if you had asked I could have…” but he shakes his head not knowing how to continue.
“use your words,” Yeonjun pushed after Kai trails off, “You both get nowhere without asking, again we've been over this. kai you know what you're doing and she likes it, loves it, hell we both know she likes your fingers over mine,” 
“junnie,” your blush is all down your chest now made to look worse by your white tank, your nipples are straining against the fabric. you don’t know why you always felt so shy around Kai, maybe it was because he was so much bigger than you even if you were a little older. he stood over you, took up space in the doorframe, and completely wrapped himself around you when you hugged, that added with the fact he too was shy only worsened the effect you had on each other. even after knowing each other for most of your lives. 
Kai had already made it to the bed sitting right on the edge close enough to hear the phone better. “Pick yourself up, use your words, and ask for what you want. if I can’t even see you and I know exactly what it is you want then it should be easy for the two of you to grasp,” 
“But what if…” Kai starts and you know he wants to bring up the one time he didn’t make you finish. It was years ago in high school when the three of us were still new to sex. Yeonjun was there to make you cum but it made Kai scared ever since and it only worsened his fear of repeating that night when Yeonjun wasn’t here to make up for him. 
“huening that was like six years ago and I’ve seen you make her cum so hard she couldn’t form words before. Do you need me to walk you through it?” 
Kai placed a hand around your ankle at the question sending a bolt to your core. your knee jerking in response sending the phone flying from your knee and onto your stomach still face up. “could you?”
“What's she wearing?” 
Kai drags his hand up your calf and you clamp your knees together. “hardly anything,” his voice is throaty, his pupils blown. “the blush pink panties and a spaghetti strap tank,” 
Yeonjun hums over the phone approvingly. “Summer always makes her dress so slutty,” he groans, “not fair I don’t get to see,” 
“facetime?” Kai asks leaning over to place a feather-light kiss on your knee. 
“you guys won’t be able to hold the phone the way I want to see,” he shuffles again in bed. “is she wet?” 
you whimper at the question keeping your knees pinned together but Kai already knows the answer, “soaked even though she’s trying to hide it,”
“am not,” and Kai raises his brows but doesn’t push it, only lays another stomach-fluttering kiss on your knee. 
“always wants to deny deny deny,” and Kai chuckles,” Pull her legs open I’m sure you will have to hold her thighs down,” 
Kai follows his instructions, butterflying your legs to either side, hands eating up your thighs. Kai pulls himself onto the bed fully laying down to be level with your clothes core. you can feel his breath through the wet fabric and you try to wiggle away. 
Kai squeezes the meat of your thigh again in warning. “take your time before taking her panties off,” 
kai blows cool air onto your clothed wet center making you buck your hips so sensitive from the strain of the day. Kai keeps you pinned before leaning in to rub his nose over the sodden fabric, the tip brushing your clit sending a chill up your spine. He gives a little smile at your reaction, your teeth digging into your lip. 
“I want to hear you baby,” Yeonjun took the words right from his mouth. Kai needs to hear your moans now with your tears drying on your cheeks, your desperate whines turning into desperate pleas. 
Kai gives the smallest kiss to your clit and you try to chase the sensation. “Kai,” your pout is unheard as he lifts a finger to pull back your panties to reveal you to him. 
and no matter how many times he’s faced your pussy it will forever be his favorite sight. your puffy lips begging to be sucked, clit swollen, and you never fail to be drenched and glistening. He licks his lips, you had mentioned him needing to eat and now he’s faced with his favorite meal. 
“slow huening you always give her what she wants so fast let her wait,”
“junnie please, I’ve been waiting all day,” you try to roll your hips to meet Kai’s face but he pulls away keeping his finger hooked in your panties. it’s hard to completely move with his chest on your feet but it doesn’t stop you from trying when he latches onto your thigh leaving a trail of kisses and bites. 
“Please,” you breathe and the chorus of both of them moaning makes your stomach flutter, they always make the prettiest noises. 
Kai quits his teasing and gives you one last clit kiss before suddenly licking a path from your entrance to your clit where he latches on and gives a harsh suck. the sensation makes your knees jerk up and you reach a hand out to tangle in his hair, tugging hard. “oh fuck,” are the only coherent words Yeonjun can make out over the phone. 
in Chicago, he’s spread out on his bed phone in one hand and his cock in the other. gripping the base to relieve some pressure but not jerking off just yet. 
kai works your clit just the way you like and you can feel your impending orgasm building with how close you’ve been all night. kai let’s go of your thigh with one hand before gathering up your slick and prodding your entrance. your back arches giving him better access and you moan as he slips a finger in and then another. 
“She's close,” Yeonjun breathes. He and Kai both know the change in your whimpering. 
kai nips at your clit and you cry out as he presses the sweet gummy spot inside you that makes you see stars. you cum hard enough to have tears leaking again, your hand pulling Kai down harder on your clit before it’s too much and you have to let him go. 
kai pulls away but not before licking you clean leaving you twitching. your pussy was swollen and he couldn’t wait to feel you strangling his cock the second he got it in you. 
“See I told you that you didn’t have to worry,” Yeonjuns light laugh from the phone is followed by a weak moan. “legs up, fold her in half,” 
Kai doesn't follow his orders first, picking up the phone and placing it on your chest. you were already spilling out of your tank so he took the opportunity to tug the straps down and reveal your tits to him. Kai bites his lip before leaning down to give you soft pecks all along your chest. “I didn’t even kiss you first I'm so sorry baby,” he mutters into your neck kissing up your jaw and to your mouth. 
before you can say anything in return his mouth is in yours and you can taste yourself on his tongue. Now with him hovering over you your legs are free to wrap around him. tugging his sweatpants-covered cock closer to your entrance. He moans into your mouth before his large hand takes hold of your breast tweaking your nipple. “huening,” you moan, throwing your head back when he ruts into you. He leans down to latch his lips around your untouched breast, nipping you as he rolls his hips forward again. 
the phone is close to Kai’s mouth and Yeonjuns breathing is labored on the other end. “I can’t wait any longer,” Yeonjun spits into his palm giving himself one loose tug, “I want to hear her cum again,” 
Kai nods even if he can’t be seen over the phone and he pulls away from you tugging off his shirt by the back collar and throwing it behind him. he hooks his thumbs into the waistband of his sweats, a wet spot where he has been rubbing against you, tugging them down to let his cock slap his stomach. The release makes him moan, knowing just like Yeonjun he couldn’t wait and he needed to hear you moaning again. he wastes no time in tugging your ruined panties down your legs before placing his hands in the pit of your knees and bending you in half like Yeonjun suggested. your ankles are on Kai’s shoulders and he has the perfect view. 
your hair all over the pillows, eyes half-lidded, you had taken over with tugging on your nipples, your tank top now a makeshift belt around your center, phone stuck to your chest from the sheen of sweat you now had. 
you watched Kai drag a hand over his cock, hard and red waiting for you. He almost buckled at the feeling, his free hand wrapping around your thigh to pull you open. “Look at you,” he whispers, taking the tip and dragging it through your wet folds. the sound is loud and Yeonjun chuckles “She sounds ready,” 
but Kai’s not moving to slide into you he’s now back to teasing, running the head of his cock back and forth from your entrance to your clit without enough pressure. you roll your hips whining, “Hyuka please,” he shudders at the nickname before notching the mushroom tip of his cock inside you. it always amazed you how he could fit all of himself in you when before you had always believed you would never be able to take all of him. but he proves you wrong again as he pushes in inch by inch both of you moaning loud enough for Yeonjun to buckle all the way in Chicago. “fuck fuck fuck you sound so good,” he’s trying to go slow with the rhythm he tugs but he can’t keep himself in check the way you do for him. 
kai bottoms out leaning forward and bending you properly in half before burying his nose into your neck to try and catch his breath. 
you can feel him so deep you can’t think straight. his arms hugging your legs to him as he places an open palm over your ribs, the heat of his skin on yours letting you sink into the mattress. kai kisses the swell of your collarbone before pulling out an inch and pushing back in. You whimper at the sensation, weaving your fingers in his dark hair and pulling the strands. both of your boys loved their hair to be played with during sex or just resting next to each other. 
kai pushes himself up placing his free hand next to your head for leverage, holding you still by your side with the other. he pulls out almost all the way and you try to chase him making him giggle, “Patience love I’ll give you more,” he slowly inches in and you hum arching into him. “look at you, how did I get so lucky? hum?” the praise makes you preen and Yeonjun approves, “so willing for us,” he grunts the soft sound of his hand slapping heard. 
kai picks up the pace to match the sound, he's knocking the cradle of your legs, heavy balls matching the beat on your skin. ”deeper,” it’s a throaty ask from your lips but Kai hears you and sinks his hips, elbow bending slightly as his other hand tugs on your tank top using it like a handle. and he goes deeper and you swear you can feel him in your throat, your moan not even sounding like you anymore. kai is now pounding into you finding the heady rhythm Yeonjun set with ease, fucking into you so well that the phone slips from your chest into the crook of your neck pressing the speaker into your ear. Yeonjuns moans are louder making your toes curl your second orgasm building heavy in your stomach. “I want it hyuka please cum in me,” 
Kai’s movements falter at your plea, his arm holding him up buckling from his stutter. “Beg,” Yeonjun mutters knowing exactly what Kai needs, if anything Yeonjun thinks huening has a thing for hearing you beg and whimper and that’s why he holds out so long when it comes to you after you both have overcome your shyness. but jun knows that when you both get to this point in the night Kai needs you to beg for him. 
“Please I can take it,” Kai’s head falls to your ear, his moans in one and Yeonjuns in the other, “please I’ve been good,” 
“no she hasn’t,” Yeonjun groans, “she was looking at dirty pictures in class,” 
Kai almost can’t take the accusation, the trembling in his arm traveling down his spine, he wants to cum, knows it’s going to happen at any moment but he wants you there with him. “p-pictures?” He can hardly get any words out. 
“I wasn’t,” you shake your head before crying out as Kai delivers a powerful thrust. 
“she was and I don’t think she should cum now since she’s denying it,” 
“Yeonjun please,” you have tears threatening to spill. your hand in Kai’s hair pushing him closer to your throat your other one scratching at the back of his neck, “please hyuka I wasn’t, please I want to cum please please pl-“Kai takes his thumb and shoves it into your mouth to quiet you, your tank top now forgotten as you suck his finger. “promise to take it all,” he’s breathless hot air fanning over your skin. 
“I want it please hyuka,” you whine when he takes his thumb back to wedge between the two of you to press on your clit. you jolt at the contact and somehow he sinks deeper between your legs, both of you trying to chase the feeling again. 
you can feel him twitch inside you, the sign he’s about to cum. “junnie?” 
“I’m right there baby,” his breathy moans growing louder by the second. 
Kai presses down on your clit stilling inside you as he cums. his moans pressed into your ear. The heat of him as he gives weak strokes to ride out his high triggers your orgasm right after your head falls back into the pillows, legs shaking as your pussy flutters around Kai. Yeonjun follows right after, his curses stained. 
the room is silent as Kai finally lets his arm go, letting his full weight lay on you. your legs are numb as you feel Kai's light kisses behind your ear. “you did so well,” your happy sigh is enough to make Kai grin against your skin. 
“I made a mess,” Yeonjun mutters, “I wish I had my girl to come lick me clean,” 
“junnie,” the image making you pulse around Kai’s softening cock, it wouldn't be the first time Yeonjun had made you follow the trail he left up his stomach. 
kai finally rises back up letting your legs fall as he pulls out. the steady leak of your combined cum warm and staining the sheets. 
you’re completely limp in the bed as huening moves to grab a wet rag to wipe you up. “I can’t wait to see you tomorrow night,” Yeonjuns smile heard over the line. 
“I can’t believe you told Kai I was looking at dirty pictures,” your hand falls over your eyes as you feel huening spread your legs, the warm rag soothing to your heated flesh. 
“you did look at my dirty photo”, 
“It was like a flash bang i wasn’t expecting it while in class,” 
“So you were looking at dirty pictures in class,” Kai laughs, kissing your inner thigh before guiding your legs into a new pair of clean panties. He had already put on new briefs himself before tugging off the soiled comforter to toss in the wash later. He was always so meticulous in picking up after sex where Yeonjun could easily have snuggled in dirty sheets and all. 
“not really,” you sit up to tug your tank top back into place pulling your phone along with you. “just hurry back already, and let’s not bring it up again,”
Kai pulls the spare blanket from the closet before pulling himself under with you. “yeah hyung hurry back the bed feels empty with only the two of us in it,” 
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moamidzyism · 2 months
single mom!reader
genre. smau + fluff
tag. txt x fem!reader
request. how would the boys react to finding out you had a baby/ toddler?
more of my work
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taglist: @boba-beom @isabellah29 @pluviophile-xx @dejavu-jun @yutacchin @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @binluvsu @nikilvrfvr @wccycc @ryunjin0 @hyunjinvoid @tyunzonlystar @mong-mong-seungmin @jjklvr9 @wayvisyummy @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @snghoonluv @ujisworld @milanco @itzzz-yerin @moamidzyism
send a request!! fill out this form to join my taglist!
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thoughtsforsoob · 2 months
This is kinda silly but txt when you bite them (playfully) sorry I have a oral fixation 😞
txt - when you bite them affectionately
a/n: omg this is such a cute request! dw anon, biting playfully is adorable :) i used to bite my ex and he thought it was funny (lmao he would put a finger near my face and i would bite him with no hesitation at all).
he is so confused. like...he's just sitting there and you pull a beomgyu and bite his shoulder. this time though, he was wearing a tank top so his shoulder was bare. he looks at you with a frown and asks, "baby. i love you to the moon and back a million times but why did you just bit me?" you just laugh and move on with you day. he doesn't mind it but he does mind when you leave saliva on him. he grimaces when he wipes it off!
soobin honestly doesn't mind it. he could care less as long as you dont bite him too hard. he thinks it's cute when you bite his cheek. one time, he was taking selfies in his aprtment and you where there with him, watching him from the other side of the couch. when you are sure he wasn't taking pictures anymore, you scoot over by him and gently bite his cheek. "mmm, just like bread."
id be suprised if he was not already biting you. lets just say you were the first one to bite him, he would give a playfully exagerated reaction. he was poking your cheek to bother you while you were doing your make up so you turn around and bite his finger when he least expected it. his eyes go wide and he lets out a dramatic gasp. "is my finger still there?! I think you bit it off! im dying!"
so so so confused. why in the world would you want to bite him, let alone his arms? you and taehyun had a little gym room in your apartment so tyun could work out anytime he wanted without having to leave if he didnt want to. you joined him on this moring and while taking a picture, he was flexing his upper arms and there...you bit him! he raises and eyes brow and just shrugs. he's used to your antics.
huening kai
he is a biter as well. for sure. you two are on a really nice date this evening. it started with dinner, then the arcade and then you two decided to end off with a walk around a park in your town. you waited until he was distracted, telling you about a new song he learned on guitar that week. you bring your intertwined hands to your mouth and bite the side of his hand. he looks at you with a smile, "my little shark. so cute!" shark is your name forever now :)
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choiyeonjuns · 2 months
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soobibabe · 27 days
their reaction to making you squirt for the first time :3333333 - 🪼
omg omg omg i think about this a lot but never actually thought about how to articulate it >~<_.>^_^|>;3/“&’’’
he would be sooooooo cocky about it LOL.
he’s just so proud he did that to you, he made you do that. if you’re embarrassed about it and try to hide or cover your face he’ll hold your wrists to pull your hands away from your face followed by showering you in praise and compliments.
“look at me baby,” “you look so pretty like this” “good girl, you did so well” etc. he would absolutely ADORE you (and would probably have his lips attached to you once more to make you waterfall all over him again)
dare i add him saying something along the lines of “do that again on my face, fuck”
he makes sure to brag about it to his best friends :0
oh my god that man is a munch (do not ask me my sources)
idk man, he’s a slut for your pleasure. nothing turns him on more that getting you off.
seeing you lose yourself from his touch drives him insane. he’d do anything to watch you do it over and over and over again.
the first time you did it was when he was eating you out, fingers all the way inside of you, he practically worshipped you afterwards.
did i mention he’s vocal all while it happens? moaning into your cunt when your fingers tangle themselves in his hair, finding something to hold onto when your body’s squirming, overstimulated from him not stopping.
“ah fuck y/n, you’re gonna make me cum before i’m inside you”
he would be in awe. he would love it so much that he completely forgets about making himself finish that he puts all his effort and focus into making you do it again.
once it started, it never stops. he wouldn’t be satisfied unless he made you squirt. every. single. time. the two of you fuck, he seeks it out.
“just one more, you can take it my love” he’ll practically beg you to let him please you. to break you.
absolutely obsessed with making you squirt. honestly, it makes his possessive side display more.
“look at the mess you made” “nobody else can make you feel this good” “who did this to you”
if you’re okay with it, he’d film it the next time to have something to use later on <3 once he does get to use the recording, he cums the fastest he ever has masturbating.
he swears nothing else has ever turned him on as much as watching you tip over the edge like that.
the first time you do it, it was so unexpected since you hadn’t always been a squirter. you both giggle at the sight, moaning in unison.
bonus points if you squirt all over his cock >.< it drives him insane, he literally cums at the sight of it.
i meant it when i said it drives him insane btw. after cumming, he’ll go another round (or two) (or three) overstimulating you both cause it got him that worked up.
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taegimood · 6 months
— bestfriend!ot5’s reaction to you offering to help with their boner ♡
pairing: ot5 x fem!reader (separate) rating: nsfw, mdni wc: almost 3k oops 😭 warnings: some smut (oral obviously, m receiving), suggestiveness, perviness, pet names (babe, sweetheart, pretty girl), tiniest but brief bit of angst in tyun’s, some alcohol in jun’s, beomgyu being an annoying brat lmao
a/n - this took me forever to start (and to finish.. all in one sitting rip my eyeballs) but i loved writing this omg who wants a pt 2 follow-up 🫢
yeonjun: this is the moment he’s been waiting for, y’all
it’s just like any other tipsy late-night shit-talk sesh on yeonjun’s living room floor, until it’s not. you’ve been lazily sitting against the foot of his couch facing each other while joking about beomgyu’s latest failure to get laid when somehow the conversation turns to your own personal sex lives. it’s not like you’ve never talked about that stuff with jun before; you’re best friends, after all. but something about tonight feels different. maybe it’s because you’ve been drinking, maybe it’s because the dim lighting of his living room is giving it a strangely sensual vibe, or maybe it’s the way he’s looking at you- facing you with his chin in his hand as his elbow rests up on the couch cushion, eyes more lidded than usual and sculpted collarbone peeking out from the sweater that at some point had slipped down his shoulder- but when the topic turns to your experiences with oral and he’s in the middle of complaining about how his last fling always gave him the worst head, what comes out of your mouth as you suddenly interrupt him is a shock to the both of you.
“i could do better.”
yeonjun’s eyebrows shoot up. the words had died on his lips. your own eyes are wide as you freeze, before fidgeting nervously, attempting damage control. “i mean.. from what i’ve been told. just saying.” you swallow hard as you inwardly kick yourself, avoiding his eyes and his silence as you bring the bottle of soju you’d been sharing to your lips in an attempt to feign casualty.
“is that an offer?”
it’s your turn to be speechless, nearly choking as you set the bottle down a little too hard, turning quickly to stare at him in shock; oh, he’s not joking. he watches you expectantly, a level expression on his face; though if you were to blink, you’d miss the smirk that his lips were threatening to inch up into. when your gaze flickers down to see the tent in his sweatpants that he hasn’t even bothered trying to cover, you swallow hard. the tiny crush you’ve always harbored for your best friend suddenly seems not so unreciprocated after all. you collect yourself. you’ve gotta be cool about this.
“well… do you want it to be?”
your best friend’s hands wrapped in your hair and his shameless moans filling the room as he pumps his cock in and out of your throat isn’t exactly how you imagined the night to go, but here you are! you can already tell from the lewd promises and filthy praises that he’s groaning out as you swallow around him — your legs will definitely be sore in the morning. <3
soobin: soobin.exe has stopped working
he didn’t mean for you to see, he really didn’t. you weren’t supposed to be home for another 15 minutes; what else was he supposed to do when it’s the first time all week that his hermit of a roommate has finally left their shared apartment and he hasn’t been able to comfortably get himself off since last weekend?
your convenience store run ended in disappointment as the tuna gimbap roll you were craving turned up empty on the shelves. with a grumble you had just grabbed the nearest container of ramen and a snack for soobin before trekking back to your apartment sooner than hoped for (by either party..), not in the mood to sit there and eat as you’d originally planned; but unbeknownst to you, soobin hadn’t heard you arrive back home, and also unbeknownst to you, he was stuck in a very… compromising position.
“soob, they didn’t have the- oh, fuck.”
rounding the corner into the living room to see your best friend seated on the couch with his sweatpants shoved down around his hips and his head thrown back as his hand fists up and down his very hard - very big cock - was definitely not on your daily bingo card. (or your lifetime one either, to be quite frank.) at the sound of your voice he’s acting faster than you’ve ever seen him move, a pillow shoved over his lap and his large figure smushed back into the couch cushions so quick that you question whether you even saw his cock at all, or if it was just your mind playing tricks on you. you decide that it wasn’t the latter, however, at the sight of his bright red face and quick, heavy breaths- a deer in headlights as his mouth opens and closes for a few moments, trying to find the words to speak.
you’re in the same boat — what are you supposed to say? hey, sorry that i caught you trying to get yourself off in our shared space that i also own which you’re very much aware of? and by the way your cock is the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen and i want it in my-
wait, what? you don’t even have time to process the sudden warmth between your thighs as soobin finally finds his words. well, kind of. “i-i’m so sorry, i swear i didn’t- i was just trying to- i thought you’d still be a while, i- it’s been so long since i-“ he cut himself off at the last part, an even deeper blush coming over his cheeks at his accidental admission. wonderful, now she’s gonna think i’m some sort of incel. but the last thing that either of you ever expects is happening as you step forward carefully, approaching his shocked form on the couch before stopping to maintain some distance.
“soob.. do you want help?”
let’s just say that his best friend slotted between his thighs as she bobs her head up and down his fat cock with eager moans and a mix of spit and pre-cum lewdly dribbling down her chin wasn’t exactly on soobin’s bingo card, either. but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t pay you back for it right after. <3
beomgyu: *laughs in your face* 👁️👄👁️ switch-up
um, did he hear that right?? it was an innocent instance of you utterly roasting each other into the grave with bullying remarks, just another tuesday for the pair of you- you’re just sitting on your bed in your usual criss-cross legged gossip-time position when beomgyu apparently decides that he’s bored laughing at something soobin did and chooses you as the better candidate to laugh at instead. the plushie of yours that he’d had resting in his lap is now a method of defense as you attempt to thwap him over the head with your own plushie, yelling at him to “take it back!” as he cackles mercilessly after claiming “at least soobin can get bitches if he stops being shy enough, you’re just an all-around lost cause.”
“you don’t even know what you’re talking about!!!” you whine as you finally manage to knock him onto his back, going in for the kill as your leg swings over one of his, your plushie smushing down into his face as his now-muffled giggles still ring out annoying as ever. “i get bitches too!” you defend yourself, although even your own words immediately cause you to cringe; damn, you really do sound like a loser, huh? but your momentary lapse of attention has beomgyu knocking your plushie away, laughing even louder as he responds “that is EXACTLY what someone who can’t get bitches would say.” you groan and smack his chest, rolling your eyes as he cradles himself dramatically. “you’re literally wrong. i’ve dated before! like once. and there was that other guy from the smoothie place last year.. we, like, hung out a few times.” but you’re mumbling now, pathetic to your own ears as beomgyu’s shit-eating grin grows with each word.
“you’re kinda proving my point, here, babe.” you shiver at the pet name, however condescending his tone may be. god, how is he still so attractive even when you want to strangle the fuck out of him? “you’re so cocky,” you complain with another roll of your eyes, an attempt to both distract yourself from beomgyu and distract beomgyu from the humiliating topic. he sits up to lean back on his hands as it’s clear you’re finished with your little murder attempt. “yeah, cuz of my monster cock.. that can get bitches.”
that’s it. the sudden urge to prove yourself to him overtakes you as you snap back, “i bet your ‘monster cock’ has never even seen head as good as what i can give.” another laugh— until he realizes you’re serious. the smile falls right off of his face. you don’t miss the way his fists clench around the blanket he’s leaning back on; or the slight strain in his voice as he answers, voice suddenly low and almost breathless- “yeah?”
you were right; beomgyu’s cock has never gotten head as good as what you’re giving him right now as your throat bottoms out with a filthy gag, no hesitation when you lift off with a pop before sucking on him hard enough to send his head reeling. you know what.. maybe beomgyu wouldn’t mind being proved wrong more often after all. but of course, he has to prove himself to you now, too. <3
taehyun: “if… you want to” he definitely wants to
taehyun was stressed. that was clear to anybody; the recent storm closing the businesses down for the week, including the local gym, and his own job that he of course relied on to pay rent. you had been over at his apartment when the weather took a turn for the worse; so now here you were, snowed in with no where to go, forced to work from taehyun’s computer, eat his food, and wear his clothes. (the latter of which neither of you would admit to being turned on by. …….yet.) taehyun was doing his best to work out from home with what little equipment he had, although he wasn’t able to do much, which frustrated him to no end — not as much because he was a gym rat, but more because it was his primary stress reliever. so today it doesn’t help, of course, that his pretty best friend is currently sat at his desk in one of his baggy sweatshirts and a pair of sweatpants that she had to roll 6 times to fit her little legs.
he didn’t mean to snap at you. when you accidentally knocked his extra monitor off the desk and onto the floor, cracking the screen, it was just because you turned around too fast— you were excited to see him :(— but it’s the last straw of the day for taehyun. he can’t work out properly, his job isn’t paying him during the off-time, he’s had a constant boner from you hanging around in his clothes all week, and now- now he’ll need to go get his stupid monitor fixed once the weather clears up. “shit, tae, i’m so sorry-“
“god, why are you so fucking clumsy, y/n?”
the silence causes instant realization as his eyes snap up to meet your wide, now-watery ones. “i’m.. i’m sorry..” you whisper, and immediately he wants to punch himself. “fuck,” he groans as he shakes his head, coming to kneel down in front of the chair you were still sitting in. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to snap at you like that. you’re not clumsy. i know it was an accident, please don’t cry.. i’ll pay for the monitor. it wasn’t your fault.” he’s murmuring while he soothes his hand up and down your arm. you’re shaking your head as you wipe at your eyes. “no, no, it’s okay; i know you didn’t mean to snap. i’m still sorry though. let me help pay for it…. i know you’ve been stressed, tyunnie.” you say the last part quieter, gentler as you meet his eyes. he hates that his cock twitches in his pants at something so innocent; but what you say next makes him feel much better about his own perverted thoughts.
you’re nervous about your next words. you really hope you’ve been reading the room right this last week. “let me help you..?”
his eyes widen, before he quickly recovers in an attempt to keep a level expression. “help.. me?” do you mean what he thinks you mean??? “the weather still sucks. there’s not much you can do, sweetheart.” he chuckles, testing the waters with a pet name as he studies your face carefully for a reaction. his eyes flicker down and quickly back up when your thighs squeeze together marginally in response. a-ha. “no, tyun… let me help you here.” you whisper with a soft, testing touch to the band of his sweatpants. oh, so you definitely mean what he thinks you mean.
who really needs the gym or your own closet after all, when you look so pretty on your knees for him with his cock down your throat as he calls you his pretty girl and promises to fuck you so good later just like you deserve? not the two of you, apparently. <3
huening kai: *spits out his drink* coughing fit
kai wasn’t kidding when he told you that he might be too busy to hang out if you came over, although this wasn’t exactly what you’d had in mind. when you headed over to his apartment you figured he was caught up studying for some big exam or something of the like; what you didn’t think you’d find was him yelling into his headset at beomgyu as his fingers flew over the buttons of his controller, leaning forward in his seat with crazy eyes and 3 open cans of energy drinks next to the screen. you sigh. “kai, really? this is what you meant by ‘too busy’..?” he jumps slightly at the sudden sound of your voice in his room, but doesn’t turn around. “y/n! yeah, sorry- i’m just in the middle of- FUCKING MOVE, BEOMGYU! of a tournament right now, been trying to rank up for hours- BEOMGYU!!!”
you wince at the intermittent screaming, plopping down on his bed to watch as you hear gyu’s protests of self-defense piercing through your best friend’s headset. “i think you’ll need a hearing aid after this..” you mumble, receiving no response as expected. however, you get bored after scrolling through your phone for a while, sulking shamelessly at the lack of attention you were receiving — although you were warned that if you came over he might not have any to give. you sigh, but you understand; these tournaments are important to hyuka, even if you couldn’t care less about them yourself. don’t get me wrong, you love gaming too, especially with your friends— especially with kai — but you weren’t exactly as obsessed as they were when it came to being the biggest legend in this group of - you squint - 100 players that this world has ever seen.
selfishly, you had almost even hoped for more from this evening… you’ve been trying to drop hints lately at your feelings for kai, although your level of success was yet to be determined. this would be the first instance all week that you’d have some alone time together; despite his claim to busyness, you still figured you’d try your luck by coming over. you eye the 3 energy drinks and his bouncing legs with a chuckle. what are my options here? hmm.. you’d worn some particularly short shorts tonight, knowing he’d definitely notice the plushness of your thighs.. experimentally, you stand up and approach his desk, standing next to it so he’d be able to see you if he shifted his eyes to the right. “hyuka, want me to get you some water? i don’t think you need any more of these.” you fiddle with one of the cans on his desk. he hums distractedly in response; you can tell he hadn’t heard what you said. “hyuka..” this time you reach out to card your fingers through his hair, effectively causing his fixed stare to snap briefly over to you in surprise; ‘briefly’ turning into a momentary distraction as his gaze catches onto your shorts, flitting back and forth between the screen and your soft thighs. “h-huh?”
“some water?” you repeat innocently. “o-oh, uh, yeah..”
when you come back, to say you’re shocked is an understatement as the bulge in his shorts has seemingly popped up out of no where, and the bright pink blush on his cheeks tells you he knows it, too. you don’t realize you’re standing there staring at it with the glass of water still in your hand until kai quickly mutes his mic, eyes still glued to the screen as he groans “i’m so sorry y/n, please don’t think i’m gross, i- i had no time to grab a pillow, we’re in the middle of a battle and my score is-“ wordlessly, you’re sinking to your knees and situating yourself beneath the desk. his bouncing legs freeze. “what- fuck, w-what are you-“
“can i help you? you can keep playing your game,” you ask sweetly. the sight of your innocent eyes blinking up at him nearly has him cumming in his shorts then and there as he breathes out, “fuck- are you sure?”
you definitely show him how sure you are as you worship his cock with your throat, all sloppy and wet, making sure his mic stays muted so beomgyu can’t hear the way you’re making him whine and moan as he bucks his hips up into your mouth the best he can. now just wait until his tournament is over and he has you all to himself. <3
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